III III-' ti^I I1H i ir Mjgos ? ? jyy ?s n JunluuKftJu IK ? TUla Good Old Southern Ci 8 i for the Democratic Nntioi L . Certified Owck was Pc - of Goo'. " " WeableKton. Jan. ?The Demo* - cnMe national committee completed I to work here today with the MiteIkm of Baltimore u coorenttoa clo. Joe IS wo* fixed m? the doth of the ullml gathering whoa candidates rnenddrtt u< yioe President wUI ho OHoctld. Tho Republican aatenJ* eecKlon Is to be held In Ohicefo with tlkt ClJl 'O^Wt|AUi; fS T^pt^nKKO^tf da* ?^Bg2|Kkl.074 d?I?tanKb Vcho?ru *1t?o over ^ nprujutljiLi uf the various clt I > > 1 the Jackwn Day banquet ?? well after S o'clock this morn\ & ' " '' ^tJ?g{g8b "^r?f" QCBSnON DRFBRRKD. B?m wee. a brief controversy over the propoeod. recognition of the Progi?lie League* clubs, an orfaniaattoa anld to finqro grown out of the Independence. League Movement. f started by WllUun Randolph Hearst. When objection was -made the question of recognition was deferred for Kit?', fonr yean. ..y I. Maek waa named to head the aukV , cow mitten on-arrangements for tn|T conugntion. Vice Chairman Hainbf f Nebraska and Secretary Ugny Wood1 eoa et Kentucky will be ex-ofEclo members au^i^^^oe and 1-ItlMAKV JIKSDI.TTTIO^ A l The rrimary resolution a do Died TE'' vt w:%a u modification of on - proposed I by Bouetor chamberlain of Oregon. It was fraraod by * anb-commlUee " A Ss.^adoa by Clerk Howell of Georgia Mj and ?m as follows: ?C B|; .'"That' Ifi thcj choice of delegates BSyr* alternates to. the national con" k.; vent loo of 1913 tbo Democratic State ^ efr territorial committees may. If jiot | oihoiftrtse directed by tbe law .of such B HKffnfrates or Territories. provide for the ^ . direct election t>f eucta delegates or |:iIWraateu It n the opinion of the fe'epoctivc committees It la deemed de^ Ijrj. \eimbl? and possible to do so with ,' Is..-; proper and aufttclent aafegtrgrd .Where aoch provision la not made by & Hr> the reapoctive odmmittrs for tbe W W ?he4ee of delegates and alternates 4 TIE COURSEIF I TRUE LOVE JOLTS UP 10 JUDGE GRIMES - . . mm?i Airad to u? ' tmfk of Justice This MornMi. ' kl-Done. Brown Foiled ' to Piwlde. ?, *?.?? on Uw docbotjo tbo | K.loJwu-o mart tblo mornlni woo no* totally doyald or potboo. Win. I; M^rr Chorry, o o?oto. Idiotic. ond appareUCQf mvayauif ox luuwiug ,><a from wrong. ?u cbargod ??>? .MBoK OB bla mothor. It BWOUvd trim the orld.noo tb?t tt? noiro wu l)f|l to *t4*ek*? uid. without ^-fWVBCfcUOB Ho VU MnUDCod tQ iMlni'i law". oalorod. WM ?5SSSSSS 'tbgl HorooB eontrlbot. $!.??' ft* w?ik for the mpport of tbo ehtMrwj Vj I.KAP TKAK OAHCE. -I Wodiu id?y ifteroooo to dooldt who!,. r? ilm LOOM b? gtr.n !.. |i go.ti.m4s or not t w. - w t ikon i .I ,: . - /?, yil* ty Won Over all Bidders idl Convention?$100,000 wted ma an Evidence ' 1 Faith N :; 1 as where the State lawa do Dot pro- { ride specifically the manlier of such .choice then- the dele sates and alter- ? nates to the said contention shall be , chosen In the manner that govern- E ed the choice of delegate* from the s respective States and Territories to 0 the lest Nations} Democratic Convea- t HA1/TIMOKK L^ADB. / [ . Baltimore led is the light for the convention from the very Bret, hot , tsro ballots were required before Bt. , Louis succumbed. Then the vote 0 eras'made unsnliaah. ^|a BalU- . more bid was accomffclsd' *7 a certl- ' Bed check for 1BB.BBB. The date , of the convention, June it, suggest^ , hr >.l?,-to*rt of Mlnaeaota. wa. urn, , "TheT? bslloe far the .onvanUon 1 care Baltimore tS votes sad Bt Louie 1?. with scattering votes for , Dearer, Chicago and New York. On , the second ballot Baltimore had ? < rotes a majority of the committee sad sufflcieaL St. Lopls went up to SB rotes, but the Blht for that ctj. ( carried up to the last few minutes, '*' ' **- ? The Brut ballot resulted as follows: Tor Baltimore?Alabama, Anions Arkansas. Connecticat, Delaware. c Oeorgla.' lows. Louisiana. Maine Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota MUs-' , laslppl, Ne#Hampshtre, New Jersey, ( North Carolina. Pennsylvania. Rhode ' Island. South Carolina. Vermont Virginia. West Virginia, Wisconsin. Die- I rtlct of Columbia sad Porto Rico? I 26. For N St. Lou la?California, Colorado. Florida. Idaho. Kansas,'Missouri Montana. Nevada. New Mexico North Dakota. Ohio, Oklahoma, Ore- 1 mine. A last n and Hawaii?19. t ^^Cblcy^-imnoby Indiana,! Tv^tuetrTWhfa^ciiiiWS; South Dakota autl Washington- 7. F.or Nhw York?Now York?1. 'tOa the aeqcud ballot Mnasac.huett* 1 and Dakota doserted Chicago, [1 Texas left St. Louta and New York i give up Its tight, the foot atatea go- * Ins to Baltimore, making the vote to* i that city 23 St. Louis gained 111- ' : tgobi Indiana, Kentucky and Ne- j bra ska from'the Chicago roll, but < lost Texna^to Baltimore, making the 1 at. Louis tot&l 22. On the second , ballot Chicago received oilly the vote of the state of Washington. On th? ( first call four votes were cast for i Denver but that city withdrew and < the voles were changed, for other , clt^s. On motion of Wood of Mich- | Iigan, the Vote for Baltimore after the ; second ballot, was made unamni- , moM. . ===== embarraaament of the gentlemen who are on the "anilouB bench," we suggest the ladies to remember the adage, "the early bird-fets the pick." ' The dance will take place In the Elks club on Wednesday evening the 17th. The liat will be placed at Worthy ? Ktheridge drug ftore. DElfKRATIC COHVEMTIDN THE JOS 25TI ImUh Dny Dbaer . VvtlAb Un Vox?Mltanore in tbe Lnnd r ? - . - Washington. Jan. ?.--Wh?B th* nMionnllii FittftH'i committee re ner vu a veritable love feast. abd the Democratic atmotpbere txad^dttnwherever etate committees desire I iTivtmnn nniinnnniini 14 -"' I 1 K AINALE LilNFtKENLt m NASimiLE IN APRIL1 111 Property Ovwn, Ftnml?| Wet end Swamp leada are later MM la Thle M Fecial ' d The owners of wet lands are interestid In the fact that A. W. McKeand, ecretary of the Chamber of Com- j uerce ot Charleston, South Carolina, j ind formerly secretary of the Chamber oC Commerce, ot Oglahoma City, vaa In Washington today, ffhd after | lengthy.'dlseusaion with Managing ' Mreetor Dane, ot Southern Commer- | lal Congress, consented to preside ver a Drainage"-* Conference In faShvltle during the aesslon ot the louthern Commercal Congrees, April 1-10. Mr. McKeand and members f the' Charleston Chamber of Cam roe hire pot Hrto operation m* ' hoda of draJnlnc aad adlft? ? ISM Mound fjlrtearnn. *74 Thla conference will Include. nf far lepoeelMf. the ortriere ot vet landa B the Souti^ engineer. and State .(Heinle. The vwtlAa before the ^dtereoce are ae to whether the .oath deal tee nnjthlat sure than a ederal enrvey of wet tande. or Ihether the South deelree federal coM that the attitude and wlabee ot he Southera Btatee ahoald be clearly leflned prior to the Nahoeal DraloIfe COBSreea. The etahe of the loath In the^whole eubjeet la vaatly [Teeter than the etahe ot the other Kirtlona of the United Btatee; tor J?r seventy-nine million acre* of | wamp and overflowed lands in the latioa. flfty-elght and a half million teres ^re^in the Southern States. mm BURN TO DEATH IN POIOUTH FIRE, IVhlle Mather Was Awy' From I Montfl,' two Children Agetl 4 and Portsmouth. Va., Jan.. 11.?When be homo of Hosa Perkins at 1004 ?lxth street, was destroyed by flro restorday afternoon shortly before 5 >'dock two of the' Roman's children sere burned to death in'the flames. I*he children were bojB and Were * Z ind 6 years old. They had been left klone In the house b/ their mother where a wood fire was burning In a itove. Had It beeh known by those who waived on th^ scene soon after the fire .started that the children were In the house they could havo been . aaved. Nothing was known of the I little ones' plight until the firemen had begun fighting the fire. It Was then the door was opened and a , stream of water thrown in the building thht the body of the youngest child was washed from the too m upon the front porch. The firemen were badly handicapped and delayed in their efforts to reach the house. Nearly every piece of apparatus that went ont in - re- ( sponse to the alarm which came from ( Station No. -48, at Fifth and Edward ( wards streets got stuck in the muddy ( streets. The Independent Fire Com- . pony's chemjk wagon and engine stalled la tfcrIM fa. Jefferson street. , between Fourth and Fifth and me- t eta an lea on their way from the nary , yard went to the assistance of, the , ' -- ? oi ISRIt^AT BRIDGE CLUB ' tfcTwinngf Hfti| tb* I'm iiii? BOHdSth" club mcmkoro pi nt. Mr?./Worthioatoa of ft. C.. ?B-1 HIm r??*'ofHow Borne, .nd Mlu Kiln both M.yo oer. alto rmut. Ml., ldnmblasbouoc .nd MIm Pock Ly 1.^1 JLJ ballv Krli ^W{ '' TBBBH6M Brand Whit lock, the mayor of Tolet er and reformer. was re-elected chief < pendlture of a single cent for campalj statement fiH? mm f CECRO 1H 4K11ESTKD FOR IIKTAILINO OS COMPLAINT OF CHILD WHO COMPLAINED . FATHER WAS NEGLECTING FAMILY FOR LIQUOR. r^T~ 1 ILSO iffijousn .FAIR MOVEMENT ON FOOT TO HOLD r AN ANNUAL COUNTY FAIR. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS ACTIVE TO PROMOTE THE PHOINJSITIOX. ' 1 . New Bern. Jan. 10.?The police of 1 this city are atlll waging war on the 1 illicit liquor'dealers and from pros- 1 ent Indications they will rid the city : of the majority of these peats. N16k 1 Ferran, a negro who lives In the 4 northern part of the city was hauled 1 Into court charged with retailing. V ( probable case was found and the do- 4 Cendant waa bound over to the next 1 term the of Craven county Superior court under a bond of flip. 1 Penan'e arrest came about In a : very peculiar manner. A young boy 1 who Mid hie homo wu Edward Can- 1 naujh appeared atJdnyor McCarthy-, home and told him that he Waa cold and hungry and that he wanted n warrant fr?r a nnren wtin hart hnnn 1 tall In* fkktn to hlo taibar aad mlu hta Mk? to apand all of-Via ttonoy an "Boon*" lnntoad of taktnf It Iom far hla family. The mayor docldad that tho Boy vaa tallin* tka truth and Met an oncor with him to tho homo of tha notfro. Upon anarchbMtf* Slltd wHh whlsktjr. He if|j| Whothor or not Now^orn Will hatn an anual fair la a quoutton that It now baton UM pooplo of Now Born and Cravan coanty. Whon tho morament waa flrat atartcd auroral waoka T rEE NOON. JANUARY tl published 1 ST1? M0T1HB H w ??^v ~ lo."'0.. and a!?o WfTT known as a writixtcutlve of his cltv without iti? ex9 purposes. arcordlna to-bia awuru [ .. , epura subscriptions from 'every arrnel In the county who will donatf o iKtf cauao. The big fish and tht ifitAr fairs which wore held in thli itr^fn years pa&t proved that such n >ritspjiltlv'>u would be a paying ven WPlfWWe Whtti" thffti ondfir pfop 'riv worked A month <-.< ??? ui agricultural and Btock exhibit and ivtatlou meet was held la this ci.y ind the attendance was unusually arge atftl much interest wah tnani'e&ted In' every way. A number of lie most prominent local citizens lave promised their financial support ind there is not tho lonst doubt but hat it will bo rondo one of tho big] ?ost events of the kind ever held in Sustern North Carolina. Hi WIN INQPIiON FIGHT l\T SIJTNFED. VA. ( * The Wets Made Considerable Galni Over Their Sirm*in a wo Years Ago. Smithflcld. Va.. Jan. 11.?Tin irys polled $ 3 to 80 votes In the loca Dption olectlon yesterday out of a to Lai of 173 votes cast; only seven some of whom were out of town, fall Ing to exercise their votes. Thre< years ago In a vote of about-oqua strength the dryB won nearly two t< >ne, the vote standing 117 to 60 odd Both sides seem to find cause of eon (ratul&tlon In yesterday's vote; th< irys being happy over the prospect oi continued dearth, and the wets ?x tractln* iatlafaetlon of their mini which au boot chuuing tho com plexlon of thln^a. Tho olectlon though a eubjoct of latcaeo Interna la tho townsfolk, paanod without no table Incident. Had the weta won Uer exoectet to open ealooma on Hex let. Tke re nit of tho election mum ?... smith laid will remain locally dry for tb. Mat two rearm a - . 5? A* *n i.mo. I] few AOracMnm I^Va?Tg?e M th. eSSISsasfciiJ* Una towaa is that thay aro exceed Infly clever In evety rwpect. The motion picture program la an ttaa htrfaat claas fllma available Now York, Inn. 11.?With th eummtt of lilt lfeKlniay a* IU goa an expedition kXM hy Prof H. C P.A?, iMtn N?w Tor* within tS ^r.uon or 1.1?^ ,.im* jtt Eastern N< it 6II III J Interesting Happenings Go dom. Get In as Many Bonus Votes The Contest ship is sailing on a high sea now. ' The onee aboard are already restless wondering what may be coming next. Well, that's a ipelendid feeling to have, especially during the reet of I this Contest. >for it Is impossible to predict the results from one day to another. - Time and tl<Je wait for no man, I and in thla event it is High Tide; and FIRST BON IN THE WASHING: VOTING < For ewry $20.00 for Subscriptions, new or old, sent in by or for Content ante In the Neva Voting Contest, between the dates of Dec. 11th and Jan. 8ih, 1912, a Bonus of 40.000 Free Votes will be given. One, two, or three, or an? numbers of jears, count-on this offer; any combination may be used to make $20,000. Persons having sent in three or six months subscriptions before, may extend their' time and the Contestants securing the extension will receive the Increase vote. This Ib poaitveiy the largest Bonus offer that will be made. Don't forget The Dally Bonus that goea with it. HTAXD1NG OP District No. 1?V s " Mi&s Olivia Jordan i Kiss Lillian Swanner i .Miss Mary Shaw i i.!lsa Madline lullsworth Mius Lizzie Kelly . . J Misft" Fafiai? Stewart -> rxrdif wntle. . p;-(t ?*rs. Marion T. Vayo, South t'c?. k. y:? Retia liov. e, Aurora. N. C.. .. J.I..3 Nina Kihvatu X. C. . t p: ii 1 > V.te# I.ucy C. V/o!i ir i. It. I\ i) N?. ; ?;?*?:.. vvw^rk...... - I v! a . 1 i I \ Ella Huyjicrr Ue'-avt!!*. .\*. I . Whs Knie Kliorn, Hath. X. C MiM Leta CdrlwrlBbt, Swsn p.nme Mlsa Le.--.sio Silverthorn, Mirldlotoc 1 Midf. Kuih ?hudwick, llcso Bay. N". Mfes Ruth Silverthorn, Kngloharl, : 1 llulen (iovc ruing Contest. Rolo 1.?Only one nominating coupon Qutitilrg each contestant to s 1,000 votes will b<> allowed. 1 Rule 2.?Votes can only be ob talned by securing tiubsrriplious pre, paid, renewals, collecting past duo - subscriptions or by clipping froe vot? lng coupons from each Issue. * Rule 3.?Contestants may secure * as many free voting certificates as possible and vote them each week. Rule 4.?Monies collected by Con1 testants on subscriptions must be ' turned over to Contest Manager by " t o'clock Saturday night, of the '? week in which receipt la Is' sued for aaase. Failure to make * report of such collection with1 in specified time '* will forfeit your " right to votes on such amounts. , Unlet?Contest Kuutt'i signature moat >t afllaed to Mai before [ tame are saltd. j Bab I?No employe of The Dally Neva, or member of may family connected with the neper will be permitted to participate la the contest. Role 7.?Subscribe* are ooulloned a to deal end a receipt tt>r money paid Contestants. Rule Any question that may - arise between contestants will he determined by 0m Contest Mane per, - and this decision will be flaai. ' Rale Id-?-Coateatanta are at Kb^ arty to Monro ^SabStfr^Mwm jjjjjB >rth Carolina EST I fflpg HiW? I logon In the Vote ?' I of the Five II as PoaslhK o,<V though it looks like eauy sailing, Uie _J worker* find It keepe them on the more steadily to keep a-pacc with their competitor*. Kct'p trying?keep going;?and tke Votes will keep coming your way Get the vote* that you want % voted in thia Friday'* number tide, " Only the Vote*, in the ballot box will be publiahed on that date US PERIOD \ TON DAILY NEWS ZONTEST Thia offer opens a channel yon cannot afford to mias. It'* easier to get Free Vote* now, than to get extra Subscription* later. Thl* offer U made to every Contestant ' regardless of district. Send in your subscription* very day or every few days, to i . % enable those in charge to get the paper* started at once. Subscriptions turned in any time between these dates will be counted in this ^ offer. Do not hold them until the v last day. Rend Rules 4 and 13 and get busy. " ' & CO.VTKSTAXTfi: * J t'ufluggtoii. X, ('. ? :'0oT > .. j <??: .4 / . . J. . . .". . . ..A $ .. . y. t ... .v........ 310.n: . ;. .4-? .b':'.... -si'C.r.'y-'j - - ' "t" ' :l . . . 31C.O'- . ? . l'0,5if? J ^ 14,601 r \ ?j let >o. I. r. X. V \ . . 85.62.5 I. N. c fOJtO c. C8,o?y SC. .-K 37,21 i ^ .v3jj . Rule 11.?The right is reserved to j reject Any name for causd. also to alter tlieoo rules should occasion demand. Rule 12.?-Votes can not he trane . .y.;* forred by one contosiant to another after same have teen placed to her *. ' credit. Rule 13.?All out of town Colorants are allowed the privilege o' x mailing their coupons and money eel lected for subscriptions; such letters should be addressed to Contest Maf-^ ager. Dally News. The postmark o! 7OTY poScoTiIoS must snow ms Sow and date said letter containing votes entered your office. Therefore letter* or packages bearing the goermark of the last mail leaving, yorar offlce nearest the boor named in any proposition made by am will bo a* oeptable. Therefore letters Ojr paefcatea bearing the postmark of the W\tt* Hail Waving your poato/f)se after Urn hour and daw named in mj grogosition made by us wU he.stof To .an whn. eater iW <*?*W* ** Ftor any Information ca^ ernes ?lI 4 month*. tl.OO. TOUK . ,-3H ? months. 11.10 too **?m i rm. tl.oo .1.000 who. I room, 10.00 ?... 1.000 ooom I y??rm. 10.00. rt.000 tola* jfl I rear*. 110.00 7.QOO ooom .J % Taarh frtt'.bg 160,000 vsftrs 1 . ' ' ' " 11 : to? I Ja jllxir ^rjwn!r!wtt

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