School Houses SO Years Were Then Paid so Mu of Logs With Bo Ho&r to Bdttor:? 1 wold Ilk, to ??V ma a allorl dtmmulon ralaUac to Pehlta Befool development to the NMm Of tht* psper, especially to f^sse vko ore teachers. tor UM success of the school depends very largely epee whet sort of s teeeher Ih has. The prtlls schools of Beaufort "???J k*?, taken -wondarftU ktrldM *M WW WW, ouiti IUUV JW9 * *. fit wm bo .(range thing, ma twenty yean ago. torn achool Mag tanght la a mere hot, mi|k log. Tta cracha of auch' aa "'ejpiuooal eegher" were doabed with clay The room waa heated by a fireplace which oec.pted nearly the whole of oae end of the building. The Kante apply of light came through aa . opening la the aide wall, canned by. the removal of a log; porta of the . " daubing would aomatlmea be punched oat to glee more light whan needed. The abate were elmple benchea node of board, and had no becka. ' Thaae were ao Ugh that the chlldrea*. feet aeldom touched the rough floor, which waa made with boardu, alM having wide crack, between than, A prorleion waa made fer writing whUh con.lated of a long plank Mm. tew or fifteen taehee wide. Thlo waa faalanad to the wall laet below the opening. Thie rude contrivance aaread aa a writing daah Cor the entire achool. . Bach a achool waa aaaally kept by a teacher who agreed to Inatroct the mar, arithmetic U4 nMw Seme. Uw woo lH#t -ftm rlmw iNml a certain amount of MM per hand Mr hi* work, which VW aall br th? patroaa of tbo > gfbaaL Tbo toucher did not bar* la i ho anaatlned la ordor to touch ouch a oOiOl. Howoror, ottr fatbora aad i Craadlathora uouollr got tbair odof cation la tbla tfpa of echool Raally K W| low of tboa arwr gat a largo f for IbJg la tbo fact that ocboala wgra Cow aad Car batwean. It.waa a eotoman thing for chlldrenae walk a dlafo' bfa of In ailloo to ocbeel aad tea f mbao back homo. People did laara a, *H Jaa tbo art of wSSS^^, a Bat tbo dar of aaab ochoaU baa f goaa br, aawa Car a low lamgllaaa la V tba oMoa raaota aad obaoopod oocn ut? Toucher., what baa la tba ochool work of tba otatatl Whg ban our otato aipoadod aoch largo aumo of BOnaf la tba craatloo of tkaaoaaH of now ochooln? And. obi tab become naoaaoarr fori taachara to undergo aa educational * . toot kafoi* thop are rtghtfullr quailJ Hod to teach each ocboolo? la' anew or to tba Brat queetlon 1 "HI oar that our otata . aaoamhlr plalalr now the condition of tba otata aa regard, educational qualification. Tbla honorable aooomblage aw. too, what each a feeble equipment would load to. Thar ware etronglr coovlnr.ed thai dmndtKIng " a-'u,VH-urwu?| J to tatter tile deplorable condition of * moot schools then existing. To rem- I i edy the awfal defect, and to promote BOY ASSAULTS LAWYER IN COURT ROOM - - A &?- w ;-- v ] I r leased for the examinlns attorney. J m* tr? ronpelled ID fntorrcne before the yoetb vm ejected rrom W_' |ami vinvinn II UllllvL - ; Agp and Now. Teacher* ch a Head to Teach the i Were Rudely Constructed n Equipment as Now ? [? r like track of knowledge. Th? etata toted large aume for Ik* eicluetto purpoae of b eliding man and mueh tetter schools throughout the state, rrom lb la fact baa arlaen the groat demand for mora and better teacher*. MM only baa the atat* eetabllabed raral acboola from border to border, -bar* tbe children mar gat Inatrnetloo, but at a a umber of polnta It baa aatabUabed collagaa where tbe teacher* mar, br attending, ha more efflctaadlr prepared lor tbelr vark la Imparting knowledge In the rural achoola. You will all agree that tbe eebools ????? auyyucu WIU1 oniy (ooa teachers. Ererj school wants tba bat teachers that can he had. Since only good teachers are desired in the schools. It has become necessary to test teachers for the purpose of determining their fitness for so responsible a position. Dear fallow tssrhy. 1 tsar that scarcely a one of us realise the intense responsibility resting upon us as teachers. Many of an do not atop to think that the nation's futon lies at oar disposal. The Idea that wa are training bops who will be gorernera, congress men. senators and presidents seldom flits through oar minds. It rarely eeeurs to on that Us gjrh who taha^onr training will become Instructors la every held sf educational dssslspmsat that they will la^srSM^^Bg^^^^ And do wa realise that ws cannot he too careful in the bonding of Uk foundation? I tsar soma of sa do not, and. yet we all know that only lam wall Ua moat oasful cititan la ha who can accomplish moat and terra his soaatry best, sad this I * !ffl THOUSAND ACRES TUBE BRAINED IN CRAVEN ?_ ". ;?*? j Inlerrwting tttefm Taken by (be Cttlm of it Neighboring Cbntr to HtfUlm Their Fertile ' J5t Newborn, Feb. IP?Tbo people In the vicinity of Dover, Craven county, are making remarkable. progress along the lines of Industrial development and are wetting an exaiyile that should be followed all over North Carolina, where agricultural lands fro unproductive because of a lack of drainage. The board of drainage eoiMnia loners of the Hosier ^creek drainage district has feet awarded the con I would b? impowjble woro It aot for I the rtcht sort of foWWw I W? toucher* conatutly lad ourMlTM craablias about our sultry. Hutt sua until la twnv win admit that they are paid wall enough Tfcta la because thay do not nm' thatr week la the balances of wank. I maat confess that la my Jedfmsat there are maay ot oa wko J mam mora moaay. kat I da aot loaa eUht f tka tan. that aome of as are tasrpatd. Maay of aa hare left ondoae What wa ahoald hare doaa aa naaida dnrdaty. In, the .?rat place I would aak: "Hare We aeooatnted oarsefraa with tka a*latin* conditions of oar respective schools, and adjusted onraelvae suitably? Secondly, hare wo dona all w. mlakt M patUac tko children to attend aekool racalarly. and, hare wa kooa as thsiwuch Is the pr**entution ot Um i ubjsot mutter m we mlchtT Thirdly, ooaM aa aot pt better results from oar school mm labors If wa woald unify oar efforts more Onnly In tha promotion of education? Wa era proud to any that than an taw counties whose pobUc school aye unite eteadfaetly la the work of mak- I Ins our nobool eyetom on* of the boot I in the atnta, I VICTOR O WIJ.LJAMB. . I out of the elopement of Al Boroe with Sneed'n wife. ?????* * - I ADVERTISED EETTERH. Following la {he llet of lottero remaining uncalled for In the Weoblngfon foot office for the week ending Pebroory IT. 1M?: ? '' ' I Gentlemen:? William CTOeeh. Kf. I r. Caraway, T. R. Carney. Bun Oettle. A. H. Moore. 0. ? .Mowunao, R. R. RaUy. Thomae Whitfield. A J Wit itauo. Were Ladieo: ? M tee Ratio Xiao Borah Broach, Woo Mory Rally. Mifta Men* Damon, Miu Maggie Ceaoon Mine Mettle Oeem. Mleo - " ' r . dat'eSniU. *H0gh Fonl. Poet mooter. ,... , pi? NG'li LSHINGTON, NORTH CA1 rst Find the Fo< inn I; ^ IK Illf Washington Offers Attract Ptc-Nlcs and Excurstoi to While away the Ho Egg '*. iitjram 1 Had It eeer occurred ' to mw ot oor people tn?t It to ones that which we harau't iT'yK?. h'f^/v?'?u^HjH Hera one may take bis canoL. or baas bis pleuura launch and >p*t la tfea placid water* of this beautiful nrer. nnoaia no aesiro to nan, it is only a few moments oat ant 11 be finds good fishing. Tiring of this mo' v . J' I Tboro an dollcbUul d?4. trooo. m?tmnni?a|h room tor any tkia city. Bat?-Washington should make It kMm that wo haw this delictual spot, without moooy an* without ferioe. and that whomsoever wUh lurcoM, and that wo w)U eiund to thasa a boarty welcome . Throusb the roDrfMt of Mr. A. C Ive Rest Spots for Tired Tolle lists?Boating, Bathing and F , . ?': |Uut we most wlsb for. Tboll 1 Imprisoned denlsMS of the wo? ded s -jetties would give days of toinjost tojs notour, be may bathe hla und bodrioj t? Ha para water., and ratnrn Is " childhood and make "frog honraa" * had play upoi'the randy beach ( " There are farmer. tathertncai ta Handaj achool plcnfca and Yarloue ft A COOL AND SH Ajyr SPOT. HtUavtr, we an permitted to aite>( tkle broad tutmot, ud we h Ij that u the eeeeon of ex- It cureloa. approach. we ihould make * aa effort Jo dlrort ewj eaeh ewUBcim to thie city. Alt eoclt adrortlpe the I H town, and Ineteed ot coating oa alp cent, they will eentter a few pehaMele hero and there. Then tboee at najr< North Carolina drntolye law ttr'em- cl brace their Snide to a dralnaca dlatrlct and laeae^bfckda to pay tor thane * JL improvement*. They bad the district established in accordance with the . las/ and employed an expert drainace a] engineer to make a complete survey of the district and draw up plana and . specifications fOr the necessary ^ canals. Then they Issued bonds In . the sou of Mft/100 which have bean . sold to the Newbern Banking ft ^ Trust Co. at av | iP'mllMlJ M The fact that theee bonds were sold h to a local firm at a price above par Is a flattering testimonial aa to thef ? value of these bonde as an in vestment and it further shows that the people of this section are kflV* to * improvements and progress and that they are not dependent upon " foreign capital for financial backing. * The district la the Bret to be estab- < iiahed In immediate section of m the State, and too much credit can- jjj 5RNOON, FEBRUARY 11. is Brain Feeds?( Mil UNO RECREATION rs?An Ideal Ground * UWn* UJ>**TT I I able to root one daj in Juat sucb a pot aa la found In Waahlnctoa PM, lone lb? Pamlico. Bf" . j Pi' > -5 . | itlnga that re sometimes perplexed i to where to go to hare an outing. r? are sure the city or Washington 111 join as in impressing upon all Mb that bo more beautiful spot eats under the sun than can here be and 1 . " * BL T . ^ f ... ? 1 i I i . ' MtU will hate an opportunity. perHW, of meeting some of them end , apreeelng upon their minds that j 'aahjogtoo would he e food piece to i |WW^ their permanent piece. , o? would tl do Co lot Ul* raltroada Ida* Waahinctoo Park upon tkair , HwrtMas' mat car aa a plaoo or i icfaatlan to which all aumralonlata , a welcomt All tkaa* llttl* China. * W , ' Th? drainage commiaaioners ere iMRptG. V. lUchardeon. J H. West, ed W. H/Waters. Mr. Richerdeon u the honor of being chairmen of lie board end for this position he la o ideal man because of hia splendid uaincsa qualifications and procreate Idea along all linee of indostrlel svelopment The engineer for the letrlct IS Mr. R. R. Eagle. clrll and rainage engineer of Newborn, and ho ha* hiflHHft. t*e work ao satiaavo elected him auperiritendent of rastroction in- charge of the entire , ork. The contract waa let on the entire ork to (he Brett Engineering ft ontraetlng Co. of Wijaoa, who were te lowest bidden. Thia Arm has ana the (rooter port of all the draiof HMWIn IB North Corolla* M M .pteodWI, oqulppod with *11 hadHo* of thi* chw of wort _______ MMP ym vunu CHIIIC AKOCDINC Wr^i'rw W^^ WT'lrt" Ml* Uui? Bill * tho wt at elp Hp On* Bow on. of tkrlm of Bow*rw wol* Co., loft to4?y lor two wwte |Sood Reading M CAPTAIN AMD MIS. LEACH ENTERTAINS VISITORS Frleadi of Captain Yeacb from KrjTntsrtalned at Ik Ho^ pltable Hone. * mi. and Mrs. O. T. Leach very pleasantly entertained at their beautiful home on Wast Main street, last evening quite a large company, complimentary to their guests. Mrs. Leach entertained her Bridge club. There were various games Indulged In. Mra. M. H. Bonner was the moat luccessful, having made th? highest score. George Washington score cards, ***4 dther were used suitable to the season. hot?) with her attractive daughter, and bright sons, Masters George and Richard, served delicious refreshment* in four course*. Among the visitors and Invited Mrs. 8olnks, Scran ton, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Relnau and son Ned, Wilkes-, barre, Pa.; Mr. Welles, EHmIra, N. T.; Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Dumay, Mr. sad Mrs. J. D. Gorham, Mesdames D. r. Tayloe. M. H. Bonner. J. B. Moore, K. D. MacLean, A. Q Guilford. H. H. Jenkins, L. h. Knight. J. C. Rodman, J. B. Fowle, W. C. Rodman, B. 3. Moss. W. C. Carter. J. H. Hodges, E. W. Ayers, Morris Fremont and Misses Julia Hoyt, Bettie Harvey. Elisabeth Mayo, Mary Cowell, Mary Wright, Annie Cox, Jennie Cox, and Messrs. Cecil Fisher and Frank and Dick Cox of this city. BRIEF MITES OF INTEREST GATHERED HEREAND THERE Tomorrow being Washington's birthday, the post office'will observe Sunday hours. ( We are in receipt of a postal from ' Mr. T. R. Tyer informing ua that the governor will net be at Gay lord on JUS SSrd Instant as advertised. >. J /K. .a-.;. J_ ASh Wedneeday and the beginning >f the lenten season. Two Bbakeapearian plays are booksd for thla city nest week by a com- | pany of fifteen people. A matinee performance producing the Merchant >f Venice and in the evening rendering Hamlet. The largest number of abad came Jito the market yesterday that has >een seen here tbla year. ' Owing to tomorrow being Waab- ' ngten's birthday, the Public Library j win be closed all day. Df JUDGE BRAGAW'8 COURT. , In the case of Moore to. Bonner, l which conaumed the greater part of , Monday and a portion of yesterday. , the jury awarded the plaintiff a verUct of 91S4. Mr. P. Q. Bryan waa admitted to , the bar and the oath adminbrtered in , the prseenoe of the Bar Association of Washington, I One divorce ease, colored, waa disposed of, that making the third for Lbs two days court. Coort adjourned With the case of Btllley re. Washington and Vandemere railroad company in progress, which was resumed on convening this morning. MIL SMALL EXPLAINS. Denies-Ho Used Department Agents Improperly in State. Washington, Feb. 20.?Denial was mads In the house by Representative Small of North Carolina, that ha ha/1 ear used expert lectures of the agricultnral department In his district for political or campaign purposes. Mr. Small called attention to the statement* made by Chief Engineer Wright, of the Florid* drainage service, that his report on the ererglades IbtssIIisiInn had been delayed Ipnan he had been detained In Mr.- Small's district. onb op nr> bht. VUla nil of Mr. UtktB'a mmetm on Inti Irtw fmraln? ?r. Mi in oar opinion ike on* which win np?ar B toMorrow o Km in One box IPX. tl don In with tto no lone loo of Uo oood. whlek In no Ixpnrtnni.' U &rr;sr?g ou" 'jjjj akes Good Mea US "M WHOTHMD 1#1J IGREBTIEEIK 1 INCENSED AT BAKER BRYAN** AcgtJITAJL A PUBfJC MEETING 18 HELD AND REHOLLTION8 PA88KD. TIE JURY IS CUNDElie HEXVE8 TO NIVIR AGAIN HHJRK JURY DUTY?A STINGING REBUKE AI>MIN1STKKKD. New Bern, Feb. ?0.?On? of themoit unusual demonstrations ever witnessed In tbia county was polled off at the court house last night. Never before during the writer's recollection haa the court houae been filled with such an enormooa crowd of representative business and professional men. The meeting, which was called by J3 circulate, was for the purpose or condemning the verdict of the jury in the Baker Bryan caae. When the court house waa filled to overflowing. Mr. 8. M. Brinson called the meeting to order and asked that Mr. L. H. Cutler. Sr.. be called to the chair. H? was unanimously elected chairman of the meeting. The members of the daily press present were *. 39 elected as secretaries of the meeting. \ Mr. Brinaon thro upon read the following resolutions: Whereas. This community has watched with interest the proceedings in the trial of Baker Bryan for j* murder, and anxiously awaited the verdict of the jury in this important trial, and. yM Whereas. To the surprise of, all oho h?rd or read Ola tnotlra?OT U4 ? to'tas <UrJM> of nil. who MO Infer- " sited in the enforcement of lew and oppression of vies, the Jury rendered a verdict which asta at liberty tbe aid Baker Bryan and which encourages and?in a messure-^iusii- " Qes the distrust of the jury system as we have it administered. Resolved, By the citlsens of New Bern?assembled in Mam Meeting? that the verdict, as announced, meets with our unqualified disapproval. Resolved. That occurrences sorb ma uiw are me legitimate luence of a series of lesser crimen committed openly and flagrantly -in. ' i lb la community which have gou? uitpunlshed. With every failure of law enforcement in minor cases, the criminal VjS clement has received comfort and gained assurance, and progression Co crime, which has culminated la murder, la due to laxity of law enforcement. Resolved. That It Is the sense of this meeting that offtctals of the etty. \ and county, who are charged with Ihe doty of enforcing oar criminal Lews, should more diligently and faithfully perform their duties, and that the law abiding cltlseas of the community?instead of shirking lory duty and other obligations of cittsenship?should lend moral support end j give physical aid to the officers of the law In the discharge of their duAes. Short talks ware made by Messrs. J. B. Blades, Dave Brlneon, Rev.^Jt. J Carter, Rev. J. B. Hurley, Dr. L Duffey, Dr. Summerrllle, Rev. H. A. Merfeld. Mr. W. R. Barrington, H. B. Craven, F. 8. Ernul. IF EVER It 1U( EXCUSEB YO0 ARE Raleigh. N. C.. Feb. 10. 1012. Editor Waahlnctoa [Mix Km. WriUMM. N. C. Dew sir: ?Sometime e?o aomw oae teld the Ooeeroor that your ^ sever desired ea advanced COW of ^le repeat e*eech la order that TOO might sohUeh eama end me.iaatructed aee to eead sea a eogxI regret to aex that In aome way It saseed out of my mind at Ike groger time Md that I failed u? aaad It. Th? (salt Is eetirelx oeta* sad Itraat Tutt will aardea aee for this ovanright. Tpar* trail*. AUBL ' ?WM>. ? J Private llxnUrfc FleW. If eomeooe told the governor" ^ thin, and we would Ilk* to add that V , ore not prepared to apeak for tboew ^ ' JM

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