i tk:*5 ] Kg /m '* ^mr ' ^1 ''ill j|&.; ? * S ;Lli|-' "1 Miss Woodcock Inatruct* of Teaching Writing?L L u(L? | '"'" Oq Sttardtr wm Md k reguUr Si MMtok of the Boootort County nWhM1 AkkocUtton. The kkeoclo %doe oomToned Is the court ttM kt Vif MoL After mm by Rer. K. P I ? Hove of the Chrbtlon church. f, I Sett. Vkughen introduced Dr. John I A. rerrell. of meletch. In choree of V. J tldt ??i. O -"T[ Dir. Ferrell congratulated the W | teachers upon the progress of the lIcOMty along the line of better health Hcoftdttlons. and eald that the county J ' VbM recently fallen In line wtth S7 I V other counties In thla State arrang- I | ing to hare free treatment for Hook- i jrprtn through the Commission's i IB^oratorles which are soon to be lo- 1 Seated here. He eald that In looking Slack upon hie various occupations In i Btia past as teacher, county aupertn- < . WjB^ent, physician, he can now see i *S what a draw back thla disease Is to 1 W the growing child, especially while I - 1 in echool. He emphasised the duty 1 jfclof the eounty teacher, and her oppor- i .T? A tunlty to help the people whom she J, ,iMla laboring to educate by assisting la *1 work by getting them to Ufcke < ^Sthe treatment. He then explained < S the disease, how It begins, how It Is Bettered. Its ultimate effect upon the 4 Subject, and how It may be eradical- i d from a community.- He then ex^niptned the work of the .laboratories Mb thin County and definitely how the i > I d t mar assist In furthering the ' Mmrfc. 'Hli address waa Interesting Sand grehtly enjoyed by those'present. kl' Vise Julia Jones, primary teacher in the Old Ford district, read a pa- < Swm worktop ths primary grades lUUWWN UHW GROWER i Jpnmfiin fit mm tar Thirty < 1 ?<* "-?"- 1 i ip* " T* f?i ? I bMnii Cerolla*. 1 I AnherUle, Jan. SO.?Information 1 kSciB NMind la AsheTlUe toUe < Him that W. H. Dorln, of Clow, c H^^rho Von tho $1,000 prise given 1 K| 0M International Harveeter Com- t farM tftt Hcw York Load show n H^t^reeka ego for the thirty boot esrs CI " p" * I* united siotoo. t VTqs pnrcfcased n firm of 100 acres In ?l HlPvncrRhrir drainage district of off|fjrth Carolina, where he will etrive IK)o,make some mors etoellent records. , U Is having printed several thous- q m booklets !n which Is given Infer. t Ifauos, which has been aonght by D IjteOpIo In'different sections of the j Mmftkiry as to the methods he fol. Mjoks In corn culture. llHAT THE TEACHERS tl Wwf Bin IN CDFFNVIII c |||^< vnv rn uituun i iuuu ? Things OteMMd Ftfom Campos n II County Superintendents of A ^ fl^HE?|?l Eastern District were in i at the Training School on J JU IS and IS. Bupt. Joyner. and <1 I Mua Brogden, hlvlns and Walker c gVfSllr Harold Barnes SnptT of H?fe- J Bfcdjury Education In Olrard college l> rUfr|Pkiladelphla. met with them. 4 > jPrhpe associations are?working on .'j|M|am? problems that confront this 1 ''|p|nl hence-it was a great mutual |, to bare these forces brought In ? | | deep contact. It Is to be hoped that c II 4 FF**e w>11 b*eom* th*? p IfjiBchUce. jfce 8ummor 'tetnr^#HgM0 I ;Bfe;^lh1Ld'byk *h. b^!M " >, Iff milteoe and win be given aa for the d IBDWen. ; I rSj*. Harold Barnes, of Qlrar4 eol- h 4 ?ft>, f taught Podagogy here last \Upo^wlll give' a course during ? B f^?ntl1 of July ln Supervision and , H MBMnlstratlou for Superintendents *| Et^mnetpala, olonx the lines of tV """" Ul">w '"a*u' ?r- &tra/er> yQH Harold Barnes <iollvy*d an Kttstlng lecture on Southern tndl- n the Region of tho Hoop-pole n 5 |, -ri^hlp," tho load of tho Howler o HM '' . - m H I / j y 1 II Paid 5ubscri VBIAIIfllkA * I f MAY m as to the Hookworm 1 Them as to Best Way nteresUntf Discussions -J hers Present ' j outalde tlx regular text books. She hewed definitely Jutt. whit is the dnty ot a primary teacher. The worth o( her paper was ahowa by the great totereet ot the teachers. | xwm AMOcttiKD then took upj?e study of Colgro ve^4The Teacher and the School." TU& ' dUctualoD w ably led by Mia. Mamy Harrlaon ot the Sdward Sehoel. and *aa 'joined In by a number of teachere, among them Mine Alice V. Jar*la. Miss* Minnie Morgan. Mlse Margaret Tuteu and Mr. H. H. Oden. The lively latereet ah own in the dlacumlon and the number of teachere taking part, bowed that the booh bad been read and studied, and bad put'teachers to thinking'. Miss Josephine Woodoock, representing B. D. Berry and Co., publishers of the Berry Writing book*, gave a lesson on the teaching of writing. Mlse Berry is an excellent- writer and fcfer lesson was a valuable one, from rhlch teachers and scholars will derive much benefit. The use of the books will be pastor and more profitable In the future, because the teachers know how they are Intended to be'used. ^ Supt. Vaughan announced upon tdWrnlng that the next meeting sill be held oh 8>b. 17, at whclfc line Prof. Jf? A. Blvins. State Supervisor of Teacher Training, wllL give i lecture on the proper use of the sew Geographies, and Miss Davis, teacher of history In the Eapt Carolna Teachers' Training school "will nlk on-the teaching of Wstory la the Fourth and fifth grades, <' _ ftqkootaiaator and James Whltcomb JUley. The fact that many ot tha tattles* ibere war* from North CaroIna added peculiar Interest. Mr. Snrnee Illustrated his lecture wtth -ea dings from Riley. which he Interpreted sympathetically and artistleilty. Hr. Barnes entertained the school ttjAfsmnbly two mornings; one. by ending catchf posms^from Edmund /anoe CoOk; the'other^'by a talk on km Marly Schools of Indiana. He ogld hare subsUtuted North Cmr* Inn for the latter, so similar were he conditions. A party of thirty homeseekOrs of >hfo. who spent Friday night and Saturday In- Greenville, took dinner it the /Training 8chool on Friday (vening. , Dean E. K. Oraham of the University. delivered a strong lecture on j rhe Teacher aa ^ patriot cm ueo't I ilrthday. The1 school' and tbo town I .ppreciated this opportunity of .bearng thin cultured speaker and taiakThe tyro literary socletiee at thplr 1 January meetings had programs on ?oe and Lanier. The Poe society taceleb inth m thathathaQ8 tfitamtham celebrated th4vtlrtbd*y of Edgaj Alan Poe. dome jieVspsper clippings md ... unpublished material added :reat the* pm>sr??. The .ro.ram la the Lnler eociely wai .reltmlnhryto- i* Wictt*^ on 3I?M? ranter wHIaH' ?ui ? M?r'< fti&dw.^Teb/cj^sir Df if HUl. " : A now course of atodr kutmn idedto meetdho. needsof thoen_*W en not enter ohc of the obuieoVuow rtsStk Ti1* 'thi^ th"m?t" IT 7<^r< Of ?*e. (en M In re-" tilred fof trwchere)Wnd"?uet "here V eflntto purpoee to tahob the followed summer Or fell. This cooree Is restew of ell the public school subecte from fredse One to Seeey. In-Injure, .end in addition pedogosy ear pelelly' prepared for the Vrdyp; prlMiry,methods, 'with Ipstructioee Id turner only so far ne 1e nteeswy^for tete adopted texu will be,need., . . ^ ' f %Z^S^hr,p ' ** : The Olvlc Department of the We tdne Betienhent Aeeecletlon will i 11 set Wodiieedey afternoon at, S 'clock1 In the Public Library room I . 'v: ~ V W ASHlMGTOW.y&ETft < iptlqn of An HE PUBLIC UBKARY H tAimNepepowwn IWMlir Iht Becocd Breaker foe Die TM public libra IT ta rapidly (raw lag la public Caror, laat Saturday be log the banner day alaoe Ita organlaa. tion and the ^/flcleut aecretary, Mra A. L. Betta, re porta circulating alzt) Tolumee'on that dag. She furthai atatce that the number of rial tore li lncreaaing and Intereet general I) manlfeet In the welfare of thtrklghlj creditable Inatltution. ffiAXD HAS OBI INDUSTRIES. Raleigh, H. Cv Jan. 20.?Thai there are 681 mlecellaneoua manufacturing plants In North Carolina, not Including the great numbers dj cotton mills, woolen mills, silk mills, knitting mills and. furniture factories I is shown by the report of Commseitfn[or of Labor and prtnting on this class 'of industries just issued to the press. These miscellaneous factories employ j 84,860 persons of whom 4,286. "are wrfmen and 1.484 are ehlldrtn. , I Thee apital stock of the/ amis is 961,787,000. the estimated raise ol the plants. $22,868,000. and the vslua of the output 968,168,681. REV. PETERS PREACH y TO mm DIMPLES President of the Christian Orphanage Preached Two Scrpons at the IHsdplee Chwrch (Colored) k-Yesterday, ^ I Rer. R. L. Petal's president of the Virginia Christian Orptanagfc, delivered two sermons ybatf day at the Disciple church (Colored) hie sub; jeet at 11 a. m. being "The Six Friends in the Life of St. Paul." At 7:80 p. m. his subject was "Come Now and Let Us Reason Together.* He will ipealt v.,In tonicht fro? the eoblect "Humaaltye Duty to Children." He k l noted ipeeher end this le rour lwt cheeee to hapr him. He will tthve tomorrow for Plymouth end other polhte 10 eastera North Caroline. Sous will he>e served tor wmte mauds this evening. ASSOCIATED CHARITIES AT CITYHALL TONIGHT HUM .Meeting .to Be .Celled at 8 O'clock for the Purpose of Af? fecttmg m Permanent Organisation. For several days recently Informal meetings have Mtn held In the city, at which a number of those having the interest of-general charity at heart have attended. /. 9? great haa been the interest manifested, and so enthusiastic ally have those attendUu entered j Into It. that a maaa meeting of the j citiaena of the city of Washington i has been, called to meet In the ?itj hail at'J'Vclock this evening to organise a board of associated I charities. At a meeting In the of- ] flee of Mr.- Norwood L. Simmons | on^ Friday, a .committee was an- I . pointed td' communicate with other cities having similar organisation, and to'get from them ideas as to thsconduct^Of.their or,gs33itagirt#iVti^commttee has heardimftiHaJelgh. Dufham.,Nor-foUt,-^ .fifclngton and perrfapa others, and this Information will . be given to the public tonfght. It is expected Ahat all the ministsra I' *i JMrdt* padthat. ~eachof, 'the fraternal and benevolent association! of-the klty will either attend or send official repreeentatlves. feto meeting in many yeart,*of her ""TTTiaayitap^ la aapaclallj nrgad that tha ladlr. attaad M it 1* ralattra t. tha Womaha fiattarntaat Afaociation tha W.&'fc vf and that/aim* ttarh. . The following reeaals are now lying in port: * II Barge Roneecaf^rotn Philadelphia, ^jkhoftifir Columbia. Z. O Styron from Hatteraa. I Bnglehard ' ' ?^K;?isuar ' f Beitfhner Shearwater, Cant. R N. Mldyett; from Mlddlgton. . a- .?* - l*"" I I I I ^ v! ffN^* "^B^erB 3AEOLLNA. MONDAY , . 1 ... ^ '. , 11 > ^' ***' I i , - '.-J^| I cj ^Htf *: ^r 1* ' 'teyfiTi.H1-"*, " " ^16-?euwn.*l?.uUtu, ebutactes J ?he recant presentfttikn to ociety ot Mia Mrs. Edward Cranston Brooks. M ALUM nice onnncmv Uluu uUUUullul IN LONELY HOME i T\ AGED MAN 18 POUND DEAD IN jo HIS HOMEf&N FOURTH 8TRKRT fo BY iDOLORKircOOK, 8ATUR- Fi DAY AFTERNOON. - ? " : ' ? CORONER REVIEWS REMAINS Mi HAD BEEN DEAD FOR SEVERAL HOURS, IT 18 THOU.GHT?f,EFT DAUGHTER. 'V If ' tei Br Mr. Thomas Alllgood, aged 68 ^ years, and a well known .carpenter of the city, warn found dead in hla home t<)| on Fourth street Saturday afternoon fle about 8.30 o'clock. Mr. AlMgood th. lived alone, his wife having died sev- pa eral years ago. Shortly after noon tftJ the colored woman whd had been tb) choking fatjiim came to prepare his QO| dinner. 8he saw fcr, Alllgood sitting d]] -in a chair before the Are-place in his Hf night garments with hla overcoat on thrown around his shoplders. After ^ calling him and failing to, get a rep|y, she went over to Mr. Durand'g, th| WHO If a next door neighbor, and asked aim to coma oxer. When Mr. ^ Qurand reached his aide ha found him lying on the floor, with one ot his legs burned, as If he had fallen against an ahdlron, and the lamp of homing On the l a hla lay an un- ? QnlghggXe latter addrasaad to hla r0< daughter, Jlrs. ??t Tyre, or Bath. In , which ho. stated that in theeseot or hla death a lady In tbia town <giving ,0) the naipe) was Indahted to him to the extant of-ten dollars. Coroner Dr. "Jack" Nicholson was ale called In, and alter vlagrlng the body. sit stated that ha came to his death by of "natural cause." . The deceased wag down town Prl- bei day afternoon and purchased sorao an lumber from the Kugler bomber Co.; ' wa since that afternoon ho one reme-n-jaft bars wing ty? until lound dead-V-lm had Mtn a resident or the. city for | lnt , - " -'W ..... mam V " I I ===-=== ftNOON, JANUARY U, 1* * Published't MIWL MWEtO S3 -v. ' MEIA ^^Hb i Hyj^A ^D Eliro^A I m A M A **V Hp- .. .,^? . ^Hl : TW^ VI \ B 1 i m abI 1 v- l- ,.V;.^^V ^ t t ., * T J ' ' > '"'' a Washington haa been increased by , - Dorothy Oray frocks, daughter ?T g STARVES IN LOCKED CAR. , ?y Victim of "Practical Joke" I* a Likely to Die. f ait Wtd bands frozen half starred ? id aemi-lnsano from Ilia physical # ndltlon, James Fry, a 17-year-old ^ >y waa found in a freight car here ^ day. * h He had been locked in the car lari Q leaday at Peru,' Ind., by practiral kera. When the patrolman who , und him tried to feed him a roll, ,j y endeavored to Bwallow It whole. . He waa taken to the city hospital, tJ d the physicians hold out but little ipe for hlar recovery. a COTTON IN HYDE! r. Greglfurimm of Hyde county, E in [the City^Tellfi of tho Con- w 'Ullions in-Hia County. fj We had the pleasure of a brief in- _ pview yesterday with Mr. Qyeeley M Imm of Hyde county, relative to rlcultural conditions down there. > states that one-third of the cota crop of 1911 still remains in the Id. ~ He assigns as a reason for it st the high price of cotton for the st few years' was too great a temp- w don to tha planter,, with tho result ,D it too many acres were planted to w tton, and after planting it has been 'flcult to employ labor to pick it. ci ' sUt^. t^t^bofW4?kie.Jield is , e bale per acre, but that one farm Ei his knowledge claims to jied four bales U> tho acre tl l yeAr' be Aimmint V' DEPARTMENT TO MEET. *' The School and Home Department the Women* Betterment Assoc!a- rj nwlTtmeet fir the Public Library |j >m On Tuesday afternoon it 3 . lock. Jit la asked that aU those L o hart'designated their desire to n this department Will be present. - w >ttt 16 ypars. Two phlldfen aur- y< e him, namely. Mr*. William Tyre, near' Bath, and '/.i;:- ? I oil of l'*yiPOuth. He was a mem* in p of St. iPeter's Episcopal chnrch, Si d the. funeral from his late abode ss s co&^pcted at t o'dtbck yesterday; b< ernoon by Bey. Nathaniel Hard- a? pr the- q&toT of Saint Peters, and tij erraent In the OK* cemetery j ot NEV 12 n Eastern N< ITU Your Help Is SoU^tM b I. Your VoU If you atrlkfe a ttforn or rose, Keep a-goin' J If It hails or if it anowa. "T*int no use t<$jjk^d whino, When the -fl?h alnTon ytfur line; Bait yen*- hook and keep on tryin'? ^ Keep a-goln'. Nothing wae ever more appropriate than th$ above few It nee of 8tatuntons. It cornea aa a suggestion to thoBe-'W^o have been handicapped by one thihg and another, and have become more or lea a discouraged in the race now before them. Keep a-goln'?Do^you realize how much it included, Miss Contestant, in those three words? Do you realize that you cannot afford to lose MOOT REMARKABLE PIPE. 8lr Walter Raleigh did not succeed In planting his colony in North Carolina, but an item in the London Tobacco Trade Review says that the pipe given him bg;^ the Indians is highly prized in London. Mr. Herbert Thompson, of Raleigh, who Is low in the tobacco business in \Ha-. rana, a few days ago, in a presonal etter, wrote to the editor: "The en-j dosed clipping appeared in the 'Tojacco Trade Review' of London, iaiue Dec. 1, 1911, and it has occurred to me that if you have not already seen some mention of the sale )fT.his pipe, to which considerable nterest attaches, that you might be nterested i uhaving It as a news item 'or Vftiii* hlo?A-(?a! " The clpping referred to by Mr. rhompson follows: Seventy-five Ge., for a Pipe. "On November 28, at Steven's Auclon Rooms, 1% CostmI l?rftan; LontJro what U probably the a oat reparkable pipe In the wOrld ras sort** auction. The purchaser I vaa Mr. Alf?rd Dunhill of '31 Duke treat, St. James's London, 8. W.. to rhom it was knocked down for 75 rwineas. This Is the original pipe irtmud to 81r Walter Ralegh by hit American Indians. It- is contrasted of four pieces of wood, 0 me what rudely carved with dog's eanda and human facea^ A grueome Intei set attaches to this relic, wing to the feet that It was a pipe melted by Sir Walter Raleigh on the caff old fust previous to his ecuIon; as he placed his head on the lock he handed the pipe with Its alf-smoked 'fill' of tobacco to one f his distinguished relatives. It hah ntll now been a treasured heirloom 1 the poasesBion of descendants of , ie family, and a large number of >ttere and documents referring to ie relic are still existing. It is probble that Mr. Dunhiil will exhibit th's t his Duke street "establishment, and eing an item of such great hia>rlcal interest many people will , robably take an opportunity of , taking themselves acquainted both , 1th the pipe and Its present owner." ( orth Carolina Review. EOPLE YOU KNOW , : COINING AND GOING . <. < Mr. A. Singleton of Bunyoq, ho hoe been confined to his J>ed dur- 1 ig the post several months; -was a elcomc visitor In. the city Saturdiay. Prof. Paul, of Prescott was In the ] ty Saturday. ' v* ; \ J Miss Emily Guilford ot Aurora, aftitihe Clt/ltliftdiy. '*"* Messrs "Vt. J. ajid C. F. 8tancll?left lis morning for an extended trip to ? tcksonvilleand other points of In-, rest In Florida. 1 Rev. Green of Pantego, worshiped . the Disciple church last night and * a guest of tho dty today. * ? RiEF NOTES BF INTEREST MHERED HERE AND THERE Tho jrtilpit o# the Baptist. church .< as supplied by Mr. W. H. Harrell 1 >eterday. t --J ,.*v i -?' >; l c- tolo.oa.cau^cnea WI^U-.J ig their notices to appear In our ' itnfday'a Issue wlll~beaccorded the ' itrie favors extended the whitee. To >tb we Will repeat th*t to receh^s :tentfon thoy should have thelr'no-' ces In our office Friday afternoons, herwlse they will not aj?0ear. c vs < NO. 01 l] :>rth Carolina THEHE Ill HE Jf-fiS y Each one. Vote While ! Helps Most lone minute of the time in which 70u * 2 I hare to work? Do not Rive up. Profit ',,3* -? r*iwneuce sua Keep agoin'. - " v A,'Btmrt aaew today. Work* with a -;v3ra aplrlt of "I win?you Iose.'k' and doiifele evefy effort and opportunity to get a subscription Bait your line with freah bait and v pull in the vote. ?. For each twenty-flvo dolla re ($25.00) remitted for Subscriptions between the 15th and 30th *J of January, a Bonus of thirty-fire thousand votes will be given. En RETURNS MONEY 10 COMPANIES ! WIFK 8AY8 8HF. WISHES HER Hl'HHANI) HAD DROWNED?RELIEVED TO BE IN TORTO IUOO. SHE WILL (iO UACK TO KCHOOI. , [ TEACHING. SHE IS NOT EDITH H>IT.ft' W RKTtRNED TO THE INSURANCE MEN ON POLinP> COLLECTED UPON FRAUDULENTLY. Ogdensbure. N. Y.. Jan. 30?Can. fldent that her husband, Capt. Barton S. Crulkshank, who wu supposed to have been drowned In the St. Laprence-river in June, 1910, Is the man known as Donald Douglas who was recently discovered In New JTork City, Mra. Edith Crulkahank today began paying ba?k to Insurance coir.. p&nies the money she, had collected on her huaband'B policies. To the Union Mutual Insurance Co. of Portland, Me., she sent a draft for 11,117, and to the Travelers' InsorBhe returned 11,500. Mrs. CruikBhank also is prepared toTreturn $L.600 to the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance company as soon as she receives a reply to her letter telling of the reappearance of her husband. None Paid Policies in Fall. Attorney George R. Fuller declined today to state definitely the eiac; amount Mrs. Crulkshank received from the insurance companies, but he leclared all the claims would be aettlod in full. Ho also said none of thu Insurance companies had paid Mr?. f'ruiksbank the full amount due en-*the policies! The fact that but $1.500 was sent to the Travelers' rnsurince Company came as something' if a surpise to those who thought Mrs. ? Crulkshank" had received .tully or-., - half of^jie face value pf the accident, jollcy, which*was $10,000 '^Attorney .Fuller said he had.heard Ckpt. Crulkshank has arrived in Porto Rico and was about to proceed to Guantanio. He refused to disclose the sourco Of bis infotinntiop, hpt. ? we? confident It Is trustworthy. TT - "| Mrs. Cruikshank today made a statement", .'denying she was the "Edith" who has been corresponding with him. _ r.',; "Who jta the other 'Edith* in thte itrange case?'*els now the queetieta inked. Mrs. Ctuikshank denies that she ha* ever had any knowledge of Capt. "" ;Y& Cruikshank'a whereabout*^- alnca ka . ? y.--' . The tobfice and private detectiv^a ' V who h^yc come up xfcere from Jiejr ifork.'say there is no clue here to be whereabouts of Crolkahank, and hey believe he haa left the country, ?rohably being now in Porto Rico. 1 * I Mr*.. Cmikatiaek reTt?^teVf" todtr.I:ac sue honestly believed hcr?Lu?- y Mind was drowned In tho St. La franco river, in June, 1910. , N "I with It hadJwen trov'' jshg Ml*. . i 136- \ Only one minor ease in Recorder's > this i |\

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