CLEAREN $10.98 No Ahet f I J. K. H Ever so Many Yean Ago ' a vfae man said "Experience Keeps a dear school but fools will learn In no ' -? other," and the wisdom of this-' ancient saw Is being seen every . day when fire wipes out a map's possessions In - a single night and there was no insurance. Profit by the experience of others and consult Wm. BRAGAW,& CO. FIRST INSURANCE AGENTS IN WASHINGTON. N. C. Dally News Want. Ads bring rvt?ulu? Clearan< Of Heatin MrKppl.R I^^^Hardwf i) The G Ts our 10TE our store g ~ JOTS AND* TITTLES AS ARE SEEN AT EDWARD Ytricf Hut Newsy Items Caught by Our < urrc?|?onatury a representative citizen of Washington the proof is positive. You Z must believe It. Read thiB testimony. Every backache sufferer, every man, woman or child with any kidney trouble will find profit In the readng. J. B. Peed. E. Second St.. Washington. N. C.. says: "Backache bofchersd me and there were pains across my loins. These symptoms of kidney trouble showed that something must tie done. The kidney secretions were hi bo irregular In passage and contained sediment. I used two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills as directed and they entirely relieved me. There has never been a recurrence of my complatet." For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Poeter-Milburn Co., BnCal^ New York, sole agents for the Untton States. Remember the name?Doan's? . and take no other. OO-PA RTVKRMHIP NOTICE Edward L. Stewart and W. A. Thompson annoance that they ? have tier at l*w la tlnTVUvtrtor Cotrt ?f ' Beaafort neit In the Bnpsoras Court of North Carolina, the style of the said Arts to ho "Stewart * Thompson, Attorneys at Law." MtSeo in WnMUngton, M. C.. In the Cloak mThis ' " ? ~ w ds riratmsi is m in Jit H I' $ " i HM ACTION IS WORTH P UNDREW OP THOUSANDS OP DOLLARS ANNUALLY TO TRUST. ? * TU TO BE COLLECTED 4 PRINT PAPER AND PULP ADMITTED FREE FROM CANADA BUT OTHER COUNTRIES ARE LEGISLATED AGAINST. a nor* a 1 w??hln?fnn ro??n.J?? Washington, D. C., January It? President Taft has Just taken action * that Is worth hundreds ot thousands p of dollars annually to the paper trust by refusing to remove the tax from j? print paper and wood pulp. When the reciprocity bill was pais ? ed a provision wss tacked to it providing for the free admlaslQfe^f ? print paper and wood pulp from CaV a da. ' This provision became law whethen the . reciprocity act was? ; agreed to by Canada or ndt. There forftv although reciprocity failed, print paper and wood pulp are now |j admitted free from Canada. , h As soon as this provision became " law, five nations which ship paper to " America, and which have treaties with this country in which we agreed s to extend t to willing to concodn to tkhliutlc. >t demands (or cheaper ps?Kr^JtBh . *?*t efute tils words, and show that ha 1 ? willing to Violate treaties with Are t rkindly nation* rather than give van tha slightest conceaalon to frear rade. The tariff on print paper Is to all raft leal endg a tax on Intelligence, lecauM In this day and age tha greatr maaa of people receive tbelr eduatlon on public matter* through the 1 lewspapere. With print . paper radically controlled by a treat, tho ' doe has been systematically boosted o as to .work a hardship to the pros- j erents publishers, and to nurit* print * a par nigh on to prohibitive to many 1 f the small conntry publishers ? rhos* earnings are not any too good j t th* beet. < Meanwhile there is pending a bill | itroduced .by Senator Hey burn, ' rhlch proposes to repeal the Cana- ' lan reciprocity act. ^Having been < ejected by Canada, the law la dead \ itbout being repealed. Bnt If the 1 ct Is repealed, the live added taction 1 rovidlng for free print paper would * Iso be repealed, and the old (ax on <, sper even from Canada would be re- j ored. Since the tax on Canadian c rlnt paper has been repealed. *1 In ependent paper companies, aggreating capitalisation of eighty-three f lillion dollars, have started op In . p position to the trust bringing re- ( actions in . prices already, and rousing hostility of the paper trust. ~~ A Lire Soggeet?, -Why would it hot beTgood Idea ' ?r all Democrats, everywhere, to ereafter taboo the nse of the word tariff*' and tn its place use the term tax" which la what a tariff really UT If every Democratic writer and peaker^ would use the term "The ayne-Aid rich Tax Bill," Instead of rom now until the polls close on lovember 6, there heed be little oon?cture aa to the customs of the eleokJn. Who doubts hut thft if the Dinghy tariff bill hid been known and resrred to generally as the Dinrl?v tax 111. and the McKinley tariff bill as te McKinley tax bill, and the PaynV ildrich tariff bill aa the. Payne-Aldl^i tax bill ths Republican party ronld not be in controll today. The word "tariff" Is too Indefinite. I here are hundreds of thousands s!. sen who may be brought to bellffre bit it would bo to their advantage I some Indirect, mysterious way to D^s for a tariff, but who could not e cajoled or coerced into the conyicon that It Is to tbatr Individual towust to tote to pat an enormous tax ... WJIV; u*rri r*\ Saying ouble value for y fit the family her S - LEV ? AHHINGTON PRODUCE MARKET < Corrected Daily by H. B. Mayo.) , January 1$. Je?e, each ..50c ] lrkoys, lb 11c to 12c >rlng Chickens .10c to 20c rown Chickens ..20c to 25c 1 imto skins, each ....... 19e to JOf c tearllngs 5c to 10c icep skins, each ....... 20c to 50c I allow ...V 6c I ry flint hides, par Ik 1<( 1 sell hides, per lb . .lit rr hides, d'fled, per Ik.... ,4c to (r sen emit btdee IH? sen hides . Is < tcs Ifln let skin flint lie set akin emit lis im. per bu 7 0c Msoex. per lb lie ool. free from tens ....lie 001, harry lOctnlte *. Pes. .- 11.10 ny keen Il.efl Kk 9? 11.1* ?? da noons .'..Ike gflL sll y ** ' ' ~ J i ift- A*-' q $35.00 Meat Store [| ob everything they eat wear, and uee. It Democratic with protection and it every stump speaker wtll ferry on a elm liar crated e. end if the moremen't will be made nation wide, the pftblem of reversing Republican ' victories at. the polls will hare beeh wolved Think this over. "Om Territory." - | .One ot the Chicago packers. In the rial now going on at Chicago, complained that "Swift Infriiffced on oar I territory.*; The disputed- territory leas In New York and Vermont,.mad the question naturally arleee: How lid that territory, or any other territory, come to be the exclusive propI irty of fcwlft or anybody else? I The answer la simple. Because I Swift and the" other packers, after I lrlring the butchers In the local coth nun I tie* in New York and Vermont sut of business, bj underselling them IITided up the territory thus seised wd celled it tbhir own. Of course. It ess theirs! Having stifled *11 competition,, hoth rrom within and wlth>ut the district, they were left free to tdvanoe prices of meet to auk the imount of dividends desired, sad to tali the territory "their own." , The Answer. "Why talk- shout placing say of he necessaries of life on the tree 1st?" is "the cry that goes up^rom the Standpatters every now and then. If this were done." they a^^how could the government raise revenues to meet He expenses?" Ladies' and 1 Mid-Winter Our entire line of during this sale. Ladies' Black and Brown Vat button, regular $2.50 vahM Ladies' Black and Brows Vat button, regular $2 values ~rjpr A'. 1 = Event our money durin e with ease ns CO :APUDINE for **THAT HKAO^^HK Out last night? Headache an isrvnna this snorntnaf lllets Csm, line Juat ttU^btng to fit yon fo malnees. Try It. At dru( ?mr^? 1, Mr. Merchant now I* the time o take advantage of the adrertSalng olumna of the Dally Newt. = A Safe And Profitable New^ Year RESOLUTION For all Jewelry buyers "to make during 1912. RESOLVED-.?Tbat I hall whenever a want presents Itself for me to make any purchase Watches etc that I will I ?? uwvuvw g WIN order It by mail from I Norfolks Bert Jewelry I m Deal ? ' LAS1 fcdi oa~r o7 OMQ, MayeTllleJ Ky., Jan. 10?For twen. ty-#?e yean Louie linear and hie wile lived-la the tame honae vithotl peijdn* to etch other. Leet Sua day, without any apparent reaenu. the wife broke the alienee by aakiu ber heeband to ham a cap ol coffee. He replied: "I believe 1 wtn." Hardly bad he ettered the remark than be waa attacked with heart trouble and died. The Incident leadtn* to the trade climax wee not dlecloeed nnUI today when hie will wa? mads public. Tlx daad man. who wae a largo property owner, willed eoemblng to hiewlfa. Hie body will be cremated and hia aabea cant to the wlnda tern tb? Cincinnati geanaelne bridge. The Apollo Cent art Co.. In their entertainment Monday night, .will gtoe the third of the oertee of the I Lyceum count. 1 = Misses Shoes Reduction 3a Ladles' and Minim "Tlh|inn a Look at these pricw ret Shoes, Ml All $2 sad 92. ? - - $1.89 w? go at th * Ladies' and Mt ret Shoes. Ml in velvet sad - - - SL39 pritt V tue Hij Tti H?m of Good OoAa ^ 3 i i*?5? * W; Tbs g Udk even! tv( i ~. - ' nV-| / Soojp { ' t In Mirth ai I A COMEDY SCREAM. v ^^UKyf/ON ' f A ^W#T' T* ft: -1 era ftxi ^ ? Is tomorrow's laeue ?'. will pal. ^ I lleb the Sunday a. boo! Immi for Beat * 1 Sunday', leeaon. It la dlrlded Int.. four porta The Birth of John the t L from Commontarlee and the AnalyS* t'-J and Key. If yon like tbla feature of V M the paper and appreciate It. we wtU run It reenter. If there la not ehfdetent Internet In K, we will dlacen ttnue lt We try to adit the paper Jo- !fg eult opr readere. . - . Walhlnr wp had at a^ time thla J morning, oat to Do roreoa to taio to JM crawl ov.r a wagon load of wood fl thrown on the aidowalk and ollowod to remain, there (between Hon Diwk Co.1! and the goo oTgee, waa doaa to j O0C. Cook will to ItoJUlelgh on A - tko It. lodge Brngaw told thooa I Halalgh folka that too tolooco ol the J atou Utd their area on than. They had batter lot take too metwhlle pdl 1 ' roller too aortoaaljr op In the eapHol i dtp, or wa will hare a tad oeiaiop of toopi. _ J Mr Edward wlOlama aad Wee \ Bertoa Broen ware aaarrlsd at Woodatock on toe