'.5p MB ^ It AppearaThat the New St Idhdarilla. K3T? Jan IT.?-I had bo?*d Id Bad la Wawgow WUara an*v . othtrTUdea" bat hid found " rathar ff . a Mhooi muUr ft itktMi&AD," > the declaration of Henry Waller| ?<W>^Wt?ir^K^jg^adltor and R-\ rr?. I* connection with the bronk MM OOTernor Wtlcon and Col. Geeeee Herrer. ^.. ' ' '3 *???ttln? thnt I tanet ?WMr eHker M n wttnaee or e jutr to the fliieUdlliU which hec nrleen he W.Himr end Qorernor Wood rem Wtieon."* rwedc the eteteAent. K r J eh* heco to mit with tome jperPS llnrtwllj In order to be Jut ellhr to the ?ehtto end to the prlnelpele. * "The oosfcrence between ee In my aaenfanent'mt the Metihnttee. club -wee held to ctwielder certain practical tovaN Governor Wilson as miiajfa^l stood fire and thirty-years ago tcyrwirl l& fildra. This appealed to bm. Co). Harvey had brought the roeoraor and myself together la hlo dewy homo It monthe afa^ud r as thee paeeed had interested meln hie ambitions. 1 was hoping I might And ta Governor Wllaon another TUEL, - " dia In point of intellect end arailabili'ty, I yet think Col. Harvey made no mistake in hts choice of a candidate; bat the olrcumsteacea leading dr* to tie unfortunate parting of the / ways between thorn fceade me to doubt whether in character mad temperagt?*t?It mby be merely in the hahtta of a Jlfe time Governor Wilson is pot j"j. re the^jr school master thap ajrtatee"I have from Col. Harvey aud Oov| erner Wilson statements according to thm meiWy of oeotf, touching what t , did actually happen-and what was ^ , f spoken on the occasion named. These do not Wterially differ. They coin I chjo wiio ray own recouecuon. nothill of a discourteous kind?even of ft& usfrlondly kind?passed through .an Interview of more than an hour. From the first however there was a L certain constraint In Governor Wilson's manner, the absence of the cordlaMty and candor which would * . mark heartj. confidential intercourse. intimating the existence of some admt verse influence. Hta- manner was L** autocratic if not tyrranous. I did not take tkls to myself, but thought / 14, related to Col. Harvey, and when CM. Harvey, apparently overcome by Governor Wllppn'r austerity, put the jt direo# question to Governor Wilson \ wh?$er the support of Harper's Weekly waa doing him an injury and ?r received from. Governor aWilson the '.p- J cold re Joiner that It was, I was both surprised and shocked, .r "1 had myself, as fhr hack as last October suggested to GovpHmr Wil^ . 1 son that in view of his supposed eu^' vlrodmeft it might be as well for Ool. , Harvey; to moderate somewhat .the rather aggrepslve character of HasWeekly In the Wilson leg?erl. ship. I sm not sure that I had not 1 said M much to C6\. Harvey hUgielf. ^ hut that Governor Tyilnphi, without . * the least show of compunction should express or yield to such an opinion and permit Col. Harvey to consider . " blmseU discharged from the position of trusted Intimacy he bad up to this moment held, left me little room to ^ dOuH that Governor Wilson is not^ ? * maa who makes common cause with B h|p political associates, or Is deeply sensible of his political obligations; H ' O l.'nn? ?nu ><! hi* ?a TT ? --r ?" ? ' ^tr that, except for Cot Harror, ho 0 would not ho th tho running at all. " "Cot Harror waa grerionaljr if. - woutoed. y-Bo had boon fighting 4 Ooeemor Wileon"* battlo for many K yearn and had Idealised hi. chief. Although 1 waa gltsn no roaaon to T... -. suppose ^W.?lf included fn tho dlo, < . faror whldKbad fallen opOy Col. Bu Mmw ver. I experienced. a oenao of nomcK thing rerr mnoh Ilka Indignation, bat on refection 1 could not rid mroelf V of the lmprooalon that Oorornor WllV aon had bean reeelrfhg lottofa from I KIShnhj written br onomleo of mine who aoom to noo hi. name and fame H . to gate aotnn onda of their own, warning htm against mi and that to all p '- "hi". I nat fci t*ic oamo boat wiui ' "t am la rooofpt of Oorornor WUBt eons otatomont to the oosuurr. 1 Wh? that this had raaah.d mo aaritgg * Paid iSufcscri rearm WILSON OOLOKEL 1ARVEY . :r?y Executive's Friends le Rupture Is Omtawus, ' ? >'| 1 h*re during three week* of twe paper Import unity re toned to print n word on the aublect Id the hop* th.t no'dublleltj might b* required nod that no me uuderetabdlng could Mf .reached. I hare reaaop to beller* that Col. H array withhold bin rtatement with the nam* eao**. and the nam* hop*. It being no looser pooalble to aappraao the matter, at laaoe thin ton ataumeot, which I. make moot reluctantly, aeomn needful to a full nod Impartial knowledge by the general public, but anpre especially by the maaa and body of Democrats who arwao eameet 1 y eeetong a leader la tho coming contest. (Signed) - ' If ENRY WATTE R80N ' "Ood^M of WOwa Boom." Oaalut, Nrt., Jan. 17 -A confer no? of several loading Nebraska Democrats today considered the action of the editor of Harpy 's Weekly In taking from the head of its columns the name of Governor Woodrow Wilson, as a candidate for the nomination Of RMUfht. The meeting was held Jn the oftce of Mayor DShhnan. Mayor Dalbman, 'after adjournment, fare oat m statement in which he added that the action qf Editor Harvey was the caeee of today's meeting. The action of Mr. Harrey is the collapse of the Wilson boonT^ald the mayor. "Mr. HarTey is by+o means the drat of leading Democrats who has been supporting Oorernor Wilson to drop him. Democrats like CoL Wattefaon and Major Hemphill >Jiare fallen oat of the Wilson ranks. Nebraska Democrats hare no candidate to propose, but generally are opposed to Mr. Wilson, harlstg long ago taken atand against hie pension policy. "f 4m not authorised to speak for Mr. Bryan, but I know he is opposed to. many of the policies advocated by Governor Wilson and 1 do not think' this leading Nebraakan will support him for the Presidency." What further^ action Democrats wffl take the mayor declined to dtacUS0r T7? Another Leader Against Wilson Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 17.?The break between. Governor Wilson and Col. George B. Haryey has brought out Matt J. Regan, leader of the old Bryan strength in Wisconsin, against the New Jersey man. He tonight Issued a letter to John A. Aylward. of Madison, head of the Wilson, campaign la the state, declaring that under no circumstances would he now aid In the campaign of the New Jersey Governor , Mr. Regan originally Was^a Wilsoa ma* In htS letter he wrote that Wilson movement, at-first appeared jalj9 promising, but that recent ev^nta* have demonstrated that hi* policiee are not those of .modern ptoWese|re Democratic spirit. HI* demand la that the State Or ligation be aent-to the National coriTontlon absolutely unpledged while pteeeet plan* of the State, committee are that the Sute delegation he pledg ad by a State-wide primary Total "In the eelection of n candidate for President of the United Statee for the Democratic party, his political nsrntmy." continues the letter. VT T< /"Tlja ^delegation from Wleconaln should gdSnto the oonTeatlon with a free hand, that they may fce of the greatest efficiency to their flute In d)e selection of a Mandard hearer who will stsnd th? t*st *s to csnahit. Ity and availability In the coming campaign." la tha break with Col. Barray, Mr. Began declared tkat Oovarnor WUaon "ahovred a dlacredltable tendency to treachery toward the man whom ha once cave the credit for Ma election aa governor and hta pry cant prominence as a Presidential 'Candidate Tha-Sactlon toward 001. rtnrvqy la merely typical of a career marked by treachery to hie friends. .TjPWpijl ly I am for Bryan, tf ho ean be serenaded tq run, bub never for a man Ilka Wllabn, who turns Ma 'policies whenever that ssil^ hla parpen*".' F. a Messrs. W. Q. Waaaon. O. C. Spoon. T. C. Tbreatt and t, C. Jonoa, advertlnlng squad of "Hero CoBee" are attracttna soma attention by. their unt.**??"' *"v'*-*''' _ ' a ^ . ?/i?i i'' WASHINGTON, NORTH C ption of Any HMUWKUS -BfMKUHS If CUM CAPT. BABTON CRUIKSHANK, MOURNED BY HIS WIFE AS DBAD, WAS DOING YVtB COURTING UNDER *:-. ' /- ' -' 4.-I1 WIFE C8LLECTS WSURAWCE MISS CATHERINE ROBERT BAYS TAIN WHOM Sin KNEW AS DONALD DOCGI.AH. New Tor*. Jan. 1??Casta!! Ilartoi Cralkakfpk fau been rotmd only u> dtniB?r acnln.' He la tki Ml fonfid tlite and proiperone la tki! city I few din ISO after hu family lad fall frteadi kid bellered him dead for a year aad a half. That fall wile hid warrant for inch a belMf la ifaown far the fact that not only did efae kayl a memorial lerTlce for hlni, but the oourta at Potsdam, N. T.. where Crulkshank had tfeen living, granted her letter* testamentary on hi* estate. To her as executor several life lnauruee companies paid policies amounting to something less than >10,000. | Apart.from the'feature of the case, it takes on added{interest Because of | the man himself. Hla friends attrlb! ute hla disappearance to his devotion to his wife pnd a desire to help her by taking himself off. After his ; canoe was found In the St. Ea'wrence river Cand he had been mourned for I dead by his wife. Crulkshank found &? nsceseary to play the part tor-the lend. Clare Her Work and Paicf Well. When he began to prosper^ he wanted to help his wife and'children, so he invented a flctltioua engineer^, ing concern and sent orders to Mrs. Crulkshank for drawings, she b?tng 'wn expert draugntswojunp. These he paid ' .for at double anil treble the market fates. explaining the extravagance on the ground that the concern I wanted to help the widow of a fellow engineer. This enplaned Satisfactorily to. Mrs. Cruikshank the company's kindness 1 and she did a lot of work for them never thinking this was t!& method choeen by her "dead" husband to contribute to her support. Miss Catherine Robert, daughter of a wealthy widow of Flatbuab, announced today.that she was .engaged trf tnarry'Captain Barton Cruikshank,. who djdfl)feeared from his hQjne in Norrlstown. N. Y.. in 3uJy 1910, Captain Crulkshank's wife hfcd mourned him as dead until rgcqntly when he was fpjind fo be living here upde'r the' ww' of I^nald Douglas. It was under to If name,Mlaa Robert ^he>qoed Miss Robert said .that she bftd not 1 rarn^^^Ul today of trer fiance's ^"CjfaWve-been? deceived absolutely," * "?? -JfX. Crul|uhifo whom 1 knew Uouglan : sometime egi* e. he ^nlrddueAd him- ( Mlf aa a1 eingienian.and told trie' of , ihe Iiiidahlpa -he bad experienced In his trer^gtgr Ui# vodd.- We bad 'decldeil'lp marry when Kie buelaeee . ahould .be In a prosperous eondtlon. I , went With him to the boat last Saturday when he left for ftrtn Rico " All RIFA5T 18 BORN WITH HOUR t,KKTB. Chicago, Jan. 1??A baby bey weighing It pound,, two ounce, and having four fully developed teeth, wee borm here leet night to lire. Martin MulTiblll, whOea huaband Is a police serge*!*. , The baby U healthy and brings a new honor to iU father, who a few day* ago was credited with having made more arreSU than any other Chicigo poUoeman during the past year. The physician says he was startled ?&???&?mas "1 hare wen otw where the baby v/?? born with one tooth." he eald. "hut nerer before hero I aeon tour teeth." I $ wy--nLhejAanew i dni i'1 ' I Littleton Will QWt Congreew. Obatanoota, Tone., Jen. It.?Ooil?V. Littleton, of ike Flret Now Tort dletrlct, wUI unit concrete end roiume the practice of lew after hie ?reeent una expiree. I Hr. Littleton mode the aepennoe-1 '^>"*7 - :*>! > V ^ , . <^i... i a **~%-^ * jjr W I l 7 . jH MIOLINA. ITUDAY AFTEI Dally Papei 1 most mm QBft A ' A / ^ / A \ '--^^1 V I ' "L. * ** V - - ^ - v -^^ V> At tbe lecent borso. snow id ngw Europe was Mica Helen Preecc ol Engl alie is known as tbe most daring cross won sixty prizes for horsemanship am praised by Queeu Mary for riding an u over the railing anjl kHled a bystander "HI! II1SII SKIS UK pare v. -> ~ 'Professor Latta" has Bsen ] His University Which His to Lorate- Ralslgh Tin / , are Ruhn We are reproducing from tho R&- 1 Times of yosterday an article 1 dealing with "The Latta University-" 1 We, too, gre ln possession of . lone t cortesporfdence of Prof. I^atta's rela- I tive to some equipment he wished to i add to his "Industrial School," the same having been written to a y Pennsylvania manufacturer. f Prof. 'St. L. Latta president of ( Lgtta University, la endeavoring to 1 furnish a dining room a} his more or 1 Less well known Institution?that is 1 whatv he 'tells his northern friends ' when making appeafar fer funds to } finish the job. It atoms that there are many green field*, in spite of c rero temperatures, and that the pro- 1 feasor Is meeting with much success. 1 Northern philanthropists tumble* to ( the "educator's" schemes and It Is said that a steady stream of revenue, . like unto that ponrsd- Into 8pfcln In the days of Charles I.. empties Into the pockets of the*stute "edCTCatOT." i Rev. it. 8. Stephenson tAday re- 1 celred a letter from Stamford,Cfi$n., 1 In. whktv-the writer desired tq^ knosr < something about the "university." I Mr. Stephenson turned the communt- 1 cation over to the.reporter; the minr : later could not And any trace of the < Institution except a few \ftUlptdated 1 hacka, and he wanted a further In < vestlgatlon. Inquiry among ^sflfriored men and ' others familiar with dbsrlin revealed the fact that JLatta University exists 1 Is thslssagiaatlon of the "professor" gai Of the paper en whlet ho wrUes his appeals for aid. The "professor" v 7 - " f? (irX/, -?. ; 1" ji.tfyigl'iiMH i n 'i V A?m H ? r M - H J* * 1 ' = LNOON, JANUARY 1?. 1013 Published li . I " ' U tSOOUHTRV RIDEBj A; I HL * ' I, - mm r. I XL n i . 4 CSSOS^ York The most notable visitor from and. Though but fourteen years old. country rider In Great Britain She 1 at a show in Loudon was warmly nnianageable horse which bad leaped ir l\ ON Ksjmnr Doing Some Soliciting, for, Home Town is Unable |, iss Thinks "Suckers lng Yet" ^ ^ ? ias done a great deal for himself, t is said, with the funds he receives rom time to time. He has added j o he acrea until he has a respectable 'arm near Oberlln, but he has had 10 students in many, many years. There seems to be^ no way in vhlch the northern publft-ehn be in 'ormed of the "professor's" schemes. Copies of this paper will doubtless >e circulated among President Lat a's old /rienda, but there are many tuckers?some of them as fine as he ias pref caught?and they will fall for his bait. Here fa one of the many letters >f Inquiry being received In Raleigh. It la from Miss Edna M. Owen, gen ihri secretary of the Associated , Charities of Stamford, Conn.: . Wbftt About University. 'My Dear rfr. Stephenson: "May I you have any information regarding the Latta Uni- . rersity of Weat Raleigh? We have bad an Inquiry from one qf our lirectors .who has boon a Contributor to this university, and as he has now had a special appeal for money befond his annual subscription, ho Is anxious to secure tome Information. This last request was for money tocomplete^ a dining hall. The PeLattn in r'yen c.a cacralary and president of the university, and the appeals are ssnt out and signed by hluu" x Mr* W. L. Hearten of Durham, Is a guest ef the Louise. ONE?! i Eastern No nun v ' * , __ ggr? rh' . i. est ants are Searc JT Fall to Vote While th AlthougUAhe bad weather has been a drawback to the workers in the Contest, there is greater interest now from every section of the county than before during the Contest. Districts Nos. 3 and 4 are both I coming In on the home run and they report good prospects for Subscriptions. - -V* Thate the way to get gt it, girls, If your friends fall to support your svir .mi mom, QBte uisdi realize that they are subscribing for the beet paper In thla section of Carolina, and besides, helping you In winning a prtae. Mr. Reader, are you one of the leavers In this race?" Are you deiRffllf TILLERS LOOK IS WAY AND PONDER WELL H'HKX LEMONS GROW HERE WEIGHING 1C^41PNCKS AND , MEASURING 12 fe INCHES , CIRCUMFERENCE WE I ARE WORTHY OF ATTENTION. IMS. ALLICOOD CROWS THEM PROM A TWO-YEAR-OLD TREE I * SHE PIilTKGI) THIS M()R\l\(ii ' A SPECIMEN ACCORDING TO THE ABOVK DIMENSIONS. . ' . l We can. grow most anythiug in this country except discord and dlecon. u tent ,antf in spite of our effort at times to do this, we get lemons in- ( stead. , Mrs. Ellen Alligood of Seventh street, this city, sent to the DAILy j NEWS office this morning the larg- ( ?st lemon we have ever seen. U|j grew on a. trte planted by hd* two } ?oars ago. It Is the fruit of a bloom j? pf. May last. The lemon weighs one t pound and 3 ounces and measures j I hi incheB in circumference. t Mr. Homeseeker, paste this in your j tat and remember that our fruits of j, aectar are much larger in proportion, I ( ind our trees bear perennially, im-! j parting fragrance and swear tess the 1 j whole life long. J j XitfMEXD JIDGE IlltAtiAW: ItAl.KIfiH IIAR MEETS. i< Raleigh, N. C.; Jaij, 17.?At a ses- ( lion of th<*Raleigh Bar Association 1 ihis afternoon resolutions commend- 1 ng the ability, Judicial teniperameut 1 ind uniform courtesy of Judge Steph- ' ?n 0. Bragaw In the holding of this lis first term of court, were adopted. I \lso, on motion of Jatn&s H. Poc the I Par adopted a resolution endorsing j .he bill of Congressman fc, Y. Webb i | for changed and general revision of iheTuleeB of practice In equity proceedings in Federal*Courts so as to , attake the district "court practice con- , form* to the rules of procedure in the ? respective States where held. There . was unanimously approval of the Webb bill by the lawyers who Inslstsd that It would?mean a great improvement fit legal procedure. IN IDLE BRWfTlsTBE DEVIL'S WORKSHOP Boy Starts Fire in Home Causes Fire Engine to lie Called Out?By Way .. of TW version Gives the Baby ' * Liniment Bath. Elizabeth City, N. C., Jan. 18.? ' Yesterday was a lively and rather un-> lucky day at the home of Bill TVtvlI.i Y.'w- u.i .coining i about noon from a mischievous Doy i being detained indoors on account of < the icaud mow. In the Bftornlag lira. Davis left this i youngster in Me of the rooms with I her baby, when she went down to a i store n the neighborhood. She had i J- - " ?; ? ' ?"** 53T 'iisss'1 : ;^i / S 1 J ky rth Carolina ] ' ' i i f VOIES 1 in mm v 1 ' - - ' - M -m htng Everywhere. Don't 'S e Votes Couiit Most J_, ' - - J pending on the contestant in your > , field getting along "well enough'" without your aaelstatico ? Well, she . ^ can't. She needs your help eeea if . fls a email amount. ' Why don't you club in and holy her daring the ttyirty-flrc thousand Ki%n*?n T*-ml - *i-- .. .vmh. uum i? ia tur D?n ume. . Strain a o?t?>?/to help one of the workers now. while the votes count * ,i most. n" . I For each twenty-five dollars i ($25.00) remitted for SubacripL Hons between the 15th and 30th I of January, a Bonus of thirty-fiva ," thousand vote* will be given. 1 not been away long before, an alarm of fire waa spread through the vicinity and when neighbors rushed in A found clothes about the fireplace cm fire., Fortunately the dames were ex- -i tingulshed before the children were burned, t^it a quantity of ' clothing waa lost. -In the afternoon, not having tad * j quite sufficient excitement for the day, this -same boy decided to give the baby a bath and'the handiest j thing being a bottle of Liniment, he proceeded to lay it on thick and f&nt. The little tot,, with Its skin burning, 1 . '3 pave forth such screams thaf the mother entered the room and rescod "IS II RAINING'* ASKS. "DEAD WAN" SOLEMNLY 1 4 )itu|?uiiis of ll?K?m Had i lira* i Business Klsowlinr When IK-iu* .Man Opens Kjps and Asks Ii li Ls Kmuinu. Asheville. "^^auT" ISr^lT i? riot often that a person comes to lite After/once being pronoun* cd 'riot* \ Put that is wlia* happened in - rase of Robert Smith, au aged r lent of the South Hominy section ho county. "3 It had been Isnpwnj'or montbe u * lis friends thai Mr7%ciith was i- rurably 111, and last Tuesday be aj.jarently died and waB " laid out ~ ind everyone left the death chambe-. Some hours later several persons ezercd the room again and one wlv iad helped to shroud the body n-. :lced that one of the arms was not in ta original position. He started t>* eplace it when Mr. Smith opened on ? ' ?ye slightly and ventured, "It's ra!c ng, ain't it?* " All in the room ha pressing buslnesB elsewhere, hi* Lhoy gathered courage to return lav' r ind through the day listened to th iccasional remarks of Mr. Smite rhc next day he was pronour.c? lead again, but his people took : ^ A rhancos and did not btiry hi:.. J . .hyee days. This timo I.-- iviiiuliv ' load. Mr. Smith was 7?1 "jvnrs <: a a, ind had suffered for years with * aercujcsis. He leaves-;! l.tmily. BRIEF NOTES OF INTEREST ; ' FATHERED HERE AND TOE The three masted schooner "Parif9t," which has been in much di*:ress down the rirer for several day* -?me Into this port yesterday inor' s* t I The revenue cutter Pamllctyeaiue nto harbor yesterday for tW pcrx>se of opening it up to navigation, he river being frozen over for sevsral days. The officers of the Paciico report the ice five Inches thick up to a point near the lower suburbs >f the city. Arrange your engagements to Let * 31 nothing keep you away from the public mass meeting of citizens at the town hail Monday night to organise ? tyiam i board of associated charities. let inclement weather keep you awa?. If we always bad good weather we would have Uttle cause for charities. ihe snipping of liquor into dry iWratores w?a largely circulated yester day and was generously signed. IT It's against ths law to sell it bare. K should be against ths law to dslivdr It here, and ths sooner we stop It. th? nearer ws wlU bs getting to tie spirit of the law. v

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