I m jK 7 /M H I W w i Hulburl, Ark-, Scene of the IT 000 and S7^f03 In Express road Detects swphts. Twin., -Fob. 7.?A band a I of robbers who hold up a westbound r Hook Inland train near llalbnrt, 1 1 Arhanaaa, early this morning, oecur- t I ixl a (rent deal of plunder The t 1 enact amount In undetermined The i 1 rohhem ranaacked the mall oar, I btouted the express car safe, and I k aoaapsd without molestation. I \ The train's passengers were un- < I disturbed It Is said seren masked < I nioa oemprlsed the a I era terminal of the railroad bridge [a P whlefc ? the HlaMppI river, t The traht left laetnpbla ahortly alter 11 I mMdght. An hoar Mar It cleared t I the trtdce, then a (Mr mlnatee later | < I \ It wan atopped by robbera -wbo Ored ( I \ a twDado of ahota and eat off lateral, I I Vblaeta at an exploalta. Effort. toll I oemmnnicate with the Arkanaaa aide of the rtrar (ailed, aa the wlrea had 1 tL poeedly brithe bandlta. Poaaea ate < w"aeaJ^E^^ajtWbf had happened. ~i i saOcmiR fcCAiE =i ^ BEFORECMinTI al nor*** bA*i ' ^ ) Waabtnatoo, rah. 7.?Farther daI telopmeata In ttd muepedtlre oonai aeataaal lateatlcation or the daV partment of agrieeltere otffclaia' at|p\ - tjhafa toward the.haploltatlofl of the l'"\ Florida Kvarrltdn UnAa. ?<*? ? Nested thle morn Ins with the apl : psiaranee of Solicitor MeCabe before i * the km? committee on expenditures in the department of agriculture. MeCabe defended the department's coarse. Senatorial charges of RepisseslatJves Clark of Florida, and Bathrtek, of Ohio, that through re\ pea In en the drainage situation and I \ that tre department officials enV gineera Elltott and Morehouse were { \ dlamjeeed after refusing to retrac^ j statements unfavorable to the land j V' ^Mi?tors, have created a sensation, cloealy resembling the McCabe-Wiley lonMreyersy. Thousands of acres of,I evprgkdo lands prided at a mi 1)1 on j 1 doUert have been sold over the U. S.: I )>y the promoter^ syndicate.* Thoee ^ demanding Investigation^ insist it will be. ah own the offlcals w?*e remo % eg* leaause they refbsed to mcedo. tmmMt&tftr roporta.on the true ( roafkba o! the everglade lands. AT THE tVRIO. I : / Tlfe featufe attraction at the Lyric j for this evening is the prise draw7 lw promptly at a o'clock. Tho maa' agar hi now oftarln* the oic HoMIMmj the corresponding number \ a peas good for one month. V The picture prograhOb usual. \ eenttnues to keep wlthlfrHts repute-' \ tjon m tome oftfiebeet thet cxn be ofcUteed. Uat even Ins those pree tot pronounced them to be tome of the beet exhibited here. It le e very U rrtrs^-*srs.?5 ( t*a Lyric u, only of tha Mat. " I ' bay paraoo wtahlnc u Mm anI I tartalatooat will Jnd tho dally pro II gttm to M ratrdshlns to tho mind u4 apart from that tkay art a daaa U of Ptotaraa w atoraUaa apd ? euocist . RK ' WQML lUDQdKTnON jawav^^jH^J tr^ iu,,artSa^j?.,1 nor atoatod la Tonawn for thrao I fatadto, annoancad ha woald at and ra-atoaUon. Rartaalrt hla adI^-mtatotratlona Mhtovwaaata ha>ya U yrtta oddlflokal laffltttllan to ^^ajary opao a*loon"to tha it.7. can ha y-m * tJLm I.W .M. . "' ;,: ia a Paid Subscri] TRAIN PRESS CAR SAFE Robbery. Between $60,Car is Missing. Rallies on Trail >>, is most of them were asleep. Two a asked men boarded the train when t cleared the bridge's western er minus. They climbed over the ender. covered the engine crew rith guns,- than the train was haltid The engineer was bound, gaged. then kicked off Into a ditch, 'he fireman at the point of revolvrs, ran the train on several miles, intil the signal was given to atop dongside a campflro where three Iher bandlta waited. The baggage ind mail cars were detached and lurried further Into the country. Yhlle ono bandit hold the sun orer he fireman, the remaining four banlita clambered into the express and nail cars and covered the meeseh;ers and etorks. The bandits ranacked the postal car, blew Open the ixprees safe end then escaped into be darkness. ? ' " J Money consigned to a bank In Oklahoma estimated between $60,>06 and $76,000 Is reported, taken Oom the express car. by the robbers. No arrests were reported up to toon, i CilS HEAVY mi BUIOTERSSOOR Johnstown, Pa.. Feb. 7.?Knocked unconscious yesterday afternoon by 16,000 Volts of electricity that passed through his body, Wilbur Scrudders, aged <$ foreman of the Cltlgens' Light. Heat and fewer company at this place, was carried in the physician's office for dead. He remained unconscious throughout the lflght, work as mu>f*msiplstnlng only of flm-iHitara ?? ? J pair work of someI machinery -whom J ho touch od a charged wire. ROBBKD El NIGHT COURT WIOU HE IS TESTIFYING. Seeking Justice for Theft of Heron Boxcw of Cigars, Dealer Loses New York. Feb. 7 ?Frank Rachiraan, a cigar maker, of No. 145 WIIIoughby avenue, the Bronx, went 1 to the Night Court'last evening with two boxes of cigars. He had caused the arrest of a man he accused of. stealing seven boxes- of cigars, and! brought 4he . other boxes for Identification. He plgced the, boxes on a. table and wglked^to ttfe bench. ' . XfttfT the prisonex* had been held Rechtxaan discovered that his cigars were missing. A long and extensive search was instituted, but without result. % :7 "Can you beat this?" exclaimed the cigar man angrily. "I come to court to complain of a theft of seven boxee of cigars and lose two more while I'm explaining." SP>N BKVKJU.Y w. WRKN.V We .. P"P AX NSW YORK. New York. Re*. 7.?Colonel Beeerljr Wiotred. Wrenn, who .erred ell < through the Civil orar as .aide on thei staff of Oen. Robert B. Lee. died hek-e. last night from tho effects of Bell cute Inflicted white remOTtns e reaor three week. - epo. Bleed rent Its spread bla lac TU amputated teat Saturday. The Colonel, who ?aa IT yean old, lesree three aone and a widow, who la at preeeat IB the Sooth. !; ^ '".J, Col. Wrean waa bora la Calpepper. Va., and Slot eerred with Oen. Jnckaon (y a telegrapher. He wasted more action and be became aa aide to Oeaeral Lee, for whbm, It la 2bX??ZCS?Z& eaae tenia of aurrender. After the war ho waa aaaoelated with Hetry B. PJaat. and was many years general maaaser of the Plant Steamefalp lines. , r. Oeereal Wearer Dred' Dos jfotat*, Ia? Feb. 7.?Oeneral *$kmm B. WMtir, Popoltet candidnU ;for Preeldent In 18??. died al/the home of re la Urea here today. Vj?J waa to years old He had been TU I only a few dale. .< f m. T 1 W I1 = SHINGTON, N6ETH CAB< ption of Any i -? : -w WWW I vv rv : . p? Interstate Commerce Ccr Voluminous Evidence as Comp Washington, Feb. 6 ?One of the moBt striking documentary exhibits ever tied with the Interstate Commerce Commission was submitted topert of the record In the express ratd Investigation. It allows the enormous profits of the nine principal expanse companies, aid undoubtedly will hive great influence In determining What reductions shall be ordered, in the charges. The record shows that the gross receipts of the express companies for the period covered was $795,306,721 half of which was paid to the railroads their share being $397,653,860.66, ! The net profits of the express compenies were $894,068,285 and the totd^ dividends paid amounted to $213,085,392. These enormous profits were made on property and equipment valued on June 30. 1911, at only $26,06G,7U. In addition to the dividends declared the companies hold in thotr treasuries $81,957,893 a large proCOL W. B. ROMAN. . I I. MS TO (BIT IB I . > J | Declaring that Norfolk had.better advantages for handling trade with North Carolina than any other city In Virginia and urging the merchants to eo-operaie with a view to getting that trade even to the extent of taking it away from Richmond, W. B. Rodman, general solicitor of the Norfolk Southern Railway, addressed the Association of Credit Men at their mld-we^t luncheon held in the Lorraine Hotel today. See Norfolk first," whs hie advioe; all pull together; take the fight right to the doot.of Richmond; fight flint ?HTi flint an A tha mnftar r\t th? h?n I Win ?n way/ ?U tha adTtc ha jpnvm ATTRAcnox, Tha Imn attraction (Iraa at tha aehool auditorium. Tueaday aranlas. *ah. i. ha. haan ??? taonaly aotad tha haat of tha aartoa. Tha tryolaan Alain. Slar.r. acore i ,Ur sueceM la every encncexnent. tb? paoplB f r> to EXwBleUtwl In harias the opportunity of tk# moat expo naive and haat ontortalnjiont gtaa by tha Lyaaam ayatam. Tha aploedid aonra randernd by tha Alptna alngora and tha raadlaca by Iftaa Bonwdan waro tha lntaraotini (aataraa of thla attraction. Not maro Intonating aad attract! to, bowarar. than tho rootamaa worn by tha aurora, all la tbafr nation too '.nmaa, a blank rolrot thtrt, with whlta aatln a?ron aad white hnhaaa, ' |8 ' ;'h ' ' S IMS '' EM OKI ' amission Receives Some to Profits of Express antes portion of which, it to alleged. accrued U the reenlt of overcharging the public and dividend* and other fund* whch were not paid, ^aa the dot appear Adame Oompenjre 0*M? Gal* The (roes revenue of, the Adam* e-xpress co. irom May l, 1865. to Juno 30 1911, was $190,616,610; half of which was paid to the various railroads. f The total revenue of the Americas Express Co. from -Nov. 26, 1868, to Jone 30. 1911 was $112,499,044; half of which went to the railroads. For the Wella-Fargo the ?roas) revenue from Sept.* 1, 1870 to June 30. 1911, was $165,213,366; fifty per cent, of which went to tho railroads. The grosB receipts of the Southern Express Co. from July 6, 1861, .to June 30, 1911. were $54,717,01B; fifty per cont. being paid to the railroads. elaborately embroidered in gay colore, white -hose, black shoes and little flat pan hats, they presented a most unusual stago picture. The singers have splendid voices' and the soft xlther accompaniment added much to the melodious echoes of the Yodel songs. The ninth number, "Echoe In the AlpB," scored the,greatest hit of the! evening. Miss Gross In her wonderful "Echo" held the audience spellbo and. I Although the Alpines reigned supreme, not any number was enjoyed' | more than "My Old KenWlfr Home" by the sextette* 8BAR8 TO BACK OP A BABT WITH FOXBb Johnatowo, Pa.. Feb 7 ?Mitt Ford, hooMiMpir for Adam shehta, or NaecbT-fllo twelve mtlea (ram Wis dtr wu committed to Jell IB default of 1400 bell hen (Oder ee e chafe ob the allegatloa that ehe eeared the book of Sheets' thrwarear-old ?a with a hot poker. The Ford wonaa eeid ehe beraed the oh lid to h*ak him of a bahlt. bet did aot kiow the pefcer wae eo hot. Philadelphia. IH. 7?Haiewp Nee* of No. *0t North Fifth eoeet while SB hie war to work thle mfrwltd loaf hU right bead aad did aot know It eatll he get tt the medlnp ebop at Twelfth aad Thompeon ItaJ Where be la emplored ae timekeeper. There otter emploree petated tothe recast eleere aad Naee taieed | lie. He see robed the atresia, hat at eat gate ap la despair The head wee artidctal. v ^^^^3 - * ? P Published ii B^m7T~ pp. . pi I^^Bj gj^^lp^j^nTni' "|.|J ? BW|y ^^IdJf/nflTTTTaBB^' ^ n al u _ I * -a P [411 I $9,000,000 LEFT UNGUARDED. J frlacdd la One-Cent Pieces hi Rand V MiQ Boxes and Souve Stolen. ]t | Washington, Feb. 7.?Darin* the ^ I last year over 300,000,000 one-cent pieces, intended as payment for * Stamps postal cards and money orders were collected by the rural car! tiers from mall boxes in which they ' rd been deposited. Rural boxes, are not safes, and quit? a considerable amount was extracted by persona who are not fear- u ful of the Federal Government. . Postmaster-General Hitchcock sent out a warning today to all those who c receive their xpail through rural car- ?* tiers that they should deposit no poro coins in their boxes. If they * hereafter they should go to the post- tl master or consult personally the carrJer on their ronte. * FROM ROUTE NO. FOL K. > g? The Woman's Guild met at the pi home oP'Mrs. Margaret Cutler on Saturday afternoon. We are still having a nice Sunday " school at the C. B. H., in spite of the cold weather - Come out anxl help V * Claude Congletpn was in our midst Sunday. ILCIcooa IWd nr., I Annln W rial ted friends in Washington lost i ^ wofek. 1 There will be a box party at Piny. Grove school h^me, Saturday night, Feb. 11, for fne benefit of the Union ( 1 Sunday school at that place. Come and ask your friends to come. j1* Mr. and Mrs. Pitman and children of Wilson, arrived here Friday. They will reside at the parsonage of the lha. K. cnurch. . n I Mrs. Gilbert Bright baa returned home after a short visit to friends tl Afcd relatives at Chocowinity, accom- 2 pan led by her sister. Miss Annie tl 'HMML. . .. N Mrs. Cabe Cutler was a Washing- it ton visitor Friday. a Miss Alice Bradley spent Saturday b and Sunday wKh friends st Jeesama. o Glsd to note that J. M. Cotten, b who 1*aa been ill, is much better. Ji MONOPOLY ON ARMY SHOES. C ' a Committee on Expsndltufes WOl hs k vest!gate These Oostncta ' li Waehlagton. Feb. t,?The Ho see todu authorised tte Committee Oh , BxpendlteMe lb the Wer deportment to p> ontaldo of Washington to eoek rldeoee to t^e olleced monopoly of ray shoe oootroota by o Maotcbu. otto msnufncturlnc concern. The ? foct. 1)7 rote of 1(1 to ICE, folio* t, 4 a mml of tbo oountor ekuw i botween Roprooontatlvoo Dlffandorfor, Stoocnt, of Poaosyiraala, ut , Qordner, Republican of ManMbao- , otto which cborocterlsod t preafooo , Homo loot uooo. OAftOUWA HAWK OROBRHD SHUT 1 X lUMch, N. fob. Tbo bank of lobeotxuo, wHb o capltol of ??.#00 today woo ordorod eloood by Uo 1 SUto Corporation Commloolon. Tbo < ttotltoUoa'a capital H In oaM. mm 1 Ua pal rod by bad lappa Tho boob's i rooowrtoo I* 'said to * about ???.- I ?00 , i Eastern Nc SSUBS INJUNCTION ID SI udge Gray Restrains Defei Books and Papers Deslr Washington, Feb. C.?Judge Grey, l the Uitned States Court of the bird Circuit, has issued an inju'ncoa restraining tbe defendants in le government anti-tr"*t suit gainst the United SHtbes Steel Cororatlon from destroying the boosts id papers .desired by the governent. .* The injunction, which is returnee March 5tb, was issued on a potion of Iho Department of Justice hich alleges that several thousand opera and documents which were Bed by the government's criminal rosecotlon of the "wire pool" last all have been destroyed. Tho Injunction, which ia a tempo117 one, ia to forbid the destruction r any other hooka or papers which ie government' may desire In the i atJ-trust suit. One portion of the government's 1 Dtition seems to he susceptible of ; lo interpretation that criminal in- : Ictmenta and prosecutions of ceriln officers of the Steel Corpora- > On and its subsidiaries are under &&eratS62T;'t&*{|fe Department of aatice. i The destroyed supers, it ia ' larged, were 1? a trunk which, with s contents, were delivered on June I 9, 1911', by United States Attorney 1 Mse to Charles McVeagh, general I dlcitor of tp* United Staos Steel orporation, who gave a written freement, it la said, that he would i aep the papers in his personal j rise or his assistants at any time. ] The government, through Henry ] . Cotton, special assistant to the At- j irney General in the dissolution j lit against the Steel Corporation, i igan negotiations for these papers i t connection with the pending pro- < tedinga on/January 26th. I R. C. Boiling, assistant general I rticltor of the tSeel Corporation, In- i irrafed Mr. Colton, It 1s alleged, that j ru eric an Steel A Wire Company aout October 1, 1911, and that all!' le papers had been destroyed by |; rank Beaches, vice president and an pro 1 aaloa o (Ton f tho I i uiy. i The papers, it is charged in the i Dvemment's petition, "contained \ lattcrs tonding to ehow that J. A. arrell formerly president of tiro I nitod States Bteoi Products (ox- . art) Company, now president of the J nlted States .Steel Corporation, no:-. aly knew of Bald unlawful pools : ud combinations described, but he , idod and abetted la heir success-' il operation." li '(HARKE* DISMISSED. ; ' r. Follilove, of Atlanta, Who Killed C. L.yuXcp. f^f Free. Athena, Ga., Feb. 7.?Charges of tarder against Dr. H. MyFuUUovo, rho shot and killed C. L. McKoe in Je lobby of a hotel hero on January 9, Roland Fnllllov?. a hrothor of lie physician, and Colonel Percy liddlehrooks, an attorney and coual of tho Fulliloves, were dismissed t the completion of the preliminary earing in the case tonight. Relatives f McKee will insist that the case be ronght to the attention of the grand ary, it Is stated. Dr. Fullllove killed MeKee, acordlng to a statement by the phyIclan, after McKe* bad refused to save town at the demand of Fulli e who alleged that the former bad Emftrt'ltra.tnlfiltoe. i ?' DERRICK KOMBVATKD TO BOCCVRD BAOON. Washington, Feb- 7.?'The nooi- | Hioo 01 ionuT uowrnor Myron T. tafrtek, of Ohio, to is AmbUMtor ? France. was Mat by PwHut 'aft to the twiti today. He will saceeed Robert Bacon, retfned to bcecse a fellow of Hazard Unlreralty. As effort will be Mde to secare bis immediate ?onflraatlon UDOE WHO OWMMMD M'lUWLKTU RLAm T>K\D > . . . Buffalo, N. *? Mb. I-Tnrnu C. nib, luibii IbUui 4 the B? ir? Coart. wbo |HMun< tt> - * -? ?A ?? - - n irii 1 i ^1 - J nsia oi rnewtM jniuinji oms a this ctty today, follow la* so oyeaUaa. A _ NO. 1M rth Carolina AGIST TEEL CORPORAHQH I ndants From .oying led by the (^S^Tnment Th. paUUoi^ mn th?t oaMftia uch documents are. In teI cnlnent dancer of destruction u I canoe "they are offloera of the Called I ItatM Steel Corporation and iu wt I itdlaries who hare not jot been hI dieted for 4h* practices whelk aold I papers tond to show them entity of, I o-wit: I Of having been Involved la the I kforeeaid unlawful association, and I also because uono of the defendant I companies have yet been Indicted in I respect thereto. . I Through the destruction of the pa- J pers, the petition declares, the government has Buffered "irreparable Injury." j yji In view of the destruction of the - y.il papers, the petition continues, the special asaltant to the attorney general, Cotton, requetsed Assistant General Solicitor Billing, of the car- ? - ,yjjj poration, Peb. 1 last to take appre- > prlate afflrmatlvo action to the end that all papers belonging to the v. $ 3. Stool Corporationj|nd Its sehfti diary companies bo preserved, so that the government might avail Itself of (heir production on the trial of the Case. /Jj "Mr. Boiling has as yot made an rormal reply," It Is addod, "hot indicated verbally to Mr. Colton a parpose of doing what he could to eswply with his request." The petition specifically mention* a number of documents which the government doslree preserved. These It Is claimed,, were presented to the grand Jury Investigation of the "wh* pool" about the same time the liaal Pull of documents were laid before .be lnquisitora. They were "letter* ind papers pertaining to the ao-caHad 'Horse Shoe Manufacturers' Ah- tociation,' In which the Am or lean 3teel & Wire Company was represented by Mr, Taylor, an officer pi / the American Stoel A Wire Com paay, and snsawspondpnna . heUteew . Russell B. Bndda, s&loaman of tku United States Steel Products Oeaipany, and J. A. Parrell, William P ^ Palmer, president of the American Steel ic Wire Company; George A. Craigen, assistant general sale agoac of tho American Steel & Wire Company; a certain Mr. Rummol. U> Taylor, an of Deer of the Amorics* Stoel & Wire Company; Mr. Memman. & sales agent of the Amerclan Bteel & Wire Company; Edwin H Jackson, supervisor of.the v.a:uub associations, and Louis V. Hubbar*. a partner of Jackscu and assistant - ;',S supervisor of several of the uaaaciaTKXAS ML'RDKB CASK. Three Wealthy Pnraora Involve* w Trial In Which "Unwritten Law** Will Figure. . Fort Worth, Tex., Feb. 7.?Three of Texas' most wealthy and proatf- . ne&t families, are involved in the rial, beginning here today, of Joint B Snccd, accused murderer of Cap- * . tain A. G. Boyco mfllionairo banter. } 1 The "Unwritten law" will figure con- '"4B aplcuously in tho trial. The hilling was a sequel to the elopement of Wt. Sneed'a wife with Captain Body**, sonh forecast that much of the defense will be laid on the claim that the elder Boyce aided In the romance.. All Texas la lined up oao side or the other. The trial Jury war completed Saturday. BEAfflS TRIAL OOBT THIS STATE SS.TST.M Richmond. Va.. IM. J.?Sufttor Watklaa today offurod a bUl dlroot III* tko auditor of public account* to. pa* fl.Tn.il lor Nutria! of tko tamoua Baattlo audtr mm la Ckaotoraold county laat Aa*uat. Tko bflla hat* auTor boon paid kacan** tkoro waa a* prouMoa la lur " tor oo data*. ; ' 3J TO rowsm ' to? Waaktactna. Pok. 1.?La*talaUoa to (loo to tko Prioldiat ad dad powor to folly protoct tmtrlmou aloa* tko Max loan outkroak at kordor polata It I ky atakm of tkoftproKa rfntrn 91 wgJ JH