mONW rBOBVGB MAB1CT I _ ".. .? I Map**, Will M. I . ? ? 4k | tata**^?.. .-.iic ft?\ ll^cud 15c I ' '? > Ikte. ?i lie to S0< ; B, ' iwki Sc to 10r H*l?p Bftte. ?Mk se? to B0< I ta tat 11*11. per !?'. 14c fev ?Jt Hill. per & lie ky llih^ Qwi por W 4c to Cc J^L taP. $1.80 l Immm Me Ud S7e ] INat. (m (Mb tam 15c ] ^ 1. tarry 10c to 14c ] Ita. fer ta 70c \ 1 I B M g Ed To hare your home cheerful as it Is dark and A easy. Hectric Lights will make it cheerful. It is cheap and safe. A postal card will bring our representative who will ' , erplitn its many merits. WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PLANT Oliver THE ISO. II JAMES OLIVER [ SULKY [' PLOW 1 Tbe best sulky plow you can buy. s The plow and dri? ' ,ver are earned J sfong, not dragged I We want you to be car1 ried. Come in und let I ia show yort all the good I |iuii<^ am this ptcno and I you toiO he carried away I lckh it- Simple con' ' strudbtm. light weight. E I maty draft, durability | ami pet feet Work, butt's Nail Jam Oliver Sulky Row ?_?c?rifr wy iwrjn^, 4&T -ivvnini ? mirmrl I' UC6L XIX U PASS IIOUIRY lt:'' Mvcrirnmcn !. Rw JAotUULfcl) Ooatfeeeoe <VMH*^*A?* Ratog ASbar rtata OMMn OouMn todaj tha |?Ucoa of all lmtantato wxjmrm with laapact to tha knun at HMh fruiki ink boa tranaport*Uan arnica. Information ha* rmilnfl tke commie* Inn Uwt auj carrier* are violating tha law In that regard. Indication* are that offending carrier* may be obliged to face prosecution. IBIS IS A VERY nnnman nicrnn ruruLAn nidiun By HJh Pool Shooting Proclivities He Hm Added Tweaty-foar New Memben. Spokane. Wash., Feb. 9?When members of his flock discovered that Frank E. Whitman, pastor of the Hope Congregational Church, of Newport. Wash., played pool In the billiard halls, they complained to the Congregational ministers of Spokane and asked for an Investigation. The hearing disclosed" that the preacher was the champion pool player of the town, and business men threatened to withdraw their support from the church If he was removed. The investigating committee has recommended that the pastoral relations be continued and twenty-four new members were added to the church rolls. MUST HAVE PURER PATENT MEDICINES HrwUo BUI Puts Them Under the l*nr? Food and Drug* Art. Washington, Feb. 9.?A bill flaring all propietary medicines under the Pure Food and Drags act was favorably reported to the Senate this I afternoon from the Committee on! Manufactures. It carries Into effect the recommendations made by President Taft in a special message to Congress. It also conforms to the recent decision thai patent medicines were not covered by the Puje Food and Drags act. Senator Galllngcr introduced a bill intended to effectually control patent preparations and prevent any adulteration or misbranding of drug ingredients. The standard for strength, quality and purity indicated on the label muet he maintained. >. NOTICE TO REDEEM LAND. To John Sparhawk, Jr., and the heirs at law or Devisees of Joseph R. Tatum, Deceased, and of Rachel Robertson, Deceased: f You, and each of you, are hereby notified that if. a ^ile of reafc estate for non-payment of State and County taxeB, mado by the Sheriff of Hyde County, on the first Monday in May, 1911, I became the purchaser of all of that tract of land in said ?ounty alleged to belong to John 8parhawk, jr., and to tne jieirs at law or devisees of Joseph A. Tatum, deceased, and of Rachel Robertson, deceased,; which land la the same conveyed by John Hall to Joseph R. Tatum, by deed dated April, 29th, 1800, duly recorded In the Register's Office of Hyde County, part of which was also conveyed by said Joeeph R. Tatum to Rachel Robertson, being all <*1 the land owned by any of. the parties above named or referred lb In Hyde County, all of whom are hereby notified that unleaa redemption thereof la made within one year from the day of sale, I will be entitled to a deed tor said real satate me prescribed by law in such rases. Said claimants are further notified that the .amount required to redeem the sine k ton* Hundred kt hiiireiu Dollar,, which amonat lnrclodca the penalty and costa authorised by law This rebraarr, lot, i?it. (Signed) WALTER JONB8 2-9 twks-C KOTKW OV HAIdf ' \ By vtrtoe-of the power ed male eon talned la a Dead of Trust, to me assented by Bd Moose and wile. MMa Moor., oa Jmlr ink. 1MI red daly mordad <a tka lahla'i Oflcc at ktaM'Wktr ta Book / - , ... * . * Mooter. the 11th dor or aurch, Xtl*. for en* to tte hi*hoot Olddor. that tot or poreol of land In the toon of Anroro, North Corollas. assented os tollsvo: Bontnolno In tho oootor of Chopin Stroot ot J. W. Chopin's North.sot cornor thence North IS Wont It* fordo with tho contor of Chopin Stroot; thoneo. North 1 Mont it forte; thoneo, south IS Boot IT* forte; thoneo. Sooth 3 Wool is rarte to tho hodnnlns. baton tho soma lot eon to rod to Id Moorw br N. M. Harden bf daod dots* Jonuorr lsj. ltll. recorded la the lUgUUr'a Office of Beaufort County la Book lit. Page 11. to which reieraace la hereby made. Thla th? 8th day of February* 1818. HARRY MclIULLAN, Trustee ** 1-8 4wk? SHELBY WANTS A NEW RAILROAB WW Make Strenuous Efforts to Get Proposed Ida# Prom Lenoir > to Bhekby. Shelby, N. C.. Feb. 9.?Shelby la planning to make a concerted effort to secure the proposed railroad front henolr to Shelby. rl* Morgan town, and letters are going to Mr. Frank Llnney, attorney of the GrandlIn Lamber Company, who says there la a strong probability of the road being built. It will be remembered that a short time ago the Grandin Lumber Company consummated a million dollar lumber deal, by which it took orer large tracts of rlrgln forests In Caldwell. Watauga and Wilkes conntles, and it was stated that this company wopld build a lumber road from Lenoir to Wilkeeboro and possibly Into Tennessee. FAMOUS LECTURER HERE ONMONDAY NIGHT Ho". J. G. Woollcy, of the AntiSiloon Lcapie Will Addreee a Meeting In the Court House at 8 O'clock. The citizens of this city will have an opportunity Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the court house, of hearing Hon. John O. Woolley, lecturer of the National Anti-Saloon League, also author, statesman, and orator of International "fame. Since participating In the recent State Convention In Raleigh, he la touring eighteen North Carolina cities and Is speaking to packed houses. Some one describes him as "a lay preacher, with a message to the Christian citizen.", The several pastors of the city will announce from their pulpits, tomorrow Mr. Woolley'o appointment, and it 1b confidently hoped that Washington will accord the distinguished visitor and sppakpr a reception surpassing, if uossible. that given htm by any other city. After spending the Sabbath in New Bern, ho and Rev. R. L. Superintendent of the North ^Jarolina Anti-Saloon Iweague, will arrive here Monday | forenoon and^may be found during their sojourn at the Hotel Louise. Let everybody hear Mr. Woolloy, and all who can seek the benefit of a personal Interview with him: ADI>IH(X) CLUB HOI.DB ITS RBGUIi^R MEETING. The Addlsco Club held an unusually full meeting on Friday afternoon, with J. T. Lawson. In the absence of the president. Mrs. D; T, Tayloel presided with her usual dignity. After the preliminary business. Items, sic., the Club had the pleasure of hearing & fine paper oh the "Golden Age of English Literature." by Mr,. J B. Sparrow! The writer gave an interesting account of the first translations of the English Bible and especially of that which Is still most used In the King lames version. . She seated -Lord Macau ley's grm mark Arttftffr "A book which, if everything else In our language hould perish, would alone suffice to dhow the whole extent of Its beauty ind power." 'in speaking of England's grant dramatist, she gave an vrtremely apt description, a Greek ipl.eth. applied to" h'iri fy'T'eijridc** vss served wtth s most delightful !'. *. . .... " Waahlocton, B C.. Fab. f -iw. U Ilia tKM she WH tha paraonal ropre- M aantattoa of th. boat oa a ary.-r^irn; "tnrhay blot" aad .Hollar dancaa. D atyllatily rownod woman dlrtn* bar tl nana at Mary U. Inline, waa arraatad a. .h. trtad to gain .atraaaa ? to tbo Wblto Hoaaa today. C Tba apparant dimity of tba womaa. who praaontod bar card and daelarad that, aba bad as appolntmaat M wttk tba Praatdaat raaardimt Rod |' Craaa aaattara, foroataltad at *iwt tba . Y 'I want to aat orarybody lntoraatad In the cntnde'rn waging titlait I tbla war? of crlma," aha finally ax- M platnad. a Mia. Braklna waa aaat to tba a OTrpffi^rre'l lp_^_ Ij^l Bid. Kirk filled hla raaolar ap- ? polntment at Epheeone on the fonrth Sender. - ? J. U Latham la erectlna a tenement house on his tar* aaar the month ot Blouats Creek. rl - Peter I. Hill and Mlaa Ada U Cat- t] ler were married on the fourth Bun- ". day. at the home ot the brlde'a a) father. pd Meam. 8 win dell and Fulford am at making raady to oparato a aelne at Si Hill Point . | a) I. B. Ecklln la making Imp rose- pt KMC Reputation means a raattressei and pillow "" T inside them unless yx And they must contai sanitary stuffing if th< dean and At to spend the night,-on The reputation we have back of every pillow and our mattresses are like I iness and our pillows are a narcotic. Come In a prices will pjfase you SOUTHERN C/?c 7>facafrr(. washing "Fire's . / TdEN comes the matter of insurance. Yon get out year policy and note tee company in which you are insured. Certain oiiefiinfis aknnlri rw?fr arias* /* you at such a time. You ahould not be worried b qoeftion of whether you are lnaurec thcfcp You ihould not "be worried ov t^ueftroo of wbetber the company ca You ahoold not'' be worried b queflion of whether'you have had < protection tb cover ybur loo. ^^lwiltitioh w^artford**. & proper proportion of insurance to cai X* '!^S SO w. o. i?M wt to Cktaaaf t." " wIlTCo'n | tin t. 0. CaUa?. A. P. BOA.I .v*j"; ?* . * "1 ' . ""? t /.' GKT6 m HA1BKD. I 1 Suffolk. Va., rub.- i.-*Tbo JUT. *.1 . Maw. who on Sunday proochud 1 inn on IMINM la ulirj at $300 I paw loot might hp tha official board I tha church. H* *111 rpcaira $1.on. Though ao official aaaouncalaat *aa mafia, tha praaataptlon la hat tha Rat. Mr. Xaitjr sot tha Ipraaaa bacanaa of 'tha aarmop on taelas. lOliUPYIfiRBMM Paducah. Kp.. Pah ?.? Frae rnarasa cartlOeataa ara ogarad bp Co an ' Clark Staslatoa to all (lrla to lackaolTa Porchaaa" who will maka Mdarlt upon application that thar opoaad to thair flaaoaa Th'a offar anda, the dark aan, until FVbrnarj ?th. Ho la dolus It 111 a lasdable root to ancotrtaso leap roar proxtoia. mm m re rwo lot when buying s. You cannot nee >u rip them apart > n only the finest of syaire to ha. pure. i the long hours of V 7 . - .* * " nfi. for heftiest dealing is > 1 mattress we sell All ? < ndia rubber for spring- ' soft and soothing as nd inspect them?the FURN.CO. osi, ^ . i Out" i A rVypr ' ^ H Hi * "'Jl ,,< gfa^^^w orid '* nmeT^rV iy, and that und in din lB > v, w? $?. "v V St Co., Agents AND ZI8 n, N. c If rl irh.ii fffioe and Hats 13 77UW ;iwc u fei ^ I Wv 18 tfA %n I IVJL TX S & J O.J 1/ k ** - 18J50 II 2<U.UU II M eA II AMU H H tje AA II >11 j a Remember these 41tits a IE a in | t 'hie flilftWHW SPECIAL < H A | J , | During this week we \ ^CO ^. WESTPHALI |; 17 Cents I ) These hive been on i | stores In. the large dth i t They are guaranteed i I tldlous taste. I > We have only a 11ml I | miss mis opportunity, i ) The hams are dlspla 'irniTiiiisili LoulBTllle, Feb. 9.?"Home RmM Frank Baker, of the world", campion PbMndolpbtm AthlMkw plncod on ord?r with n loal tirwr for > down of "wnr d.b." of th* mom pattern am the bat with witch Baker made two famous four haao drives that won tha championship laat fall. ; '? ' 1 '**. * The condition of Mm Myra B. Black well, who has been critically ID, la very much-Improved. : ,y.: ^ SUPERIOR TO EITHER "Pox River" or New York State Creamery" is "MOORESBORO" BUTJER We are local agents and' would be glad to b*ve your batter orders. PbOne 261 jpd get it quick. PAMLICO GROCERY CO..'/ Wholesale and Retail Grocer* ' South Market St S , MARQI GRAS New OrleanvLa., Mobile, Ala., l*A~ and'Pensacola, Fla. On account the abova Oceanian the tliantfe Ceast- Lino-Railroad CoroinT ofliri apodal rodncod^ rntea to he respective poinU: Sellla* dates, Feb. 13, to 1*. talusirs, tor trains arrtrinK destlna Jon not Inter this midnight Feb. SO. Limit?Reacb original etartlnf point nollator than midnight IJarch !, unlees limit bit en Jed to March It, ocluelve, by pertonnl dcpoalt ticket *ttb- Joefpb Rlfhardnpg. Special -cent at damnation, tad payment ra*'?t. {l.M. StojHOiere?Btafrorere will b. plowed at rncnlar etop-oeer polnta on reaaeat. ".'Jh!'' ' ' J For ratee, ecbednka, reaerraOona rtc., see local agent or addreee W, J. CRAML c T. C. WHIT*. Paaa Traf Mgr Qen. Pane Agt i " "{*! Wilmington, U. C. - ' ?-C to ?-l? Iri.,'-' * I- 1 i, t yKwfF ' ' HTATK OF NORTH CAROLINA Coma?Oreatlngi Wbereaa. It npyeara to my Belletaetloa, by duly authenticated raeord of the proceedings tor Ua yolnntary dMolnt.on there of depoeltad In my otdee. that the Waahlngton Am neecjt>ni Compos*. n r?rr<ra'.'rc:i of Stmt**, whom p*ncifal office to ?Uu ae^la"aaTu "eb^ie'^bw^r, -V i i Per. Pound i: sale at the best jrocay J ! rj&s?- . ^:! u ted supply at 17c Don* i [ yed In our window. I i F. TAYLOE ' I '* apon whom pmrMB MI he Ml lilt ' ' | bu compiled with the reqelremewte -lv '' of Chapter 11 of the Beoleal of amendmonta thereto, preliminary k> the laanlns or thin Certificate that i yi much concent hu boon flled: Now. Therefore.^ J. J. Bryan Grlmaa, Secretary of Stale or the State of North Carolina do hereby certify that the aaid corporation AM. on Ue Ind day of Jannary, lilt. Ale la my oMce a duly exeeated and atteeted concent In wrltlns to the dieablution of eald corporation, executed by more than two-thlrde m , Interact of the atechholdere thereof, which eald certificate and the record of .the proceed Inge aforeeald are now on lie In my eald otleo na pravdad by law. .-4 iavy \ . ? In Teetlmoay Whereof, I hare hereto, eat my hand and etsxed my -V (Seal) t, HRY AN.GRIMES, 1-tiw-C Secretary- of State. ' ; ^ ---Tg" " m m WGESSSSfc 3 Washington's Most Popular Place of Amusement .'j| LYRIC r\" ! THEATRE HOTIOM PICTURES tag Mlf-wertflo* *a4 ><mSS3 itanntUn In irflrvlaa - I . > aavouon in lurnoi kvsm oi hivo Ith *rU.'ttrBj^hn?o? ud Ua MATINEE 3ATCEQAT

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