ShreddedWheatJPost Toasties, Rice Flakes and Corn Flakes. Pone ^0. WALTER CREDLE&C is .. W?od MEMBERS K. Y. COTTON EXCHANGE tew W CAW I. LEON WOOD 6 CO., BANKERS and BROKERS | TON- c,lA1* ?-> w?ov iS1, , v.v "U1?K s rRKiT CARPENTER BUIUMNG, NOKPr,, K. VA. *gN r. Slock Exch?*., N. Y. Cotton CMra?e Board of Trad* and other Financial Center*. I ?lll Mw/miI fhren carefulaitentinn Mazda Lamps EVWUKrora1*16 LK*H1^ BETTE* wd CHEAPER 1UAN Try some of our Hot PfctM, Toaster Stoves, Electric Irons -r.d ?May other useful datUical conveniences too numerous to meo ion. Dou't ignore investigate at oifce. WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT. irst? I "Hi* ATLANTIC HOTEL, ft* MomHmI Cl?yf N. C., effersew^eHer ettrmetl#eie,?*s*e#llftft 'MtnaMrtlaM, ?*? IwmI nriah mt T? AL *af^ iiAXTr I FoS ?V Morvhaatf City, N. C. people. ElTHIS ?'4r 2f? PERSONAL MENTIOP : L_- Li. ? Of Tboae Wk? (Me and Go as Gathered By a Dally Newa Reporter " 'Mr. T. W. Woolard I. la the city on . ? . Mr.'Davlfl F. Cottar of Jmmi U the city today. Mr. W. M. Campbell of B-ith la In :th? city on btulnees. , e ? e Mr. X. M. Whitley ot Jessama la visitor in the city today. ? ? ' - ( Mr. J. B. Arch bell of Bat<i Is In tha city today on buslneee, ^ ? ? ? ? Mr. Bart Watera of Bnnyan K C? waa on our streeta today. ' ? ? ? Mr. V. H. Bowel of Bath waa on ? r streeta this morntuT' ? , e e ? Mr. C. T. Mldyette of New Bern Is buslneee visitor here today Mr. Ma{0lUu( Copper of Old Ford , C., was hero this morning ? . ? Mrs w. C. Bill* of R. r. D. route In tha city the (nest of friends ? ? W "Mr. J. H. Jordan of Charlotte. N. C? waa registered at Hotel Loulae last might. * e e e Mr. O. K. pulley of Edward, N. C., waa a Washington visitor yester day afternoon. 1 Use Mary Lumeeden of Raleigh, N. C? * rial ting Mr. and Mrs. o. C. Harding on -T-T"4 Mr. J. B. Garrard of Blount? Creek arrived in the cjty this morning on the W Mb In gt on and Vandemere train. " \ . * Rev.'C. A. Jones of BMfBdfren, I*. C.. pawed through the city yester day in hie way home from Dunn, where he has been attending t?e Ep worth League Conference. ? ? ? 6 or 6 doeee * ???" will cure any rase CWlla and Perer. Price 2 Be. ' I . . RE80IAJTI0N8 d V* '? . > < At a raarular meeting of the Board |wf Director* of the Bank of Wash ington on Jane II. the following Hlatitw* were unanimously adopt Tttf^ioard of1 Directors of this | bank ?b4 lM ??lts o Boers and " pIoT? hare beard with unfeigned sorrow of the" death of Dr. Wm. A. jgmnOho.W^ t?r*t?r of this bank since Its organisation on JFet> mi?r i, i*??:i. . taltMuiand ettclJA blrector; wis. In counael; firm In. the discharge of what, he believed to be his duty and alwayr artbeerrlng and promoting tko Interest ot the stockholders and e patrona ol the bank. A?a realdent ot Washington, his native place and whev^he- epent his entire life, Dr. Blount occupied a commanding poaltlon and enjoy ed the roapect and eateom of all. We deeply deplore the lose ' this valued cltlsen, christian gentle man and physician, and we extend to his family our sheerest sympathy. The cashier will causa copleo of theae resolutions to be transmitted to Mm. Blount and to tbe loca Ipress A Charming Woman. Is one who Is lovely Izy face,' form,! mind and temper. But Its hard fori a woman to be charming without ; health. A weak, alckty woman wlllj be nervous and Irritable. Constipa tion and Jfclrtney poisons show in pim ples, blotches^ skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. But Electric Bitters always prove a godsend to women who went health, beauty and friends. They regulate Stomach; Liver and Kidntfys, purify tbe blood; give strong nerves, bright e>es, pure brafo, smooth, veleety skin, lovely compftxlon and perfect health. Try them. 50c at Hardy's Drug Store. - P Will Meet Tuesday The Modern Woodmen of America will meet Tuesdsy night June 2? at .8:10 o'clock at the Pythian Hall on West Main street. Their regular meeting night will be on the second and fourth Tuesday nlgh$s of each month at the Pythian Hall. j international coNmnftba. UNITED ENDEAVOR, ATLANTIC CITT. JULY I. T. ?. ?. 10. 11 AJtt) 11. 1111. , " On ac coast of the above occasion The Atlantic Coast Une will sell rouad trip tlcketa on July 8. 4. and I' from Washington to. Atlantic Ctt/ at 111.70 via Norfolk or 117.01 via | All rail, with 'return limit July 11. tut tlcketa may be extended to Au Igust 1Mb by deposit with Joint agent land payment of 11.00 V. For further particulars, gchednlee, " etc., apply to R. A. O. T. P. A., or B. A. barrage, It?. J. M. Tankard bu r.turn.d from Jmiu sad PlmouUi where abe bu heen vlaltlnc relatlvee and] friends. - ? ? a Mlem ROM and Muter Wataon left tbti nomine tor Richmond on the Atlantic Coeat Line train to rlalt their brother. ? ? ? Mr*. E. L. Roper and daughter* and Miss Jullm March left this after noon for Bath to spend a few day* the guest of relatives. ? ? ? Ml aa Marguerite Archhell of &ln ?ton, N. C.. Is here visiting Miaa I Mary Louise Arch bell, corner of Sec- | ond and Bonner streets. 'r*. e e e Hiss Justine Carmalt returned | home Isst night from Norfolk, Vs., where she has been visiting her | mother for the past week. ? ? ? Dr. Norfleet Gibbs of New Bern N. I C., Is In the city today. Dr. Olbbe is | a rising 'young physician of tli town and has many friends in this] city. ? ? ? Dr. B- M. Brown has returnee from Charlotte where he attended the annual meeting of the county Superintendents of Health and also the North Carolina Hedlcal Society. ? e e Mr. 8eth Brldgman, Iste president of the Bank qf Washington, who has been te/Ocracoke for several weeks recuperating has returned to t city. His many friends sre glsd to |' see him looking so well. ? ? ? Dr. John C. Rodman is In Beau fort N. C.. spending s few days be fore returning home fr^m .jQhsAotte where he attended North Caroli na Medjcar Sanity 'and the board of medics^ exauiltiefo of ' which he is a member. ? ? ? ? 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price 25c GIVES BRNBFIT MONDAY NIGHT The Woman'i Christian Temper ance Union will give a special enter- J tainmeht at the Lyric Theatre Mon day night. This organisation is fast gaining] a reputation" for which it stands and | one that should be well patronised. The manager of the theatre offers special entertainment for that dste In motion pictures and will alao have their ventilating system Installed which wiir be a ipecia] drawing "card. FOR FEVERISH NESS AND ACHING Colds or overheating, try Hicks' CAPUDINB. It reduces the fever Whether from Malarious conditions, and rellevee the schlng. It's liquid ? 10, SS and 60 cents at Drug stores. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS To| THE SEASHORE VIA - _ NORFOLK SOUTHERN NOW ON SALB , TO MOREHEAD CITY AND RETURN Prom? Weed end Season Elisabeth City . . . $4.50 96.65 Hartford. , 4.00 6.20 ?jpnton . 4.00 5.70 iphnblt .... 4.00 6.20 Belhaven . ... 3.75 4.75 Plymouth . . . 3.00 4.40 Waahington . . . 2.25 3.05 Vanceboro. . . . 1.50 2.8*5 Belhaven .... 3.9 ^ 4.75 Plnetown .... Ii.OO 3.75 F.ymouth . . . v 3.00 4 40 jgPfclBt . . . 2.75 3.65 fllpiiiAUe * . . . s.oo 4.35 jnjkim.-. 1.75 3.00 '? 'i From ? Week end Sunday Rates to Beaufort and return 20 cents higher than fares shown to Morehead City. , Get complete information from nearest ticket Agent. W. W. CROXTON. OPA., jf-8 R. R. Norfolk, Va. Kinaton.. . . ? . 1.76 1.00 GoldSboro . . * . . . 2.25 1.25 New. Bern . 1.26 , .76 Oriental .... 1.76 1.26 Bayboro ..... 1:60 1.00 Rates In same proportion from all intermediate stations. CITY MARKET Grown chickens . . ...... 25 to 35c Spring chickens 10 to 80c B E. Peaa 91-50 Black peas ........ .92.00 Clay peas v .92.00 Wonderful peas 92.00 Mltad pea a . . 92.00 8. Beans 92.00 Tallow 5o Dry ftlnt hides; per lb. 12 l-2e Dry sale hides, per lb lOo Dry hidss, d'gsd, per lb 4 to 6? Green Salt Hides 8c Green hides 7c Dter skin flint 26e Dear skin salt 1 60 Corn, per bushel ?0c Bggs .. 18 1-1 eo 13c Beeswax, par lb 8# Waal, free from burs . . . . > . 15c ? vntr. ? Mil l?r. i?*fc ? ? ^ ? Satimate m vcraa v.. <*? ?? ? u4 Incloee payn jeut ?mi? ? vy. ? Auwtrt U> a<U i.*j o* ? at Oil* offlr-* ? *i j*i * ?? .j? ?? ? attention a. -?r.Mr1j?ei;. ? should be ?5 ft'tstnes* cn.o? ?*11.46 .p. m Ads. by messettcer. - ? teiepLona ob OUi> liven a.|??? * ? atten*l<*n. ' ? LEARN U rOMOIIILR ntfWSE**? Take a day* Prwffl^t Count* It. our well tfj?i;>ped rhlne 6hop* *o J tearu Cit au ow bile U.i?tnv*i .tnu occepi , ? ? ?ltloii*. Cti:t;loU< A !IU I. k OolfIC>Ut Xl C. - 3-21-i.v( KOll KK.Vr? oltl li. IVipr?(,ii tijin Seat lo the tity for retail trot*.. See Dr. H.u-Jj ?od If S :*? | ! AM HOW PREPARED FOR Hl'M mer boarders, spend >cur vacr. I Won at The Bragg HoAse. Thre*! gaa bMtt weekly from Waahln? ten. N. C. For rates, addtess Mt? j Aaa M.^Cragg, Ocraeo<M, N. C. fV ANTED ? To Buy Small Farm within two or three miles of city Notify Box 845, Washington, N. C eod 6-10 to 7-Bc. TON'S FORGET the special sale <>l all fountain pens. Only three hun dred will be sold. Tour choice $1.00 each. First come, first serv ed Hoyt Drug Company 6-22 ltr ? mmikilB WOMEN, sell guaranteed hose. T?' per cent, profit. Make 9 10 dally Full or part time. Beginners In veatlgate, Strong Knit, Bo* 4029. West Philadelphia, Pa. POUND BUNCH OF KEYS-? Own e? can get same by calling at thla of fice and paying for this ad. 6-10 tfc. ftIPE TOMATOES? Yon can secure nice ripe tomatoes frojp Ed. Coop er. Phone 398-J- 6-21 6tr wrfl SALE? For ?ale cheap, on easy terms, Schooner Rc?ecca Bell; inj good repair, new sails, 20 ton ca pacity, or will exchange for boat of 40 to 50 tons capacity, and pay. difference. Apply to W. F. Wln steftd and Bro., Ranaomvllle, N. C.p or Si R. Fowle, Washington, N. C. 6-22 lwc CUE GAS BOAT VICTOR Will leave Fowle's Wharf 8unday 7 a. m. for B^lhaven. Returning leave Belhav. en 5 p. m.. Round trip 11.00 ltc POR SALE Good 860 lemons by H B. Mayo * Co. 6-2S 2tc THE NORTH CAROLINA State Noraial 'aod Industrial College Maintained by the state for the wo men of North Carolina. Five regu lar couraea leading to degrees. Spe ilal courses for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teach ers In the state. Fall session- begin* September 13, 1911. For catalogue &nd otber information address JULIUS I. FOUBT, President, Green-- ; boro, X. C. fl-lfl i??i THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRICTLTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS THE STATE'S INDUSTRIAL COL LEGE Four-year courses in Agriculture; In Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering; In Industrial Chem'e try; In Cotton Manufacturing and Dyeing. Two-year coursed In Mechan ic Arts and in Textile Art. One-yri :ourse In Agriculture. These courts-- 1 ire- both practical and scientific. El iminations for admission are held sM all county seats on July 13. 0 For Catalogue address THE REGISTRAR, 6-21 to 7-0 Raleigh, N. C. MAGAZINES All the July Magaslnee-are nowj in among them being: Judge Young's Leslie's Collier's Life Scientific American 8portlng Life Smith's Popular Alnalee's Smart Set Coamopolitan Short Stories The Mfcw Magaalne Ad ventura People'# k9?7 ? magaalne and away the dull hour*, i _ J FELT BAD ALL THE TIME SMlOwn] Lady MTcrtd ? fat* Deal, Bat Is All HJkt Now. Bhellhorn. Ala. ? In a letter from this plaoe, Mr*. Carrie May saye: "? abort time effo. I commenced to hare weak spells and headaches. I felt bad ell the time, and eoon grew so bad 1 couldn't stay up I thought I would die. ?t last my husband got me a botjle of Cardnl, and it helped me; so he got eomc more. After I had taken the ?econd bottle, I was entirely well. ^ I wish every lady, Buffering from, womanly trouble, woald try CarduL It is the best medicine I know of. It did me more good than anything I ever used." Cardul Is a woman's tonic ? a strengthening medicine for women, made from Ingredients that act spe cifically on the womanly organs, and thuB help to build up the womanly con stitution to glowing good health. Aa a remedy for woman's Ills, It has a successful record of over 50 years. Tour druggist sells it Please try It. N. B ? Write to: LadkV Advisory Dipt., Chart ta rocfa MtdiCiMCu.. Chatitltouca. T*nn..fw Special Jntlmeiivru, and Mwn book. Hom Tmfl tar Women." unt la plain wTAf?t. oo mMM. Well Drilling Have had unusual succte* In get ting pure strong flowing stream* <?? water at 226 feet depth. Let mc *al!< over the drilling situation to you. A postal will reach me. J. L. LATHAM, ^Artesian Well Driller Mon. Wed. Sat Royal, N. C. NEEDFUL KNOWLEDGE Washington People Should Lcnrn to Detret the Approach of Kid ney Dlsenwe. , r The symptoms ot kidney trouble are so unmistakable that they leave | no greund for doubt. Sick kidneys excrete a thick, cloudy, offonsl'e t r ine, full of redlment, !rrcs*!'-r : ? - laage or attended by ?i ?ensj":on > ; scalding. The hack aches iocs*, or. Ily, headaches and dizzy * polls .:r<: occur and the victim is effen vs*'. ' ? led down by a feeling of languor .imI I fatigue. Neglect these warnings a;:.* there is dangrr cf dropsy. Any c: . of these symptoms Is warning to begin treating the kldncj* c: . ? Delay often protes faia:. j You can uso no better reSK'J y '.Si*;: Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's V." > v. - Ington proof. I J. B. Peed, K. Second ctr-f. . ?*". I Ington, N. C., says: "1 coa?i?i?.* Doan's Kidney Pills a remedy merit. Backache bothered me ua ' there were pains across my lo'ws These symptom- of kidney trouble showed that something must be done. The kidney secretions we>? also iregular in passage ami con tained Sidimcnt. I used two bo-*? of Doan's Kidney Pills is r!Tcrtc?l and they entirely relieved me. Thciu has never been any recurrence ot my complain'.." Per 6a!o by n?l dealers cents Fos?er-M)lburn Co., New Yorh, sole agents (or the United ?? r . k Remember rhe name -~#Iio?n"a ? and take no othor. ADVERTISE IN THE HEWS MLK-SOUIH RAILROAD II Route of the "NIGHT EXPRESS" ?* Schedule in effect June 11th. N. B. The following schedule fig ures published as information only and are not guaranteed. TRAINS Lb AVE WASHINGTON North Bound 2:30 a. m. Dally ? Night Express \ Pullman Sleeping* cars tftq/.^rfolk. ' lD:50 a. m. Dally ? F tr Norfolk connects for all point? north and west ? Parlor car service. 3:05 p. m. Daily except Sunday for Belhaven. Westbound 7:00 a. m. Dally except Sunday fo?- Greenville, Wilson and Raleigh ? Connects North, Bouth and West with all lines. 4:00 p. m. Dally ? For Greenville, Wilson and Raleigh, Bro'ler Parlor car. 2:30 a. m. Dally, Pullman Sleeping Cars ? For Greenville, Wilson and Raleigh ? Connects North, South and i West. Southbound 2:30 a. m. Dally ? For New Bern, Klnston and Goldsboro ? Pullman Sleeping Cars. 10:07 a. m. Daily ? Except Sunday for New Bern. 3:50 P. m. Dally ? For New Bern Goldsboro and Beaufort. For further information and reser vation of Pullman Sleeping Car space apply to T. H. Myers, Washington, N. 0. W. R. HUD80N W. W. CFOXTON I Gen. Supt. G. P. A. Norfolk. Va. ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD Low Round Trip Fare* From Wash Ington? Tifkft* on Sale July 7, 8 And 0, 1011 ? $17 0,% Via All Rail* * 14.70 Via Norfolk ? Atlantic City. N. J. Account Benevolent and Protec tive Order of Elks. Final return lim it July 20, which may tie extended to August 20, by depcsltlng ticket and paying $1.00. Rochester, N. Y.. $24.10 via all rail; $21.45 tIjj Norfolk. Account A. A. o7 N. Mystic 8hrine. F nal re turn limit July 18, which may be extended to August 15 by d^i siting: ticket and paying $1.00. These rates are open to the public. For Illustrated booklets descrip tive of each of the above cities and trip* and for schedules, Pullman res ervation. etc, call on R. A. G. Burnes, Traveling Passenger Agent, E. A. La Frage, Ticket Agent, Washington N. C. or addrees W. J. Craig, T. C. WHITE ? Pas. Traf. Mgr. G. P. Agent Wilmington, N. C. 6-19 to 7-8 Wins Fight for Life. It was a long and bloody battle for llfo.that was waged by James B. Merfehon, of Newark, N. J., of which he writes: "I had lost much blood from lung hemorrhages, and was very weak and run down. F<or eight months I was unable to work. Death

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