-+2 *' *? .!. *v" - ^ | Returned f Jm . i I Carollaa. aeklng him to Imu C. A. Keddltt, A j-oanc mm who hod boon ffrtor toor reere, having forfeltdf.. o I 1500 hood for embeoelement, and K who woo hollered to bo In thla connI U. The abeziff Immediately got I bnsj. and learned footer dor afterI' noon that Ue man wanted won near MV hojsi, tnis coumr. Tatting tne irua * tor that point yesterday afternoon, ML the Shorts proceeded to look up Mr. M ltoddltt. and tho arrest followed. Brtegtag htm hack to Aurora, last W night, and (oaring that tho town M lockup van not suraelont to hold his 1 prisoner, and not oaatlat to nt up I ah night and guard him, the aborts J besought bis wits and decided to dl&r*de the honors ?tth his prtoonor. Ho pat nun handcuS an tho prisoner Wr m iifini i w r* ?* i r ?*-. n .! i Be V* K nj^l'wrtsrtlng a aorfst ot nasi| lags tho Interest of the solorsd I farm org of Martin gad tho northern ' I' eoedod la gstuag the DspsAmoot of K cgrlenMsre to turaish an *gtnt sad |j Truf. Chance thinks that this col their ftrma give them mtfjff vecttaft Idee by pwttfns hie . rL'NMtaae In practice f -Out ! (? local nana In North K Caroline there ere only two colored. [ One eoouorlofl with the colored A. A ?. eollece et Oiftnsboro. end the other with Principal Chance at co-operation ot the Kb rem I maul with Prof. Chaeee la alran >uCh Ita appreciation of hie efI forte at Permclo. end 1U faith la hie It eharmcter, add In confidence la hie "i?a^ablllty to eocceed. )UM. I Tb" netrofannere- week ft the A. 9' An a (teat ancoeae an^ rally loo I an than for the lectnree end prat 1 tfeal Inetructidae lu mere Improrcd I Oethnn of termlnc, which an beI (lit rfeea by national and ante er I perU la the department of earlcnl I tare. Splendid lectnree hare beam j| made ea dalrylnc by Prof. MeClaln. vTA Of the dairy dlvlelon of the United '-jlatee. aad by Plot Bnr??ee. mate ft- tereatlaety "Oreen Mannrea." "SOU m Pert!ttty." wee the en'biect of an adSl dreee laat nl*ht by C. U Goodrich. I of the national depertmect of aerl. m cnltnre aad today ha dlacneaed 1 "Pen Management." Two other alrtlr today ware by Prof. O. If. V'Urh aw "Hortlcultore." aad by W. y. jot neat'an the "fedr* had For-1 itapinBUiSr t* COMING AKD GOING ftfil m - - T firmer of Aurora, raid u? a llrarant I ran joaurday I Tb? many frtnada or MUa Ollrla J 1 rraWfday, and.la a(aln at hat homo. --sas^twsr: 2gjb E"2tPw<'a! ThrSaon. or Ahrrora to j[r TWO CAFTAINH MARRIED; f I1 AnMltUUMf -RES hn '_a Mn of nr. W. H. Baker D*ngerou*lj aiMHifHooeirlMt w Second Street. Little Alton Baker, am ? )?. H. Baku, who has been, lit (or soma time. ettMt^ao sign of Improvement nor a long time he ?h suffering with typhold-Jer^r- *aO t?e *>M parents ajstoat dlepalred of hlr War and'Joat as aoan as it tmk?? n?#1 ha would Improve, complication of other diseases laid bold aim Mai and eary little hope la held oat tor" his recovery. DEMOCRATS! DINED KtXZKK. Clark, Underwood and Biaanir 0\>armmM Only Gneata Present. Washington, Feb. IS.?The New York State Democrats in the House gave a dinner tonight to Representative William Seller, chairman ot the Foreign Affairs Committee. * Speaker -Clark, Ckalrman Underwood, ot the Ways a?d Means Committee, and Senator O'Oorman were the only gueota. *.SEW ADS Tfl&U. The ; RIM B?M. f Southern Furniture Co. J. K. Hoyt Howard Wtufleld. a Xpi * I pestkm. - jttgj! United Rubber (Jo, " ... . RECEIVER ArtTAlXV SOLD V , BANKRUPT'S TEl.EPHONK NO. Clndnetl. Feb. IB?Attorney Her K&iss th? deaJ $10(>. waa^^r^ _ i. -ni??. I* III" IHIH H I 1 - I & h 111112|| II11 111 fv Hi ill -'?*1' nr UftDTV YE II DC * Jttnnn nnnninn : HfE||W UL lllll HL Ivlllm n llll 111II11 HONEYMOON AT SEVENTY HAVC TRAVELLED DIVERUKNT PATH* FOR MAN* SUMMERS, BUT NEAR TEE OUOBE OF LIFE THE* Min AOAIN. flow i otk, a. inoroary x*.? James H. Hegeman, seventy, a member of the prominent New Yort Hegeman family, and Mrs. Mary B. Oakley* sixty-Jour. whs was his oweotheart forty years ago. will start on a honeymoon trip today. Th aywere married quietly on 8unday. For three years Mrs. Oakley, who lived In Pougttkeepsle, has been a widow. Last Christmas, desiring to get into communication with the sweetheart of , her girlhood, whom ahe had not seen for nearly forty years and whose address she dM not know, she seat s Christmas card to him In ears of H Obertubbnaalng. a son-in-law. And on Christmas day the old sweethearts mot. Mr. Hegeman oourted with the ardor of ^mt|M&d was accepted. Th# marriage-was performed by the Her. Dr.. qteeas in his ehareh. "Bat we don't want Mis word of this In the papers," protusled Mrs. Obertubbuslng at her home last night. "Father la opposed to havtnfc this In print aad .l believe, mother? 1 mean father's new wife?would object. I won't any whore they will go op their honeymoon. When they return U|py will Use with as for a rime. flrat love, affair. Just what parted them la not known. JOINT lEEFING OF r I ,'Mjers Toamniw frrtl be a Hplendld meetInco*-die and county teachers at the school auditorium tomorrow. The following la the program: America. ?olo, "Irish Lore Song:," Margaret Long ? Miss Wright. Teaching of History In Fourth and Ttmr'Grades ? By Mfaa Salllo Joynar I Davis, of the East Carolina Teachers, i Training School. ! Chorps, "Voice? of tho Wood*" [Rphenateifi.?School Choir, j Teaching of Geography.?By Prof. J. A. Blvina of 8tate Department ot I Education. I Instrumental Sold. "Flrat Movement of>Orand Sonata." Schubert.? Mian Penny. Hoi ForCarolina. < Mtas Darts la the ^eecher ot Hl*r tory at the above named school. Mr. Blrlns la ffuffervtoor of Teocfcor TmIbIh* far Nnrth CimIIb. hnma In RiUlvh . . r i l ji iiiiiii'mj SCHOONER 'NELUE* ^ wac?*g^^ -'' ' . ?pr | Moderate variaM* winda. < fiaitnr&KAayft it*? i ir,*aojl Z imi ^r? V^; . i% 1 f? II hH Joha hrbocbla of N.w Taf*,:l$ i Mac to build a bqt>m tectiaMe* (Tlpalaa who oas om thalr baa da aiXa who bam (ha DM at 0 M jaaa&n aad barrow, drtra mowing CirliliJii taaa aad an fctatda at rmatabW Drib largw workshop#. aa (hat tba raaf.Kki bat can bam a bank aoeoaat Mf.ldi to $10 ? wah Tba woman win ran ran WHIN AHAE8TKD IN TWUtRM,, TEXAS, HK HAD REVOLVERS, POCKET KNIVES, RAZORS. AND FOUNTAIN PENS. GOODS WERE STOLEN HERE pk; . f' ~ ' " ' .HARRIS HARDWARE CO., D. T. TAYLOR A CO., WERE THE HEAVIEST LOSER8 ? CHIEF HOWARD RECOVERED SOME OF STOLEN -PROPERTY. Immediately after Wayner Floyd's arrest in Terrell, Texas, last December, the aothorttiea of that city la the Lono 8tar State, wired JPollee Chief George Howard here, for Floyd's record. Ho was arrested there for carryiaf fsninalal weapons and efrpa Ma effect? were searched, 'cjf s i a I r hit suit case, it 1 to coo tela t we Ire rein tree, fountain pen* and " ? fu.nlakm J * * toon * tor likened atss C?k^?d b. T. Tar loo A Co had hods 7F'- ' > " 1 . ^ m^T' wTWr !Ua>(la I. fl? .. J "*" ?? , latter Ion 010 -ntM caee of founUJo fat, valued at about ?1?2. Among the revolver* found la poeeoeotoa wn tbo ones iby the nhmbefe no them. Assuming that the other arttelee ware aleo a part of the missing booty, the i o? |flcial here succeeded,In having the author!ties there ship It hack to this iclty, which has just recently been ce-J rfdvec. lest of the rurore. kolvee.l land lit fact the beat ?( everything Ti'ad been dlapoeedof, but thoae re-! turned were oeetly Identified an that hiring keen stolen over a year .previous, and ware turned over t? [their rightful owaeia. Ml "*.* r/'Cr i -'B! -*? .' .1 -ruer .ver-^-e: a n ft - : . m" h PiQCW. PCMtmutT 16. 11 ' feAy Btel* v ^ I u SSrJrarS L la ?J>e nani Una lh*r oan alas n hejrmkee u4 eultlMte aura M > winter Urn. tke? will teaamlnni la I tter -m Mt ooljr1m aaK-nmnrtlaa. [terkW ?MCU tbaas to can tram H Wweeklj !>oar4 uK the men M. BRIEF NOTES OF INTEREST $I8ERED HERE AND T0ERE U Judge Grimes and the Goddess i Qf Justice should gut into a scrap who would recorder? jj*. ,f ... II a mau liad been fished into perjuring himself for a friend, we wonder who will Nsil Roach? X ? In Judge Grime*' court yesterday NpU Boash was s?t-ow-to-tfre May term or Crtnrttua court charged with perjuring himself -fa hwearlng that the whiskey found on him "Sunday was ordered by himself and a friend during December. Upon examination Of witnesses the Recorder found probable cause and had him committed to the county jail in default of MOO bond. ^ Mr. William B. Rodman, Jr., appealed before Judge Grimes in the Recorder's court yesterday and pmyed that the two fines of J100.00 each against "Billie" Bailer, bd* reduced to ISO each and cost and that the notice of appeal, noted at time of trial be withdrawn. The same was so ordered and the fines and coats paid; This i? the result of n trial of a Portsmouth concern soliciting and delivering whiskey In this city, through its travelling representative. At the opening of.the Baptist "Association here last fall the Mayor issued . a call to consider our watqr supply. Is there any way to connect the weather yesterday with tbe arrival'of the-uew pastor of tha First Baptist church Inst night? MIDST m W1D8W OfWlWHllEIIUffl j jMiMCm'S1 TaI Mb, 14.~U> the 8?pram Court at Ooohen, thle e> #e^Mww ewewwe -. - e wet," ,i.,n - -1 arxernoon, justice oracuufr preramtncey u>or?. ? laborer, et Chuter, thta county, In Jon* lent. The widow Bf Myaro oonnht to reenter 111,000 It le believed the enee will be appealed?-;" * '?'&? Myers, the f?tb'er Wjtt* ajblt children, ttm crorrti; c. .-.-co. when the He*. Mr. Stone'e motor 0?r strwek Mm. In the cor with Mr. Stone were hie Wife, Me danFiter. Me mother-Inlaw end the Rev Mr. end Mm F.. [ Shalnee of Owhen. . ?? *'* J The Jury deliberated several boera before machine a verdict. I^ |i - yy ** * te Dallyfcffi^ 'son is r WIS IT HI Sows *1.000 Bills as a Youtl Gulped Bare Vintages, 4 urean Caterers to S hte and Flees fine uous Vision of lice OO at. Loaia Mo, Foil. 14.?J. H. Ty- k son, reiktered from New York and dl who has keen lUjlng at the Jeffer- w son Hotel for the last five days, has bj been playing the role of spendthrift re -? *> ?1 ??ft V"?- ?~ " -? haalJ made hotel hangers-on an* the Bt. tj Loots "White Way" gasp. He pur- pi chased wine by the case and demand- gr ed rare vintages. Five dollars was the smallest tip to bellboys and to ar waiters, and taxis with him was a m mania. The menu of the downtown St cafes were too plebeian f?r the New ]e Yorker, and special bills or fare had h? to be prepared in order to suitable wl fastidioos appetite. ol He lavished presents on his guests and got rid of money with a celerity * that would have shamed "8cotty" in nc his palmy days. h< *8t. Louis, however, has had a car- H: nival of diamond robberies of late, hi and it la risky to spend much money, so Within twenty-four hours after his re arrival *ke was shadowed by Chief in A11ead*r*s "Sherlocks," de When be gave a modest order for m< a case of champagne, he was watch- di ed by detectives. Police officials ? HP MEETS II li. drppptiiim nrnn Ittrtilll (ion ItliHu SKft PAHTOR OF FIRST IIAI'TIKT CHURCH ARRIVED IN CITV 1,0 LAST NUWT?MET AT yc TRAIN HV MM) 01 DELEGATION of is ?? of WILL PREACH ON SUNDAY ; wl HIS FIRST SERMON TO THE NEW St CHARGE WILL BE DELIVERED IN THE FIRST ILAPTIKT CHl'RCH WNDAY MORN INC. Rl Cl Rev. H. P. Daiton, who was recently called to fill the pulpit of the First ge Baptist church, made vacant by the resignation of Rev. J. A. Sullivan ^ last December, and Mrs. Daiton ar- ^ rived in the city last night direct ^ from Petersburg, Va. Quite a number of Baptists met the train and ex- m( tended them f cordial welcome. Qf For the present, Mr. and Mrs. Dal- fQ ton are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Edwards on EASt Main street. They' hope to begin housekeeping in a week or two. I Mr. Daiton recently .received his Ph. G. degree from the Southern ^ Baptist Theological seminary at Louisville, Ky., and cornea direct to Washington from this institution. The new pastor will preach his (il first sermon Sunday morning, and a large and enthusiastic congregation H HW Ml II !> maiden att?rapt la Washington. Mr. Daltoa will be nxat cordially K received, not only by the Baptists or tb Washington, hot by h?i*g?od poopi? w Ul. ?V' * * ... th HAWKINS HCHOOX? UOUBK. < 41 1 oilOliK . At?' " (k MiM Ban Harrison of Honiar a of Bridge was the goeet of Mlaa Alice Woo lard soma days lost week. K Messrs. Daniel Wooterd and Tay- w lor Pinkham. made a baslneea trip to in OTIdtfM.fnillli* ' V r < : th ?*!?? "M* w weajl^jUero *eK ao aorripea tt m Hawkins School Huu. Sunday ul Sunday night fr lira. Noun Im .MM Mr* Sarah, dt E. Woo lard laat Thureday. H '/ ru WV tf ^-.TV Mrs. Ho hart I atham ot Huator'a th Brldfe ta our ail tut. Friday. T ' Mmn o. L. Sparrow and Lraan to Pinkham war* Washington ylsttora ar Mrs. O L Sparrow and Mrs. lot th Lot visltJa Mrs. J. 0. Woolard ontjrn day last waok. o,..Vr-V .."'Jl E.< c'hiJV'Ji x^' Vkb;, y?rM ?? rs is Clean mm ijrirar ? Woula Sow "Wild Osta~ CesU-Ahillty of EpicatUte His Appe- ^ m the Stren Carious Po ictaia jpt their eyes on him when he ned, while Tyson was' followed herever he "Uxled." Tyson's guests were Interrogated v?|8B ' the police as to where their hoot ceived his thousand-dollar bills. They did not know, but thought rson's father owned the Mint ta blladelphla or the Bureau of Bin- - ^9 aving in Washington. ^5 There was a cordon of police ound the Tyson apartments this orning and this so disgnsted the jw Yorker that he paid his bill and ft, telling the hotel clerks that If > couldn't find any other city in blch to spend he still had "little Ji d New York" to fall back on. John H. TyBon, of Riverside, Con- ^ 1 cticut, and New York, left his me on a western trip a week ago. Is relatives last night did not know b whereabouts. The Riverside Tyn has bad a stirring career as a cklees automoblllst. He was under dlctment here for killing Olaf Qcnrson by striking him with hie 3tor car, and has been concerned vorced him and he married again. N. Y. World. OScIEST' COLD SERVICE MEDAL ' f mcrable Rector of 8L Peters, tain aad g ?l( *v- - '^4 Award TtiVimjgh Adjutant General. {' Reverend Nathaniel Harding rvcd tho state aa a soldier for 5* are. He was for three years In tho ^ vil war and hoe served as Ohaplhi the Stat? Guard since 1884% He at present the oldest commiameA ^ fleer in the State Guard. In afpbr*itlon of this faithful service he reived the following letter from ljutant General Leinster yesteday, hich explains itself: at? of North Carolina, Adjutant w. ... General's Department. Raleigh, N. C? Fsh. 7,'ltlt. tv. Nathaniel Harding; J iptaln and Chaplain, 2nd Infantry Washington, N. C. Dear Sir:?I am sending by regisred mail today thirty-year-old ' rvice medal for you. Under tho ovisions of General Orders, No. 17, >11, yon are entitled to war service the Civil War, and this with your itional Guard service entitles you the thirty-year medal. It gives a great pleasure to send $his token the State's appreciation for your ithfnl service as a citizen soldier. With best wishes, I am Very respectfully, ' R. L. LEIN8TER. The Adjutant General. IJiDN DOG-PAC1D BIRD.BKAK.K1) MVN man, From Africa, Also Tells of . Race that Stands on One log. Like Stork?Help! Los Angelee, Pa*. 14.?Dc* T J unm, African exploror and scieait, arrived here today an route to o| ashington. whore he will lay oof >ul Oeoloaloel Pedety that he km covered ?nrea with 0* tm ef O and of, *d?*U? M the Unit > "Ptrlr r>itf1nnt " oroof. declared Br. a low *ott?nU terk not UliB * ^ao^aMrri#?m Uk? Iklt VdW MOM afca*'^ "In inolt? part of Africa, far nu the heonu of white nm. I cowered, a tribe of Mtlute trho n nbcnt .like ntnrWa rah'- nor . tew ijjc i..-..? ..wimM uawer ueed tin;, cy carried It beat or drawn tut. leee men lire. In a aectton of* the entry where there an nnay poote ' d ponde of water ..... -MfSfi in MiltMother .part of AfHea \ j ?re are, na?r?aa ohpaa taeaa an rtoany like Ue bmt of a bird, bar ttra la treee." g