^ VOL. m H , * v | The Largest S ram m I IK At This Stag* of the Game C P-,' (k^ftqwUcn Machine Is It la the Domln K "~ WUbtactan. Feb. 1.?W, H. Taft t la ike oae best bet In the Republican i nomination handicap. t i V v At least this Is the way It looks to 1 me today, and I hare tried to view i -the ettuatlon, if possible, without t prejudice. 1 f base my prediction on the theory o tket Special Privilege, aa represented I br'AMrlck. PtnroM. Bmoot. Lods*. 1 Crane, Quggenhelm, J. P. Morgan, v J. D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, t | aart the tariff trusts, still dominate I L the Republican machine. And It a V mast never be forgotten that the Ro- x / publican machine, and pot the Re- | r publican voters, rules National Re- t ' puWlfoaA conventions and name# ths t dresidential eeaMffiie . Tie only deduction that fhe read- t er may drav front the foregoing .is 1 toot nr. TMt HUM HUUM, not t ti'urf tho ptoplo deolro hl? r?- I notnMntlon. bat boennoe the Big In- I tanatn deolro hla re-noalnntlon; not lioonn Mr, Tnft ban- enrnod n ra- i nOXudoR by repreeentlni the tntereetn ot the onnunon pnople of the , ceoafCT A?t hecnooe hn-hna enned n , ro-nom (nation by repreeentlnt the Inln onlo Ot Bperlo.1 Prlrlle?e ^ Tlira muu to be an tncreAlng 1 talk about Rooeevelt. but 1 do not i | AT TUB LYRIC TONIGHT ] "Bwto'i Hetl Purgatory" a Featare at (fao Lytic This BrfnlDg. t ? The feature attraction at the Lyric tonight la that of "Dante's Inferuor." This picture needs no lntroductlon &a it has received the great- i .eat of oOTBBent threughout the conn- ] I try from all the leading newspapers. , lauded by the press all over the i . country as the moat remarkable set, ef #lma ever presented to the hu- j man eye. and reveals to the public \ i history that which taken months of ? a atudy to master. * _ 11 .This picture should be seen by t erbr appreciate the story. Special i * v matinee hM been arranged for the | / w aflteraob* for those who could not t^ cast oat at night at special prices t Cte aid He, at the night perform' anno the prices will be children 15c > aaC atntta 15c. Only two perform- ( asses vM be girea between the hour f T:ft and 11:?0 ' /Ihoae *ho hare never seen this A PIdtere will make no mistake In see-1 lag it. Cor It Is an opportunity that ' yes, star never hare extended again. STOLE TORBSnWR FORCHILD'S GRVE 1Mb toft U Pond Owe the (liwii ot PwioHd Pother's 'OftlF Horn. Mom*. Oft.. Feb-, t?A tombstone ?w etefee from a marble rarfl here ' 1 iwtattfct ' ) the lllilefte. ?a a matte prodac^ ?*H. * )??** br ft hupb. ?a rmk-t4 Mi, la ft.eamaftarr at Uaa Ulfttf a crane where reeta the Mr Mb MMb ?If ehfld. who died I SSSeBsii ^, ??t m*tmJ tho pn yard at the police hate not, foood that . Win had acetxpplloee Is tbe theft" let* to him and they tudl under. etaoO-how he aroorapltahed it nnleee' ' h? paternal print and M* yaaratop > to mark Ui (t>lld'e prate Jpnt him tho atrnepth of a S ., ?r . 1 1 %.?? *Niacs ' TO mMtore ? aehlapttm.D c., Faht .l.-8Atdr ?fa l. of hwim. today toHP?Hi a bill authorial? tho-do^ . appalalmiat of ?tor C. HalaaJr.. to. L" lhai TOaphai netaelae hi. old raak opeaAiaot a?M?ar.;':-,s tee H? name wae atrfeka* float tho ctfirpf hhh araf Phlla he waa a i-. p?aaar la Uap Star f?r tha ftor, ML' d*?T Wuilam H. A? of How TP* / ' ' M|P> Wj* J' j . . / . ASM ' A " ;. " *, ' ' 1 '!< Paid^ Subficilf HE~~i Iin 5t * ?i.* . -? >ur Correspondent Thinks Still In the Running as sting Power hlnk the machine politician* will lermlt hlfc nomination. If Rooseelt should be nominated, however, believe he wonld be defeated. It roe during hie administration that he prevent abnormally high cost of Ivlng was piled up; largely because the aystem of excessive protection a wfcJeh Mr. Roosevelt believes. Mr. loosevelt la an Aldrlch-Smoot-Penese Republican on the tariff queslon so far an/ aij^one knows, but if ie should come oat, on Progressive Idq o* the tariff Issue, It would only o*ke him isas desirable to the Re- I >ut>llc*a rawlilM, ud his npmlnafcn would btj even Iom probable hen it-is nof*. "r?!.. ..... Robert M. LaRollette. the one man nentloned in connection with the j Ispubllean nomination on whom the | people can pot their linger on every while question of. the day. cannot >e nominated. In my opinion the renon being, only that the people canlot vote on presidential ndmlnees. Any day. of'course, may bring do- . elopments to change the positions ' it thb men on the political checker I >oard. bnt the above Is the sltuattos I is it appears to your correspondent 1 it this writing. 1 % 1(188 LBI8CHMAN PALLH DISLOCATKM 8HOILDKK \nibaHsiuIor'N .Daughter .Slips .oil * leaving Kaiser's Palace After Dance RehcarHal BERLIN. Fe>. 1?Ambassador Welshman's daughter, Miss Martha . Irishman, was unable to-attend the _ Hate ball In the Imperial'palace toilght. |? On leaving the palace yesterday " ifter one of the "trial dances" usually given before each state ball in >rder to make sure that the debu- " antes are fully conversant with In- 1 rlcat? old-fashioned court dances, , diss Lelshman slipped fell sidowlse ind dislocated her left shoulder. ; < Damaged Boats Brought In. Norfolk, Va., Feb. I.?The navy KJlllers Vulcan and Mars have arrived here from Guantanamo,, bringing damaged boats from the vessels >f the fleet that suffered In the storm which struck them off the coast several weeks ago. The Vulcan brought ilso the body of J. W. Brady, a seaman, who was drowned while swimming off the fleet anchorage at Quantanamo The body was forwarded tonight to 8toneham, Mass., * the home of the deceased. 2 ? $1,000,900 FIRE IN HALIFAX. Acedia Sugar Refining Co. Destroyed I and One Employe Missing. j Halifax, N. 8:. Feb. ls-^Ffr* to- I j flight destroyed the Woodslde plant ef the .Acadia Sugar Refining.company here entailing a loss estimated at-more than a million dollars. Omm employ? la missing and Is believed to hare baraed todpath ' ?V? ' OAVB INTERESTING LBCTUM , . . Air. A. L. French, of fUKfciagfcaa Chanty, this state, deli re red an intgr- i MSJag lecture on "Stock-raising in djAlrw North CaroHna" at* thla morn tag's session of the , Farmers" fnstltsiA ehleh ! Wn? ftAld < ?W? < WBfthMW at thW place Mr.- Franc* came from Ohio about ten reraa ago and etarted raising Angus cattla on I an undeveloped farm, since which Ith^e ha has turned his holding Into a modal stock farm and rflso has been | hipping his brooding cattle all over thsrrUaJted States. Mr. French tells what. hlth push and energy can ha dona In ?shia* atate. The wmalUQg ! wo r.lrly W.ll (IMM ul U? ?ro? ' * '.D hall. MtdlNm .conaty. "STM^isr I 1 aptf destrbysd the place Isslllfcl a ana atgnt inonaans rent ox itaMn iWwk" ?* ? r?9 ward of 1100. liP *' Vifcji S&i - 'V. i, :C' - y .! * . . ..' ' &S4BNGTO& NORTH CA j.--'..1 i * f' <"1 it.; !? y xtion ot Any -?-- -' * ' ?;::'k r TS5BS|3p^TT 1 = MIM MM ttate Is Making Strenous Eff Disease In Eastern North The counties of Johnson, Craven, I rates, Bertie, and Beaufort have the 1 tate and County Dtsepensarles tn 1 poratton for the free examination I nd treaunont of hookworm dlaease. I 'he work in Beaufort county |e be- t ag conducted by Dr. C. L. Prldgcn, I agisted by Mrs. Pfldgen, Mlcroacop- < st. < Since July 1st the dispensary work i iaa been OnlBhed in seventeen coun- i HOBOES' HOLD FIRST mm m -v >va wij CINCINNATI MAYOR WARNS THEM THAT THEY MUST BEHAVE. IN SESSIIHN FOUR DAYS 'MILLIONAIRE HOBO" HOW. OF ST. LOUIS, NAMED AS TEMPORARY CHAIRMAN?THEIR MISBOM If} TO WAKE UP PUBLIC. VT, ''.j.;V r_ f* r?d?. .1?1"Hobo*" ?t tho Ualtod 8t?t?? opened a four lan' eaniantlon harn l/idov th. ar. l?f for the ArrMt of the delegates rhojddther ?MaM? tavlDi been withdrawq by Major Hunt. Major Hunt In withdrawing the Btder/ahl.d he wonld .allow the men to assemble bat that thej must hold their meeting* la. an qrderly manner, rr there we* any disturbance or bad behavior on the part of the delegates :h$y would Jje^arresXed and those who. could not prove to have, a means f livelihood would be taken to the workhouse, .'j The convention Is under the auspices of the' Unskilled Migratory and Casual Workers' Association, as the ?..W )N D HOLWA. FlUDAf AFTER ? =fe Daily 'Pajfci GROUND HOB DAY ' s T ' . j mm I hi jpc art to Stamp Out 'this Carolina With Success L i I ties with the results that joore fean twenty-six thousands of >eetr treated, thouaaads were ined who needed no treatment, and ; tens of thousands have been acquainted with the disease and taught the essentials of sanitation, neglect i sf which Is responsible for the spread the dlseasfel The same neglect Is also wholly Vresponslblo for the spread of typhoid fever. MALLISUN BROTHERS OBSTRUCT THE 0TY SIDE WALKS They Daily Violate -City Ordinance Relative to Placing Obstructions ' on the Street-1?Police Finally Force Them to Obey the Law.4 Mallison Brothers, hardware dealers, on Main Btreet, this city, have for a long time flagrantly violated a city ordinance relative to obstructing the public streets. THE DAILY ?JEWS has fron} time to time called the attention of'the police offlcials to such violations, and when it became so evident that they gentlemen were appropriating unto themselves a law of their own; that they were immune from prosecution and it was plainly shown that Maillson Bros, were either favorites of some one in authority, . or {pr. certain political reasons oould use the entire street, in violation of a city ordinance.,the DAILY NB?Ws took occasion to so plainly point out the fluty of the officials that they were forced to removythe said obstructions. Today a person can walk along that portion of Main street without falling oflfer toves, plows, etcetera. Should the Messrs. Maillson decide that they can uki niai p?ri 01 too iiraoi auoua xo taxpayers for their own use, THK DAILY NEWS will a?aln call the attention of the officials of the city to the fact that the. walk in front of MALLISON BROS, belongs to the cltjr and not to MALLISON BJtos., and that If Mr. Isaac Back ahd other citizens are .jnade to obey the" law. MALLISON BROS, most be made to HKBIUVf BOO? . OF . , nurntu* ootimrr. dbajx W,*- <"?*, u>? harftf of Franklin eaa?. H M at tba hospital IB RklMad. V?? Wlhr-a h? had boas Ulna tor tnatmant. Thla ana his Orst tana aa sharlff of this oounty and ha was about li faan at asa , .jHCSjrj AiLY .X . i.v WOOW. FEBRUARY 2, 1911 ?r 'i ? ?r t. t Published ii v 1 ? ? |^hM>pw u5( ( PRIEST SUES DOCTORS FOR MALPRACTICE 950,000 Damage** Are Asked From Two Prominent Physician* of Chicago. Chicago, Feb. 1.?Dr. J. B. Murphy, a surgeon and Dr. J. F. Golden, staff physician at the Mercy Hospital were sued today for?$50,000 dam-' agea for alleged malpractice. The'complainant ia the Rev. O. J. I Small, a Roman Catholic clergyman | f nbuqua, la., jvhp was operated upon by Dr. Murphy in" 1909. The' clergyman claims that as the result, of ^apparent negligence following an' operation for the removal of an abscess on his right leg, itifuction set In ! which necessitated its amputation. Dr. Morpby left for turopo after! the operation and did not return for atx weoka, according to the plaintiff's J attorney. He says the patient was J left In charge Dr- Golden. Dr. Murphy is in Panama. BIG H.Ml I) WOOD PLANT BIRNED \ Wayuesvllle, N. C., Feb. 1.?Fire early yesterday morning .destroyed the main huildlngB of the plant of ( the WajnesvUle Hardwod Co.. doing | damage estimated at $100,000. It I is stated that the insurance amounts j to about $30,000. The watchman discovered the fire j and started to try to extinguish ft; | but fell and was hurt. The Are plug | was so far away from the buildings th|t the firemen could not reach the I blaze with hose. . The W. C. T. U. will meet at Mrs. O. B, Car .nail's every Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Fannie Sugg. Recording Secretary. The Woman's Guild of Route No. 4 will *o!d a Vaier.une party on \ Wednesday night, Feb. 14 in thp C. !b. H. halloa Route No. 4. The funds received will be used toward* the erection of an Episcopal church. 18 YOUNGEST GRANDMOTHER, . ' | Portland. 'Mich., Fob. 1?Ufi Hattle K Ames claims the dlstlnct.o of Velrg the youngest grand . uuuim IU Oiivuifiou ?uu no pnmi UIIU i\.. o he newly torn daughter * 1^. deport Am?s Mrs Ames la 36 years of ago. MrB Avee was 15 years of age when sho was married. Mrs*Nelson At well, mother of Mrs. Ames, is n6w a great grandmother at the age of 55 years. TO REPRIMAND KNH1CJN. Washington, Feb - 1-?Ensign*" refuF'ig tp take the. torpedo boat I Bid die to sea because of tts bad condition. has bono found guilty of "laeh hf aittssoc* " Hit puntshaent wUl be a reprimand by the Secretary of I the Naty. - The findings war* baopd on the mD| of fleer's not reporting the condTMpn of his boat In time for repairs. Mlee Mabel E. Roper of Roper, N. C., I* visiting Mies Ethel Keeelngor. In Market etreet. NEW - l . . n -Eastern No hub FOUR 11 m. Contestants, Relatives and Much Interest and all 1 ''Next Tb T A1 iBs Contestant, you now hart?^ only about four more worTtlng days r before the News Voting: Contest will .1 come to a close. Are you going to be the winner of i iKA P(..? n t r>-t? -vi-u .?.? ?. xiiuuu x i 1mi wqicu ib tun $4 00 Upright Grand Cote Piano, or will you win one ^of the smaller prizes? Make every moment of your time count from now until the closing day and be the winner of the piano. There are attractive bonuB offers for today and tomorrow. Enlist tho Bupport of your relatives and friends today, and let them aaalat you. Several contestants have been actively at work for the past few dayB, and as several of them a^e running a close race now, we predict that the winner of the $*trst Grand Prise will not be very far in the lead unless Bomo active work is donewlthln the ? STANDING OP C District No. 1?W a Miss Olivia Jordan Miss Lillian Swanner Miss Mary Shaw Miss Maullne Ellsworth. District Mrs. Marlon T. Mayo. South Creek..< Miss Reus Rowe, Aurora, N. C Miss Nina Hedditt. Edward, N. C District Mies Alice Woolard Mies Lucy G. Woolard. R. F. D. No. 2 . Miss Mary MaiBh, Bath N. C MIbs Willie Lee Latham, Psntego... . Miss Nancy Marsh. Bath, N.'C Miss Ella Baynor, Leechvllle, N. C.. . . > District Miss Leta Cartwrigbt, Swan Quarter, Rules Governing Contest. y Rule 1.?Only one nominating r coupon entitling each contestant to h 1.000 votes .wilt bo allowed. It Rule 2.?Votes can only be obained by securing subscriptions pre-1? paid. renewals, collecting past due ? subscriptions or by clipping fyee vot- , up coupons from each issue. Rule a.?ConteHUtnta may secure ad many free voting certificates as 1 possible and vote rhom each week. 1 Rule 4.?Monies collected by Con- ' teetanis on subscriptions must be turned over to Contest Manager by 8 o'clock Saturday night, of the week In which receipt ie is- ' sued for BfTTtw Failure to make1 report of such collection with- ' io specified time will forfeit your 1 right to votes on *uch amounts Rule 6?Contest Manager's signature must be affixed to votes before ( same are vati^ ,v Rule 6.?No employe of The Dally Mews, or member of any family connected with the paper will oe peruittcd to Pfrrtirtpate In the contest. Rule 7 ? Subscribers are coutlonod . to demand a receipt* for money paid Contestants ^Rule a ?All money for subscrlpilol^nust be paid to Contest Manager. who will upon receipt of sanie. iaue Voting ?Coupons to cover the . nuount paid In. Rule m -Any question that may | arise between contestant* will he deI rdrmlned by the Content Manager, I ami this decision will be th^al. Rule 10.?Contestants are at lib eny to secure auoecnpiiom - ?ny- ] whete regardless of what district! th#jr live In RAILWAY IMPROYKMKWT. ' Washington. Feb. 1.?President ' Finley. of tbe Southern Railway Co.. ' announced today that, as a nieans o'^ supplementing the retentive w aTy being done hy th^ Company '<jr the advancement of agriculture in the territory traversed by ita lines south of (he P?tomao and Ohio rivers and east of the Mississippi It has been detrav j?nM bj tho Uow of Ulo Com pour | Mr DoIot -will toko (kit mottor ?Mt o?c? with tho prwldoot of wok ouiKoItoml col logo c?r-v;xV - - ' l!?,?WSl?,tkk Cnm ONffOftto.^H ? lw ond to wloct l? k* b?w?u? W cordwko^ftk wuw 53 on bMWN tho MWMnw ofjk. col-l siHSiBim rS : no: h)i rth Carolina THERE IE WORKING BAYS j Friends are Manifesting Expect to be Winners iiirsday rmT '' " " You don't want to lose the Piano by a fow rotes, and for that reason ?re urge you to get busy now and get every subscription possible BONUS OPKJCR. Between the dates of Jan. Sl*?t and Saturday. t4>b. 3rd, the following three Bonus offers are made. The Con tee tan t Mending tu thv highest number of BobMriptfom, from each district, will rfeeirc 30,000 Free Votes. \ The second highest, 2Q.90O Free Votes. The third highest, 10,000 Pre? * Votes. With Double Votes for pverj Renewal Subscription. ONTE8TANT8: Hhlngton, K. C. . . f. 69t,Uo . -e ' . 695.44u . r.. ?ss,oiu ' . . . 423,94') : No. 3. itf-.tfi-O 40&.5f" ::3fc ; No. 8. 3$S.*4-" 334,9V" 513.475 *9.91; 17.&9J 14,Cdw I No. 4. N. C 335,419 Rul? 11.?The right la reserve* i* 'eject any name for cause, aJa? U? liter these rules should occasion 4teuand Rule f2?Votes can not be Omb* erred by one contestant to HSMfeor ifter same have been placed Ce her. , :redlt. Kul.e 13.?All out of tovn Oatwetuits are allowed the privilege ?t nulling their coupons and mom? ejected for Hubscrtptlons; snch lottery diould be addressed (o Contort Man tger. Dally News The ^Mrtriarti %? i-our postofflce wr tlae ind date said le untered your of ters or packages mark of the lasoffice nearest the proposition made reptable. Therefore lett bearing the poBti * Mall leaving your & hour and date nan stilon made by us i To all who entei guarantee fair and jnent. For any lnformatic drees the Contest Mai. will cheerfully be gl\ Your? reap?- ? Ml S3 KTHRHv . V HctMNtale m Vac 4 months. 11 00 j months. 11.*0 ^Y., 1 year. 11.00 -L'Ji?!r4 a roars. I? 00 'rP s ran. i?.m "J*'"; ;~r? i ft TMH lie Ad ?..M04 VMS . - .', fc%\ .f.Ut 10 7^ M?w- .;>>|IM " ""? fT" y- .. 1I0.W les?* "d Ac lUllwmjr ar? 0 A given to yoohg men MfeUTlnB - ?ountiea traroraed by th?lM?m ot <fefd Company, and who jWtiierwlBe be financially unable (o ?*pil themselves of aa agrlcuttocwt corlhge training. Aa ?oon as arrangement^ . loop been definitely perfected, foil detfribi. aa to the scholarship or ocholaraMqp to be awarded In eaoh State, wilt U?? ^ m[w * -;-a Koioef'e Mar Sow .1. * tV\ . Be* to. Ml U4i lS lM 1PSQ, tic ally dedMtfcobSfrU 'r??4 - . command Of MOOT' &'MCV Tioi . *! ". '' * ,s rjj

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