V> Merchants May?l for Revenue O " " Lighthouse f< Home " ... ; iag of th? Chamber of Commerce c ' ' .<** w*?U^l the one lut OTBUlng. 11 Promptly at S: 10. tha Chairman, Mr. C. M Brawn, Undine that he had do- < ctdedly more than a duoram, called | I the meeting to order. The Secretary, , . Mr. C. >. Flynn, road the mlnutea of i i laat meetlns. and of a euheoqnont i cell raefalng which were appSorod: , w !!*, WHICH M ? \ ? voluminous stock of correspondence t ^ touching opop tho building of moat 1 ' tnmu? from air cMIh to lb* . eubetsutfM jflbjects tbr which the t , I Chamber u working. Letters warn i ' iwCInn htim from Ohio. No- i hraska, Oregon and other points. !n qdlrlng ss to odr farm landa, In P which'they cxproeoed a danlra to to- i cata among no. * I A communication coming through Mr. A. M. Dnmajr from Hon. John H. 1 Man. stated that through the 1 nedWtJee 01 the Chamber of Comsserce he had been enabled to hare I I thin city made the home pert of the \ ligbt-honee tenter1. VWlet I Anther communication from Mr. i >taoll eta ted Out la the fntem id I vertMem.nl. for bide fee the supplies , tor eerenne cutter. POmllco. i would he published In thu Wsehlng- I ' ton Papers and posted at tha Poet Office. This advertisement will take i .glees 1a March and tha blda for the I supplies will ha awarded in June i nunc hi aw e Goo. T. Loach, who hu kM> mnwii far tbo.padt oavoral dnja, la oat again. ?' . Mm. c. A. rm'l aw frlanda \ will ha doilthted to mow that oka la lanoilx, attar an Uloaaa of two *r. W. T. Latham, of Ptnotawa, . paid aa a plaaiint call thla moraine. for. Mm Brogaw, Jr.. la a bnalaoaa rial tor la Hartford. ? O.'jiiJtmU. *aq.. wo. <n Plv month raaterdaj on bualnaaa k Ma Cathorln, Wallaco. of Jamcj villa, la tha (moat of bar aunt. Km abort Bdwnrda oa Woot Kola Sr. #. O. Davla, of Saakln ft Barry, 1 la la Morthora eltloa on binlntog -an* Jfova lawn of Cooh Corn-1 mm mm re*l?t?red at tha LouIm laat : A 'VL Strickland, of Wtlaon. rraa a art at the Houl Loaloa laat night. , X>r. J. A. Strickland and hrldo < (nan Kan Stowage of Coob Corner)j ' ^..a.* fifc l? u? ! ~ ? ? M UHH loot alaht. aaroato to Nor(n. Tnuli CooxdoQ. of NowpoR am, To., la Tlotttes har eoaota. j. Sn. Cat* MokofOooo la Watt Mala I Moo OMhlor of tho Ljrrta tkaatra. la ^ ^TTOatt,,y<*>** ^**" **" ki Booth CvoHMk .. . mwn f nnT uinm ^ itlflb LflSI nlbl|' er From Ohio, Nebraska Farmers Inquiring of inds?Washington lid on Supplies utter PanJlco Port I | , ,1 - i , t- ' ifcu* rv-Vwi? ip ' dies. ^ j THJg will moan NuiAc an item to { >ur Washington merchants, should boy bo the successful bidders. M?". * KatcIIBe v4 V- V thope submitted * bid to Issue a jooklet tor the Chamber of Cpmuerce ainl Messrs. A. M. Dutnaj, bml T. Myera ?tC.O. Morris sere appointed a committee to act ipon the proposition. Mr. Duraay reported that the genJeman Who was to bare appearsd .mi ui?uk w uui over mo propo- i iltlon relative to tha manogoment of ha tobacco warehoune. had beas unirotdablT detained, but would come mother erenlng thla week. The exec at Ire coram It'ee appointed lobccommltteei for work for the earning year, which commttteee will he BMUMfcliMK.' A committee of Are wa? appointed attend tha roroatry ConrentloB In . talelgh on the Slot. ' , t Bo It aatd that the heat, biggeet. . IreUeat propoaltione are Jaat In that " ihape that wo are without warrant I a publlahlnt We are luaUked In ' Urine the public the benefit ot the I afenuathm that thla body baa rartral eery material prelect, hotted hie way a*id that the Chamber of 1 Commerce will be t* a poettloa to loon (Ire out eoaoe iiiformatlan tttt am eaune the public to know that hay bare really beam a Mm at burnt * aare. There waa a large atteadance II Hint mad It waa eotbuataatle Item lb. tap of the gavel- to ndjonrnmeot, . , , f , The oocond snow ot the oeaaoa tell Un Saturday night laat. about throe deep. The aan eame oot very brlgh Sunday momlnx with a ruing lemperaturo and before night the arger part of It bad dlasppaarad. Cotton pleklag la aim la order f We uw a field of more than thirty | teres that has not been touehed and| isadreds of boloo are still In (bo 1 loMn nil OY?r thin county. On Prt- fi I it Innt wo conntnd thlrty-d?e mill loaded with mod cotton at me of the (Han waiting thotr tarn jo ho eerrsd. Oif account of tbn MTnrn nlntar nnatber a portlon-of IWTnub crop I >f cotton ntm rnmains hi tbn acids. Peer ttttte >ro*aratlona bans bono undo far thin roar's crag. * It k safe q ? nay that >5 gar coat loan will bo 1 Undo la cotton acreage and 60 per 0 mat loan fertiliser WIHbe used la 1 Barnwell county. ' Minn Emily Hill, of Now Berne, N 11 B.. tn vial tins Mr. M. Hill's family. 1 .! Tbn folio wins In n list of letters < mmslnlas uncalled tor In the poet i rfOce at Wnsblnston. North Carolina 0 far the weak ending rob. 10. lilt: | Oentlemen:?Prank Adams., T. P. y Bonner. Horace Brown, J. R. D. s Beans. >. M. Oudgsr, Ornat Hall.|t Berbsl Jones. Osretl Unw <V ns.!. mart Nortom. WaH.r Om?1. B. R ( O.kl.7, B. B. OUr.r, ADR Mm. t ' "'-niit'ii*^>Sr*pmiiiu* *"**' r LadlM:?Mlu Anal* Brewa, Kra.fi ^JBarUw.Ma.^aM. OitUr, Mra.i SS't Mil ! offlc? Feb If | KKfiKO KXPOSITlWfcM % "i I I ' I I M \r ML. Oa+ of if mw mtmbeni of consri oot totnxlnood a bill (or the rwmnniii rouMd oouMorakU HUwl u4 Jobat. hht imim; ' VEBWB INTO 1VVB0TIGA- V TfON ON BANKING AMD CURRENCY. tl V H IPFOSINC PASTIES JOINT gui oet together on a n joint resolution to INVamOATK MONEY trust. C ? 0 . J? : o Washington, D. C? Feb. II ?TUB inanthin of the lareetlgatlon of the 0 tommy Trent dmlopsd today lots on 14 fashioned politico! scrap. TO* t Iryan olotnoat In the Houh. bsodetl a IT HepreeentatlTe Henry of Texan, p not aatlatled with the action of the letnoc ratio caucus prosftflns lor an a areetlsatlon by the House Commiton on Banfclaa and Currency. f* i Today when the Mil drafted by Ihairmss Pnlo of that committed^ taa up bndarn the House Committee in Ruins. Mr. Henry tried hie beet " e inject Bryan riews lata- It. He ranted the bill amended. RspnentaOTs Palo foenht for his bill and be emails ended by tba members r If the Banking Committee declarine h hey weald push the Pnlo resnla- u Inn. a Thin aetma led to angle of the rat- ? rhich wee fallowed by Senator Ken- ' -en. Prsgrsasir. B?aBB?l? and , mahn ug^w?onT Wit molit- ! ? --' i *^r ( J* -?: -. yantf VW 3> J* |?7VVWA4*"i ~r->J*V-tK* :v I'M- j ^ Bn ^:| r '^PSFn!! Ir^B '^1 ? . IB I IJ By tyy I W I B IK |tH Hf IB^*7!' B ^^^^^EsPuro^Hrc** BkjS .- |H I na. Lyndon Bvaas of Chtisco. hss mt of tU Moral luOlolonuKch bob L Mr. Evans gc: c gglsd fjtffkndgH ~ 1 ?11 u u Mj M*! 1 ' Mrs. W. T. Latham aad fcu*ht?r, [lot Llisle, wars rlsltorfl of Mrs. J. f. Sol 11 van, Thursday. ; sorry to know or lbs Am ol Ira E. #; MUffld' Mr. and Mrs. C. C. C*jM intlsU islr dauKbtsr, Mia. B.'I. mtsrn. at Utestoa, Friday afternoow W. H. Sullivan ahd W. *. Woolard tads a business trip dsnm Odon 1UI Thursday. 1ft/ ' ,r, Mrs. Clauds Jofforson sfifcotown '^A/lriood/sT tVIopisos. ' K. r. Black mads, a trestnaostrta ?' Boyd's Mill soar Ptnstown, last Wednesday. John B Wallace was a vlattor at l mi .JUL?" *" * *. Black h*? *ot*i to Oielr * ?-.- * **** * Baafc. ^*k,aftc? **r Brood I?kL U*t!>*m ?'! Sattefc, -*y. * ?-'.?? ? ?dntfc ' B=?ro?. Jjfjjc !* 8<"**i5fc '/*** WUu?, *" *? rfe,^ ' ?WkUr. AWa'i^"^*^'"fair day. JimTS *ay' ar? Pandln* Mia. N.IK? j r-S'"*r 1 rtm. la thi m *??W *WS#s5r i " ^wo AT mi >? WSt ^ .a^SJiSUV^ ?' '*** H? nn lb* mum* et John H?M o? * ud IMOT Mid m M ^ ^i!nu^JLw j i? 'li Th b I tti "li ft?C| '*'.' . ; .. r " >AiLY iarthstone?T ?*' in ri'li * . .1 |" 'UDA8Y CQBIPftllY" , *re IndMtod4?M c?uk ?nH ft o?in b ftmi ?** M*Vtoc I ?K<1 from 11HI.IMW to.;,' 'I K aL. ;;:-T>??o.uo<\: >r '' ]|Uuu. 0?, Fek lS?Ti? Cudnbj PackLnf Company waj lniltted Here -hJs afternoon bya Federal Grand Jury on 165 oounts fa* making false interna) revenue return* on aalna o! oleomargarine. It la charged that the local branch of the packing house sold white oleo to an Atlanta ileal*r and, In the returns to the collector of revenue, made It appear that the sales were made to various restaurants. After a raid on the I store of the purchasing dealers where Government agents say they luana employees coloring tno product to bo sold u butter, investigation |U made vrbleh oho wed, it Is Mid, , that the restaurants named In the reports had used none of the product. The alleged offense extends over a period of thirteen month*. Moot rrom ?io,oo6 to mo.ooo mar b? a?*e***d Jf cooTlctlon M obtained. . AURORA IS WIDE AWKE AH TIE SOCIAL WHIRL CBU MERRILY ON !4 I ...) ; ,"V nultw bicbi <SW1I<II<M titreo a Do. tlChtm Bttertabuooot?I* Utt? ,' Oak Book Cnorfrer Aa Kbjorablo Ho, "> .JI ' fjf Aqror*, Feb. 14, 1912 I W*4*e?daj etealn*. Feb. 1, a Oinsteel was given under the auspices , which ass gathered together the best muslcaltalenj of Aurora. ' The proI gram win varied and very -much enjoyed. Special mention should be madOijhf the male Quartet composed of Dr. atalw, tret tenor; Prof, nloraw. ?lktMr. . rk. Ma T?m k?*itr. cm :mm ka*a. 1 Their numbers completely captivated i the audience. Quite a nice sum Was realised for the school. I* Lim dob. Friday evening*' Fhb. 9, The Le Ldvre club met vrlth Mrs. W. T. 14tchfield. A sketch of the life of Browning was read by Mrs. L. T. Thompson, and Mr*. 8taley read one ox Browning's pasins Then a look eohtost was participated In. In which Miss Mtnta Tlonssr won flnt prise and Mr. R. T. Bonner won the booby. The member? wore than shown a picture of Darid Copperfleld opd asked to guess who the originals wore, and Mr. R.. T. Bonner. Miss i Lottie Bonner and Mloa Mints. Bonner footed correctly. After drawing, Mia Lottie Bonner won the price, which was the picture. Lovely handpainted hearts were given the memhere aa souvenirs. Delicious refreshments were served. At the IMts departed, voting Mm Litchfield a delightful hoeteoa. V I The next meeting will be with Mrs. J. M. Litchfield. An Enjoyable Hop. One of the most enjoyable dances of the ssaaon was given Friday eveaIng, F?b. P. Music was famished by the A mora Coacegl Band. Among the out of town visitors was* Mrs. WW White ef BeHavea. Miss Vera Egwpida of Mtfwnrd. Miss Mary Elisabeth Thomas of WsshTagW*' and Messrs. Stewart. Wright asd1 lag cosplee were pressnt: Jack Bdwards and 8allle Wiggins. H. L. .Thorn pees asd Mrs. WW White of iBoniami^A H. Tboapeoh aid ClarMo B?sr. R. .B. Boaasr and Mary Ctaak. J. V.* lwi>r Ml Baata {Mm. X X. Bar* aad Ma. Jom, I Dr. Pattar urf Waa Sarl&aar of 'MM emu. H. B. o.nrard ul MM Hum ?f Soatk Orwk, T. a. Bmlltvrd Mti OWMt ? ? !>. H. W. Had a *11 ud Hu Mwnf'MMftM aad mmr Ud Kf? NUM. ?. J. QaiUord aa? Mum HooUr. C. U Wrl?kt at WMMwtM ud Cora Bmn. Mr. aad s; eoM*?v Mr. ud Mn. c. H. Mm*. Mr. aad Mrs. 1.. T. Tkompaon, Jfr. utf Mm. W. H. Haokar, Mr. Ud Mr. W. J. McWOIbuaa, Mr. u4 Mr*. 0. A. Uu?. Mr. Fr^J'-d ne&h * 'p ytHl r tyi\ nr wur WBATBSS fUEPORT. Aanaar. tM III MHiiI |Mm 1* - - .. - . .: a.f.i | tl>j- * ' Jiff* awthw**t wind* i\. . V.'M i'i ' I I nu be "/Daily Ne1 BISBOP ADVISES WORK I lp FOR ytaoUSLY RICH The Rt. .men. Willtew May* tbe **40*" are as Mneb Pmafttee m die Poor. sadL hfca* "Tbrtr MM Ideas ere Not la Oooformity With the Bptrftef the I Ooutrj. I New York. Reb. 18 ?"The soI celled 404 u as much parasite* u I are the poor; their Influence le not I American end their Ideas are not I In conformity with the spirit of this I country." ; J I The Rt. Re*. C. D. Williams. KpisI copal Bishop of Michigan, who has I been taklnc the rich to task, made I this declaration to 860 banqueters at I the Cafe Boulevard last night. The dlnera wero members of the Women's Henry George League and the subject under discussion was "The - New Morality.'* "We all realise/' he continued, i'that justice and righteousness cannot prevail so long as wo have such | people enjoying wealth they dUL not earn and Cdilinp not. Put them to work for the benefit of mankind. It t is getting to. the point , where people I realise that a social conscience Is 1 needed and a genuine ^wakening is 1 coming/' T ( The Bishop went on to censure so- < ciety for Its love of display, and then i toik up the temperance queetion. < "It is the general belief that 1 drunkenness leads to poverty, hot it i is my opinion that poverty leads to 1 drunkenness in many cases," he said. 1 GIRL'S DEATH SIMILAR j TO THAT CF HIISS ftLVIS ! LINNELL IS INVESTIGATED , A Young Gist Sixteen Yeses of Age t Tnkes Brag to Restore Her to ? Her Normal Condition?A Wealthy Merited Man U 1 J I Moast Pleasant, Pa., Feb. IS ? , Developments in eonsection with thl mysterious death or May Halley, the ( elxteen-ycar-old telephone girl, being ( probed by Coroner H. A. McMurray, t resemble those of A vie Lirnell. it is , Ibelieved the poisonous potion which , caused her death was taken by the , girl la ignorance of Its deadly qtral- < files. ( | After tbe straggle. which eh? do- , claree *ihe cndored In rtynWi.f the $ (advances ct bar wealthy, attractive, bat married admirer, aged or<y the < Sir! le said by bar aiater aad other , ' relatives to have t conf?td to a , prieat that aba tMk the poteen, not t knowing H to be dangsrooc, bat be- t 1 levins ft woaJd correct her con- t dltlOQ- * , According to bar stater, *he last \ time She saw bar admtrer, she learned for tbe ftrat thsto that he maa mar- ? rled and ha#eri*dret? as as her- x aelf. Soon thereafter according to ( Haael Halley. eba end her lather a found May la the throes of pain. May 3 explained the luraieee on her arms 3 and body by declaring that aha bad ? etruggleJ doeperntely to protect and j maintain her self-mspeet The Rev. ? J. U Updagraf. pastor of tbe Charch , of God, says Miss Halley an bar 1 death bad expressed bar horror on f learning that there were "mcb man;" Tka wiU to to. I WWiQBI B. JUID BROTHER BAVENT SP8KEN Ht YEARS Jr | vn ? ? *. ** ?. I * i - -AM*hn * Kt :-> -. d !??> )i^ri ;-i "*' ; hi r.n*i v? M Ctoratand. O., Ml lt^-lln mock dote T??r brother, hM IX, ptrbkAMinnrikttMnot*ad riu> Rockefeller la Maafclpel Coart today, i if Wp.r. Jit "I don't Imr," unmd Mr, < Rockefeller "He aid i taw am I pokes to eaek otker for ndN t km' ? -- "? " ' ; ;g> , Nr.lMM)' kea appeared in i ?ort to light a ealt for Its. bronght by kla obaudear. Tha defendant ope t -ttirf.ct t&n t?-W d owaem In ktalfdpamip pa hi tkelr t cheaffean only >?* aoMX when d thai attorney Interrupted wRk kla TTSSKftyrSt, the cbanffear. Mr. Rockefeller a*- | nonaoed Mat ke we aid appeal / i > * .r L Mil , soi. kiui is 1 fire nos{ 1 okflhi THE BKHATOBlili FIGHT V COMING LIVKI V?A H' CLUB HAS ! EKH ' * * Die O^IUTES IWUE. THE FRIENDS OF KX-GOVKKMOfl AYCOCK CLA|M HE IH ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF WIMpKI.F. M KKHII? _W,AW lLi KT?_?W-OBu ARE NOT LETTING THE GRAM* GET A START. UNDER THEIR FKKT. oa boii'X' utu'iFvtu\ f : ? ttaloigk. N. C., Feb. 0|.?The eoeLest in North Carolina (or the seat la the United States Senate now heM by Senator F. M. Simmons, and thai Simmons. Governor W. "W. Kitehln ax-Governor Charles B. Ay cock an4 Chief Justice Walter Clark of the 8s pre me court, is about to assume a decidedly acute stage, especially as to the contest, between Senator Sin mons and Gov. Kltehin. It ie'a fact that these two contestants consIdor the race as especially centering is hem in spite of the dahna of ttr friends ef the other two candidates that they have large and grow lag following*. Governor Kitehln is hunching a "Kitehln Club" can Mlgn that Is to be pwehed into every I carter of the State, and which hrough invitations to the governor o deliver speeches from tide to time rill make opportunity for him to tpeak in all parts of the State iUm icthusiastlc local anspices. The initial club in this msismssf iss just been formed in Raleigh, end i*a .cxtsndeden invitation to .fhe light. Ha has accepted and w?tpeak in the Academy of Musis. That be will mot only sst out is letail his owi political sttttuds ob he vital national ineaes as they beer < in North Carolina.-State policy, hul sill discuss in > scathingly critic* nanncr the record of Senator 61mnous,, is conceded. Indeed^ one of ho hottest broadsides of political at aek that has taken place inside the nrty lines In s frsmt while is fair illy expected. This apeaoh is snro to surt c Bro if political controversy thnt win iproad Into ossry pnrt-of the Suit ind will doabtlaas wan man stpasuins nntll ths prlmsrlss s>? ksM ? hs tall to nettle ths eanatsHal son sat And that tharo will hs a tnal imount sf blttsi nana la eoaaadad by is moat optomlntlc. party lie dad I. The senatorial c oal eat condition i. n.the State at larva aiakntH sail ante. Botb Simmons and Klttbln uprose front satisfaction and claim 1 sate land. JUan an-Osrnsnor Ayassk ind his friends an in blfb spirits, nth the at dsTaiau In ths hast of isalth condition ha has enjoyed la nan. Alas CMaC JaaUea Clash and I la friaada am workinf eathnateptiedly and darlaw that thsy an da nloplnf* a anfnrladnfly lasss fonon nf la many asetioas of the state. ' t. . **"" Dnrham. Pah. 11.?Wiley M. Baasay. .aha has haan leenaalhf adMar nd parnfrnph writes 'tat the Dar la position. Ondiwhteana'eniniit ha 8nd has haan nlaaaat a aaM sf Ian. j .'. ) '_ _ ^? f , WMMMMB. Ow Mku 1? ?Dr !hw?i?f(h?m wmw? m ntn*M. W?hlocton to?? Ltlutlo Co?t U?? T?awmT. im . If >? ?Mnro ?i?. <? o. ah?> i ti m <K|ilrllff: -v".; boko, whoro tbo nab M?)h> ~ "-OSM ! ? > m? ;v... wl> ?it .tool V>?oJ.ir.i - .m ?" - ? cbo , i/HXlroiH ko Norfolk SoMkork Rtllwoj Con- - V ? "j m?nmNMH

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