r,, L 'in 1 laim is P WMhingtott. Feb. 8.?-While* 30.009 mon, wonMD and children mill w?l?n at Lawrence, Mas*.. were ont af *oyk because of a gtrlko to prevent a cut In their $6, $7 and $8 a week wages. Mm. Kvelyn Walsh McLean, mother of the babj that la v hair to $100,000,000. gave a 135.04* dinner to fifty Kueata at Waahington, the nation's capital. The hoataaa at this banquet wore dlamonda that actually cost more than ha|f m million dollaya. la her ' hair >u dlspLyed the "famous'' ? Hope diamond which cost tlHO.000, , and at her throat-another wtdelj celebrated Rem, "8tar of. the Meet,'! which was, eren larger than the Hope ^diamond.' f { ?* " The oo? per piate at the McLean I ; " dinner wps |[TM'. One Item In the k ezpeane waa 4.000 yellow lilies Imported from abroad at a coat of It / c - - . One of the highest petd mill workera at Lawrence would base to work 80 jware to receive tho coatiof that banquet. The earnings ol"* doscn \ Lawreneo workers for half a century * - woalg not ban purchased the gome worn by Urn. McLean, k Lawrence , worker would Wo to labor *?. years to pay for the yellow lUleo alone, b I. Tkb strike of the men, women end If ohU*en at Lewreace. and the IT00 H a Ihb dinner In Washington, la a F, striktag example of eoadtthma exlst" leg nader our system of exceeslre protection In the ywar of oar Lord 1?1I. Neither the Lawrence strike nor the IKr.OOO McLean dinner are . rloepOea. They era bnt samples of \\'ti9sK&i&d lf ***** P6np,tted pi eye* are now on strike at Lawfdaee wM arrested for knocking down and running orer a pedestrian with his automobile, f When arraigned In court he was asked how man? automobiles he owned, and he replied he V didn't know. Imagine a man so rich 'llMpfctt know how many antes he Fortune* which make It possible foe en? woman to wear a half a million Hollars' worth of diamonds at a. f .CLfslHlSSlONERS DUE A 1 i ; STRDY OF FISft DISEASE - - - ' fll?lii P?rt?K Year o( itffr'Aa I * ' \ Washington. D. C.. Feb. 8.?1 n'"V Yflftigntion of a tumorous disease In A ciflt/Unted fisheries ( which extensively affect* salmon tdae, ^ especially trout raised nnder domestication, were conducted almost continuously throughout the fiscal year 1911 by the bateau of fiaherles. department of commerce and tabor. In Corn*?, mlasioner Bowers' current ti&nual rel port It la stated that a point has \ bees reached which Indicates that \ the source of the infection or other . * ' cause of tho disease has been local-; lsed, nnd thin mesne the first Step la the formulation of manures required for I to eradication in the hatoher .tea It la ntljl too otrlr to (XitMi a T definite opinion, but If the present 1 indicatlona should be supported bp s further reueuToh, it sppeuru prcbtbih Y that the uro?tlwfU result In n rtf.. ronsidershlo inetag to ths burssu W - Meting .postlble n reduction In the . rodrtsPty afuopg artificially hatched . sfble rsUUonnblft of tho fines i to I > onejegoos effect ions of human boJ 'tines nothing ooneltisleo son bo tated. During the your tho burssu ben , ut made Ineeetigstlon of noeprnl fish epidemics and numerous experiments on the effects of rarloua Industrial wastes and pollutions on fish ' i W , -r-r ' 11 Worker Would Have to t of the McLean Banquet, a Tax -ono time, and which enables m man to posaeen so many automobiles he canne^keep track -of them, necessarily come through the power to place a price on the things which the ooramon people most hare In order to 11*. ' It In almlflrnnt In rlila nnnnaollnn that the tariff. the coat of Ilrlng, 1700 a plato dinners?everything but tba worktngmsn's wagee?have Increased band la band, remltnt tbda Intimate retatlOnsbtp of one (o the other. SB? . ?5 V.. Profits or Bear Trwat. The beef treat packers declare that during the joara 1*07. 1008. ISO* and 1*10, their net proOta front fresh meat were only one-eighth of one oast a.pound. K- n: Ip 1907 the retail prt'co of freah meant waa from 11.8 to 18.1 par cant higher than In 1900. while the price of cattle declined In that parted from 192.4 6 to 181.63. And while dreaaed j beef waa half a cant a pound dearer ! In 1*10 than In 1*0*,' thh price of beeves waa lower, declining from 19 per 100 pounds In 1*0* to *7.6K In 1*10 V Ad* aalf respecting sow, saga the New fork World, had the right to wpnder who got the extra difference between bar price on the hoof and her pries dram it. Tariff b a Tax. ' The word "tax" should ho substituted for the word "tariff " The people weuM than aadecitand the question batter. Power people would then accept the protectionist theory that the dm* for them to Increase their prosperity would be to Increase toad of "tariff would bo to make the protection .appear .rldlcalous to the earner. Instead of aayixg 11 the '/tariff on wool," it would bo bet- I tor to say "the wool tax," or "the agar tax" or "tbo implement tax," "the sewing machine tax," etc. Thb word tariff.is a deceiver. . But the people know what Ux U. They know they "pay it IherhseTvSB. "The word tariff t?? a certain ring to It that sounds like It was paid by some third party. A' *f according to a statement sent by his publisher to Mrs. Car?lyn FroVert, later and heir- of the -author, $fr. PhlUlpa> royalty contract#constitute bd practically, his entire $*ofeerty.Jfo1 bad Qd real estate, hie personal prop-' erty wpa worthy more than $*00 ^ and JUs Hnh account nmoUqtfcd to w+rv ' ; ; ? 'M- ' . I - . V.*, I , . PHILADELPHIAMONET IN SI*IT. ( Woman Want* Part of Legacy Left i \ '< by Doctor Brans. j New Yor*, Fob. 8.?Justice New- i burger began hearing testimony to- : day In tho suit of Mrs. Lillian B. , Leavltt to recover $7,600 from the l state of Thomas B. Euos, who received H6.000 for hla_share of the > estate of Dr. T. W. Evans, formerly i of Philadelphia, the ^entlst, who rescued the Princess Eugenie from the fury of tile "Parisian "mob following the defeat of Napoleon III, at Eadan. Bnos was a distant relative of the NMfct Wfcen Do^tpr Evans died Enoe wanted a loan and assigned $7,600 of what die was to receive from the Evapa estate to Leauitt, who was then the wldolr of JosepQ m. irrwdiiwr, * VMilkT llui mtaoftetmr.' ** " *': SSJBS^SVS got m^klnc this aaalgnmant, and that, aa lh? whola tranaicttftn was aaurloaa' and rtfU. tha aaaHnmant eauat ha anforoed. cams am bisnncBcrm> - v\ amd kjkioatzp. Oarbts to tba pravalaaee oj Bmall^ ijta Dr. a* chtaf aurcaoa ot tha road.' la | In lh port tftklOf on atOM. ^ . " NGT< WASHINGTON. NORTH O ption of Ani hw \ X \ ' uwrmu. mt>- ' < * mWm EL FIGHT rnmrn SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY **w$ggr~* MERIT WILL NOT COUNT RANK AND FILE OF*TffB LIFERAVING CREWS NOT TO BE CONSIDERED ? CONGRESSMAN f SMALL'AGAINST CHANGE. -V . ... : * ' ,r. Washington, Feb. 8.?Much eon sern exists Jn tho Lif slaving Serv-j lco over the recent action of Assist- j ant Sedrotary of the Teraavjry $L. O. | Barley-in Dotting anoffleer of the I revtnue cutter service in entire 1 charge of tho'^New Jersey Life-Sav- ] l?S District and tnnp unci ng that hecontemplates tho .same procedure as 1 Vacancies pcchr In the superintend-1 of the Q&er life-savln& dis-jj tricts of th e country. '.The custom baa been to select the superintendents ofc tho various lifesavlns districts by competitive ex-1 amlnationa among the keopers of tho | stations in the districts aa vacancies | wo crtated by death, disability, or J resignation. At the samo time, an I officor of the revenue cutter service I has been assigned to each district as I "assistant inspector." The New JerBey order consolidates tho offices of luperlntendent and asalat&nt Inspector under one officer, to be choson from the revenue cutter service and designated aa Inspector." Appropriations for the pay of the life-sAvlng aunperintendonts are mad? In th? .nmlrr elm. btu.. Repr?- [ Mntatlv? John H Small Of th? rir.t ' North Carolina dl.trtct, haa arranged wR> th? chairman of.th? appropriation. cnmailt?, of tho *fow> tor a hoarlnr. with la th? p?pt f.w' wki. SHSSir Bailor la IncHnad to adapcata, COM k. (Mr. Small) Mp^ U*t It would tend to loluro th< llfwo.rlug ?errtee by demoraliilM the per mmI wad laaeenlng tin ?ffectlreHW of tU.wort ,JJ L . , ?f ?. - V f, *? . Ptruft IK am. d.^,r^,ir?r2o^ Mixoa'a (Uaat, on Wort Bacoad atreat. Mr. Mylar waa ?n-roule to Botlkwron and Colombia to All bla regular appointment? aa praaldln^ ?ldar Of Kllaabeth City dfatrkt. Ha waa la fine kaalth and aplrlta and man wsrmly^reotnd ty a number ot hia S OFI^ TO THE RISING' , 1 TT*~ = OFFERS NtCEIPRIZES f K FOR BEST .ESSAYS 1 I ; ? Html* Board of Hoaltb WOl fee to- A soya io Find Ont Wbat the afle Person Knows About, - - Different' Heolth Habjecta. - W'~"a Prises ms offered for the best ee- tl ays os th? following subjects: fl; Hookworm: Two prises. Beet a essay written by one between 16 and of 21 years; $6. Best essay written by m one nnder 16 years; $6. Bi Work and Opportunities of Coun- al ty Health Officials: Two prises. . Best it essay written by'ony one between 16 and 21 years; $6. Best essay writ- gj ten by any one under 16 years; 65. tf The Use of Food in the Body: Two 1b prises. Beet essay written by any m one between 16 and 21 years; 66. b] Best essay wrltted by* any one under pi 16 years; 65. |w The Accomplishments of tho | -junior uivjc League: First prtie; pc J10. (Information will be given by af Mrs. J. H. Kimball, Greensboro.) in The prises are ottered by cSd dtato d< Board-of Health, under 'Dr. W* S. a< Rankin, Raleigh; The Hookworm in Commission,^ under Dr. Jno. A. Ferrell, Raleigh; The N. C. Denial clety,' under Dr. J. W. Stanley, Pres. WQotBgObn Th/ Civic Department of the N. C.' F. W. <3., under Mrs. J. a H. Kimball, Greensboro; The Houae- a| hold Economics' Department, under g3 Mrs. H. Oettlnger, Goldsboro. ! fo Information: ' For information!^ and literature write Dr. W. S. Rank-'g. In, Stato Board of HealthRaleigh, ^ or Mrs. W. N. Hutt, Chairman of the y Health Department $1. C. Federation w of Women's Clubs, Raleigh, N. r. w SUNDAY SCHOOL CAMPAIGN. W VI Plan Met With the Approval of Con- -M vention Delegates. re New Orleans, Feb. 7?A continent Gi wide campaign In the Interest of the 8unday school, as proposed by b< Marion ^Lasfrence, of Chicago, general secretary of the World and {n- C ternatlonal Sunday School Assoclation, met with the enthusiastic ap- , proval today of . the general seat*- CI I tarlee, field workers and officers of the associations in oonfrrahnis hers, -tb A committee was appofeteiMMM- ai skier plans asd to rept& at toon* m nterS session. "May's program pph* di vide^ for jaestlngs of the various ti, loommUtess for the purpose of dfe- g? cussing routine business. ? as * ' 1 " ? 1 v,- * wni UBUit* on ?UB srt* P, hit* 'A?ru? Hociet*officer* havwfbi declfidV mbelldon the ? their homed headquarter. In the W financial dtotrict. o Cablecrame from J. p. Morgan. M controlling Btoehholder, were the main factor la the ?eetaton. Work on the new tMftr-etorr at r act ore will be etarted within thred montha. II AJLY OON, FEBRUARY ?. 191 Published \ SUN | M SAYS IS NOT ; EVOLUTIONARY PROTECTOR mericans Who Invest in Revolutionary Movements Must 'Paildle Srhelr Own Canoe. * Washington, D. C. Feb. 8?A merlin cltlsens who Invest In revoluonary movementa cannot expect to ad the United States government ii*a ill* m i urtu? vestment*. This was contained In note today addressed by Secretary State Knox to the German governent through Ambassador Von srnsterff. A copy of the note was bo sent to France. Great Britain, aly. Japan and Russia. While the declaration dealt wciflcally with the Chinese Situaon, It established a principle that regarded as a long step toward the aiqtenance of international peace, r shotting off In great measure the ocurement of funda with which to age war. Secretary Knox, In felicitating the >wers on their adhesion to the rreement of Joint'action in China, tlmatod that muhh good* might be irlred If all the powers should lopt the chief prlnclplo laid down this notp. KXTKRTAINKD AT CAKDH. Mrs. Walter Wolfe was hostess to delightful Bridge party yesterday tornoon at her home, Mrs. Marret Hoyt's, Market street. Tables r twelve guests were arranged. Iter many rounds of the interesting ime, was played, a delicious foururse luncheon was served. St. tlentlne decorations were used and are vory attractive. Those present ere: Mesdnn/eB Leary, John D. Gorham, . R. Taylor of Wilson. Missus orthington Maryland. Elizabeth ayo, Adeline Mayo. Elisabeth War1 n, Mattle Loughinghouso, Mattlo rifiln Mary Wright, Francis Lacey. Mrs. J. I. Leary won the prize, a tautlful cut class candle stir** ITKCHE8 WILL ADVERTISE LIBERALLY IN NEWSPAPERS. , v ? " ' ilcago Dally Newe, Joeephus Chicago, Pab. 7.?Inveetlgmtlon of a relation between the newspaper id tha eh arch, nndar way by a comlaelon of newapa.per man under tha reel Ion of tha man and rallyton na>aal congreae will raanlt In tha meral una af nawspapar adrerttalng aoa by chnrcbaa. It la announced r a mam bar of tha eommlealon. A aaa agent, or rather a director of ibllc policy. K waa predicted, would > need by many congregations Among tha maa oa tha oommla. Norm, of the Washington Star; sorgo B. Dealer, of the Dallaa Novo Dallas Tom, and q|hw>., jV onm IB MARBT \CV.. Mr. Vbn Altman and Mtoa UlM Powora woro qaietlr married at o'clock yeeUrdaj afternoon at the "M of the brlde'a ghrenta. Mr. and ro. Washington Powers, on Wait bird Street, Her. Mr. Broom offfcttn*...' _ ? ** Jj - - . * l?& . ' ' ' ' NEW 2 In Eastern Nc m IM Miss Swanner Running a ( Counted by Judges and M First Grand Prise. $400 Piano. Second Orand Prise. 3-plece Bedroom Suite. Third Grand Prise, One Oak Sideboard. Second Prize. District No. 1, Diamond Ring. One to Each District. K is all over; even the shouting;, and the contest recently conducted by the News Is ancient hlBtory, as far as voting goes. The ballot box closed at 10 A. M. and the votes were counted by the judges. Messrs. Sam Etherldge,.Sam Hardison and Henry Moore last evening, and the following standing of votes was rendered. The management of the contest wishes to thank the public in general for the support given during this i race and especially the judges, who so kinly consented to making tho final count. I till Mil FBI! Hi .> i * The local bar met yesterday and set Jk calendnr for February term of Court, which begins Monday the , Ntlhe of the cases In which Judge Bragaw has formerly appeared as i counsel, were set for trial. The calendar Is as follows: ] Monday, Feb. 19th;?James L. Mayo va H. L. DawBon, Jeptba Brlnn i vb Belhaven Lumber Co., John A. Moore vs Qllbert Bonnerr, James B. Allen vs Ch&llle J. Allen. 1 Tuesday, February 20:?H. D. Stiller ? w. A V. R. R. Co., M. V. J Jones vs W. A V. R. R. Co.. J. J. Cutler vs Gallford W. Dixon. J Wednesday, February 21:?J. J. Clark vs Receivers of H. & 8. Ry. a |Co., Eureka Lumber Co. vs John R: | Farr!son, R. & P. 8. R. R. Co. vs W. H. Albert and others, Howard WJndficld va J. W. Jefferson. ? Thursday. February 22:?Geo. P. Plltey vs Joptha Brinn, J. T. Tuten v vs W. U. Tel Co. J Friday. February 23:?C. E- Jef- Z jferson va W. S. R. R. Co., S. T. Sparitaw vb B. B.'"Tate, Traccy Morr!*^LC jCo. vs <A- B. Jorns. W. E. Patrick va "" ,W, A. Cratch, S. L. Crist et al., vs ;N. C. R. R. Co ( Monday, .February 26:?H. B. Ji Stllloy vb S. R. Fowl? & Son, H, B. Stllley vs S. F. Fowlo & Son, Eureka C Wilkinson vs Geo. L. Swindon, Administrator. Gertrude Shavender. vs c Geo. L. Swindell, Administrator. Tuesday. February 27:?F. H. I Waters va N. 8. R. R. Co.. P. E. Hull vs N. 8. R. R. Co., E. E. Green et al., a vs Miller ft Bullock, Mutual Machine Co. vs Foster Jar vis ot al.. Mutual 0 Machine Co. vs Foster Jarvis et al. Wednesday, February 28:?A. O. r Speacer vs G. A. and Pula Spencer, G. A. Ndll vs J. T. Osborne et al., 8bort Lumber Co. vs A, M. Harris. 3 Thursday, February 29?Trusteee Baptist church vs J. Havens et al., ^ R. H. Paul vs W. ft V. R. R. Co.. HInner Mfg Oo. vs Surry Parker, Hlner Mfg. Co. vs Surry Parker, D. > L. Arey Diet. Co. vs Mutual AM HarUng Cn ft t. V^umr-a** ? boro Lumber CO:, Bonner 4 ,8tyron v John A. Moore and wife. Friday, February SO:?Howard Windfleld t? 31 Guilford, 8. Fleming c t4 N. 8. R. R. Co., I- O. Caten ra L. < M. Blakely. Bark of Belfeaoas W. < D. Morrlaon et aL, Oscar Wolf re 0. a J. Bertbel. Spencer Broe. re A. C. L. R. R. Co. J Jae. McCoy te W . L. Welle. 1 Sarah Sorrow n Mu Moan h n. t Niul* B. Bill, MU. n Joahua Ntabola. I Victoria McCUftrtr w Otto * Ciitrli. : . 11 Carol laa Waatoa ac al rs BrooMi < * Charry. John R. Parr? ? Moaaa Bimpaoa . ;cKy;r'-^rii!'m Carroll Caaoa ra Sarah X Caaeo. i IBank* Latabar Oa. It - :9 ?rth Carolina msr mm my , Zlose Second. V/ 'oa are rlnners Named 'i"hem The conf" Jj|h**e done epieadid ? wo' jp -ne votes show and 'A each i deserve the prise they have wor Following is the' standing of the votes with the winners, as announced by the Judges: District No. 1. Mies Olivia Jordan. 1.43jfl First Grand Prlxe. Mies Lillian Swanner. 1,296.025?. /*?l& D la to en J Ring. Miss Mary Shaw, 1,018.065 ?Gold Watch for District No. 1. Mlsa Madeline Ellsworth. 52G,?v# District No. 2. Mrs. Marion Mayo. 801.000? . ? \ 1 Second Grand Prize. * Miss Rena Rowe, 4 80.COO?Geld Watch. District No. 2. District No. 8. Miss Lacy Wolard. 445,70*-Thlrd Orand Prlxe. Miss Alice Woolard. y 422,10? ? Gold Watch, District No. 3. District No. 4. Miss Leta Cartwright, 340.2 75? -ftfl Gold Watch. District No. 4. -j% ???????==?=??==== t'; Mrs. E. F. Long and others ?? Davenport & Bo wen ,V* Mrs. E. F. Long and others v* Bow en & Duke. P. A. and J. T. Nicholson vs Eureka Lumber Co. . tv. ??(t/ m nl. t? (.DBS. w. ' j| Which ari et al. Foster Jarvia and wife v? Octavius Uonner et a!. Dinkfl Jarvia va W. R. Jarris. . !jj Franklin R. Williams va J no. and \jnarlth To tor.. ^ f ,|M^v Isaiah Bishop va E. C. Boomer Eureka Lumber Co. vb Jno. R. Harrison. E. S. Corey va Carolina I in provenent Co. 'tjl In Re Will of Laura A. Simpson Western Mfg. Co. va W. O. Wind-- ' Pamlico Grocery Co. va Heub-n dorr is ar.AyJos. Hodges Ida E. Tn%npaon et al. va Jonaii ; ^ ennetto et al. W. J. Jackson va. Harris Hdw. Co nd Miller. Caroline Lewis va Harvey Mo?r?-. ? Crystal Ice Co. va Hill & Jobnaoa Western Mfg. Co. va H C. Mnf Southern Ex Co. vs Southern laeot. Co. Jno. Eiannagan Buggy Co. va fr. >. Morrleon. J. C. Meckina Jr.. vs Winnke Aref !?. et al. Isabella Clark vs. David H. Price. Oscar Wolf va C. J. Bartbel. E.- M. B. Warren vs CUy of Wa*h agton. ''$3 Elizabeth E. ctbbn vs Wr*i. U Hbbs. Elizabeth E. Gibbs va Win. T* ilbba. E. A. Brady and wife vs Geo. i.? Jail. Rouen llempBtono & Co. vb Stand .rd Lumber Co. - , 11. U. iS.Wii IV ?U. w ad??and& then. John McMurry vs Rachel McMnray. Donate Collins vs Florence Collin* Clark Smith Co. va Jos. ITnttinu " nd wife. Isabelle Fields vs J. H. Jones and V. D. Grime*. Geo. O. Morton vs N. 8. R. R. Co. Bute ex rel Fred Kelly ?. B. B. rtcholson et al. Oakee Mfg. Co. vs 8. W Wilkin on ft Bros. _?g. Washington, D, C.. Feb. S .?North Carolina postmaster* appointed to- 'JO m: (Hlbreath Lohw, A. Bobbin. Illbraath. vtoa C. L Robaraon, MOrapa Croak. William B. Johaaoo. lea M. O. Johnoaa. rwlgnad; LMBte. Oku B. Jehaaoa, ?M A. H. David on. ramoaad: Waaanlah. Jaaaa K. 'onaell, vtoa H S. Hohon. inljiil izzm iii The prayer meeting In Nicholson 11>e lest night was largely attended nd the Intereet was very eaconra*ng. n-e Vrr r**H ^ n* Mr V. F. Reetoe's heme ee the evening o. <1 moar. rak^lith, at ?:*0 o-eloek > i?*?i?- j# ' . Raa. W. W. Morton at tUcluaaad. syse ?m* *?*

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