I ii n fiAtin atiih R al 1 |L | II11 I 11 I 11 11 % flnll Inlrin II nr ? civ A'nIftpV bi.-. Norfolk, Va.. Jain ^-tlttr* which . hortlr before ? o'clock, i deetrored the tatorior of the old T. M O. A. betiding, the billiard table. I ; and other equipment of the flckwtck 1 Parlor?, tfco' ?tock5 and furniture of Harrr Tabk'l uloon. and the atock IT of ee reads and provlalona la (ho warehooee of the Robert Johnoon Co., broken, rfhe flsrme. also threat[ enod the adjoining propertr. horning ' the all la of the Landmark mechanical department and molting the glass In the wlndewa of the caahler'i room of ft. the OtUeaaa' Bank. The are gran kept In the bnlldlng In which It orlgtn atad-.'jqkgh. and wan tztlngnlabed after a hard dght hp the firemen of meow than three honro Tpe street car ncrotee waa badlr delated. The eaaae of the are Is net known , but * Masted In the kitchen of Harry - Tabb'o place and waa horning like a seething furnace When discovered by a colored pcrhb-woman named "Fan. , nr" la the ClUnena' Bonk. She notl"" fled Cha .watchman of the halldlng. 3k who turned a the alarm and In done than twa minutes after the Bamw nrt mm mhootlnt oat ?f <% J*r <*!< IdUN tfc? 0WOWH WW on ttan 1 HMUMS WE IIMIW ?> . riAlTTIf (TFVflXilil TKLKhHQwn wy?' 1 t TRwJ ^ ute snokrion is critical BP ' i r t Rlehmeed. Va.. Jan. t.?Governor J - Man* tkla afternoon received n'telepboae call from tbe aheriff of Inle.of vfrlght ceenty. Warning him that ba might be called upon at any moment for treepe to protect property near h ' Smtthfteld from dent ruction at the r handa of Italian laborer*, who are eaid to be rioting and threalenlnt; j bloodabad. . > . Q*v?rMr Minn la aeeklag to ?ommustcate with Judge Waddlll. who la holding court today to Alexandria, j - with two alow of hoTlog Federal Fif regal are aont from Fort Mhnroe to . protect the property In the handa at L * the Federal Coert. "55 ' Iff T*? Italian colony has already been entntned by Jndge 'waddlll from Interfering with the plent. i. The Italians are. tfseparate, aa they I have add been paid their wagee and ; J do net nnOeretand the delay In get* ting their aooney. Tha.shorts eaya th^gtnatloa 1a critical. ~ - SI . . . < RWIHRnp - MMer Cecil. C?pt. J. H. Mow r it; from Lowland. Ocbaanar J. r. Morria. Capt.' M. R. W?K?I trom Qaylord Maamer Rhjloh, Capt Wm PalTin: from Tmrboro. - Loadm* wttt 1.00P b ax* cotton' aaad U Brapaw'a warahouaa. taavea thla mornlnp at "?ZZrj.T;,-? Xr+tonn?r Ooldleaf Cant glmoaon I ~.r Otic D. T^S. C.,Th W Race it; from ROM Dei Carto, Fallowing arc the dapartnree p1(XA,,m' ?*r CUrtq"^ Schooner Rcbece. Ball; tor South > Creak. .*,> .f JFfFlJiZZZ*'' c"t'A J B* at; ' ? Portemouth. I fl d Ite'ra' * " ** 1 x * n mi f n . " r? ' Morning Ruins the Old 1 Much Other Valuable Estimated at SM.OCO icon's When tho blaxe waa .out and h occupants pf tbo plana wera peril ttted to antar they eetlraaled that heir combined loaa would reach 1*1.000. partly oorarad by Inauranoa rha damage to the building, which jolonga to tha Orandy aatate. a hot rat knoarn. - - , ' The office and warehouse Of the Robert Johnson Company are Im nedlately south and adjoining the T *. C. A. building, and while no damme was done to either br tha fige. he stock was completely ruined by eater and some of the framework eaa scorched by tha boat of the latnea. Tha atock of eersula. meal _ :otoc Med ml, canned goods end provisions ?u distributed on the J core at the three etorlee of the warehouse and on the first floor la ilmoet floating to water. Mr. Johnion did not oome down to him'office until Into |n the day aafl after In wootlng the stock salifhe was unable to estimate the damage done. He alio laid that he carried a heavy Insurance at all timed and that the lose ; was probably tally covered. His bunlaces, ho said, would not be Interfered with as he bae another warehouse in another perl of the city. GOVERNOR KITCHEN WILL SOON DECLARE HIMSELF WIU Inject Ginger Ja the Onanpnlgn Prose the Start?A Warm Campaign b Predicted. ~~ v. 1 Greensboro. Jsn. ? ?Before leering here Sunday afternoon. -Hot. w. W. Kttohln 1*^ It be known to hb frtepds that at-an ^erly data, prob- | srsswiErair peech will be In the nature of a political scorcher and that It wiU be chock full of sentences of pertinent Interest to> Senator Simmons and Editor 'ttetffela. Governor Kltchln's visit here Inspired his friends and supporters to new efforts and they have been uunsually active since Mk -1 appearance' It Is conceded that the i governor Is a mighty. strong candl- < date in^heee parts ??? SMMSJIECEIVES ;! IN HOSPITABLE HOME Complimentary to Host* of Friends of Mr. futd Mrs. W. L Vanghaa, Mrs. B. 8. Simmons, Mother of the Bride, Entertain*. Attesting the popularity of Mr. and Mrs. W.'L. Vatkghan. hosts of their friends called-at the beautiful home of Mrs. K. 8. Slmmone In East Main street last evening at a^publtc Voceptlon given In their honor. From 9 until li o'clock there wan a constant strfcam of callers who* extended, to the happy and popular couple their best wishes, only for the N?w Tear, but lor years to oomo. The hostess was assisted In recelvIng by Mr. and Mrs. Norwood L. Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Bell and Miss Martha Ferel^ee, ot Oxford. C*ko and wine waa aerved to ike call era, and the beautiful decoration* of potted plant* lent a Meaning aepeet to the tni.rnrten. H "Til I >"?? 'in, I Following la a Hat of letter* remainlng uncalled for la the poet ofdee at Waehlngton. N. C.. for the week ending Deo. Id, 1111: Gentlemen:?W. T. Aliooek. Chaa. K. Baldwin. B. B. Beealy, Mr. and Mre. The. H Qnnlel, Capt. John W. Brana.' John Onrrell. Wallace D. Kalian A. T. Lane. George Lety.lL H. Shepherd. W. J.Batehwell. < lit.: J. C. Bright. Narla Brownt. Mlaa Lenk Clinton. Mia* Miner Derta. cure Edward. Ulan *Mary Moore, ail" ?r-'xzp" K,d' len Wka'h. Mr. Emmer Wlnatead. Theee letter* will be eont to the dead letter offloe January 16, 1911. IkHSHr'"""" |AIX ^ Twe /e*s? p?*j?. !v Icoyfie gw>J \ AHmlmTfl? tCopyrlcht. \?iL> LHOFPEACE ^ mmmu TERRORS OF WA1 AMERICA* HISTORY 18 THE BOOK OF JUDGES. ^ >ISRV Of COMMON COUNTRY j.^n Mil RATIFICAHOS or THE ARBITRATION TREATIES ARK THE FWE8T INSTANCES OF THE-MORAL IBHTIATIVK OF AMERICA. " ' Columbia. 8. C.. Jan. 1?Dr. a. C. Mitchell, president of the University ?f South Carolina, is an enthusiastic advocate of the ratlficatlo^Vftho Arbitration Treatlee with "England and France. "They are the finest, instances of the moral tnltiaUve of America." he Mild. "They ?Rr the crown of President Taft's achievements, and they are destined to be, if ratified, the glory of our common country. . jOur people believe in the principles of tfieee treaties, and they are willing to accept tho judgment of such lawyers as Prealdent Taft. Secretary Knox,-and 8enators Culloni. Burton and Root upon the constitutionality of t&e treaties without amendment. "France was a friend In need, and with the Mother country we have not not had war lor nearly a hundred ypars. These treaties rather register a fact already accomplished 'w mark on ' innovation 'in the foreign policy of the United States with reference to these two great nations, supreme t? intelllgonce 'and Justice. "These treaties, tn effect, say *hat we. as a nation, have such great confidence In, the sanity and conscience of both Britain and Fraqe? that they will not ash of ns anything that our national benot wlft* not M able to oowpdew Itho i* loes of rank or InternaUhj&l preetlge. And in . effect this. An : the other hand, 4s what Frays and England pay to us. "rheee three nations have reached loerpoini ua intelligence, justice ud human brotherhood where they hre willing to eubetitute la all disputes between them readbn and law ,|*jt brute foroo and human carnage. "The league p# peace which thee? three nation, would thus patabllsh, will eenre as an Umpiring example to all other peoples cruehed toLjfce earth by the Weight of armament*.. The i^tlona today are spending two and a half billion dollars annually on wedpOas of war. The greatest relief that can come to mankind today would b? to lift thl. lORd. ."Thojnlquo fwture of our gyjernmafita ie the snpremacy of the Judiciary. With ue the final Word is l? tZ Book of JuditM. It -m John t*r.h?ll who engr.fted thl. principle lu our ?ou.tltutlt*, i??kln?.^he Supreme ^our /jo>ro^ vAlWl / piJAPPOiNT- LTV**.' * y MINT hfUK \ 1 ^NOTMERj >3 the rightful arbiter between thd i? f>| e|atee .of oar I"nton This pi HldA, |f| worked oat on our toil. In nowio ho applied Internationally by So eatabltshment Of the Court of imtrftl Justioos ait The Hniue. f*** { , "The Arbitration trontlee whjh u Prenldent Tnft hnn arrucel wHh France and Britain are a (mat itik .. toward thin tool. Thono treatfta hOTe awakened In Franow and BW' land unapoakaUw Joy. and oub?c opinion, without regard to partly, pa n eupportlng the reapectlre foaM- & manta In their ratification. It Ufr not be that Amerloana, eonaolodfM ln the moral mlnolon of their ooanMr In b the world, will Wl In thplr euppwrt m of the Prealdent'a policy, an anllfht- p, ened. and ao conalatent with ty t&jnanilnd In qnickealng the" aanae of hnmih brotherhood, Juatlea; and ? pmm." ? wi ' SEABOARD WAKING ' A npinvm rniyrr nnirrr HutUl IU kOAffiiC HUUIb 11m Is Believed to Be for Central ^ Repair Shops. n Durham. N, C.. Jan. 2.?The puras chase by the Seaboard Railway Com- of pany.of 1*9 acres of-land at Norllna, a small station on the main llno^f yf the Seaboard about 40 miles nortffof h, Durham, tends to confirm a rumor, ti current here for several weeks, that. Ju the Seaboard contemplates the erec- cu tion of a large repair shop at Norllna in connection with the change xi in the route of'the u^ain llnp of the a Seaboard from via Keleigh to via ed Durtiam. The principal repair shops of the Seaboard are now located at ft, Portsmouth and a repair shop la also w located at Raleigh. It is thought that hi both of the shops will be combined g, at Norllna. making this town to the Seaboard what Spencer is to the Southern. ^ at It has been generally known for ut some time that the officials hive had under consideration a change xof tbo^( main line from Raleigh to Durham, te Within the past few'days It EB be- T( come known that the present main it, line of the Sekhoard would bo ex- jp\ended from KT|TjMW|>f P"'",- ? ham, to a point afoul 26 miles tedth mm of Raleigh, where connections win [| again be made with the breeerit main Una. This would leavo both Henderson and Raleigh off the main line entirely. Tfo road -from Norllna to sveseigu wuuiu uss lutsuo * ew-u line. The main Us* of the 8e?bo?rd " through thle eeetion would be nhort- , ened About JO mtlee by the change M??mU?i^rwTb"a l?t week and >ttonr effort H being made * to hare the line to Darhnm leare the present main line at Henderson In- ? stead of Norllna. Norllna is- the " Junction poltit at which the Richthe Junction point of thff line to Dorham for that nmo>. tv > J L.\ FTr ^ . t. jFrofc - * O. T. Tulllnghem, Esq.. of Wlteon, ^ la at The Uonkte . > M Oeo. W Kejee of Raleigh, le in M llbe cur. a DbfiWn , X ^ ??? y2A1T(I?K! HLB S BODY FOUND III WATERY CRAVE Ml* B?H Bmith Who Followed. . M*r Brothers to Work Laet Wuk 1* Finally Found. DM*m. Jan. 2.?The dead body ItyUe Beefcie Hay Smith, the threear-old daughter of Robert Smith, Orange county, who ha* been lo*t io* last Thursday, ha* been found Collina' Creek, a mile and a half na her home by a Marching party, mpoeed of University students and ople of the surrounding country. Usually this creek ha* little water MLOh lMhO deep hHtit The oeotrntfimadethe current very -ift._*nd the child evidently fell lnthe creek ^>n the Jlrst night she is lost. FEUDAL HATFIELD SLAYS A PHYSICIAN m ^of - "Devil " Anne" Hatfield Avenges lUow With Death. Charleston. \Y- Vs., Jan. 2?Dr. E. Thornliill.a v^U known physician id business man of southern section western Virginia, was shot Ind lied today by Willis Hatfield, son the noted feudist "devil Anse" atfleld? In a drug store at Mullens, le physician was attending an inred person when the Bhooling ocrred. Hatfield. It Is; said, asked Dr. lornhlll to issue a prescription for pint of whiskey. The doctor refusi and when Hatfield used abusive nguage, the physician slapped him. atfield, It is said,'drew a revolver id fired tWoi bullets Into Dr. ThornII'b body. 8tepplng closer, he again -ed two more abots. each taking efr ct In the head of the prostrate man. Hatfield ran from the drug store id was captured within a few mines by persona who had witnessed e shooting. Pesirlng lynching. Hatad pleaded with the of Soaps to p root him and he was taken to Pinelie. the county seat, where deputy erlffs -tonight are guarding the all prison. x I IclEAH raitlllEO RAR IKACIITlim ibwv w vaiiaawti ; **.' ' ' > , . '* '-": ,l . . WipllaMataiy .10 -Judge 8. .0. Braaaw, Attonar 4. D. MmcU>l Sttttttbtd ?Mh. ' ******* flTlmMW>rt>y ml Monday mam. Attorney A. . MaeLaan entertained the Waebigton Bar Aaaoelatlon, at which all to member* vara preeent except My. B. .Nlcholaon. who waa detain*! at of the city. Heetdeh the membefn r the Bar: Auodate J net Ire Judge eorge Brown, and Hon John H mall ware preeent. who added reatly to the plaaaore at the cyanic by relating remlnlecencea or their erly local and political camera." The tatter waa purely Informal, Mr. lacBaan acquitting hlmaelr ' admlrhly aa hoot. -*V 1 s * eu? g? 1912 - ^ , ?? . i i i l . ? .. .1 l n Eastern^ No sum - BIG FBI . . 'i . ;? Contestants Are Moving Wl . Who Will Win U of Conv< *> Just four more days and the First i BOnus Period of the Dally News Con- t test will be a thing of the past. The 1 Contestants are all working like t Trojans to win these free rotes, and* \ Jo the lacky ones It will certainly be 1 a big boost to their standing. Dpn't hold back, wondering what < will be offered next, bbt jump in now ] and make these four days count. j You cannot win sitting around B-nn/larlnv wKat ?? ? ?- -* ? inc. but make up your minds to win, |t ? FIRST BON I IN THE WASH IN GT VOTING Ci For every $20.00 for Subscriptions, now or old, sent in by or for ( Contestants In the Metre Voting I Contest, between the dates of Dec. * lith and Jan. 8th, 1912, a Bonus ( of 40,000 Free Votes will be given. 1 One, two; or three, or any nam- 1 bers of years, count en this offer; any combination may be used to make $20,000. Persons haying sent In three or e six months subscriptions before, may extend their time and the * Contestants securing the extension t will receive the Increase vote. t , This is positvely the largest Bonus offer that will be made. 0 Don't forget The Dally Bonus that h goes with It. a STANDING OF C District No. 1?Wa Miss Lilllan^wanaer. .... Miss Mhry Shaw Miss Mad line Ellsworth Miss Little Kelly Miss Fannie Ht ear art MIm Carrot ,W lilts. Diatrici Mtb. Marion T. Mayo, South Crook. . . MIm Rena Rove, Aurora, N. C MIm Nina Redditt, Edward. N. C.... Dlstrici "MIm Lucy G. Wollard, R. F. D. No. 1. Miss Alice'Wooiard MIm Mary Marsh, Bath N. C Miss WUUe Lee Latham. Pantego.. Mlka Nancy Marsh, Bath, N. C.> MIbs Ella Baynor, Leechville, N. C.. . . Miss Kate Eborn, Bath, N. C.. ....... District Miss I^eta Cartwrigbt, Swan Quarter. Miss Lessie Silverthorn, iMiddletou, Miss Rtith Chadwick, Rose Bay, N. 0 Miss Ruth Silverthorn, Englohard,"ft. ltules Governing Content. h \ Rule 1.?Only nominating a coupon entitling each contestant to u 1,000 votes wfcli be allowed. Rule 2.?Votes can only be ob-s tained by securing subscriptions pre- a paid, renewals, collecting past "due c subscriptions or by clipping tree voting coupons from each iMue. Rule 3.?Contestants may secure aa many free voting certificates as g] possible and vote them each week. a Rule 4.?Monies collected by Con- y testaeta on subscriptions must be s turned over to Contedt Manager by e 8 o'clock Saturday night, qf the ti *m| In which receipt la la- n Bed for Mine. Failure to make /> report of aoch collection with- p In specified time will forfeit your o right to to tee on such amounts. Rule S?CoEteet Manager's sfgna- b tore mn^ be affixed to rotes befoie 1 seme art valid. h Role 8.?No employe of The Dally News, or member of any family ooneccted with the paper MUX be per- f mlcted to participate ta the contest, a Rale 7.?Subscribers are eouttoned to demand a reoetpt for money paid d Contestants. ? Rule 8.?All money for subscription mast be paid to Contest JCaaager, who will upon receipt of same, Isne Votlpg Coupons to coyer the amount pald la. , m, Rui? aMl ?wuu mt m 1 arise between contestants wiU be de- I termined by the Contest Maaam. ] and this decision wHl be ftaaL v-; J Rule 10.?Contestants axe at liberty to ssevre sabecriptiona any*b.i? rcttrofeM of wh?t dtotrlct th.y to / 1 Roto 11.?Tlx tlchl to nooroi to 1 1*. ^ rth Carolina | Z MB PEW 1 th a Vim' and "I Wonder . | ** la theTTheme " vE^M ;rsation < . ind with that aim In y'cry^'keep a- ' |s llggln." Fcrsistencroughices always havr/mad hey can be. ed to doest >Olnt If rv make ur rour 'j minds to do so. If you have failed ao far to secure iae of these Donas offers, yop still lave time to get even two or .thv'ee Do not let the "other fellow" get ill of them, but make up your mind ;hat you tye in the running, too. JS PERIOD ON-DAILY NEWS ONTEST This offer opens a channel you an not afford to mise. It's easier o get Free Votes now, than to get txtra Subscriptions later. This ofer la made to every Contestant * egardless of district. ?->, Send In your subscriptions very day or every few days, to I ' 3 nable those In charge to get the apers started at once. Subscript * * ions turned in any time between * bene dates will bo counted la thin >SH ffer. Do not hold them until the tat day. Read Rules 4 and Id nd get busy. OHTB8TANTB: ita.Tit 4bd.it* 481.Jit , i'M ? 4a*.m v w 31*.?7t / : ? #.* * ^ -?jj V. aac.sft* t Ho. 2. , *'gj 3 7 6.#7* 266.40# 49 223,89# t No. 3. m,m 294,29# 213.078 90.809 17.80# '2 , 14,60# r 11,760 :S33 fc No.' 4. N. C 85.626 N. C 50,75# 38.0## C . . . 30.2## i? eject any- name for cause, also to Iter these rules should occasion deirtud. V ** Rule 12.?Votes can not be tTAne ^ ^ v"^S jrred by.one contestant to another f: fter same have been placed to her redit. J Rule 13.?All out of town Coteetnta are allowed the privilege Of jailing thelK^oupoas and money cplscted for'subscriptions; such letters -? o?^-u .U WUIEBI M*** ger, Dally News. The postmark Of our poatofflce must show the hour nd date said letter containing yotea utered your office. Therefore 1st>rs or packages bearing the postiarrk of the last mair leering-your fflce nearest the hour named In anr reposition made by as will he rentable. , J Therefore letters or packages , rv .m earing the pofytdkrk of the Find [all learlng your postofftoe after the x bur and date named la any grope* It Jon made by us wtl be accepted. . To *11 who eater this esptmrt uaraatee fair and impartial treuttent. . 3Lj For/any information call on or adreas the Contest Maaagsr, and same rill cheerfnlly be given. Yours respectfully, vEBaP MISS BTHEL HOUSTON. '* Contest Mgr. ?fi Schedule of Votes, months, fittOQ. rotes . months, fl.SO. rwW "'jSPM . . l.ooo -rotes ? S I' years* M.OO.'.V. .,.1,500 rotes >jj I years. 99 00. . A . . . . . 4.000 roles i years, f*f :00.. notes, L . Q? ? rw>. |I0.m'.>...I(.0N nik. IS rMrm. ST4.M .. .1S0.SM r?w? , -W **l j ' > ' V -1