"No Such Convention Progri Tw&-<Sfates Since Indian: St ' ed In These Parts'? jf . of the Man and I Charleston. 8. C.. Feb. 13?Final Th preparations for the Greet Men end an Religion Convention for North end col South Caroline are completed, ("hps. toi Stelile of New York City, the 8ocIal Stl Borneo expert and Dr. Allen ^ by \ stockdalo. peator of one of Boston's ]sui ' 1 eraoct churchee. arrlvad here Sun- In day tor the be*Inning ot the eight let (?* day campaign. Laat night at 0 So o'clock, the other distinguished wi speakers roprmetlng the. Interna- mi : tiojial movement, arrived from Dtrm1 , Ingham In time for a rest prior to Qn , the opening of the convention at in \ %:?# a. m. today nt tho Citadel th< A Sonar* Baptist church. These men ge -Include H. A. Weite ot Now York tbi Kcity, expert on Boys' Work; H. F. no LeFlamme. Toronto, expert on Mis- be elons: W. B. Dkdsrwolf. Chicago, In, expert OB Evangelism; A. M Hruner pa: I of Chicago, expect on Comunlty Ex- pri \ tension, and F. 3: Qoodman of New pot \TOrt City, On Bible Stoffl. Un | . Cbarleoton .has never seen such uit . Unprecedented Interest In religious prt (matters as la being shown by prac- am Jtleally ever? ideal protestact chnrcb. No rnmmm'' r railBBJl FHEHS v Tr ' / *M%|HMtoM tO fjp?<k*'' . O0?ki6ile<f StdeHe. S El C/'J' ' - ' . Vv Cleveland. <3.. Fob! 10.-^-Attorney i\ (trad dsd rtfth .(vest. h ad come back Vrt-*nneo^lln 0..i*?ai-?ndnevrsof " I >y, deramepf bis h?llWl,r Spike. P ' *Wgrt? ff gW button, sod ofthe I moid Uojfc death of -Un "eat, ? /*r. Broo^sdses not go so 'far "as go asbert without qualification that M n [/ Bat he does say that alt of thn'alrI v nolisi seemed to combine In W I is spurt of the theory advanced by I JWny serious minds* clUsens of . I VZanesville. that Tom. In grief for the Month of 8pike, did dellbemtely end . . Jblaawwnlno Urea. J. Spike 414 tke watch-dogging era nod Iho boo* of Mr. Brooke's ta \NNMfU Engeaville*. Tom <fld the . .mowing Dlelding tk?K, duties bw {ween them, they - got atoog moat \mlehblj together Opce. when Tom I (pot half a (lay watching a mouse gi jholr, waiting for the mouae to come M l^loot, and fopnd, after all. that It wan di ^V, So on moonlight nlghta, wljephi t "Vntojlto^get-ol to aine on anolgb- ni I Hrt fence. SplKctopk' hla place and | Hoaebia tnb-'mopedr boles, In addition' d< I Jk> bio' fdifnlnr work as watchdog. a' I err one who noted bow well .the t< I two got along togothcr agreod that tl I the aBcoUon the* had for e-acta other si waa touching.*"' ajE; . ' c'.!i Drf a V When Spike Sot the dog button t< \and died with bit feet.ln the air, Mr. 11 Irooka waa In flevelnnd. When he u I rbached . Zaneeslllo. on a visit, ha n f Horned for the drat tlmo that Spike I traa gone and that Tom also waa no I" ? ' Tom's grief at the death of Splko a F \ waa daaerlbed >< moat affecting He a ate mile and seemed to hero lost nil n > 'interest In hie work nt watching the U |J ) mows holea Then, two dayautftar ? llJ Bpthe'e death, a atroet car ran orcr d 1 bin Mr.Hronkn did not mo n kin- 1 I cclf, yoa uadendand, bat tboee who I i,, ? claim that Ton deliberately I threw hlmaeif In front of the cjfc. I tj Spike dad torn Ho In the uni fOr*. X ^ II ' wnfemrtk r<*. It ' || 1 fKBVMMftd cloudituua. .Ptob*bIy i 'II -' "*"w wir ' i rwa,__f* rv* I'ltt' at Dtmihoa'a Coiokec'" rorT im Has Been Offered In i Roamed Unmolest To Be a Study Voy Prooleia . . e pastors sod laymen of, the City > practically united to nutko the ivehtlon the greatest In the hle7 of Kellgloua work In the two tee. Credentials are coming In every mall and delegations are eared from more than forty points tho two States. In point of popeIon Abbeville, Chester, Greer and rater ire leading ep to this time, than/average of ten delegates and re1 to follow. - College presidents, leading pastors d men srbo stand In tlie fore-front commercial and political life in ? Carollnas, are entered as dolotes. The reason for this is the fact it it is generally understood that *ich convention program has en offered in the two States since Mans roamed unmolested in these rts. Not only is the1 program 1m- . sssirely strong from the standhit of the speakers, bot the entire is Of the two days will be given to s study of the Man and Boy >blepi in the Individual church 4 this affects every church la rtlVhad South Carolina. * - o.WHers TO'END HIS LITE. JRMERLY OF^ GREtHVILLE ENT TO NORFOLK ABOUT A rtkK' AOO AND PURCHASED THE RESTAURANT KNOWN AS JORDAN'S RESTAURANT. staarant. afr M Bank 'itrw, eomltted tulclde W.ittbt'bT'tohaUBr LK His dead bod^ aii tend 1b id etrty this morning by l;?A.*athiraon. a clerk, with die room full ! re* Iffme*- 'and the, windows biod.andaltar the' city ooroder had owed the cpypae <""> heard -the atemenu of the employee 41 the Jusei decided that anIguana was dlock. Mr. Andeaaon had gone up" i hie room and being unable to open 10 (loot-,, broke tttu.-ubrf won almoat lined- by the odor of gas He Imledlatcly opened the window! mid ilephoned police headquarters. Ofcer Rose aosponded and after sumlonlng ens of the olty phyelclans he otlfled Dr. Klght,- the city coroner. Attempted Suicide. From Mtsa Henderson, who la ealloyed at thereetaorant. It waa learnd by Dr. Klght that Mr. Hymtn had ttempted auiclde yesterday atteroon. She said he had been drinkog and after speaking roughly to hie rite went lpto hie r-oojn, locked the oor and turned on lour gaa Jeta. *bia condition waa found In U?. to rerent the accbmpllshment of the nan's - porpoee, nnd after be had wad. aroused waa curried -for a walk, a^he'bope the air wdtfW rerlwe Mto. Mr. Hymn'n went np stairs >bout % o'clock lot Bight he locked lie room door cad alter lighting the '&a iuriitd th'? fniir ifite ft* thon Wm Mr. Hymen net to Norfolk from Ireentftt* N. C.. cboot 'a year ago ind ha. In Co operated Ihe nr.tan ant known as "Jordan'!'" at Bank md mil atrecta. He lenrae a wlfo tnd throo children Ilia body will :n> ?nnt to Groonrllln for funeral and KHtencn'.. . Maeara. J. K. H4n and*. J. Berry rSHr?" NGTl ptlon of Any BWKBWETfi" 7^gl i * *' Wm ?9M Maar wise people la tn*laad belli to become prime minister in succession this,, for they., prefer Uoyd Georte. Sir Ibrelgn affairs and made a. treat hit li German foreign minister; bat bis aatio not so wall received. IT'S LEAF YEAB SO.../ ? Together and Doable Wedding Follows. ' J.- -iyj, vR'.'dsSSLii" * i rott Worth. Tu? Feb. 11?The : Croertbm* family, mother asd dnush- 1 lor. married at the same time today. TH? mother. "Mr#.' Laura Crowthcrs. forty. Mifyled Stanley jrolton. and the daughter, Brilyn. eeventeen. marrfad W. A. Scrogglne. rlAie licenie for.heraelf. "And my daughter lltonrlie ccneenta." ehr ?dd. UuiWJeV./ , Th. Sm.John Bloe M the htet Met hod let church' ' perforated th? oeremjpleg. The 4aiiahwr'wa?a*?riad Am,. Bride and brtd?grrx>H?' left on* a honeymoon trffFtQ Flo>!du Ill'SXtKU ?X)B l-BESD^T. Where Doe^Mtmey Home From reed ?r~7.- hy the CandtdatteT ~ 1Lav lab deotial candidates are an uiyntBtakable sign of ' the present tlmW In MJfchtgittf we have been seeing One of the aspirants in the midst of a prolonged and obviously costly tour. Senator LaFollette 1a spending a great dedl of cash, as may be reialtned by any on? who haa paid railroad farea and who will take the trouble to calculate the expense iiu. evltable in covering the thousands of mllee of ground that' tb$ Wisconsin man haa ajready gone over.^TSo Banator Is not generally ratod aa bolag wealthy It la not ao vary long ago that hla political mirso waa supplied by hla eollaa^M^ln the Senate." In fact, but he seeroa to h**a found Ontcuor Who I, furnlehlag th. financial support (or (he LaPoliette campaign? Qorirnor Wilson of New ),rnf hn now four headquarter,. In Trenllshmonts la costly. Offlosa must be rented, managers and clerks must be paid, priming and postage bills mual be met Dr. WUeon Is certainty not rich. It la only a abort time tlnce he waa oeeklng a Carnegie pension Who l? supporting the "Wilson cac?? pslgnf Champ nirtml Jlowrnor Her. . *.-: { ' . v t h i i n rolina tuesday afte ^^hqjflsb^KvV H^T '* "t , By. ** v?-v-.?v4'f*cii r*? that 81 r Edward Gray ti dmtfnad D wrdl?, the Fwten 'adtualk* ?u i??oUto merits. This sort of cm* H?OCT U rat do BO for notblns, ud aetther of those cuMVd IB nc lavishly . Who aro 'aopi^rtln'^tho Clark and Harmon campaign*? ' Th? ?Hr* to be President df the (lotted: 8tfcee Is a worthy ambition (or aa? man. and one (or which the contestant may properly lay out money aa he deeam necessary for.attaining the end he baa In slew. put when men eat out for this goal hag spend large auma which they Personally posses* they mart hnfe some person or persona behind |hem to keep them supplied. Whatjmotlee would Inspire such backers of these four candidatesT IWdiWhr la quite ee lcgltiiuete ee th? puraett of the trrqaUancj. Ana it made^retty freely. we notiw. AThu curloaltr About the uublect utterly is* C'Z **? -? ?.v, - > I RIVER B0AD STATION BRIREK. .; .... riq.: -1 On Bpnday. Feb. 6v Mrw. W.' A. Alilgood. died alter a lob* ill&ssa. The funeral tCrvlnea .orc wafo/%4 at the roaldOhco by lUu. Mvlkoow. Of.. waehlnFTton Tbjje .warn a lerge. ' Wtduemtay Right.' Fob 1. Mr. Will Bennett <u?d firs Aflggoori win uhltSd In marriage. '?**'!'. f' Mrs. s: F. Alligood and children pf Washington, wqjrp guegU of Mrs. Jfaroy Alligood last; week. / \ ?.-v >, c ; Monday night. January iilet. * Ihv Wlleon C^lark'and &las Nanry Aliigobd were married. Mr. L. M. Sheppard performed the ceremony at Mb home. We had another snow here Saturday night. . '& The weather Is too cold for an idvalid to collect and mall much news this Week. .. \ ' ANTI-SALOON MKETf*(^ ;!l Though the attendance at the meeting of the Anti-Saloon league wee email laat night, th. eddiwee ef Mr., Wooley we. Hatened to- wWh marked attention ^ Hit nouli war# of* STfh order, para, chaate and impoaaloned. Ha daalt la facu and praaantad then I* a farcafal manner. So entirely diffarant frotq the aaaal diacoaraaa *z#m Speeches made a* Mr. Woo ley's was =2? SfUr JUS33 prohibition and law, anfOreement. * Mr. R. L Darla spoke fcr about M mlnutaa , i ? the weather man threaten a ? with a probable anow tall tfcla aran lM^t^a^tV^H sHB ha warmer lp?pplp ' R wmunS?i' C ''j ' ' ?.J? 5.t> Vicarite of North Carolina Gires the Z Following Vnlee for Ragnl*k-j , ; Uom of Lot ' Wednsaday, the Slat, one work from Valentine's Day. la Aah Wad- " if day. From that day until Easter Sunday the ritualists world will array itself In purple?the penitential color?-and refrain for 40 days from pleasure indulgence. In the vicarite of North Carolina the following regulations will he observed : All the week days of Lent, from Aah Wednesday to Sunday, are fast days of precept,,ou one meal, with the allowance of a moderate collation In th? evening. Tho church excuses from the oh- * ligation of fasting (but not of abati- p nenco from flesh meat except to spe- f clal cases of sickness) the Infirm, ? those who are-not 21 years old^hose whose duties are of an exhsusiog or p laborious character, women In prer- ? nancy or those nursine inlets, and all who are enfeebled by old age. - The following dispensations are granted tor this Vicariate by the au- 1 thortty of the Holy See. t i The. use of flesh meat; Sf also of leggs and white meata. Is permitted at every meal on the Sundays of pent, and at the principal meal on Monday, Tuesday. Thursday and on " Saturday, with the exception of Bnfber Saturday and Holy Saturday. ? / ii. " ^ N ! The use of white meata la allowed ? pf9rj day la Lent at the evewlag collation, aad also at the' principal * fflseaJoa the days on which the nee of tnMl - is : neon iumi is iv> uiuuBu. . Ill * A small piece of bread, with a cap . Of coffee, tea or chocolate, can be taken in the morning. p 17 tl .. Where it is not convenlenuto take the principal meal afmooh, it la law-1 ful to invert the order,.apd take ^ Collation in tbd morning and dinner .. In the evening. % t c aag^rryrffrl* which ere permitted. * - 4 , vr. " On 8amlaya there te neither 'at nor abetlnence, but Hah cannot be nabd wtth .fleeh matt at the same ? meal at any time dnrlns Lent VII. Thoee who are exempt from feat- T tor may partake of deeh meat at erei?:'meal daring the day w^en by . portal tndalt fleeb meat is permitted h at the principal meal. Tla. thee for fattming the Kaate} L Precept of Communion In the Vicariate extend* bom the drat Bandar In Lent to Trinity Sunder. inclusive. 1 ' INSANE. BE OUTWITS ;1 IISYUIH AnENDANT* tfonUnrc People the Keeper' |.r tfiej* Craxy One end. Kaine " ' r JBZM* - .Uheetj. - q , . ' i , '*1. Trenton. Feb. 12?Samuel Weik*rformerly one oj-.t^c most, prominent lawyers'hero, who has.been an in. mate, of |*e'State 4utipe.lvr.tlM-**' il nan. lor MunU ? mtpifhoi.>?.as out i .V) attendant today. ' Walkerhoor de<j a.troUey car,.the at- 1 I tendant. /allowing. Walker paid- hl? own fare. but. Iba attendant had nc 1 money ana Walker would net' pay * for Mm. When the attendant tried to -ex- ' plain to tic conductor that ho had an inmane man 'n charge the con- ' due tor locked at the rut'llng Walker ' end concluded that If either war a j lunatic It waa me citandent J "lle'a no more ineaaa than yon." taunted J.he fare collector. "80 qui: y^nr kidding and pay ar get off." 'The altendant appealed to other paeeenger* to land him a nickel, hot all aharnd the couductor'a plcloua. The attendant had te got off. lie ran at fall apead haeh to the IDItlni. and Informed Warden Atch *f. Wko got out kt? UtHKUD<>ll? and 1 started la | nreutt. Walker area at ' tha rajlu ay auUwa awyittaa a trVn ' Walker^ >0(hlu greeting lie made. ?1 objection to koine baek to g^iaXaa. KlCHSaON GETS (mil AIR. Beaton, rah. 1?.?*h? ft-.. CUrlottre V. T. itlcheson wa? allowed i yard liberty and left HU roll yeater | day lor the Bret Una eteoa hie aa; aaaraaoa la court a moath aco, wkea ha pleaded aollty to the murder of I Mlaa Aria Uoaall.aad was rent eared V; V---1'-'' ,\ >12 TPNT/^ . nwrai Almost Everybody Has 1 mas?How^ Much Longer God Knows, BuJ from They Will Stay Drui mas," Writes a VI to His Hoi Who is Newberry? Ia It it produclon of Lather Burbaak'e or are the Late meats In the following letter Titten by him to "The Witt Preaa." i ubllshed at Witt, Illinois, an ejnaatlon from an jnfoslon Of Annanias ! lood? But we reproduce Mr. Newerry'a letter verbatim oh It apeared in the western paper, and let ur readers judge: KTTKR FROM NORTH CAROLINA rrlngton Township Cititfn Writes Interestingly From the Tar Heel BUtr. Washington, N. C., Jan. 9. 1912. Idltor Press:? I arrived here last Thursday ight, or Friday morning. This town At about 7,9*0 inhabitants, about ne-third of the population being 'egroes. It Is on the Norfolk A outhern railroad and the Alberlarle river. Its principal industries re oysters, Ash apd lumber. Faymig it s side-line. Most Of the peole are too laay to work, and don't now bow, if they wanted to. Oysters and fish come In here by lie boat load, and are shipped to all arts of the would. Cat ish Is the heapest flab on the market. The n??, Ires won't hat it, but the Negroes do oeause it is ebsap. Throe cars of mules arrived last ight from fit. Louis, and host of ism were fine ones. They use as ood s class of horase and r mhfts era ss is seen * lunch up to- a great lodg freight esse], carrying coal, coke, cotton, otton seed and ootton seed meal, tc. bringing It here and taking it way. Oysters are Bne this year. People all me they1 are the finest in years, "hey sold at the dock here Saturday t 7ft Minta rw?r hnnhvl and rtn Unn. my we bought some Jot CO cents per ushe). I hare bad them roasted,' ried, stewed and raw, and they cerainly are line. We have had some vary cold reather here/ They-tellme it'Www be coldest for many, years.' It made be people stay dome to the Area fWfclle there Is a lot of wealth pe, and where you And a farmer Rio is up-to-date you wlR find a hig ^rm. The majority ofytorsaers are ery pooy. I never saw mo many In-, liferent peopld; they haws'not'fedt j?y, hustle- about 'fhem. ' Evert the romen, when'tWy cook a meal, they VERS TOU BORN PffB. 13? .IIERE'H YOUR H0RQ8C0PB. There Is only one' unlt&hy day.this veek, whldh 'Is the 17 til - The 14th -St. Valep'tihe's Pay.,. howpvor> vhlcb is a happy and fortunate day. rhe significance of St. Valentine's Say you all know; but the origin-of h? day may not he so uniretsal. Val- j tntine was a presbyter of the Church ind suffered martyrdom under the Smperor Claudius about 270 A. D. Phere is a tradition in England that m this day every bird chooses Its nate, which Is referred to by ibmheepere in hie "MfdsunUner < eight's Dream"? 'Saint Valentine is past; 'Begin these wood-birds but to couple now?" 0 . The custom of choosing valentines was practised In the house of the English sentry as early as 147IL, It m then dfeUrjninwi by lot what I man and #o?w rtoald ba coupled; am for the day! It ) anhl b^om? that "VatotfhM" mmm tha find voman j**a by a man an tbe 14th of 4a comfort. U4 dislike Intensely having to (It oat ut "lathr; for a 1Mb* It a woman yoe tool that MWOhilnlt not hare to do thlo; It I* MM roar aatnral inhere trt won err '--"i?? v. Htd agatnnt what yo(u thlnh to the njantloo of Fate. U a man, you ttlmk, also, that yoo are enhtted to moot the calls of everyday boaintu life, and yon thro Id bo allowed tree In what direct lone th-y oeeta to take . mo. no " 1 : ."/ ,.? / ?. e jfajiram WL Been Drunk Since ChristThey Will Stay Drunk Appearance I Think ik Till Next Christ altor to Our O* ' p. me Paper will lit dow^ftncTtalk until the food ** become* cold before tliey will ask you in to eat. Everybody has plenty time to talk and be sociable. Almost everybody has been drunk since Christmas?celebrating the birth ot ' Christ How much longer they will Btay drunk Qod knows, but from appearance I think they will stay drunk till next Christina*. All tho hauling is done In a onohorse cart, and a white man will fro without anything to eat in order to get a Negro to do his work for hint. If anything is misplaced they will curse a Negro for stealing It. and if they happen to find it some piste they say "the d?d Negro was drunlr and left It there." This la a prohibition state, and I there is not a saloon In town, fest ^ they get tfihywhiskey just the same 1 wish you and Betty and Joseph 73 and Claud were here to eat oysters with me. 1 am certainly having a time here, ss people have plenty of time to entertain. Land is as high hers as in Witt, and a good place Is Just ss bard to buy here ss there. It is h good country In which to get areuad; anybody will take you any piaee or anywhere. One old fellow told m# be bed. throe horses, and that 1 could take either of them, hitch it to a buggy and go where I pleased, come back when I d?d pleased, and it was already paid for. I hope to be heck opoo. u Illinois is good enough for mm. Brisfly con-men ting an the above. w? do- not know Mr. Newberry, bat we dQ know that he la not a representative ' citisee of the state from which he hails. We do know that water seeks Its level and If Mr. "Mowberry has found the class of here of whom he writes, that he-has h mads a dill sent search, and foMd ( his level. Three arrests for drunkenness during December and op to the time he penned these lines? And oat of a population of "7,000"' nearly everybody drank! Bnt what's the ' udr/Tdr.'"Newberry, yon say littaofe Is good enqugh for pou, and, according to our way of thinking, North Carolina is a blamed sight too good for you, and yon havs the permission of the good people who serve you cold grub to return. Before going, however, iet .ns add that about 90 per cent of your letter is a bap<? fabrication, * _ # i WubI learn to outgrow. Yon MUST outgrow this before you can attain succccs In tb}f world! It lb po good -klcklqs againot -the 'prlckr;" The sooner you buckle to nr.d attack a * distasteful and difficult task the poouer will the deslrod-for opportunity come to yhu. Then you can follow the call of your heart. You have good natural talents, but these must be cultivated to be effective. Ife short, you must learn to develop your will, and 1 would recommend to you a hook by Jules Payqt. entitled "The i Education of the WIDL.." If yon ..!l once learn to overcome this inertia in yourself, which Is a natural and Innate characteristic^and no fanlt of your own, you should make a grand man or woman and a great success Born This Day?Talleyrand TRUNK CHECK TO *40,000. JliNalif to Eoo?- Jjj I Jewelry wortb $4#,W. carried by J F Crane, a member of a Newark. K. Union BtaUba waa found hy -k? po lino May la |?K b<m? mK em to a trwa* In the baoaf* room o nt tbc -tatlon awaltta* rhlptnoot to .9 Sf-r.v? ' ? i-^?v 3s Jif'ifsi SrMfeft'1 M;v'c ' PoCoi offlclala w?r? ataraoMI whan word run from Njwark that Cram had Jownlrr worth I4#.o#o In hlf u Laarj win bo taurwatad to aoto-thmt '(jfe y

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