IB IB ? ' IB Judge Stephen C. Bragsw > Governor to Succeed Ji rf Resigned. Convened Hi f Yesterday. Charge Made Fine "f ' t + aTulns With jade* _?.C. ilraRaw, jawldinc. TfcU U Judge Br.gmW. h? having been^^olaUd 1 Oti KM O? ltl< dttM, OU b? a a BBrderxaM. ^ I . "ia ( Sa? fULtoT *? th"' i?w? b2 coart fu a Terr able one. UtNpi bp serine that ho ?u ?rr rf?? u MM Ma tret eonifhtr* la tU ca?b ttf elty ul Wake ooaoty, the natal ..of thoacht la the etate. far here ra Mf4 mmm of hie rary beat friends, people who are law-altdlaa II af(?M be the aim ol Wake eoaaU taaet ? example to the entire atata 'hSflij ."tor tha eyee of the entlra Idjlt it tbotfht mad action. Bi bam watched with peculiar pride the 'pmraaa dt the city. Howorer nc trim prone will be made without ohediemcQ to the Uw. In may an where flxed law. la not re^ojnlxed t|kr? can be mo true nubile progrew aM protection to the people. He c+mity ham created eafeguaid for'mo ft ORA DM ffIF PfliTF - ' -* ? ? cWb'Omt.ftaU** their frl.nd. M th ?. fcbaa of Mia Lei* Tkempaa. Th rijw?in Mm <b? weea4 umiT*n afy of their orgtnlutlon Th. puis 'v |+vsr$E&-iJ& 4?m? of th. apMioua dining root H 1.11 M wmd? mam until 1: whb dilkiow thteo count. t?p?t a I ft-too CtuVs botpitultfj::^, ^ oBho^ y and 0. E i T. Bryaa. Jr. ^ Paid Subscri 1 SliSlM i^ Recently Appointed by the tidge George W. Ward, a First Court in Raleigh to Grand Jury Brief. JAUf/S VDOIUU clety snd no Innocont man shall be punished or no snt^y one unpunlth#d. U the eplrlt ot the Uw. Oar torofather^reoocnlaed th* right* ot th* people, mM Urw, oppree*loo hod lo]u?ti<i. sad ballt troop *11* ot dofuuM Wound th* people. Mo m? Wall he deprlred of hi* dw. CrtSWuK ho punl*h*d, men r*n**< r*Mp*f*lr *t olpht or go th* p pBlV ot th* Uw. PeWc* *0*7 b* SMMuet bj how watt th* txrand jurU* p*rtoi UI their dotl** Itow**d or hop* arnford ? ot todoeae* TO* to prattjat any bill* ag.laat ear ene, aor tear* oa presented bill. again* othata. a* told them wh*o they r*tlr* to U*|r room to bar* bo me oaa to rarefolly nod a caMe to daty aod conscience He the oath owr ataln. that It may b* than explain*d to tha foreman how ho Bhoald to onr the bllle *'preaented by th* ao Hal tor and how to property make return* Haatdao'the hllla presented, It la tha daty of each Juror to brtaf to the attoatOTof the lary anr oommlaalon of crime within hi* haawUdce. He alao directed thatr attention to the eatosory of crlaiM- unlawful hAmlrMa eeond degree murder and man-daughter, use of deadly weapone, arrylng concealed weapona. man do not carry around a concealed 'weapon with an7 good Intention, but a cowardly latent. Yon ahould put the seal of public condemnation upon the carrying or concealed 'weapons, abandonment of wire without properly nroetilng adequate support) disturbance of the peace of any hind; restating an efdoer In the but It Is the law of the land and we 1 must see to Its rigid enforcement. I This law looks through saee M make Its enforcement and It Is the Imperatlee duty that we ahould do all we can that Its effects ahould be , carried oat and properly enforced. : Rights of property, burglary, false ' pretense. Illegal disposal of property > under mortgage, larceny. Yon ahould I visit all tba county offices, the coon> ty home, laii and other places. ' He 1 told them' to par J?e strictest at> tentton to the home of the aged and > Infirm, see that they are generously t and abundantly provided tor., The > charge as a whole covered the , ground thoroughly and left tb? Im1 preeelon that the new-Judge belleree . In the moat rigid enforcement of the law. . number of other Invited gueeta who estloyed.the hospitality of She charm, lag hostess. Delicious refreshment! [ ^ere served by.Hlsani Elisabeth Tarloe and Jennie Bohgfcfet-. , ,r , ' CUCB CEMENT WROUW . BOUNO FOR WASHINCTOK ' Jfcrwi BUau-d Ncboowar, Vil?n I ' - Parker, in Distress ha f Oojlmifcm.*. New Bet; Jim. ?.?The nnu , cutter PimUo returned to port tkli . aooruthg trots a crolee to the U?1K , u<u 4t the Lbreo HUM MW?t William T. livker. "kick had torn afrotmd eeer Croat** ll?ht'kottee ' Tho Barker ?aa badly grounded It , eight feet or water and wo drawlef ' kike feet kit and w .e quite ? dlefkact nt^ the iktaat* ti? !'-|*?klB fCMi 'WL Ttho Pe.elteo MUM la asata eerly Thureday moraine em elewed the imtijnner In eeeerel dlree inch ka*e:r ;i' wni(v?Vher ebeei : end limited lief trs . ' 't to a eel' kpcjtortsc, Ifjatj? Jfu-Tfoon. Th. hlEh nori'ie.-lV "tr.de (4U a (jjw we d tcr to Croeteo entitid and raede i [j4ehodr.v ae*-y VI -le . eretlooe I DSfGT' '" i, ' ' '.'. WASHINGTON, NORTH ption of Any ' I . . i . IBHH 1 CAUSE ROST ALL RiipiOV DRINKING HUSBANDS AMD ! SLOVENLY OB EXTRAVA- , GANT WIVES BREAK EVEN FOR SECOND J PLACE IN NEW )OR* D0MEST1CE RELATIONS COURT ' . REPORTS S.SS3 CASES THE FIRST TEAR OP ITS 1UWHOI . WOMEN NEED SYMPATHY BECAUSE THEY ARK IGNORANT, OR ILL TRAINED. The nomb?r of unhappy families 1 who took tho4r troubloa Into iC Domlh Ealnllf court (or eeelement (Turing IU first year of existence Is MR | So states the report that was anbI mltted to Chief Maslatrato MeAdoo yesterday hp the dark of theeeur*. Henry P. Lewis. cowing the period botwson Jan: 1 and Dee. 11, 1111. The mother-in-law * the first cause for bringing these families into snort, asoordfes to Miss Rose Me Quads, the probation officer of the cow*. who nets In adrlnory capacity to the Judsa and all the couples who come into the court. Drink on the prat of the husband, and the wife's slovenliness She Use for second plane, and thefc the varying fhulta at the human species, which may be olaaeed aa "fe!lh?ei ] cussedneas" follow, each with a quota of ruined hotafes to its credit. ?Pallum un the p?rt of the mail to , support his family la the charfie against 1.699 of the caaea. and of this number 1,466 ware put under 'bond to prorlde moans 4<)f unpport. 'and 1.111 worn roloaaod on (hair promlMe to do better: Of thoee put under ball. Ill won ^unable to anppl f boll, and .warn asnt to the work- , the court la- dolus. Thor declared that It vii much more expeditious and aid equate than wara the old methods of handling such cases, and the freedom which la given the court and the woman apearlng before It to apeak freely and arrive at the trap cause of the trouble la far mora efficacious than the old method. Under the preeent-eyntem many reconcllllatlons are effected and the whole plan la modeled after'that followed In the Children'* Court. Mies McQurfde and ber assistant. James Lou res, hare .been put In charge of 4*4 of the prisoners who ware discharged on the promise to do .better. If lap McQuade, who probably knows more about family discord than any one in New Tork, said In contenting on the work of the court: % "Mothers-in-law are responsible for the great majority of the cases that coma tntb-thls court. It makes l no difference whether It' la tho . mother of the husband or the wife, both are Instigators of dtseord tn the family. A mother-in-law should ever paj^more than formal visits to tb. home of her MB or daughter-In law. end ihepheuld nerer remafa orwr night tf .he lire* In the ettr. I "A ease whirl we had1 receatly le I not different from hundrede f others and I only montlon It boenud It ooenrrod recently. A mother cane ' from HarrUlurg. Pa attracted by tWlettere her daughter had wrtttea of her ^eppy home life. She wan a well meaulnc woman, bat a rlalt of one week enfflced to break an that I home" Fortunately the woman rw i turned home, an We ware ebtoAo re' coneite the couple when they came 4m m^Mla #,|1 iff. a a" WW a > op in uonaKic iteiajuons toort. Wire. Often. Bad^ Treated. Drinking and eloyenllneea play i an equal part In bringing couple. In 1 thle court. Buck new need no de> tall Inc. Howercr, I hare a trmpaI thi^ih th^^W^Un when U la I spend hla time and money eleewhare. I The woman la lanOrant. hadly tralu ed. often not well, and the oorablaei idnn l? ion miihi lar hen traiimuiMr a x iH(*Bmlii?aac--?t ???.. Jt i? en tlraly_the woman'e fnnlt that her I hue hand falla to prorlde for her. We e had a cSee recently where a. woman 6 had her huehand up for non-support. - and the man was arraigned In court, a ,H1? dr(,nee waa thJl "ho "hn<1 left e hom?Nbecsuee ha eo'uld not ret de cent food to eat thare, aUhpugh ha - . - . . . ^ariliKTr / . >1?^ "***"" ??" "" r PN ? CAROLINA. TUESDAY I Pally Paps SS3 Fffil LERF YEAR FACE ?4*J XrH.v ,- 3 F- -, Proepeetire Brides Proeue Llccuct and Arrange nil Dettila for Weddings. Wv. . " - Greensboro, N. * C-, J***- . 8.?Mrs. flora Qook. n middle aged woman of High Point, set op n unique sort of record In Guilford during the past reek, when with one trip to Greens' t>oro she bought marriage license for berself 'and son, who la Just of age. On Saturday etenfhg they were, re lurnea properly Bignca ana tne I act became public that Mrs. Flora COok and Calvin A. Wagner were married ftxurvdv morning and an hour later Jeter Cook and lilaa Hattle Hayworth euro married. Jeter Cook U 11 yeafa old and a son of Mrs. Flora Cook. The mother and bride attended to arrangements and financing of both weddings. IUDAS ISCftRffl A SAINT ? COdPARED WITfl RICBESON Ware, lua. Jan. ?.?"Jilu Incaxtot waa aalntllka la comparalan with the Ra?. Clarence V. T. Rlcha on.' declared the Rer. Roland B. Bawyer. one at the heat known Con Krecatfonnl clergymen In Kaaaaokuaatta. from the pulpit ft the Flret Ooagreeatiohal church tonltht. "ftlcheaon'a confoaaton to a laat cowardly reaoct to aave hta worthlaaa Ufa when he flada that lylr# and hlutdnt will not a rail. Ho ahoald pay the death penalty, and ao i . i should (eel no more pity for him thaq If doee tor a"rattlesnake. The middle -agea show no pen'*- -1 --I more bljok at haart thaa Rlcheaon " - U i . list op Letters. " Remaining Uncalled for la This Of. Ace for the Week finding January^ 6. 1911? Name* of Gentlemen. 8. Anderson. J. Henrv F L. Black, Capt. N. T. Cheek. P. B. Clark. Mattan Cow . Craven. W- H. Carr, R. L, Moore. IT. D. Moore 8. F. Nichols. John . ' ^ wnilaina. Namee of laJlw MleeM^ra Barrow. MarolllU Cherry, Budle House, LJssJe i.r Open Annie Priest. .Gilbert Parker Vtbiet riuiall^ XmuK Williams, Joe Wilson. "He waa a bard working man. and when he got home In the evening tc a cold houae. an<V the oniy thing which was apt to greet him on th< dinner table was a'piece of bologna sausage thrown on a platter. Hli wife, he told the court, was a great gadabout, and particularly fond oi moving picture shows and vtslttni her frlenda. She would stay a"waj so long that when evening can^e ah< did not have time to prepare a warn supper, but would buy something a the dellcateesen store. But underneath it all is the vita fact that the average weekly wage) of the man appearing In the conn t between 110 and 111. A man mak lng that and trying to provide ^for i wife and children is In very dlftcul circumstances. He has to live U poor surroundings, eat very cours food, often badly prepared, hag Si meet no xaoatfy Ufr pleasure an< amusemement, and life reeolvee It pelf fisto a hard tfreeOms propoeltior A man should be very sure that h can support a family before he mar rise." I rntw courts dialings """ rnauiiiBB J lm tkm' f??on ?UW> ha* J?* 1 Man U*4, conriaf Ik* Urtt r?*r f tb. ill. of til. Dome?tlc Mate** Court tk* loUowlo* fact* ar* '" "^Maar ' IMMM In*|hl Mr"nSa iato Ik. t***%; ?."V- ''*mi-'" ""jln**** ** "IST TT_" IzSSSSrS oat ,o? tb* trouble, an w.iawt a* rcroad factor*, i Bxtr*r*itmre qa tb* part a< tk wtie and the high coat ot llrlnj j rUSL^2?irtn,eHf h ymah mm LFTERNOON, JANUARY 9, r Published i BUM mm rot FmiSH FIGHT * 1 BATTLE WILl BE. HELD IN NEVADA JTLT ??CHAMPION TO RaOfcTV* Aft HIS ' SHAKE 981,100. . FLYNN THE: BEST DOPE - FLYNN NOW WEIGHS 184 POUNDS AND JOHN ON IB TIM BULLIVAN WI1 , HE STAKE HOLDER?JOHN! )N WILL TRAIN AT LAGOOlt . V Chicago. J4A I ?After eighteen month* of idl? less Jack Johnson,the I champion bflfc 7 weight pugilist of the world, tod y signed articles here to fight s &4lsk battle with Jim Flynn, the Pedble fireman, generally regarded as one of the best of the "white hope*n The fight will take plsre fmftamhff In Nevada next July As a temj&e date July 22nd was selected, feBU IMJ be chanced at any hUne.^rfie fight will be started either at Wln4ard or Metropolis. For Ma setfiike Johnson Is to ro' celve $31,jUH}dmd one third of the receipts Mb^BW-sale of the moving picture rlgHi. Flynn's share of the , i purse was not announced. He will 1 be paid by his manager, Jack Cnrley,: .who fepresented the promoters. Their identit]; is a secret. Bach fighter agreed not to eogafie | In a contest bftween May 1 and the date of this fight without the mutual' consent of thojother fighter and Curley. This means that Johnson's fight with 8am McVey may be snelvsd or postponed m favor oi the Flynn battle. Betore May I. however, ' Hyah will figh|t AI Kubiak in Toronto an DpsatUy Al Palser in New York. V Johndon protested against the Palser m)^ch *f place. A refree wiM be selected later. Tim Ulit. oviuio rw. ?, wwMf uiw post of |^0.000 and John| mb and Flynn 93.000 each, or the article* will be declared void. Johnson objected to only two section* of the articles. He demurred . to bavins to postpone the McVey battle and to the'aiuount of money be I 1* to receive for train Ins expenses, ? *1,100. ' He wanted 91.200 cash, three round trip ttaeis .u oult L.&ae ) and the transportation charges on i his three automobiles, i Curley explained to Jobnaon that I a training site at Lagoon, fifteen f M.ies from Salt Lake, and on a fine [ di..e would be obtained'for.him if r he would agree to the .91,100 propo? sltloa, and thla so pleased the ehampl ion that he signed without further t pi oiesti 'r He wai go u Lagoon a month before the Ugnt? 1 ihe .eani.fi Was . e.U a downi town hotel and was open to all. BeB .'?:'u >.he wgluers and Curley began - the dlacuaalon of the articles, Johns son made a thirty minute speech crltl t ctalng a newspaperman who had lna tl mated the match would tie a fake. ? "If the newspapers are coins to - continue to say buch untrue things, 1 111 refuse to sign," Johnson said. At the conclusion of tjis speech the u crowd cheered and Johnson smiled hie "golden smile." w Flynn whose diamond display now rivals Johnson's, expressed confidence that fie would prove a reel "hope." Ho says that he will build up to IfiS'ptnnda before entering the ring. Flynn now weighs ltd. ringside but he Is fat. Johnson "weighs about SSI. * ANOTHER REACHES | SIS II BU Chandler, Okla., Jan. S.?The Rev i" r Villi* oond?etlBK Mi-rlce*. at Mobs 'tain Valleyt. Ovlv jblgairy by >1 inn to Ford cf St | iLoiiig wWo j\Jlege* tfcirt. at ths I ; Mr. Ford irtarr' d a. yd'w.y- .vo-r.rj . [of this cU* he had get odours i a d! sllvorce from her. *yhe xninta.<-r nfc - NEV 1912 " = n Eastern Nc IS WEEK IS DOI WEEK HA j FOR Ifi Get as Many Double Vote Some. It's the "Then So . Sight and jou attain nothing. Work, and the prise la won; For every o-d* an With backbone can By nothing be outdone. The number of Contestants who1 succeed In laying up Bonus Votes uunu* mo uonui oners will appreciate the full value of the "Do It Now" Idea. They have been doing It all along and will continue to all the reet of the race. Thoae who are awake to the value of Double Votes will let no opportunity -pas* to store away a nice reserve bunch to trump in with on the last day. but lilss Worker, do not FIRST BON IN THE WASHING1 VOTING C For every $20.00 for Subscriptions. new or old, sent in by or for Contestants In the News Voting Contest, between the dates of Dec^ 11th and Jan. 8th, 191&, a Bonus I ' of 40,000 Free Votes will be given. One, Iwo. or three, or any numbers of yearB, count on this offer; any combination .'may be used to make $20,000. " . 4 PeraonB having sent In three or six months subscriptions before,' may extend their time and the Contestants securing the extension will receive the Increase vote. This is posltvely the largest Bonus offer that will fee made, i Don't forget The Da'ly Bonus that goes with It. STANDING OF Miss Uillu Swanner Miss Mary 8haw Miss Madline Ellsworth Miss Ltaaie Kelly Miss Fannie 8tewart Miss Carrol Willis Dlstt Mrs. Marlon T. Mayo, South Creek. Miss Rena Rowe, Aurora, N. C... . Mlaa Nina Reddltt. Edward, -N. C. . DiNtr Mlaa Luc/ O. Wollard. R. P. D. No. Misa Alice Woolard Miss Mary Marsh, Bath N. C Misa Willie Lee Latham. Pantego.. Misa Nancy Marsh. Bath, N. C Misa Ella Baynor. Leech ville. NaC.. Miss Kate -Eborn. Bath. N. C DUtr Miaa Leta Cartwrlgbt, Swan Quart* Miaa Leaale Sllvertborn. Middletor Mjtos Ruth Chadwick, Rose Bay, nT | Miaa Ruth Silverthorn. Englehard. 1 Rules f tavern log Contest. Rule 1.?Only one nominating coupon entitling each contestant to 1,000 votea will be allowed Rule S.?Votes can only be obtained b? securing subscript ions ^pre paid, renewals, collecting past due subscriptions o? by dipping free vot ing coupons from each issue Rule S.*?Centeetants may secure aa many free voting certificate* as possible and vote them qgch week Rgla 4.?Monies collected by Con teetanta on aubeoiiptlons must be turned oger to Conteet Manager b% i t o'clock Saturday night, of" the weak la which receipt is leaned fot same. Failure to make report of eoch collection with la epeelied time will forfeit yonr right to rotes mi. such amounts Role i?Contest Manager's signs tare mm* be affixed to votes befot + safte are valid lig&OBKKias ; noetad wit* tb? papar ?? n. to damand a racalpt for on*? ? Contavtanta. ' ? RuU t.?All noM/ for <?*baC.-. i tlrrn mint ba <rtilrt.*o ?ii? ** >i^ <?. r ? Ina Ttttif r?'i :?9?? s <j e< /t#? i MM p v,? ? . P..)e ?; ,-' . .i . - hnv..,, ..A- . ^ i RrmlMd W ?? SMrM: - fcnd ttala drrlrloi. ffc,** 'M1 - . ,fl*M u ^4uw <<^?? w #: - j ' >rth Carolina ? I IBLE VOTE ^ BONUS OF 5,080 ;i f PIVE DOLLARS is as Possiole and Then me" That Gets the Prizes : you reserve or under estimate the ability of your fellow worker to store away as maay as yourself. Don't waste time talking and figuring on how many it will take to , ;',3H beat the one who is crowding yon ft? fas*., but put in every minute of time writing or getting in touch with your J friends and helpers; getting them to work for you. Don't be a copyist just because it's easy. ' Form yonr own $Luna, pursue them In your own way. Win your own battle. Don't be a pessimist; its nothing ' 3&H more or less than mental Indigestion. Get an even footing in the race today and be a winner. "*? US PERIOD I rON DAILY NEWS CONTEST ' 3 This offer opens af channel ^you cannot afford to misaT It's easier to get Free Votes now. than to get extra Subscriptions later. This of- "V fer Is made to every Contestant regardless of district. Send 'in your subscriptions every day or every few days, to enable those in charge to get the papers started at onco. Subscriptions turned in any time between these dates.will be counted in this offer. Do not hold them until the last day. ' Read Rules 4 and 13 and get busy. IONTU1T/LNT8: X jS .V*. .N^ . ...... 1 500,750 *' 4?M*t . . . 418,750 5* 480,000 . 310,875 * . . 880,00* 888,55% let No. ?.- ^B .. 376,075 > 866,400 ; 883.500 ? let No. 3. # 1 318,050 294.300 813,075 . SO KAI 17,801 ' *3? H.??? w - '~M .. 11,754 N let No. 4. r. N. C .' 8R.616 i. N. C 60T7R# 'C 38,00C C. 17.tOt Rule 11.?The right Ib reserved to (reject any name for cause, also to aller these rules should occasion deRule II.?Votes can nut be trans _ jSH furred by one contestant to another after same hare been placed to her credit. \ Role It.?All oat ot town OotesviiiitH are allowed the privilege of 'nulling their coupons and money collected for subscriptions; such letters .-mould be addressed to-Contest Manger, Daily Nsws. The postmark of your postofflce most show the hour fc ?id date said letter containing: rotes > ered your office. Therefore 1st- + -n or packages bearing the postpttk of the last mail leaving your ' e nearest the hour named In say " * j oposition mads by os will be aoi .table. jEt Therefore v letters or pssksgss - j bearing the postmark of tha 1Mb " . M 1 leaving yvur poetefflee after the ' '.'1 w w MoraiUoa nOm ? th? Coatamt ItolW, tpfi MM h?t?l|. Of VMM. *? TOIM . * u II BO SOO TOtM - ' 1.00 .......... 1,000 TO0M a r , TS? ?1,000 WjH y "- IH|.T, VMM ' . ns.00 [J-- roar*. 110.00 ... . 10,000 mo |

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