i I ^Ey < ?\ v- ?w* . I i'! .; .-^ ?' ?KZf ' ?? ? wT^ . 1 'i I * '- ; it ~ unwai.r^MALLOw^cvn-nvurioo y :4afu?COOOO*ttDOrM?TV*l<ilT,t3 * I |W> MMCTHI HILOtyj^^^ V / >1 * WIT 1 ? N J s* uwMJccesshjimim I"y fi? Damp Cir1t?mtion I g. Bp aantav ?r Artida No. 1 ? taaniu that poac drmince. thin wll. poor "I ? mMM.llillWrtroo.m4M. ""W i>? fail- i AMdi * .'?. thnt good <tisioM? m U th* MM l??W> aucceaatui (I farming; nod that satim ban an- p! toajd .twrtain ><tncl? U> aaalat ua pi In Ota tana oparMloanaa* mat*, al- hi a% Utat tU? waa Mta-anlr waytnlat pi I tanl hwia * Ma. S. Uat n ft' w> rarWn.Ohn.no*?oo?. How la the m j s^rSw^rhe eftai^-rWotthe serf ta f the plow a and. the horsepower. ( / "Tboimh |?nnlkin bifpKi plant- it la*"-*-9fcla iU? or principle la em- ti r braoad im the two stepo already taken for ad we have done In taking ti iW there l* jrt ranch to be done ei before we haVethorough prepare- bi A tton. We presume that the land Is m h reasonably watt drained and was is V hsabt |H| In the Fall orearly Win- ei ter, thro very eeeentlnl points In ths n K Han of thorough preparation*!. Bnt U no aall ban'ha Intn thorough state al of preparation antit It te equally hal- w I anted that U having In It HI the <t eltnionte required for sueooesful 3, ' plant growth. We mentioned In iU sclent Quantities to support plant tl "** r. "i '' "i,a I ' the three miesing elements In ? , moot anna to Whole or le part, are tf.1 NTtrhten, Phosphoric Acid. %nd Ppt- , ' ash. It rather or aU.nf-these elementa ? ara net already In oeoll, then It be- d Spmea a pad ot<4k? peaparatlon to * apply tb.m by an ^IcatKm ? ban-yard manure or cetnrnsrclH ? fertiliser having in It' tho needod ele- d | moat or If brae (afcneded (And moat b " sella boye In Beaufort Connty need n % lime) it, too. oho aid ha applied, ha- , * lug very careful on to how It la u of farmer*, it"should b? remem^L rotrhintri la th. promotion of plMt J ;r. qmKwbSi: w njjkrtl ?MI*t .mmonltJ Into th? otmoopbore Mm, of tt. ?m-' Mfd phonphato wfTl nuiijo ton *T*11-1' " WOtbe soloblo pbcphorfc MM eoo-jj it )? not our purpo ? to writ? ?t this " I S^XtSfKCf ^ of elsDsotl or factor, needed it, ?g t. . tic*. .;o, c.:*o; ' ; ESSFUL FARH^M ' { >.w**a?v '' Tte.'; L ^ v. *8*;' |P5fp ? fc- yp ? I 7TJ [ : 7'-7l^e '7 - L ?i ore ?tf?r^t tb^ 4 t*ou*utf" ttt W* 4n? IMt VTfcSO* ? the TIM Crf lmm.r-|. I . * ~ T ' ' w . K . ^ , , miwmu my IUIWT 1U la iMH la. *ar acbeme at reparntm* focao taraiar aboaM aply aU hie fccllMaar at tha t!meof reparation twtom BUaUai. toctw Kara baa irmiad la lta oehem* ot lant Uf? that (rowini plant. wM oa tiaia to tlna need plant food to lataln their llraa and procnoU tapir r.lHMfe m IfeJftlyPffrb. tT< lould not be aaad la th* preparaoa before plant**. Thoromsfc preparation mauanal' Ith. that la drained. broke, mat nrad and pulverised and to (at thla a moat plow deep la the NU or udp Whiter, and If (ha etable or the ira-pard manure waa not worked In t the time of breaklns. then J oat aa irly In the Bprlnc aa the land la dry eoasb to jrortt. bieadnaaf the auble lanure Inteadad for the place ;nf Ad ov?r |i, and ran a dtac harrow hoot (oar Inchaa doop. than,It lime aa aot aaad In the rail and la to ba ad now. braadeaat from t.OOd to ,000 ponnda par acre, according to in acidity or the aoll and ran a epcon Harrow croaawlae tha way tha lac waa' ran to work the lima In a (tin. and at tha a*ms ante mnlttfl nor the ooil.- Tha harrdwlng ihohld a kept np or oonttnnad from ttmarto mo each woak affWO.' tapeclall) rtar any haary rain that ehould hapan to come, up to ptadtfhg Thbc. Tha harrowing from time to tlma 111 make fino a faw inchaa oa tpj t the aoll whfch will In Uta warm aya of Spring admit tha warm air nd . p?n Into It and cnualng It to arm up much mora rapidly than If ot harrowed. Theao (aw Inchaa of naly pjitrerlxad aoll will ha a lankar-Uko crrrar ermr.tte land ddtlttlng Die ilr and haat of aua in at at the admo time holding hack oa mo latum in tha OaMd aoll ba I ??ry period. V" *o? If f4rtnil?r la to be aHl Unre plmotlbk ibd ?#0. or Wore bouldlMby head of planting ootton *111. If good b* oh em lea I Change of Ithe fertlllier a-the- preeletto pMphraUoa of IhJ eed bed for nouaHj^about_ftvo orten 'impM CJOOD VENTILATION ' ' I Am Inexj.'-usfve Hcu< "of Warding | r ;r;f ?*^ . | Not oue house in ajv undred ia j proporly Ueatad and ventilated. Xhia; I ana reason Cor our having twice or three times tho amount ot colds,f headaches, pncumOnla and catarrhal troubles and general IseMetgacr! that * should have In the winter. We are so closely housed at this season of the rear that In badly heated and ventilated rooms, churches, and echool houses and public hallo It la extremely aasy to contract contagious diseases and even consumption UselL Bnt you ssy, what la proper heating and ventilating! Proper heating and ventilating"la supplying from 1.500 ts?VW0 cubic feet of freeh air at a temperature of 70 degrees to each, person, every hour. In addition to this, the nlr should contain considerable moisture. Air that la SO . dry that it will shrink and draw the furniture apart and kHt towers.and plants In a room Is at least unfit for human una. In the house oaih* a fireplace or stove for .jwmtlnf It ts difflrait to,properly heat or emulate the bonoe to oold weather, hot area than moch c*o ha dene to Improve coo., dlUoae. rto the firwt place. fletthe thennoro. erer habit, K?*p ao eaelt? road tbermomoter^to th. living room and the worh room.Banglt to a place where H canbe readily eeeo end e place harbh-be ererege room tern para tote. Next, keep thla theneoeaeter etandtog ? ? MV'r 70 degreee a? I b eepMbtioc don't he ebaid.et *??* %.. WSpp&sW ? bat herevdt b the rood et eO Unit resardteee ef Jia Incoming tempera: tore. rireplacea ere now go oogetrected that treah air,,* ad out tad from, below the Boor and paaaaa op bahtotuat the at*ee ot.the grate, wknra.lt k ISiI il ami then elb-efl we ev ep ...,. to enter the roc to above the flreplace. Or title heated air mar alao ha able wed .to eater an adjoining rooat or ' -t'lB "'J.. . 11 . * . o*|l toto sap or jeare rooma above. . u etovea are need, hr all meana Deep I -van lead, -towfehteld; thla ehleM J ahouldpcfond. V> the Boor. Wroah air J ahpjrfd ho admitted through aa open, j ifig In the floor bonoeth the etoee. to I that It mar beoome heated hr pete- 1 tofl^pp. between the atpee pad the j While theee are probablf the beat meana of warming the air that eomoa I Into a room, a email amoont of ir?h . air may be admitted b7 ralelng the .lower eaah of th? window about two luchoe and. placing a atrip In the opining below the aaah. TbU win Hermit a small ouantlty of air to edr>. tar near the middle of the w|hdow. between the two eaeftThad will ' giro It an onward motion aa It en- 1 toroth* room^tbue jcewntlog "oold .j^r^dnUlattan may bo c secured by-ra*Ui? th? lower ., aaeh 5 iMToral laches and dIecIhk a shield i ""."l1.. *" - ; JI f t . " ' I 1 '* ' 'p - J bppoeltp tbla. opening to deflect the ' Incoming current of air. Another eycellept practical mean* ' ?? 'potUaflfg la by tborougblr.'"air- ' Ing" the living rooma not lass than 1 thW,ef*?#1i?Al??nr.T3*UW ll done by limply opening the wlndowa ^ |acl.dopri ffu a. minute or two hod , allowing freah adr to flood the room.)' ITbo fepilog of etpIteration following ^heee "airings" la well worth thol] I trouble. Try tt once. Priest air $?-4 *H?ftrt onr< no ?-?~A ?a h- ?a - -a I . 1 'M-'T11*' ?? la* hare our ah*r* of it. * h% W?1W9?4* to ff?? J#rk,? c?.loo4 of W. M4 t*m nM#Ht praparpUoc^o aWp aw J^. ?CT *?li ? *><> ?? <"W. > . ??o I80I4>K W jBOSTON. - t'ujf5 wl-i,<1! sr.I Boston. Mm, \ S?5a&?&*5;; 1 Jl "1 if '1'J.I IIPULI .'IP* aaf^rE1 Opor^Houto IHa night. vu lUtk to appear becaui*. ifrlntf.ftiln tajpj In raronnao to.? long dtetanro telephone call tram PIW )V 41 y ^ -Na|Hp|ppiPBH|j|!^H^^y ' m p I I I J 1 . M i ^8 ifl r " H '1 M^?."*iwir* '*?<1 to WliMimuu aoclety btt dtagbf wai soofipM to iMNf-to1 MI KISS STEWART EMEAMSfl H HlflflUE pum . ' f' <. ^ rn.ur ..S'l . "t " ' . lost Pleeaent KMIh 8peot an th M< <ioeata.at Miss Paoole Stewart a ' a?BMl Street. ^(i I il - . | Mlsa Fannie Stewart moat pitas* intly entertained a number of heme. rtoMgjpt hot home is East fecofplto trwet lest evening. Tbe roome wertbu raped from. the cbandeller to lb. orners ot the room, with garlands o ipi led Hearts and a tluster ot largtwc md snail Hearts suspended trot mi lattaadalltr, wltb red ribbons an lot rttk aottttlc arrangement ot Heart ig n outer parts ot the room. It pr. onted a- pictwre ot loMllnaoo en th< ras admired bp-all preeeot. A, coi Atfions those present were Mlso git Holet Stiller. Pearl Ward. Mab tie Uota. EM* Kelly, .Sybil Brabble an trc losalle Eteeatan. Meeare Jeeae 1 tor faro. Claude Rlcbe. Henry Jaekaa to. lean Lyooa. (lames were played, songs sum : i -etreahmaata served, aod ererytbir ' tono.to' make It an enjoyable eve: *r rod. bet AM pnatuuM ^ fco) ao*t chorales and -enterUfalr All loot-a* ^ ,1..., uu It would not bo iuM to themortCS detune profeeelon to SMleot praUirfBel ll* onea exhibited at?the? tt*rlc>4*< (Tenia*, unqueetlonablT then wefhRl due by tbemMlrSrW one. (EiT##ai Olred the >nee IB MttedBffiHKB The elxea^^HBH^^B^H C^0* : rod it to ae they rate and thq>Mghj^^H&,t^^| The feature xttraMioo for ftijfl sTenlag.A the peine drawlnc off o'clock. entitllnR erery patron | thanco tar V ; complimentary pal loodforo and. ^ ;r IjnC'v y'';crSr, I* * ? .w h#,' - Jm i flHttWwk, ainrthi tautr *o<5 admiribU <purtHJm. RE WIPES OUT PARI OF VILLAGl ?, Women and Children BattU to Save Tbeir Hobm in Zero Weetber. " > Butler, Pa.. >>b. i3.-i-Tbe busl 8 section of Baa Claire, a village t fAr troto here, was almost wiped t by Are early today. It orifInatpd la a drag store an.d read quickly. Almost every man, man and shild was called On fa: rriee in the bucket brigade, the rn being without other protection ainat the flames. Aaalstancd ~was" anmtooned from >j*e>?7 toWbet:b*c*W of <h? adition of the roads it could not be res. Tbe loss la 9I8,0*0.".Yrte ally the entire toirp' i* suffering m1 dtpptfure, due to bejnw sera *. pcopto Hbt U? flam*. iKthu./rift' ) !%?. 'u-i'-; td ft JiAW BRANCH Wry lw of tlx, tobacco former* thto MtOM k*ra oc?n tBCtr^lmt to ? account oT tSo "tbtttjuigd itwtt <tOtk geDerr to wj mack backward from tbe ' : ' TTtki aid? MIImoo if tola -comHJty ?*7 tUt thoy boro tot ma Bore aHN finteit tbaa thto hu m. In twenty mm urdkT nlckf Thto enow aMo* to w of Jm 13. ?<ik?lr a death of >r to tneboo. Cos rou null tko tor a sua tto-iw?KU-? jMjjErg=====ss ] IFFERSI 3 I - ; n HI Lawyer Wiley C. Podma Property-Owners p Good Roi ' ,', , ' Washington, N. C., Feb. 14. Mr. Editor:?1 hare road with Croat deal or Interest a letter froi your correspondent in today^s papei If you will permit m? to say so, 1, ii the main, agree with the gentleman "As a citizen and tax-payer 1 hare al ways fdlt .great interest in Ooo Roads. t the last Democratic convention buffered a resolution for pnttlng th roads on taxation, and, aa County at torney, drew up the present law un der Which the roadS Of Washington Long Acre and Chocowlnity Town hips are to be worked. I bellev. that the law Is a good one, but re* lire that we are biasing onknowx paths, and In order, to meet with sue cess, we anal proceed with castioa 1 have always been in favor of pro frees and public Improvement; yet I realise that tbf taxes in Is count] at the present time are.to aome extent bordenoome. I apee with tlu fiantteman that K eoaU^wa peal benefit to the peopWthla eectlee to lmprowe the roefie. and. It on(M to be done, but I do not barter* thai the taxes odfiht to be teerwaaefi for thla pnrpoae. An n counter-pro position I would ancnet tor the nnaaHieallwi fit your reader* a ad to the infill of thla taction. thla proposition: That aa elaettoii he catted to laane *SO.?M boadn. Thla nmoeat ot none, will build appro*laaatell 7t | mile. Of aaad^ay ran da..and will co.er all ot the mala thorandbtarea ta the three townehipe. It ahonld be pro elded that the laternat on thaea bonde should be paid ont^f the BRIEF imES OF MIEREST ; GATHERED HERE AND THERE : Our correspondent from Broad Creek wishes to know what's become ot our newsgathers at JMWuaa, Pinetown and several other points. These letters are interesting news disseminators and are read by hundreds of people who like to keep in touch' with currnt happenings. We are not daffodiling with Xfr. \ Luther Burbank that creates new , 'fruits and the like, but a man who u comes Into the town and fills up on i pur good llcker and writes back home that everybody else is drunk why Isn't he a Nbwberry? From an undercurrent wp are , towed up. the stream to the npper end of town where we bear whtaper ' Inge that substantial improvements ' are going to be made this spring. As , the tide recedes we fall against the piers at the lower end of town ^nd are pointed to some vacant epota that > look very auspicious for much lo be - adoing about the* time th0 ground bog cornea out to make his next observations. All along the line everything looks good untO we bump up against U? ?mrt Hot**, nn4 bar. ? so Inquire whether or not -ho anticipate* any Improvements this spring. r ? -'Another party of tome seekers Lutb*r Bortaak mm . him Mart trip I Wb?P tMw ia??*bim?moch do-1 1 " 1 1 1" NO. Ml - j s> * 3ws is aean ? i PKmofi 11 E OF THIS CflDRTY 1 a Offers New Ideas to tke If This County on the ids Question :? 'J I aside annually a sinking- y I h flcient to retire the ' .^0 * **a t^ty. I According}' ullUoas, $i,' 000 a year the iutoceet II and provide a Ticking fund. I. Without taking into consideration . I . thai nilswl ??***Tassi In * ?11? i this would leave (2.000 a year for the purpose of general maintenance / , of the roads, and at the sane time e would leaSne to each tow'nahfp ttoo ^ 'V'y|fl taxes which it pays to be need on U* - own roads as now fixed by the Raard . of Road Commissioners. This plan would. In my opiotya, ! r meet the demands of your corree pondent, would give do good roads i at present.'and would Inflict no - burden upon ponteray. In say Jad* . ment, this would "be better than' a hundred thousand dollars worth of t bonds as suggested. I believe that r the Road Commissioners realise tel ly the Importanoe of good roads, and i that they feel their Inability to jro-' l vide them when they are compelled, i under the present law to spead m> tax money In drtblett. v ' " Li If the peoffie of thin district real - ly wish to see good roads, they ha*e only ta prepare the proper peOttshe tor an election to be ordered, and If a majority are la favor of the pUon od will be .aid to dlwmoo tho moeter with ch. poopl. of the dlolrirt K any time. I would like to t?r fro* " men bold up tha Jltye town bf GreenTllle. Ind., In the most adored wild western fashion yesterday afternoon and for two hour, not a cttlsen of the place showed himself out doom while Charles and Lewis Morgan paced up and down the length of the main street with drawn revolvers, uttering threats and wboope of defiance. Finally Sheriff Fieher arrived In answer to telephone calls and put the yen under arrest. B. HOlSr . DAUGHTER OF AYCNCI 1 . t . a Editor of rnjpndrt"fawiw h> to ' Marry Daughter of K*Governor. Raleigh, N. C., Fhb. 14 ?The ea gagement of M^. Clarence Poe, editor of The Progressive Farmer, and a widely known migsstne wetter, and Miss Alios Aycock, etdsst daughter of cx-Gojprsor Chalrlew R Aycoeh. was anndfcncod this afternoon ? ? brilliant luncheon given uj .*?rk!'AT-, ; hart Anderson. In honor of Miss ki cock and Miss Rosa Powell, of QoMW boro There were 30 young lad tee . who shared the hisjltslllysl *m> ImUraon lor tU Wutal oae-ia* ^ TMKkt at tb? ludKM Of tbo 8uprem? Coin i?l HBT_.?i>i gmmgiw w'.???"?- *? man ?rt?4a'u iwk aa i aart at a RtaK party aeqntl to tko charming I- ' BK. Aifct/fanstaK? - ?w rTByTt'i V-K "T3WW1 TtV. r Fourth 13^yti; yffiifiHBTfTfTi*^" ^?&y"- ss*> ' ^frsa *n-n W^w.Tp^SJs^wWraHWIWwhw1 m Vj--^mm

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