1/ vol. hl mr ' lh nirrnn n n mivmiii I* III IftJIl uU Iillliu I 3 ( I y. f - . Ntv Borne, Feb. I#.?The trial of. Bakor Bryan for tho murder of Will K. Avtrr xa ?w, ana no u? now ir?e. Solicitor Abonwthj'. motion to.Mt f a?Mo the eerdlct tor alleged lrr.ru: \ loritlee of tho Jorora. vno ororruled I \ bj Jam ronohoo. on nooonnt of th.ro not being anffcient weight to fT\ th? allegation. art out la the afB1 . derita. no War the Jary Wood. I, . i The wrMor hos hoon reliably informed kg o member of the Jury that I tried Bolter Bryan, that no the rery -\ trot ballot they teood It for acgolt\ tal aad oao tor Brat degree,morder. \ nad Chat ton minute, before the Jury [IT It hhi tu# I (Br Dr. D. H. Reeder. La Porta. Ind.) tut a j ix> uc : ?a douhqoi oi uom b>t?w r*lll?g m If to uj "You, Hob* Health dab. UU mj Mamma kn to beep n tram barfed the aoUc and how to Mop It wheo I do I ham | I BaMss here colic. Mull; when titniM ?U wests end eix months of I w, l>m> they some times here u I . at two weeks. The trouble with the J heby sensrslly antedates 1th birth V sod Is noons I. tor the moot pert, by \ > the MlimoMS ef the mother, darted testation, to the matter of diet, r. ' She sheet*, dnrtnc shot tltpe. srold I ell usnser or rood that Is ealcsloted t* to mill MHHiamsm sad bar toed dull be ef tlasne t^tlldlsc character. Brassy, syrupy sad highly eeetaoaed mods eboold bo especially mwid*. sod .M. ?mM,w.i... mt. at the hobs m weaned Plat; of Ire* froH should be partaken of by the mother. Sarins testation, bat it ahoaM asewr be Tory sold. Cereals, fresh milk, edit aad all sack foods as seataln much album, tlutsa and Ibrm, are etrons factors In bulldlac bone, muscle, nerrea nd all the tlasuss. This will holy the baby dreetly before K la bora aad will do mach| the same diet sboaM be obesrred dulltf lactation When the baby baa th. colic stmpty dire it plenty of warmth. Hot water hatha, hot fomentations, plasty ef wertn clothlns far the body iadJ)t bad, are aanemary. AH tbm - la psumtloo to the attack, la a aeaapat way a warm katb wUl roller# the ISA*. no matter what the oaaaa of Hp trtptsa may be. aad the relief t win HP almost laataaUaeons. Often merely pmafap the child's mat in . want water aad a cloth wraaa out i of hat water to the abdomen win / hrtns PSHef. A hot weter bed la tbo / hsMy"e bed will brlad aoothlad sleep aad as eewtfeaoua as aaossaary. .; Dadtr so clrcnmataacaw should a ikak) ka afaaa ooiatm. Mar* MUttl Hh *Pu wW ?*r^m v^as^m muw asm uttw am hilled or rained la mtnd and I ?|M ?V Pareporlc, tor Instance . \ to lKllit mora than tincture or I. \ opt dm, laudanum, camphorated. and [f ?\ .. the MpredUet. ot all the eoothinp '| fry ayrnpo ape partly morphine or opium M' extracto. Any one In thla day ot L wtde-epread Information ahonld know f , that to plan a tender babe opium or Bl Chhii 'So 'y able-bo died pan folka. \> , Baby no lie la not a dan ye rout dleI J eaaa, tat H la naploaaant to baby and , ji - little lana no to mother and fatherMSB lapaiitally the Utter when be haa to |LHL walk the Poor wttb baby darlap the jj niphd. Bat the bot water, and aome pond, oM-taahloaed catnip tea will V tired unify relief, the little one. An I almoet Maptcal remedy U obutned J by pbartna a teaapoonfnl of molaaaea II " ^ In n aap of bet water and pump the ' J tatB It IP pouted. A drop ot peppanaM amana, In atx teaepwefn!. A Brep el eaaer.ee of ePmpDor In a uanpunfnla of bot water and pleen w, '* tanppnnnful doaaa every ten rafwwfne, In eery efflrnrteoe If tbr Lu J bnbp'a bee Me are runninp ( and the Km * ?**?? " W anvera Andttar pood proacrlptUn for tba BP ^ parta 01 Fii ?? t for a First Degree VgrMinutes Before the Final Ministers Referred to Case ' returned Ha verdict Saturday afternoon that ode men stuck for mur oer in tne nrst degree ana tm jmu&no* tor acquittal. Saturday night and Sunday this verdict waa the topic of%coneer*ntlon. Tiara isjnuch diaapproval, aa WM shown by tia applause bwird In the court house whan Solicitor Atacosthy nuted to tha Court that "the verdict la thla caaa waa tha giaaaaat miscarriage of luetics that he haa aVar known." The preachers of tha town. It la understood made rafarenca to tha caaa from their polpito laat night. ' Mffeiftji" ' * "...h'iiI admiaisteradtopirouah tha nursing drops In a half aoaoe of hot water. botUe or in anjyenstble way. Thla will warm tha stomach, caaaa the baby to batch aad throw off tha fu. CM Rot?. Bloom vil le. Dear Doctor:?I have Ipd tor auroral rears a akin dlaeaao. commonly known aa blackhead. It nerar affects any part of my face except my forehand, bat It is now on my back aad cheat. Please prescribe treatment. diet, etc.i V;'. F. E. K. The akin trouble known aa blackbead is not aa a role dn? to dleteUc errors, although In some cases an excess of pork, buckwheat and ayrnp might aggravate the condition, also In soma caaaa tic difficulty la aggravated by being around a hot stove or where there la an abundance of steam. This causes the little sweat It raUxid, 4a sot cloae raadllr. and a little dm lodges Iodide the apeslad sad clogs U dp. Tka perspiration Ik attempting to sseape la held heck bT the dm and tin ma a herd lamp or mass. which opoe baiad sqseesed oat looks like a worm with a bled* head, kHM howessr. Jhot Is slmair OScumulated waste matter with a little dirt at tfce-ead ef It. Every night before retiring yon should very thoroughly wash your faee with mild nnttsepU* eon* and soft water, after which apply the following solution: One ounce commercial (St per cent) acetic add; two onftorn Witch Basel; one-half ounce Glycerine.. This wttl cause a little assarting, bnt you can pat It op without fear of Injuring the skin. Lot it remain on for ft Clean or twenty seconds end then rah the (see thorosghlr with a soft doth. Toa win tad a jial deal of dm which has beam 'left aa the! skis bp the eoap ud water win faad117 come oat. Tjpa will be sarprleed at the amount of dm jo* wffl dot off lo this war. after rebhiaa carelollr tbea apply the liquid aeatn and laera It on. The Dpxt mora lag1 too will dad the ok la looktag eery muck cleaaor aad clearsr aad it win be eoft red Oexfhla, .-r'; U. - >1 Wash erarr. aidkt before retiring with soft water aad mild eoap. aad apply Ike acetic add eolation two or three times per week. ouly. Orsntaburg. Dear Doctor:?Oor little boy, two TOare eld. quite often crfae In his sleep. 1 thought he might be bothered with worms, bat one doctor thinks not. His cheeks, especially at night before retiring, are flashed, sad X do sqf think his breath smells as sweat as It should. He began te talk rery early, aad has always I talked rery plain. but the leet three I mouths for two or three lue at a I time he has stuttered a (seat deal. I i. J. O. s The little boys trouble Is undoubted]? due to worms. I would adttae Celt Phoa la It tablets, three at a dose, tour times a da?. It will I set harm him aad will do him good I la HI eeeat. , ^, . I All readers of this taper are atl liberty to write (or ladenaetlen perto the subject or health at ear time Address all cmmualr. tlona to the Home Health <*b. or B?. Darid H. Reader. La Porte. Indlaaa. with aame aad addrea Id full aad at least four ceats In postage. Rain toalght, >Bd Wednesday colder. Moderate variable winds, shlttlas to northeast. T*-.. i. ' ' " ' ' i"! " i flSHINGTON, NORTH CAR( rst Find the Fooc SR w ^ _ THlrtB DISTRICT CONVENTION j DIVIDE AT AN VNHARMONIOUS MEETING ONE HIDE FREEZES OUT ntmm "?- : 1 ; BRADY 111 THE MAJORITY ? THAT WING DOMINATED BY MUN r. BRADY ABE OFPOSKD TO TAFT AND THE NBORO?ROOSEVELT PRRsKNT CHOICE. Richmond. Feb. 19.?The Third District Republican Convention split Into faction today, the Cabell taction endorsing -President Taft after Retting charge of the convention hall and freeatng out the Brad? follow The Brady faction was apparently more numerous and immediately proceeded tq a nearby hall where they cboee Jbeeph P. Brady and W , R. Vawter aa delegates to the Chicago'^convention and amwed rssolu- . tiona leaving the delegates unlnstructed. .: \f. : : The Bradyitee are against Taft and the negro and manifestly for Rooeevelt at the' present time. Bach convention indulged In hitter denunciation of the other. p BRIEF ROTES OF INTEREST " GATHERED HERE AND THERE b. In Judge BragawVcourt yesterday < it was divoross. and lawyers, while ft you watt. ^ * Two actloaa for dlvoreo won dlo- ? poood of la a tow aocoada?two law a lawyara Had* M aa brief Haw.- a -V'* rv & ifS fie** -*ssr*#j J Paw with ooadacUn* a "tiler" aa Market ami, the wlroe ware erae- ' ad and tka caae foil through In tho flacordBr'i court thim ororatnx. ; V _ q Of the amount pledged tor tbe ^ Associated Charities, only about |4l d has com* into the hands of the treat* mar. ke Informed oa this morning, E though that there had been a per- n ceptibto decrease in tbe demands for dae to the systematic organisation. a The booed haa no idea of rendering tl sestets ana to thoee who can work u and will not. and since the organise- T tlon of tho hoard noma of then# hare fl been cat od the list, mho. heretofore a hare been Imposing open the good people of the city. t] ' ' fi Those are tho balmy days of spring } of which, the posts writs, the lazy j lirer says: "let's loaf," sad the fish* p erman goes to work on his tackle. * We Ogabr take occasion to remind 8 onr correspondents that all matter Intended for tbe DAILY MEWS ? should be addressed to tbp paper sad tJ not to an tadlrldual. Simply address S your communications?The Dally News, Washington. North Carolina tl PEOPLE YOU KNOW J COMING AND GOING ? h Mr. H. B. Charles stunted a . meeting of the JovlalB la Raleigh on 3 Ha turds T night and reports a Jovial a time. ~ Mr. IV B. Rodman, Jr., who spent Saturday In Norfolk, has returned to the citr and was in the Superior Court. reoteVdar. .if . j Mr. W. T. Cam pen of South Creek, a who baa bees np to Norfolk on bail- J neaa, pafad through the eKy today, t retornlag boate. r\- I '. - . if. HXP ASSOCIATED CHARITINH. I Anyone having old rlotbea. ehoea. 1 bate. ate., of any kind or aiae that they are willing to donate to worthy 1 needs,' will please send tame aay morning by 1* M . to Mr*. T F. Smith's horns, West Main St.. at 1 GoveraJhni hour yard. a? Mrs. Smith baa kindly offered to koap the 1 aatne and aupply needs of all who ars ' deemed worthy by our organisation. ASSOCIATED CHARITIES, by Mlaa Rachel Ilumley. Snpt ( JU _ 11RU - \ $ 1 ; . a 1 ^ >= OUR NEW eiiiF -s SEb \ m r m ^yse^saH .v'aidemar Undgrrn. appointed by hJet geologist of tbs geological Sol-soy, ad Is In enttrs sympathy wtth the sd? HAW BRANCH ITKHS. I \ We en delighted to hear that the 1 aeket party at the Bock School sew hooowlalty. Friday night, ?u a 1 access. Sererml dollars vet* releed 1 ir the betterment af the tthoe). 1 It la celte aatural to snpposs that I Has Esale Barr, who won dnt arise I > the beauty contest held et the uck sohool. greatly enjoyed the ofc- < uton. We shouldn't wonder It she j ^grST.tffiTT.i i -W .. f ' - ir ' t J Fred Taylor Aid family apeat 8w- i ay afternoon wtth J. H. HU1. Kmn. JoMph O. Mwarda and bun E. Hill ward welcome gueeta r Ifr. Samuel Kite of Manl's Swamp to n*?" tormrnt c: uioiu >o. ?romtod. to tor promptly wtoa ?h. (mil. u to* ton ?ntil hundred ?**pl* to m Terr month md to* mmmt m? *T*ry OH moathlr It to ku to oU two *r thrw llmto WS? t ' ASSOCIATED CHARITIE8, Br C, H. Hnrdlnr. Tr~* llM mk tar.' Vtf' i U?un Qriffln Barr and Peter w Iran* ware the kmU q( .M1mUora Bowna. 8unday afternoon. ? According to the old-time saying. 1 lat a coat of snow benefits the takds much as a coed coat of manure. < ae farmers over bora are looking i jrward to a good crop this . year. I hey are getting anxious to get the I arm work ball to rolling. Bowbout your farmers orer there? i J. W. HU1 and mother, Mra. Lot- 3 le E. Hill, returned home Sunday rem a trip to Pitt county. Mre. 1 [lll'a mother who llrea near Black 1 ack la very ill .from an attack of < aralysis. 1 Messrs. Plum E.. and Walter-HB1 J rere guests at Mr. J. 0. Lewis' home I unday night. .vl Meaare. J. L. Beavera. J. 0. Sd- | rards and 8am Hill, were gueate At ? he home of Rev. L. M. Downs last unday night. 'M[ We would bo glad to hear from be correspondent at Pantego, again. Mr. J. F. Nelson had a big sawing Bollc Saturday night; the tree belt several times larger than the i rolie. < Miss Sadie Hill apent the after* i ooa with Miss LUxle Lewis at the ( ome of the letter. ' '!?? I Quite a number ot^Xartju rn liytlW I action nave aovn tbelr tobacco beds. Here will be several more sown at t ?Hr ' xgr>'i- ; m 2 ' ' a ' " 'Isiffl R. K. D. NO. POLTl. :,.4m We are having km dlngrtMH* rnather at PNMM. .The roads in lant ImpaaMMe. ? i I Mix Jennie Hodge. in .pending a ' aw dam with bar cosala. Mix Hatle H<x!g?n. in Martin oountr. "kM ] Mine Dora V- Cengletoo was the meat of Mlaaea Sallle AUIgood and lllee Braddr. Bandar. . Claud Coagleton was In ear lafdat ant Swndaj . > Vdrtfj*$ Mlaa Allen Braddr. taaehar at the Hany Orote acbool, attended the aaehera* nUntlng H HIM ? Mlaaea Stella and Annie CniglaHil laltedkglaa Martha Jtttmen. Satam There will be a part* at the Plat 3rove achool houae on Satnrdar ight. March J ThM pnrtr wiu be or the benefit of th? anbool. Event . fcjS* $ NOON. FEBRUARY SO. 1M is Brain Feeds?( . "I F 'M: * Wr * .... P^g^? Secretary of the latertor rubor U fa well equipped for hie new position netiotlos'a owietiw poller ?dy pardlellr Invited Meek dlligood wee e gueet of the dieses Congleton, Sunday night. -.Owing to bed wenther the Onion lender school at the C. B. H aftd at Hny Oitm here not boon very regutek your mgelnr ettenilnnre en soon a the whether permits the* to here l^tw 'weather hen been no hod lete^AMthe far roer* l^eitfTMiBtty ' do, 4, le hoping that we wont he I United bp another enow soon. 1 i ? , \ . ' FORK SWAMP TTKMS I J. r. Lewie end family spent last Saturday night sad Sander at the < tome of their new aon-ln-Iav, Collin 1 L? Nelson * Jamea lethsm end Mine Lucy Ran- 1 lolpb epent Sunday with friends near ' Saw Branch. < MIdeas* Mattle Stevenson, Minnie ind Laura Barrow, of near Chap- 1 nan's Chape), were the guests of the 1 Kisses Basse and Edith Williams on ' set Sua day. Miss Dora Chandler spent Batorlay night and Sunday wtth her aunt. Mrs. W. T. Beaoers. . J Messrs. J. C. Lancaster. Victor Q. 1 Williams, J. P. Latham. Staphy Oatlie. Geo. Bock. Herman Coward, 1 Clayton Lancaster end Heher Williams, were gnesta at the home of llr. Henderson Chandler. Saturday ' night. The farmers of Pork Swamp are I Setting a work notion on them for rare. We think tt Is time. # CONFEDERATE VETERANS. 1 Remember no Crosses of Honor sill be given after November, lfll. Although North Carolina sent , more men to the front, yet Virginia, Georgia and Texas have presented more Crosses?Virginia. 5, SCO; Georgia, 3,885; Texas. 8.186; North Carolina, 8.S78. and South Carolina North Carolina should take her \ light and proper place next year. Veterans, widows, or descendants (in the counties ef Beaufort, Wash- , Idgtou, Tyrrell, Hyde, DaTe and Pam- , lico, by order of Recorder bf Cross- , as) who desire Crosses and can give , sligibmtj. please seed year nam#, , ?t once, to Miss Lena Wtndley. Re, 90rding Secretary Pamlico Chapter. D. D. C.. Washington. N. C. " Ulllllll It I HI CHARITIES. AH who ififBsi to Associated w 12 ^ood Reading Mi EKiSr AT Via TWO DIE )vtaf teiko at Coatrj Chvth vehed in mm Altercation and Two Wore Shod toDMth. ^ OUw Hill. Ky., Tab. It.?White errlcefc vara In progreaa at the Jlobe church, four mllaa from here, toeh Dickaraon, Charlaa May aad larry Raybourn, youths. heosmo inrolred in a quarrel at the church loor during which Dickaraon and tay ware ahot to death by Raybovrs uid the latter waa ao severely stab- ' wd that ha will die. MPT. HOBSON TO UDCTDRE HERE THURSDAY NIGHT. Che Hero of the Merrtmec Will Lecture In Public f&fcool AadlThis attraction wUl be tba fifth tf the Lyceum Course, aud it te needaaa to fthtrodaee Captain Hobaon to in American audience.' ?u one of the brillant light* of the tmertean Nary. No history of naval warfare will be written in the future that does not devot* space to CapainKobeon. At Santiago he won imperishable renown. When It was known that Cerrera's fleet was In the a arbor the late R ear-Admiral Sampion conceived the Idea of effectually leallng-it .up and thus prevent .any possibility of 'escape. Volunteers were called for to lead the daring ixpedition and the first to respond was Lieutenant Hobsoa. It was not necessary to tell the young lieutenant that he took his life in his own lands, and that whether the plan [ailed or not he probably would not return alive, lie knew that, and knowing, was willing tp offer his roung life as a sacrifice on the altar pf his country. It is not necessary lo recount that thrilling feat; it is &ot necessary to tell how llob^on I tee red the collier "Merrlmac" into he mouth of the harbor .at dead of right, sunk It to the bottom and with ria comrades Jumped into the Of him tike Los Angeles Dally rimes bia this to say: &M& Captain Hobaon * wtdrybook Mro. Tortff EMracmkllty la certainly "one In" many. Be baa a figure like a Grecian god, with the broad, sloping shoulders, ie noting great strength, and the clean-cat limbs of the athlete. "The surprise last night was in lis speaking, for Captain Hobaon is both eloquent and magnetic. His .oast waa "America's Supremacy," md hla ringing utterances aroused the assemblage to the highest pitches if patriotic enthusiasms." We predict a crowded house at this attraction of the Lyceum. The lecture will begin at 8:?0 p. m. on rhorsday evening. Cannot Come. The following telegram from Capt Hobaon to Mr. E. R. Mlxon explains itself: Knoxville. Tenn., Feb- 20, '12. B. R. Mlxon. Washington, N. C. Imperative call to Washington. Regret must postpone, lecture. Could come for Baturday Answer Washington. R. P. HOBBON JUDGE CRIMES HGLDS < rrrnkinnu hmsiau HriCHilUUR KMIUH \n Ancient Affray la Called in Recorder's Court?flitcrrofcatorieN Fall Flat ' woUiing Doing" Hay Witnesses. In the Recorder's court yesterday afternoon, Henry Boyd and John ken-ham, colored, were arraigned for j an affray which occurred in the | country some time last year. Gorh&m exhibited in cout an ugly scar made j on the left shoulder by a knife in the haada of Boyd. According to the evidence, Qorham waa plainly the aggreeeor, and Boyd, at whose home the affair occurred acting in self defense nil the former waa a much more powerful naff than the latter, and wan on the retreat, tn bin own door, when forced to protect the adrancee of Boyd. John Qorham waa taxed |t and the eont of action, and Mr. 8. C. Carter, who made a strong plea for his client, waa ralihil Judge Grimes took occasion to toll fact that Boyd had already inflicted a pretty boucy punishment he woeld send htm to the roads. A a amber of wltasnans were examined as to a simpodted blind tiger in the city, but all testified that there WM abwrtutel, itnn for tamftrtn. Un thr u?l rwult. >' * ' ' [/* '- ' ' k. ikes Good Men reeusbs the Umiiiflnsi 1 of mm liilWlWOLY GOES TO 8CAFPOU ASKING FOR WIFE?RSFfW LAW BITES OF CHURCH OP WHICH BON WAS MS SLAIN IUEE PEOPLE HAD BEEN WITNESS AGAINST HIM IN A POLICE (XH7BT?DOT WHO WAS PLEADING FOB HIS. lii. UaMW il> 1M i ? ' rence Odom. convicted of the murder of three persona, was braced /'O here today. He refused the ministrations of a clergy ms^Rw bo labored with him all night, and those of hiA own eon. a Catholic priest. When asked to say his last prayer, he requested that his five-year-old daughter Haxel be brought to h(m to remove the black cap. He mounted the gallows stoically and laughingly asked to see his wife. Odom was convicted of killing Charles Golang, Joseph Stokes, and David Oartman, the latter a 16-year-old boy. They had ' been witnesses against him in police, court of a charge of cruelty to a dog. The killings took place March 18. 1910, at Cltronelle, Ala. He shot the boy at the feet of hie mother as she was pleading for his life. Odom was tried twice and declared guilty each time. He was wealthy. BEAUFORT COURTT SUPERIOR COURT . I : .ill In the cape of J. L. Mayo vs. E. U. \"iH Dawson, the plaintiff testified and ' rested. Defendant made motUoa to sr-*v ?-A son tm diverse proceedings, decree. " for plaintiff. Daniel Boone vs. Lula S. Boone, colored, action for divorce. Decree for plaintiff. The case of John A. Moore vb. Gilbert Bonner occupied the greater V'jB part of the afternoon and this morula* ' y " Mr. Bryan to Take Oath. Mr. P. Q. Bryan, principal of the Washington Public school, will appear in open court this afternoon and take the required oath to become *practicing attorney at law. He ob- 1j tained bU license last year, but baa never been sworn in as yet. BANK LOOTED BY YEQXEK WHO ESCROW 8 $2,506 Blew OsMttOatsflbdr Beds, WW Oil-spied Rooms in a Hotel Above the Bsik Fasm Pursue With Dogs on Trail. v Atlanta. Ga., Feb. 19.?Robber* blew open and rifled the safe of the Austell Bank, at Austell, Ga., fifteen miles west of Atlanta, early today and escaped with their booty, which consisted of about $2,500 in casta and valuable papers, it is stated. The bank is on the ground floor of.a hotel < $& building, and the force of the explosion is said to have thrown many of the guests of the hotel from their beds. Two men carrying large sacks were seen leaving the bank soon sf- J ter the explosion, and posses with dogs have gone in pursuit. YOCTO IfADIKS ROarfmSB ' junior aid aocrorr a . ihrHH A HocUti U fiiiltl hy the Y<wg g ?!**"' a r * Tr'* *'' Th? yonn? ladtoa or th? Flrot tlot chorefc mot iNt alffct with MM. doty to ho known m tbo "Junior lid Don toil." TWy hod a Tory oathisolooUo mootfnpr ilww wooo twotrtjMdM^"t lodloo pfvMAL \ '7r i-UBM Tbo Matto of tko Mk? MS". "v'iSM "Mraar membor at wot* for ti(a *00* , > of oor ooetotr ut ebarcb." SjH Tbo MlaolM ottcora won ilall , -'pjH 04: ProHdooi. bn. C. W. lblWIi: Tito inaMat, Into Moo Harmon; aor rotary, Mtaa Panola Mwardar 'A! treasurer, Mlaa Una Poo It ^ ' !U V, -jj^H

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