vuau. "jo - v-?* ? ,*h * [\ M jjAl **-s ^ V ir,yT>n- "ta *? tmpM upon the n ^of.toxMtaw# men pairing for p Mpm. nad until we cu etlmuUte ^ fek-'' I Itlwith thl Ch^Stw of Com- 1 I * upbuilding of the to#n. V I-**** * 10 what the t<>*rn n^d* L . , ij-" Slombwiihlp, IB Air. Editor, OOonter. , T ^ ^ '.y ' and^CJet Their Business Boosted. 1 j I.. |idlU>rhim for^ the o( ^ H n .not he nhllMlOrr is into rent MttfrlMi j la than money wan Mrri. Forty lull* ?rro received into th? AMerUthm. .with itr. J. H. Small and-Mr. N. c. H . .-whold aa honorary momborn fXW Hi' . lh# tra? worth of MOCli an orftiniza Joined and a helpKill M hand until now ibont n hundred if the aaaat Infl. dial liadlea of Iho I town aiiHWe tothotr names. The B | iV;.4/:r"'"r., ^fcociattoo yot In irt Inf rwy n .I?.tr lawn fcade beantlful by tba ipendtture of .bout 175 m money ad . great deal of work. All |tnb J the ladle. At a later meeting the la. of wuabllihliigr a Children's l?ygrt?)nB waa piinalod to tb. A. delation and la a .Mr .hort white asss.y.agsg ewgottlaa. atc...w? dr.. to the hlldraln of tire town tor their use llltea waa bury at themame time terra to b?l?. the people 6r prorldlng hem with ? more aaaltarr market, "hay aacoaedid la h.dt^l^l ^aarBat ro vided with wire screen I the the laraar and tymllsed gh ' ^ I.ater' em Id fashioned spelling bee was Inlulged In by a good number of ladlee did gentlemen, apd tit waa pat Into ha tracery. On Thaakxlrtas night. Jetober. 1*10, a little ptejr waa gt.aa iy aoma children from one of the ower trade. In school and' thereby -e got m. The last and very successful mode if raiting money'to carry on the rem of tho * Association was the minting at a. Cook Booli, gotten up t a?ominttI?e frem the Association, onalatlng Of all the vary best recipes ront the best housekeepers To our own.. It coat something Ilka ?1M to winfthe book, but at the last report sufficient number of books bad teen sold to par for publish lug it and ibout 111 turned over ' to the reaaurer and about lb books left as o sell with a clear profit of 59c each. On-Oct. 3rd, 1911. a meeting was laid and new "officers Were e*clod. hose holding office at that tlnusharng had It fpr two rears. Mrs. Horwtrediljij" Simmons, president! Mrs. rohhJtodman. vice-president; Miss rfarr K. Wright, eecrefarj and Mrs. 9. U fluaman. treasurer. The same ssecutlre board being re-elected Since that time the association has hecn verr active and several.fmporttut steps here bean taken toward the Sdvsn'oement. of the work. The School committee Is St work on hoautirrlng the walle of th? school build log "The; hope to place aevecal pic(uses upod them aad .Intend to work aefy hard to proeUe a rest room for the teachers whek nol on In thole rooms the Civic committee hgi SL"E?tr Jetl^rerd and placing ^.n<te^pape| rnifloa'Xnpj r.opo ' Our t(Mrn paper *nd it:".'- h , .t each coropr. Th< AMdclatioji r?t U? first meotint' fi jAnbwj hopes < inaugurate a plai by whf ^ two-^epirtiMu'tfl, name OJfrfe v. p. r.r may m?it( /mpar at* li c a at i- tlflcn Meh rnontl r>ad and' talks i 'o I v ^T-3 1^4 | Mil 1/ It 1W"* ?. ''ilrniv I il 111 f '-ju?lti ' H'J I * 'I Ifftl oR Ayn 1 rtn* J - *Pr'^^r /V <&.??%*. the reWtlrewerk of each depart meat. They. h<jpe to cot erery lady In the *to?n to loin with them la the , wort Of the? dejmrtmeotve A very important meetln* wIII be held on Tneeday afternoon, January 9, at 3 o'clock la the School Auditorium. At thin meeting the work tor the year Will be siren In a definite form and active etepe taken aloes an llnee. " 'Vt'* r,- - C by eome of our rood cltlnene to octet, 1 j liah a library to oar mldet and for a aplendtd public Ifhrary wMeh'now etanda aa a monument to their unttr nf mu ana energy- ?no principal moving spirits at the beginning betog Hon. J. H. Small. MwJRW. Carter. Rev. X. A. 8ullivaa. Mr. J. B. 8parrow, Prtrf? Nv'C. Nowbold. Mnr. A, L. Botta, Mrs. S. R. Fowls,-Mm. 8.: C. Bragaw, Mr. W.L. Vaughan. Mm: John . Rodman and Mrs. J. W. Dally, with a number of other valiant helpers who rendered valuable aid. There was a formal organisation on the night oNldch 28th, when a library meeting was bold, at the Young Men's 4'hrlstlaji league rooms Lo which all cltlxeha were Invited. Fifty-Jour vtoso present, and the following names, numbering twenty-six Were given In for membership: J. H. Small. W. K. Jacobaou. J. ft. Latham. W.U Vanghan, J. F. Tay/^vfc. p: Bland, N. L. Simmons. Mrs. H. W. Carfer, Mra A. li Bolts. Mra. J. C. Redman. Mra J. W. Dally. MT^'W. P. Baugham, Mrs. S." C. Br^gaw, Mra. W. R. Bright, v Mra T. X. Wham, Miss Bethany Camper* Miss 'Florence Win hold, Mrs. 8. R. Fowle, Mra T. J. Harding. Miaa Mary L. CoweU, Rev. J. A. Sullivan, Mr. P, Q. Brjmlk. Mr. H. 3. Ward, Prof. N. C.^Newbold Mr. X.'B. Sparrow Mr. 8, CyBragaw. The following offlcoje were elected for a year:" Mr- J. B. Sparrow, preahdptocm O. Leach, vice presl-.} dent; W. ,U Va?dhau, WWWTtreasurer. . # - J 4 - ?' ^ Vy Jitfgt.'? The board of trustees: The officers above named and Mra 8. R. Fotrle. Mrs. S.^J. Bragaw, Mr. I T. Tayloe and Prof N.,,C. Nowbold. A plan was laid out tpr a thorough and systematic canvass of the entire ' city. and committee"* were appointed , with tth^oaimlUeaa In each ward to solicit members; and thus the enorm| oui wort of a house to honae canvass was divided, and the first campaign ' du.ln^th. flwt month it?M ?? counted" charter members. 1;',!* iJ I We.Mr ro^tlno wm held la the change Vr j5MOK'Nw \ f J / \ UL| j .r^tSfPi V I if 1 -j II "/' '*5* *, ? -wjE? ? ?*| J II ill h nnllLllV B J I) Uuli 11II fa (In IV * V mm WS M VlUiyilll If _- '_ B III ||||IIHIl llllllnlll Er 1 vUVU&l UliUll II : ^ *| -* . ' f -J | IN THE PRESENCE OP A^TOlfRKB , OF FKUXD8, JUDGE STEPHEN , U. BRACiAW WAS ADMINISTER. Y ED THE OATH OF OFFICE BT t ASSOCIATE JUSTICE CBBO. 8.: v BROWN OF THE SUPREME. t .COURT OF NORTH CAROLINA. jt ?? s Hardly baa Washington ^ever had 11 a mora Interesting event to occur1 within her borders thjin the adminia- * tratlon of .the oath of office to Judgo 4 Stephen Bragaw this morning. ' 1 It happens that today la the \ twentieth anniversary of the day upon which he first opened hU law offlee in New Heme for the practice ^ of his chosen profession. ^The-bath ef office was adnrtnikteb*i( ed by Associate Joalieh George H. | x Byown, of the Supreme C6ort _ erfU North Carolina, "and-twenty -years , ago, Justice Brown, then Judge ofi, the First District or North Carolina, jj presiding in the Superior Court ht , New Bern, administered the oaths to , yf ung Dragaw and admitted him to ( the practice of the law. Now Justice Brown qualifies Judge Brafcaw to preside *s Judge of tbd Same dlstriet j that Judge Brown then honored as i Superior Court Judge. _ *^'r-*V; The oaths taken by Judfp Bragaw were taken upon the.New Testament owned by Hon. Stephen Cambreteng. a member, of the Bar Of Neij York "j State, the great-great uncle of lodge Bragaw, and the same Stephen Cambrelcna after whom Stephen Cambre loos BruKsu was named. rjuj^jv : The oaths administered were subscribed br Judge Bragsw with the , pen which Hon- Chu*hUI Cembreleng. Minister Plenipotentiary to ; Russia, and brother to Hon. Stephen Cambreleng, brought with him to this country from Oxford, Kngleird, and which baa been preserved aa .a family heirloom because used In the signing of Important documents pud treatTes between tht United statea ; and foreign governments The following witnessed the Impressive administration of the oath H. e. Carter, Jr . A, D. Maclean J D. Orltrtes, C M. Hmwn, D^M Carter E. A. Daniel C. H. Mirdlng, W. D. Grimes. W A. Thompson. W C. RodJao.'o. Rrssser Jr.. W C cVdon. F. C. K11 (tier, Kelly Myem. Mlj/varcl? Myers. Miss K.tle I?r?*Sw, Mrs. Edward L. Stewart, Mrs* Stephen C. Brasaw. Ml.. K M.B. Ho-:, Bern. J DO. tt Small, -Harry MeMnlUn.Mr,. III C. Brags*. Mm inn. O. BrW.?, EftNOON, JANUARY 1, : Published 1 ffigjl^o* *?* BtlT M ? * > . TWOQD ALLLIGOOD RELENTS WHEN SEIZED BY I E. MORS! M Pacificator Vm Jed* Mm* Who Told tbe Defead. Mi te Bo Good tor fhm Tlriirii of Yc?r. Judge Grlmee hu for a long time a erecting premises of wayferBood. but Ue pot U.pp U fetwell AlUgood thla morning to atari May with a Now Year's reeoletioc Jdgar Summerell ware pa?ing dowr he toad in the Long Acre aectloi rhaa they reached a house in erhlcl it wood Alligood waah seated. Atwel raa spiffllcated, to other words, h< tad on a beautiful ante-Chrtstmai irannagan. The passer%by asked At rood where he got his stocklngi Hied with so much jag jnlce, whei ie responded by saying that If the; vOtld wait until he -ould load hi ihot gun he would ten them. Load ns her up.^Jis Inquisitors decided t< elephone him back, for a reply, bu Vtwell insisted On telling them, witl lis gun tn hand and they on the re roat'. Thoy finally outdistanced hin in el sworo out a warrant for hltn fo in assault with a deadly weapon tnlde from, hig occasional fondnes or a spree, which have hcretofor iftn harmless ones, Alllgood wa ibie to prove himself a quiet am peaceable young man. -lodge Grinie squired him to pay a fine of $5 au he coet and to gjve a good behavlou Jdhd for the period of tVelve month n which time he is to abstain fror :he use of alcoholic beverages, or return-to court and receive a roa sentence. iDDlSCO BOOK CLUB " TURNED OVER LEA! fin Last Meeting for H? 11 Held I.,.* Friday?Interesting Paper on '.V * Richard III. 1 TT j last mdnttngfot 1911 of th Addlado ftoolj Club wsa hold ?rs.D T. TaylOe .on-Friday aftpi noon Quite a largo number or lb members were fortunate enough t be prasqgt and the Hub had tb itbunnv br entertaining seven Tlattora! The rc?ooin?. with whU the ladlen answer the roll call are a ttaya fall of Intereat ana tsktructlr Richard HI, of England, hls-chn ar.ter and tba ovonta ofbla abort an bloody relgb was the subject of fine paver by Mra. W ?. Orlmea T1 writer closed with-the exclamatln which Shakeepeare telle u? la * morse wrong from the gollty Klnj "What do 1 fear? Myself: There none hMjfci" Thaa drawing a pom e f*l lesson from the nnhappy Richer AftW literary program, 'mo satisfying refreshtDOnla Vera serve and^a llttlng rloae to a most ' NE'V - ' , U mz ?1 In Eastern N< HI a Don't Forgat That This 1 ft writer of the biography of 01 of the country's greatest men, grej In his business success sad great I ^ his work tor humanity, says that h first-employers gars the followli qualifications as the reason why 1 so tarty attracted attention In bni sees: ^ ' "His enthusiasm, his entice tho ougbnees, and hie faculty of applle Uon." These are without doubt the tbn watchwords of success in the b<u ness world today. Ncfie can euoce? without enthusiasm: not merely e fervescent spirits that mean nothiz and accomplish nothing, nor tt FIRST BOJS IN THE WASHINC -VOTING For every $10.00 for Subscriptions, new. or old, sent in by or for \ Contest ants in toe News Voting Contest, between the dates of Dec. 11th and Jan. 8th, 191$, a Bonus Of 40,000 Free Votes will be given. * One, two, or three, or any num. here of years, count on this oner; r any combination may "U used to make $18,008. Persona having; sent In three or B six months aubecriotiona before, may extend their time and the Contestants securing the extension will receive the increase vote. This la positvely the largest Bonus offer that will be made. Oon'.t forget The Dally Bonos that to? with It. J >arAJmnia 01 I DkMct No. 1? ' Mln Morr flh?w , ' Win MadUoe Ellsworth. . 1 Hull Kelly | Miss Fnpnie 8tewsrt. . * .Miss Carrol Willis - . Mri. Mar!on\. Mayo, South Creek > . Mtss^Rena Rowe, Aurora, N. C.. . i Miss Nina Redditt, Edward, N. C. B . Din Miss Lucy G. WOllard, R. F. D. No o Mlas Alice Woolard t Miss Mary Marsh, D^th N. C li Miss Willie Lee Latham. Pantego. - - Miss Nancy Marsh, B[Uk, N. C. . . a Miss Ella Raynor, Leechville, N. C. r Miss "Kate Kborn, Bath, N. C B " Dim B Miss Leta Cortwrlgbt, Swan Qu&ri g Miss Lepale Sllvcrthorn, Middled j Miss Ruth Cipdwick. Rose Bay, I 8 Miss Ruth Sllvcrthorn, Englohard, Rules Governing foulest, s ' Rule l.-m)nly chic bomimitin n coui>on entitling each contestant t 1,000 votes Will ho allowed. Rule 2??Votes can only be ot tatned by securing'subscfiptions pr? paici, renewals, collecting past du subscriptions or by clipping freo-vo' Ing coupons from ^each issue. P Rule 3.?Contestants may secui as many frAj voting certificates a possible and vote them each week. (( ' Rule 4.?Monies collected by Cos testams on" subscriptions must t turned over to Contest Manager t 8 o'clock Saturday night, o? tb week 7n which receipt is ii o sued for same. Failure to, mah h report of such' collection wit] iv In specified time will forfeit yot ie right to votes on such amounts. O s flute 5?Contest Manager's elgnj e' tut? must be affixed to votes hefoi kl same are valid. |h Rule ft.,?No empioye.ol The Pal 1- News, or member of any family eoi $. nected with the paper will be pe r- ml tied to participate ib the contes a to demand * receipt tor money pa L Contea tenia. a Rale 1.?ail moner-ttir eubecrl L tloti tuuat be paid to Contort Ma alter, who pill upon receipt ot asm a ieoe Votlna Coppona to oorer tj r- amount paiil In piece d. Rule p.?*?# queetloti tb?t -am at srtae between conioatauw will ke d d, ternained ^?*? CoJteet ' * NO. 71 orth Carolina m of M Ti workers [s The Last Week of The Dig onus ie (may oversealous kind, bat tfcjfc?.-?ep it sincere enthusiasm that t* getf - > in every battle. ^v,V; Is Enthusiasm is catching, Be ig enthusiastic and tho?$ t Jft 'pproach ie wI11 get enthused r g^nthuslasin m^eaas ^ubscriptlr ' Th? votes in fast now ana cnanges arc- ^aae last m tlie *- standing. ," . * The contest spirit is fast gripping every one and the race is getting hot. ** Have you got your heart in your >1- work? Are you helping by subscribed leg, or are you,setting on the tricky f~ stool of criticism and doubt ?a ?g Its up to you to be a winner or a ?? loser. "* JUS. PERIOD , iTON DAILY NEWS CONTEST, This offer opens a channel you cannot afford to miss. It's easier to get Free Votes now, than to get extra Subscriptions later. -This offer is made to every Contestant regardless of district. Send in your subscriptions every day or every few 4|ys, to enable those in charge to get the papers started at once. Subscriptions, turned in any time between these dates will be counted In this offer. Do not hold them until the last day. Read Rules' 4 and IS (M bw. * ; r OOVTS8TAHTS: WadtlactoB, H. O. . ^ ....... X. rTv . . 478,750 * ;..... 420,000 ... 310,375 180,040 ... 226,55?i trict No. 2. 375.075 l^gbiOO ". 2^500 trlct No. 3. .1 .' 318,050 2*14.300 . 213,075. 9".500 IT.JJUO 14.600 ... ...? 11.760 trict' Xo. 4. * \ ter, N. C. . 65 * 26 jp, X. 1* 60.760 C, c. 28.000 N. C. i 27.200 -*? . reject any name for cause, also to g alter these rules should occasion do- "* ? :nar.d. o Rule 12.?Votes' can-not be transferred by one contestant to another >^ after same have teen place <? to her ej credit. - j t-j Rule 13.?All out of town Col est | ants are allowed the privilege . of mailing their coupons and money col"? lected for subscriptions; such letters ia should be addressed to Contest Muniger, Daily S'ews. The postmark of ?ou. postofflce must show the hour ,e nnd ?late said letter containing votes 'J sntered your office. Theroforp leters or packages bearing the postb [ mark* of the last mail leaving your c ;pfAce nearest the hour named In any V proposition inndq by us will be acr. 'Heeptable. Therefore letters or package* bearing tho postmark of the First * Mail leaving your poatofflce after the hour and dato named In any propo>y anion in ado by na wil be accepted. To.all who enter thla contest w? r- guarantee fair and impartial treat* L melt. . Y Kl For any Information eall on br. idId dress the Content Manager, and eaihe will cheerfully be gfyea. P- Your* respectfully, n- , MISS ETHEL HOUSTON. ?. Contest Mgr. Srhrrtnlr of Vote,. f . ' / II 4 month,; ?lM. . - Wii- 1*0 v*W# ydl ? ? month,. ?1.S0 1*0 f? t rnr, .. ... '* **" "^1* to TTj"

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