) "^1%^ T? Q y nj^ |%TI YIATYITI IT nT'BBI nnn nm i i - itiii uuftjn I mand L Trade 'n ,rbe larger*lines remains quiet, first because pt the very cold weather that "has prevailed over ? wide area, thus preventing road ?*i&8m?ri from t getting about, and aacon,d}7 bac*ji?e"larea|tortni Kill ooi : what botteCj .p*j *tall trado lb 5 ovorcoata, woolbn un^erweutr.-glbvo^. hosiery, hkti and caps and footwear . . haa-ftpprowVoWInd totheywrr low V.T ' temperaturea or itarmi that prarnll. . . Oetalde jof tMaallnta, klitrftatltn at retail BirT?0?Aj;<iu let. ihopilera J mSSFwfBSRSim^ n?V, - ' ' Utah euffie-daMomloW tooldent tWa, eepttoaell/ lqclsmont weather, whlfe roaatn trad, la prattlcallr at ? etnndatlll! to the walk hoaar rploa rWe retarded .dtttrlbutlon and pref Vaatod farm .,*? k.jDnitor the r-ircumataacea, ctoaxanc aalaa at ratall . bawe-oot. attrMnd Idncb bualnraa. In abort-. tha low tamparatnras hare handicapped trad,. {addaaUllT, trat c on tha railroad, haa boon hamp> arad, motive power aMelancr. eepectalty in the wifat. haa-been reduced IS to 8# par rant.; thehtrlke of tha Soosmhordmen at Beaton allacta tha ahlpplnc at thai port. Sach loodatntta , we bottar. ana aad potateee have all book advanced. white tattle, aheap aad Ian ha are also dearer, receipt, mad eappllee bavins baan red toed. , Cattle aa tha weatara ransee an aaffarlac. Coal la. of edaraa, la hattar demand. hat tha rail ware lad It dlfdcalt to make ahlpmenta. Tha waek allaaanid tha dpenlat of prioea on ' If IS. Thoath Irradalarlty la ahowa. ; IIi.i;TB^i?dljU,ii, prioa. ob era iotoi and to Induce vut ucisukI I UK DOE SORE STUNTS * Virginia Legislature Is In Session ud Among the BUls Introduced are the Following 1 To prohibit the transportation *of more than two gallons of ardent tplri \ lis ot one time from vjet into dry territory. under he?vy? penalty. Is the purpbB.a of a'bill introduced, in the s$" House of Delegates by Mr.'Bain- of Southamnton county. TMs 'bill poo' Tides .ftf^the firtt offehse a Any of f from JBO to JiDO, with imprisonrAcr.t for not raorethajr sixty days. For *'** the second offSbso and for each bucceeding ofonst the guilty parG a^tll b? sentenced to Jai\ for not lena than six months nor more than twelve " months, and fined not lass than $100. In all prosecutions originating unS&V der the provisions of this act the place of delivery shall be recognised as the place of sale. Home Orders InvestlgaliMi. , Investigation of school book conditions in the State as tar as affected by the Virginia Book Company and the BcVool Book Publishing Company was ordered by the house of dele( gates today, by an Investigation committee appointed to conduct the In?ktar. The eommlttee consists of W. A. wnierey, ot King William connty; 8. H. Lot*, of UMlkir^ and 8. T. A rollo?t?t ta th? t?it of th? rtaoloattM ?( lm 'aul^ who .hall t?? ScSool Book PobHihlBf Company I "4. Wbit contracts in required to bo executed between the Virginia Book Company and the local ^alora wmk "ft. Whether the existence and V activity K>f the Virginia Book Com /ASH] Paid Subscri] lESWEOER^ IDE LAST WEEK \ ig Offices to Travelling. Food Stuffs Show an sney is CLeap and De- , i Slow -S a, business to oomo la at an early da'e. In the dry goods line little new bust- 1 neaa baa developed and more or tees. * conservatism rules; but withal there are more Inquiries, which suggests that the market Is broadening. Converters. however, are pushing salee on email profit margins. In order to ngnten stocks, in the iron and ^teel Industry. January business fKus iar placed has ekcosded expectations, and theleading Interest has a relatively large volume' of unfilled orders' on hand, hut eastern mlllsi being in a. J less favorable position W regards busUass, having but little more than. 50 poraCfot. of their, capacity In operation. are making some qoncessfeas W'jprloea..Tbjr. bWJ>(?j,W?.ctr outing this week., and the Impresslog 1 prevails that'a good many orders '4 have been placed In a quiet way. Col leottbns show little change, ranging < from'slow to fair. Money vetft * cheap and demand'IS Slow. \tf conso- 1 quence with the trend of trade in meet Lines, which seems, to hq m*rk- I IV time, u iewere.vpandlng the aWt j iff buret* ahtf the clean-up of the re- ' US nun.' yBanke Id section, where I eropg were poor .reborrowing In the l wewt. bet thoWe located Ih fortunate I onee are harlng commercial paper < Stock market Amratione era' > Am characterized hr dutlnece.-which.war accentuated hr the ebepefeura of-de? Ilrerloe Uli week, the etock exchange having taken the : eapl ifWlllri I action cuggeated hecanea of t>e lam 1 camber* of eecurltlee rendered viumrellehle br the Are In tire kqaltehle Life Iaeerupoe holldlhg. Incidentally Ruropean aefllng orah alao a factof, UhWIdatloa far foralgn account' havKasasas rawing aoroaq % f) { rapiata. 'f v 4 The fa 1^1 provides that surgeons employed at institutions harboring criminals and Imbeciles be empowered upoiwronsent of the board of their institutions to perform each stirglcM operation^ upon confirmed criminals idiots and upon rapists as lWli" prevent procreation fay them. Equal ouffrago will bo a thorns tbr consideration and dfscnssl^n beloW * the Kouso Committee on Prftire&efr iti:d Elections next Friday at 4 o'claeh, wJ\on the bill presented fay Doicgalo Rill Montague will be taVori up. The bill was presented yesterday. and it was at once sent to tripcommittee. Mrs. B. Bl .'Valentine, 1 Mlsa Mary Johnston arid ofheVs con-j ncciod ^wlth thA>Vlr?iriU Equfd frafc* tosgue will fa? on hand to make b<vor rr ttos wawwt^ Lesialaton Poll the Lrglilatfro D*4r.' Wilson 81 Harmon 82, Tatt 4, ?' Roonrdt 2?Underwood ' awl Clark Bull ' '?*'t? Borontr-two mombon of ,fh. Vlrllala Oonoral Awamblr ajtumaud thamoolToa tgdnr on tholf oholco .for Prooldeot of tbo tJnlfod statw. la the How, twiBtj delegate* Toted ( tor Wtleon; twenty-eight Toted for Huaw. roor wanted Toft rrtnrnod and two worn ia furor of RooostoU. In the upper branch, fourteen of eighteen Mo*ton favored Wlleon: If i nnm vjj * Thla'gare'Wllaon thirty-tour TO tee end Harmon thirty-two. MM Deknonrate did -Mf taww either Vlleon or Harmon, wanting Underwood or Clark. MR- OH XiATHAlk VXDS MOB CIJCTHIA 8WANNRH. Bee. R. V. Hope Join* Happy Coople la VelUtt at 10:BO Thte MornlnK. At 10:30 thl* morning at the home of her father In We?t Second .treet, Mine Clethla Swanner waa nnlted Ha marriage to Mr. Jeese H. Latham by Rev. R. V. Hope, of the Chriltkn church' The wedding waa a qulot affair and only wltnesaod by the Immediate family Tim many friend* of WASHINGTON. NORTH'C 1 ption of Any HERS HI ANOTHER FIRE ON MOAT M QO.OOO FIRE AT TAEBORO ON SATURDAY DESTROYS A j FERTILIZER PLANT. ~ PUNT WIS FULLY INSURED m TT^ niE THIRD FIRE OF THIS COMOERN WITHIN EAST 00 DAYS? FIRE Sb. 1 BERKLEY. AO DAYS AOO. LOSS (IS.OOO; COVERED BY INSURANCE? FMUj AT BERKLEY JA.V 12. (25,000; COVERED BY IN81RANCK-^gipE AT TARHOKO. , sa-N. >s,f 1 oo^i. onrt?a?,?Y: !i ^I^'SUljlANCB*. ' -"'i-* J \ TJ ? Tttf&ro,VjS. C.. plant at tie P.^8. Rojjter On*n<v?>(nD?ny completely destroyed by. IJre til* ih'ernoon. Ilje loss U estimated at $100,000 at least, and the plant Is by Insurance. Ja addtlion to Lh* plant Itself three freight cars_oa (lie ajcflng were partly burded. _ the Are was dlacovekred at 3<30 Lhif afternoon in No. 1 engine root* . spd before the fife department could arrive the flames'were beyond conr I tjrol. Fortunately, It being Saturday ' afternoon, only- two men were in the building aV the time a?d -these escape . id without injury. The fire is still burning gnd there [ft no poftftibllity of saving tjO build- 1 Lng or contents. *; J None of the local officers of the company would make any statement " this afternoon as to the* amount of | the loss, but it Is known that, there I were ll,foo tons of unmjked ferti User in the building. The damage to " the fertiliser material,, excluding ahragtTean *^t be leas than $100,P00, and any extra salvage recovered Wilt ' not k arn than auflUle*- to cover the value of the building. The cause of the fire Is not known. < APOLLO CONCERT l'HIS EVENING. Third of the Series of the Lyceum ^ Course Will Be Heard at. the School Auditorium at 8 o'clock Tonight.' *. % - ] A polio' Concert Company, and ' BaU^iilngera will be heard in the ' ^cfcoofandltorfum this ^venlnj^ They to mi net? under the auspices of the Lyepum. Course. and of this pnrticu- ' of New. Orleans, rdtorsv.Xrth'?' ( Wells as ^an .Expert in playing the ! banjo."* "X^ie ''NkatSj" of ijefl Plain's. Kans., s&ys of a. ?, holmes: A fine Bajraphone .player; cA well as a 1 Tno*st excellent flhte Fofolst " <$f Mrs. ] Alta'Wells, ^the TaijSpsL, Fla., Dally aaya: "The effort* ot,Mrs. 1 Velfc.' In the roje of accompanist, r were 4ftje/ed as much as any single Toature of tbf progr^nL.'Miss Coyla^j M. Spring received the highest praleo of the p'rses where she has appeared. Ofay SdUtft, the handy man with the trombprih, ,ig m. strong support to the ONiw ' Z " V ' ' The manftgement agsurfee Wl who attend (hat the building will he comfortable. :Seata 60c aad-7fc- / BABY BURNED TO DEATH . rnmnui rinripppurrt" MUMWflL MMuaMua . - T . t.M.I utaarttU,.*. C: In 1?-?Left alone tor a ? * koui u nan* har Dshy atotar. tha ?T^jaaiM>M dmghtar of Mr. and lira. Ollio Ollloaato todtr accidentally trnodled tha eftajyrsr.jr.a: ,u tni'.1-r- ~nJ ' * A 8aperinte?<leat r>f MnttuU Machine Oo.?Jesse Mitchell, Kaqr., llr. R B CowelThaa reajgned hit portion u Superintendent of the Mutual M aching Company, the resign atlon'to take effect at once On Salmrdsr evening the employeoa tendered him an*oyatsr roaat In a?praclatton of the eoteem IB which he wae held Ur bl? RUbordtnates. Wa wilt he aucceeded by Mr. Jeeee Mitchell who will enter updh his dntlee tomorrow morning. OJNT &ROUNA. MONDAY* ATM " ' r ' ^1' ' j' Dally Paper SOVERHOIT WHO UP ^ v<$?f * 7* ijwj? Cole 8. Btease. Korernfcr of South Ca :rltlclsm Id the south ^jro? as the noi lyrapathy with lynchers^ declared tilled a nofcro rather th^V to fcave called iOUIH CAROLINA I aiDIIIPI E ftPEl - . JUUUUHI1UUJJ1 Governor B1 ease's Veto Mes Language That Legislate ? From the f ,? ' Columbia, S. C., Jan. 13.?Two rc-? ports by the Judiciary committee? ' t pne recommending the e\pufgttion c >f jGor^rnor Bleano's vfftb mesBspe on I '.he* libel bill and the other recom- s bending that the meifitfrs.te passed r pver hi* veto-^rcaufced a lively debate j In the house of the general assembly a tonight: The ijlscuselan was oori- t It&bed untfk ndJburncient and" 'the '. 'wore ports will be taken tip agpJn on i Wednesday. - * j t t "The Judiciary committals-action I followed the receipt of a'lengthy men- : fage ttvtoGovernor Bleaso, inwhltfh't ho gave hla reason a for vetoing the? t so-called "libel bJll," and denounced ,r newspapers ta general, naming some t in particular. ' . - i M miAi. uKiits Hlaa Elisabeth Royster Mayo Entertain* in Honor of-fler Guest, Mine* Peck. Cox and Whi (taker. ' Mian Elisabeth Rorster Man. -stertafned at atz handed euchre on Tharadng night at thJ Elk'a Home In honor of hp gueeta, tllea liana Peek and Hi* 1. B. tjpa, of Newborn. N. C . and mho nana Whttakar of Klaoton If. C. In the neelvhig line worn Mian Hllaabetti Maro, In white Marquisette oeer -white aattn. wearing Aid itulM chiffon ??r white wtla. Htm Kayo In yellow tatln trim toed tn.tac Him Ann* Whit- J ?h?r la 'Tight blue brocaded eat la. trimmed la lace. tin. B: Cot in light blue mull trimmed In crystal and Mtln roees. Miss Julia Mayo In pink aatln trimmed la white late. 1 Sixty people played. Mrs. N. s. J Slmrnona won the first prise, a pair of aUk hdbe. The consolation, a 1 brass bridge score, waa won by Miss ' Lillian Campbell. The booby waa < presented to Miss Mary S Jones. Oop- 1 cealed in the prises wan the follow- : Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Jlayo an- ' nounce the engagement of their daughter, Elisabeth, to Mr. Cecil II. Ptaber. of Norfolk. Va. the wedding to take place in the late spring lAiLY 31NOON. JANUARY ?. 1 Published^) HOLDS LTMDWERS" ' rollna. baa aroused a storm of serere th by his public and open srowal of he would have led the mob wblcb rat the militia to protect the.man. -mm lb; m l *w v?~ ofl HjK^p v * sage is Couched in Such irs Want it Exmmfled Records The committee, after discussing he m?{ter, returned two reports, one <n the mc3stge and one on tbs bill. The report on the message, prcentcd to the house today, recomnendod that all but the firs', two laragraphs of tho governor's, mcsage be expunged from*he record on he ground "that tho balance of.such ::?3Z.:J3 ij a. a.cro dtdziuisilion on the niquities of the press, as viewed by be goTornor. and the style and the ang tinge in which the same is cnucli-d'are kuch thaj self-respect for Litis bat dtgnltied legislative body shottlfl term It 4* to'become part .of the ecord of its acts,-and wo recommend bat the same be expunged from the ecord." Miss Tankard Entertains. Miss Mary Tankard ^pllghtfull> mtertained at bridge Saturday night n honor of Miss Anne Whltakeroi Kinston, N. C., and Miss Irene Peck >f Newborn, N. C., who are the guestf >f Mln Elizabeth bfayo. The prlM for the highest score, a pack ol -ards, was won by Miss Ellsabetfe Mayo. A salad course was served rhose present w.ersjfiases May Aysrs Dllve Burbank, Mamie Burbahk, Lib tan Campbells Pearl Campbell ClaTi Mod gee; Maud Windley, Mary 8 rones Julia Mayo. Irene Peck 01 fewbern, N. C.. Annie Whltaker o1 Kins ton, N. Adeline Mayo, Mrs Saltern Mrs. Wtndlft J. H . WINES KOI BOUND OVER. Greensboro, N. C.. Jan. II?Proba Die cause was found by Justice Col Ins today la the case in whieb Framl Wlneskle Is charged with the emDeulement of $19,000 from the 8tan Hard Mirror Co. and bounds for Vti appearance at the next term of Sep tember court was fixed at 15,000 Notwithstanding that friends quickly came forward to sign the bond, Wi neskic upon the ndrtee of counsel Disced himself In custody of the eour and Is tonight being detained undo guard In a local hotel. , ' Mr. and Mrs. George Hackney lef this morning for Maw York. -I* f ' >T " " NEV 912 in Eastern Nc 1 tKH.11 The lime U Ktrg jlf Great Seeodia .-<snus Per ' ' " 1 The great voting contest will close j| February 8tb. | With twenty-four days more In j (which to work lhfl hoer . tm? I- I In. which to exercise jour Tory best efforts. Many of yon will perhaps think you have already done your heat work and wonder wher$. you 6hou)d seek next for Subscriptions. The territory is all good. Much of ENTIRE SOOTH ENVELOPED IN 1NNTLE0F SNOW EXTREME COLD AND MUCH BUFFERING 18 CAUSED BY BLIBZARD?TRAFFIC INTERFERED WITH. IB BE WMie TOmtflT OOLD WAYS EXTENDS FROM SOUTHERN FLORIDA TO THE jkamine IN DURHAM?WATER F1PE8 ARE NEW BERNE THERE IS WATER ' FAMINE. Washington. Jan. II.?Within the ' '?-* ! Wo..? In <k. [North Atlantic lUln, mow. and rain i?ss snows In the lake region, gitvo tbe territory east of the Mississippi rivor one of its most disagreeable Winter weather spells In many years. Indications tonight, according to the government weather bureau-, werh that temperatures would -rise east of the Mississippi river and in the Southwest. On Monday, the mercury is expected to ascend on 'he Atlantic seaboard in the ?aet Gulf s'atca.and hi the Northwest. S?ortn warnings arc displayed alonf** ibe Atlantic coast from Jacksonville, F!a., to Norfolk. Va., as well as^on the North Pacifllo ! co ant. South .VtlunUc States. Atlanta Ga..^f^n. 1-3.?Leaving in fits wake snow and sleet-bound cities | for the first time in yearB in many ;eases, the cold wave tonight had reached the South Atlantic react and I was well on Its way into Florida. Reports frotu Jacksonville Etate that theAhermometer dropped from 51 at 17 a. m. to 32 at 9 p. tn., and cnow^ |waa falling slowly.. A counter disturbance over Central Florida has prevented the cold wave from enterr lng the peninsular and little damage I to. fruit and vetegables Is expected. I At Savannah, Ga.. tonight the mor cury stood at 22 at 10 o'clock 'with i Indications that it would reach 20 i morning. Colombia and Charlesr ton, 8. C.. reported, the heaviest i snowfall in a do sen years and snow . was also experienced at Augusta and , Macon. Atlanta also had the heav. last snowfall since 190?. i Weather conditions in the Gulf . states shewed some improvement tor night New Orleans reporting forty r degrees at 1 o'clock efter shivering . with twenty-three to twenty-flW 4#. gross earlier In the day. Indications are for gsa^nlirHsing temperstsrsn. ' I '' lee Is Chesapeake, Bey. . Norfolk,-Vs.. Jsn. 11?The severe sold wssther emaslsg thick tee In ell rive^k ud tributaries of Cheespsske k Bey, .W greatly Interfering with the steamboat navigation, and many sal). move. Heavy weather at son has driven tato Hampton Roads for bar-, M zoch peseta^ craft as fOand It1 dangerous to remain on the ontalde. The damaged navy cruiser Salem. Instead of pieces fling to . New York was expected, has come tq Norfolk. Very cold weather prevailed here today. . lUimard at Durham. % Durham, N. C.. Jan. 11.?With the thermometer at eight degrees a^ove zero and still falling, Durham Is tonight In the'grip of the most severe blizzard that she has enf&rtenced since the zero feather of 1191. 8uft faring aftlon* th? poor" In terr grant nnd the. rnrlo-a ebarlUMe orgn.Ua - < 1^' I'4 k;1 I I " >rth Carolina UP in ] est Efforts to be Exercised, iod Starts Today -' J it is lying right aroi^ us that hu 41 not been worked. Ther? art- eomwho are Qulltybut surely laying by " the subscriptions and Dally Bonus; , ^ others are gldiing along on an ens; aea thinking the others are lagging -J J Appropriate today. t I3p not Carry. . , ' r* The weather is "bad hot time goes or. -'km and the end draws near, so lbs up t *j yog to work. (Continued on Pagr 2,) tlons of the city are dp in 5 ali\n thel^ / |K>wer to extend aid, the city garbaR carts aro being used to haul coal, wood and provisions to the sufferers. On verge or ,a wood fatulne In thU city, the supply Is fastfeeing exhaust- + ed and very little is coming to. Then^ is, however, a good fupply of hand, bfct this is rapidly befng distributed. Eight'I>egr^ee at Xcwbern. Newborn, N. C.. Jan. 11.-?New- r . ijj bernlana awoke this morning to find the earth covered with several Inches of snow lyid the mercnry down to 8 degrees above xro. All during the ' \ day the downfall of the fleecy flake* "V. continued while a high wind from the northwest drove them with a fury that compelled pedestrians to seek the shelter of every protecting door- . . way. Water pipes in many placet* burated during the night and this added to the inconvenience of many cltlsens. It was almost Impossible for horses to keep their foothold on yjH the snow covered pavements and there was but little traveling done in this way.' Not before in several years has there been such a heavy fall of snow. Last year there was only one snow-fall and this barely covered the ground. Last Saturday j night there was a small downfall, but this was followed by rain and dlatppeared within a short time. At eft thkt tlmo hundreds of ueern of city ; the night and the huge tank at* the waterworks, whjch holds several hundred thousand gallons, was nlmon -ompletely emptied. The supply wa& yut off for several hours during the lay and Newbern suffered a water famine during that time. ' /* jj Trains Late In Colorado. 4 Denver. Col., Jan. IS.?The Santa Fo's "Colorado Flyer,' duo hero laBt Thursday, is still stalled in the snow , -Ir'frs In WeBtern Kansas. The Unou Uacifle tratas due here yesterday irt? reported thirty hours late.,. SOlHtE WEB LAST' HSBI "Ji Bf REVEREND SEftlMT / FjSjH iVtr. .leased J. Phelps and Mias Srnli.' Jack?:on Joined in Wedlock . xi&t- '; ' ;Jfl Reverend il. B".' Boirlghiv pastor bf > 'the Presbyterian' chureh, united in the holy fSonSs of iwetfloc!: kt the heme, of Mr; R." L'. Cotton In East Eighth street,' kt 8:30 o'clock lapt night, Mr. Jesse JvPhcfps and Mlse Sadie Jackson. The ceremony was witnessed only by the family and Mr. and Mrs. Searlgfct. lire. Phelps was a native of Washington and a popular waitress at the RottfLouiaa Mr. Phelps is a km of Mr. K. T. PhalM. kMpar of (MM mtUnr ud u himself a painter, employed b/ He. Cotton. ^ 1UH HQ. 5B9MLEB fl NEAR WALI01SBUBC-? JH Paaeenjer Ml* ife & Morlalk . _ ... . . . .- ? ? MM" IMHH (MOnMKV' rylt* wltt It tk^p>?Biw aft*Tanday Saturday iM ftstwftsff ***** " ,jjM bat trains wars runnlng^wrtor the toad as usual yesterday. lathee*- /A&JjSB r-'jnon of official reports tbo cause of Abe derailment Is unobtainable. The Remarkable port of tbe performance J Is that no cms is reported as Injured ; Y'Hj& . I Ida. ? Jrt

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