1^' *' ' Showed e Heavy Loss In - It86 NeUonel Banks \ jg#< ^-W?h,C? "V . t -j? ' ./I J' -; . * * WuMMtoo. n. C. Jan. ?.?Th. '????! ??Oft of 01. Comptroller of . tho Currency. mad*, public today, show, tk* Southern State* In an ununually favorable light, accordlilc to atatcment prapar.d by th. Southern Whie lb* aterago percentage at th. Dnttod J9tnt*e between dan* 10. mo, and June T. t?ll. waa 4.07. th* Southern Stat** ahowad 10.01 aa th.tr percentage Th. neat ne?ro*l percentage"^ waa JMdda th* Middle Weatem atatae. Th* Eaatara atata* ah owed only 1.11. la dapoatta, bank* ' - In th* Southern atata* hat* th* highly percentage trf tncreaam^M.ll. Ctanpartag loan* and dlacount. on PHALANX LAKE INSTALLS OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR KMUM IWijWW . eefl.dr.-'d a ? i , . 7* ' i^O^H.'B. V .3^i?U? ^ _-^? noapocta " iwinii *- - " * * iHilui nuliiL uAIrltnal 38 P * or today. W -fc.-lJ ^ liinrtiu) El T ~U U * ^ W?UWM In IMdf dftamooM to iMBft a MwooMb^thTMrnotthln nx^n*! ER> ttw* ? Hgbt tnmhU in prta ymurdnT, but not with offlclmt )?i to nnoommble the combination o< conditions that lot thorn In Uh ,U "U" . . . No nan will b< ceooptod In tht y * Ing for the lffluo of the day on whldi Newa Items In ten dad for pablic* ^ o'clock A. M., on the day In whfcb J ^ lh? y*ar to Wsehin*to?. and the flr* I r ? * ^ \ ? > . . . J Adrartloera wUhlnft IMl ad . chuiad MUST ban their oopjr li tb.. afteraoon before IM Mr li whleh the ehanKe M to lr> made. Thll rule Win be adhered to la tbo future I am what the Hob la doln? lit today' KiUr-rfuinsnents. at which I ' """' s K lb ntBTttr, nail aani | m<: >ut ii? I "v nuuiu uu d Gains While New York Loans. In Zleven Years iltal of (72,091,600 the datea September let. Hu nt December 5th, Kit. >11 the bub In Southern etatee showed Kilna, while New York showed > heOTT lose In' loans, In cash and In deposits. The loans and discounts ! t peroent. was ebown - la the Soothers stxte*. The -Middle West cute next with .4.sit Between March 14. 1900, and Oct. Itll. 1JW National banks were organised In the Bohthem states with a capital ot 97S.591.k60. ThU wan a area tar nntnbsr of banks and larger capital than la any main division of the country except the Middle We*. Managing Director DaSre ol the Southern Commercial Congreee, will addreea the Soethern Society of De? trolt, January U. ? ' i I I " i lli .1 A Ton want 1b your home chopper that glree you the beet jwnro, rather oeleetp Ito nMn nnWT with tlx ?h? of upbotldlnx tho home. au<f purify lop Urn mprol too.. . ( . - . Perooao uouObc Item* to tho paper ehoeM remember -that oil proper QOume phooH j^ellr. A citima^lo the come* mt got them oomet all tho tlmo. .. ^?Vi? ? ? l- . JMco Orlaoa eon be te'really eono he of eome mt tho ctothee o lot of thn? Idle "Blaen of the' tewu ere wlorlhc" ooo lot It he torn that bo erMuo the police ofnetolp to tnreotlCeto the wboroojtbol they on clotbod. odd demdtobertm ' Solomone ir^cimw b-01* '*"V' fBMUDfl. ipMTO MtlUfc OHMVN ? - - - ** .^_ - .-.V V . - - ' ft . , ? "w *"? ? evpniugi retaiOf woii the Other iflsmbeic skiirirsrii ifniifrU yds wui ooatrlhnts the un. or make tlx OifLTNIWS your' paper - f ; I - BHKINOHAUS-HAUGHTO?i* ' - nt ? Peter. Chorch. , Last night at , 9:10 o'clock Mr. J. C. B. Mhrlngbaus. "a prtrminent_nttoraoy, and solicitor -ojl the First , Judicial district, was married to Mlaa . Matilda Bradford Hanghton of this , dty,v;the ceremony taking place in Salodtrotan church. After the wedding Mr. and Mra. J. F*. Randolph reoajsed' In ?<dr homo in East Main " street Id h?h?J of the newly wedded pair. Mrs. Khrthghaua has long been a social favorite la thin city and U ' exceedingly popular is Eastern CaretUna. Mr. Bhrlnghaua comes of one of the oldest aad most prominent tTfftatlfa* or the ttate. and It aaoetd. -" _??t iw "n.i i fj ^ v I Schooner M.ggle Datlt. Capt. J. 8 loaded with f?rUHaer. m for Rhaft Marn^i ' J. % A NATIVE OF VIRGINIA WAS ONE OF MOST HUOCKSHFUF, SQUADRON COMMANDERS NAVY EVER HA?>. _ j Waahlngton D. O.. yah. ?.?Rear Admiral Robley D. Erana, "Fighting Bob" to an adatlrlnc nation, died eaddenly late today at hia home in thle city. Acme Indignation ended tbe career of one of the moat popular office ra In tbe nary. He wan ill lea than two houra. ? Admiral Erana wna born 65 yeara ago la Floyd eonnty, Virginia, aroae today apparently In better health and eplrlta than be bad enjoyed In eome time. For yeara a aufferer from old and from recant attacka of rhauWUc pine, the a*ed 4*hter aaam?d to have shaken o? (ha bnrdan-of his advancing days. 'He displayed kd?h 15 HP tha admiral ami strlck.n Instantly hU family aant for Dr. 8. 8. Adams, ha on >! antral, found tha patient tl treat pain- Altar treatment, Admiral Braaa tell Into a resume Heap, and It waa thought that thedaacer bad paaaad. Shortly altar ? o'clock, hotroror. ha .'wOfanadand, ralalng hlmaalf with dlfflcalty. aanonacad that ha waa choklac. "I cannot play breath," ha said, and sank back. At 4;?S o'clock he d*d. cjm~lon.ro tha.ad. __ At ate bedside it uia tune ot ,111 death were hit wife, his dmuefcur. Mm. H. 1. SmlUul his daacV^T l?-U?; Mr*. CrwJT. Evans, wife of the admiral's only sod, a Ueutanantonmmander Is Us nary, now on daty on the torpedo boat destroyer Mouahan. at Beets a. The oaly other membar of hie Immediate family who was sot present was MU daughter, lira. Marsh. wife of Capt. Char lea <J, Marsh, command his the armored cm leer North Caroline News Caoaed Profound Sorrow. The news spread with treat rapidity and caused a profound shook In official circles. President Taft was oho of the ant to express his grfef ' and eendolance. He said: "Admiral Evans was one ot the moat auccees' fnl squadron commanders wo hare bad la the nary for,a lone dnt. Ho was a Held disciplinarian, of QuWk decision, end admirably advised In ; the IntHcacy of the machinery j? crnlaors and battleahlpa and skilled am very aorry to Bwao so ahookod but a few words. Kg {"resident Roonevelt Mrectw"!In a* I Miiiinander-lanhlel^of the fleet that k cruised around the world. Although ?rt the rtlrcd flat, hc'bad kept up acti ,lv? interest In the service, end f5lt Unexpected death comes as a shock to- the navy." Former Secretary of the Navy Metnnlf. \^ho hnppenefl to W jO Wt")i ington today, pointed out that he hiaufiKhad given Admiral Evahs tho corn mend Of the Atlantic fleet In Its cruise around the world, the choicest anslKiimcnt ever extended to an American navel of fleer-in time of I' B?MI. V I* "Ha was practically an III man 1 whpn he was selected for this import ,SSr" JJaclw U * Jttdd. Beak* saga. more F. . Lilly. Junior Sagamore H. D. Potter. Chief of Keeorda W. H. " McDevitt and Keeper of tile Wampum. T. W. Phillip* win preside, assisted by Braves After the cere- I monies an elaborate oyster supper | sriil be served.' Tau Trtbe has about 180 active members, aod-et the preemi time bee over 1.000 fathoms In < (be wampum, which means that any ?*ia face would texchauee 1989 for the iqb In J ho wampum belt a*d be a iolltr to the good for the exchange: IS. AND DIRS. LATHAM ' GIVE ANN'IAL OYSTFRROASI > dr. George Phi Md Mrs. Daa Mo f Mahon Enter ConlMt for K>Hng a The Report Mates tho Clerk I < ?. Wai Outdistanced. ' > On lent evening Mr. ud ?">* ? t> tW annual orator < otat In honor of tbolr mar goooto. I ttT. BMw don*tod jfa DM I ho no* of bin roan at Kuglero pill for tho occasion and peraoaalir on- < oortntended tn maatarlr tanhtoa tha-ji steaming of the ouccoiont blvolm In tho earlr part of tho omnia* no or*-!1 MrOeorge Pool aatd.yn.paar Hp-;,' or eating content wan Indulged In i Mohon contented la a dead heat, for < drat price, each myaai^ag 71 ore- a ten The Jndgee awarded tho prlee 1 o **:>.. McJtabon on -Patau. I Thle ladr bealdee eating "the above I mentioned awieaaat of oratarn alee a dtjne awag with three paohagee of < Orater crackera and two dfphta . at tickles, wenhtngr the whoa dawn with I afraral enpa of steaming hot colfee. < Baker,.the photographer, took d l fUabllghtjjf the aftalr. I North CatoUu. x Greensboro. Jan. 6.?la March of -I a Garden of Eden. Mr Juptr Cra- I ran. of Danville.. to*. heee;< yesterday axi^ today bo la visiting ? sections of Oollford N?unty which | < havs boon described to.him aa Ideal i for an all-Winter and all-Bummer i residence. Mr. Craven la aald to be i n^weslthy landowner of Indiana *nd 1 during the past winter he has made his home in FlorldaT He has a large I family and states that he la seeking ' a land where the climate Is such aa pie year round. J * ' ~T-T t - , y I THE DEVIL" AT THE LYRIC I THEATRE TONIGHT. I The ^ Harry LUftiley atock Co., la ! b be seen at the Lyric Theatre to- i night playing "The Devil," a pl*y I h -~ has bad a consecutive ran of SI 1 Reeks |n Now York. The plivgo ' of Washington are promised by the management the beat production ever aeen on a Washington stags. Due to < the h$avy royalty on this play It has < boon necessary to advance the price 1 of seats for *?tht* , performance? 11 children 36c. aduit* ttc. 8eats are | now 6a sale at Worthy A Etheggfp^l, j drag store, where reservations may be made, with the assurance that I your teste will be vaeami RhSa you ? .? , LIQUOR LICENSE COSTS LESS. NuhrUle. Tub.. Jhn. 6.?The NnahrlHe CUT OoutHl tut night panned on flnU reading a Mil redee. state, rovonue event, quarterly In advance by tin loth Of the month, or outrun atarrente laaue.: t Id J M, .r , thl eplend'd rucord Juallfled the depart npable officers navy h?|- known VILY yiW, January i, m, |Published ir 1 coS1 JPf FBEE< l DA MS AND HAWKK, CONVICTSD A? WILMINGTON OP MURDER hjn The high bras are i SET FREE BY PRJC8IJ DENT TAFT. ^ a m\ BRITISH SUBJECTS; JW infAl. SENTENCE BY FKE8I- '' D [NT BOOSE VK1/T WAS TO I iATH, WHICH HE TATER '' -C 1MMHTKP TO UFA ' imhl^stoB, D. C.. Itm. 4.?Pr?.S 11 lant Taft today commuted to expire * .t cme? the life sentences of Arthur Idaias and Robert Sawyer, two * 4(4 British subjects. convicted st t, Vll^ingttro. N. C.. In 190? of norlerAn the high seas. In a con fee- n idea before hfa execution, HefilT Ci Idriganether negro, convicted of ind Hanged for the same crime, com- ri >letely exonerated Adams and BawO finally Adama and Sawyer were watfhced to death, but this was commit by President Roosevelt to life mpi onment, The prleenera were alt fee of the British West Indies be British ambassador interraaa to secure consideration for the dam for executive clemency. *" do not had," said President rafl to disposing of this csae. '44 M alid Sawyer free from fsnlt, tad do not think that their convicted neofar as K baa led to the preanrt fcniMrtdnar, la an injustice; >?tt do think that the confession of M and the other circumstances ire bssnagli to ' relieve them from kctli i complicity In the murders and o J Stfy their sow being freed." The m orders were committed on rhUk^rhnec fbnr , J he master and the sailors over food ecettawSfMu' After tk* In Mm Ui Wd maV Itni. Xa&m* uiinnr m?m<iI In ??W,o??rlin Scott. They tboa ilroclloC a pc'?toc noil ud all ' louthport, N C. * ' During the trials at Wilmington, |t la aald, Scott waa^Very bitter towards Adams and Sawyer and he charged them with complicity In the primes. Before "his execution, however, ha made two written confew- ilOns, which he confirmed in a statement on the gallows, July i> 190d, assuming nil responsibility for the murders. The Supreme Court of the United States gare the lower court opportunity to grant a new trial after th? confession. Because of lack of funds the prisoners were unable to avail. ^ themselves of this plivilege. In considering a previous application for a pardon for the two men, the late Solicitor-General Hoyt discredited Scott's confession under the belief that {hey were made in a spirit of bravado.. In the present pardon pro~?edings, which were instituted by n. B. Warner, an Englishman of New York, J. A. Finch, pardon attorney c Df the department of 'justice, went 1 extensively into the case and was bonvtnoed that the confessions were t genuine. t s IWim SMOKE HOUSE BURNS. \> 1000,000 Damage Near Where Fire- g Chicago, Jan. 4?Fire which broke !>?( U t|f o'clock UK.nitfrt daotroy- , edWft ?. Oo.'a amoke bc^a, a ???- J Urr bulldtaf almoet a block loos 1 ud iu fMt dep. cad >u itlir ' bo rate* aarlr today oftar havtac 1 wroorbt damace of $600,80 Tkraa ' ?lrumon wora ItUorod " s J A laaaral alarm and aalla (aw ?itr?;apparatue prouaht mora than 40 ^ 1 ' l Tbara will bo a apodal aarrloa at ths Proabytortna cburcb tonlaht pre t oarotorr tOibo obaorv^nco of the < Sacrament nl tbo Lorrta' Sapper on Sunday. Moo*bora ara resonated and t Othara Invited to attend. ' Mm. R W. Ayora bak aa ha^aooat. a thta wek.JWa. John Arthur and llttla ado, Mra Forebcr of Norfolk, Mtaa i j"-3q5*T--?-,'- . +A ' -W? F^Sfe.-- *- ' : ' ' ' -V,' ffl B p JljliKiC' -'" "''"-'j"' 1''^ i Eastern frifc nm EI - : -' -(**i - , ' - .. - . ' ^ I Candidates Should Make Stringing For t The End Only two dkji ahead of you now, nd be great First Bonus Period will are cloaed?but from the way 'tits' ubscrlptlons hare poured In this eek, every worker .Is awake to tbe ict that Today Is the time to do ?tMS- J some one was heard to say: "Well ( all things, this Bonus Period la early gone anl 1 have only begun orb." Peculiar, isn't it. how time go^s way when one is going to do someling tomorroVt? But In the two retaining days the hustling worker m do mucbT When a genius like Gladstone cared through life a book in bis FIRST BON 1 IN THE WASHING1 VOTING C Ft>r every flO.OO for Subscriptions, new or old, sent In by or for Contestants in the News Voting Contest, between the dates of tXc. Jlth and Jan. Stt, If II. a Bonos of 40,000 Free Votes will be given. One, two, or three, or any numbers r^ars, count on thin offer; any combination may be us^d U> make $90,000. Persons havina-aent in three or sly mouthy su&riptiona before, may estend tieir time and Uie> Contestants securing theex tension will reoelTe the Increase vote. ThU W po.U.,1; tb. UrxMt Boon,.offer Uutt will ba vad?. Doa'i Tb. Dallj BoMa that fn*u*t? _ , 'I >? J.JI *l|L ' -rh?- MAinnsW District No. 1?W . *\ i-i. i *, . UiM Olivia Jordan ... ^11 uyy.ft Svannvr. Mies Mary Bhaw Wan Madline Ellsworth Miaa Uaafto Kelly. Mlaa Fannie Btewart Miaa Carrdl WHIM ,. j t Mr*. Marlon T. Mayo. Booth Crook. . Mlaa Ron*'Row*, Aurora. N. C Mlia Hlna Roddltt, Edward. N. C. . . Dtistoi Mlaa Locy Q. Woltard. R. F. D. No. 1 Mlaa AIMo Woolard Mlaa, Mary Marab, Bath N. C Mlaa Willie L*e Latham, Pantego.. Mlaa Nancy Marsh. Bath, N. C Mlaa Ella Baynor, Leochvllle, N. C.. Miss Kate Eborn.'Bath, N. C DUtn Mlaa Lota Cart wright. 8wan Quartei Mlaa Lassie Blhrerthorn, Middleton Miss Ruth Chad wick. Rose Bay. N. Mies Ruth BUrerthorn, Englehard, > ituicff OOTfruinc luoumL Rule 1.?Only one nominating oupon' entitling each contestant to ,000 Votes will bo allowed. Rule t.?Votep can only be obained by securing subscriptions prepaid, renewals, collecting past doe ubecriptlona or. by clipping free votng coupons from each issue Rale I.r-^oniestanta may secure a ma!ny tree voting certificates as oealhle and vote eaOi week. Rale 4.?Whales collected by Consstants on tnbscrlpUons most be urped over to Ooateet Manager by \ o'clock Saturday night, of the reek In which receipt la leap* tor cm Failure to make eport or such collection with a specified time will forfeit your lit to votes on sack amounts. Rule A-rContest lln ln n stgnaBEPWmd tO vetan Wore I Rale ?:>h4Nt employe of The Dally rows* or member Of nfiy famlty eofciect?d with the paper will be peruitted to participate la the contest Rule 1. ""Sabecrlbors are oootloned o demand a receipt for money paid tsnieHawsa!-. '*. *, >i' * i ^ - -QVi."* ? Hul. (.?All money for mbe.riploo must -fce paM to Contest Mur Aer. who will upon receipt of seme. ?u. Voting Coupon, to O.TOT tkp >rth Carolina if ~ \ 5 H jm Every Minute Count In 7M he Free Votes ti Near y 1 ' , j ?- ' '1 i pocket leat tome spare mo>escape unimproved, why sbou' Jfs* Icmiulldate carry a subscr* <&*&ook I to press into service every .*>are moWW'! It Is a wise bint to "give now.# to those who come in on the Great Bonus?to keep on going. ? I&Trequently happens when Fido gets a choice bone he crawls away under the house to gnaw it. And " . *18 'sofflo other fellow.. Just around tho * ' m corner gets a fine juicy feed, because he waan't quite satisfied with the bone. ... 80, Miss Contestant, don't be satisfled 'or contented in getting one bonus. . . rV-iaB US PERIOD I "ON [DAILY NEWS ' 'i .ONTEST: <-;f. _ This offer opens a channel yOo " cannot afford to znisa It's easier i "-i to get Free Votes now, than to get f extra Subscriptions later. This Of- ; far la made to every - Contestant ' r AV, ' ' t ' JVi regardless of district, ? ; . t 8end in your subscriptions every day or every few days, to enable those in charge to-gat the | papers started at onee. Subecrlp- \ - Jr tions turned in any time between : these dates will he counted in this I offer. Do not hold them until ty last day. Read Rules 4 asd IS, ' * -r / v uHflJmj. ? . I i . I OONTB9TANTO: r ' '"' ' , \; W. C. ."v?Vl ."^v 600.764 i ? 496.43Q ?*?* 410.&00 310,374 1SO>00 ?v ? 113,44% V ^ let No. 3. 174.075 1507433 123.6 ft let No. 8. ^ _ l a is",060 194,100 111.076 94,600 17,100 . 14,6f0 .. 11,760 let No. 4. r. N. C 86,615 . N. C 50.760 C 38,004 I. C 87,104 Rule 10.? Contestants ere at liberty to secure subscriptions anywhere regardless of what district they live In. Rule 11.?The right la reearved fa j reject any name for cmuae. also to i alter these rule* should occasion do| mand. " * '1 *, *',t Rule 12.?Votes eusot be traae ferred by one contestant to* another after same have been placed to. her credit. > Rule 1|.?All Oft pf town Oototoants are allowed the privilege ?( mailing their coupons aftd aoowey ?oV lectod, for subscriptions; each let ten* should be addressed to Contest, Mawader. Mir Nfwm. Tbe poatteert W your poetofttne nun abow tba haw and date aatd tetter cental ulna rotoe entered yotr otftoa. Therefore lotterm or paekacaa bearing the poet mark of .tba l*?t mall learta* your I ofllee neareat Ike hour earned la aay \ propoettlon mad* by aa win ba a?ceptable. ->?terefore lettora or paakede. bearing the p earmark of the rint MaU learlnc your peotofnea attar tke baar aUVSaU named la any propo ltion made by ua wll bo ehpaotia. . To all who enter* thla^eoirteet we , h guarantee (air and Impartial treat-/ , meat. ' ( For any rtfonketlda call aa or <ddreea UuTConteat Manager. and aama iH cheerfully ba ylrea. "Yoara reapaqlfolly. bTlSa ETHEL HODSTOki. ^ (ceouwmd ma P*?a . ' " ~ ,

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