-I?? Ml | cuc-n,A-no. j ^^ I?M poor drain#*#. thin Mil. poor 7TpMparmtl#w, th# tM of poor Ml and t fSZm'SS^Ti^LSTL^ * IWW.'??1***4 dralaad# MB the Irat Mop toward* anccaaifal I "faomtna and that natnro haa aa' . daaad twrtala axrnrio# to aaaUt a> * wW wo conform to It'a rnlM and am, alao, that til# dralaac* la th# i " oalr mot hod Rr which we can art -- V?Ml drainage. HiTUg taken the ""^wklA to jood dr.i?M?. w. ikould , ??*wtd te take the second step "*!ek lit make the aoQ deep. Dr. **???. the crest apostle of. better . agricultural methods, laid down In - Bin In commandments of sgrlcu]tore n the first commandment, the . snowing: "Prepare a deep and1 \ eronghly pulverised eeed bed. well V drained; break In the fall to s depth et t, 10 or 11 Inchee, accordlns to f tats eoll, with Implements thst will ran brine too much of tho eobooll to I So serf see Tho forocolns dspthe '" * ebeXlt bo resobod arsdoslly." (EW. Koser ) Hsko tho eoll Coop. .Thin *0* or principle ehonld resllr bo V,; ?bdTldoa mto the hsM stopo or M S Sllto end bo dlecneeed under the j loode eo follower Why Make the *11 deep? When make the soil | t? nv^Ofi whole subject U this i 'Wty make the eoll doepT Because ^La deep thoroughly pulverised soli famish more plaht food for tho igrwwlng plants than a thin poll --find too deep plowing la a source of drainage for the fact that a eoll broko deep will hold more water ' without washing In exteealTe heavy ft ' rains and will take care of the crops ^ longer without drowning or scalding 1 V and also will hold and furnish more ^ moisture and carry the crop in good , condition longer through a dry period than a thin soil. The roots of plants grow down as deep as we break our land. When we have exoeesfve wet weather In the summer "** the land is full of water and the sun Jf shining hot heats the water for a Vv few Illches In the ^oll and la a thin Vooll the hot water scalds the roots of the plants because the soil is not deep enough for the roots of the ' plants to get down far enough In the warth to be out of'mac* of the hot *ater and then we say our crops arc scalded. The son will not boat the XL, water any deeper In a deep coll than It will In a thin soil and the roots j'\)t the plants will go down low \f enough In a deep plowed wisO drained soil to be o?t of reach bf the hot water and thua -aaeapc being scalded. Then, too, the air whl Iggffi fn npsp plant rrowtb In the soil. Titer# ant a few of the ;r. maeone why the eecond atep tc ' teirceneful farmlnp nhould be taker ^ and t' poll made deep. ^^^ jpbreakiiig deep a fcc. WA , i i ? Paid Suhscri HHP SEfJORO < * ** *t.._ ^ ? ? J ' ** "?e --? *' -:i * pi Yr:mBf w ? ^ .- ? 'r?d, '#! , {S.'sC*& irlCo l fli j IstwUm f^r4wt ' HW V* "?>i? )? :? dash - .,4. " ' ^ . _? wr m ' ' " tno^ythtefsfc Alb ?#-' y*r 1 A ft wrtwO i W?V->; *(tt?*r-lf' 1' -.tipV ? / ^ aee *B?it?lM*A^UM( * the wroni un? and tbea cum the principle tiwnar at faliurp. -J^t proper Uape l?4o imp plowing Ja In the Call ? narly wtstan >A- grant? mmn tarm.ra will At deep glowing la tha spring aa lata aa hgdk- Thle A tha tallow who 4paa. Ua fight, thing as tha wrong time. U Is dangar-* Ma to ?o daaa plowing In the spring and only nudes certain oondltlona' hoald It ba done. Wo do hat aon- ' alder anything under ? Incheo deep j plow In* It wg break pur land ?| lnchee or morelt should alwara be' done In tha tail or very early winter | hecanee It we would succeed we must j put ouraclvee In position to get thai assistance of nature's agents, the sir,] the winter rains, tho frost, the snow, and the treating and thawing process 'through which a newly, deep-j Plowed ploco of ialtd mait com*. In; ordtf to coumttc molatur**to carry a cnjD through a dry period in tha ummtr. f 11 tha molatura that la In j than lnnVif has ttma iedV??ft attraction or eyatem. That's net ore's j jraj down at the water line becomes; srrus.,s?Br?S' tSfflRSMKWS face. Thus a chain Ja. let up over Which molitnre travel* to the ear-1 burner draw* the oil through the wick to feed the light. We can' demonstrate capillary attraction with chalk and Ink. Take a tin bof, IM or some shallow vessel that will sold oiS^'two or three spoonfuls of Ink. Take a piece of chalk (crayon) twoInches Ion*, break it Into halves and stand on the end one piece on the other In the Ink; then take another piece two Inchee* long but do not break It; stand on end In the Ink by the side of the other and see hew the Ink will travel to the top of the unbroken chalk and how It will Stop at the broken line oI the broken ,|pleee, UJ can not 9*m m -; v ?a? .?mm #c? jpfrfKX ffU sK' ,Mfcl ?cC n? . . .*? ^aNr.v^. .ntOem>; 94 4?. 'i' i *a ,:1 ~ jJ \ Jn 3 "*?. f. i? ':>we* i.r .?* -..a , > ti w> ? ..ime? ? ? ? Ar *f> <1 < I . r*?NL ?s *; jiit ^itMP NJ?r *?? *??*?>?*?>>%'.? >??,:! I ?jpttk?'4 fc egt--; 'V-'v mr iTWiatrf H Hiiii-" . I ', ".H'T. ;,"i?il?tv'^5, ,., . deatirir.it eo an te.atore u motetore 1 to carry oar crepe UrnO J aactedWW. eaniaer. ^nflfcwidi 1 dew dHW Jd. la We aprtng we ,| deatft>r Wlnneplllarr eur.ctlon lu.t s. tie eeeee na.lf we plowed to the (ell to Help tnM tofelker tke destroyed eyatem, baeae w. here, no motatere . tored up; therefore we here to.depead entirely on toe nbhll to Wke I cere ot our crepe throughout the growing period. mi by thle we leem thnt the tlap cnr do deep plow lbs la ta the (all or. early winter. How make the aotl sasaSas?fe:; any other, because they haven't the r horse powr, neither hsv? they the proper Implements with which to do r deep plowing is the most economic d way. The revetssble disc plow witty the dine so set as to not invert the J soil but to set the furrows on edge ^ with horse power enough to pull It 1 solves the problem of how to do deep f plowing. In the absence of this lm- * pllment We can -still do good deep plowing* breaking the land In an, 4 Ideal way after the following man- 0 aisBKS-rflKKs susr. Another^ good bora* horse and plow following the ifStaroand and around the section of * i in. an. ideal way anywhere from 7 to 1 | IS idhhee deep, according to the 1 horsepower need. By this method the 1 toil will all be on top whore It natur-,1 ally belongs and the clay underneath 1 [where It should stay, bnt It will be 1 broken n^ so that,the air and water 1 .can penetrate It. | Now if the reader dealres to break 1 deeper than the foregoing depths. It * may he done by putting two or more horsee as may be desired, to a two- 1 horse plow to lesd and one or two to ( 4 subsoil to follow. This xnsy be 1 done with impunity to the bleck 1 deep soils where the virgin soil is 1 anywhere from It to 14 Inch*, but : on our , thin soil uplands thqtMwo ( fsspvsszKA z' 61.Tn.orto ror.tno nrat deep bre?*inic the fore? ylhr cr t*o rony bojucroucd, Thla I I. bo. th, aoll .bonis V? mut. Our nut contribution will b? tho 8#I5, J - <* ? w n? idat^'i i l a BuUettp. Gives ice te Death Bate In North Cities -&S / > irovlding for the rapport of a prj? rjy sustained and effective health lepartment aa a fauction of the a unlet pal government. Immunity from disease In comnunlty life Is no more to be expectd an a matter of fact than that a iurglar and the highwayman shall iot threaten the life and property or that the Are fiend shall not cause rtdeepread destruction if left un;uarded and uncontroleld. No thinking man capable of hold ng public office will seriously argue hat the material asset that is conerred by the police and fire depart- . nents of our cities is of greater civic ~ ralue than the vital assets of the hu- 6 a an factor in city grpwth and deelopment. Yet note the preesJent Hsregard of this tree relation of J livlc assets In municipal budgets Id oo many instances. Is this because city politics lotee no well a shining light and that public health aetivites carry no imellght attachment?Modern knowledge, so plain that * 10 intelligent observer can fall to 8 lee, 'demonstrates thst the 'standard s if health In community life 1b easily d tad directly controllable by intelli- 1 gently directed means. No longer. 6 an Ignorance excuse neglect of pub- 1 ic health considerations in muni- 6 dnel life. If the government of our 11 iltlee Is to be conducted on a plane ?f modern Intelligence, the public Health must be recognised and pro- b r'ided for as of first importance. The 1 fad It local conception of govern- ' cental functions, when ignorance of r he laws of health prevailed-, must He abanCuucd, and set up in its place 8 there must he a more rational cosrdlnatlon of official responsibilities vlth the first consideration given to the life and health of the people, to t ;he conservation of the greatest of *1 ill natural resources, the public ( health. 1 _____________ t _ _ i rot; u. w. Lum, consulting en- , fineer; B. L. Bugg, traffic manager; , W. L. Bird, auditor; H. W. Davies, | purchasing agent; R. L. Payne, chief , surgeon; Mr. P. L. Nicholson, ( chief eQglneer; C. P. Ougan, superintendent transportation; J. E. Gould, luperlntepdent motive power; J. H w' ' Mr. W. W. Croxton whs appointed General Passenger Agent, with office at Norfolk, Va. Mr. Morris 3. Hawkins ww appointed Assistant to the PreeirffW. frttfc cfr' Regular Meeting. J'' : Tta W., C. T. U.Wflt mm at the homo of Mr,. O. B Cmrm^ft In Rar o'clock,. .1. J- '"Mi'iT*! NEW ?s i Eastern Nq iiii I rhe Box Will Sealed Pi Tour Reserves and Si *?x;*4*a* 4^P? +*> *K4j+ *> '^v I afx xv%s?>4 ? -* f f tM 4aj looks kinder gloomy, m' your ebsacee kinder slim, r tM MtaaUM>i pooxlin' a^tteHrwmu m^fol xltm. Jk' perplexities kNp yraw in' rtll all-Mote In nearly com iM MaU* up ud crtt four teeth +' kMf on keepin' on. Thie le the last groat command of to Content: Work! The (nr. houce loft before the dose i worth wondere to each of yon. a day. SPBCIAL KOTICB K t-l * ' "Vji.. W. K>*W Between the data of Feb. 5th. the JftjkiWUC Bonne OBere will be AH Contentanta moat hare all el Ballot Box will be cloeed promptly al All remittance moot be made t6 will W allowed * ? "".r. I ~ Fire* ley?t amount from each diati Second larseet amoeat from each diet rhlrd -lerceet anotbt (ram each dleti Foafth larceet amheai (ram each dial VHk AnAle wote en aU renew i t. .- SPSCJ1AL Becfafac thle dau a Special 1 ery ??.** remitted will bq el* wed. W TW taiiMBtu tl* ram Will rated in from now until the cloee will MvMMmria. The anaownedcicM of tb? wtnn< el the Metre v fH?.<% >i Litchin, has by invitation agreed to ttend Gay lord public school and lake an educational address on Friday, tl^e 23rd day of February. I, herefore, suggest that all the public chools in fiath township adjourn on hat date and as many as can do so ttend the Gaylord^'school. Let's iiale it an Educational Rally for lath township. The dlnnor will be provided by iasket arrangement. Who objects, he man or thing that stands in the ray of progression will sono day get un over. Yours for more interest In public chools J. F. LATHAM. Revenues Capture Big Still. Murphy, Feb. 8.?Deputy Oollocor R. F. Henry and Deputy Marshal P. V. Shope, destroyed a large illicit Listillery four miles south of here od&y, within 100 yards of Deputy TBI 1C D I UBIUCIH.C. I up uipur* ery was In full blast and' throe men sure operating It. Tfc?y made their mcape, but were pursued so clone hey abandoned their bats and" coats, which the officers brought ta with be still. Meet Thursday Wight. There will be a meeting of Un Asi$Mti charitiesSalt op. rhureday night at tVcloch. It Is especially desired that all the direcm and the oas^mtttee of ladies be jresont at this meeting. -or ' t it-, IjjJ* ? &x. Hei|ry~ Wise Tribble, president of Columbia Jnirorsiiy, Lake City, Fla., died this | nerxdng at Roadman, F7a.. front In ? ^1 ======== ? NO. 1M ????a??? irth Carolina t IRS jn to no omptly at T*n. Get ta ibacrlptiona In Time lt'WlU ttl* be'toll Ten o'clock will dene Ike Ml?i portuntty too tor* to *10 pW5f Me, worker.; The judges' decision will * so get In every cent prHare yen paid r' s^If not, why^Jyd* Cod*/ I*'Ike time. Kvsry kXswsI a* Old MP errlptton gives double iota*.?MS* ? OONTKHTAJITS. v.- i , ;-i i ~" omeb.-,Jt ""i"> v -111* ?c ', /1 : and Ttsb at*. <1 U u'sloak A.'l*., giym:"" Bbsertptlons 1* ma/Uy: Mr Me 10" o'clock. ' o'ldtnut)' . "it ** ' ike Contact M.a.e.r sr.a* aadke J{T *!f? ??*' Hoi :!? r. ? i i *V ;'5 ) ftt* fcf.jVK:'.. 1 V:'. K .i. vMiM , Hot " . '0?j*l tie or oM subscription*. - *? ?? BONtfB. Bonn* of 10,000 Pw Tttse 4(fOWit .MIX VC 1 r?A1 trf fl be made by tbe lad*to. and cedes ? be addml>** tbe trIPlb 1* Me 5-* fwv?Ji -if. ?>S .fcftif Ut'f r?t it* will b? bkWU MWi Hlfi ;jiC5 tfoil ifcdjl ' " " 1 " ' OONTEHTAJST8: . n -v -?nix f?-tkOE *rhf' WsHHtoS North Carollns for lho. Wesh-Oitltisf February i2< 1042i".? wis* ?cT Gentlemen-?JhO. T.*J>.ci HsIIImu, Marcellua.FlemlssnCspt. Jt.iC.tHsr*7. R B. Jobw, Joeeph?WS4 H. B. Lloyd, Marls* L*smbar Co ..i, Robert Prestos. F. J_PWry,Jlo? TeresM. R. P. D. Woolurd. WlUla WttttaiM. Ladles?Clarice Borby. Mm. Casey Dlsaojo, Mre, Msndy Dsvson, Mlae Gustls Graham, illegible (1). Mn B. B. Jdnea. Anni? B. Lyman, Mm. C. C. Lao Inc.' Mlse Loser Pllgrsea,* Mrs Mary Whitafcer. Mlse Patience Williams. ^ i* - , . i:.\f These letters will be sent to the dead letter office February 10, 1012, If not delivered before. In calling for the above, please say, "Advertised." giving date of list. V*" >. HUGH PAUL, P. M T SHI'HTKHTTA88ISTANT8 TO RE PAID OFF AND QUIT. N All Will Leave Persia Soon, bat Two Who Have Joined the Bweedish Tetherwi, E?Trcueuror-Oenenrt stnwter'a ?tifree principal American HMiatakfk, - Meenrn. On Iran. Mcenjrtterand TKcyj, will be paid thraa jreara' adfbiY ud their MntlUr'a^nWW others -Win McfataM tattfitha' anjftpjr andti-avstloit axpnkkda.*- ?li wiU isv*?> adonshee* nwi Vhhe have Joined 1K? WWAet"*!,darmerl*. ' loUttV are a I aatM <1 intinmT i ml krtmk nn*T> kl. t "Vl' 'JS witli food supplies, sailed from thu rroro ice bo*t Annapolis, (lnft tlfgb- J she will assist, "the Stat^VtQainer * . '-.a /gayS ClOTcVzio1fonrt laden :a if?rf sygTrnjeT' hSmrk to t h <>