h. the "orerland bad ' hMf rail \"as found to be broken f g??a?tton and proceeding very slowly the train crossed It *1th only a few A , j. tha. ODerstlonp divide il 4% #* W Cl ff I A mm "* . '' ' i IHavea^ ^n2d,te 113 r Win*? J? "yan'6"' Mr. Folk not only agreed to divide > delegation, bat ?r,ked bl? frlendm MM no further .(Tort In hU beH. promised to eupport Mr. Friends of Mr. Folk ??ld that pel 111 have tialf et the State delegation hlch 1* to be aelected In Jopltn on .bruarr 22. hut that the Volk men > the delegation will support Mr. J lurk. ,f It 1. e?n that Speaker larx cannot get toe nomination on reaennabla dumber of ballot* In ke-Baltimore convention the former tremor will consider that he ban a ghtVto enter the raee for the nomlOtark Lead. in Prlmarie". t. Loula. Feb. 10?Beventy-aaven of 16 elghty~tmo countlea which report1 ip to n o'clock tonight on toty'e prlmarica. according to retnrne . the Clark headquarter* Three i^atice returned Folk delegation.. IRS. CORIAH I0STESS : AT BRIDCE-MBn;] In. Wn.fe. Taylor, of Wilson, Ik thr J OtMt Of Honor oil Batarday 1 Wkii Mm John D. Oorbam very plena- ( atly entertained at Bridie. Batnr- , ay night at the home of her parenta. i 'r. and Mra. A. M. numay, In honor t bar gnaat, Mra W R. Taylqr. of. . rilaon, Table, ware anauged far I ,.IW>??d fbe gar* wa. Indulge i:Z I with much Tim and latereet Mra ~ r. R. Taylor waa the fortunate winor. having the hlghnat aeore. The Q tore card, ana decoration, were In aleutlne heart., being need promaty. Tempting and deltclona reeahmenta were aenred In three nireaa. The gneeta preaawt: a Mm W. R. Taylor, of Wllnn; Mr. nd Mra. Walter Wolfe. Dr. and Mm hfen Rodman, Mra. O. W. Oollford r Aurora, 8)u?a Julia Mayo. Jenulo ox, Elisabeth Warren. Marr Cowell. ol. Richard Noal. M?n William " odcsan. llanry Moon. John D. ( Mmm-'. .? ' - i '' k I FX1ROKH ON A RAMPAGE IN " LENOIR CO. DO MtlOM DAMAGE K,?toh.*,. iO-^Whllo on a'ram-J , age la Vance towuehlp, Lenoir ounty. drunken negroes created''a , oal of excltgaieai and" no Utile , rouble. Damugo to propert-r vaa onsldereblo aa. a result of the t Xroosal, Including the pulling down , f telephone pole. Deputy Sherip h leorg* Gray, armed with nine tree , ants. has $ono to tho scotic to uke. k he offenders Into custody. ( Holiday in Many States. j Washington. 0, <3., Feb I J?With 1 ho passing of each aoccesaiwe decade he observance of the natal day of Ibrahim Uncoln has become mor narked, untiV today no fe*dr than II Slates "peld ofXclal honor to the nemory of the civil war President. I [ be sute la which Uncoln'. birth- < lay la ao? h legal holiday are Call I r r-,o : - j: which tried hin for ! . r ' <r 8ta ifOfti \\ . fonnd him ituuuio No ftMcl^l in i '!"01 '_N1 thl' olftlno ' ' ?l l;i\V ' 3 lifi he J vlalin and u\o. -fron ; \reral of thi- momb?r? of kin [..rail; It iB . run. >red thryt iThAf* ftj about tt> raftko another effort to gain ht? freodoi by . to "hrpvtn pro- 1 <?e?dlua* ' ,_.v ] p"' ^ i 7b t, election of William E Baata Itandard Oil company of Ida* York ha areer which baa born remarkable la thi Unary aaecuttra ability a?<r.toeh faalgt >U Indoatry make him eminently well SI ra. born in Cleveland, Ohio, a 1IM. a Hare, entering the aerrlce of the Stai imalseS the autlatlcal department of th oreign trade relatione, making numer lapan and China, la l?l Mr. Bemla it naetlaa*. and now raaidea la Larchmoi Iprrtamaa and iwnm a unique coll mrta of the world. HKLD IhiXERKSTftiU MESmO. | I ace Ualoa held a very Interaettng d ieating an Thursday last. Sararal d Unable papers ware read and topics I f much Interest discussed. o Thia organization continues to C ork for the uplift of Washington. II ad to hope for the best things. t Its members feel much encouraged o t the present outlook, notwith- 1 landing the opposition of some who b o not realise the full Durrose and e xipe of this work Tke light must prevail, and' while le white ribbon baada continue to a circle the (lobe, with a leader at ?* head o t this vast army that news hot the moenlnt of (allure. I i-there not canee for encourage- i lent? . . . 1 Ksrl Kowdya's Uanghter a Bride. London. I*e?. If:?High eoclety .as well represented; la the gather- 1 eg that filled the awards Chapel, t Wellington Hsrraeke, at the wedding i hia afternoon of l*d? Rosabel St. h !lair BfraBMe and David Cecil Blng-'s tarn The. bride is the only dangh- ( er of the Earl of Rosalyn, yrtio. l? i :nown In America through hla ap- j earanoe on thT aUge! H^paran^ ( rtre divorced In ltOS and the Earl ubaequpnUy .; xaarrrled Miss . Anna tofclnson, an actress, whose homo raa in jMmssptrtls. fPatM Cdcll j libgham, \ho lirldegroos^ of todafr, a a son of Brigadier General Cecil Singh am, who a year ago was mar led to the beautiful Mrs. Samuel lloan Chauncey, formerly Mine Alice larr, of LonlsvllU. Ky., U. a, A *" VZ r 8mBWW Bit ~ji ' H I |, ? H 11 p 11 n W< N r< * v '.ttibWirriT.* - S u vice-president end director ot the J1 e brourbt Into frealer prominence e " > nnnnls of the oil world. Hta oxtraor-I |i it 18(0 nit qdeeOona pertalntnd.to tbc |0 tted for. hie proeent oOce. Mr. Bemla b nd completed hie ecedemlc edocetton nderd Oil compenr in lilt Ho or company end became Interested In . oue jonrnere to India, Bnrma. Java, lairtod Mine Frances Levlnla Ford In i lit. New York. He in an entkaaiantle t notion of trephine nattered from all # Knnlnioa Orocen Meet in Toronto, j, Haronto. Feb- lie-8ceeotl-.,.?Bn-* Ired men. repreeeetlnr millions ot" lotlars of InvestM capital, gathered a ere today for the annual convention c f the Dominion Wholesale Qrocera" n I olid. The organization .Includes In B La membership the principal men In ^ be wholesale grocery trade through- c ut Canada. The meeting was doroted to the' transaction of routine d ualnees and the dtseoaslon of aev-' ral matters of Interest and import- ^ ace to the trade. , g L .*c \ ... ..WKA'illhli iUSrvlnv ....+ ; j Washington, Fab. 1 it?denwrally ; air tonight anq tomorrow. Moderate winds. llsf?1?-?7? >>*" JELP ASSOCIATED CHAJUTIEfe; t, Anyone having old clothds, shoes, tats, ett . of any kind or else that 1, hoy are willing to donate to worthy n leeds, will please aand any r nornlng by 12 M. to Mrs. T. F. JmRh'a home. Wont Main St.. ab Jovernmcnt. bouy yard, as Mrs. 3mlth has kindly offered to keep the g tame and supply needs of all who are j deemed worthy by pnriprganlxation. t ASSOCIATED Cft^ARITITES. 4 by Miss Racbael Romlcy. Sept. v i'llOIJIBITIONISTS MAKE ( ; I'KOTBBT AfiAIXST N.VJKl, c He Uaoil tq.Be Counsel for Brewing I Com ponies. So They Deem Him Unflty lor Bench. ' .. < W?U?W?, U.. C., Feb 10.? J 9?i;rm?r; >ui J?io ? Ml for Mvwll bMwhif companies Of . < St. Lools. ' * *" 7 j] ? ?j< The Tres|dont does ^Qt regard the it plbteot *m u evldoiM of the unfit-1 nesd of his Secretary of Commerce j and Labor for the' Supreme Court^. Ho boldi.&lt inasmuch hs the brew- I JUK la a fogtthfeto out WW Mr. Nnfel'i connection. with tt justl as legitimate unfl as honorable n3ji lid be, thorn in no,ground for theh .r j; can be stated authoritatively I' that the President will not permit j the protest, to Ihlborrs s; > ' * r .ug Secretary Ntgel aside. He wilir hold oft tending the nomination tr? j the Senate untl^iext Wednesday, |p the mean time he wtll hear the pleas of the friends of Judge Duffingteri of Pennsylvania, and Jn4g< Baker a' ? Indiana for their appointment. I Iff CHARLESTON reparation, tqr Men ud ftaNstaaI lee Tomorrow and W?t>? jj ^>1** ton. B. C.. Fab. 10?The IpnUoM Cor he gmt Men end Mgloa Forward Movement for ortli Ad 8outh Carolina, are prao* p. ally completed. The convention &v til be called to order In the Citadel B*? Baptist church at ?:t0 A. Bit needay, Feb. 18. and will adjourn Wednesday night. It In already oerthat strong representative deletions from every section of North M South Carolina will be present, an frery mail brings In to headquarter* of I the T. U C. A. building, erodes- m( A), of delegataa. Thli Convention la one of a iortea f seventy odd which are being bald b? 1 various paru of North America, " ? a part 01 tne great pian 01 inej-~ ien and Religion Forwafd Move- H< biit. Seven of the lenders of the J? ^lernatlonal movement yttl be Bl Ron* the distinguished speakers ka will be heard. The Convention ^ ffl address Itself to the solution of lw to Man end Boy problem sa lt Con- ^ ftssta the individual church. The (Btlng experts, rich of whom Is an I Itytsnfffng leadfer in the Christian fla terld so far as the topic is con- g* toned, will deal with the them as r to Mrs' Wotk. Bible Study, Social -a r litb. Christian people ot Charles- *" (tibere thrown open their homes M ee -will entertain aricgwtcs whaee 17 redentleie em-went in advance. Thte 00 1 expected to be ' the greatest -tip 'I gloui gathering held In tii Caro- nee In afty rears. The preparations t Charleston are simplr stipend- H ee Mora then l*d meetings will 11 e held during the eight dor period.| r; Win Define a Progreeiire. Lansing. Mich.. Feb. 11?Secre- B ptr of the Ttennnrr MscVesgh to pmlng to l.inelng tomorrow to add I the gnmty of" the Repnhllcen lynhUoen. of Mlchignw with "Whet ^ peTWgreeelre-'for his tSpfc. ft. ~ ecretnry will be tfce (neet of honor , t the annuel banquet of the Znch ?( handler Club In this cltr tomorrow w tght The occasion Is designed to ol inrk the beginning ot a period In u he Tift campaign daring which mreined effort wlU he made to lm- ^ rem ipon the conntrr that Proel- m ent Tift has been n practical pro- w reeelretaSd that progressivism Is u he^fatchword of hie edmlhletmtlon e mech an It Is of tie Insurgents. < JJ jj?;?? > gi Texee labor fVttrretioe b-A. ;v ' \ iE Waco. Tax., Feb. 1?.?A convea- M Ion ot the Texaa flute Federation of Te labor waa opened In tbla city today rttb a large and repreaenutire atendance. la connection with the onventlon there la to be a State eon erenee to dlacusa plana for pro motOS the movement to have the laiW" ? Mve, reterendom and recall Incorpo- f|' died In the autejynatltutlon. ? Maaltohu Agriculturists. er Winnipeg. Mart,. Feb 1J.?Pro- m :resalve farmers' from all over the te *rovlnce rounded np here today for c' he annual meeting of tbe Manitoba dl tgrtcultnral society. __ The gathering 11 fill continue through the weeh and ?* vlll embrace the Manitoba Seed d< 3ruin Fair and the annual meotlngu p if tbe Manitoba Dairy aasoelnllon N ind the Manitoba HOrticuRnrdl and tl forestry aaaqftiafop; t'i f? - . *7* 1 ' 'i1 >t . " ASSOC IVTK1) OlAKlTUW. All who subferibod to Aaaoelatoti Charities are hereby notified that 01 It las Kathleen Morgan,' daughter of ?< be latFOporge Morgan, baa baMv'ap- ?' pointed aa Collector of dgtev yob > ire hereby reouegted to pleaie make '? iayment of amount yob promised. to ler promptly when she calls aa the laa several knndred people to ate very month and she cannot aaa . Bvery one monthly If she baa to call ?o or three times ? " ASSOCIATED CHARITIES. * By O. K. HARDING; Treasurer. * W *-.-n ^ r -J '<'..V 1 * i.,? L. I, 1011 U?- ' Bniehed at the December meeting. n Several illebt changes Id the canetl- 1 te?B3S5WS5i; be cleared up will be that referring < to and the playing of the ( DIGS HITS HftRDI ouae Democrat Attack* Arraignment?He la "] Over Flanka of D . "Neither Feared th peeled the Ji Nebra WublnctOD. Pel). It.?"Mr. Bry-| ' Insinuation tba^ I am a servant predatory interests and his state>nt that I cannot be trested to rppicnt a Democratic constituency ar? t the harmless vaporises of a dlssdlted demagogue," said Repicatative Dlee on the floor of the mse today, "I neither fear his wer nlor respect his lodgment. Mr. -yen has led s the DemocraU { rough three disastrous defeats, he the Bourbons of old hn haal irned nothing and forgotten notht. H? has profited nothing from e lessons of Moscow. Leipsic and aterk>o, but hoverin^upojo the nks of the Democracy an evil niua he points our column straight the rock of St. Helena "I have followed the Don- Quixote Nebraska until I am wearied with war upon windmills. 1 am almost ranaded to join Gov. Wilson In his aire to find some decent and ordermethod of 'knocking him Into a These remarks shont Bryan from rani IS TO III ELIZABETH CI1Y nepltal Committer Decide. to Beem ImmeihsSs CSani Kor Meceesery Peada. ' Elisabeth city, N. C.. Feb. 10.? g last night for the perpoee ef ana lag to taka up the workof sositing stocks for the hospital. It as decided to begin the work at ice and the solicitors will begin the nvas the fiitt of next week. Btery irson In Elisabeth City will be ven an opportunity to subscribe ock.and the small stock subscriber III be encouraged aa much as the rge one. It is the purpose of the omoters of the enterprise to have e stock distributed as much as poeble by having as many people as taalble take small ^toch Interest in the hospital movement ntlnnee to grow and the funds will ry likely be easily secwed. The plan la to uect awl equip a illdlng that win coat about $15,000 ! >loradu Republicans for Harmony. iBmiUI'T" Col.. Feb. ltj?With harmony" as their watchword, the upubllean leaders of Colorado, both and patters and progressives. gath ed here in force today to attend a eeiing of the State central commute and a general conference, conudlng with a banquet and an adreea by ex-Senator Beverldge. of idiana. A meeting of the Republim editors of Colorado was air adsd attraction of the gathering, lana for an aggressive State and atlonal campaign were discussed at ie conference. At the election next ill Colorado will name a complete it of State officers and a legislate that will he* called .upon "to ilect two United State* senators? ae rfor the full term of six 'years to jeeebd Snjjdy, Qnggenbelm. and se for the unexpired term of two ears, caused by the death of the ite c: J. Hughes. fcjt.c Foi South Klorldar <>o:f Title. Palm Bead), FUl. Feb. 11?Flay i the annual golf tooinameht for le South FJoridA championship bean on the Palm Beach links toddy ith a qualifying re and of 1$ boles. hu Inn'rnnmanl will rMll'ilHk wntl! In e?d o^ihcink ud rtdjln* = n Two (innm ... t Zl llT^vl IS P^min l. Lnis today for -.ho MtrooU. an f . ^ ]N w NOR 11 KTBHSSgjE Evil Genius Hovering ?/ emorracy Speak er lb* Tnaa Cmiimmap provoked > pUa? on thm Democratic atda. ft Speaker Clark could do nothing to motor* order, deoplte the tact that he nearly broke hla .deok pounding with hie cm vol and vainly ahoutlna that "the House will he In order." ' Dies waa on* of thirteen Democrats who voted against the amendment of ell Indorsements of candidates for providing that Presidents should publish all endorsements of candidates for judicial appointments Mi'. tJryan placed Mr. Dlea on tha f? "black Ilat" of the Commoner, and If there was any one to defend Mr. Bryan he did not make himself heard. Even Ollie James. Bsaatorelect from Kentucky, remained silent As bo proceeded In hla arraign- . ment of the poerleae leader, Mr. Dies * "Whatever we do^here displeases Democratic encnsea seems to anger hie very eoel." ' f ' FOUR YOUNG SLAYEHS 1 TO HIE Oil CALLOWS | to Die TMs Week. 9 Chicago. 111., Feb. 11.?Unless Governor Deneen grants another reprieve to the four slayers of Fred J who waa merdered on a lonely road * near Bowmemvilla. on Oct SO U?f -3 they wtlj be hudd 111 tlx Cook I County Ikll (nr. on Prldny of thin wook. Tha four condemned jwdi. none of whom In or msa. arm ^nid end Prank Shlblnwnkl. A. PhiH> Bommcrllng and Thomas aehnlta. Two ot their accomplices. Prank Kiln and Leo Suchowakl, both 1* raatm ot Sfh are ? lilt Ute sentences In the state prison r Gueslow wae drlrlnc a wagon fall of sardan produce when the six Ion set on him. He allckted from his " wacon and warn struck down srith a a club. Ho pleaded for his life on bin knees, because he had a wife and baby a month oM at home, but the ' ' , j answer ot the youths was to boat him Into unconsciousness. Then ha ?u stabbed four times. Tha boy* ware arrested while trying to eell some of 4 the booty. All confessed to the v crime. Indiana Bnstness Men in Session. Indianapolis, tad.. Feb. IS.?An army of retail merchants Invaded the city today for a week's convention and exhibition under the auspioes of 1 the Indiana B&lness Men's Association The president of the org&nlzation is Fred Frohmutb, who is here | to preside over the sessions of the convention. Prominent speakers to be heyd include Gov. Marshal), who will welcome the visitors; John A. Green, of Cleveland, secretary of the National Retail Grocers* Association; M. J. Moloney of Detroit, president of the National Retail Merchants' Association, and E. W. Moon of Chi- 1 cago, secretary of the American LAagee of Associations lAtdf* and WtDU the Speakers. I j Springfield* 111., Feb. 12.?Senator dad Representative Frank B. WillisJ Henry Cabot Lodge of lfaaaachueetU j of Ohio., cam? to Springfield today . :..rr to speak at the annual banquet of VVr ' . the Uncoln^Cen^onnlal Association. 1 cmBnx'imw w ^ Norfolk. Vs.. Feb 10?Blnee dh. .'9 clow, the 1111 spot, middling cotton boo advanced I S-? ccnte a pound or ?| about ?* a bale o? the local market the price la far from being ^ea blah l.-:'' aa it waa laat raar this time, the rise IP gratifying and pleasing to cotton M

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