MONDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 26. 1914 RTH CAROl PUBLISHED s IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA ?pot of UM earth ? the South.'1 j Out L. Itowitt, agricultural and Industrial oommltaloner o t the St. Ixmla-Weetern Railway , formerly aa atlon by the aoraramant will be lik an by the delecataa. Contlnulnf . Mr. Stewart aaya: ?nice growing In Arhanaaa and Taxaa >nd tha reclamation of awamp IfOCKG Henderaon. N. C., June '*?.?? Ther^ ?H a terrible Are in North Hender .on last night at one o'cKJtk. two ?tore., four raVucN and a Httko Alit church wer* burned. A white ttrl. Miea Ptorce ?u burn ?tl> crUp ana ?, white boy nam ed Johnaon, was alio badly burned. The are company waa promptly ' on hud, but the roar traOdlnn were burning at one*, calling for heraM actio*. 'Vv' ft ~5 lite Pierce mored her* fire wee ka ago tram Wake Forest * ' ?? V * ? Both If in tag Two o\ Waahlngton'e agod dtt lena. Mr. R. D. Walla and Mr. toaac Btjfk. who h>re been quite 111 it their homea In UUa city for the paat eereral weeka are 'Sraportod to be laproTU*. - I Thla will be welcome newa to their many trtenda ot theae popular and highly ea teemed Mttxena r SPENCER WOMAN IS ASSAULTED MRS. O. A. BOZZELL U AWAKEN KD BY NOISE OP THE BlfrtG LAR'S OPERATIONS AND IS KNOCKED INTO INSENSIBILITY WITH A BED SLAT-tIN SHARCE OP THE CULPRIT. 8pencer. June St? Mr*. C. A. Roa-j Ml, wife of a well-known employe' of the Southern Railway at 8pencer, was knocked Into tnaenalblllty Fri day night and the houae robbed by. an unknown young white man. The hoo?e waa entered through a win dow which waa broken. A bed a|at waa used by the burglar, Who ,aa aaulted lira. Roaaell when ahe waa awakened. Her acreems were heard j by neigh bora and ahe waa found un conacloua on the floor. Every room in the houae had been ranatcked by, the burglar, who aecompllahed the; greater part of the work before ( awakening the family. Mr*. Ros aell waa aleeplng with a four-year old daughter and Her huaband wga, *t( ? Mh m^U.i .. 'A phnleUo >w HMMlkW 1 . . -- . _ -?*? - ? _ ? i umi vu t*wy^9eMnw ?W' while her condition la precarloua, It la thought Mrs. Rouell will recover. Bureau draw era. bed clothing asd( waarlag apparel -were scattered over I the premlaea by the burglar. Efforta were made by Chief of Po lk* J. R. Cruse to tit bloodhound* from Lynchburg. Danville, 8tat?srW1e and ether placee without avail. ^ -..v* A Between fifteen and Iwenty went to Belhaven yaeterday On, the gas boat Victor to take In that clt:|. All who went enjoyed the day im mensely and apeak ' In the highest terma of tfee Dccaalon. Bel haven la one of Baatern Carolina's growing town* and it la alwaye a pleasure for our cltlaena to rlalt that progree slre place. The party returned laat night. Judging from h)a disco ureses of yeforday at the Payne Memorial he has a bright and promlalp# future. The Fighting was Detperateand ? ?t|V?ry Close Qbarten> W\ Slaughter Followed | ^ FflfE RUKOflED HI MWS MOHANEI) All PASHA* Of TUBUS. IS MISSING? TURK ISH GUNBOAT SHELLED THE WRONG PLACE AND KILlAft) SEVERAL HUNDRED OP ITS QWN PEOPLE. Hodeldah, Arabia, Jane 17, Via Aden, June 24. ? Rebels In flroat force today surprised and cut Turkish column commanded by ?Ja homed AU I^aaha, outside Gheesan a town on the Red Sea about one hun dred mllee north of Hodeldah. A thousand Turkish soldier* were kill ed. Mahomed All Pasha is missing. The fighting was so desperate and at such close quarters that 500 Turk ish fugitives are suffering from se rious dagger wounds. The surviv ors fled in disorder to Qheesan, pur> sued by the rebels. ' . The Turkish gunboat 8uttebbe, In tending to shell the Arabs, shelled Gheesan, Instead, killing or wound ing several hundred of the soldiers. ? The rebels captured four big guns, two Maxims, two thousand rifles, and a quantity of ammunition, and ulti mately retired. Gheensan, near which rebellious Aarbs routed the Turkish troops, la a seaport of the Turkish rllayet Yemen, In Southwestern Arabia. Ye men Is a mountainous district, whose people are engaged chiefly In stock raising and who are almost contin uously In revolt against Thrklsh au thority T To the north Is the vilayet of A*lr, AaijT, fW capital of wh-ch Atta was racevtly captured by rebellious Anjbs | who made prisoners pf the^Tur/^sh garrison composed of 3,000 men. Subtsqneatlir a pellet force was sent out from Meoca but whether it reached Abba has not yet been re porWd. . at the mm' Use Imt PMb?. Who had euppmeed a revolt In Yemen, wai eent Into Aalr. tha moat recent uprtalng In Yemen appears to hare daniopM while a treat epara of the Turkteh DtlMUrr atrwjO In tha aaiithpaat waa occupied wtth the reb al> In Aalr. . booking Ow Bttaatiea The Norfolk I^edger Dispatch, of recant data. staliee tilt Colonel W. B. Rodman the K new General Solici tor of the Norfolk Sopt^hern Railway was In that city last weok cOnferriBK with the officials of 'that road. Col onel Rodman will more to Norfolk on or about July 1 to take up aew duties. For the pest ssreral years he hasl been dlvlsloa counsel of the South ern Railway with Headquarters at I Charlotte, N. C. The friends of Mrs. George Rleks and her son, Mr. Charles Ricks, la all sections or the county of Beaufort wtll be pleasend to learn of their Improvement from their re cent Illness. ? Their condition Is much Improved! today. Unless something unforeeeen [ happens they will soon be out. Left Saturday Night The camping party for Ooracoks left Saturday night between eight and nine o'clock on the schooner Relief. All going anticipate a most pleesant outing. They expect to be absent several weeks. , ' j.l's Bicycfe Shop % Rumor has It that a large bicycle f repair shop will be open In tMs city] at an early day. It will be up to-J date la every reapeeW^ A child labor law and aa omploy rs* liability law passed at the* last of tho New Hampshire Legte- 1 latar*. JfjLp., * "WTl?t ?r# you going to b* whin you grow u[>, willloT" "Not wl>M papo a to* i Pl.r. I w??' to bo A Cftk* umpler." ' i? *ai char luct. Judg payment of more than lively tils- morning as there were ssveral caw for sdjudl eatjon tiUri Um ; William Harvey cota *** ****** * *aa t was suspended IflK -'jf/- 1 . t Jpe WlUlasi# and . bdth colored, affray. Bach) dary Thomson. charged with Discharged on I Beetle Park, colored; was up be fore the court for. disorderly conduct Judgment was suspends* on the pay ment of coat. Daniel Harding was being drunk. Fined $ $1.60 and coet of the < Mathew Lewis waa (barged being drung. Fined I3p0 and cost. Fred Carrowan, who ^waa Indicted I for vagrancy some discharged on the payjnent of cost as It was shown he flad employ ment charged with SO and cost! CHAMP CLARK PAYS TRIBUTK TO SENATOR JOHNWI DAXIFLl Washington, June ^6 ? Denomi nating the late United Bates Senator John W. Daniel at Vlfnits's Cicero, 8peaker Champ Clark hi the house of repreeentatlvee Saturday paid a notable tribute to "Tm Lame Lion of Lynchburg," fp Virginians fondly called the late The day was sat Sfrart In the house for the delivery ef eulogies up on the life and character of the late 8enator Daniel and ttfhutee were paid to hla memory by Speaker Clark the entire Virginia deltgatlon. Rein reeen tat Ives Ransdall of Texas, 'Kahn of California sad Richardson of Alabamafl Representative Flood of Virginia occupied the speaker's chair during the ceremonies. A number of Virginians were In the galleries to listen to th^ eulogies. IKE COMPMIY IS INOCULATED THK COMPACT WAV INOCl'LAT All the members of 'Company "G" of the North Carolina National Guard of thla city, according to the rules of the tJniUk! States rr> rem merit were Inoculated on jaat 'lay even ing by Dr. A. K. Taylo-. lieutenant surgeon of the regiment *Ith uati-j typhoid fever vaccine. So far as we. h?ve been able to as certain thla is the - first company in the national guard to aubmlt to this new ruling. The Inoculation was successful all the way through. A FAVORABLE REPORT ON STATEHOOD BILL Washington. D. C., June If. ? The senate territories committee voted 6 to S to report favorably the house resolution admitting New Mexico and Arlsona to statehood with the pro ?lalon that the Arlsona conatltutlon. containing Judiciary recall, shall be re-iittbmlited to the people. Slight amendmenta to the house resolution were made. Mach Admired The handsome stiver cup to be given to the aucceaaful gun at the shoot t o be given by the Washlng ton Oua Club thla week at their grounds on Bonner street, now on exhibition at the Hardy Drug Store, was mueh admired by pedestrians yesterday. The member of the club winning this cub will be fortunate. | Great numbers are expected to be present. It promisee to be a gala occaalon for Washington and the Washington Gun Club. The Summer School Quite a number of Beaufort coun ty teachers are now Attending the ?ummer school for teachers at the Bast Carolina Training school in Qreenvllle, and from all reports are making excellent progress In their itudles. Mtaa Eatelle Davit of the Washington Public schools faculty Is teaching mathematics. She la one ?f the moat competent teachera to be found anywhere In North Carolina ind her selection la quite a compli ment to our city. Residence Mr. W. H. Hobbs Is now engaged In repairing his tenement house on Bast Water street occupied by Mr. L. M. Morgan and family. When oomp!?t*4 It will b. quit, an 1st " ? LARGE SUM ASKED FOR THE HIGHWAYS The Bill Carries an Appropriat ion of One Million Dollars Care of Secl'y ARE SEEKING FEDERAL AIO SENATOR SIMMONS INTRODUCES BILL FOB APPROPRIATION FOR APPROPRIATION FOR IM PROVEMENT OF ROARS OVER WHICH THE RURAL CARRIERS TRAVHL. ? ? Washington, June 24. ? A Dill pro viding (or Federal aid In the con struction 0t improved public high ways was introduced today by Sena tor Simmons. The bill carries an ap propriation of $1,000,000 to be ex pended under the direction of the Secretary of Agriculture in conjunc tion with the Postmaster General for the Improvement of roads to be se lected by them over which rural let ter carriers travel. The Improvements are to be made for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of improvement and econo my which may be brought about thereby in the rural postalservlce, it is provided that the local govern ments in any territory which may be selected shall appropriate Yor road work In that community an amount equal to what Is expended by the government. The secretary of ag riculture in his report on how the money has been expended, Is direct* ed to give his recommendations as to a plan for federal co-operation with the various states In road im provement. He is also directed to report on the feasibility of a tax on automobiles engaged in inter state travel. ? i ? TO BE OWED NEXT THURSDAY PLKAHANT OCCASION AT BEL HAVEN NEXT THURSDAY On Thursday June 29 In the town of Belhsven the Episcopal church of that town will be consecrated by Rt. Rev. Robert 8 1 range D. D., blahop of the dloceee of East Carolina. On thla occasion the Revs. B. L. Mslone of Belhaven. and J. H. Croaby, of Aurora, will be ordained to the high oflfaf* <*ber ijttlee&ood. Several elufeh' ta 't*? iatohav will b* pr.? fert. itooie Ao:su>ai^ia: Swt. M? thanlel Harding of this city. This Is one of the most suspicious events of the Episcopal church and doubtless will be attended by a large number of visitors from all psrts of the county. EXPECTING GAME WITH THE AURORA TEAM i Washington Is anticipating with pleasure s game of ball some time In the nesr future between the strong Aurora base ball club snd some vis lnging team on the grounds here. Rumor hss It thst the game will be arranged for July 4. The Aurora team, as It has for the past several years, has established a moet en viable reputation on the diamond and ?o far, this season, they hsve sustained their well-earned reputs tlon. The tesm that faces them on the diamond must play ball. Fine Crop. It was the pleasure of s Dally News man to vlalt the farm of Mr. Edward Clark yesterday afternoon The crop of cotton and corn and to bacco, as well as peanuts is beauti ful. Judging by the sppesrsnce of I this up to date farm the farmers of the county wiU reap a rich harvest this year If the proper prices prevsll. Mr. Clark's potato crop was sll that could be desired. This farm Is sn< ideal one and presided over by an Ideal farmer. Mr. W. H. Baker our local photog rapher Is again exhibiting some of Ms line work la front of bit studio oa West Main street. His Work la certainly creditable. ? ;f, ; , / WUJ, vjito ur ruurr biu I PAEKMtn at THIS SEHSlo* Washington, p. o.. juu bacuu known U the Capitol tb?t President T*tt. ulklns over Ihe long distance telephone from Providence last night, repeated to eereral sens tore his determination to veto the Canadian reciprocity bill in case any amendment I# added to It. News diepaichea from Providence that the president undoubtedly would veto any Urlff bills passed at this eesslon are accepted by the senators as ac curately reflecting the president's at titude. Fine Discourse. v Those whb attended the First Methodist church Srnday morning w?re highly pleased with the excel lent discourse delivered by the pss tor. Rev. R_ H. Brepm from the sub ject "The True Aristocracy." The sermon from beginning to und was heard with pleasure and profit. It was one of the most thoughtful dis courses heard In that church In some time. Accepts Position. Master Frank Mlxon, son of Mr. E. R. Mlxon, one of the city's bright young men has accepted a position with the Washington Electric Light company. He has our beat wishes for success. THE TRAFFIC IS ENORMOUS , ....... , . RESULT OF INQUIRY INTO PRO* POSEI) CHANGES IN EXPRESS CLASSIFICATIONS?ALL COMES FROM MAIL ORDER HOUSES. THE GOVERNMENT REPORT. Washington, June ?4. ? Approxiy mately 20.000.000 gallons of liquors annually are chipped by express principally from mad order houses direct to consumers In prohibition states. This startling (act was developed today in* an Inquiry conducted by the Inter-state commerce commission into proposed changes in express classifications which reaulted In an advance of rates on packages con taining liquors. The commlsaltm held that the ex preas requlrment that liquor con tainers should be packed in corru gated paper cartoons was reasona ble; but that the charge for transpor tation based upon arbitrary weights ?eighteen pounds for the gallon of whlskep packed ? waa unreasonable. Commissioner McChord. who con ducted the inquiry and prepared the opinion of the commlsalon, points out that the Industry directly con-, cerned la that of the mall order 11- J quor housee. "It waa the spread of the prohibition movement," the opin ion aays "that gave vitality to this character of traffic in liquor. With state-wide prohibition came the in ter-state traffic In liquor. The decis ion of the Supreme Court that this, traffic waa inter-atate and, there fore, superior to interference by the state governments gave the industry a tremendous impetus, and eatab llshed the express companies aa the cancers of practically the whole of this traffic. "Jacksonville. Fla., probably the largeat shipping point for liquor 1%. the 8outh, sends out between three and four thousand packages of one or two gallons dally, or a total of about one and one-half million gal lons a year. Chattanooga ships about 786,000 gallons; Richmond 546,720 gllons: Petersburg, 268,122; Pensacola. 267,760; New Orleans, 255,866; Augusta, 215,150 and Nor folk, Va., Carlo 111., Emporia Vs., Louisville, tfCy., Portsmouth. Vs., Roanoke Va., and Savannah, Ga., ship more than 100,000 galolns each, annually. "The movement Is much more ac tive in the South than in other sec tions of the country partly becauae of thte extent of the prohibition ter ritory in that section, partly because of the large quantities of very cheap whiskey manufactured and shipped there for the consumption of the negro population.1? The opinion concludes with the statement that although It Is ..ot the function of the commission to dwell on the moral aspect of the question. It la cor*-' ??---?* that the trafllc la an evil one, and Is one of the important factors in the race problem of the Soath. Mr. David F. Cutler. o< Jeesama.l ? ? W?Mmtoa bualnMs TUltor THE DEMOCRATS WILL MAKE A BIG MISTAKE If They Permit an Amendment to Reciprocity Doclares Rep resentative Fir ley THEY ARE NOW THE MISTERS hk declares that thk senate DEMOCRATS HAVE IT IN THEIR POWER TO SECl'RE 1.VDEPEKD. ENT TARIFF LEGISLATION SAYS CONGRESS WILL REMAIN IN SESSION THREE MONTHS MORE. Washington, June 24 ? Represent ative David E. Finley, of the Fifth Scuth Carolina district, who 1b dean of the South Carolina delegation and one of tell moat Influential and ex perlenced Democratic leaden in the ^ House made some very interesting analytical comment when asked his opinion about the developments of the past few days In the Senate, where the Democrats and Insurgent republicans, voting together, show^ ed their ability to control the pro ceedings of that body. After pordictlng that congress would remain in session not less than three months longer, and pos sibly until the opening of the next regular session. Mr. Finley express ed the vley that It would be a great mistake for the democrats in the Benate to permit the amendment ofx the reciprocity bill. If, said Mr. Finley, the free list bill or the wool bill, or both, should be attached to the reciprocity pact, the president would probably veto the whole prop osition, and the result would be that tho present oppressive Aldrich Payne tariff would continue in force for another two years at least. He thought that such an outcome would be bad not only for the prealdent, as the patron of reciprocity, but for the democratic party as. its policy has been wisely outlined In the house under the level-headed lead ership of Speaker Clark and Chair man Underwood. Mr. Finley emphasized the fact that the democrats In the senate have It in their power to secure a definite line of legislation for the relief of the American consumer. It is wsll known, he said, that ihe dem ocrats will have the support of the I regular republicans to a sufficient extent to pass the reciprocity bill without amsndment. But they are also ss sure, declared 'the Sooth Car olinian, of the aupport of enough insurgent republican senators to pass substantial free list and wool revision bills after the reciprocity measure has gone through. The pas sage of reciprocity wll anger the insurgents to such an extent that they will take pleasure In voting for tariff revision measures slong these lines, not merely to carry out their own previous doctrines, but to hit back* at the regulars for support ing reciprocity. By taking advant age of this situation among the re- > publicans, concluded Mr. Finley, the senate democrats can insure trlum phant achievement instead of a mure nullity which will do them no good. Growing Biulnnu Elsewhere in today's paper will be seen the advertisement of South seen the advertlaement of the South ern Investment Company now having phone exchanges In all parta of this eastern sec ton. The company has been In business for the past six years^and are op. ^eratlng lines In seversl counties. They are In a position to make con nections with all the leading tele Phone lines In the United States. They are furnishing the beat of servloe at a cost small and In keep tag with progress. People who talk * great deal have few real friends. When * man atarta In to make money he alao make* enemies Don't Judge a tree by lt?- learee It to the frnlt that eonnta. How cMdr a ann M, when ha of a baby being named after * man'. Ida. of a charluwj wo m*n la one who doean't hand him Becauie otter* are worthlea* doa* not Indicate that you are worth aar

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