. ' ^ Seven Story Brick and Cei Containing. Goods Value< Is a Roaring Furnace. K ' $100,000 Fire t< ?:?*r Kew York. J An. il.?IIS reren ujr> warefcouee of the- Terminal Storage Company. .occupying n full ?! . .. city block near the Nortk Hirer water frwat between Twenty-aerentb >nd Twentyelghth etreeta. and contaln ' Ing merrhandlee rained at more thin. t?m million dollars wai aw opt bj aKlytod^. y ' Tha Are was discovered a few mln***. DIM alter midnlgfit. It wme not under control until ?:4i o'clock, when the loan wee estimated nt ?1.!?0.000 Five mlarmn, uounded in quick sueX tleally every unliable piece of AroV lighting apparatus from all MaahatW. tea. and thla waa reinforced by are AreboeteJ urhlch were Ued up to the steamship plere a block away aad pumped mlllloAs of aallona of North rluer water throuch Unea of hoae aad ^MMbuted It at blah preaaur. along the Thirteenth arcane aide of the i butdtac. ";tC, ~'s&. 1?da nod mrwctnre the Largest of Ha Kind la Hew Teak. The terminal Storage Company'* warehouse waa of brick end concrete, and waa regarded aa ono-af the moat .V madam bulldlaga la that pert Of the city. Serea stories la height. It wae the largest structure of ite kind la I New York end ope of the tirgeet la |HPaad protected by Are : eprtaklera end ell the modem lire pneenUoa- and -hre-Bibtlng epplls." aneee. lta contents, consisting mostly of goods awaiting delivery to the big New York department stores, were naturally ol the most Inflammable mature . lie bulldlng'waa dlvtved Into four One of tho sections was controlled by Jobn Wanamaker and contelned raerlt chhndiae consigned to' him. Another s. * ^ sertlon .was rented by Qimbel Broth ?rs, while tho two remaining sections . ImifamopW . - A RESiDtMT OF WiLSBN 1 kfi S. H. Vlrk, Ki-Pokniulrr b Well Otl KM. t> Tin. World's floods?Own. Much Real KsUUe. Wilson. Ian. is.?S. H. Vlck. oxtSM' 1* postmaster of this oltl Is very wall off ]n this world's goods and u worthy of ; alt Utat bo has been able to amass A through Industry and thrift. Ho has , ' bom exceedingly kind to members ol rn hte race, some of sdhom have abused this coOfldonce to a oonaldarable eaI ' teat, causing him conaderable loss '. Bat the fact, that he has bees able Ik v to retain tho bulk of hla holdings and has planety loft tor his old age to a |l la an Interview with . Mr. R B, I Evens, correspondent for a number if* of 'atkta papers, Bam gt^aa out the K "(a Wilson 1 have more,than one hundred houses, which I rent out; In RSMtghu one: Charlotte, one Am In A taHStl with el-Congressman Oaorg. ' i H WUt* flTB Ath?r? III , th? Oedrge H Wild LklM tid IxnprovoiMit COBvptny, of Nw JerOey, where r fdHifti two thousand acre* on a por tlrt'o* #hldl|ii|v Ktndi tho town ol (wliteboro, composed of about sereti J tingfin. with modern improveI-, meats In Rocky Mount I hare asirend building iota. Before bis death If ' the tAgro po<>t, Paul Lawrence Dunbar, wa> one of tho directors of the >few Jersey Company."' flam is easily cms of Wilson's biggest tax payers. it WILL MOVE TO FAYBTTlffVILLE r ? Headquarter ? o* Two A. C. Ij. Offl srs to BA Changed. ML FayettarfUe. Jan If..- -If was t? f aeanced hero today that thr offtcei of Buporjptandent ?af TranspoxtatJoi . i tea dent C. L. Porfor Of'tfc^ Atlantic ( no Railroad ar- to h< j -'ill' ^ wa to ab lakinj i igo m- i 1 . ~C " uent Fire Proof Building I at Ten Million Dollars Sam* Building had a tfo Months Ago v^tj had as tenants ntearlyN fifty smaller Arms. Wanaraaker and t;inabel Brothers the I' U i -4t The tip* started In the Wanamakof compartment and Soaked its -way through the fire wall to the Qlnibel Beet ion Both these sections were completely gutted, but the fire Walls between them and yie other compartments helt- , . i. -- ; States Iter.son rfor Taking the New Jefwy Candidate l>own Froin_ lU M.vthead?Support Was 1n^*$5 Jurtoha to Osnse. , ' S - * .. -'j&B Now York, Jan. r7.?#he current 1 number of Harper's Weeijy contains ' tho following editorial juinouncement: ' "To our Readers:?We make the following reply to many inquiries from readers of Harper's Weekly: '"The name of Woodrow Wilson as our candidate for Preaident was > taken down from the head of these columns tn response to a statement made to us directly by Governor Wilson to the effect that our support was t affecting his candidacy injuriously. / "The only course left open to as, in > simple fairness to llr. Wilson, no less | than In consideration of our own salt. reepeci, was to coasa to aarocate his .' ;'&> ' croat nwUflw and the ilsnpaat rw I list. "-But wa Cannot aeoape tho conctaalon that tho. aery conUderabla ' nam bar at oar rawders. who ban cooperated aamaatly and loyally In ?d ranclng a moramant which was Inaugurated colaly In tho hopa of rand, a ring a' high public serrlco. wro clearIf entitled to this Information." . bo Interviewed. The ordca force ot the division mpertnteadent. tt Is undaratood, will beW.hrought hare 1m. mediately. It Is also said that sir train dlapatchsrs will be located at this point. * , A persistent report Is In circulation hare that the Aharon A Rockiish i railroad now in operation from Abert dear io Hope Mllle, and being helll IroT.i Its principal o -ner, Jotyl Blue, -ft?r tb? Norfolk Southern r-"- i Mr. --aO .c/ Oa;L*r?J iou*> | thij^ b't kn* w . >thing of 1 whlJ?^XX WASHINGTON. NORTH CA ption of Airj DR.1FARLM0 1 warn H jjBEE PItES IIVT KHIA N MINISTER AM) EDUCATOR CHAROKD WITH RESPONSIBILITY OF THE I . DEATH OF GIRL IS , LOCATED. - ? 'r"-; * ' It INNOCENT." IE SAYS r Vy-' "-"-"s wuiti Miiinn TO ririHUVKU WITHOUT REQUISITION PAPERS?AN EXHAUSTIVE RESEARCH OP PAST LIFE TO RE - HADE. 1 . ' '4. ' Brlii to J. Tean.. Jan. IX?R?y. W. D. McFarland. the Presbyterian minister end educator who *u arretted late yesterday and landed In the jail at OreehvlRe. charged with responsibillty for the deadh of hit young stenographer id Plttaburg,. announced today that he would return to Plttaburg without formal requisition pspcra. . He said that he la innocent and. thobgh necessarily embarrassed by his arrest, la undaunted and wfU gladly return to Ptttabufg and face the.charges which grew out of a deathbed confession made by ElsWr DoJd Cos, former stenographer.' "1 was not responsible for thp condition of the girl nor for her death," aald Rer. Mr. McFarland. "I am innocent^and further thgfr thfs bare no statement to make. I will gladly return to Plttahifrg without requisition OTflrYiti r" 7 rjOZZZSSZiW* night In jail. There was s sensation yesterday over his arrest and many] thought that he shouldn't have been : placed behind the bags, but this feel-, Ing has given way today to a more sober one and the people are satisfied to wait and see whether the preacher and educator can prove his Innocence. [ He returned from the north last sunaay. presumably rrom Pittsburg, ! but he will make no statement about 1 this. Among the people of Greene ' county and Ih his terrlto^r across the 'Tennessee,line in North Carolina, Dr. McFarland Is highly regarded. Hie Wife and daughter;* are almost prostrated ore/ ills arjk*?- though it pas much 'commented upon yesterday. Is that he sealed not In the f?i u surprised iyr.h6n''tn'fptir.ed/of the serl1 l ohif|p~'T4igiInst him at PUSsthrg U^klrg ^^yest calmly. Dr.'McFarlabd Is i jf&gbly educated man and r>ka r6rmel;ly head of an aavBttnj^pchopI la Pittsburg at a saL nry of f S'.OOQ per yeajv^He has been very suecesdtul In hi* ritfsslon field in this section. A Pittsburg Pfflcsr arrives this, afternoon and the Journey hack to that pity atfll be begun tonight. -T* r Pittsburg, Pa*. Jan. 17.?"Requisition papprs for the extsiadltlon of .the Rer. l>r. W. D. JfaFarland, former head of the academic department of the Pittsburg High school who was tndjoted yesterday. In connection with the death of his secretary, Elsie Dodds Cod, Were prepared In the office of District Attgfjkey Bltkeley today, and efUl be sent to Harrlsburg tor Oonnior .Tenor's Idnslilre. Th.J Win then bo iorwirded to TetuaM, Where Mr. McF*rJ*ad ?u arrested lui night *t C*,Ur Creelt. McFnrland i? reported to tar. told the Tenneeeeo authorltl*. f? would Uon H ?uo"noMt?l at the cilalrtet *ttornej'a ofSca today tliat an eihau.tl?a nvaattgatlon la balng mad* Into the paat Ufa pf tha preacher-aduChtor. WOT HIS FIRST OFPENHK., ijj Colorado SprinVChU^in. IT? An affldarlt made hara February I|, 1810. bafors U P. law ton. a notary public, by Mla(. Patay Welti, of fait I aba. daughter of a Kanaaa City Bap. ttet minuter, regarding har relatione with C. V. T. Rtcheaon. tbl confewad murderer of ble llaneaa. Mle. Avla ' 'will"Jd M**" a *" "d" I J ROLINA. THURSDAY Art AMERICAN DUCH! Pr *\./' I ?W- V ^ ft A a I," ' &> \ ' * ^E^Hl I / erf can duchess was selected ndl* for the durbar. The recipient or 0 an cheater, who was tflaa Helen Zlmm? fonceoua entertainments at Delhi and t rap Ml and her American tnnns. mm a?ms~ V:. , J Loft Korfitfk This Mom Ins for EIIolboth C'hy?Will Spend Night at Ik ltairfn. " Th^ third* special excursion of homo ,weM? jril) arrjvo to yofrow 1 at 1 p. m.v They wifl bo mot ht Ibd: train by a opwnj.ittee fi&m tho Cham-j Ver of Commerce and taken .? Uie Hotel. LouIeo. after which fhey will; have an Informal, 'mooting In tho) Chamber of CO m me roe. and if the weather permits wiy be driven oik In Uie douatry. Iif the parr, leaving Norfolk th& morning were thlrtyof these .farmers from / .points in Jductioh,ln the United 8tates. In addition to the blacto- soil and the great crop possibilities, the development work will be Inspected and explained. Hundreds of acres of nfwly CkHkfr lands will seen, lands that will jfrodid4i$o4aaads df bnshels of corn the coming season. Similar lands, last aeaaoa, produced over 76 bushels per acre. t 1:00 p. m. the special will arrl?. at C-A for dlanar. and tho a/tornoon will bo opaat in laspecting the farming lands In that lo? ?'' . * ! . : At S:Me*. the special will iMigl Washington (or Greenville. Hon the party will be given * royal' welcome 1 by the fhiiperaVnd clttsehs. Tbo cost of the railroad faro (or tho excursion party from Washington to Oreanrllle, 11 mile*. will (M paid by the elttaena of Greenville, making the aide trip from Washington freeXo the excuralontsta. A public mass meeting will' be held In the evening. where thtt* will he addresses of welcome" by the home people, - It will be s gala event for all. # ?e: / >?I. AILY ========= ERNOON. JANUARY 18. 11 r Published h :SS AT DURBAR - B V V I ? I -I I ' Wf * ' "i by Uueen Mary to accooioaiiy Qer to this hfgh honor was the duchtu* of nnan of Cincinnati She (are several at? rtandu to Bnglssrt wiu nut city, was struck by the ^incoming east bound train on the Norfolk Southern railway in the yards this morning and received injuries from which handled a short while later, after ho had been carried to Stewart's sanatorolutn and everything possible had been done to save hl^llfe. Mr. J&cob^on was about 65 years of ega and for some time has been cngagad in truck farming out on Pembroke road. This n.oinlig he jjeft his hp i-o presumably for the purpose of rth Carolina D fflVM ', W - M eaners In the Big Contest le Wlrihers >9 lug'and wishing? Well, prises don't come that eaay, ?not alnfce the history of Contests. *' *1 ?? . ' ' ag" ii* mo wise comeiiani who la striving mightily to land a subscription. Write, talk and keep going. Get in touch with every friend and j, ;= get them to help you. The time will soon be here when you can sit and / \:-"A ponder over the days and opportunities you've wasted. . . For each . twenty-five dollars j . ,, > ($25.00) remitted for Subecrip- ^ tious between the 15th and 30th V of January, a Bonus of thirty-five yffia thousand votes will be given. liquor and ran. E. V. Dixon and J. H. .Allen, who * seemed to be in charge of the joint, were notified by Capt. Mart Thompson, ~ but they did not care about having a search made. Captain Thompson and officer Warren did a little investigating, however, aad found several barrels of liquor, some , . banana rum and a lot of case goods. To ttie officers the place h^ the appearance of a barroom. * Since Spurgeon Tancey escaped ,'#[ from two deputies last night, it is thought that maybe he got a partner | and endeavored to make a rich haul Just to show the authorities that he was "still on the job." , No arrests have been made. This 'fl&S is the first place handling largu . entered_ao far as the officers know. PROGRAM OF MEETING ' I OF DAUGHTERS FRIDAY jThe Following Interesting Fntgrui .Will be Carried Out at the Meetr . *:';a ing of the Daughter* of the Confederal With Mr*. ? 8. It, Fotirle Fri- . "* .. + day. - m Invocation?Rev H. D. Searlght. . .. " jg I Music?Sc hool Sextotto. j. 1 Sketch of Gen. Jackson?Mis* Lid a ' ^ f T. llodamn. _ >- .1" _Vct Solo?Mrs. I) M. Carter. Letter from Mrs. Stonewall Jackson ^ ;JH .B. Sparrow. Dnot?Misses Ayers and Rhodes. 'Sketch of Gen. Lee?Mrs. F. H. Rot- " ? lies. \ Conquered Bander?Miss Mamie Bur- rj I ' \ Music:?-Children of the Confederacy. 1 Benediction?Rev. Nathaniel HardI l?KBRIEF HOTBSBF INTEREST 1 GATHERED HERE AND THERE We are pleased to note a more friendly disposition upon the part of ' ^ ^ a number of our - roadera to contribute the happenings In social and . religious circles, that sfo, would x.i - otherwise be unable to obtain This goes a long wfj toward making the local paper mora attractive, and your eontrlbottoan are not to thcDXILY v I NEWS, bet to Ma hundred* ot read- g era, aoo .ww ere IM pwMHUW * yd* medium thro a Kb which It U dbpplled- . -r^ * " * "3M The kuki here bolide/ temonew r end the Virginia lecleletore ere er pected to create another one thle whek?ColnmbuA dec', ' Tbla holiday ohteina now In e bidet eeei north an atetee where then are e (net tee/ Itallaaa, who neaardit ae their real holtdef. Huntarlaea end Ave- - V trlane, howerer, nelnbieli "aeate day" attar the patroa aalnte. which la * aet .a bad Mae tor a aae day holiday e e e Qreenvtlle'a Caroline Cleb bee naked part lea hartec opere/eecee to ? " Beet the Home SeekeH Friday after. ' | boob to nanlat la ooarerlaa them u their plaoen of abode white an rate la the city. Met a bed Idea, and ae aae- . , j heated by the Secretary at the eleb. "~J