i> ' | II O p f II11 f|II IJUI -V jfjf ??;?- 11 Has a Definite Purpose and | Time to Double the ) The National Boll Fortuity loa?oe I i yhh headqnartora IB Chicago boa a "'( no vtonbr it Boom to notoro tho i j ) fortuity ol the ooD, and at tl)e naiae I ! tin* doohio tho yield Tho league | V >sjl??^b7 r^lro+4*^ f ' V, It* Advisor7 oonamittso at? such men, tkm 10"to ootoblUh and poyulartae ?y demopotratlona on tarme and aonrnno plau la ooary county tho moot aoororod Mthode ol (arming i !r -^JLw.iarn" L tur?l collate a aroetftll farm.demoofc mU*u*-or MU chemist who, *111 ~ j Inm * hla time to this aad other } wort for Imewrie* form methode. \I The expeaee wilt amount to abbat K-r-j tu Mtla per person Qf oar pbputaKft Urn u4 It h to be provided for bj Wil. *e*e?et aad State apfctoprlatlono dlreet to the jLcrtcuttural Collaree for DKUHCIT* I. ? . TJhent. arerata field per acre (boat ?h aaofaco field per aero (boat Baxter. acerate jrlold per aero (boat tkatr (armara, 1* the lent twatro beak eocebat \ ' 1' - - ' ' -> :-? H^.Vv t. onuuars ffeubr,r .tMU. MW?n iW4 per sere (bn?l .OsU, average jtold per mof <bu*I r*7*. *Ttr?M yield per acre (bust .Barley. irn?|^ yield perocre (basl Pprtfllty TepJnx. Denmnrlr mee fron "?- raised an average of W baahe TUK tTfr ' < .? ^er-1^7-., nVr-; The a*eca#e 1 . ' . / * Wheat lhuahele) j - 'ti- J*? tiSfaii p . f>u* areras* nM nr-c lower th??_ it - ,f*? T?nt ikco. Th?7.h?? ' { '?? .hoold do ?o. W. niui miS L- annnw aboCt oovkrnmmrt ownership op mt oraph lines creates HEv' lfth*?OORB VAH/ OOVBTB TWfc of . ^ oo^ibh^ Sp'.r.Z.ono, all tela ": morale*. .-HtteOeoca'n revolutionari pAMBUawt tor vrnmMt on erahlp and operation of tolograpl ^ Una. u as adlonet of the po.iofnc, department. atlmd 6?*Hal Waahta, ton aa tow legislative ante In recen i :r.., ?-.rTorr baas and. It la aald, earned greatea aarprlae there. Tble wee evident when etrorte were made laat olffht a reeaU.Hr. Hltchooeke annotnieement SoS*' Tkto effort did not come from Hitch , _ ??* who waa oal of the cltr who, " mffi e' BBQhK^3 \ , ' v **- *, f B I i ^ I "v V ' == Paid Subscrip b% ??.. ? . ;_ __ jj4 ; \, a Feasible flan. T-> ReaoU, and at the Same I Yield pec Aere .? ?.. ^ T ~~T~~- * ". ^' -t ' this spselli work. ' V ' lo this codhcUob nu statistics srs Utn.lT as to what othsr xouatHa* liar, acom pushed br the orocaaass proposed bjr th? Lsacns. H rKKTiwsmT peon. ^ f Oar popolatioa laeraasad *1 par * Boat (a the laat tan Tsars, Q or farm auras*. lncrsas.il t ) par coot la tba last ton Tsars. Wa prodaced 1 1-1 buapsls of shsat par parson. Ws soaanms laelodln* sasd whaat. sboaf*** bnstisla par parson. la 1P00 ws bad tP.6 aa Urban population. . P la IMP Wa.had ??.? aaopbai pop- 1 ulatloa. ;'w -C ' " " With a population of ?s millions. p hoosa.oonsumptlon takon ft par sant u of corn and kl par oaat of.whaat. la c IP Tsars oar popalatloa will ba 100 * IV rank* at tV tanaan in MUctrVlaa prodoean.tv?.Vt book at tVaa ami; Wc is act induce nora of aat laaa. PROGRKBB. S-Ms '1444 jw" to) I4.S4 ft 66 to) 49.76 81.46 to) II.IB B7.*7 to 11,14 46.69 ntn. ton trebled their savings 7ROOIU?8 .v r 1886. 19-10. i*to S3.4 19.5 Mto) 19.1 68.4 tell) 19.0 17.1 ? ! > 17.8 i proverty li' of wheat per acre. rHD STATKH. field Per Acre. . .rrr?:-/-. . . .... w f..V ih .. ? "? ? 5 ... M-* 4he lowlesJ for BelKlum and Germany e advanced. ' ?? it do ho. It b? easily possible. ixnenj; was forthcoming from the white fi&use during the forenoon. If wsa hinted there might be one, die-, claiming administrative backing of j themew plan. . - ' "" t Ne* \orit, Jan. 15.?Announcement from Washington that Post^ master General Hitchcock is about to recommend government ownership of telegraph and telephone 'lines was received with surprise by the (big | telegraph and telephohe company ofTheodore N. Vail, president of the American Telephone end Telegraph Company, declared It was very doubt* fnl whether the government could fun the teUgrajphs economically. Ho said Great Britain's experience was TwflS MMBS show T&irFwntiaii< ** -?? **? ? ? * Nam?r. J. J. Bakar and,8.dla Forreat, > < oanty: J. B. Elka and Olltn M Elka, t ChocOwlpltT; P. B. Btokeabnry and I t. i. Btokaabary. Pnn?o; Lee DUon I , .d M?. Pannla Bam... Conotli J. - R. Etirlnghaua Ellaabath CUr. I Culllphor andAwU. M. oibaon,' Pin a r town; DUon and Ui?U? Barr - Ohocowialty; Oscar E. Woolard and i Bra U Charry; John Llllsy and Mary : tirssssgrwze t Wootard And Amanda V. Woolard, ? aM^Ry* 1. It. l-atham and ClrtSa t Swannor, Cily. - CMora*. J Jopas Clark and Annla . l-atham. Cltjr: Wm. Murrlll and Co'ra Branch. City; 8am Whitflald and Loaala Panl. a J. V. Maaon and Lamm Hardin*, > SI V'-tia vVi-W STtri, i ASHmGTDN^ NORTH O >tion of Any 5Bf!f ME Mr Kill harms UK rMJTOCRAT Of WIU(MSBARRE, FA, RKTC&NS TO NATITM HADNTB WITH |Mt 1 HI CHANGK. > *E .: - , * nr. BRUE3UT HAPPY j ~^"*V 1 t '-r n botch of WAUiRsnf BARONS HAD NOTHINO ON THR "MICK" FROM THR AKTHRA. CHI CITY?WOULDN'T BR A MILLION AIRE IF THRY PAID m FOR IT. (f : \Pj. ?. Ian. ockeu shrunk br ebtpttneee, John n hfllli^hlre^rhen he stewed from n 'ullraau sleeper bet* *t I o'clock hie mbrhlne. When he evoke h* die il.ts. This he counted carefully and-f ifter making * cartful search of bio ' ockets to be convinced that ho more wmalned. he ordered a colored orter to seise hit friyi and help nTm5 torn the train.. Aa. he stepped to the round he handed the porter $1*60 ^ md the three remaining pennies be bucked to a newsboy. He was then lead broke, without the price of a reakfett. but pn?esing a very, itreng appetite. j John Jay had not parted with his teeve and this he carried with him to ike neareet beanery. Taking his seat' >n a stool at the l^ah house he yelled 'One thousand/' which In the .verlacular of luacfroQms here Is a alglal for a p!ate>of beans. CoBee waa >rdered and with n slice or two ' of kresd be started In to appease the yangs of hunger. . ? ' "Haven't Yon Fm gotten T" . When the meal was over McDevHt grabbed his satchels and started sway. As he neared the door'the "iMha^I will call fbr If "again." T* With hid bundle of nerve still with bfig "BiMh" stated across the way lo thaHoid Haddington, 'where, a crowd of his tfiesd* bad assembled-. He fall into one of-tbe upholatered chairs, uncorked a smile and for several ml no tea was busy relating his experience.as a" "one day millionaire." - . "I'm dead broke/' he aald. "Little-old New York got everything 1 had.. Thjy gave me a grand run for my money and showed me how eas? It la to part company with the coin. While the kale lasted, 1 was as gay as any old.bird who floated, in New Tork with a million at his back. "For every penny I spent I got ^ne dollar's worth of fun. That bunch dowa in th6 city of the Great White Way slipped nothing ovor on me. 1 was a millionaire for a day, and not a cheap one. 1 paid tor everything I gpr-KT-betternprreM jthan-^TTEillionaires do.* I was game to the finish. "1 am now* back in nay ntwwai state?hungry, broke, but happy. I couldn't bay a toothpick if some otfe wedged bam la my teeth! 1 am broke from cellar to ggreeC Cleaned up like they usually clean them in New Tork. Bat mr down ? bat that no dodgy king has a thing oa me in the way oi rj wouldn't be a millionaire if.thay paid me for It, It's the did bean house #nd the same aid cirdea fbs yours truly. I got what 1 wanted add Hb gattatteC9$U~' > MeDovltt bee no plans for the future. rHe will spend 4 day of M>%*hlttlng the hay" any. place with Nthe space.to let, afld wfrem'^e d^awlejM Out. whldh probably wlU bh ljid %M & m* sadg drt- may hurt for W*y mart, aifsmffUr haunt, whenttft9ti] - ' <. . iiwsminil i ii ii - - -*~ MD EUDHEIirnrMFAltS ini* rmiira tnunn ummu M BV FAIL 01IQ 5 Bank at WilMnwrta*, Hnrtnina i-JL ?.jii inWMHflMae %g?4if* Vr. W.nlt f. fr'aaAi. caatiloi1 Farm era and Merchauta Bank at Wllltaiae too, adtf-whq formerly realdort bore where be wan aiy. amaloye Id tb< boat ottoe. enatalned a painlul Injur on Kridnr Hat by falling on tba to and braaklnr Hhw $ ; s -' i I | ^ J- 1, *> Wk^jp AOLXWA. TUESDAY KTTl Daily, Papei upnched on hIpp i I %V' v W- -;^H * I f^m Jr^?: . Mr?. Charles B. Howry, vlf* of Jw If claim?. b?a tnlrodaoid to WaakJnst Howry, a beautiful aad jmoomf7 .;. j AGRICULTURAL Wil l. BE INTRODUCED IN CONGRESS A WO SENATE TOMORROW ? LEADERS OP 'BOTH PARTIES FAVOR IT. ? ??? OMNI -PARTISAN MEASUfiE I - ' - ^ 4 its purpose is to expend the WORK OF AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES .TO EACH COUNTY IN THE UNITED STATES. [ T- ' . Washington. D C.,- January 15th? A bill of^reat import Will bn*lntroducod In the.-Ho'uso of Representatives on Wednesday. January 17th, by- Representative Leror, of South Carolina and on the same day It will ybe presented in the Senate Jointly by Senators Hoke Smith and page. The bill provides for the further endowmenfand support of Agricultural Col leges to enable them to assist in i getting into practice'the heat methods - of agriculture evolved by operation > of the plan of establishing and maintaining agricultural colleges and experiment stations in Various states. -| This measure Is the Joint work of the National Soil Fertility League, '{the Executive Committee of the Colleges' of Agriculture an4 the stateei mmr abdve named', it Is in line with the President's recommendation In his address at the National ConserveUrn Congreaa' at Ijuiu city. Uc . ' Bontomhor 25th 1411, It has the sup? jort -ot .the tfcnao toadar* ot both fro?, **d .It m?? M'HiuiUd u H?.omot.partlaara moaauro. | 'SlMtrt.tJ plan <n\ : pstiSr'sssil! cooatat ot. t.tUm loto ??aar?l prao tlcotbo banantMi known ot oalae use aotonktnra bpomplortng tmflred agriculturists. or practical fsrtri de , monetrator*. .IBUd In tun most Im ; proved methods Of term practice. tc take to the-farmer on hi* own form the Information or knowledge thai > wilt eankle him. , the leUnr, to Intropet end adapt to bio own local conditions the best methods of. farming In plain terms. ft "I" as rnpldljr a> - -possible, platw a trained, practical - men. selected * and "directed by the . respective Agricultural College, per > tdedenUy In each agricultural counii r of the United States, and enaide U.. i fertnor to besoms meater of hte cell lag aided by the beet eervloe th, - v-' \ . He . ..;.'.dC^'v',-"v ,y--'_it-f.-'i-fziy> * i, 1 KNQON, JANUARY 1?. i#i: Published In r swm SEtsoil ] K F m It i . ! V ; \ ' * n * U ''~*' * if Howry at the United Stale* ooart *n todrt./ her da^kur. Mto 1L E | 1 "fcomntry oto furnish, and supported I by Federal pad' 8tats funds. ' According to the provisions of the hlfl there will be an appreciation be- 1 glant&g at the rate of lees thvr o >e cent perNcSplta and will approximate tittle cents per capita by the tiuie the annual appropriation shall have t Increased from 9600.000 per year, t tits starting point, to a little over t "throe million dollars, when tt reaches ( the pMcrtmum. To have a clear idea 2 ?K*^buUou Of UXSM fund. It , receiving Its share of the fund must' j appropriate an equ&r amount for this fl purpose. Mofft. authorities have expressed | the belief that tha operation of this I plan will.In a few years Increase the farming output at least.60 per c?l That means an Increase of wealth per i -.pivg of about $50.00 per annum, ' . ana U aaus io mo coumrj a uBBeio four Vuid oue halt bullions lu natural 1 resources. The average acrqane of Europe gives from two to threeHt:*s ' /ue yield of the American farms, ' notwithstanding their toll his b-'-'ii ^ producing tor centuries more than the lauds have teen cropped here. ' In the President's opinion this 4 promises to be the moat valuahl?-con^structive legislation of recent years. Speaker Clark says that the mind can not grasp the benefits that should grow out of this movement. Majority 1 , Leader Underwood expresses the be- 1 lief that it wil do more good to more peoplo than any other single enactment Id a generation. Mr." H. H.J Gross, of Chicago, President, of the j National Soli and Fertility League, J says he has submit to# this plan to every agricultural college In tye land, ' "there has been fib adverse criticism and gjmjit 95 per cent have strongly endorsed It; It has been approved by about'four hundred public bodies, such as -boards of trade, commercial associations, business men'* clubs, women's clubs etc., and nearly a thousand influential newspapers have expressed a willingness to support it. *1* GM>RY At^^a time In the year do such splendid constellations circle nightly ; across the heavens as fn midwinter. I "the latter part of January and the ftrs t phrt e/Febroary ts'a toeeon % the yoar when conditions are especially favorable for star gaslng. In I sbruary number of Papular Mechan I Mscasfne , Pr?r Forest Ray . LMNiwn voore 10 iocs lur Nm? o[ the plane" end con.tell?tion? i end tejji mn fntereetlng facta ebont JthemF A number of Uloatratloo. .accompany the article, one, ot the . 1 Pletadee, having been made with "light which atarted from thoae dla,'tant Ktar. about S00 rear. ago. or I ISA rear, before the invention of the , j ptootopaphy." f Capt. R. 8. Grfffln left this morn> Ing for New B?a Jo inumo eom nuuid of a boat plytnx between New ? Bern and Vandemere. I ^ .. l Eastern Noi I DIG lil THE I MIS Leep the Bonus Offer In Mil in as Many a The great ruling contest will close It ebruary 8th. ^ . g With twentjr-tottr days more in hlch to work the best time Is here 1 i which to exercise your very best s (forts. Many of you will perhaps y link you hare already done youi' est work add - .wonder where you tiould seek next for Subscriptions. The territory Is all good. Much of ; la lying right around us that has ot been worked. There are some rho are Quietly but surely laying by lie Subscriptions and Dally Bonus; ffllLBR FREEZES J H THE DQOlWAf AT NORFOLK, Vfl. tODY OF M. ItEl-ROyiTZ FOUND FROZKN IN A HALL WAV WHKRB IT HAD LAIN r SINCE SATURDAY NIGHT. MS NATIYE OF BALTIMORE IE LEAVES A FAMILY IN HIS NATIVE CITY?HAD BEEN A RESIDENT QF NORFOLK ABOUT C1UHTEEN |fONTHS. Froieu stiff and as blue almost as ndlgo. the body of M. Refkovltz. a allor, 10 years old. was found at the K)ttom of the stairway leading to the >8tabllrihment of A. 8. Becker, over tf9 Main street, tbis morning. After t was viewed by the City Coroner. UStjiM# *mmm-tnraed -OXarLQ Funeral >irector Warren, on Freemason itreet to be preparod for burialSit is believed that the man had >cen dead sin<;o Saturday night dud hat death resulted frbin exposure, lis family In Baltimore has been unified and the dead man's friends are i , twaitlng instructions from his wife*] >.r one or his children as to xvn.it d.a oaltlon i? to be made, of the tody. | The discover or the corpse occur-j ed shortly before "o'clock, wheal VIr. Decker, by whom RofUovltz employed, opened the front door ( leading up stairs. Au examination1 ifcowed bruises on the fact and body | >f the dead man and the supposi'.fdnj was that ho had fallen down stairs , ard. unable to get to his feet aguln, rroze to death. 31r. Decker said today that lie! closed up Saturday night about-sewn; o clock and invited Mr. Refkovlu to j accompany him home to dinner, but that the invitation was declined. j "He had a room at my house and I thought it would-be more comfortable for him to go home with me to dinner," said. Mr. Becker, "byt he( said he would get lunch down town and sleep In the shop, aa be had a j key to the front door. As he anttel-1 pated coming back he fixed the Are. That was the last I saw of him until this morning." Mr. Robbina said he heard a fall. In the hallway adjoining his place about XI o'clock on Saturday night, but that Unpaid li^Ueattention to it. aa he heard no tfher sound afterwards. The belief is that while Mr. Refkovits was endeavoring to get Into the - tailoring establishment to abend the Sight he fell down stairs. That his hddj 1U got round until this morn ink *** d?e to the fact that the door was looked on the Inside and that he'and ll*\ Becker Wore tfceoaly people who Ma tey to the lock. JMr. Refkovtts came bos* from Baltimore aMut eighteen month# ago Opd was considered a skilled tailor He1 leaves a'wife aid ram fly > , ,i.r \ m* UNITED IN MXWUMHB ? In the parlor 6t tie Louise Hotel at ltiSG U.dtyiJan. 1$) tn the prcr-1 once or c M w Unease* Mr. O.K. Com | and Mtse Irene Smith, both of Farmville, N. C . were Joinrt In holy matrimony by Her. H. B. SearlKht. ' Miss Worthlngton. of Belalr. Mrt., le the fneet of Miss Ifattle Laoghinftt houee. , , - ' -?*> ' *i ' *ir JT*? /r > ~ f - s ' k M * ' ' iW rth Carolina ^ ? JWlflG SHORT 1 id. Get Susy and Pull ?31 s You Can titers are gliding along ou an easy yUjB 9a thinking the others are lagging. Appropriate today. Do not tarry. 'he weather Is bad. but time goes on. ''ffin nd the end draws near, so Its up'; ou to work. , For each twenty-flv^v^r; jtrs ($25.00) remitted fojr/ Scrip- ^:j8 lions between the V -gftnd 3#th of January, a Bop'''Vf thirty-ire thousand votes, he givenf I ; V [HE YEAR'S HOOKWORM CAMPAIGN MOST SUCCESSFUL 9AJASES TREATED The annual report of Dr. Perrell, a charge of th? State. Campaign t gainst Hookworm Dtaeaae, Bums up / he activities accomplished (luring - \ 1 he year 1911. 8ome of the record* _ ire as follows: -3 Sanitary surveys have been coni>leted In forty-three counties. State ind County dispensaries for the free wamlnatloh and treatment of heokrorm disease have been operated in lxteen counties. At thpec d Is pea laries 63,6z5 have been* examined Ad 28,902 treated These treated aaeg added to 24,709 which the ibralclana over the Btate have treated how that 62,911 people have been reated since the campaign opened 'he work Is now being done in five xtuntles, and there ipmaln on the waiting list six countlea, making wenty seven countiee making the ap>ropriatlon for the dispenBarlee. During the year there have been ? * liatrlbuted something, like 200,000 Jlsease to people from all sections of the stat^, and about 600 public ad- , dresses delivered to approximately So 500. people. The work accompUeli>d has Wen remarkable, not alone ' of -the number- treated foj'. voolcvior? di6eV?t... but also for th** ictlvlty that has been aro ujed ainon s the people for providing themsolv. s with sanitary surface closets to r place the unsanitary ones comnio*, f round In use , IS JO EE SY " ANDJHE SilUATiOM flavor , Harding . Invent ipest*** ,IV?dltJon*?The Worthy, an Well as the Unworthy ore Ktelnu Relieved. The mercury registered & tU-arn--' this morning, which la decidedly th coldest morning this winter. Ano'fa* iour of tho city to learn of what being done to rc'iovo the suffering, leads tits to conclude thatno atone i* being unturned to relieve every oar really in need, regurdleaa of race or creed or paat history. We found some instances, that tho heaviest tti upon the cause of charity are th<= same persons who have figured moi' conspicuously lii the Recorder's Court in the past. Women, without ahy . ? visfCTe means of support, cancers upon the social life of the city, whoaplaces of abode have been* nestling places and incubators of crime an 1 vlciouaness. These ropresent no Bmall per centage of the calls for wood and clothing, but without question they have been supplied. A proposition has been made to tho Mayor to start a subscription for the further relief of sufferers, hut after considerable Investigation upon his p&rt^bc ?* *** . * it an itapcoper course to. yuHue for . two reasons.First: He roaligpf that tho nnnr aro with na ilvnn anil pare and parcel of ererj city, and If the cltisens are to contribute to auea a cause, he believes it can be doe* 't <'| more Judiciously by calling a mass meeting, should occasion require, and discussing ways and means of distributing aid- Secondly: Igenevoleat organisatlona, church societies and other todies are at work; na4 it is believed by centralising and getting these todies together much mor good can be done thpn could poiMbir be accomplished byiny plan no . effect Several calts by colored wotnea ^ were made to the DAILY NKWS office this morning for wood, who wcr? nro-nptiy directed to Chief George Howard. They were Immediately supplied. la fact every call for help tffus far has been generously complied with / * 1

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