Vv)t?. UL * i ? 7?1 HMO Delegates Are Ex*e jT-T,. Hon: A. M. Scales, of Presiding Officer?I North CarolinJ cxnimnn, Teen, rtt. ?.?The Uraua'e MMOMIT Conference of tie Southern ereabytorfan ehdreh, which wlU be in eeeeton In thu city Jhehrary (-SU>, will here u Ite preehnas Oflloer Hon.. A. M. Scalee, of Cbweaeboro, N. C. It le expected that 1. nearly *0,000 delegated will be prceent, representing the entice eouth. and. with all the Southern etateo to *n from, thoee In charge of select ins a pxweldlns Officer beotowed an honor on Oreeaaboro and on North Main Thla wUt make the aacoad ttcaa a North Caroilaan haa presided trior'a mooting of thia aort, Oorarmor I Robert B a loan hoeing boon praal1 doat of Ua ooafaroaoo, whan It ooa**TMa aoaforaaoa though Ml endor laigl li of tha Southern Proaw. hrtartaa chorch. will ho attended br w ad all araacaUeal waada. and It win ha oaa Of thh largest rellgione w gathartnge la a daeada, aqnalllas la ' - laalm aar Of tha lans donomlhattoaal osafsraaeas aad conraotiona that oataa together Tha geoorel aacaataij of tha floathara Praabrtarlaa lui TIBIERS TOIGRROW NIC3T _ mifMtHiHMMh.h.a | ?|M Toaorrow Night, Ma t Tha Trralaoa jUglne stagaca and; Todlera will ha hoard la tha Sohool I alert am tomorrow night, gadl trigs haro under tha aneplcoe of tha Baraan. Of fhom tha Ola HUB fagatrar haa tha follawfag ^SETvoryTsweet spark of novelty Ml tptoreet In a charming combination of the picturesque and romantic lUrmpoto van offered last night in the Auditorium by the Tyrolean Alipfeoo Hat*ra Clad in tkair native fljiwi i i. these artists bring horns V to the audience the music of _*|he V4?IMIiU, pulsating with life and ' Ojrshhlsg with human sympathy. f*mm anasable maltalnsd In the WWM ^htlvatitisly perfect? .' I ksltrttful proportion being nxainllp|?on and the tans quality fresh and moslcal. The scene enacted on tin ittp- was like a reproduction of rA ; a chapter from Alpine life and eoenwr*. so vivid and~ resBitlc vu It In v ovary detail. One of the most enjoyable features was the solo work. :l IB at exquisite form of mountain : shilni which reverberates In echoes fbom cliff to cliff snd is known ths wide world over se "yodllng," found V J a fascinating exponent in Fraftlein Qfsss, e high soprano of most remarknhle rmnge of voice. Other soloMa wore presented and thoir seleo: ttene were full of' that individual okle and humor of which the Tyrolone Alpine Singers alone seem to be % REV. SEARIQHT AT FIRST J PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ry At thd First Presbyterian cnurch ' J yesterday morning, the pistor, Rev. J H. B. Searight, preached a powerful, ' practical and inspiring sermon from . Phfltppians 4:1|?"Not that I speak ' i in respect of want; for K have learnV?d. in whatsoever state 1 em. therein Mo no cpnlenl. ite toon WI1UU i jUntenl a. hi. .object, .M thrtra.b vlT/? t?d mloui Uulpee. Of tho Chrl.tl.n / ltfo he .rctly lmpl.od hi. conrre'[ ..tlon, . number of whom ex) irund tbemhelvM .. it belni Mr. ijr' a Bo.rl.hts flno.t effort .1000 hi. po* I tor.to here. Two member, were re retrod Into th.. fellowship of. the 1 ' ; -;c c: mei ' '. '.'?i i| * >. Couutj commissioner. end bo.rr toe eduction In regnlnr month)] _ Paid Subscri] . cted to Be In Attendance Greensboro, Will Be Many Distinguished Jfj >j tans to Attendf-| ? ^>*ljsSMl ' m -'**:'' J-itt' i- ;> Larmen'e Mieelonery uun)M. the B?. Cbarlee H. Pratt. la stationed ban. arranging for the conference, end he In bains kept busy nnewerlng communications ui eaalsnlns dalesstas places to Mep. :,=W . ..Among thoaa who hero el reedj reservations era neap dtotlnfnlabed North Carolinians. From Union Theological BemtnnrT.. Richmond, .there will come e ootid carload of dalnniM ?hiu IhSM will aten Kan many from the other'. theologian! eeminariee of the south. Some of the beet he own rellgloue epeekera 4t " the south wOl he here to dleeoae the plana for promotion the etgclenej of mleeieoarr machinery. loohlng toward the evangelliatlon of the world. " if. 1 M '? Then edll he special Pellmnn . car attached to No. fl leaving Oreeoaboro at T:t? thle evening for the Layman'a convention. It wffli go _ eta Atlanta and la doe to roach Chat- " tanooca at 10:11 tomorrow morn- I The Preabytertan church of jrtlaah- I nlgtoa. H. C? will have one delegate, east by Mlaa Sadie WiawaU'e claee. ^ associated mm ii ready for wofi; OrpLhleation I. R^dy""' J (or Acttea Mil I III. o Mlaa Rachel Rumley, whom the v Aaaoclated ChariUaa of the cRy ao c unanlmoualy elected aa Ita Superln- c taadaat a few daya alnoe, announced \ thla marplar that the Qrganleatlon 0 waa now ready to begin actively & looklac after the needy of the city, u ft la wall to Ihmlad ouieeivee again t that the parpoee of tbe'organlaatlon a la to relieve the NEEDY god prevent 4 the lmpoaltion ot Aha UNWORTHY , upon the charitably disposed. It Willi, greatly facilitate .matter* to report both claasec to Mlaa Rumley, who I will bo foukd at her residence between 10 end 11 a. m., dally. Phoae No. 101. STRAWS THAT POIIT THE WIND S DIRECTION Africultwiat Writ? New Bene', Uteratorc?What Coaldr . ThoT We clip from a New Berne exchange the following letter, sddreaeed to the eecretary of the Chamber of Commerce, of that elty: Euclid. Ohio. Jan. 10. ltll. J. Leon Will lama, New Bern. N. C. Some of ua are conelderlng taking a trip over the Norfolk Southern Railway, as a result of their books "Corn, Cotton and Cash," with the Idea of looking cat farm lands and poeelblj buying. If you hare anything printed describing your rielnIty carefully, or the real estate dealen would like to mall us anything describing the farm lands. It would Interest ua We are farmers near Cleveland, O., and will soon sell as land Is too high prived for farming, and think of locating In the 8outh. Tours vary truly, Washington eonld well afford to have some attractive literature, descriptive pf its resources; illustrating its industrial and agricultural tntcseats; setting forth Its advantages ovsr many far less favored sections, but which by reason of their more, aggressive spirit, arf attactmg brawn. brain and capital, th, location of any one. ot whom would hare .a a rnori uroo pjm naca, maireeuy i r^SSFJtWSBS&l 1 a few booklets. When we read an i adTertlaoment, Jt make* an Impree* 1 Ion* upon ra, or, we completely ban- i Ish the advortlsor from oar mtnda A booklet of Washington.?Beau- i fort ooint,; In faet,' written Moth- , fn'V''would mnnd * r> fil-- r<i<? :_ra?v nnd would be bound to httraot him Onoo wa got thotn hafo. tako our I I own good time to thaw th.in the country una 1,1 tho land owrtwra, or . rati attato rtealiru do th? ragt. NGT< ?????????i 11 i WASHINGTON. NORTH C i i >tion of Ait] ' ! 1 ~ , t $| r j i :v ' t"' V-" ' * Krd (TrowS?) - Hen I ma mi By Dr. PnM H. Rwkr. la Parte. '; ; * Mf?.) Emydty Dangers:?T?e ' Home leelth Club la Ik* WW of MP; It raeUntly adrieee >11 who may pesIbly be brought unded Its Influence a the slightest degree, to bo brare. kit there Id * different* betweou r*very and carelessness and there la ne kind-Of fear that la ttueh to be ommended. Always feanr to do rrong. Never fear t o do right, iareleeeneea is wrong* whether it bd areleaaneaa of ypnreelf pr. others, 'on would consider It criminal hi ne who Mad. d contagiotih and ASgerooa 'diftease, to go teto u pubc B"0* thereby agreed tb. contglon. When by If>l l bin i>ra ontrmct e'dlaeaae, you not only enunr ronrMir, but your fitondn rltb whom yon an brought in persnal contact. A* any nto yon placa youpeelf In condition to bocomo a trial and a urdcn to than In tnkitig care ot on daring your Uluaee "Ordinarily bin earn la labor ot loro, when It mat bo given. bat It la blgbly repbbanalbla and naaloaa to eauao your rlaada aacb work, aaltoty, and SSE^O- tiC'}*, It la not with any. dlepeeitlon to oaaada alarmlau that we apoak ot everyday dan gar." but' to call atbntlon to tka haadlaaa?aran fool h?lncurronca of dangar to your wn haalth and that ot othere. Juat think a mlnuta. 8aa that llrty chap orar thora wl|h a aoro oath, uncombed hair and a general Ippearance of fllthlneee? Ho la avllantly the victim ot hla Indolence or moral "onartneee." How would you Ika to take a cup ot water tram hla landat Woraa. how d^uld you Ilka 0 take a cup or glaaa that you knew in had baea drinking from? The wry thought la alckanlng, lan't It? t la almoet alckanlng to aek the luaatlon. But thoea whb look attar be health ot othan hare to do and ay a great many unpleaaant thlnga. Wall, Juat remember that erery Ima you take a drink from any publa drinklag-cup or' other raaaol of he kind, that aome aueh pareon may lava drank from It, the minute boore you did, and left upon tta'edge chore you may got them, the uterohee of aome ewtul dlaeaae. But, rou any. that kind of paraon la oot o bo aean on alaeping or drawingworn^ can, orjrvn reapacUble day ere. about decent hotel! end the Jut remember that eerotuloueend yphtlitlc till?B, tli* moat eontaglIU. Inaldloae and daaferQue, arc teally oonyeyod kr tho bacilli of th? liaamae forma, ao lnHnlteattmall] imall thattbe particles of the ait :bat ypn breath A are ometlm*. and mi only the wealthy aedblfh everychare, but even royalty may b> MfwdKray or aerate oaCarera trad f V, it Ho\ SpyiDfa. Arkanaaa. tht moat famous of all place* for tht idra. by water, dt ayphllltlc and mar do not make eren a pretenae rt (arnlehlnk batb-towela to the guest a but.for fear it promotinf contagion require every gueet to supply bit awn bath-towels Tho managers o tkoee hotels, doubtless under tho In ' * - >:-r : / ? ZAB.OLINA. MONDAY ATI V Daily Papc . "THt CHAMPHW" ? V.'O; tj^v "'/ Inl St. mJwlB3g^p?y W ^3^PKvLaPC /iit ' t i ii^W MM All CMpMlkn lit ?( Laying etructioa of resident physicians, do tot risk to Mto. sueh artlclea a TOO though thoroughly laundarod. Bat Hula leaa dangerous are the public towels anywhere. * Hare your own drinking cup with you. w hero ear you go. go scrupuloutly as y?a would hats your own tootb-bruOk,- and carry your own tolltjt artlclea whan jou Start oa the briefest trip, where It la poealMe that such articles may to Deeded, for eVeu a moment. These admonitions and eaatything akin to them should to taught by parents, in the aehdols. and all the time. The approach of disease la InTlalhla and Inaldoua. and tor this reaaon It la leaa guarded agalaat. In the simplest matter. It g malady like consumption or pneumonia* which two were lately shown by a capable and distinguished specialist, In Ch> W. ?*?' ?"?.< * < WSw ?>l 4 led U tM'UtX UX??W. ioold com with the. roar of a lion or the noise of a treat gun, the at most means of defense or escape would Instantly be organised. And yet. neither a herd of roaring (tons or a battery of great guns, la so dangerous as thege diseases, and many others that are entirely preventable bysflfefulaees. all the ways so frequently get forth In these letters fron the Home Haltb Club. In the advice of Moeee, commanded by the~lfo*t High, to be given to the Children of Israel in the peuaga of tbe wilderness, on hygiene, and sanitation, these every day dangers were to be^guarded against thus, to "put away evil out of Ieradl." This subject may seem distaste, fnl and uncanny, but it is one of utmost iih.noilance, r.nd shou'.d be regarded from that standpoint. To be otave.ls one thing, to be careful.is another, and then la nc re as j u *1 V tte* ftould In the least, militate against each other, and this Is what is meant b.v the admonition , to guard against Everyday Dangers. Ctwb Noted. Dear Doctor:-^-Noting * in- my fa vorlte paper that you will answer questions on all subjects of health, ' I will write for your advice on- my boy's case.*' He cut his knee when he was ID ycsid *-l?; is now 14 ' in s year he was, apparently all right, but now at#?'xues the knee is ueak ' and painful and the musele's ?oem U the too short. The jo tat, la nmallei than the other.-but lB not stiff. It ?"? IUJ ?* V? ocn ur uiurc, iu?u It toay be well again for a mouth. ^ L.~H! lAuswer) :?Foment the knw : about twice a week, seeking to keep the fomentation hot for* a considerable length of time, rather than tc i make It extremely hot for a short period. Then bathe freely with olln I oil rubbing it in thoroughly both above and below the knee aa wey ai around it. The rubbing In ftsell i would prove very beneficial. All raadera o'f this publication an \ xVftbirtfio^WIGf for mrorfcatW | peatalnfhg to the subject 'ofbealth ai > any lime Address all eommunica i Hons to the Rome Health Club, or U Dr. David H* Reeder, La Porte, Indi ana, with name and gdtireas In tuj i and at, least four cents In postage . An a conl morning this was bid Hdlac for the distinction of being li J the Al^class, the raerctfry rdgtsterlni , 10 shove nero at points. In this city i f Todays weather bulletin slate - warmer and fair tomorrow. m. l * far 'J ' ' " 111 * * . ? XT ?AILY >?i i mi i i ? BRWOON. FEBRUARY ^ fr Published i -..) ' E: / 11. Cbii(h| Hi >i Item. ANTK BBLLUM HOMESTEAD if CHANGES OWNERSHIP Forsser ICapifeeit'OMMtvf btate oft|eMaM|?lbo?i|Mlto Is M? tor 00,000?it ^ # CoMuatd 1,184 Seres. Greensboro, Fib. 6.?1%? formal transfer bj which the magnificent eonnUJ boms sad plantation of the late Judge Thomas Settle, owned since 1877 by the late Sheriff R F. Trogdon and his heirs, and located In Rockingham county on the Dan river, becomes the property of J. H. Moore of Madison, was made yesterday byi 3. L. Trogdon of this ctty. who acf?4 for himself and his brothers and sister*. The consideration < waa eatd to hare been an seen $25.0003 d ' >? ?*? r? ? OLD LANDMARK 18 DESTROYED BY EIRE Occupied by Lord Cornwall!* In 1774 j While Paasiag Through Rocky ' Mount Karoo te to* York town N<|io Whiskey Bftls> m Caught in Dra? Net Rocky Mount, Feb. 3.?Flamee discovered at 8 o'clock last night destroyed the two-story dwelling boose of L. C. Norrla and an old revolutionary tavern, which was occupied | in 1774 by Lord Cornwallls whence i passed through this city enroute to 1 York tow a, the total loee being estimated at about $6,000, both buildings being burned to the ground, with only 8W000 insurance on the dwelling hoiise. One hundred and twenty-three 1 gallons of corn whlakey received within four months by one negro. That was the record shown by the 1 receipt book of the local express company when jfroduced as evidence -against Henry Ricks in the Recorder's court this morning, he being charged with selling whiskey. The police have been working on this ' man for some time, but until yesterday were unable to get evidence, and ' witnesses were produced swearing that they had purchased whiskey from the negro at various times. PEOPLE YOU KNOW I* * CMC AND 00 INC } ^ Mr. and Mrs. DanfortlT Taylor, of , Scotland Neck, are In the city the > guests of Mrs. Taylor's parents. Dr. \ and Mrs. F. T. Nicholson. V{ Mr. Frank Drew, of Chapel Hill, ( spent Saturday and Sunday in Waah. ington with friends. TO ATTEND CONVENTION ? _ -AT CHATTANOOGA TRNN. t A. Hvo, a member the Tm manuel Bible class of the Presby? terlaa Sunday sohool, left this morn-|to|H* attend the second great LayfrTmen'e conrentlon which is to be bold | in Chattanoosa, Feb r ' > (Ma; o will one of a party of young men from Union Seminary, of a1 Richmond, Va., who have a special I car for the trip. -1 The attendance at this meeting, It I Is expected, will break all past lees wrds. Some of the best speakers of the United States will be present - :: ; -*r \r * - a# v-' <% mmm $ n Eastern No GREAT WAR IS Wf! RAM, BATTLE JO The Ballot Box Will Close. Double Votes on Rem the Final Coi ? SPBCIAL. HOTICB TO BOKU8 ( Between the dat? oi Feb. 5th, i the follow Ins Bonne Offers-will be All PnHlulut. ...? V?? all Ballot Box will be closed promptly at All remittance must be made to will bo allowed. First largest amount from each dlatrl Second largest amount from each dlsti Third largest amount from eadh diatrl Fourth largest amount from each diste With double rote on all renewal araciAL Beginning this date a Special B wry $5.00 remitted will be allowed. If the day looks kinder gloomy 1 An' your chances kinder slim, If the situation's pntslin' a An' the prospects awful slim, u An' perplexities keep preesln t Till all hope is nearly gone, o Just bristle up and grit jour teeth. An' keep on keepin' or. ti With the closing of the last Bonus b offer Saturday night, there were h some startling figures in the form of Totoa, and one would know without t tasking that the end of the great oon- r test is very near. 11 Thursday morning at 10:00 the B lid goee on the box; and the high tide u will have been reached. Somdono o will claim handsome prises, and then the great Hews Voting Contest will, jbi STANDING OP O District No. 1?Wa> | Miss Oirvia Jordan Miss Lillian 8wanner i Mias Han Shaw.....,..' VIlas Mmfttpr NUtwcrtb ' 1>UMn Mrs. Morton T. Jfayo, Booth Crook. . Miss Reno Ttowe, Aurora, N. C Mia. Nina Heddttt, Bdward, N C MattM Mlsa Lucy 0. Wooknrd, R. F. D. No. 2 . Miss Alice Wootefd. . .. Mlae Mary Marah, Bath N. C Mlsa WITH? Lee Latham, Pontego.. . . Mlsa Nancy Marah, Bath, N. C : Miaa Klla Baynor, Ldfcchvllle, N. C.. . . JMotriel Miss Leta Cartw right, Swan Quarter, DR. D1XIHI SUCCEEDS DR. IRA I. HARDY 5 J 8 : a The New Director of Feeble Minded School at Ktmstow, Wm Formerly ' a Resident of Hits County. flank In New Quartern. -j ?m? t Klnston, N. C., Feb. 6.?Governor * Kltchin Wednesday appointed Dr. W. H. Dixon, of Ayden, as a member of f the board of directors of tbe State i School for tbe Feeble-Minded, which Is to be located hero. Dr. Dixon succeeds Dr. Ira M. HaiQy, of Washington, who was elected superintendent of the institution and consequently J resigned from the directorate. The oxecutive committee of the board of directors "* of the State School^Jor Feeble Minded, which, is I to be located about- one mile from * this city, met yesterday afternoon ? and received bids for th? erection of 1 three of the buildings. The commit- I tee, composed of State Senator Bag- t gett, of LUllngton; Hon. W. 1 Thompson, of Aurora; Mr J. B. Daw- i boo, of Kinston; and Dr. Irn M. < Hardy, secretary and superintendent * oicvi ui mc iitfuiuiiuu, owwuou vug contract to York ft Cobb, contract- t ore, of Raleigh. There were nine < bidder* for the work, toc-Iading ?ev- I en- NorffSCIffilir 1II 'IM ?III | Virginia and one fron?'Atlanta. The bids offered ranged from 948,4?S, the prfce named by York ft Cobb to I $89,Oo3o. .In conference with the ? committee were Mr Hook, of Hook 1 'C-. .tjicgiira* :.zA C. L. Hartge, of Raleigh, Joint architects. Who dreW the plans from which the bide were made. The contract calls < for tbo'erection of two dormitories, < one for girls and one for boys, and a 1 central building to contain the dtp- < ing room, kitchen and names' quar- < ters. The three 'S;V v iV f * *: :==: ' JS rth Carolina ft FOUGHT * URSBAY 10RII | > at Ten O'clock?Pay Up iwals-?Renew Before in t la Made i OONTR8TAIYTS. .. &3 )FFEK. \ U>4 F>b 8tb, si 10 o'clock A. |i., Btvan: ' ^ bscrlptlone in promptly: < M 10 o'clock. . -I ' the Contest votes . fljj ct . .v.... IV ooo ict .. a, 10.0## - v-ya et....-"nr-V- ** i?.o?o *? ; ?.-v- ? - Ib or o*d subscriptions. . BONUS. " ' onus of lOjlO# Free Votes tori >e ancient history. \ >59 Have yon paid up? Are you In ,$0 .r rears-with your aubecrlptkmT Par ip and rent# thin weak?today; In ? . fJl line for some one to get the benefit f yoqr votee. ?A11 renewals count double until be close of the oonteet. The contest is being stirred with a Ig stick, and will be until the very tfB tat tnlnote. The relative positions of the con- J aatants have been varying so much scently that the Contest Owl beeves 3omq of the workers have hn Igyptlan Theurgist for a medium 1 'ho la chief agency of trrnnsmtsaion f "power" to get votes. 8ee the Bonus offer and get your ^ "fr*3a ibscriptiona in promptly. s. s OHTE8TANT8: djjl ihington, N. C. * 5 771,800 / 7i?.4M v.... ITMM ?. .5,;^..^.; - ~V ... ' ||T fj t Ko. a. * . S68.25S * 438.600 3J8.2S0 I No. 8. 400.000 396.000 *11.67* ov.ow 11.9** 14.940 l No. 4. N. C.. . 340.01* wo stories each, or brick with slatu oofllng, and the contract calls far heir completion by October Xsl. *he prospects now are that tfci f* chool will be in operation on a mall scale at least by Not. 1st. The Farmers-and'Merchants Bank eeterday opened tpr business In tte tew home, almost directly opposite be fordhg quarters on Qneen street The new quarters are now being horoughly equipped and will be landfiomely furnished. ? I SURPRISE 1AIMCE YESTERDAY f.FTERMH^ . 1 4r. Howard C. Harrlsoa Weds Mi** Ijdcjt M. Bell u Home of Mr. Leggett, Near Wborton. Captain Howard C. Harrison, a < popular conductor on the Norfolk _ * jrajfi Southern, and Miss Lucy M. Bell, the Attractive daughter of Mr. John T. Jell, gave their many friends a surprise yesterday afternoon, when, at * he recldence of Mr. M. M. Leggett. . tear Whortota, they were united fa narriage by Rev. Lewis, of the M. V. hnrr.h RntTi ** ar young people and hare the fellciatlons of their hosts of ^friends who vlsh for them a long and happy life. Captain and Mrs. Harrison will retide In New Berne. j ' *1 Mr. Meekhss Had Oool TsHT * 4 Mr. W. G. Meek Ins, of Jesaama. planted six acres In cotton and has told besides six bales of lint, 4,09ft pounds gf seed. A Quiet Marriage. J8 Rev. H. B. Seartght performed a juiet marriage' at the manse Saturday afternoon, when he united is bdly wedlock Mr. Oeo. 8. Swain of . this city, and Mlsa Minnie Pnlford f \ ?f South Creek. Only a few friends r| witnessed the ceremony. | ?> Cf i "> i^. y'.t,.V'

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