VPS* PUBLISHED IN I I . m TIE PTJIUII CMIICCf what u uuoti) id' tte TH* ifi?an w> lomnt .. 2 55 ' WHH.WOW DttTti. (W^ JUM onlin ?W tftuftm t>?m, tna lone mil and roo?h handling, containing ? halt million dollar., ro what' petition charges The petition mllw that prior tp Jolr. 1*0*, there For* and en how In thla country apwarde ot JO.OOO corporation*, oopartnenhlpe and In dividual* engaged In producing pub Uahlng periodical* In 09m and Mb compaction; that following the oerf anlaatlon of tha Periodical Clearing Bona* lh July. 1?*?. notloa? were east to all the principal eubacnption ageaclee and agenu In the conn try. "notifying them that they Would hare to algn the contract with the Period ical c leering Heuae. If each agenclee Intended to do farther huglneaa with the "mem be re" of eaM Periodica* Clearing Bonee. The petition then recltee that the Periodical Clearing Hoee4 prepared a to-called "olllclal price Uat" of magaalnee and perlo^ Icala containing rulea governing eaM of raheerlptlou. and the publieh era' wholeeale price Uat." The petl a fug of war by/ 16 glrlj; Mind fold M mtii who eoald mark >h? 1V1 ere with chalk. The n?rt imuunHt wu a bag Ufct bjr two man on a tllpnery pole, and alao ^umeroua other attraetlona. prhat night we had a concort On Bandar the aaa waa rolling high afaln and mrx hodT wu rarr elck. At 10: *0 we heard the tolling of a bell *o all paaeaagera were aumon ed to ch?r?h service. Mfc waa con ducted br an ffptacooal preacner. On Honday Ike m k aa calm aa the PamUco rlTer. and we are having a ?to trip. : ' :?rv* ' i $1 On Tueedaj Jnne II landod at Plymouth England, and Bailed from there to France the same afternoon. That night Mr. Windier and Mr. John went to Pa rft They aspect to a?v?ral d*y? and then go to XmraalUM and from there m:?/s Mek? kU M MAm M?thi ... YK. K. t.. where he vu i'M BlprtUB. left ab* Vlqfttl* ho. te*..>*57 'J***7' operation wm performed on the tared iertebr?e eoon efter the MstiiA fM-AMt* te*e ben Micas _1 ~wvm FKATfRM mm BPCKCRBS ?X i. H. SMAU. ML POTKAT. ASI. t^oir, N. C.# Jum 18.? The U* AAlon of the 14 th ana*il convention of\b? Worth Oinmi Ptm itmeiv Hon 00?isasfl itfll morning at ? o'clock, ud after bHrini tha ad draaa of Hu. )H?'R.'THa|jUlt liiuruu oluMmt, entitled "The Praa u * Factor In Beduolna Tire Wutt," ioalce imm whfle tha man bars [ml for a phot* Tha feetorw of tha day's procasd lad waa Dr. Tulsat'a able addraaa on "Tha Uharty at tha Praaa." which waa highly anjoral t>T all present. Boa. John H. Bmall, delivered a comprehensive addraaa on "tha latn Coaatal Waterway and Us Relation to Piedmont weaterri North Carolina Report of tha oonunlttae on (haMea In by-laws was unanimously adopt ed. '' ' ' < . A By a standing rota tha association on motion of Mltor W. C. Dowd, ot tha Charlotta Nawa. east fratarnal emetines u Mr. J. P. Caldwell of tha Charlotte Obaarver, who haa been In 111 health for a year. Reeolutlona wera unanimously ad opted expressing the Association's ap perflation and gratitude to the Board ot Trade, cltlaena of Lenoir to va rlous railroad officials, the lrogrle tors of the Carlbern hotel, Martin house, tha Board of Trustees of Dav enport College and othera for unltm Ited courtaalsa. ?'!>:* -vfc #' It la very likely the aaaoclatton will meet next -year at the saaahors. "lffie Praaa Association want on record aa eeponalng Jthe construction of state hlghwara otidar tha eonrlct laaaa system and urged a million doUar band issue to be thus expended. The mendacity medal offered annually by eka.ttnrlotta Chronicle, was award - f t?>? ? Iaaatf London, < llrJ capacity. if Ala* Bulir, of the] Atlantic Hoti. Morahead city. M aouM*4 jwlft'Jur that the annual J-ourth of JO^ Ball. Atlantic Hotal no - tha night at July no pain* will b? apaiM to naka ttla ' eTeit the crowning aoefcl faature of the ? lOUS ard of tbe vaca spaclous ball to It a fullest la of the beet continu ana a cooling ocean Dreese contin The guests are not limited to any one section bi| hall from every part of tbe South 'and particularly rom Virginia and fw Old North Btat-^ with a gensrowdprlnkllng of xorth ern pleas a re men For the hew- this season Manager Baxter expects to have as his guests more men and women of state-wide prominence than ever before and the generous bookings now assure him that his surmiae will be fulfilled. Morehead City has al way a been pop ular and thl* season la expected to eclipee all Conner je?ra In point of attendance and variety of social func* Life at the hotel thli veftr la teem ing with lntyfest and r. ii h*rd to M-tes Ni it dan ?ia?x*ni. The wsethef Is a., ys pie' #-nt tS^re. ont door a ports are at t- ~ gr^ateat popularity. During eac> 'ay there are countless fishing part' -', at night either sailing on Bogue. '-;ound dancing In the Botei ball room. Oar ftoe and sailing tripe to the various Islands and inlets and vertoos other aenneecDenta abont the -big botei ex tend every opportunity to the pleas ure seeker "for a good old time at a good 614 place " For July raeervatlomT tbe appli cant must be early la making his re quest. Manager Baxter's slate la be lag rapidly filled. Those who were there last year are coming agin and will bring their friends. A good time is looked for from the grand hall on JnlpUtt to the grandeet of them all-t-the midday ball on the glo rlous fourth and the beautiful fancy draee ball at night. From nearby towns of New Bern, Washington. Kiaston. Goldaboro, Wilson and Ral eigh great crowds, as usual, are ex petted. most of them to Join the mer ry throng of dancers and thsj others to listen to the splendid band of ten places. ler City Orlt. he being votad the champion prevaricator of the state. The election of officers rfiltid as follows: * I. J. Fsrrl*. of Hlght Point Enter prise, president; J. H. Calne, Ashv vllle, first Tic? preaeinent; H. C. Martin, Lenoir Newt, second -vice preset dent; J. T. Fain, Oreenshoro Telegram, third vice president; J. B. Sherrill, Cohcord Times, secretary; Joseph un Daniels, News and Observer orator; William /Laurie Hill, our Ftaherlees Ones, paet; R. F. Beasley Monroe Journal, historian. The executive committee 1? com posed of the following: H. A. Lon drr~ R. M. PhlUlps. H. B. Varner, D. T. :dwards. R. w. Vincent. This committee was given /all pow er Tiy amendment to the constitution and by- Itfws to select the next piece the convention is to hold Its meetings and to arraage the program. Many of the editorlsl party left this after noon for a trip scrdss the mountains) to Blowing Rock and other points of ' Interest. *>J? mm 'ni OUT SHITS COMPETITORS '*?* t * -7s?* .'3T^mTm i,."; Mr. Wilkin Sirnmi of Wilson Wine the Cuii Club Cup WIS M ENJOYABLE OCCASION IK THE OPEN SHOOT VE8TKRDAT AFTERNOON MADE PERCENT AGE or m ? outclassed aia. 5W KIT AM IN THE CONTEST. MA NT WITNESS THE OOKTBM.' Quite a large number of citlsens and visitors from other towns In this section of the stale witnessed ths op en shoot conducted by the Washing ton Gun Club at their grounds on Bonner street yesterday afternoon at three o'cloek. The club offered a handsome solid silver cup to the suocsesful gun. Mr. William Slmms of Wilson, N. C, obtained the highest score and thus carried Away this much sought after trophy. This It the first time in-, the history of the club an occasion of thta oharacter has happened and It proved success ful from every standpoint So much so that the members are eagerly de siring another. All the participants were enthusiastic and ready for the fray from start to flnlah and the in terest in the outcome did not lag a. single moment. The cup won by Mr. Blmms, Wil son, Is now on exhibition at the Hardy drug store. It Is a beauty and has been much admired. The following was the score se cured by the competitors: Shot at Brk P.r Wm. Slmms, Wilson. ..100 89 89 Wm. walls, Wilson. . . .100 86 86 J. t>. Barnes, Wilson .100 8S S3 A. M. Dumsy. Wash... 100 79 79 T. H- Clark, Waah,...i00 76 76 Geo. Slmms, Wilson... 100 69 69 8. H Hatton. Windsor. . 100 67 67 J. *T. Bland. Wash.'. ..100 65 65 P. S. Worthy, Wash. . .100 61 61 P. e. Mall (son, Waah . ~ 100 "Stf E. A. T*aPrage, Wash.. 100 54 54 B. Ganmon, Wash....i00 54 54 H. Hovsemaa 100 52 52 j C. H. Sterling, J r Wash. 60 4 4 73 C. P. Sterling, Wash.. 40 24 65 j. Hodges, Waah 40 23 57 W. B. Porch, Wash.... 40 8 20 "P. P. Maxwell, Waah . . 20 1? 66 L. A. Bqulree, Waah.. 26 13 60 Dr. J. C. Redman. Wash 20 7 35 Dr. P. A Nicholson,. .20 7 35 CHILD THOUGHT DIAD WAS OlfliT 8LEEPIKG Kew York, June 17 ? When foui ?nail boy* entered the Al.*andrla avenue station early today carrying a email child la their arms. the spok esman of the party aald to Lleuten ?at Joyoe: "Here is a Uttle dead baby we foand lathe qpai yard at 13 a* b?tur SWOOPS UNDER 1 mm BRIOSE FIRST TIME A "BIRD MAW* EVEM CUT THROUGH THK AIR C^R REXTH AND MIST CLOI DS AND LEAPING FOAM^f1 NIAGARA FALL8, THK FEAT WHICH HAS TEMPTED BO MANY AbVENT CRERB Tt> THEIR DEATH Niagara Fall*, N. Y.. June 28. ? j With the whirl of his biplane motor j drowned In tbe roar of the catanact and the man and machine temporar ily obscured tn fpray and mist Un ooln Beaehey, the Calffbrnla svtstor, swooped beneath the arches ot the upper steel bridge and down the gorge almost to the whlrtpo 1. Rising, again between the precipitous sides of the lower river Beach y soared to, the Canadian side where he made a successful landing. It wss the first time that a bird, man had cat through the' air currents and mist clouds and leaping foam caused by Niagara'^ (alls and rapidly that have lured so many adventurers to their death. Throngs on the American end Ca nadian shores gated with fascination at tbe aviator, a a he roee to a height ?( about 1,000 feet, twice circled above the cataract and then made the long swoop toward the narrow pas sage under the bridge. His biplane came racing over the horseshoe tall so low that he was lost to view for sn Instant and then winged does to the water as he made the bridge pas Beacbey continued on down the Sorts almost to the whirlpool rapids, clearing the water by not more than 90 feet, before soaring aloft again "It was tbe most exc4tlag trip of my life/' tald Beachey To add to tbe dtfOcuttlea of Beacb ?t'b flight a light rata began to fait as he took his seat in the biplane shortly before six o'clock. The start was made from s baseball diamond on the American side and he pot sway nicely. He mounted upwards, mov ing always la the direction of tbe cat aract and when he crossed the Ameri can fall he was about 2,000 feet In the air. In a great swooping circle, he swung toward ths north and ovsr horseshoe fall. Down the river he flew almost to the tower sieel arch bridge, two miles below the falls, then coursed to the west and then south again, always dropping as he circled. On his sec ond circle he went well to the south west before beginning his low flight towards the upper steel arch bridge, under which he waa to pass. Swing ling agatn to the north and traveling (about 60 miles an hour, he came on probably not more than 200 feet ov r the horse-ehoe and swishing through Its spray. Once over the cataract, he lowered this Plane, and rushing with the wind I at a srefed estimated at 60 miles an hour. Be- dipped Quickly under the !arch. As he did so, he caught some of the power tunnel which shoots from under the rocky side of the pre cipice at that point. At no time from his final dip until the time he was clear of the structure \wa? the bi plane mora than go feet above the spume. The apace through which he Be* to 168 ( 'iW? axis N. G.. June IT.? lan named Edgar at Mr. F P. Roanoke river, town, died yester a. m.. from the ef doae of Sunday alfbt about nine o'clock he want to tlw drug store of E. 8. Whitehead Orrj-fcer* and said he de eieeed to purchase some laudanum for a rick borse at Mr. Shteids' farm. Dr. Whitehead queatloned him cloeely about his purpose to uae the drug and refused to sell It to him without a prescription from a physi cian. Barn hill wont at onceJn queet of a physician and visiting Dr. O. F. Smith he told him he dee! red a pre scription for sqme laudanum with which to doctor a sick horse. Dr. Smith' gave him the perscrlption marked "sufficient quantity." The young man returned to the drug store purchasd two ounces of laud anum and went away. At Mr. Shields' farm where he works BarnhlU's horse was found Mondsy moraine standing at the rack hitched to his buggy and he fclmself In his bedroom tn an unconscious condition. The bottle showed that about two-thirds of the J%udanum had been taken from It and with It was the following note: "Mr. 8hlelds. here I am. The girt I .lose Js going to manor aootjfcor. Hare her see me put away. Oood Dr Smith w i Monday morning and gave slble aid of medical skfl* no araU. The yoeng ten o'clock a. m., twelve the date of Mr note to Mr. the night before. His body wss taken to of his parents noar waa Interred. LOW RATI BXCnWIOW TO NORFOLK, VHOIU Imtj 4th Oi l i Li Bilua Mj Dlf S* Brmrh ? 0??y IllrtW Hwort In Ytrginin. Tickets wm be sold at the usual "week end" rate, July let. Sad mm* *rd. Good to return to reach orig inal starting point before midnight I July itb. Tickets will be sold at the ofial "Saturday night" rate, for trains Nee 6 and 16 east of Farmvllle and New Bern on the morning of July 4th, and for day train of July 4th, good to re turn to reach piiglnal point before mld-nlgh t July 6th. Oct complete Information froC the nearest ticket agents. W. W. CROXTON. OPA N.3. RR. ?-19 to 7-4. ^Norfolk. Vs. Important Meeting. There will be an important meet ing 0f the M. E. Church choir at the church tomorrow evening. All the members are requested to be pree ent. Recorder Indisposed The many friends of Recorder W. D. Grimes will regret to learn of his Indisposition. On aeeount of his ill ness there hss been no recorder's court for the past two days. A man never knows much until .he Is three score and ten end then he hasn't much use for knowl Isdgs. v When s man gets * vacation his wits la unable to understand why he dose not waat to spent it smoog hsr relatives, . ??*)< ,, y -Vfr ' ,>] J \jr* t ;; ^ jgSz&fc '' '^'TSiiTr 1