nam DAILY KWS< t PWHAUOUUD MVilRY AREBMOON MXCBPT SUNDAY. IMtATIB PRINTING COM PANT RB5/V tF; ;? PubUahara. 1. L. lUro, Editor ud M?<>r. c Ma 109 But Waur Straai , a? aeoad-clana iltar to. -Tv Amgnwt t. 1909, at the poatofflc? ai 1 WnNaftM. N. C.^nndar tha act of { March 9, 1970. i a**tfoath ..$ 15 Focr Moatha vl.OO tMtoutha 1.90 , Your tMniiUm daalrtn* tha paptr dlaiOteMa?>9 vlM ?laua potlfy this of- I ap? mm dafta a< aspiration. otbaraiae , n Oil ha aaatiaaad at rcfalar ?ub . Mpan vnlai aatU nattoa to atop J)t ? ? w> 1 U. DtOr Mm .?! >>? ? <n VTtta th* suae a* uikbt >OI nnln rn*m MMiUn M k ?> t, . aiiOik E?S wn ?k*al? m< ! lift kk. Km mim. .Jiui utu ?k Ik* m *f W?kl*gi?n sk Ml U* RirtMrmi jtfJCS^TMS * rfnw u4 MUM' MUMUklMhllrkn ' y rSSTi i'**1 * *" tk*j *"w' ML MTB AVI TKM LlAfiVB. . VM ?f an. M M ? understood 1 tMM wm Wt? m t(?l with the |w? ' fines Oat t?l ta km Dm drtnh 1 Kurt let It be caderatood that we 4 \n act natagonhrtle to the process of 1 fim La prohibit interstate shipment*. 1 "We heartily Indorse mO those BUT ? fct cad aad every place 1b shkl Mr. Oath, OuperlBtesdeat of tbs Astt- y Moot L-eogue, hoe appeared ta hie tirades there have been sworn of- ( ffeees of the Jae . ? Halsigh doee not pora as the ^ model of the mate, notwithstanding it fs the home of the Rem. Joseph us Deaiel* Mr. Daniels dtd sot seed Mr. r*avto to tell him. sor the good peo- j pie of Raleigh. that liquor was betas eoh] under their noses. Mr. Darin" next bomb, of Importanew fe in Charlotte. The rood peo- j pie of Charlotte did not need Mr. Deris to tell them that whiskey oookl be bought in their town, by i aa outsider, nor did he receive the -oration given Mm In Raleigh. j The txqth te the Anti-Saloon l/eague is another one of , those bureaus created for the pur, , poee of giving oat Jobs. Mr. Davis Is the Snperlntendent of the 'one in this State. He has his Job and has to mako good. We have seon their statements and time and again have ( been offered their "Released Copy," which we have refused to publish, for the reason that it was a reflection , upon the good citizenship of the tk?n that has no excuse for existence. We defy any City, of Its size, to shew the record that Washington has recently shown, not only for lack of drnnks. hot for minor criminal offense*. All of which we at- i tribute to oar efficient police of- , ? flelale-?Messrs. Geo. Howard, Chief, j > and "Diet" Roberts, and the lamentt *0, Geo. Morgan. ( The earn that is paid by bub dry ittiuas to pay Mr. Darts' expenses 'm /the expenses of hie leegne, coaid far better be epeat in pensions to widows and orphans that mm has , wade, thaa for his exploitations of | the takpiHIes fcd^ltles he is visit<? Bye and bye we will publish a , Watement ahowing Mr. Darls' expenses and receipts, and leare it to ' -the good people Whether or not Mr. Boris ts really working for the good * the pcopl^or Mr. Davis. BROAD CREEK ITEMS. We axe having somo cold weather at this writing. We aro sorry to loam of the ill-j ess of Mrs. C. C. Cutler. E. J. Kespars was a visitor at Mrs. W. H. Sullivan Sunday night. miss L.izzle L,atnam spent & few days last week with her slater, Mrs. J. F Alllgood, at Blateetone. C. H. Walface was the gnest erf Miss Ira Oreen, Sunday. John W. Jordan and Nick Waters near Plnetown, -were In oar midst Sunday. Mrs. W. T. Latham Is on the sick list. We hope she will soon recover Miss Leila O. Cutler visited the Misses Mable end Ruby Reepase, on Sua day afternoon. Miss Laura Whitley and Miss Bee r sle Warren spent last Toeeday night * \ with Mrs. W. T. Latham. They are tear hers at Shepnrd school house. of Mn, WUthTi parent, Bat or da 7 ttfht and Sunday. Thara waa gotta a crowd at the toma ft Mr. Ckarlaa Tottarton laat Mr. B. B. WaHaca aad law Or bare mo rod to fha t. B. TImmM tana. Mwdk Black aad Taylor Plakhan iM; wara aMtora bara Baaday nttht. B. r. Btaab Id work tat aa MjW 4mm aaar Broad Ciaak tMa wtbk W. H. MMk Id MldtrUd Md wTWK NoGmki OoaMi Rulo 1.?Only ou nominating oupon entitling each -coateeum to ;.0#? to too will bo allowed, ltulo 17?Votaa can on 17 bo Ob* alaed b7 aecnrlng asbaerlptlona p??l Sold, ranewala, collecting pool due lubeerlptiona or by cl 1 ppLug free rotng eoupono from each loouo. Rulo 1.?Conteoconto aoor aecure o maay (roo rattoc certlfioataa oo tooolblo gad to to tbem eocb week. . Rate Maatao oolloetad by Cooootoato aa oaboerlptloao maot bol arand oror to Coo toot Ouo|w by I o'clock aotordor night. at tbo rook la whteh reoatpt to li taod (or Ooi .Man to aoko i|?rt at oaob ooUoottea wlU a H mill uao wtR tarttol roar rlaht la TOMB aa aaeh itoiaato tara ateak ha attend t? TOMB baton aaoaatoli | Rate tea i uliri at Tho Mb w?a tea aoaoa *m aa' aor tea anal ha aaMMtT nmwRte ??? aata te!"""" ''''' T* irtea I nana r? nana la wai ha da m4 thts 11 HI u will to toL I *?! II.-OMMUII an at tttol rtosw rtcwCai M wto ttoiUll b?y to tm. ? *. j i ????"I. F. Black ns a Vtoliitoi rtsttor Monday. . ' j Mtss Caeste ViwUrt visited to nofin, Mica MlnaU Black. SundayStop and listen! Tfce wedding tells will 000a be rlnflnf Downward Course Brtn* BmIIMI br WmmtUkgum A little backache at first. Dally Increasing till the back ia ame and weak. Urinary disorders quickly follow; Dropsy and Anally Brlght's dlsThls la the downward course of kidney Ills. Don't take this course. Follow the advice of a Washington citizen. Mrs. O. E. Edwards, 223 E. Main St.. Washington, N. C.. says. "1 suffered terribly from backache, accompanied by sharp, shooting pains through my kidneys. The kidney secretions caused me considerable j annoyance. 1 used several kldofey remedies but received no relief un- j til I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills. They drove away the pains! and lameness In my loins and strengthened my kldnoys. That tlrod, languid feeling disappeared and 1 was able to rest better at night." " For sale by all dealers. Price BO cents. Foster-Mlfburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United Statoe. Remember the n^me?Doan's?, and take no other. ELAPPENTWGH IN AND XROUND LINGIjKTON. The weather is still rough and the farmers bavo not done mnch toward their cropa for 1S12. Mrs. J. B. Wlllard la Tory alck. Her many friends wlBh for her a speedy recovery to health. Owing J to her Illness her daughter, Miss j Caddie did not teach today. There was nor much snow Sunday,j but the cold weather made up for It. ' Arthur Moore and Miss | Cora Swanner woro the guests of Miss Lucie Woolard, Sunday afternoon. School is not nolng on at Lingleoa this weet, owlcg to the teacher, Miss Annie loutao TTodgC3 bolng sick. We wish for her a speedy recovery to health. Mrs. Km ley Martin and Mrs. Francles Lllley were the guosta of their brother, H, R. Woolard, Saturday and Sunday. Messrs David Mooro and Georgia Hodges were In our midst Sunday afternoon. J. H. Lingleton met with quite a misfortune Monday. His youngest j son struck a match on tho ties of a bale of cotton, and it caught the cotton on fire, but they managed to put (t out Derore it did a great deal of damage. He will have to re-balo four bales. We sympathise with him in his loes. Mlas Cottle Llngleton and brother Dave, were the gaeeto of Miss Lucie Woolard, Saturday night. Mp- ... Pft&ntg. tL. ^weet Win,, ha# VVJO MOtiie lb our midst for the paa^jweoli^went to "'roes Roads Sunday to spend a week Stole Shoe* to Stop Panult. Atlantic City, Feb. f.?John Peters and his wife arose this morning jo tod their shoes gone. Search of he house fpr other shoos revealed none. They were forced to remain ndoors while the police searched for ?ho tfcfef^ He proved to he a boardw who had carried off the shoes to after WM hare been placed to h?i " credit. Raid IS.?All one of toyrn Cotost ? ants ore allowed the privilege . of j" mailing their coupons and money hot- 9 I acted tor subscriptions; each letter, should be-addressed to Contest Man* f. ager, Dally Ntfws. The postmark of rour poetofftee most show the hoar and date said letter coatalalag rot? " entered yoaP odea Therefore lot- ^ ?2T?* ?u ***** VZ jj Ma mil M? kMT MM IB Bar " K??OMIbB ?B4B " ooptehle. t |w"hu ....: ln< nJb b> IBB MM UH '11*1 .t nu, n.M. r.t.... .mhi if (h nm *M.M !? MMa m ? MB M M M M BMBB 4a ' ? t* Peach Season Coming * Hm fruit from 17M timiinu J tree* win nxM likely sell for ? 11,700, perhaps more. Better t? buy this peach ordwrd and " make money. See me at once, A. C HATHAWAY, Washington, N. C. I f. .. DROPIN Just pay ub a visit and nee how we F| aro Blocked and equipped to meet your H Grocery Wants YV A trial order placed with us will give you "first hand" proof as to the unexcelled freshness and quality of our goods?and also glvo y6u an example of a service that CANNOT be bettered. J. B. LATHAM _ Cor. 3rd and Harvey Sts. p Phone 410 Feel That Thum-ety-thump *" Absolutely. No Acetanilid, no Cocaine, no Morphine. Yet it's quick and pleasant-to take. 3ROV1ALGINE ~ 10c, 20c and 50c Bottles For sale by Tayloes's Drug Store. _ 5c at Soda Fountains. ? AOVKKTISE IN TJIE NEWS. ADM1NISTUATOK-8 K3T1CK. | Having qua lifted as administrator dI Jamesle Lewis, deceased, late of Beaufort County, this Is to notify all persons hating claims against said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 16th'day ? of January. 1313. or this notlco will fi be pleaded In bar of their i^corery All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate settle meat. This 16th day of January. 1*12. W. A. LEWIS. Administrator. , % Ward ^ Grimes, Attys ? I SOlBUiR! tt" 1 Is not alwaysthe best Some of My competitors advertise _ to do pressing free. I can't i do it that way. I have to I live and cannot do so by I doing work free.* I guaranI tee every, bit of my work I I and I know personally that I I it i? done rights I \ Vn 1153 iderslsued. deled the 1th del ol J sr.-S'Earr.r;: ok kit, Pace 311. 1 will Oder lor t Is. tor cash. lo the hkheet blddet. , I ontUj, February 11th. 1111. the , Uowtau described peloe of lead id Improvements thereon: which , contained li uid noftcm d##d: In Richland Township, Counts add ate nf ores mid, beHnmtns at the i bton end Peed bridge on the pablte ad and ranalhc northwardlr with Id road lie sards ta a IKhtweed at In the eMs e< the seat, thsaee at te W. T 'mdaall'e llae ta the seek. thea^aswe saU breach te , takik MM taw aw to k. , aaata ? tta Mi will I to to. , Um-tmm tata. tak ft Mi , 9- v. nwJiiti ' Ita fttot . ' 'jWSnft ' w luitaw W.H tataw? w tal taw illiilnl k tta ^XkW^lkww Mtaki ktatV ! !>? tota worn t to to initoil k ww at tta ra W Ik am Cmt it mM Ml. k ta taM w tta (MM ta V !? F^mrr, 1M?. 9k tke Oea* ! > > ?f ?M otmi it < ww to tta iiitoilikt 1 wM ttw. or tto vkteltC tall toffr to court tor tta rottot tauMh iMeotoftokt. amo. a. tajtl, Ctork Btpirtoi Ond 1-4 1-^vl 4--vka tassified AdvertisMnents. TTENTION TRUCKERS: WE ARE prepared to take care of yoar need* In seed* of all kinds. Low prices on Peas and Beeta. W. A. ? J. O Blount. 1-7 tf-C OUND?POCKET BOOK OH SBCond street. Owner can have Same by proving property anil paying (or this notice. 2-8 tf-C OR RENT?TWO ROOMS IN THE Haven-Small building. Apply to J. . Calloway. 1-28 e-o-d 5-t-C ANTED?MEN TO LEARN THE barber trade. Here is an offer that Includes tools with tuition. A method that saves years of apprenticeship. Positions waiting in city or country shops. Writs Moisr Barber College, Atlanta. Ga. 1-17 fitrP OR RENT?SECOND FLOOR OF Busman building, next to Dally News office. Apply at News offiee. 1-18 1# OR RENT?THE JOHN BROWN farm containing one hundred and twenty-five acres; three miles from town. Apply to Bodmsn A Rodman for terms. 14 tf-C 1 4 OW PEAS FOR SALE?FIFTY bushels at 82.00 F. O. B. cars. 18 bushels Soy Beana. O. K. Stllley. 1-1 4t-P OUBLE BAR SEED CORN FOB sale 60 bcahela 4th year double ear field selection. 60 per cent doublesiars. O. K. Stllley. 2-1 4t-P fALE HELP WANTED?*5 TO $7 dally Belling New Fibre Dreome; 100 per cent profit; every woman will buy. Begin canvass at once. Sample by express. 80 cents. Wynne Broom Co., Klmlra, Y. \41.4tr* ? - ) i ^ on BKJfT?MY HOUSH OH HAST Second .street formerly occupied by M. M. Berry. Eight rooms end bath. Sewer connection. C. H. Sterling 1-11 tf-C 'OB SALE FOR DIVISIO*:?OH Tuesday, Feb* 17, 1 wUl sell to the "J# r?h,J^H ~L" (Tn Mill, gas bo at Koelynd, registered tonage 8, carry twenty, t ten and adund traffic. J. H Calloway. ' / ' l~*7 ^ 4wk*^ VOMKV?Sell guaranteed beset TO per cant, profit; make $10 dally^ sortb V.irolhm. thl? U to DOllI* kU I* ??m. tf?l7 ?rinwi to tt? und.rOcnatl U Aurora. N C.. on or botoro ?a m/mb T??onr7. tc ; jL.I person! Indebted to said eetatc tTl rill pleaee mftke immediate paymeit. w Tkle Strd toy ( January 1111 I W. T.^OTD. ?f kdmlnlatrator fc th. nuu of ? TBkW W. Bord. A...H.I 11 Movart * n?iMi. iturala ?/ Ttrao, tntorm m ?M* J - - 7rT-S l 1 i MTH. JMHM Alkrati ???W ? ^ ItnTaMtM *+*? > ? r > ?k? fcw ?d ?wi, ? ?-. M? * IM K. I k <1 I M " pl? J TUCT ?' *?* ? MumiftiiiiimatfiM m*. ; * mtteiawjitiiww. M m I W 9TTwU Him a cmur ta. sr, A Wlm Ma at 1 I Ml i II Bate, a ?T tMu etaa amntllb lillit > a? ? 11 milt m?a?i?iMia Cnrtal taiHH ciUr. 1 ?? aa ; Maatar. the lth day o? frtnm. Ittt. at Mlw a*alaak aeea. at tka Co art Haaaa tin at iti alt Camat y _ aa ta tka kKhaat bidder too aa* w * auofr aald latntwt aU tka rtakt. UOa aa4 latanat at tka taM W. A. , Brtdaa. aa* alt unnil atek ka r owaed tbereU oa Jiaa ?T. 1?M. k> J ta-vtt: "A pteee or paraal or land tylad tai . tka tawa at Waahladtea a*t khowa out deatdaaled aa Mlewa. ota; Matt by tka Uka at tka eld 1. R W. ?. R. * Ce.1 aa tka loath by fbrta Oor- . baa', lead; oa-tbo Woat by tka land , latJIaara Ifrllir.' eotqiMw' no foot la loadth aa* TO feet la width." Thie Hth day at December. 1*11. I ' q?0 - RICKS. saerlff or Beaufort County Ko HEADACHK-flku' OAPtTDINK Whether tram Colds. Rent. 8torn . f h or Nervous Troubles, .Cspudln* 111 relieve you. It's liquid?pleasant to Sake?sets inured lately. Try It 16? . tie. asd tie at Am stares [horses"_ Buggi BttMft;' Bicj S ^2 btet(rr?r ! last { P. L. SUS1IAN, Pres. i t i i i r S Every Dollar o | er's Money is S Frequently 1 Power to Ad Your dollars vary x or woman who stu< j ; is able frequently, t< do the usual work c !! And the experiea | vertisements will al\ ! ' than a dollar's wort I "ruling prices" of t! J lars in your pocket 5 r i A Term,|* ucj QtM| I .ha Or?n. I lb* defondeot SUmrKmedSrlll, ke notice that u-action entitled a* laecurean abeolote dlrorce from if defendant the aatd defendant! U1 take farther notice that he la paired to appear at the neat term ' the Superior Court of Beadtort ?unty to bo hold on the eeeood Honl ttMla fM?t t**on*. la tat lM.lw IMMBM Htm| Mi MIM I I ITU tna. okkHi ma ? Ha imM a* Uia avaa i at/iba I M. nktt.Mkrallianr.uu. ii>8l W. A. TBOMMOM, > I nal " " i ? ' " . W?ail L. Hwat aa4 W. A. llama imaii that Iter tan mat a ea-aanaanklt Mr tba ?nelaa af law la tba Bapartor Ooart o< taaafart Caaatr. aaa la tba Hiiina i loait af Nana Carolina. tba KM of HaaaM Ira la Ha "Btaaart * "fcoapaaa. tllanaara at la*.~ MaatH I*. Btaaart will maintain a ottea la Waahfactaa. It. C.. la tba aw * Btmit; W. . Thomson will Maintain aa office in the Jhapln-Wllklnaon building, in Anroa. N. C. Thla the lotb day of January, It. HOWARD L. STEWART W. A. THOMPSON. n . NOTICE, I forbid the harboring or boardag of Isaac Gladstone. ISAAC BUCK. Per B. B. Bcklln. 1-M lw-C i ' ? i i 11 a i.a.i tff| t MULES!* es, Harness and 3 ?des , :s; ./ MM.nSk tW fee 3 *n Hm ExdHBS | Washington, N,C X >0 ^ ^ ^ S51 f an Ad-Read-1 Atove Par!g Its Buying 3 luallyDoubled S in valno ns Aov A power. The man % fies advertisements % > make one dollar o >f two i J ced reader of ad-! ! rays make a dollar | th, as figured^n! dogs. J e par" are the ^bl- j worth? ft will de- J y you study the* s outlined in the | JjB B Business ^ # ? *" *? j? m Jl rr. 0 ? . *?j? yi i fl| *.-, * *-,i,* r ? ?? m t* ' 9 3 iN .., ? MiuUU.^e,, ~1 .? ?--j? 4!*i *\ I ^ ? ? Tttal **? ffcMP, JEaefreaa a MJM a i? ?.? -? m ? a ' O ? a <U : ^sll- 1 *?? ? ? * 6 I Edward L. Stmut, ? Waahlngton. N. tt W. A. TboafM. , Aurora. W. ? MnrART * THOMPUO* . Attorney* at Lur. . ?d Auroi N. C. * m m * ? ?? . . r~z > - J OOLLIH H. HARDDIS Attornoy-nt-Law | Office n*r*ysgo * TnD e* ? *, ? j : Apuav .U * * V TTH ? NORWOOD I_ auMK - * 1 Auornw-?t-L?w - j Wuhtavtoa. N. C 'A ? : 9 LODGE DIRECTORY] CKADPORT (XH'MIU No. IMlA Moots ln?T^ri<>"?""Si Hit N^| (bird Friday evenings each At 8 o'clock. V 1 norm LOIXi*;. No. a. 1 Mr' Charitable Brotherhood. yjH Moeto In Tuyloe'a Hall every Taet^H |8T eveningat 8 o'clock. TAW TYUBE. wo. ia j I. O. II. >1. Meets In Tayloe's Hall every IC?H i day's Sleep 8th Run. ^Spj PHALANX LOOUK. Ne. lC rL o. O. P. Meets every Thursday evening Ml ray loo's Hall at o'clock. | XAOMJ RKBRK AII J.ODGK. No. PAMUOO IXUXJE, Ho. TS. K. of P. ' Sou 19 tholr 9911. upstair*. 3M nor 1 nlon alloy and Main ttrsM very Thursday evening at I ocl?olH ORB LOOUK. Ho. <04. ^|l A. P. and A. M. Mmi In thslr hall, corner Conntg 1 and Third (treats, nrst ul ihhU roeadaya each month at ? p. m. Mi In Masonic HalTnocoad aid I fourth Tueodaye each month at * I p. m. | WASHINGTON I/1IX1B No. Mlef I . It. P. O. R. , Va building. (very Friday erasing at ^ o'ckffn. J

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