_ w i 11S11 A * II I 1 'ill I I tv| ! iivrrvt i uii in It Is Predicted that the ExMatters When he Finally! OyBter Bar. Jen. ?Theodore *ooee*?#i jrtlJ probably be hoard ; from la do uncertain terma within the meet two weeks as to his political attitude. Friends say his first consideration will be the welfare of the Republican party. While scores/ of statements hate been made public by prominent Republicans saying they believe the re nomination of Taft will msan the complete rout of the Republican party the rormer President has received similar reports by the tens of Upon h clone I investigation Into thaae reports, an examination that win not only deal with rumora and personal opinion, but with plain (acta aud practical politics, will real Mr. BooamU'e dacUlon. according to some of his closest adrt^r. Upon his return here tonight he waa MkM * regard to a rumor/that Prteldamt Taft had. told trtende that he em dor to retire from the Presidential ooniait it Rooaevelt will an "I Wt ballave ( word of It." bo & . W rondrmed 1 should UK bow ? word to oar Stent- Tho rumor la 1, .. . . hlMUAV.i " an ippnaDie am> n" sv er. Quaatlaoia aa to" a report that BoeiwUUT Rlllas and Otto Bannard Mad are* kin and dalirared a mad. saga fren tha President, ha said: ."I haran't aoso'alther of than and [ i , h'ava no appolntmant 1 bare said 1 am witling to aoo anr one." ,-~j ANTI-9ARH0N LEAGUE ORGANIZED IN OHift Bryan Heralded as "Ahkwt to RepreM-nt Progressl* ? I?l? at* ,,, i many of the conferees who tddfcy organ taad the ProgroMlee Democratic J-^agoe of Ohio had avowed th.ir intention to declare against the Preal-, | jfrmiUal -candidacy of Oov. Judson Harmon, his name waa mentioned only incidentally. Ex-Congree?insn John J. boat* of this city was 'elected present f The name of W. J. Rryan, heraid, BSjjp* ed as "ablest to represent the Pro* gresstve Ideals In any party," was rei eetved vdk applause. Tie reeelutiouB. relating wholly to delegates and aot outlining any prin| ciplea. In any party. .'X? I - "That to protect the Progressive Democrats of Ohio against the possil?I>.. bUttr of any traitor among those 48 delegates, tt la Imperative that no adl;V , yocate. associate, protector, allj. sgenf, v enwnsel, attorney, receiver, champion or hireling of Wall street or other predatory latereet be choeen g?&; as delegate." VA '' " r ^ ' ' ' MRI&:. : ' VKH8KI.S Ilf PORT ji returning are the arrivals: - ; Hi?i Carrie S., Capt Stowe; ?V " from Ross Marsh.' Cargo, oysters. Schooner Maggie. Capt- W. H. ^ v GaskfU; from Wyatt. Cargo, oysters. 'g J Schooner Rose Pierce. Capt WW. Ossklll; from Wyatt. Cargo, oysters Schooner Lurena.^ Capt. Wm Godderd; front Lutton." Cargo, oysters. Sdhebner Casey Jones, Capt. Rosa Godwin; from Oooee Creek. Cargo, Mppner Myrtle. Capt W. R. Ped, Ktmm '..erigkp llode Wleteadrflle. Cargo, gen (KWxmer S&rmh P. lfldratt, C?pt J. *- Btrry; from Swia Qu*rUr % eotMm. ^ r?4?: "I, H ftedtlitt property art tow?*ihlf> at- Urfe, w)? relieved o , _ , ^ ? President will not^Jftp^e IxpEtsses Himself. Peace eason for Discussion ?**? iimj The former President would not permit any question to be pat to him in regard to the New York Assembly Speakership content. HJp friends any that he hps close acquaintances on both sides, but believes th^nembers should be left to thsmselTss In the matter of organlsBlloe. " ^ Although GIfford Plnchot has rocen tir boon supporting , Senator La Follotto'S boom, frlteds of Roosevelt say there hah not been the slightest break between the sx-President and the former forester. In regard to a Washington despatch Roosevelt was asged: "It Is reported that on Friday evening you will make a speech at a dinner that #111 be of great Interset?" .<? -J- J "To electrify things?eh?"?he replied. "Well I can say I hare no dinner engagements. I am not yet hungry." The former President saitH^e had done nothing olio way or pnotbW in regard to his name being placed in _ nomination tn the Nebraska prlmar- " tee. When-aaltod If any one of <**- I sequence or authority bad arranged 1 to place his name before the voters in the New Jersky primaries Rooee- . vent repjie^: -"That would require n definition of authority or of consequence. I will not deny or affirm Tumors of the sort. Of course .the Peace Dinner, with Its etrong-arm l men preserving peace, presented a reason for discussion, but now the Peacq Dinner is over." J -r>.?*K ->- j MORE THAN NINE DOLLARS PER mm AVERAGE ? The Method Mm Showed That This Average Had Been liaised Lns^. ITT !>' At the First M. BL-church on last evening at 7:30 o'clock .Rev. }. T. Ulbbs, D. a. presiding elder, tfjjened i the meeting with approprlafe reltg, loua services. Mr. C. O, Harris was ! elected secretary. The pastor called i the -npll and twelve members ?responded. Reference to the past year showed $4,065,10 raised tor all pur- ; poeee? an -average of more than $9 ,per member; aleotwenty-nin^ me Ahers were received. Stage the last meeting eleven children haye been baptised and six persons have been taken Into thememberehlp. All the business of the church is la hopeful condition. Messrs. z. -N. Leggett, C. F. Bland. W. K. Jacobson and C. O. Harris were elected as delegates to the district conference to be held in Bethel, probably in March. Prof. rtJ C. Newbold was elected church leader. Several ladles sealousty attended and added interest to [the meeting. Their own work made a very satisfactory showing. ALEXANDER I*OPE WAS RIGHT. The proper study of mankind is man.?Alexander Pope. .flr ; ? Mr. Pope, who was writing poetry about 200 years ago. was exatftlj right In his declaration qy*ted ' above.. If you would study mas you , mdst study his deeds. ?? " Where will you learn about them except to the newspapers ? These accurate ^tuplbrle* of .tU world's affairs tell what man la* doing ^everywhere whether It la flying through the air, stealing a million, dollars, laboring for world peace; murder or trjlng to' Map. pontchment tor on* already don. making . political .peach ef watching the antic, ol a comet. Nothing that 1. lnt?r?.Un* or lm 9 ^irtAtir- nl fc ' ?? to the reader for ? cant or two. I Can you. can any one. afford to miee inch a mental treat and Snanclal r barffaln? t Tia tSr Daily !??*! Mllsca Ellen and Vary *001%. of e Wlnateadvllle. were here veeterday f op route to the Oraenrllle Training 1 Khool. ? " ' . Mrs. 0 A. Flynn and Mlae Ida e riyna left today for a rlilt to Baltlmoeo. jjMf pW 5J V'.,-' tj. v- jy fji < I %TT Ly-J \ ^ I i- I Vbopymni iau.? ^ XISSOROUrilS SEVERED FROI BUR EXCHANGES The Famous Sheet Quarrel. For the commercial traveler is a >oorJn. critter; he has no wife sith'hlm to hear his complaints and loin in the chorus of hie angor; ho must fight the landlord on his own account and cannot make his wife's comfort the excuse of his demands ror extra and long bedclothes. At home, he may accuse his spouse of ismanding'the lion's share of comrort, he may even rehearse the familiar straps of that lovely SwinburIka lyric: , >f&*. ' There! take tho blanket, take the But do not touch me' with your feet Of tee, Frosttnet But on the road the traveling man is 'alone and-must fight for his own exstecce. The mezpory of home with Its snug bed room only makes him tho'more exasperated with the skimpy bed linon and dingy blankets of'"the road." ,It-*is small wonder that he rebelled, and it wouldn't be strange if the court of appeals in Virginia unheld his main contention.? New York Bvenlng.?on. t Would Not Lookr Natural. Mr. Rooadvelt's militant characteristics hare been featured so Ion* he probably felt he would not look natural at that peace banquet.?Dee Moines Capital. ' ' 1 Protmbl^ So. > Let the girls at Wellealey be not dismayed. Several Presidents of the United States could not s^ell "beHere" or ."receive" or "separate."? Chicago Examiner. Important Deeovcry. Among the Imporant discoveries of the dying year we count that of the Sherman law by a certain highly organised oprtlon of the Uuslneae community.?St. Louis Republic. Dangerous Flank. If it Is true that Colonel Bryan will attempt to put a prohibition plank la national Democratic platform. It a^tll be surprising If Hob. Roger Sullivan does not get an apopletle stroke la tMfc ' sad Hon.Tom Taggart barat a blood vases! , Dallas Ne wfs >- :; jgiw; , * ' SB Ooeasdios Not Wlrties*. Since Nick Long^orth % has 4* etared father-in-law will not be a candidate for the preeideacy. there 4s every season to believe Oyster Bay doesn't keep ' up constant slrsl? connection #ith Cincinnati.?Nsah ?? ... Chamber orCtfmmarto wltFhdW i regular meeting neat Tneeday ntiht ftomeeeekere excursion will raaot tbi. city on the Htlu,, # , *' * ' Sterling's OTttrr plar want Aowr tbla* morning earning several tool or ehelle wllh It. . .. , , r Dally Papei i . <i ? the 10,000 MDS-FISB II-1 . LOADED HEREYESTERDAY Unusually Rarly Catch of Trout And ' OoaMN Recorded Down the 1 Hirer Attributed to High Winds at Sea. J The "Annie Lena White," and "Alma White" came^Uo this Prt 1 ^yesterday laden With 10,000 pounds of trout and croakers. This is an unusually early catchy and a record catch, as only & small, percentage of the fish came to this market. This unusually early catch* la attributed to the high seas off the coast dr them In sheltered waters. A'lyiek shad was receiver hafe last ntt&t, 1 V h) ^ 1% .tOatkmail I in tho season. MR. HODGES OF PEWRT urn i nnnunn rri ??r*ri* WILL Hbtm IU rlbnl Makes an Incendiary 8(>eech in Winston-Salem?Socialism Hi* Theme. . Winaton-Salom, Jan. 2.?The Socialist party of Nortl^.Carolina with repreaentatives from twelve coun-1 ties, numbering 100 delegates, in. a I convention here yesterday, was treated to the spectacle of It. IS. Hodges, a | delegate from Beaufort, shouting that "Socialists will refuse to fight in the nextSvar in which the United States engages regardlestof what nation may be -the attacking party. We. w]ll let the Capitalists who caused the war do t*? <1 rh* 1 n~ for Uncle Sam, if any fighting is done." Tho declaration was made by several delegates that tl)e Socialists would put out a full ticket in the state, at a convention to be held this spring. The opinion waa given' by some that the fifth district* would by their main fighting ground, and J. W. Shields of Guilford said that sir thousand votes would be cast against the congressional candidate of the Democrats next time. lie did noHuiy that the Socialist'a candidate would get those votes. ll R. Carter or New Orleans, an organiser, also apoke. WROMtSWIBESWME" . EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR _____ >* I Ow Regular Oorreepondeut Con1 ?tiftahs an Interesting KjjHRB Letter. Thursday evening. Dm. 11. ths Snail High school quarts! gave an satortalnnsot In ths Aurora fradsd Jfbool building. Although ths qnartot are only aobUeurs, thay:,did ths rork of professionals. Thsy are now > working to Thins funds to buUd a M. I K. church at Smalt, and unite a nice sum waa rasUae*,') . . On ITIday srenlna tho Lo Dirts ^CIn$ was entertained by Mr. D. M. r Dough. Keati waa (ho poet selected for discussion Mrs. D. T. Thompson 1 i wrote s sketch of his ltf? and MIS. W. A. Thompson read s selection J I from Keats. After ths literary proi Latere waa o dished ths guests so gygod In s llrsly contest la which Mro. W. A. Thompson won lh.. pr'so.; . > E&ftv ;V W - Published ir y 111 * a ill the .guests ware presented with souvenir pincushions. . Following ;hls, dainty refreshments were served. after which the guests departed, voting Mrs: Dough a charming hostsis. Mrs. R. B. Shaw of Washington Mid Mrs. T. H. Blount, <Jf Weldon, vers the guests of honor. Tuesday evening there was given mother one of our enjoyable oyster roasts. xAt the f<y>t of the bridge a big Are was started and in the circle >f light could bo seen the following! > :ouplos: Miss Clara Litchfield with F. Hooker, Miss Garnet Bonner with < R. S. Thompson, Miss Helen Shaw, J >f Washington with J. A. Bonner,; " Mtes Mary Bonner with Grady Bona^r, Miss Hannah Cqthrell with G. Dixon, Miss Minta Bonner with G. J. Bojmor Jr., Miss Lola Thompson |djjfry_lJT- Bryant Jr.,. >.f lau 1p*-parrn Bonner and W. M. Hooker Jr. Mrs. G. Williams of Jamesville, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Gadkins. Mr. Xldrldgo of Vanceboro, is visiting his cousin, Mr. A. Broome. Mrs. R. B. Shaw and Miss Ilelon Shaw of Washington, .are visiting Mrs. R. T. Bonner. Mr. and Mrs. C. T.1 Lawrence and Bon or Scotland Neck, visited Mrs. G. A. Lae nduring the holidays. Miss May Blount of Washington, la visiting Mrs. G. A. Lane. Mrs. T. H. Blount and Mrs. J. R Porter of Weldon, are visiting their mother, Mrs. C/ P. Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. LaughlnghouBe, of Vandemere, were visitors at Mrs. G. A. Lane's this week.^ Miss Margaret Harrison, of Bonnerton, spent the holidays with Mrs. C. 8. Bonner. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Mooring of ?. Greenville, spent several days last week with Mrs. Moorlng's mother, Mrs. C. 8. Bonner. 8. 8. Coe returned Tuesday from Greensboro, where he spent the holidays with his mother. Mtss Mlnta Bonner visited Mrs. W. H. Whitley at Bormerfon, during the holidays. ( Our teachers. Mr. G. H. Joyner of Woodland, MIbb Cora Lee Nixon of 3 Topsail, and Miss dallle Broome of Kinston have returned to their work i after spending the. holidays at their | homes. -i Messrs. R. S. and R. A. Thompson, I students of Gnllford dollege; C. A. Litchfield, of Trinity; W. M. Hooker i UffBrwHne, of A. AM.; V. B. | Gaskins of the Medical College of Virginia, and Mleews Rena Hooker of I ^en'shunr Female College; Katie I Ferbee of 8L Mary's? Mary Watson, I Virginia Hooker, Helen Gnllford and i Mabel Cnthrsll. of the JBastern Caro- i Una Teachers Training 8chool, are 1 home for the holidays. i Miss Lola Windley is spending the Bonner. ' ;s J ?<" Ell* Hooker who teachea the whool *t Blount* Croon, 1* spending the holiday* at hone. iff . i Mr, and Mra. A. B. Hollow*!! hare retnrned home from vltltlng rela^?e? *t Fairfield and Tarboro. Mrs. Sally Hardin* ip?K the past Aurora gave a moat onjorahlo Io*c Year dance. The tnualc waa furnleh*4 bT tha^Aurora Band. No gawtle"ci wad"allowed to (d nnjeaa a lade eo? Mm. Atter the da^ce a moat dellahtfn! aqpper waa aervol The following couple* participated: Mlaa ' fc (tJWKlnued oePage d.1 1 * " '.'Ir J , i Eastern No fWFl Mil ~ La the bid of th?* -^ jon Time WnstinS o ' Turning ?: 1?.Do you recall that harmless but nhappy youth of an insane asylum rho thought he waj a fried egg done 9 a torn, and \jioee whole existence as embittered by the belief that he ras going to waste because no one ould eat him? it was an especially ad case because It was useless to saspn with the poor wretch and lmbssible to humor him. Argument rove him to frenzy. I And when the whole at*ff of the institution joined in extolling his apetizing savor and telling him bow ood be looked, he only riled at them ?r fools and complained that he was ettlng cold while they talked.' Well, thats.exactly the way a great iany .work, who are struggling long, wishing tor ah opportunity to ccomplish great things. And especilly In a voting contest. FIRST BOJsJl JN THE WASHING! VOTING C For every $20.00 for Subscriptions, new or old, sent In by or for Contestants in the News Voting Contest, between the dates of Dec. 11th and Jan. 8th, 1912, a Bonus of 40,000 Free Votes will be given. ? . One, two, or three, or any numbers of yoars, count on this offer;, any combination may be used to make $20,000. Peftons having sent in three or six months subscriptions before, may extend their time and the Contestants securing the extemUon will receive the increase Vote. ' This Is positvely the largest Bonus offer that will be made. Don't forget The Dally Bonus that goes with it. " A , .... , jfj* STANDING OF District No. 1?IV M-iss Olivia Jordan Miss Lillian Swauner *. Miss Mary Shaw :.l?ss Madllnc Ellsworth . .. Miss Lizzie Kelly % VIP.--.- ' Miss Carrol WffTis % Distri Mrs. Marlon T. Mayo, South Creek. . Miss Kenu Rqwe, Aurora, N. C Allss Nina Reddilt, -Edward, N. C. . . Dintrl MIm Lucy G. Wollard, R. F. D. No. 1 Miss Alice Woolard Miss Mary Xlarsh, Both N. C Mies Willie Lee Latham. P&ntego.. . Miss Nancy Marsh, Bath. N. C. . . Miss Ella Baynor, Leechvllle, N. C.. . Miss Katv Eborn. Bath, N. C DJitri Mlsa Leta Cartwright, Swan Quarter Miss Lessie Sllverthorn, Middleton, Miss Ruth Chadwick, Rose Bay, N. Miss Ruth Sllverthorn, Englehard, N Rules Governing Contest. Rulfe 1.?Only one nominating :oupon entitling each contestant to L,000 votes will be allowed. -Rule 2.?Votes can only be obalnod by securing subscriptions prepaid, renewals, collecting past due lubecriptlons or by clipping free votng coupons from each issue. "Rule 3.?Contestants may secure k many free voting certificates as loseible and vote Lbem each week. Rale ?.?llaalea collected by Contestanta on sabocrlptloaa must be turned OTer to Contest Manager by I o'clock gatarday night, of the reek la which receipt la tamed tor ana rail are to make report of nek collection within a peel Bed time will forfeit poor richt to votes oa sack among ta. Rale t?Coatoot Manager's elgnacore mast to afflxed to to tea befoie aatalenU ~ Role No employe of The Dally Mere, orynember of any family aoa0acted with the paper will he pertnttteJl to participate la the conteat. Role 7.?BabecrlWre are eoatloaed to demand n receipt for money paid 3onteatapta.t_ ' Rui? l. jtlPnMMf for ratecrtptlon moot be paid to Content Hantgnr.'who will opon receipt of earns, tic Toting Couftoan tb corer tab imouat paid In. Role ?.t-l?r Roeetlidn that may irlae between conteafaata will becfleermlned by the' Ooutast Maaager, ind tkte declalop win ha Baal rt-h'iXi * -/'Vvr ' I Br ? ? NU. ' /L ^jCVwH rfch Carolina us rats ^v-" t> !i9H us Draws Near?b Tour r ts Today the ??-? _ '':] They can look all around and me and know they could do go much, hut Instead of getting; oat and making a stride for the subscriptions, they wait and bemoan that people don't co ne to them and give them their vetes without having; been aeked? and consequently some other worker comes In with a bunch and rets the daily Bonus. Conteetanta, the Oon- . test xiaa rcacned a turning point now and its going to take genuine work to keep the pace set by some, or else all the efforts you have exercised will, go to waste ",^'iL The close of the 40,000 Bonus ia Jtist ahead-^ut a few hours worlj ' JSgM wilV cut down two ci* three of theni. Qet every cent in between now and Monday night. Every dollar raxait- j ted over the Bonus offer will be giveji at the ratio of $20. But remember the ofrer closes Monday night. US PERIOD 'ON DAILY NEWS ONTEST * :1 This offer opens a channel you . ' cannot afford to miss. It's easier to get Free Votes now, than to get extra Subscriptions later. This offer is made to every Contestant 4 regardless of district. ^ Send in your subscriptions every day or every few days, to enable those in charge to get tbe papers started at once. Subscriptions turned in any lime between these dates will be counted in tbia offer. Do not hold them tfnt.il the . last day. Read Rules 4 and 13 and get busy. . *-JSK CONTESTANTS: ' ' asbiiigton, X. C. x soo.TS.o*' . ../ 318. #5# 294,36# t 213,# 7 8 j K. C...? 85,125 *(?B , K. C 18,218 C . 38,088 Rule 10.?Contestant* are at liberty to secure subscriptions anywhere regardless of what district they live in. * Rule 11.?The right is reserved to reject any name for cause, also to alter thrte rules should occasion de- * ; Rule 12.?Votes can not be trans ferred by one contestant^ to another latter same have been placed to her credit. Role 13.?All out of town Cot sot anta are allowed the privilege of milling tb.lr nonpoaa u8 now aoV : Iscted (or subscriptions; such letters inr, Dally Nm. Tb? poatsurk of four poetofflcp UMI riwv tbo boor ii^i sold lottor containing TOtM ^ entered your office. Therefore lot* un or paekacaa barlii tbo aoo* mark of tbo loot aoll loarlaa boor ,3 offloo Marat tbo boor aaaiad bur propooltloa mado br w XII bo ? ' *1 Thoroforo lotton or T101IQI"; 'V^HU boarbi tbo paataark of tbo rimt Mall IpaatbC four pootoffleo after tbo Agjgj boor and date aaaiad la oar propooltloa made by as wn bo aocoptad. To all wbo entar thlo oonteat wt % iiraaSra Mr a^i~tapartlal" tVaatmoat. For any tnformolloa call oa or addroao tbo Coatoat Maoasor, aadaamo wttl choorfally bo ctraa. ? ' ' '?3S * ****** arapadf^aMlT * ****** >MI89 ETHEL HOU8TOW .JM Contest VtgT ' 'af v. A?" BtfiiO <lJ*- <$ f~-'- C . gg-; (Continued on Page 4.)

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