? Isfey 1 m Brat, r be .- * ** .1 rnam ?. "4| ^ ^tstjisu/*? iHMT p* if* HI incfcn ^ mm Kill Fit UKPTV IN I ' HUlOo nlLLCD Hint11 II wmwm Mow Tork. Feb. l._"Tko otroofi | <,t JkW^lt? ^bpmin* ?OT^^rll^ I, biles be enacted," tays thfe annual I \ r.eort of tho Now Tock kO^d of ?~nb*y. which ?0J h. ltt. -|. | FIRST ILL AT 10SI( D1K8, ' IpMrik^, 9kl* Wrt ?? * iUUU *1 th* SoldtonT Jfcatt. M M alsht, foljowlns h!? ?n* Ifta?. H? vu la ?ao Mr. U> Rutland. ot th. at. of nine rut to too. Hi ?omd wltb Admiral Farrant on Ml btdtblp^Bartford d urine H.. ctrtl OrMr BacxMUd > tkmvut their < bulldog*. hou* la the chlcLn farm tea baen prod uc lag tmmtj :r..?? covered that whan a h.n cam. out 1*. tb. raornluc U>a Dull dot dnUM Into hi. boon and kept watch or*r hot While ah. laU an act Ho tbaa i oht^t* In the ovening the twontj bono bad i Oner baa boon ottcrtod ?S?0 for Itho buildQK. but has nrfuabd ^-K , Lumb.rton, f?b. (.?11mm baa Ddwn aonie eieltoment la railroad clra^^sesftare.?* bjjard aiding at lb. mill ww torn .? tor a dlatanc. ot 100 yarda or mora and at an wrlr boar thla marnlnc It waa found that th. mayor of Haa man war. on Kuard duty frith1nS town th.ir tranh a horo Q> Hwbtati* / f - ?'. ? & y v. - ;j| /. I I?" p*-'-'\-. *' -- n^S j,fc ; 'v . >-| ^lyo* ' l^y^Pv Ul 1111U *>?rJ of QHy wMI_? " ^lir trM eaalhE^l5 Lorae th?? tfottniil current ?*Mr. Cowmi ?u created i|mm* | Dr. E. It. Bran, chief eftie Bra deeertradnt, 4^'Mm the ) board 1M MtM that the Borton ibd ntbr of rrtnlo'o otora. Doth mm roforrod to tbo tin committor Th? plum offorod by 1ft. B. W. Arm tar n camotory rouao-warn ro <# <. o Th otr?t of Joooph Thy loo to donot a ground tor tb( uMannlon of 1 Cn?t J. 0. Bnnw roeotrad otodoiron, yootordoy from Omnia. N J., I nrAnt ? ' , ' I- Sft ' fc? - i l WliTHHO I / H Ei^jc A XTF >?& vJ "fJLl ^ Will fcV TSMTTWF, rlauu rOmmt ?t 11,0*0. At t*tul trwn Mb t?o twnuQMm ontarad tk* flu *ad Om art tout a>4 t ** !! tk* !< * >, mm km .; I i .n -, '' V": Mm. V. r. Hsrrlsos Diss, an. v.tr. Harrison ot tu Bast Mala straat. M last sight aft.r suftartafc with a soTsrs attack ot ptssomonla mod tonal litis Tk. roaadaa mil bo convered to bar old hotaa aaar Mlssll. Wsdnasdar morning. pi t- ? - . SflBOVglT TOBIEt On Sandar Mb. 4. Mrs. Hanrr Jones, Of, Cbocowtnltjr. was seriously bnrnsd while In the cook room; bar clt.thlrg cndtfct lira and warn nil homed off sha Ir ta a precarious oondlUon and not axpscted to lira. 1 ?lbnMd-8sgffl0MXastBMdar..>" palter. Mr. Walker bt Littleton, preached splendid sermons in the Baptist Charon last Bandar morsjng dhd arenlng, to large oongregatMaa. IN TROUSERS. BAR HT8RANDS. mnhviiiini Fear Fageaat WIU Be IM a Dlckaaa iHim Mi man'e Uttn ID morrow iftwiain www ttar will MMMt IWnM eee them .la that*. io?? than la nome^looht play, retimed. The troiMn worn In iutaih time were not particularly We'll Take Oan How, gi Waehlerifn Vci. Qpial ?' AILY r Published i v*W ^ illIf '* Wtf WIMW ' one tn OK | ? im* .f SCCB*,*, ooar *H?M?'yi??ill to l?'?t. Ink tkto week wchadnf ear load of tonuinto C. H Urea. of tko Harris HerdWere Yf h- r letter la ontaa to del Mr*. B. J. Maaatoa nikln Lola WJrtsiswsLi Mr. J. A. Dadlej. who to qalu XL t Mr. I. B Bold ot PtBkfcnrn. wea Mr. W. W. CnHnm. ieaaTeI peaakaaor aaant er the Koefotfc-aootkeraera wee la the city May Mto( eftee tko near tatarooto ot tke rattfoaXkota." _ WMfctBgtH. g?>. S.?Th. Ohio |M apHl' hnlwwm tor IX IMMUM km of Sot JWmi Biraon. ' Bolto*. MO.. Fo?. ?A hoy mo oworol lolooo* ?a?d eox . two car kooOo or oo.m oo tho Koa. ' Mmm City Bonthorn trick. it Jaudon. ~2lha North Carolina State Bar aa- ' oclatlon will bold their regular inmmer meeting at Morahead City, July I to 9. An Interesting program bar bM mapped out for the aeeslon and a lagre atendasce la ?xDOT WANT TO Hi AW BKTAlf Washington. Feb. f.?The report that William J. Bryan hi to appear MM t*e Houm Committee on Banking and Currency to substantiate the charges ho made that the, I eosqalttee should not handle the money trust Inraatlsatlon keen?I soma of sltmembers are friendly to the interests via denied by Democratic leaden totfght.' They are opposed to (trine Bryan any opftttantty to Inject hlmaetf Into the house prneeeillm and tee Usle nee?n appose asking htm to appear before the 10 mm mnutscBi > 4- ~ It ts^Jso Bane t^nWi i" Canal to ImLts. When yellow fever Is not rampant there bubonic please le.and J co tines eu menace NEW It tt ^ B^tcni ^C ,^vrt>iM wUl n?y woa! nriiMlf, WkoH wtal Who'll saiSKJKt rr** ? a* mt? twlw'u. k> tko yo "* v'" MOUL MMM T< ^BP* |WV ww? wui M ^y^jj OntMtMh mm ten all ? E^^SSSE *WH<*i Wnmw MMMMkMto ? ?inl?l I WJ M M Wlim will M allowod. Tha Ml IMMMMI Of tha ?1M mt MM XM, MMH 1?W Wm hJOBB ?kBBW Mia. Maryhhra Dkin Mra. Mariwa T. Xy?, South CMl.. flak Rett* Bra*. A.rom, N. C. KIM WlkB KlMMl. w??ri. H O... Mlaa Lacy Q. WMkrd. It P. D. No. 1 MialttM Wlilni Visa Mary MaiwB? Bath H C.. ..... Mlaa WBIW Lm UtHm. PuUio... Mi* Naac* Manb, iMfc, * C. . . . . BUa hiMi, LeecbrtUe, R C... - ' ? ' - - , MM LMI Owtwrt?M, Na Qnartar, fABCRNAOE BIBLE CONFERENCE TO IEEI' > i BiiWaaath IbbwI Ommttn nam to Be i Mi la itf?tt, VMtb 1?A lease Attendance la Tbe fourteenth annuel Tabernacle Bible conference will convene at tbe Baptist Tabernacle, Atlanu. On. on March 1, and continue to March 10. This conference la Interdeonmftnatlonal In ctoraktir over 1.000 preachers alone attending laat year. A greater attendance la expected thle yenr In view of tbe fact that tbe eonffltWIM will h- fc-M I- ?V. ' ehorcb nw?Ul Oedteeted, cwtlBg oror 1100,000, the (QOftog cepecUr of wkfch le 5,000. The epeokero of the mhrau vU he Dr. Chee. I?hoof of London. (ho opoetttr appointed rupraouutatlee at KWwiek: Dr. Coeeteo M. Ceheoo of l??m College, Meadvllte, Ph.; Dr. J. H. Jooett, psotor of Ptfth An M? hytoriaa chnrrh. Moo Tor* Ottr; rs 3 no. M* .-! >rth Carolina-j|8 m ituc runesr 1 Du Ha HHBI i-t., , i ; .i PtUhm WW Soon to Woo. OWv*r?w Bcmm Ufl ,,to J ^ r - 1 T*om ?to kvra ?mb talMUU- 4' V .*?'***? ****"* ? " I**1 OWMTcmmmum "*? ?!? ^ Doi'I I* pMMtutly M| B . etoyriB. fray mtma M B?K? t Too will tiara *B*a* irara M* cHPUOB MM BU> On OJM, ^j^aabty WM ft*. M l* e'aloah *. *. fy* *tfum^'' ** ** |g|> . c jr*.'j ? gsissEiS #,? ..... !?.** M?l Of lO.ftdft fM VotM tor ?.ta^ ^ rt r ^ ft* mode b/ the lediat, ud nM ? added to tbe d.artlaa lo thai n win be mad* la Mday'a edtftaal ' .. V? S ......" 771,1** . ......'. : 701,4ft* ?u.?4*. JW."* *!??.* -*>v '"V ?i * Ift-a . .j y- ftHjlW * *'*"** mjii * No. a. a ?0.00? a* a.... .... W,M? UMTl . : .. M.M4 iMM IM* Dllh.4 . ?? C. ".......tdMM ? Pa^a-) .v. ,- = estlcatad aad ftaaad ft* caatala * laetle add ll idtl ft idfUft all O* ftwd qaalMea ?* On. la WO mil*, la tbe lataat rj*erf of wort doaa by the Paatear Inatltet. MatchMkot Cite* a terse uaWrat eaaee of an bad womea vka kaea sraatty 1mftseeed their cbaaoe at taaehlas a ripe aid *f* hp partaking frealj at auerhraut. v V Vi~ ___ LID 16 ON IN OAT ATUASTir CITY. s Atlantic City. Fob. 5.?Determined that his ukaae against gambling ahoold be carried out. Major Bachracb beaded a police raid this morn ? atro^ed and carried of propartr Kfclwwd ? 11,600 apd thread Baiter .?V r:M to tpawa the atato. ."Vjtiy ' ' Salter Waa anapectad of hatha lmptlcated In the ahootfas of a Whtto