W. B. CORSETS Best for Wear, Comfort and Style New Models Now on Display. Hicks* CAFUDINE Co *rs Sick Heml* Hesdacbs and aches from Grip, Stom Also Nervous Headache; Trareflors, ach Troubles or Female ticublee. Try Capudioe ? it's liquid? effects Immediately. Sold by druggists. eod t ' AT THE 1! THEATRE TONIGHT The TROUBLESOME SECRE TARIES. (Vltagraph) com edy. ROBERT. THE SILENT Drama. CAUGHT WITH THE GOODS Comedy. t A.N ENJOYABLE PROGRAM ?DON'T PAIL TO SEE IT 1DI 31 a G1LEAD (Special News' Correspondence > We had a very nice rain hare Mou day afternoon (June 19) which was ?ery much needed The farmers are beginning to smile again, since the shower. Hope they will conti nue to do so. I Wr. Charlie Canady's children are sick with the measles. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tuten of Bon -I aerton spent Saturday and Sunday ' ?isiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Yeates 1 Mr. William Yeates who has been] spending some time with his par ? t*? left Menday for Richmond, ?a. Messrs R E. and J. G. Wall of Washington rlsited relatives and friends here Sunday ^Tbe^lrei^to^seemB^^ha^^Igh^ PROGRESS IS BEING MADE Raleigh, June 14. ? The North Carolina Campaign against hook worm disease is making steady prog ress. The number of cases of the disease reported as treated by phy BlclanB has grown during the past twelve months from 2.250 to 21.000; the number of doctors treating the disease from 183 to 697; and the number of people microscopically examined for It in the state labora tory of Hygiene from 500 to 23,312. Seven thousand two hundred and seventy six of the later number were found to have hookworm Infection, and 2.543 showed others of the eight Intestinal parasites. Though bome of these were found quite frequently the hookworm Infections .were found three times as frequently as all the others combined. Thirty -one per cent of the 23.312 examined showed hookworm infection. i)f th^ dum ber examined 1,000 were state troops 1,000 were orphans. 1,000 children In the state schools for the blind, deaf and dumb, and the reformatory.' Nearly 1 .000* Insanes have been ex amined The other l&.Mn ??*?? ly made up of public school ch'ldren taken at random. j it, any attractions for aur people .these hays, as nearly every Sunday | a number of them are to be teen out I boat riding, strolling along the | shore, bathing e;c. Last Sundoy morning Mr. W G- Yeatea gave a delightful call to a number of his fhlends and In"1? afternoon Captain J. N. Yeates took a party out on his gas boat. Both occasions were* en Joyed" very much. Sorry to note Mrs. C. K. Cutler (continues to be very ill. Mesrs. J. G. Dixon and J. L. Lath |am visited friends at Chocowlnlnt? Sunday. \ , Mr. and Mrs. L. H- A'llgood and Mr. A. C. Cutler spent 3aturday night at Bunyan. Has Returned Home. The many flrends of Miss Ethel Faux, who was recently operated on at the Fowle Memorial Hospital for appendicitis has so far receovered as to be able to return to her home. TRY A DAIY NEWS WANT AD (CattaMd from . . M.) It of lh? highest ul bwt op* In enlcatad. ./ >-v In addition to the work done In the regular courses iMMd above there U a special course given / In school administration and supervis Ion (or city and county euperlntead enu mad high school ^principals. Thla course Is given by t>r. strayer. professor of educational administra tion, Teachers OoHeea, Columbia Unlva&ity, Hew York City. These la today ho man connected with ed ucational work in the United Stat* more thoroughly qualified and equip ped both by nature, training and la formation to give such a oouree than la ?>r. Strayer. He Is thoroughly con versant with every theory and phase of education both In the past and prssent. having given close and thorough reeearch and profound thought to this phase of the work he Is enabled with ease and force to direct his entire class to an Intelli gent conception of what real admin istration and supervision of schools is. and to the best methods to gel the best snd most lasting rssults from their supervision. -The value of such a course as be Is now giving here can nfever be eetlmsted In dol lars and cents. It can only' be par tlally appreciated aa we see coming from It better and more intelligent supervision resulting In our courses and study and proper direction arfd helpfulness In lending teachers to get the most out of the courses by the use of better snd more natural1 methods. Friday, June 30th, has been set apart by the authorities of the school as a day for the celebration of the anniversary of the breaking of ground for the erection of the buildings of the school. This Is to be made a history making day In the career 01 this institution. Gov. W. W. Kitcb In. Dr. Strayer, of Columbia Univer sity* and other distinguished educa will be present and deliver ad dresses. A cordial invitation to at tend these exercises I? extended to everybody and a great crowd Is ex pected to rome snd hear these able snd distinguished speakers. We cannot close these brief notes of the grest work that Is being done at this term of this splendid Institu tion without reference to this week's talk by Dr. Strayer, last Monday night on "Teaching as a Profession." He said in pari: Teaching Is only beginning to be recognised as a pro fession. Formerly teaching was us ed merely as a stepping stone te some other calling. With the increased provision for free public education there is coming to be a better rec ognition of the importance of the teachers work and an Increased de mand for special training In prepara tion for teaching. The professional teacher, as the members of the other learned pro fessions, must have received a liber al education as s basis for fhe later technical training. It is especially necessary for the teacher to have that breadth of training which char acterlxes the man or woman of cul ture. for It Is her special office . to transmit to children the spiritual possesions of the race whether scien tific, literary, aesthetic, Institutional or religious. Scratches on pollahed wood. If not too deep, cab be removed by rubblftg gently with flue sandpaper and then with a mixture of olive oil and vIea. g*r. To keep tulips ustd as table decora tions from opening wide a tiny hit of wax should be dropped in the calyx of each of the flowers. Bent whalebone, the genuine articled may be stralffhtsnsd by soaking be fore using in boiling waters for a fen minutes. Jf;,\ . Sinking Money. While there la no perfect safety for life or property in this world, the measures adopted by the Bank of England to protest against the depre dations of robbers exhibit almost the limit of human Ingenuity. Its outer ' doors are now so finely -balanced that' a clerk 'by pressing a knob under his desk, can close them iactantiy, and they oannot be opened again except by a special mechanism. The boll lea department of this great British hanking institution Is nightly submerged In several feet of water by the aotlon of machinery. In some or the L/xsdon banks the bul lion departments are connected with [ the manager's sleeping rooms, and an entrance cannot be effected with out setting off an alarm near this person's bead. U. in the Bank of l&glaod. a dis honest officer daring the day or night should take area one from a pile of 1,000 sovereigns the whole pile would Instantly sink and a pool of water its place, besides totting every per son in the, establish meet know o if the ibeft.? Harper's Weekly Manila's Largs Birth Rate. Race suicide as an addition to other problems In the Philipptaas lies lar off In the distant future as cording to the Milk MaUgtlw cosn pUed in the last qaartenj rspert of ths Bureau of Health ? Manila takes a poeltftee In birth rate tar In advance of other oeen trtee of t*e .wpprftd wtth an average af.4Pt Mhtheal-OOO of pspelstlcs in InftfefgMrt 4 of bitfh rsSe ?attjagy w^i an average aMM wttH' tT fed CJertnanT With Iff are *1*1*1 at steel I. 24.000 tow. The loading per ac?u?r? foot on the ??? an* bridging is on? and threefourth ton*. The maximum loading p or ?qui** foot on the bridging Nat of Seventh Avenue la fire ton*. Thorn were required 160,000 cubic yards of concrete for retaining walls, foun dations. street building* and snh structurev Figures given out Inst week show that the capacity of ail the tunnels will be 144 trslM per hour. , pfelN AND ANIMALS. /. "Lions, tigers and all the cat tribe dread rain/* said a soo keener. ''On A rainy dny they tear ner-onily up and down their cages.- growling and trembling. We usually jtre them an extra ration of hot milk. That pntg them to aleep. j "WoWes lore a gray day of rain. They are then yery cherry. Treach erous as the wolf la. no keeper need fear him on ? rainy day. He Is toe, happy to harm a fly. ^Snakes, to & like rain. They perk up wonderfully as tb? barometer falls and the damp make* itself felt la their warm cased of glass. 7.. Rain makes monkeys .gltim. They are apt from instinct, whefl tbey sen. it through the windows, to cl*?p their bands shore their heads and sit ?o for hours. That sttltuds. yon know, makes a kind of shelter. It la the primitive umbrella." ? Selected. The pet cat belonging to I land firemen has befn fOsi stored to Its owners. ?1 had been in the habit <4 < to fires on the escape and at Stoke Newlngton a fottj Yeeterday It was seen al and being reoogniaed bw studded with Hrdfceu's MM taken to the nesrikM At "To show your clothes." **I had children." * "But you found It a terrible nula uce to take care of them." "I could afford to hire nurses and "But yon couldn't afford to five them any, of yorfr own very valuable tyme." "But my. husband didn't waet me to work myself to death." "No, of course not. |t la tk> hatter to work yourself to death than to loal yourself to death. But, after aU,,yow husband has nothing to do with U. Well deal with him separately. You had your own life to lire. His bains foolish doesnt excuse you." The American Wife born into taars as she kaw her chance of heaven lad ing away. % "Here, none of that," commanded Saint Peter. "Tears have no rtfeat 0* up " 1 : ? *'?>?*- ^ an her to work peeling potatoes aad other oAd lota. Let mo h* hv -p' la ftbput tlx Maths" Duttcap Made In a d : Very Few Minutes NAOMI KKBKKAH LODOI Ha M LQ.4V. UMts In Tayloe's Halt second an d fourth Prlday, each month at % p. m. ' PAMLICO I/>DOE WO. 73 -?< jgj o* p. MmU In their Anil, upstairs, cor ner Union Alley and Main street, every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. ORR LOfKJK NO. IN A. P. * A. M. Meets In their hail, corner Bonner *>?'. TWri streets, flrst and third Tuesdays each month at 8 p. aL MOTS CHAPTER NO. M Royal Air* Masjpa Meet* tn Masonic Hall. sdcoad and fourth Tuesday each month at 8 P. m. WASHINGTON LODGl NO. ML b.p. as. Meeta la their Home, Baufham building every Prlday evening at 8 o'clock. from a knife, can, tin can. rusty nail, fireworks, or of any otka* nature, demands prompt treatment with Bucklen's Arnica 8alve U- prevent JUNE Remember you have two more days to take advantage of our Special coming to YOU or some one else will. v . . T We give you the profit now give us the bal ance In Cash. m Ue HiA - > THE O fEPA&TMEfi/ T ITS WONDERFUL t- if rlflir how much time.' money nd vexation are saved I i< . the use ot gas as a (joking fuel! You owe t to your wife to install a Gas Range in your kitchen? you will be re paid by your own com fort and the decrease in your monthly bills, to say nothing of your wifes gratitude. Ask as just what we present as to method and implements for wing gas. Posts! will do Washington Light and Water Co. HIS PARTY NO LONGED (Continued from First Page) tlon like this, but we can wait." All guesses as to the possible date of adjournment, It Is now admitted are worse than useless. Some Sena tors believe the extra session ulti mately wll] dovetail Into the regular session next December. Senators McCumber, Galllnger and 8moot were among the republicans who concluded deliberations In the | committee and expressed opposition to the plan of Mesrs. Penrose, Cul lom, Lodge and Clark to report the wool bill today. Senator McCumber alone suggested that short hearing* be held, when the committee doom closed 8enator LaPollette had not mr rived. The 'only democrat* present were Messrs. Bailey. Simmons and Kerft. The action of the committee was awaited with grefct Interest. "The Insurgents are ready (or the fight," aald Senator Brlstow, who stood outside the finance committee room while the committee waa In ses sion. * Work Will Soon m-rt after you tfcke Dr. Klng> New Llf*. Pills, and you'll quickly enjoy their fine results. Constlpatt>a and Indi gestion vanish and fine ap^ctltlte re turns. They regulate stomach, liver and bowels and Impart new strength and eaargy to the wfeole rystrm. Tr; < them. Only Sftc at \ Hardy's Dsug Store. ? ARC YOU ? SUBSCRIBER TO THE DAILY NEWS DIED YESTERDAY iff Bob of Mr. and Mrs. EC H. Bright Passed Aw my YeM?fda; After-4 nooa v A . Jesse Bright the 12-monthe^flf son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bright (Missed swsy yesterday afternoon at their home corner of Third and Bdn* ner streets. The funeral took plaqs this afternoon at S:90 from the ree~ 1515c?, coMnctW by Her. R. h. Broom, pastor of the First M. S. church and the Interment w*s in DtWI iHPBtttrjr. The pympathy of tha city km out to tha grlaf ?trlefc< ?a parents. Rig Rally. [ Xfc* mambara of the C. M. E chareh. u) txpactlng a Mg rally at their church .tomorrow. Blahop R. 8. Wllllami of Aogaata, Oa., la M pactad to ba pnmt and preach. Ha I* nu of tha notad tttrlaaa of lha ool ?rN church In 'A?arlca. Ki*>m SHOES* We are after you Shoe business BrooksShoes