r Dfll I nW MUaapolia News Assert* T1 tlon of Unlnatructed Del? of Ex-President-'* ' .i... Indianapolis, Jan. 16.?The In- sl| diaoapolle News* today publishes a b *- despatch from It* Washington corroa- fl poijdent wbtch begins:' "President Taft would cause ;i col- \y lapse of the Roosevelt boom for <?? si Presidency in twenty-four hours if be m | woold send ^prd to the rightspersons tto wk "Ibaf the proceedings afcainst the U 8. Steel Trust are not to he pushed, cs and that criminal indictments against It ^ |AuuaBer6uB Ohptains of Industry wilt In lc b<fdismissed. Hut ho'wiU Si b tblir. The men who lire -tight- tc MHg hit?. and. using the name df Mr. M (^rRoosoVelt u the ciub with which to C * do the fighting, know he, will npt call Si J. a halt la-the prosecutions that have t* been ufftteftaken, and this Is the rea-" a a6i they are aoflftete't-minod to pre- t> *?V ^lB iwnotnlnation. r 1 Perkins In Charge. A: "Men are now travelling over the Oi country trying to peraiiade the Re- SI i - publicans of the various states to ft sefcd uniqstructod delegates to the w Chicago contention. Theae Ynen are t! , reporting directly to Oeo. W. Perkins at of New York, formerly a member of it: the firm of J. P. Morgan ft Co-., and e! now Identified with the 8teel Trust t* 7 ,, The field work has been Intrusted to dt J Ormeby Mellarg, a Now York lawyer. ( who was at "one time Aasttant Serre-jtt tary of th?^ Department of Comnferce at and Labor. The men In charge of the e< " > active campaign for untnatructed w delegates are repreaentlng tftat an tc aniaatrocted convention means the nomination of Theodore Roosevelt. O i The campaign la well financed. It. at * trould be Impoestble to carry forward U otk a movement as baa boon under- ti taken without plaaty of thoney." vi The despatch goes on to assert that si not the Progressive Republicans hut ti "big business" started this campaign, ci all of Its many ratifications lead to c* a eoterie of prominent business Re- a publicans who have n - grievance it against President Taft.* Probably O V "It woeldjiot have been Inaugurated^ N # II Ihe Taft Administration had kept . hands off Uje^gteol Trust, as Roos^- E ' veil did daring his seven years In the n White House. V - Tlannrv, Indicted, a Leader, ~ " ** There had been conferences lb New Yerh between "men who bad It in for t! Preeldent Taft becduso he woul^ not tl **' sthjr the operations of the law." Dan t< It. If^eefJir Cleveland, eon of the s late- b. 8. Senator Mark A. Henna, n end "one of tho Steel Trust crowd." ti had been chosen to take charge of the !A Roosevelt campaign In the Central d West. Caught in the general net of b the iufbrstate Commerce Com mis- It *Fi)HERSL BF p. MORGAN If . ; IS LftRCELY AHEKDED M.?? PrOndR of IP>ouum1 Orflrnr . Pijr Laat Sid Tribute ?, HI. itauor,. ' * At his late cosldence- at fi o'clock j this afternoon many friend a Ami b acquaintances of Mr. George SfOrgan b r gathered to pay. their last triUutiv to t( hi^ memory. Rev. Robert V. Hope. n of the Christian church read the p scripture lesndn and made n few y brief remarks, aproprlate to the occsalon, aftor which the remains were b borne to Ohk Dale cemetery where g his riyaalns were Interred. ^ Ills former fellow officers and em- Q " <4>loyees of the city acted aa pallbbar- p ers," who were: Polico Ctajcf George m Howard. Mesars. Richard Roberts, J. Q X. Hatton, J. F. Flynn Martin Oodley p and James Sadler b . Bod Guard Woman's Corpse. c Ithaca. N. T? Jan. Id.?Guarded f for four days by her two Italian grey- v heends the dead body of Belle Am- * old, fifty, was fotond in her houwTat d Trarnanaburg this momlng. Sho had n 2| b?* do.d'it KMI four 4?y. and the h evidence is that she perished of cold n aad exposure. Scratches on one of her legs showed where the dogs bad r ^ tried to arouse her. Although ther^j d the side of their .dead mistress 9 " WAS ' HTm Jji.w -jrS} ? - . ? lat Geo. W. Perkins Is u n. He is Urging Elec- * igates to Make Sure E i Nomination < ~ r' ' * on. Mr. H&nna ?U ihdlcted for re- h sting last spring. To all .the In- h uentUI nten who sought, to hare the B idtctment dismissed. President, Taft tl ipiled that the case rested with the. J epartmentof Justice; It was lmpos- U bis for Mm to Interfere; hts Ad- B inistratlon was trying to enforce 1? le laws without tear or favor. - v* Jl "In the meantime the New York iptaina of industry were -busy mak- ? ._ .. ? n . .. r. ig pnuu. uwrs? ' tv. rerwni, ? ng an Intimate friend of former * }nator~ Albert J. Bevpi^dge. under ok to' Handle the Indiana situation, * [. Kaon* helping. Edwin M. Lee. ? hhirman of the Indiana Republican a Lafe Committee, dgreed tp go to ^aahi^gton when ttyj National Comtlttee met and give out* statement ?at Taft conld not carry Indiana. e? On Saturday betor$ the mooting of h 10 National Committee on Tuesday, a ie of the large, stockholders In the ii teel Trust In New York telephoned a tl lend hhre In Washington that I^e M Quid a tend th<t?h*eeUQg of the' Na- V, otial committee nud would iantro an li ltl-Taft state merit/ When they got Washington the Roosevelt boom's coujd not keep tholr secret, an It. Hanna was'auper-elatod. l>o a: sys before Mr. Leo gave out his * stem en t Mr. Ha una "*%id. to more isn ono person that he/hsd t&e Lee ateinent in his pocket. He indicatI that It was the. beginning of a a ovement against Mr. Taft that was he nation-wide." "/jL, 0 The neat step was to organise the hlo Progressive Republican League t Columbus. 1^ was at that meetig' that Senator'La Toilette was y irned down and a boom for Roose- . sit started under the direct leaderlip of dames R. Garfield, ex-Secrecy of the Interior, and Gifford Pinlot. ex-United States Forester. Ac- ^ >rd!ngvto reliable Information that ?( loeiuiS iwk we ewaa n *Jta do me Q islEtont demand of Mt\ Ilanna and n barlaa Otis, editor of the Cleveland J r .The despatch' to tlto News says the [( a Folletio people are stunned by fho i*ecnt development*. .tut that .the J /iscomun senator end his . fol?ow'oi4? fi! now have this Ohio crotv0 located." ^ "There can be iio possible doubt," ie. correspondent declares, "about j io attcmpt^of the steel trust people 1 J CfJpitalite' politically the grlev- U acoe that mcir engaged 4n 'big bush ess' have against the Taft admlnlBration. ? - 'v:' "They are rising''the name of Theooro Roosevelt, and oa far as any- < ody can discover, the nx-Presldent . ? making^no objection." 'REACRER MOONSHINES ? FOR CHURCH MEMBERS j E tight to Dlstifl, He Thinks, hat <. Wrong to l^rink fciquor. He Says. g Nearly fQO (inllon* of "Mash" ^ g : Destroyed. t Nashville, Tenn., Jan. IS.?Rov, ofttjph R. Smitjj, of SeCanfce, was J bought to Nashville yesterday ifter 4 avtng beflh bound over to the April g erm of Federal court oh a charge' of v making moonshine whiskey. At the ? rellminary hearing Rev. Sm!t? <j leaded gulliy to'the charge. ? - ii Rev. Smith has for several months a een\ the regular^ pastor of three n mcji/churches near Sewanee. His a wild cat" attH was located in' the a mokehouse a few yards from the 1 larsonage and l&a than a quarter of , mile from his principal church. The r iwtflt destroyed by the officers was f omplete%and nearly gallons of t aer ana maaa were rouna. * The "wild tatting" parson waa aught only.atker an all night chaae. t Co claims that ho did not hnow it o raa a violation of tha law to maka | rhiakay, but know H waa wrong tp t Irlnk It. He also state# that ha had Lover aold any of his whiskey hut Ad giran some of it to.a taw of hla aembara for ^nodical parpoaag, 7^*, 4 * Owing to th* bod weather renins- E [ar and the eold today, the meeting I If the Womane Betterment Aeeocla- r loo hee been poetponed until next rueedar and Wedneeday 11 x * NGT< IHINGTON, NORTH CARC >tion of Any /HAT is wmw 1 INJ0C1AL CIRCLES1 nd*? and Mrs. Galon En Certain MRt Hodman in Now Bene?Mr*. Fowl? Will Entertain Friday ? Afternoon?Vangh an ||? Jade* and Mr*. 0. H. Onion, of Few Berne, sere a leap year dance it week, complimentary to Mine lodman, of Norfolk. Va.. who la alao social favorite h2re, of wfckN the 'ally Son has this to say: "The msot brilliant social event rhlch New 'Hern, has* witnessed for [>me time waa the Leap Year Dance lven Monday night a? the Armory y Judge and Mrs. Owen H. Gulon in onor of their niece. Miaa Cammle Lodman of Norfolk, hrtao la vlalllng aem.-- s "The hall waa most - attractive in i a fentire autre of fcamboo and ever reena. and the goft shaded' lights mt beauty to an already beautiful sepe. -airs, union wore a Handsome own of white messnllne, with chlLMt over dfresa, and exquisite pearls, hich are heirlooms. " iis iiodman, who assisted her In ecciving, was charming In pale ttye , tape metoV with peArl fringe ttimUng, and wearing Parma violets." V ? Mrs. 8am FoVle to Entertain. The celebratloii of Lee and Jack>n birthday on January 19th, will be eld with Mrs. -3.. R. Fowle on Friday ttel-noon at 3:30 o'clock. " A pioaaig program has been arranged' and ke Daughters of the Confederacy, ao Veterans and tbft Ladles of the [emorial Association Are especially ( ivlted to attend. , ANNOUNCEMENT. ? Mrs Elisabeth Latham Bimmons nhounces the marriage of. Iyer daughter | . Carrie I to f Mr. William Le Roy-yaughan [ n Wednesday the twentieth of December, ne thousand nine handred and eleven y Norfolk Virginia 0 Koyfcrds in the city. , At^iome after theMtast of January. Washington. North Carolina.' ? 4 ' ? ' . _DURIIA'M VOTES BONDS.' II Durham? N. C., Jan. 16.?By a ma- ^ >rjty of 74 votes Durham today votd 650,000 In bonds for the erection f new school buildings. The total f tgisterod vote was 661 and 326 1 otes were necessary to carry the, lectoin in favor of tho to /Is. The >tal cast for the bonds was 309. The school board has'not yet de- I Idcd whether new buildings wiH^be t reeled or additions made to present p uildingB. . ^ 1 1UCI mil III FIELDS IN SOUTB CAROLINA Sold Weather Prevails and Everything la Under Show Around ^Applcton. ^ Ipeclal Correspondence. - r S. Apploton. 3. C., Jan. J 6.?Henry 1111, formerly of Chocowinity,*N. C., iow of Klngstree, 3. C., passed j hrough Augusta Oh-, enrouta to visit j ila u cle, F. B. Hill, and his brother/ lam Nick Hill, of Bessimef, Ala., one lay last week. 8am Nick, though till In hia teen8v holds a Iterative poItiqn with the U. S. Steel cprporaidn. ? For the first time In eight years tppleton Is covered with sriow. Lbout 6 a. m. Saturday, snow be;an. to,fall and soon the houss tops rero covered. It continued to fall ititil 5 9' and measured, 4 inches pftPv The Bocord^pr^obout teh years k broken and tb'g part'pfthe a CsterIs * offering with the coldest westlrer of ' nony. Masons. The iemper/Unije wyt, j round, the 30 degree A ark y ester- 1 lay. This morning It sottled at 1& 1 *be coldest yet recorded. y > -> * * Thousands of bales of cotton still 1 main In the fields unpicked and a 1 armor told us today he "had 80 acree 1 hat had not been touched, which ' epresents at least that many bales. 1 The political pot has commenced to 1 toll In this state. Onr present gor- j nfebr Vlll try to succeed himself and Croat interest may bo expected beforo [ ha next general election. *' ' ? 1 Harlan Left 918,tKH>. Washington, Jan. 18.?'The Into Associate Justice JohTn Marshall Har. in of tbe^Bupremo Court of the TJ. " l., loft an estate of I18.000.- Of that 17.200 was In ltfo insurance. Letters f administration ware (ranted to his on. Interstate Commerce Cocsmi** "v. ON ID JLINA. WEDNESDAY AFT Daily Papei bumduUI OFIlm I f^ygr.nB^jLwS^^p>> .'., jKBL ^OSm- * l>r. Urfrton W. Evennnn liu 'b?i'n pi i?lcn of the bureau of fisheries,'icsimvn from now on no fur-nearing anlmftl uia y rules laid down by him. The mal:; wor care of the fur seels, bat the stdfOtter. ?l?n~wi|l be i?i oUmsi ?<i J , ' . =jm= irief notes of interest i ;athered bere and there The banks c. the cltj will.be clised ] n Friday, 19th, Lee's birthday bding I lecal Holiday., . : I Skating is good along the t shore ust below Mobs' .plaining mill and ' nany enjoyed the sport there yostey- ( lay. ' * . s e . e The channel of the Pamlico ' was j Ime In nineteen years we are Inform- ' d by old residents. V.' I Tho mid-week prayer service at the first' M. B. church this afternoon will . ] :e held in the Baraca rco.u, and all (] trho attend will And it comfortably j isated. h * * It, turned so cold Monday night hat the town clock retu&ed to swing, lands around at 7:30, but she did iOC refuse to go on u striico until < tome time yesterday, when 6ho? leased to sound taps. - t ' * ? The many friends of Rot. J. A. Sultvan will learn with regret that he b havinjj much sickness lu h.s farnly In Wilmington. He was expected jo be in the city, today but waa dealned on account of Illness In his 1 Family. v The J. K. Iloyt Drug (Jo. have initalled an auto-carhonator in their irug store, which la quite an Invention. ^Vhen the. tank needs filling the tUts automatically in position, ind a small motor does the rest, and is.soon as It la filled an automatic . :Qt-off returns It to Us proper poiltlon. The santo firm have addled' lorae neat and nroel -fixtures In their reception wlndoife. jT- * ~ Several mopa^ppllcants for jwood [ dan-and-. It aoems {feat those who tre really needy, are^pretty well sup?llqd, with?wverythlng esle. -We should I je on the- look out for supplying ourlelves with ample quantity to tide >vey the cold spell. This much can tie said oTthe *!tjr?there are those Dv I f K'omnla maana >n Knar It nhn han. .v &een unable to gat It, while thoee iwho haven't the necessary funde are 1 Jetgn supplied without cost. As yet not a -single applicant has been refused. If *e only had *a few 'trusllea" doing aervlce for Infrae:lons of the law who could be used to sut It up for those unable to do so. sre^cooTd ?ba doing a doable servtc# - i: -' MmUx of D. A. R. PortfW.il Owing to the unusually eerere eeetBer, the -aieatinr of Xiajor Reed, log Blount Chapter Daughter! of thp American Revolution, which was to have taken place at the raaldence of Mtea Jane Mrarv. Jin llnd . will he poet potted until fnrther notice | >AILY EBKOON, JANUARY 17. r Published i iiut awtl WE 1 Si?df 'jrjt&t *-'.X'jiff?. -' ,: it In charge of the newly created dlvlas the Alaska fisheries survey, and bo killed In Alaska except under the 'k ef the new vision win be to take the beaverTmd moBt varieties of bear UJ tf , Jlil TAKES ACTION 1 liMIll OF III). MORGAN dr. Clay Carter aad Judge Crimea Cay Tribute to the Memory of -... The Municipal building was draped this morning In memory of Police Dfffter Chorgo Morgan, who died at his home on Thifd street yesterday. "* On opening court this morning fudge Grimes stated that it was his leslre that the court take cognizance >f the death of Mr. Morgan and asked from the few pre&edt to bsar. Mr. Clay Carter, arose and stated that hi? acquaintance with the officer led hi u o realiz^fcut his death was a severe blow to the city.'to society and to law and order. He spoke of his faithfulness ar.d his fearlessness and loyalty to duty, expressir^tho belief that it Vould be dHloult t\ flml armher U) so acCeptabl^JJLOwAposition mada vacant ty his death. Judge Grimes, from the'bench, stated that he "keenly felt the loss of fTr. Morgan, not only as au officer, but upon personal ground:*, lie ha,d fotind him capable, and travo to a fault. lie Instructed "the clerl* to set apart a page in the minutes of the records as a memorial to tho memory of Mr. Morgan, upon which he would have resolutions spread, and upon "motion of Mr. Carter, a copy be furnished the widow. As a mark of respect the court adjourned without the trans action of other business until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. LEAP YEAR PROPOSAL FOR CABINET MEMBER. Washington, Jan. 16.?Leap year already has brought to the only bachelor of the cabinet. Postmaster General Hitchcock, a proposal ol marriage. The one who ta^'wllllng" writes from Houston, Texas. "As we have now reached the year 1912," she says, "and hearing from newspaper accounts you are's bachelor and have always been too .busy to get married, thought probably you might And time to take up a short correspondence with one who will b? very, much Interested. "No# even It you hare always boee too buay, I trust you will find 11 rat and pleasure enough in answering this note when you realize that yot are giving pleasure to some one else Trusting to hear from you at youi eaflleet convenience, I remain verj truly." Welcomes Her SSrd Baby. 8t. bouts, Jan. 18.?Mrs. Fret1 Waikenborst, wife of a farmer Hv log abont two miles from 8t. Charles a St. Louis suburb, said today eh< believes that all the more good for tune will be visited upon her homi with SS children than with S*. Thti morning she preheated her hu*ban< with a baby girl, their 2Srd child, a] of wh6m .are living and at home. 0 L NEV n Eastern Nc WORKERS II Fl m The Goal la Just Ahead ' Reader j Since tbe announcement of the ; closing date, mol of the. Contestants 1 have begun life anew in the contest 1 and are already scufflthg for the 36,000 bouna votes. That's the way lo go aff^r them? keep trying every day Don't take no for an answer, bu* when you can keep after' those who promised to I I help you. It Mr. Reader, do you realise how 1- much you could help the workers if I you would only try? Are you trying I to help the Contestant In your terriI tory to win? It not you are only one of , Oho few who do nq* and who be-1 long to the "Grouchy never-do-noth lng trlbe.,p-Why don't yon help some-J one, and especially the ones who are J - i . <i MR. LATHAM WKITRS ATTOhNFY MACI.KAN.! Auk* Him to Take-Cp>. Willi the A. C.L. the Subject <if Appropriation for Agricultural Improve- ' i merit* in This County. - * " Jessama, N. C., Jan. 10 Mr. A. D. MacLean. v Washington. N. C. My Dear Sir: -?Our county is very largely an agricultural county; there Is no other Interest In it upon whi'ph so much depends as upon our agriculture and yet It receives perhaps the least intelligent attention. 1 tell you now there 1b great need today for intelligent, thoughtful couBideration of the great questions that crowd themselves upon us for our attention and solution. One of the great questions now upon us demanding our attention 1b rural uplift apd before'we can hare substantial rural uplift wo must have an intelllgsnt' up-to-date We are now living in an.age of great co-operative movements. The government Is. through Its demonstration work, co-operating with the farmers of the Sputh, trying to make' a "New South" and U3 a great agri. I cultural people. The demonstration work for the men and the corn "club | for the boys means more to Ahia coun- I ty and our state than the casual man' ;has vet observed. Wrj are now only i at the beginnirg of great results in i .corn growing. If. we can but net the. .aid and co-oueration needed. ! We want and must have h -re In 1 ; Beaufort county (bo world's record' for growing tore. We have as poo l roil for coin growing ns cab found In thirteen states. The government 1 lie co-operating with 11s in that la . furnishing the method and inrzruc, vlon for cultivation. Beaufort county is co-operating in that It is giving $100 In caeh for premiums to. the, toys* corn club work. Top State of 1 North Carolina through its. agricultural department Is cp-operatJng J In thlB great work by giving $500 in cash premiums for the boys corn club 1 in the state. 1 The Norfolk Southern^* R <1*1 road j company is co-opcratlng In this great movemont for rural uplift by giving' $125 in cash premiums for corn] growing its territory and the end j is noL yet. There is room for more l co-operation and 1 am writing you I asking through you the ^Atlantic I . Coast Line R. R. Co., (pr its" aid, as- j . sistanre and co-operation In thisJ . great movement. The Coast l.-ine as i ;jyou already know, ruriB throtfgh the j western part of our county to Vnnde-1 mere In Pamlico conhty, and 1 feel | that the farmer on the south side of the Pom 1 Ifo rlunr olnnrr (?<> ?molrI | should have encouragement anil a I chance at winning a cash premium I offered by your company for corn-l growing during the year of our Lord I 1112. Will you kindly take this matter 1 up with your company and advise me I i of their decision. Yonra very truly. JOHN F. LATHAM. \ Collaborator. Jeesama, N. C. I MORHK ftfAY NOT AOCKPT. Washington. Jan. 13. -Charles W. Hprs-<^he convicted Now York banki er, mpy accept the privilege of ? trsalmc i.-. j*ct Springs^ J0k.. as a prisoner- pall-at, in accordance with i the anthority granted by President Tsft yesterday. It Is understood that Morse has declined to leave the army t hospital at Fort McPhereon, Qa., at I this time, possibly because he hoI Uered himself physically unequal to the trip to Arkansas. NO '7 >rth- Carolina . ||l sir 1 [ ff THE PHIIES 1 and It's up^o You Mr. to Help ? trt'vittg In your district? Its ss lljtlo ( as you.can do to help one of yocr town or country girt' (n winning a The prises are sure to go and its yet Impossible to predict who the winners will be, for the workers are running close together. ' He a%helper ?subscribe for the paper of today and the coming paper of the future. T.tiH : 41 I For each twenty-flve dollar* I ($25.00) remitted .for SubstripHons between the 15th and 30th oj January, a Bonus of thirty-five thousand votes-"w ill be given. mmsm. 1 IK WlNSTOH-SflLEfH Nineteen More IVrwtns Convicted ??f ? ID-tailing Thun for Orunkenncs*. ' Ihe Town Makes t.'uod Showing. ' y fl "Frequently inquiries' are received by city officials from people and organtzations In other states as to (lie success of tbe prohibition law In ~ s9 North Carolina* as shown by co.i-' , ditlqns In Winston-Salem. In ord-r to answer these inquiries accurately. Chief of Police J. A.^Thomas and Mr. W. T. Henry, clerk of the municipal . - n court, went over the court rec-orde. '^&foxu the review of the records it is learned that during 1911-. 129 d? * i%ndants wore convicted of .retailing in the city cdurt." while 1.10 defendants ware convicted of drunkenaeii*. ' ' thus showiug that 19 mora defendants were'convicted of retailing than " for drunkenness. '"During 1908, the last year under "^1 the opeti saloon regime, there wer 34 defendants convicted of retailing and 440 were convicted of drunker. ness. ^ \ ?3 ,"A comparison shows an increa*-- -S| of 95 conviction's for retailing duriio. 1911 as against 1908 and a d acres*-* ^ of 330 cases for drunkenness.. "'During 1503,'said Chief Thoma- v.:* people v.vro not arrested for drunk ennesa unlets llso> wore badly under the !u2uence of liquor, iiad the "aliiu arttiffU pjonlo nt that time win were blight ly under the inllu-mce of . whiskey, number would hare -l^B te.'n far r roller. During 1911, I wi'.l venture* to say that, not tuor< than 2r> of the men arresre^'fodrunkenness were down, the law bo ip-k mucn more strictly enforced I 1911." A OVERTIMED LETTERS. List of letters remaining uncalled for la tho post otlfee at Washington. N. C.p for the week ending Jan, IS. 1912: s^g Gentlemen:? C.C, Archboll, Capt B?t. Jerre Bowons. J. M. Gardner Earl P.Hopklna, Cnpt. John Tlann.-'gan. W. M. Jones, J. Tlpp Moore, Rot ' J. C."Person. G. B. Peole, C. M?. Sterf'man, Orlando A. Somers, Charlii? " Ladies:?Head a Bright, Mrs. FlorI Maggie.Matbew* Mrs. George Acner fence Jones.. Miss Helen Kenly. Mr> | More, Miss Rute Odeu. Miss Cathe iM ! Peg-got. Miss Marjr L. "Wilkin's. Mle.* : l-ottlr? Williams. " j These letters will bo sent to tl:c !doad letter offlce'Tttutiary 29th, 1912. V^EsMI if noi deli vered-toef ore. In calliing for jthe above. pleasoVsay. "Advertised. . giving date of list. HUGH PAUL. P M. RIGID EXAMINATION OF * NATIONAL RANKS ORDERED. . 3 Washington. Jan. 16.?Every na- - . .^jj^H tional hank in the country must be ' 1 '. examined regularly at stated period, according to stringent- Instructions Issued by Comptroller of the Currency Murray today. He baa abolish- . ; Am ed the "list of banks overdo? for Examination" previously kept In the of - * fice of tbe comptroller. In ofiler that the investigation of no national bank _ # J may be delayed, Mr. Murray directed the e^atbinert to call for help shoe overv holmed with work. ?Tbe ComptrtT'er also decided r whenever the o'f fleers and directum o* ? a national banp appeal to the oomp troller ft>*.a review of tta crltlcltma or lnstro?tlonsNof a national bank ex aminer, baaed upon hla lnvesUltatioa of the bank, the examiner will be tvet tbe right to attend the hearvj - ik': ' ' " t hfejr" 11

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