tts*. * ?V . > *.* ? -- ? - ? ? ' : The mutate oi iMu jfinli De borah Roberta and Mr. Lyndon Young Bhaw occurred at ' tha Tint Method let Eptacopjf cburoh ?tya morning at Mve^ U^jtjr .p'olocV ami waa witnessed b* ,? number of friend* of the a?pul?^?#>??'*0UPle. the ??paeioue ehnVch auditorium tiiiwlii a liwlf UMi.-wuMfr the altar and chancel. The deeora tlpne consisted of potted pfknta. dalslea. caynewwlee. etBHreena. etc. Peeping oat' Ssow 'behind the art title work of dMt ?**?*? nit lor lng"hearta, waa noticed waxen tap en aheddlnft (heir' abft and mellow i>w to d^ <"? gmn.. nnd?r. the 'eldlled touch of Mr*. A. a. Fulford glided into the famtl lar strain* it Lohengrin and Imme diately lb* groomsmen, who alio ant ed *m* ushets, ware seen wan dim Maim R. Lee Stewart and Allan Van ? stater of tke groan, ?an* Ell --aba^ fihttTr**"1 ?!.*?? They ware followed by Meears "dward ? Canrowen at Halloa. Jfc C.. The next ? brldeemelde ? to enter troft the cfbter able were Mlaaea Mary TkoaH flW* ?* lOMothtaa. Va.'and BmOy Harrii. All the br'das malda nn.*IWl'?,W''?'.SS of white betlate, white hata agdtaFj ryln'g of honor* waa charmingly 'goWfied In white batlate. .warning.* I*rfn. Ki..f. fcrt Wl Tf f*1"* a. bon qvet of ?htt? sweet mm. , Thf dame entered the^rc* frop.^he,^ entrance and W to ??* rhaecel mil alone. AM eyes .war* now bantered oa< tho brtdb-elect leanlb?.,o?i"tae arm of her* maid of Honor. Mlaa Kathleen Connelly HarrMf a? 8 WMITa. 8he won a handsome going sway suit of tan (WfJ^!Wtea&<rfli"Wttfe-'l&t and, gloves to , match and carried aa eiqulalte bonnet of white bridal ma*. The mgfd.of hon^r~>pi_ ed in -white batlate, white hat and -1*" in At the ? chaaoel they were net by the groom amd hi* has! map.Hr,- P P Maxwell. A? the couple faced the officiating ?aM* bt Ix>re,'"1||P|6wtoe^Blr from tho or gan* < Pronoundng thorn man audi s&a&nxj&s the marriagf bf^l and the org*n pealing forth Meadalaehon'e wedding march, Mr. and .Mm. Bhaw l*ft the church and aeeo? panted by the bri dal pdrtfr entered carriages and drore at onnrto the depot of the Atlantic "Coa*? Una wher4 th?y left on A. elglft a'Hfclr1 train fcf i tour J oat fcefore the enltania of the brldgl party the iilfcatl* of honor, consisting of km. ft A. o Uarca*, Mlaa Helen Bhaw, lifts Mabel Wilts. s^srasssa ell, MMa Call* Brttgman and <MlM Pat Herri* war e , mm g?*d , to-. fleefe ft aaanrance for >??u. "v"., ; Ton Iaat ?.*.ln? 4- ? ' ipUl/ on lL. 8?^ aire**, a raeeptlon wa? t?hd?f?a! t> bridal party. The eoupla ?wa vi? rictplant* of a large numb or: of hkndeoma aJM aaaful lir?V' >4? ">? r.f are Said (vara and aUawhara. , - We rtln tfceir majir frlanda In extending teat wlahaa. My their'*ay QWort llfa ia ?far ana W happtneaa*and Joy. 4 r . ^ To Attend Ordination. " lujnC: D. Malone of CbotowiattV. arrliaf In tba -eitj this m bruin* anil leift tttjs aft^rpoool |n compahj with Her ^Jathanlel Harding for B^IVtvU to aUand the ordination of Ran. E. Lj Mulpno olfealtftarfch and Hot. J. H Croalu . of AU<6** la tho *plaeopat elnirSal tomoi'Wir lj v Rj. ?H^HIHRraaga. The tuM will a$o t* ronaec rated, j J.' .1 ? I" ,i "T-: 111' f MWL'W ?ultn'<n>: ? . fS' 'WWPrafflfWTHi ?*" *5 1,1 ^^hf. 0/( r* ,w* ? '?ipi i> i ? it., mom fcMfcSD rp" VfMWW'nPOB rli^' ?ww> /?T5r: '? J . v> ?4? > I i V . Ratferllle. Jam* 27. ? tjuam^i <fer if H. Hardy. roqulr?%tf<lfci? %T appeaV In the rqcord^c'4 flflurt Aomoft torn tqomiac ?Ci9 o'clock and ahow . why X should not be Judged guilty I a. , ?Tl! or. cojHemv^( court. Tha lummoni w*' tta IBBBirMM D X Web* tier's Weekly. containing anar tlcle S* Elder Hardy, antf lt 41*4 algned by the minister* who ference to ' & ih? irdi?.la.68ureara old, aaU^U a g.ptlat rh?ri-> and aararal ft WtKtwtuW'wuh, ru#s?j ft J> ?Hfe*roilW4)*Wl<T9ji, j?u1. U Brooki to appear for F? T? +?$? ** **k3:ftt.fl? ati-rr^sffi fxSSi^rmr .2 ii i. WVn ?W tWetlon, howerer. deropnetfatM* ?e w?h- '? ? mww fcio*1 ' ?y ; the H. ?*-'?" ?3t the Aremen hedieft the inveetlgatlon wu wli. til* c?llar whjw forty-three dynamite was found "tored the walls of the building.' Inquiry omen who wu ?lttln?'Ui *l> window of th?l JoUrdel hiffld ng. happened) *W94>*"*H?( :e the burnlo* lauu ! BMmi mm the tm with her uikh led School Will in;. ia^wMoa feu ? ] MMX .(aar;jBnsa ? ? . muBTEKS IK EXJSCLT1 VK BE8 > skin? hktoiit RATIFIED BY ootmoiii or- STAT*; ^ s ' r rf^^S/O1'- ' 1 ; IUlelrt.t| J7.?? T^e n.w ?ehool for ?be Uekle-mlnd.?<l? iK*rld ?d for b* the K?aeral* iiutabli thu j ??r. win \0 located at Jt 'niton. al though tnagnllKWlt olferirVere made the sUte k)r LUIIbbMW nod 'WjAhln* ton. ' J .. , ? , ? Thl. dwta'lon <u read lWDr thu board of trustees in executive session yeatenuornfumdon at? i|*y irtati- ds* partmmrt ql J Hducattofc. aitf'tfle de cision o? ths?trurttose w?u ra lifted %y jthe coiikcil of atW^T&Bifcoawi of trustees had examined the sited of fered? Mnakinfc'^sftB 'to Winston on' June 22ni( to WfcsWfigton [fn- June 2Srd, aqd t<fJJlU?igton ontjftrie 24th and hlkd. gwen hearings to repre sentatives of the three toirtuf A me diately ^bfefore 'golnfc into -ex ecutlvel WhlnwrTf'T ' It lu The tttist^H taet Ih :3i**4rtntend ent JorrWT'?/offlce, : -but rdMdttd to the Supreme^Court iiibsary 'lb Sj^rch pf co<m weather. WhenfCbalrman Joyner called the meeting Order lots draWn* tor order b# bearing, the towrliitfame Watftfagton first, then JUnatat 'then *JlUh?esn. I Dr. I. M. Hardyl speaking for WaahUwton rsrlewed the ? seoerous | *1 aim MdWtt tkH|IMtaK?rlklUt'*^v ?tour UfMK. about la cleared, and tw0 Included, which MfU. . ? - ? * *w4ii?w'*ft <?#?, .ifiWWlniHWrriiW ttlk iy ukttt-kf <tUia(da' <tUU> pn. ;*>n??d by Mr. W. aiiudtoqoai I of |9>?t city. particularly mutually fpna pun? water, prorraed by flowing j^rtealan wella. and 'iW^W^rffer A witk*?nri*n#m:tor mr** ! j The KlnBton people* were *<? ?nz~ uifcd^eeraal propoajtlona. Tne alt^ inJi^ ItAolrjl 'mi'~ th? Fields aar<pa*t ?P? at?edl< Tr addt tf*q ttrfWe' light. itdtlMM fe r Hm Pfe#* w W?Wd. UBKtoWHIwW'ba* ?,lM*;Wncfc:*i*i??! *??!?# Holttiln ft* ' *<"****? *T I **M|p " n?()f>Mifnte(inmn W?? - The eovrrty ty wan^djbe achool badly enough H5> -ifftr acre# ot land, and the *a|?tt4~ *?? ''godtfciiUt > Railway. President J. A. Mills. propodM t?HM ?1.SOO tut. and a free railroad ald lfc*. The' 'kind' r,S?red Ut> th. <<-ily. t*ree farms altocetheiv wreti :?4? it |18, #00: and there la enough timber on the land to build achool. main lasuea which defeated Lll llnjton proposition vara lack of deep [Well* and a city electric II, After the *e*?r. ttU'tttfe 01 ??? deraW* dfeoided In ta?or of "Pro ''?'"W ; ,v*u' ? Srr ft Up , i' * ..fii! lot I they entexfagaed the Board of Trus tee* wh11?fl?fche **ity viewing the property offS?W Utflhem. We the Cponcl! of 8t*te ?hd the Board of the State fecft'teroMd of tbd *orx. of Dr. Ira M.. Hart? In establishing *h? said Khool, a$d (t Ib ordered ?hat h copy ' of thete resolutions be ?pretd upon the axinutes o 4 sa d ?ehool ' ' ? : The board of tnjKaA- elected the tollowlng executireftotnniltte ?, In or der that work mien* proceed as ear 4* in the XULil afpoMtti^. Dr.1 "L. B. McBrayer. Ashoriite,' chairman; Dr. jra M. Hardy. Washington, secretary ^enator* J. R Bn&vtt, X.H1I ASton. Sw ?**?. ?* ^wKvi*01*- "? ?hop. Japanese dfflclal was under the l^proutoiT'tbU he could m^*ut?c |U IntomotlTM cheaper than ?n Aip-rleen K^, M?? .JWH?? ^|IM > (Sp^tsf HffM'-feirrMWifloflPel ' , , Washington,, (i?o. jl lift-There 1, ^ne ph>tectloa^^u^| that will never again occu#' "the 'place In American polities that- It ? hJl In the That ?&?Ujy&iint that' a hlg\i protection wall larneceasary to en able American manufacturers to Compete In home markets with for Mfcn manufactured goods. ? The reas?p this stock protectionist tirgumtat wlH!*ieTer again perftorm the same valuable mission for the re? publicans Is because ^ f a speech de h??se by Wffl. C. Red |y^P|n$Voflc. whp is a manu facturer himself,, and- n-ho for IS ^aare has befnjeUlng ? nerisan man junctures In folpign co n tries V, Redfleld ront^ded , oveu that wbj difference 1^ dally y- at h' me ? ? ahrofd., should npt the nple .of de|*rmijfng the of paction '.to be'^p piled tj a s'.ven Mfr&ofcafei -ti ? [ He cited U?ta#<-e aftV. Instance in fclch he sold articles m8$>hfaitured a dayi American employes In .jWntrles where labor received leas Wikn one dollar a <Wy. >' "SMRedfleld took the position that the American manufactured did not need much protectto* at they were now iMoylng "to prottf t- them from fof* Jpfn competition* because : they are KKceestully competing With foreign hatnufacturers in all parts of tfee Ew*. v> / ;/ How doea It happen that 720 field! "that* In a quotation recent (made for machinery to, a mine In .pan, the American price was $21 & a than the English prlcp?" , ji "How doep It h appen that 720 jaerioan locomotives!: are: running >n the Japanese railways, and up the railway# 6f *ortn 6*4' and upon i^m of Manchuria? These are sold 'open competition <wlth the makera Great Britain." frerttelil ralstsr* an Incident be aten an A merlcan salesman who re itly took a large contract from the, C. EDMS ni sent' IT LENOIR H ? 'Q ' ? ' ?! . ? 1 I , Lieut. Coventor Newtaod WeK co toes die Press Aatod ?t on JtSENOS BMK13 K&HK L.IKIT. OOVCRSOR NBWLAXI) WCIiCOMM P1KBS8 AS80CIA . TIOM AT I4CNCMR.? MR; DAM IKL8. EWTOR OP NEWH AND OB8ERYKR, AKgPO>rt)S * Lenoir, N. C., June 27. ? The big gest delegation of ev^r pres ent at an editorial convention ar rived here on a special train at 7 : 30' Monday afternoon. It was a pleas ant trip mado enjoyable by an hour's stay at Hickory, where r freshments wore served at Hotel Huffney. by the ghAqCfr g?tfd of Tijade, An'kddrosB of welcome was, deliv ered bj? Editor Howard Banks/, tend responded to by- Editor-- W/Ov HttHi1 &g?t> l ' "? ' ,J,'k Arriving 'at' *l?nbHJ, ' the4 ettttoVtf were met by scores of the men and women of the town and given . a royal welcome. -,j?i i Monday night In theT chapel of Davenport college, the address of welcome was delivered by Lieuten ant-Governor Newland. The ' re sponse was by Editor Josephus Dan iel*. _ . ? ?. ? Governor Newland spoke without notes, and In extending the hearty welcome of his home town was espe cially happy In Its delivery. The earnestness of his welcome, which was so apparent, was appreciated by all present. In responding to Governor New land, Mr. Daniels, editor of tb<? News ?nd Observer, spoke In a feeling manner also. In part, he Bald: "He spoke of the convention held at Lenoir In 1889 sb the most delight fut in all the life of the Brass-Asso clatio He spoke in terms of com pltroer ' of leadinr of' the village of L-noli then, of it? wonderful prog rt> or II It ha J grown to be one of the strongest and most prosperous to*-"-> 19 the state. He then touched upon tf. Phase of modern Journalism An<t a Mcent -attempt' t?'?ot*iiel te<? torlals to be signed by the Writer. Xl'RTI.K Tt'RNKll TWICF. IS TWKXTY-SLX YEARS ?7 , j v- ' ' ? Beverly, N. J., June 27.V-Twenty-| six. years ago yesterday, J. F. McCoy, i 'otjSonth Beverly, carved hla Initials | and the date on the back of a tur-J lte. Not until today did he see :he tur-; tie again, which he found crawling around In hla yard. The initials and date were Intact. He carved 1911 on It and let It go. RESCUED FROM WATER ... BT ONE ARMED MAN Pottstown, Pa., June 27. ? Milton Gilbert of this pTaee, a veteran Read ing engineer, now on the pension list, was fishing at Spring Mount today, when h* Slipped on a piece of tim ber. He ww thrown- lnto the creek and was struggling for his lime in felgfcf ffeet of water when Jqbn ScWl* 'hl^ companion, 'who, , IfcWon# 4rm went to his rescue. Aftfr. bird struggle- Gilbert was pulled td\We ] Tk. (thoroughly overhauled and new bad 4 I and llasn has been Installed throoji-, out. Hot Of cold water can be sacur ?4 with ease from any part of the building. The manafement Is now e? Cased In err-!ting an immense con* crete breakwater. All the' board walk* hare been repaired. A bowling alley and billiard rooma attached. One pf the attraottofes of tha^AUaatlc la.thf;4lar$e ball room which U now beautifully decorated in red. white and trine and tht J electric light* at night are at the same variety of color. | The fishing Is always fine at More bead and this season especially so. The destlsts of Virginia and North I Carolina are now in session at the ho H; There will be a special train on, July 1 and 4. The fare will be $1.25 for the round trip. Parties can leave Washington in the afternoon and re turn leading Morehead at 4.1:30 |he same: night., * * ||(j j \ f J f Tbe Cj. T.vU. to Meet. . There will be ?' mei'tltit; of ?hp] fl at the home' of Mrs. Laurn Plnc^-I 1 on East Main atrcot u u:c .?? I hftarnoon at 5 o'colck, A full te mance of members is desired E OEM) AND TWO INJURED J. ? UNPER THE IXFLFEXCE OF LI qiOR, MAX AT AXXISTOX. ALA RESISTS ARREST AM) I'SFH A PISTOL? HE IS THEX SHOT DOW*. I Annlston, Ala.. June 27. ? One pc llcemtp la de^d, .two others are seri ousl}- wounded vr.'S. McduOln, charged with shooting the officers. Ilea In a critical conditio!) a> a re sult of a pitched battle here Sunday afternaon.' i ? Threats of lynching. spread when It wan learned McBuffln was! not fatally hurt. It caused the hur ried removal of the latter from the hospital to 'the county Jail, where he It heavily guarded. McOuffln was on the point of start drinking during the afternooq. and about 4 o'clock he went to toe cpm mlsuary nearby, be.-arae engaged an argument with one of the pro prietor* and threatened his whole tamlly with death. A call for the police brought Chief (jiiossen. accompanied by the rherllT McOuffln, it lb alleged, resisted ar rest. opening Arc as soon as the offi cers had ehtered t,he biore. The first shot struck he chief's belt, the bul let glancing off, but the next took effect in hla hip. McOuffln then leap ed for the door and ran toward an| Automobile in which the officers had come to the scene. By this time four other policeman had arrived, and with s number of men and boys, rushed for tho fleeing mfm. who turned and quickly emp tied his pistol into the crowd, the flrat ballet killing Cunningham and the second disabling Dash wood. McOuffln waa*pn the point of strat lng the machine when an unidenti fied man . leaped forward and Ired both barrels of a shot-gun full Into hla breast. The crowd believing Mc Ouffln had ? been ' killed atid quickly dispersed while the officers took the Injured man to the hospital lor at tention. There he remained until dark, when some of Cunningham's friends learn ed for the flrat time <fcat McOuffln had not been killed. Threatening talk then began. . Surrounded by a dox en men with drawn revolvers the prisoner was then rushed by a ctr cultous route to the county Jail, where he la at preeent under heavy guard. School Auditorium A singing clasa from the Odd Fel lows home at Golds bo ro, N. C.r now making *a tour of the towna In Eaat ern Carolina, will give an entertain ment In this city at the Public School Audltolum on the evening of July 5 nt 8 o'clock. The price* of admission will be 16c and J6c. 7 Thia la a most wtrrthy ceuse~and ahould be generously patronised by nil HlflTWi i 0FFICEH5 PHICIT JKSTILLEB . * ^ ? i'j QUITE A MMBKB OF MASONS AND THEIR FAMILIES AND VISITORS ATTENDED THE IM PRESSIVE EXERCISES? -PAST MASTER HARRJHS PRESIDED. Orr Lodge No. J04. A. F. and A. M., fittingly celebrated St. John's Day last evening at their hall corner of Bonnet* and Third streets by pub licly installing their officers-elect for the coming year. The occasion was one of pleasure as well as profit to Hot only the members 0f the order *ut to the large number of visitors I7he installation ceremonies w$re yeeided OT|| by , Paymaster, Captain limes H. Harris and he niled his ilgh position with dignity, honor and i pi llty, After .the interesting and ] m pressl ve service Captain Harris ^ade a short and , instructive talk. ' IhoHe Installed were: I George J. Baker, w. M I 8. C. Carty. 8. W. | H. B. Mayo, J. W. | E. K- Willis, treasurer. ! W> L. Vaughan, secretary ! William Singleton. I D jW. H- Bllswerth, J/D. ; J. O. Chauncey, Tiler. t After the services were ccfticluded i II present were invited to the-flrst floor where refreshments consisting of cream, cake and lemonade as well as clg^s were served Thus ended one of the most pleasant social funo tlona to occur In the city in quite awhile. For the benefit of our readers we give below a short history of St. John's Day. From the building of the first tem ple at Jerusalem to' the Babylonish captivity, manaons' lodges were ded icated to King Solomon: from thence to the coming of the Messiah, they were dedicated to ZerubbAtl the builder of the s&ond temple and from that time to'the final destruc tion of the tempU b*. Titos they were dedicated 'to St. John the Baptist. But owing to the many massacres and ' disorders which attended that memorable event freemasonry sank vefy much Into decay. Many lodges were entirely broken up and but few could meet in sufficient numbers to constitute their legality and at a general meeting of the craft held in the City of benjamin it was ob served that the prlnclpsi reason for the decline ot Masonry was the want of grand master to pa^enl*e It. They therefore deputla?n seven of their most eminent members to wait upon 8t. John the evangelist who at that time was Bishop of Ephesus requesting him to take the cffice of grand master. He returned for an answer that though well stricken In years, yet In his early life having been Initiated Into masonry he would take upon himself that offce. He Just completed by his learning what the other St. Jolhn had completed by his seal and thus drew what Freemason! term a line parallel. fcver since that time Freemason lodges In all Chris tian countries have been dedicated both to 8t. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist. ? i - * I COUNTS ON DESPITE KNOCK OUT BIjOW Bethlehem. Pa., Jun? 27. ? While counting over the money receipts of !the day m he was driving home. Butcher John Helntslemsn. of Bow mantown, did not notice the approach | of a passenger train as he drove on the rtllroad tracks at Lehigh Gap. The train crashed into the team, killing teh horses and catapulted Heintilemsn 25 feet, where train - und him dazed, cut and bruls stlll counting a Ustfull of

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