OI V? HTlillQlIM Mw PtvU im.i.at. between the Manorial ?? tWIr pert to the Demo.1?1 ?UU ro mm It tee (o call a NO ' taj? jlp-' ; J *.-:? : I ' 1 m**m. ZTa7 ^.4MatdThL bm intllr abu?*l and ' Sfi( S ?U?? 70? DKUCGATW ATI ,|g MD-RETIRING GRAND MAS j\,. "/ 1 " : ^H?ltNED \-EHTM52 Sp? OMSCTKSSONB iifim I p.. jif" wt dlspotod to do ao, ! would bo He to lnnst In thia campolXB mora than Is nboolutolr ntrnoarr to dofiVj tho ndmlttedir tofttlmato Krand marshal . John T Alderman, senior grand warden Frank P. Hobgood. Jr.. junior yiMfit.*Z: \^ 'U i-eo D. Heartt, grand, tre^nurer. ) John C. Drewry. trend necmtarr. *-T?s*r. ?--< >?R. T. Edward., grand lecturer A. B. Andrew., Jr.. .enloi* grand C. L.^^Jdfen, Junior grand-deacon. Oeo. B. Norlleet. gramfmarakall. Henry j*. Oradr, grand .word 1 ^Wer' " l! 1C Braawell. grnnd purauirant irllr Vrfin Wlrr UK SETS DATS TO KKXDKK FINAL DECISION AND FINALLY DECIDES THAT HE PROPOSAL ISJO SUDDEN HMMIK PAGE, A BACHELOR, 18 RUN DOWN BY AN ARDENT WOO BR, BUT J1MM1E 8AY8 HE "PA8NT" WED, JUBT NOW. Loe Angelee. CnL. Jan. 10.?"Jlmpla" Pago baa Quit. Ha decided tolay not to accept the leap-year propoaal of Mtaa Virginia Franklin and to notlflad bar at bar home. No. tii Wart Tkbrtaantb etreet. "Jlmmie'a" frienda *ln Our Jonathan and California Cluba ara aomeabat directed with blm and ara ratlonalr allocked, for "Jlmmle" had bragged daring tha naak baforo th? laap war waa inaugurated that ba would acoopt lb. Crat gfel wbq bad tha nerro to propaaa to him. "JtmOfo" * rot*, hand*... wealthy? altogether a good catch?and no one napaetad that tha Tear would'pane without bia marriage. "Jtmmlee" loneaoma bachelorhood haa been the inbjed of aotao comment In hta act. lor be baa fraqoenUr aald?hip own wwrnae-"alngle bleaaednaaa la bell." ? Mtaa Franklin, who la In the name et. rlaalaad New Taar'a Dar to earn "Jimmla" from an? farther grlaf at Ma aolltarr aUte. Tha pocond dar of ianoarr ahe called on him at bia office and formally proponed to him. "Olmme time, gimme timet" gapped "Jimmla." ' Then. raooTPrlng hlm elf aomawhat, he added: "Thlw la ac .udden!" > At mat he fold Allan Franklin that he would hare to take a few dare to iaaMm^hr propoaai. He act a date ?Jan. t?And aald ha manld cadl-ber word from "Jlarmla." Today, howorar, ha aaakanad. Ha.waa found tonight. decn In melancholy ak tha California Club and was asksd about MiX" be whbpewl. "I told bar I couldn't . do ?^1fmJ bow. Boe't yon aao?I Boat know bow to gat married. eayway. I Boot know whstber I went to or not. I'm not reatfy, Hoesstiy, I "daae'nt.Mto. rrankltn 1..M hsr^lf to all SEEI1RS IN RENO Obo Twentieth of alio Population or About aoo Mob Bad Women, V w . Want to Oot Unmarried. a ' Rono, Nov.. Jaa. ltr?Tbora horn boon IE suits for divorce filed Mr* stnco Jan. 1. In IS 11 the average was SE a month. There are approximately 600 men and women, in this city seeking divorce, representing one-twentieth of Its entire population. Of the dlroree colony, TO per cent, ate women. The number of men hare tor this purpose has increased in the last three months. While at the present time there to none here of national Bote, the colony Includes more of second-class prominence than erer before who ate qutetl^ slipping lato oottages and resortinr to eyary means to preeeat their presence and Identity from be coming known. MRS. MACI.KAN ENTKRTAJN8 ON ? CAROLINA. FRIDAY ->r/ frag ^/-^^Tr*"*-? ror the ngowI time sine# the pubMcan govmor. In the per job of J came with the defeat of powerful I nn mi im ARRESTED H -!-1' C -> r y. , ^-- V?-..J.-^w. PRANK WINBSKJK. A PHOHIN. NT CITIZEN IS CHARGBD wild wnttmuso . MMM ,3. AR8EST CREATES SENSATION - > - " - ^ ' .1 FRIENDS BELIEVE HIM INNOcm ARB ABB STANDING LOYALLY BY HIM?STANDARD MIRROR CO.. OF PITTSBURG, ARB HIS AOCUSB8& . - : A- a ,\.r Oreensboro, N. C.. January 10.? Prank Wlneskle, director and manr ager or the 8tandard Mirror and^ Pittsburg Plate Glass Companies' branch of flees at High Pol^t, and one | of the best known and most prominent cltlsens ef that town, was arretted late this afternqpn nn a warrant charging the embetslement of ISO.OOOV The charge against Wlneekie was made by Frank McKnight, president of*the -Standard Mirror AMBtffanV and at hie Instance Justice oFThe Peace D. H. Collins this morning issued the warrant. The paper was placed in the hands of Deputy SWiff John Weatherby and he left' for Tllgh Point immediately by automobile. A vuu12 a Eastern No a he in t> " ' ' ' ^Ewfl Dally News Co- Jwrka They are fc.4ae of?Surj of T '. * f ' > >' The Dally News Contest is proving i one of the most valuable subscription levers ever used in this section of the South. The contestants are working with an energy that will bring them big rewards for their untiring efforts. None of them are slighting thf ir work and when the end Is here I they will certaiuly be proud of their j STANDING OF District No. 1?W Miss Olivia Jordan Miss Lillian Swanner Miss Mary 8h?w. _ kites Midline Ellsworth. . .JUlss Llxsle Kelly .? . Miss Fannie Stewart ?. Miss Carrol Willis DMif Mrs. Marlon T. Mayo. 8outh Creek.. Miss Rena Rove, Aurora, N. Cv ... Mtes Nina Reddltt, Edward, N. C. .. Dtstrf Miss Locy O. Wollard, R. F. D. No. 1 Mies Alice Woo lard Miss Mary Marsh. Bath N. C Miss Willie Lee Lathate, Pantego.*.. Miss Nancy Marsh, Bath. N. C Miss Ella Baynor, Leechvllle, N. C.. .. Miss Kate Eborn, Bath, N. C Dietrlt Miss Leta Cartwrlght. Swan Quarter, Miss Lessie Stlverthorn, Middleton, Miss Ruth Chadwlck, Rose Bay, N. ( Miss Ruth 8ilrertborn, Englehard, N. Roles Governing Contest. Rule 1.?Only one nominating r coupon entitling nsach contestant to 1 1,000 votes will be allowed. * Rule S.?Votes can only be obtained by securing subscriptions pre- " paid, renewals, collecting . past due t subscriptions or by CtypplogJ^eejrot c ing coupons nrom each IssuA Rule *.?Contes?Sls may secure ? as many free voting certificates as 4 possible and vote them each week. ' Rule 4.?Monies collected by Con- " rest ants on subscriptions must be " turned over to Contest Manager by 1 t o'clock Saturday night, of the " week In which receipt is te- f sued for game. Failure to make 1 report of swch oolleotion with- 1 In specified time will forfeit your 0 right to votes on such amounts. 1 Rule I m Contest Manager's sighs- c tore most be affixed to votes before same are valid. Rule ?. ?No employe of The Dally News, or member of any family connected with the paper will be per- 1 milled to participate In the contact. Rule 7.?Subscribers are coutloned f to demand a receipt for money paid Contestants. Rule il?All money for subnerio- , lion mast be paid to Contest Manager, who will upon receipt of same, Jsue Voting Coupons to cover the amount paid In. Rule 9.?Any question that may ^ arise between contestants will be de- ( termlned by the Contest Manager, : and this decision will be final. Rule 1G.?Contestants are at lib- : erty to secure subscriptions any- I where regardless ot what district : they lire in. sent Its case tomorrow, but -that until 1 then no definite statements will be made. An attorney from Pittsburg will come here tomorrow to assist Mrr Bradshaw in the prosecution. . i Deputy Weatheriy returned at 1 6:80 from High Point, bringing the Justified bond Of ?10,000 Indlcat- ? lng the prominence of the accused < were such names signed to the bond 1 as Mayor. Fred N. Tate, J>W. Harris. ' A. E. Tate. W. O. Bradshaw. J. B. Marsh, Editor J. J. Farrisa. R. H. \ Wheslsr and others. I . rusk WtaMkta CUM to Hi(k i grown (ram . .mall .mount to *101.000. H. i. . mm* ot f.mlir, taring , a wit. niut UN (MMr.n R? II , ogiglnallr tram PltMmrf. ? " I. * wUtemnat .hortlT mfUr kin j " * ' ~ ' '' ' ? rth Carolina GfllRING injvBr ht . 1 s are Showing the Mettle . rises in 3tore for Many lem ibowing. We believe some could dox belter and we think they will. But now ie the time to put In your beet "licks." . Now is the time to make ? your standing forge ahead, fiow U the time Jo garner every subscription I In slgbt and make it yours. Don't Itorget that the "best fellow" always I sins. ?loONTRSTAKTB: IsKhlngton, N. C. I SOflTfirt * * 495.4(0 415.750 . 410,001. , <:JH . .* 310,37 V *> 'wM 150,000 224*644 No. SL ' V.'sH 175,oiv . . .. 155.400 111,500 t* No. a. . 315,064 154.304^ . . 113,075 . ? ...... 90,500 ." 17,900 14.504 J No. 4. ^ N. C vN. C . 50,750 2* 3. 35.000 C v 37,200 Rule 11.?The tight la^eaerved to eject any name for cause, also to Llter^jhese rules should occasion denand. , * Rule 12.?Votes can not be trans Orred by oho .contestant to another liter same have been placed to her >r ?div. ? -* - ' Rule 13.?All out of town Cotfesc- *^*19 mts are allowed the privilege of sailing their coupons and money ooi* acted for subscriptions; such letters hould be addressed to Contest Maniger. Dally News. The postmark of our postofflce must show the hour ,nd date Bald letter containing vote* intered your office, therefor* Iwt- % en or package* bearing tb* poet- - 4 ark of the laat mall tearing your 1 if flee, nearest the hour named In any 1 roposition made by us will be nceptable. Therefore letters or packager rearing the poetmark of the First 4all leaving your peefeefttos after the ' |M tour and data named in any proportion made by us wil be aooepted. "^8 To all who enter this contest we A guarantee fair and impartial treatnent. For any information call on or adLress the Contest Manager, and same M rill cheerfully be given. # Yours respectfully, MISS ETHEL HOUSTON, ^Contest Mgr Schedule of Votes. I months, $1.00 200 votes I months, $1.50 500 votes L year, $3.00 1.000 votes I years, $6.00 .2,500 votes 1 years, $9.00 4,000 vole* ? years, $}5.00.... . .7,500 votes * v|f 10 years, $30.00 ... .25,000 votes $ 15 years, $75.00. ...150,000 votm W HO WOULD BB > A BACK NUMBER? . The professional man who doee not sad the newspapers is a back nun- /- \ Take the lawyer. The papers are x> natal tly' chronicling important rl?U m l I || piIUUUI?iwnom upwind dtcMou Involving new im laerecting points. Takn ths doctor. Every new medinl discovery, every Inter?tlog experiment, tf eofflctently Important, le -jl repor^yd In tbe pre? It easy not ?e . old In technical lnageatoi bat It S3 Etvaaa olew that may to ?Hotted t? '.-c , , So with all the prop?moan.. Tkmae ire bat eeggeauoes of the one henIred and ono ways that the aama- iUi|H layers are eeefat tofhc prot?loanl at. phyXdan. tawyer mlnmtar _ , B>R. ltUoB Of Bo?th Craak. to vUltlai hw AajtfkUc. Mto lei. ? -ym Rswlltie, K-Kalu sfreetn * w. ?-.l " a.*'-.- a . ( Ufa Wr4A- tm to# sBfltfe. M*? . a J -TT ;r JfiuJll lUiijU '-biS" v