RS TOWN I .<*- ^ v "--if I II IV II I K>*-'"V " ... Associated Chanties of Wash ' a Charter Membership of E Number is Pledged and a Blank That Thev Mlgt Consider as to W1 Contrlb I* HrwuuiM to a p*ll_ for a masajLI meet lax of the citizens of 'Washing-1 ta ' '-.S3 toa to HMrili it Ihe city ball last It, night to organize an adancated char- mi Itlaa. a body of raprsaontatlve citl- be Sana, Mb ladloa and gentlemen. wora of than, and. Jodtfng br the Intaraat til maalfaatad. and the feepoasive call bj for' membership. we mar safely aa- be auma that our city Is ellre to tha aa sltaatlon. and whan we shall recount wi :'at tha aloae of 1*1* tha steps of prograsp mads hy tha otty during tha ga year, tha Associated Oharltiaa will ha Pc among tha number that will Illumine, la "*"* tha pagea of bar history. th At tha hoar of opening. Hon. Col- m lln Harding, mayor of tha dty. called upon tha Ray. H. B. Seartght. pastor J. of the Pint Praabytarlan church, to H *! oppu tha meeting with prayer. Tha ? mlatatar la hla inrocatlon ashed for H a hlaeafsg upon those who bad sac- H caaafally wrought the work or the aa- tb ooclatloa to Its yrassol.stage aad Invo^pd Dtrtaa guidance to Its ultimate m formattsn. After which the mayor at axpMaad the purposes of the meet- Pi log briefly, stating that a lengthy da- d? tall WUS not desirable as the citizens Tl h had hoaa advised through the press te I fully aa to He object. He then read cl if . letters frees Captain John L. Roper, I1 pmlliel of the United Charities of , Norfolk: Preeldent Stephenson of tha HI nslltgh Aaaoclatad Charitioa. aad tha hi i 3. -C?tHatlon aad By-lawa of ~the iat- at ttsr. AJher the raadlag of those ha b< stated that the committee appointed is at a prcUhslaary meeting had tarda U prftBtod. laariag a blaak to ho (1104 [oi weeM new be rtrcutett^or tbei|jd- U r the U?H and subscribe m jgthsmwins u members. While thaw Si Ij-,- wer^ being distributed a general die- U ^ c melon ot the subject ensued. Misses tl ' aiRH ANNOUNCES 1 HE IS I CANDIDATE ?|fe| to bur Pvm for AH Rut * OncraMDM Promise* Iowa Detogatton. WMfcln?ton, Jan. 30.?Senator AlWar* m. Cvmmtna of Iowa annoonced ledm that he will be a candidate for ? i the Republican presidential noml\ *1B- f| ' In msHnf his entry into the presi- u I . deflltel rtag Senator Cummins tars s |!. skt this stsaed statement: tee much his been published bt b Wt the as sspapsrs. so much wrttteu and u .W saM M me conserntas the weal- ti dedUal matter that t fuel It to be H II my duty In stake the Eapsblloaaa ot a ? I ewe e.pUta statement upon the snb- 0 ft? ?bo laat niHn at Coiihm I ill a? ? ?ft ft* pnai day opto- ? MJ Mft ?ft ? la Ifta rialiu. X UHMUft. ft*?ft*, baa maUriallj a ix. "ftalL aftft H a??yi?"H propabla 7 that? (ban two candldauFfor V Ik ~:r?vr mU^Lu ? T ' , Unftar tftaaa conditio nc M tka lin>- ? 4. ??g?a a* la*a bottav* that InU i M a? la b* ? to tha Na- ? f ' * tin? Pan rani Ion aa a candldata far 4 a? ta a* innal m?. I will a?*r*cl4 . aft* *M aaaaat thalr confidence aa a a Id* gratifying crldance of thalr caa- a Una.a felt* In my pnraoA to aarra, 1 ij? MALBERT B. CUMMINS," Botoro making tha announcement, a afatfac of the low* delegation In ? Oosgrese was held In the room of Mr. i conmlna. The opinion wee unanl. a mods that the Senator should enter 1 l,;:'.'lW| rerf H? ->??nrf>d 'hi ' GsBgT&owft uoiegation to the nominating l ^ateps were uhen to i the nccc?ry committee* and I ' Paid Subscrt; iif '--:III11 UIAIISI HIT ? > Lngton Is Launched With Ighty one. A Goodly Number , Signed in it Have Time to lat Amount to * . cm Koamsn ana Kscuei, iinmiey kins part. .. On motion of Mr. Kugp. seconded hy Mr. Jacobeon. a parment organisation was formed to i known as The Associated Charities Washington, North Carolina, and e rules and plana, as veil aa the ^laws of the Raleigh organlaaUoo i adopted, with only such changes the circumstances and conditions urmnted. The committee appointed to sugst a Board of Directors for the temrarr organisation^or,until a regur election should be held, suggested e following, which word unaniously sleeted: MeJfers. E. R. Mlxon, F. C. Kugier, O. Bragaw, Jr., 8. P. Willis,.Geo. tcknej, Geofgs Baker. O. T. Leach, m Taylor. Dr. A. B. Wells, C. F. srrls, B* L. Susman, J. B". Fowls, J. , Small. Norwood L. Simmons end e mayor, C After the adjournment of the eeting the Board of D1 factors clectI its temporary officers aa follows: resident, E R. Mlxon;, Vice Presi nt, F. C. Kugier; Seerctaryreasurer, Collin Harding. CommitiK to' revise and make necessary taagee ia By-lahs, Messrs. Norwood Simmons and Collin Harding. At the request of the Board of Irectors, the ministers of the city inded In a list of ladttfs of their reactive churches, the Baptist church dog without a pastor, the commite deferred making appointment, of aveuh-eommltuaa laat nliht la der that they might cuafer wlthJ ddf and thaae appotntmonta will be nounced at a meating in the city >11 at I o'clock tonight, at which ma It la hoped that erary lady In ? city will be present. HAIRIAH MAGI NAMES x RISJfllAIITO ssephns Daniels Is He-Bected From North Cswllsi The Committee Who Will Here Charge of the t? the Oriole City. New York, Jan. II.?Chairman orman E. Mack, of the Democratic etlonal Committee, today annonneirthe committee on arrantemenu F the Democratic National Conrenoa to he held at Baltimore on Jane ith. .... V V M. ccordtac to a reaoletlon adopted y the Democratic National Commit e at Ita recent meetins at Waahinc>n. Chairman Mack, Vice Chairmen iall. of Nebraska, and Secretary ray Woodson of Kentucky, are axMelo members of tho committee on rransomonu. Those se^otatod by la chairman arT Joeepbus Daniels, of North Ceroee; Clark Howoll. of Oeorfia; end ohn T. McOrew, of Waat Vlrtlnla, Wtoeoatiac dhe Booth AUenUc Bdwle i. Wood, of Mich Icon: Rotor C. totToo. it Ittlnola; end now To* ?rt. ol Indian*. roproeenttng the ltddt* WooUro fMdtt ' Mai of Unlotjn*. rtfro0(1 tin* tip Qolf SUleo. ? ' Robert Hudopoth Of 1Wv.Jooat? id Thomoo H. BrtWh, of Vermont, eproeentlnt th# Eoitern oad Now -I ?. C. Tolbot, of Mary load.' v'-" ' It to reported thot the young raor 'ho wo* recently ohot by hi* fother icciflentolly noor Fnrmyiile, ond wai >rought to the Vaahhitei hoopltn 07 'v-- *, at Uui. inelllu on yoeterdoy. An effort to rortfy th> itotement or to get any tntormotloi rom the hoopttal relntlro to It pror ing unorolllng, we ore not in a po iltlon-to giro detoilo. Mm Bni JAS. T. H^RAHAN, E. R. flERCE, K. E. WRIGHT AND FRANK O. MKLUHKR, VICTIMS OF A Jf ? REAR END COLLISION ON THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. : ONLY OKI OFraESCAPED MELCHKR'8 SECRETARY WAR ONLY ONE TO ESCAPE?RON OF FORMER, SECRETARY OF WAJR UIKi WRIGHT AMONG NUM. BSR KILLED?ENGINEER AND FIREMAN 8LIGHTLY INJURED. WW VEKX HUUliAK TO ONE IN WHICH THE LATE SAMUEL SPKNCEk, OF W SOUTHERN, LOST HIS LIFE. Centralis. Ill . Jan. II.?J a me. T. Harahan, 8r.t former president V Of 'the Illinois Qentr^l Railroad; Frank O. Melcher, second vice-pitoldent at |the Rock Island; E. 6. Pierce, geoeral solicitor at the Rock Island, and Eldrldge E. Wright; sOn of Luke E. Wright, former secretary of war, were killed 1n a collision of two Illinois Central railroad trains at Kinmundy. III., twenty miles from here early today. Three trainmen were injured and the passengers were badly shaken up and bruised. Train No. 15, New Orleans Express. eras taking water at Kinmundy, at >me o'clock, Nwhen train No. 3. Panama Limited, ran into the rear of Ne. 15. The killed were Is Melcher's *pr1 vale car.^ Their bo&m were found near the berths they o* cupied. Only one oecepant'of the private car Melcher's secretary, escaped. No. I s engine plowed its way through the pirate car atlenhed to Impact shoved- the standing train a distance down the tracks, although the brakes were locked. The engineer and fireman of the Limited were slightly Injured, but were able to take the train south aq soon1 aa the wreckage was cleared away.. Three relief trains left Cen irajia soon niter tne wrecx, intending to bring tho injured and dead here- The Limited carried sleeping cars exclusively, and withstood the terAflc smashing. The express was composed of coaches built ef steel. The two trains were due to pass soutji of Centralis, but because No. *6 was late. No. S met It at Kin-iundy. It Is said no 'flagman went baclt from No. 15 to head-off No. 1. Harahan recently retired from the Illinois Central presidency on a nenslon. Kinmundy's residents all opened their doors to succor the Injured soon after the wreck! Engineer. Stuart and Fireman Vert, Were the trainmen of the United who were Injured. The bodies of the dead were taken to Chicago. The cause of the wreck is ascribed to scarcity of water along the road. special -ordef makes it gspfman for all trains tptake water at Kin aftngdy. The frelMit m^n which took -water before Ike express held the express longer than ns?a|. . ' fltnart aad Vert were trainmen lately pat opn >i?i?n train. Thai i Of the freight csew, It is beUevpd ther forgot or ah understood orders, for alT trains to take water. Me. ffa flagman did not hare to flag the Umlted. ** Ckl^o. >Ui M.?W. J. Htn ir.s&stJA: vfMT Mollorr of M.mphto, .{u Horahmn hoemmB k? m'taoto C?otr. prooiioBt tll(H through K. H H.r 4oucr ' - H ' '' imnitiu ' ' "' ' Mr. Kdward l.uth.r M.rrl.l' wr ho t.ulol hoot to b olx mom Miri. I Mterday even In r at the.hoentf of m tar, Mr*. A. M. Dumay. Cover 'era laid for eight. The gneat ere: Dr. John Rodman. Carl Rich rdeon. Fred Ayere. Chaa. Jfottor 'anle Footer, John Oorham. A N -^7 ROUNA, TUESDAY AFTEI . 4 i> r Daffiy P^pei '* |b ^ Jfv K%- '.nJM r. v .> iim| 7>?Tw5?^^B II .- f *' l <" ~V J ;.|l s ?& Li ft-' -* -v^B -^-YM it - ,-fl . All Austria-Hungary r?cei\Lty ceieur accession of Emperor ]francteUoe?ph. la' 1930, Is lp fairly good hepltib. bat ap aid can no longer Indulge In Iho huntii: CUES DECAUKBE TO BUSUNfiS itraill Their Homes Happy. \ Brockton, *Mass., Jan. "22.?The Rot. Albert Marlon Hyde, who framed a decalogue for wives several weeks ago, gave ten "dont's" for husbands In a seftfion In the PortecjCongregatlonal church. Here is the decalogue for husbands Mr.. Hyde guarantees will keep hap plness Id the horn?. 1. Don't forgot and l?ave yonr little courtesies anchgeneral kindness at lome hotel on your wedding trip. You will need them in the rest of life's journey./ If the clerk's oould forward ten years later some of tne ovlng endearments left behind at their hotels It would prevent many x divorce action.} S. 7* Don't unbosom yourself about your family troubles to your neighbe^, to your partner, to your partner's wife, to your stenographer, to your college friends, to a male member of your club or even to a brother or stster^ln your church; fight it out with your wife alone even if it takes all summer. Only those in high so. clety can afford to give their family tnoubleo to the multitude. t. Don't arrange for your second marriage- before your wife Is dead. 4. Don't a op port the wit, and children of tha aalooakaapar at the axpanao'ot yonr own rti'a and chll)t. ?. Don't kawa narwooa prootraUoh how jrour wife nam roo to an oot wlth-hor for an owoalnt to M a* onleo. or. har clpb. or to aoo hor Crtaoda. or ran to a church aoolal: t la hard an araafaa to ha a jlf Mowr all.tho Onto. : .. " t Don't nwha roar wife a ' atnaarr lorao. harr to tho kttohoo atora. ? ha waah tab and the maadlot bac; 1 h? atsht bow man with the Id-hoar 'I >ltauM> to (.ntoolM Wo komo. I I. Don't oorrr ollToor roll*tom l> I oor wlfo'a mat t >. Don't ooorlooft the foot tbot .1 K? llnrnl^MI Of IfrtO O Itlt OB tho or ;G\+ - wr. " ^' * r acile bo#ka. **-' : JT*. e ---\ U>. Don't forget that tho hop. eat spot on earth la your homo, {our wife may not bo an. angel; jon >uld bo looooome If oh, woro. tWela^rould he hard to If to with; ?frei aro.muA^better. LJto In t$e otno cuaflIilE.3 and Id worlajr of It. N f";, " * t ' * ; ' m' <1 ^ I . i IKlng ha \ow the hookworm, la bout the only ailjneal that la being eated free tbeoo day?, tt would not [ J a bad Wea to become inoculated. _ 'o ?eo how U feeja.LQj^JjullArflaiftdn ;>' i /< ?* ' *' AILY LNOON. JANUARY 2*. 191: - Published b lY-TIKE YEMS~l| t y-. I ated too sijcty-vbiru ?jiniveraary^i to? The venerable monarch, who was torn pears In public very rarely nowaday* ? expeditions be eo much enjoyed. S8Q&L GLEANINGS . M OIBER MOTES / ^ - ^ Gathered by Our* Aurora Correspond t?Interesting News Notes. Friday evening, Jan. 12. Mrs. W. H. H6oker Entertained the Le Llvre Club at her home on Bridge street. A sketch of Robert Burns' life was read l>y M>s. L. T. Thompson and Mr. R. T. Bonner read a selection from Barns. The literary program being concluded, the club members Joined In an Alphabet contest in which Mrs. L. T. Thompson won first prize and Mrs. Staley, Mrs. Hardlng.^Mrs. W. A. Thompson and Mr. R. T. BonneH tied for the booby. Mr. Bonner won after drawing. Delicious refreshments were then served. At 10:30 .he guests departed, voting Mrs. Hooker a delightful hostess. Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 17, at 3:30. at the home of the bride, near Aurora. Mr. Crosby, rector of the Episcopal church, united In marriage Mr. J. F. Clayton and Mrs. Sudie Peed. Their friends extend best wishes for a long and happy life. Friday evening, Jan. 19, Dr. and Mrs. Staley most delightfully entertained by giving a 42 party.* Tfie guests played 42 for quite a while, then Mrs. Btaley and Miss Coward gave several charming musloal selections. After which a delightful salad COOTOe WOO HTTM. Al UIIVI'U* gueete departed. rotlng Mto. Staler * BOX charaiBl hMtaa. The following couple* were gixiX ' Iff. J. T. Wflklmeoo end Ulee ggiiie Broome. Mr. O. H Jorwer ul MB* Mtata Bo oner, Dr. & i Co* iM Mloo Bimlo Moor*. Mr. rhM ul Mloo Noa XJowx*. j| Satordar Mr. lota Blind com* rorr aoar loots* fete tax* moor Asm* ta Br*. Ho did o*t asueag IB XIHi eta Br* ontll hi* tax* 17)* sow poster of the MXOodlot ehoreh prooeOod a Ywr lu sermon seder moraine t* O large end atRichmond, Va.. Jan. 21?The Hon* Committee on Privileges and Election of the General Awembly today decided to rejori i-l/crscij a oUi changing the constitution of Virginia so that *om?n may be permitted to vote. The action of the committee was practically upanimous. It ia not eipected that the hill will come to a I vote In either Branch la vie# of the lmmi\lttg?>g report '-' ' Xly*''-, ' >?) rd ,'jB . V 31 ill' W!|4. 11 - " ' ! rr Eastern No: LOST! SQ1EWRERE " DAWN AND SO! MIR 1 ..,. : . _ - - ' J Lost, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, a golden opportunity. t Who lost it? Yqu. Mr. Reader. If > you fall to pay your shbecrlptlon to help one of the contestants. c You, Miss Contestant, during the \ time when jou failed to call on Mr. t Subscriber for help, and iet the other i fellow lump in ahead of you and get v It. V r Do you realize how great the opportunity ls?? Or how many you are S lettinw^ unobserved ? The Contest will close soon and the greatest of all opportunities will have passed. The time Is here for good "Work, but it Is fast fleeting, and the tjays you spent In vain Imagination will be remembered when it Is too late. GIRL MISSING SINCE i . OCTOBER IS FOUND Her Hallowe'en Companion* Haiti I Florence \^>gel Jumped Frojn Bridge.?Body in Male Attire. Easton, Pa.. Jan. 22.?The body of h Miss Florence Vogel, eighteen years b old, of Allentown^ who disappeared ji Oct. 30 last was found today in the t< Lehigh River at Island Park, two t miles from here, by n watchman. o Miss Vogel, her fiance, Emxnett Mc- g Bride; Raymond Houser and Luther Van Billard of South Bethlehem and o Miss Edith Loh of Cataaauqua com- b posed a party masquerading o^ Hal- C lowe'en. They started across an old b covered bridge between Bethlehem 1< and South Bethelehem. When half c way over Miss Vogel suddenly,bade s her friends goodby, ran to a window It and Jumped out into the river. The Id supposition is that she and McBride a had had a quarrel. |t! Search for the body was continued ' ii for two montlri. When tound ths|t body was in male attire, a suit be- C longing to McBride. The story of her o companions, that she had jumped t from the bridge, was doubted by ' i: some, who hold to the opinion that fc she had been kidnapped. c J[HOLESALE MURDERS ; CHARGED 10 RELIG OUS FANATICS IN LOUSIANA > Twenty-six Negroes Have Fallen Victims to a Strange Boot in Louisiana?Head of "Sacrifice Church" Placed Under Arrest, Lake Charles, La., Jan. 22.?The series of wholesale murders of negro families in this state, totaling 26 victims within the past twelve months, the last of which being the mnrder of an entire family of five of this place, Saturday night, are belittred to have been the work of rellglA^fanatlca and the officers are hoVf^P^Rev. King Harris, a negtp preacher at Jennings, La., for further investigation. I Harris heads a sect known as the "Sacrifice Church" and has succeeded kn establishing a following in several Lentatann towns. The police do TiTiifiiw Ma iiin i n"" briinejRu tfffrhat ST hag worked hi* followers up to MdTT>>tot'of freusy and rellrioua fervor that the botcheriee or 'HATH. s [lope Broke. Harfco't* Head 0Md _ Btoae, He KarCBCOMdow mm) Zero wAr Fiaiabcd ' 51-JT *" ' , V.. < ; I Scrauton, Pa., Ju ?l.?Andrew Harko atteaipted ta hang hi meet f U> a - tree. The rope poked ul he Ml. trtklas hUbead on e eherp atoar He lay MIKaa etoee end krone to teeth In the aero weather. Aa en- ?. tnpay by Coroner Lynch dlecloded that eapoaurw and not atrmadalaUon re lined death ' ' ' -w Barko'i body wee fooad today |fe * . a quarry a halt mile from hie home He had been mleelae for a week. Ike ? other ten(11nc from a owhtnili limb. It vii evident that he Jumped from emerge boulda??.beneath the limb. When he fell be struck his tic-i, end 6? i-4 boulder. " > ' I ' a< a I. ".Gets fl.fWO For Oyster Pearl. Basel Lake. Tex., Jan. IIa?'White eating an eynter A. T. Hlllmer found a pearl which be haa Just sold to a ' :*j HenlonsJowsUt tsr H,ltt. ?2 "? IT " '"5'1 '