I to Tell Them That Na Hout. alao. Mr. : M HI II |-MIMm tor Ocr. Woodroa I worn rooMrm colten ?W ?t k | *CTrn ' CM ewNwrtw * " ?>* C?k"*,! 1 - * a ? # ' aW _ ~ - - ,|, L (ntiiMi mm or ti? rroiriMTua, 8 H n * *^at la Mt at <ha u rot^HBSjHK^i beton lootod on the i - ^ - ? . * M. - - ? - ? ^^^fm9nrmn tor tm two mm History, the City of Wash* No Voter*, is Housing a Headquarter*?Mr. TWt's to ^e Paying * Monthly Keel Politicians are In Evl? i Into Roosevelt Headquarrth Carolina la Oazy for vp* . . fit 11JS&'fti is CormU*. Roo8o*?lt teM iMta. Mr. McKi?)? hai adTlMd ??,?,? 0? Utter. fi at* woaaiiaa m UttiniinM.*;' Tha Rooaaaatt baaOacartara. la ek>r? of Madlll McCofmicfc, who Km daoartato tho La MM itu<at*. to lootat to tho t?? Mor of tho Muoaaj BolMto*. Jo* two Mo*ka lattoiw 'toMr tbu took* labia otMo. a raal. U?? MMtotoa oallad oa Mr. McCortaJok to4mM . *' North Corolla* to ww about F.oaaaratt and that If ha to nominated ha will carry *0* *"?T that atala bat * *' >1 to wall.. 8. 8. MtMtach of Charlotte. N. C.. termor Major of that eawa aad baatao ior Con* raaa laot raar ?T ltopraaaatatlra Small, waa the maa who bronaht aoob KIM tidinss to Mr. ItoOomkk. WQll''-' : ^ h Carolina m foe Unrwrrlf first, lut ?B tht tfoaau- Ur Mttotoch. ; btototito ?aj. oaThaa ifiZ uaertinr ttet h? is in tkt orssld^t* iol moo Tbo iinui ts-tW rmwui M^MtoMtoM ^totthTcUr* haafeaatta*. * *!*:%ass?s=r?.? t*ot t Uwoe" stfij ^ Brlfht, former ***"" ** **?? ? of H<f?ww mu ll??f'^jM bid not ^Spacs >rbat?ver w?l??l?r tin l? JtoUM* I koo?- ,*?? **?* a??WuxU, Mr. UMkX. W#8 fttill in itm ^ r$cw ttftd yoilltf feo I i"-' ' ' f. ^id ?f?rtt*?lt7. that U?r? v* w? 9?H?-| ' ' * # # ' ?r H V BgratOKMW a THE Ml PLEAIED FOR IT ; < < '*?; ! Pto jwt JPM?i4T? A MCCTtp nrrsKiAN. ' Porllaod. Me., Vet. If.?Plaloaad > ""> otfrelaht ma. toUowiaa kMa aeuMoo or two foeiaht tram wttt Oraad Traok - 4 -a n. _a T?a ..IL ?- ... mi u MM Tirmmm VMB non* loe, Oittor Oolite, t aHaa feeltaod that tha efterte to raacao him mm the lama, which were dlrectlr ooar ha boar, weald tail, ha pMad00 tor aa hear ua a half for tha ghyataiaiia te?1re htm eoatethUw to ?nrim ant othia HOOT - - Attar all ??aru to ramora tha Unbare tcaae tha aaa'e body had felled. Or. Bdcar E. Baker at Portland, crawled throech a'teasel at rratn aad wreckage to Qerliaee .Id? aad aaaaad klra a haadfearahlef oaiwretd* with HilaHliiia. Br dhcd- Hat tha damaa won lapping tha lower part at Cor lira'a hadat-'^--'^' "t dMtha aotrtWaaa ?aa wilt aot What to rtrwtt? mat cklorotena aim. aTttoeded tor BwrdBU hear far-aa taatwa Mm pianlhm to tsSfwmk ^a^alhamt rwaart torallaraa dnAMoJ a '? ll T Oortta. m* O*. mt Ur?* ulm stirs wmm ;? ? I ;=? '? ?' | ^^*?5eee . ^ B?*~~it fit tk. obw*?i K?4?l olgkt ot tbu ?wi I t -J \ - 't'.Yj" L || '?hZ?(??2I3^B ft/ i: .. t ?5 .? -<^H I I a Iffi- fl KiV i -> iiKfmi T--] US ATTBRKY'S STIPATBT1 noT 1 " fi"" COX-HMBC* ( W W * - JL?1 ^ TTT1'" " > ' I *?M oftiu. S.&'fKtlUW< q* ', JcrtnKtmt ??*. *r. 4. V *V> ||||p|p LiCrjfyNl? iWw- to tW^tM.of.jMgory lOtfe* xf, u, u uMti toMrlhotkm by ll'iMit u< f "? Altalfe <?o? ?15 RoltreoJ Co.. ta ?sm!%?&* "?* ?*?? * q>" * aiiy EftNOON. FEBRUARY E?/j| lis Brain Feeds?( ===: Hbv<' i m 1 *! j [ A W* L '3 ?! .*. c?r ' |. .w- if lj k'-vv-J J |? i 1 1* * H i Ml k p Wl u mjM ? IrSS?11 BH^Ps "' MJUUfBStliLP'" v j^jsrsaisas rtW ***> to ?3 , ********** m *:LKL??i **5.** **; "="*4TVi$^2**tSh O it. I sz; i J ik ir. g ?Wn ud rtMt- J| >re ?i|cn.l Bo%it.r kOboot it 3: M , fcVx?w3wNfc.?^'VfT.1.''.;r? TV pVtor ioym to make U>? t Mf.MMM - ?t;t?|tr.lkl lotyiMt. J 'ahidiM nf mAtnlbf dUvouraA -fll>? ' . I"1 ^ T|ln^w??v 'y 1M)? jfctr.TV - I'tiM <M>- . mm ?m v v crwjmao*.- \ ? I' JtMk** tTiurvb. Qfelfeb ??? (Md-OtM Uo* ? ugtloa;) Rot. H. BL Stwright tMtor. H J1 . m.??M 7:80 p. n. ? But n^rrmil ^itront Tin ITotnirt ^ oprw^iSa *& ? *?<? flUL. r?*. J -' _ -J,;.; i '.^v. ****** ilf Miftjli J ... 1' jpod Reading I i mi mi a Hwm-i beginning Next Wednesdj Tear Will Have Pui | Date Marks Ash Wei Past Few Weeks Has ingtan Social Life R< Tlinik/ ?itwin Book. CJtwb. Tbo Thursday Sronlas Boc* Club roc delightfully ontonaixxHS on tbo ft* by Mm: Wota?o?% at th* tome t Dr. B.M. Brown, la optto of raih ad mod a good'aombw woo pno Djii n)4 tM ml ohadofl ronilliio and Hmttai or nd brtita w chant ad bright. The dab te atndjtes Southern Vlntem. Mien Ruth Pltuon ruad uu Qtereatlng paper on "SlU J?7a,- Jot wad tn> a uketeh at tha lUs and rorte at Jamas Lane Allen, by Mm L.K. fctwwa, Jr. u'w Ktu to?acat n akin* whole a broken heart. Mm t. A. O. Barbae proved moat affiotat. and won a dainty urine. Mine Vrtdht aad Mm D. M. Car r cava pleasure with their chnrmX votoee, that merer rounded wouter than niacins the old time are aoasa. Mlaa Wetawre aerred a loat appetising "upper in which *iiir HELD MIIML MEETING roat^Ctgppaay. ot aTla e>j!?^L bald ar of .Mala aad Market atraau on ft. Taaadff attune*. had waa wett giad?d.> y fd Mr,Jwfca%. dparygw. MhHr Vthoy.Bntf.Waton t*ort to tko OHWIIIH, W?ln? 4 try h?Mh, *towu> on tlx, p?rt of >?b?Kj imfcjtin yoot Oaca) ytn. t/ilUW. WifytoO OTOt UK WOTll'll'lKl*,KM<4 "WOO HI7 pill K to ^ WW?l>oM?n._ Tho lotto*.ZrT%m ??, 'x r* no. B. OyoWl?,?. T, Mmot. V. J. ?,C- **? ? ? lrrnn-44* Jno. W. Olios. IbM bo >? no tnoKMf UltMUUt *oottn? il^KUll Tta MMit 4IMK 41wtori MM dMr nrrtf m raiting ia itnlK ud oUctfd m> foUonU* ufmnon. Tfawmr B. low. l> foot; Jno.' if- Mnh ton jn'dlndj Mo: *. Morrow. tjifmrSk KBon obn Jk> Boo. iiiWnKw. wl U. U tot inrtltotlopr, ttirj, lip. UMr Jwo*** fennel Uotr <? one) I i?fT* w ? vm ~T- ***???>? . __ - : """" " J $ .,4 ? m " ?NO. 114 fakes Good Men riir" : ,SIIEI FESTIB ty the Gayer Season of the ed for a Period, u This bnesday?The Weather the Put a Damper on Waahscent Social Event*. i *a .. ) ?*1 *:v ' '/< ' heart* of every description figured ; Wuinwwj: -'S ,**?;.* * ~ The clab la tearing, rotad MJaa Watoora a moat craeSoaa bootaaa ana Dr. Brown'a hbafa moat piaaaant !'; MjalWi. ' Thnraday alarat Dr. aaO Mm Jno. C. lHMaiab atrtortatoad aaaaral of tbatr frtonda at Bridge. fxw 1 to 11. Aft ar a thoat enjoyable taw a lata labcbaoo. ooaniatlag of fovr eoaraaa. wan aarrad. Tbo gmcata larHad wortMr and lira. Harry McMaUaa. Ifr. and Mm Bamb Moaa. Mr: ana Mm W. C. Rodman. Mr. and Mm. Pratt. Mr. aad Mm J. D Oorbam. Mr. aad >HH. * 1. Vangbnn. Mi. aad Mra Wolfe, Mr. aad Mia. Oao. Loach. Maadamas N. 8. PaManW. of Hartford: Will Taylor, ofWlMon. Mm Guilford. of Aarata; Mm Dwmay and Mlaa? Jaoa and Pcnale My.ra Dr. Hoyt, W. *. Hodman. Jr.. Dr. Prlddaos and Cbpt stickle of tboU.B A. rfF- *)'- " fr huaerai. whaa Ma eattatartorily ?xptalnad kit wbaraakowu la aaoibar oectlon of the city at tbo time of the- -v. , alleged attack on tba young woman -? ?? AWMWW rWtor* to Um> city today f *?? "J*' ST, <* ? - . Mr. l.' V. lU'M h> front Bath*** la rStjWlxB (m to OM Mrtlir' i? |>w Wdotoilaf*ot UM HMtoMi ??? liUT?Bl> M? ?0M. IV ananM ?n ki i MltlUtkoiH OI*. JlltK : ? ,| ... f|,1 1 i>.?* . JEM iMxt.FrMfsr SVK M,?. ?jyVjjfc',- jtf. ? >:.;/' &?*'' \\4i3a jnlir ctfmZi -r- Tin 3T.

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