AiD.\Y \F fER.VOON, JUNE 23, ltll IN EASTERN N CAROLINA The MmH, to the new admlralt> arch, the outlet Into Trafalgar square add Whitehall, has been flanked by great taanda for official! and distin guished guests, which shut oat the bafcut? of 8b James park and tha gardens of the rea ldencee opposite, but behind theeo stsnds on the one side. Clarence house, tha real de nee of the Duke of Connaught, St. Jamee palace. Marlborough houaa, and the houses forming a backing of brilliant1 colors. Proa the admiralty arch Co tha ab ba? the Westminster .council took charge of the work and>rlth the ?Ua tance of a commlttay arti?t., hare carried out a iclir me worthy Of that mat thoroughfare aad la har mony with the magalOcaat architec ture C tha public. Bnlldlaga and are larartably hroaght oat on 'any Imbllc cccaalon to Ixudon, and Inn adopted a plah unique whr aa Lod ca plata carry tha aklalda of tha klaca aad queeaa of Eagland from William tha Conqueror to Oaorce V.. Tha garland., connecting than ara oom pooad of oak and laa*el. leaven, with bunchee of raoaa of Tor k aad Uucaa; tar. Tha Bchame haa haaa f urthar *lab oratad by aome of tha colon laa ereot Isc archaa la tha'Center of tha road way. That of tha mrtaea of Onta rio conalata of two pyloaa carrying hnaa flguree, amblamatlc of tha com merce of tha praTlnea. One thowa a farmer ah earing a abaap, tha other a figure of proeperity arith a cornuco pia. Four Corinthian column, bear tha artaa of Ontario oa aa ornament Kiel, Germany, Jane 18.-? The American warahlpa, second dlvlalou of the Atlantic fleet' ArrtYed here ear ly thla morning and are now moor ed In the inner harbor before the t*#* vurrounded hy the array of war ahlpa and yaofcts gathered tor the Bmperor'a flrgltt annual naval feeti val. Practically the entire German na vy Including a (nil divialon of the new dreadnaughts. are aaeemhled the only sbeenteee befog the ernlaer von Der Tann. which la at 6 pithead for the coronation and the obsolete re aerre division at WUhelmaharen. Ad mtral Von Ybrpits, admiral of the fleet, minister and creator of the new t j German . nary, read an Imposing Hat' of admiral commander*. - j ; The' Americana were met ?t ??? by a dispatch boat carrying Commander P. A. Traut, American naval attache at Jfertin; Paul H, X OlUHEITISIKffiV Charlotte, June ? ? The commit tee on election. .priing . jucprln on the North Carolina Medical Society jeetercUr morning and submitted Ite resort. ; . n?< V { The rWwd the Report and formally elected officer. u fololwa President, A. a. Kent of Lenoir. Flret Vice Praeldent, Dr. ). P. Munroe, ot Charlotte. Second Vlw Prealdent, Dr. w. P. Horton or North WUkeeboro. Third Vice Preeldent, Dr. i. P. Murphy, of Wilmington. S?an?t. Dr. R. N. Duff.y, of New Orator, Dr. John U. Tucker, of Charlotte. Leader of Debate, Dr.' M- E. Street, of* Olendale. The committees were named as fol lows, the first named In. each commit tee being the chairman: Legislative and Public Policy Committee, Drs. R. H. Lewis, of Raleigh; G. O. Thom as, of Wilmington and L. B. McBrsyer of Asherllle. Scientific work, Drs. L. B. Newell, of Charlotte; J. J. Philips, of Tsrboro; J. 8. Harlan of Elm City. Finance, Drs. H. D. Stewart, of Monroe; H. M. S. Cason of Edenton; C. 0. Abernathy of Raleigh. Ohituartea, Drs. ?. W. Knox, of Raleigh; JB. O. Moore, of Elm City, M; t nm irtoh??Ae: '/ Deleaatee to the South Carolina Medical AMOclatlon, Dra. U D. Whar ton, of Smlthfleld; Albert Anderaon, ot Raleigh, and J. U. Monroe n*. Mon roe. Delegates to the Vtrglna Medical Sadety, Drs. J. W. Long of Oreens boro; M. Bolton of Rich Square, and M Register of Ttllery. The honse of delegates decided by an overwhelming majority to hold the next anhusl convention at Hen derson vllle. The committee on elec tions had selected Morehsad City for the next convention, and had named a committee oa arrangements' fi ma that and other Eastern CatoUna cities. TUe -society rejected Morehead City and selected Henderaoi^yllle and it was then necessary to ehaage the pe&ohntf ' Af the committee oa Ar rangements. The new committee on srtaegemeata srtl| he announced la morning. Secretary D. A. Staunton, of High Point, submitted his report, *felch ahows that the society through oot the state is In a moot sstisfactory snd gratifying condition. Reports were received also from the council lors of each of the ten districts in Following the reaction of these reports the society heard with s fine degree of interest and sble paper by Dr. Thomas M. Jordan, of Rs^elgh, on "The Realtlon of\ the Doctor to Public Health as Regsrds Tuberculos is." Another paper which was pro fusely fllustrsted snd Intently In teresting to the profession was by Dr. Samuel C. Grant, of New York, the subject being "Intestinal^ Tuber culosls." In the department of surgery tl\e department of surgery held o meet ing In the civil court room following the general meeting and heard a number of Interacting papers. Just before adjournment ot the morning ?e.lon of. the convention, which was] of tfce mi son to being ublUM liter hr*rtsc Batch well, colored of this eKy. -Satsh -.11 bu two acres in cotton ott R? ?" ??? ?n?r UaUs tUt hi. croc will average at least t?? and a half Iteet in h.ickt now. > ' ?: wr J . j ' Dr. Thomas, and Dr. Anderson was. 'elected to BUcceed; himself.- ..'j. Dr. Thomaa *u chairman ot th. board and a a.w cMmu will have to be elected from the board as It la now constituted to *e)d conference Wycllffs Rom, Ph. D.. of Waahlng ton. admlntatratlr. Mor.tary or tb. Rockefeller hookworm commission arrived ta the city yeeterdsy morning (or the purpose of holding a confer ence with Dr. Stllss. rfr?H and oth er North CayU^a physicians who are lnt?reat?d In the eradication ot the hookworm. This caiayalgn 1. mak ing most sxcellant progress la North Carolina, as la other Southern states, and the conference* 'promises to of an unusual datres of Interest. PUBLIC FOR THE (Ml THERE "WILL BE A MEETING OF | ASSOCIATION TONIGHT The Book Committee of the Public Library Association will meet tonight at 8; SO o'clock at the home of Mrs. 8. C. Bracaw ::'r This meeting is -for the purpose of making the final arangements for the opening of the Public Library at an early date. All those who have copies of standard works to donate will please notify the librarian, Mrs. A. L. Betts at once. Following the suggestion of the BookCommtttee, published some days fslBCfe, several have expressed a desire to contribute. Mrs. MacRae of Maxton. nee Julia Wlswall of '^fcts city has generously donated a nice set of Dickens works, which will b? quite a valuable addi tion to the library. ill -m FORJCRItGOKE WILL CAMP AT OCR.' < ifci; IX>R Tomorrow afternoon q t^ a num ber of }oungv ladles and gentlemeu will leave on the schooner Relief for Ocracoke to spent several weeks. The party will be chaperoned by Mrs. D. M. Carter and all going expect a most pleasant outing. They will occupy the cottage of Mr. Hugh Paul. The following will compose the party: Mrs. D. M Carter. Miss Etta Cordon Carter. Master Rnfus Carter. Misses Mary and Iss belle Csrter, Edna Hur lock of Maryland; Bessie Taylor, Beoufort. N. C.. Mildred Darts, Wil son. N. C.; Adeline aad Elisabeth Mayo; Bessie Odnoly, Olive Burbank; M Griffin, Rocky Mount. Messrs ?ael Williams, David M. Csrter. Jr., Henry Moore, William Rumley, Dr. Warfleld ot Philadrfphla; Mr. Royster of Raleigh. ADVERTISING TALKS Written by WILLIAM C- FREEMAN THE ORE AT HOLD THAT ADVER TISING HAS ON THE PUBLI* Is 111 ostreted by the preparations that are being taade for ths great NATIONAL [ CONVENTION OF THE A8SOIATED ADVERTISING CLUBS of America, which 1s to be held IN BOSTON, th? first tour days of ASgust next. These sdrertlitng cluba ars com posed ot ansa who are INTENSELY INTERESTED Is the profession ? Who realise what A GREAT FORCE ADVERTISING IS In the business world? who are WILLING TO GIVE UP VACATIONS AND TO SPEND THEIR OWN MONEY to meet and seriously discuss every phase at (be advertising business, IN ORDER THAT ALL MAT LEARN SOME THING MORE sbout the busineaa T1JAN THEY NOW KNOW. It Is NOT a pleasure Jannt by any line? IT IS A VERY SERIOUS Bl STNBSS that the advertising me* bare In hand. Ot couAe. there will pleaaure thrown In. because islWs for a | wish to have i ism oil IF REMIT WHS ENJOYED Annual Reunion of tht Org; of tke Dmcbm at Wrights vHfc Profitable TK IMS HTEBESTIICl CLERGY DIOCESE OP EAST CARO LINA DERIVING MUCH BENEFIT FROM THK INTERCHANGING OF IDEAS AND EXPERIENCES. SECOND SESSION Wilmington, N. C., June 12. ? Meeting In Wrlghtsvllle Chapel at the bemch, the clergy or the diocese of East Carolina, attending the annual Bishop's Retreat, conducted yearly by Rt. Rev. Robt. Strange, Bishop of the Diocese, yesterday held the aie ond day's session of this year's gath ering. The* day was opened by an early morning service at 7:45, with the singing of hymns, a responsive read ing and a few moments of silent pray er. This was followed by a short au dible prayer by every member pres ent. Bishop Strange' then gave most excellent address on the spirit of>he minister towards his work. The clergymen gsve their leader the clos est attention and derived much in-i spl ration from his remarks. At 10 o'clock the formel session of the day was opened with a contlnu tion of the devotions Istudy of the Se~mon on th?" Mount. This Is to be a dally feature during the session and is proving most interesting and instructive to the assembled clergy. The deeper significance of the Mr ter's words on this occasion r?rnlsh a subject for close study and :esearch that 1* aJtrioat inexhaustible and the i members dally discover newer and inofe vital truths In its teachings. * The next hour- was devoted to a se ries of papers end a general discus sion and Interchange of ideas on the 8dhd \y school. The work of the su perintendent and the business end of the 8 aday school were touchd upon and t*e exchange of suggestions touching on these festures was found to be of great practical value. A recess was taken for the next half hour and when the Retreat con vened for the afternoon session at 2 p. m. a discussion of the work of the minister in its personal aspect was taken up. Rev. Thomas P. Noe led In a most masterful manner. FIRMER CITIZEN MAKING 90001 MR. GEORGE W. WRIGHT DOtNGj WELL IN ADOPTED HOME I The Chrlsfleld Times Historical. | and Industrial edition of June 17, is J on our table ? being the twentieth an- 1 niveraary of that bright and newsy Journal, long a factor in the enter prising town of Chrisflsld, Md., The anniversary edition is very credita ble not only to the newspsper but to the town. In looking' over the wrlteups of the different firms we notice that of Tull, Wright A Com- | pany, dealers in oysters, fish, crabs, I and terrapins. The Junior member of this firm Is Mr. George W. Wright s son of Mr. M. J. Wright of this city. The firm of Tull* Wright A Co.. hare only been In business in Chrlsfield for one feason, States tbe Times, but they already stand among the lead ling sea food packers and shippsra. | The paper well says the firm baa ev ery right to feel proud for they have Swon their enviable ptace In 'eh busi ness world by clean-cut methods, strict attention to business and fair and square dealings. The firm Is one of the largest planters of oys ters la Maryland. Their btvalvea are considered by eplcurea the flaeet the world. The Tla? In speaking of Mr. Wright, as an old Washington boy says: "Mr. Wright It a native of Washlagtoo, N. C., and came to this city from Baltimore, where had Ut*4 (or tk* put am* raanl tor. taking up Ma l? COURT LIGHTS THE flISE TO GIANT COMBINE The Court Declares the Powder Trust la ? Combination in Restraint THECQflPORATIQIS ARE IRVOLVEO ENJOINED FROM CONTINUING ? HELD TO BE A COMBINATION IN RESTRAINT OF TRADE AND COURT DECLARES IT SHALL RE DISSOLVED. Wilmington, Del.. June 21. ? The United State* Circuit court (or the district of Delaware today handed down a decision declaring that the alleged powder trust, which U domi nated by the E. I. Du Post De Nem ours Company, Is a confblnatlon In restraint of interstate commerce In powder and other explosives^ In vio lation of section one of tho Sherman sntl-trust law; that It attempted to monopolise and has monopolise'! a part of such commerce in violation of ?ectlon two of the aame law, and de creeing that the combination shall t>e enjoined from continuing this vio lation and that-lt%shall be dissolved. The action against the powder trust was begun by the government In 1907 tnd was directed against 4 3 corpor ate and indlvldt^al defendants. The ?ult as to 15 of the defendants was dismissed because some of the con cerns are out of existence or It was not shown that they were parties to the combination. The court, in an interlocutory de cree, fixed October 16 as the date to bear both sides in the action as to the nature of the Injunction to be granted and consider a "plan for dis solving said combination, which shall be submitted by the petitioner and tfce'defendant or any of them, to the end that thtreourt may ascertain and determine upon a plan or method for such dissolution which will not de prive the defendants of the opportun ity to recreate out of the elements now composing said combination a new condition which shall be hon estly In harmonw with and not re pugnant to the law." This follows to some extent the; decrees Issued by the United States 8upreme court In the Standard Oil and Tobacco cases There ere 11 corporate and 15 Indi vidual defendants declsred to be In the Illegal combination. A majority of the individual defendants are mem hers of the DuPont family and all of whom except Edmond O. Buckner, are each directors of the DuPont com pany, organised In 190S, or of one of them. Thomas Coleman DuPont is alse president of both of them. Buckner Is an active director df the International bmokelees powder and Chemical company. 1 The Only member of the Du Pont family mentioned In the suit, who Is not Included among those found to tf? violating the la?, la Henry A. Du Pont, one of ?he United States sena tors from Delaware. In his case the court found that in Juno 1906, a year before the suit was begun "he resigned all his official positions la the defendant cornoratlons end that since that time he has had neither eral nor nominal connection v.1th the management of of^ the defend ant corporations." man who Is coming to the front and making our city * still greater dis tributing point for the delicious pro ducts of the Chesapeake." To hear auch praise for one of our former townsman In his adopted home will no doubt be gratifying to all our readers. We are glad to know that Mr. Wright Is forging ahead and we wish for him. every success. H's many friends in Washington will he glsd to hear of his proeperlty. Mafclag' Improvements The firm of 8. R. Powle * Sen ere having their large warehouse to the rear of their store raised en^ other wise Improved. Sir. T. J. Harding haa the It Will he quite an lmproVemsat -'-.^V $?? ' y jfe & oj IK TRUSTEES OF SCHOOL HEKlMl Visiting Towns Offering Sites for Location of Feeble Mind ed Institution IEI It RECIPTIDH GOHMnTEE ? AUTOMOBILES TV ?kth? '? T?0 FARMH woutv orrwu FOB ?K SCHOOL. The HMInr. of the'boTH^flff ?' th* ?""*>' '<"? th. Feeble " "* ,or Wh0? "tabUs*. i Mont w&s pumH kv (l , Aioemhh * MM AM.?Wr, now .wsed ln rltIt lag the different town, m Nortll ^ ollna offering alts for the location of Propowd ItaUtutlon Ttl0 m,m_ of the board arrived iB thla city thl. morning on the Norfolk Southern train from Klnston. N c "her. they paid . rial, on rMterd.y' The member, of th. board to arrive here wer Dr.A A. Kent of u,olr. r J . McBrl7er of Asheville, Mr. R. E. Austin of Albemarle. Mr Mark Majette of Columbia. Senator 0 B Raggett of IJlllngton , Mr. w. a' Thompson of Aurora, and Dr. Ira M Hardy of thl. ilty, Hr. J. Y. Joyner. state .uperin tendent of Public Inmructlon. and one of the member, of the board, was absent. The gentlemen were met at the ataUon by Mayor Collin H Harding, representing the city .Mer men; Mr. Fred Von Eberateln of the county board of commlaeloner., Mr. Thad Hodge, of the county board of education ; Captain George T. of the Chamber of Commerce; Mr ?George Hackney. Mr. Floyd Berry Captain David Hill, repreaentlng the cltisena committee of the city, imme dlately on their arrival and after greeting, had been exchanged and the vial tor. Introduced they wera ^ ken In the automobile, of Capt. o. T. Loach. Capt. David Hill. Mr. J, f. Berry and Mis. Mary Tankard to Chocowlnlty where the alts. Beau fort county will Offer for the aehool are located. ? . | Waahlngton offer, two sltee to the hoard, the Wolfenden farm contain ing about all hundred acree and sit uated about two mile, from the city and aUo the Archhell property hav j'ng nine hundred and flfty acre, la the tract located between two aad a half and three Biles from here. Both of theee tract, are located In Choocwlnlty and are very desira ble ln every way for auch an Insti tution. We feel aure no other town or countyhaa more site, to offer. The board met in Klniton ye. tar . da, that town being the Ural .top on their tour. Klneton offered four prop oeltlona ranging In value from flrteen to twenty thousand dollar, each. The gentlemen enjoyed their vlalt to that town Immosoly and wer* favorably lmpreued* with the offer.. After going over the location, the party returned thla afternoon to the City by gu boats. Thu. they were given en opportunity to aee locatlona of the property both by water and land. On arriving here on the return trip all the member, of the byard and eev eral Invited guesta dined with Dr. and Mrs. Ira M. Hardy at their home corner of Water and Bonner itreeta. The gentlemen composing the board left this afternoon on the Nor folk Southern train for Raleigh and from there will go to Ulllngton to morrow. Waahlngton waa glad to welcome the tnembere of the board to Its bor ders and every eUlsen trust, their etay, ahort though U was, waa pleas ant as well aa profitable. All the member, were much pleased with onr ?action aad spoke la the highest teraa of oar people :. | Then ? *' Mat log of the ?. A. ohareh choir thla ev ening at th*xhurch and all the aem bere we urged to he present. luni 'lat*.

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