E-' Aor^fi TaOS *^?I uS o?? ? ? ?? acrTptlpo* ntw^uiUl "ottaT1" Ito? t? reoei>?l It you do not l?t Ue Daily News promptly telephone or write the mu JUKur and the complaint will receive immediate attention. It la our deetre to pleaae you. Ail articles sent to the Daily News for publication must be signed by Che writer, otherwise they will mot /?"be published. U'E1?'K8DA1\ FEBRUARY 21. ?; Or Win Newlaod? And, If lx>cke Craig rune for governor will Thomas Settle??Winston Journal. The above daffodyl reminds ua of an old law ai^n that m&s ??#. 25 and SO eenta at Dm? Wot |i"'fflr ' trees will most likely soli for ".700, perhaps ''m&ns?UeQgr buy this peach orchard api nutfce money. See ? a* oace. J V C. HATHAWAY. J * - i\'-" Washington. N. C. j ? | [Practical fashkns|| LADV*8 FOUR-QOItCD SKIRT. J ? This stylish skirt is appropriate for b dressy ooaslons. It is -m foar-gored p uodel closing at the left aide of the e front and has the clewsr wow psnnlere it the back. This panel Is stitched U partly -down the length., but bangs *>oee a few Jnchen above the bottom. 5 kt the front of the skirt s triangle- i thaped piece of contrasting goods Is a let In st the bottom. Panama. serge h tr broadcloth may be used. ^ t The pattern (No. G?CS> la rot in & itses from 23 to SO Inches waist mens- r' jre. To make the skirt In the me- * iium size will require 3% yards of 3C 5 inch material. a 5 Xo procure this pattern send TO cents tj to "Pattern Department." of thts paper. Write name and addreaa plainly, and bo sure to give six# and number ot patters. ? [ ^ 3 NO- 5g65. ! NAMK s TOWN J STREET AND NO ? I st*te J imzzzzizniz 1 {Practical Fashions LADY'S SIX-GORED SKIRT; | ' TW?^ modal. the tttractlre Empire-watol U*a th# popular tunic, or oreraklrt. The fa# tan.- however, to perforated for the refutation watot Una. ao either may he iMd. The nklrt U made with all tore* and to fashioned to 111 emoothty Over (he tttpa la the style new la >o?w. ^ The pattern (No. 5?7I) to out to itsea from 13 to to Inch waist mea# are. To make the spirt la the meR Hum size will require 4% yards of H :nch material or 3 yards of 44 Inch '8 roods. Teorocuro this pattern Mad IS e?nu to "Pnttern D*p4rtm?t" of tMs paper, le writ* nam* and s Ml? aUtolr. and b? sure to pvt stxa and number of pattern. ,t. at MO. 5673. ? SIZE f- MAKE ? [town....... m. { ' 4 \ STREET AND NO I ! STATE B- . * Grr.it System-Perfected by M I Soyer. Famoue London Chef. GENERAL DIRECTIONS POR '>* ? PER SAO COOKING. r o " Sy M. Iwr, Ctwf of Brook.' Cluo V * ' 1 iiiioii . d I do not clohn for Uio paponta. " mia of eoakory that ft con coat 4- mcyttllc. U U orld.Dt that to. , ?o.t , ittu 41. mjrf. In ttt^'Wpojl ?t Kxr.itoot oonuiu. Tbo foDonrlns U I 4a tt? of .rtUUvtSnt tony la tip ama C* (jCv 11 'rsfhi^i?tt22l2 nkiwi <" g!i?7inie, ii iiimiit i L ihould b? odorteM, ud It. nd? u poMlblr b. tupaiud Dm m t? M toad cooked la the bu. Before using the bags?- 1 (1) 8elect one that "flta" the fbatf] iteeded to be cooked: u I (I) Grease slightly the 1 nsM* oT ie bag. except in the ease of rtgi' fcbles or whsn voter is added. For eglnners it is adrlsable. Better, ird or dripping may be used. (3) When the food has been preared for the bos, place the same on te table and lift the uppermost edge f the bag while you lnsertlhe co? inta. (4) Fold the month of the bag tftr r three tildes gnd fasten with a eOpu^ trong wire paperclips, obtainable ot ny stationer, answer the purpose. W i desirable to fold the corners of the ag so at to secure as near as poetic le a hermetical rinsing The Oven. Practically any oven will do. , Paper* ag cookery Is ae well sailed to a gaa bore as It Is to a coal or so. aa alae* My cooker or oQ store,' alwmygrerkied^tae^nyisssrr hoot ie se ft difference to the coating, only ta bdMottto article. placing the tag with its ?tents i?<* o ffftft ?em the gas tool* bo lighted at least eight states beforehand. TlM tTsrap eras est skomk! aot be less than Mi doTees Fahrenheit. and whence btf ? pet Into the oven IM* ought to ha effaced tat eight mioatea odor to ltd agrees. To find oat the correct dare* ft thermometer, of coarse, is the rost accurate method; hod t^til nee vffl soon teach the cook what i legutaed. aad the color aesumed by v piece of paper pieced ta the eren rm at once tell whether It is too hod r too cold. In the case of coel-heated stores rlth solid shelres s wire broiler hould be used. This should be ilaced on the shelf with the bag remaining the food. It Is necessary to imphselxe the fact that, except in he case of plea, no dish should be ised. Hew to Knew when the Food la Cooked. If the time-table is adhered to, the jag may be taken oat of the .ores in, confidence that the food Is weft] cooked. But if from any cause the teat declines, it is tery easy to Am} Jut whether the food is properly cooked. Except in the case of rag*-" tables, a little hole can be mads in the bag by which the food can be teen and judged as to whether it zooked or not. This win not militate against the cooking of the-food in the lightest. In many articles, however, s slight touch of the bah will Indlqsta to an ordinary cook whether the bed' Is ready to be served. prick with s needle is another method that may be adopted. Bub ft pe?dlftity. favor?bi? twain of ?eper-be? eookerr J? iftat If the food I. left five or tee minute, la the he* ta' the em leaner than the specific*! Utah on my.-table, the food vtQ not tie j^oQod. > There In, tittle chance of nm nitfiilni. i. Sanfara t? ?. AnM. V' Caoklnc cnunllf hu lu dmaMCV Aw- ocWr imiwiMllwl It li tM txMutr at Ula. .nl? uSjt'tM eSj] m*. mi H ?wir ?ii? u? ?M sFS^^'Si&se 'mgJk. tfgeilLtak- t)M uBz&zlw&SSfe fVili ehniH bo placed gently tfnddT Ol?t? wlti tM . !!??"? H*"** #" " ?jWW MM" IN* AM to? *M tM trwuna t*ro?o u w. ' '.J'" \ t. (CmrUtA 1IU. br HleoM aojw > AAPr?H??'*ON INVALIDS AND CHILD***. Iky NIcMfa* Hjtr rtnf if Bull' Club, London. . IwhUKM imchwM BSMCA *M trim a rrfitirnd. moke a little mirefbit of t?oUMee. peyiag uontio^ ^ uoim. and iMligQWrlUfViK brown. Ont the i I'li^ilt dftlM the center. tat do mm kateeft. X>OBd uuo uuiK* w umiwubw wn imj. \mmm In the alii at the iwiltlaMt; Cover the eweet breed with the prepared vegeteblee end piece tat * well-hut tered bee. Cook hi e new oven (or thirty nlntee. Wok the eweetbrwed piece the ether te?redleece t> e toe eteee end Nshtly preee the oimrr through.! em to the eweetbreed .Cfttpheo th. fffORSES.' . IS ^ SMAN, Pres. jc!? v 7 ?;I ' ,'v\ t . 4 ," /. " . r ^ Chlcktn and fflbo Taa.?Chop up J war aad salt, and lay at Ua tattoo tktkTCMtof a fuwl-^ccoked?-lay^Lte rttaaa apan the prepared vegctablee. Man were cooked before mloctag. MUa with ollad batter, aaal aad lb a efare ad prwa^ the *ra^y froo See* Taa. Pot oaa wand of baa* oak Is a paper bag. aaal It, and cook (or Laetke aatoataa ta a oodarata> oreu, Opea tba ha* Oa a dish and yotr will M eataral gturr about tba ear eat a* tba steak, praaa oot all' tolce M K attain, aoaaon to tiata; aat? aarro at aaca la a hat cup. ForoMokett tea, ant ap halt a freah fowl; Wreak tba bcoaa wttb a chopper, pot In- bo* wttb two tabteepoen fills cold water, aaal aad cook fartr-Hre mlnotes In. a aba oraa. strata into (CopyrtjSt, 1911, by Stnriia A wal tor Catopaot.) H Kaw->DBr oalVaa la Tug ml am In if the weather perm**, turn tBtoi out with the hearth- audi tier wtH met; mat* It Is advtssttlb- tkv pCsoe m Boh ef frit or coarse sand where rlo torkeys can And* It'.. a? not att fitrms Base asftdent -juaatit* *m toe purpos* of good digestlom . The profit !|p mi cow ssrasa from the* extra amount at mlQt she wltT yfirtd. over what slfe ordinarttr glwui oeu ocaally given here Always keep?the eadfesl asd Mk bred pallets for -the home ft**. There Is also a Rood demand generally tor mice pullets in the fell By those wasting them to keep: Get rid "at all u?deslrable stock aml-ndae/X?aepportash My for Improving the-tafc The disposition-of hi home le Bred' to him. He may bare tehtod him long. generation* of beredltat that bad-, bad manners in It. and they will oron ent. bet a good deal of the disposition, ot a horse is a matter'of development by the. people who handle him. v ^9^ ?. * "YOf WANT J That question wdB be aaketf yew almost dally by bustoese men seeking yousmsrvlces. iryots become qualified and mow ambition- twrlse. Bfcattod* of bankers teU yom In DRADOHON'8 literature why. yew shoafcf quality at DRAUQHON'8. Tqt catalogue, a4dress Dsaaghon'fe Practical BusImsb College. Charlotte or Raleigh. N of Kooafllhaaliahiflh. Itoh j- 54^'r > '*. frit WA T* |Hkp^sMI| '* * '; . . 1 -.' Vg^x*". i .A jrumI' '. v * fc Ill a rMiMli Of?fl 53 th* ba* on tbe^^bronar Apples a la Daefccm?Waalx nd lry ttti hrg? applaa. Car? thorn. pWL Uiek-ctnnamon?oaQr a bit?la a? hem. reepberrr, or to tiel Conr with etlOj whipped cento. eprlnklo with Chopped, note, end l.r.. or eet oo ice tBlweeked. u? eetoet wpplee. IJght the gee rwnge eight mlnntew. before beginning to cook, or open the Irmaghte eo the eael mm m Debet Pot Ihe teeet aw abet* opon the ?'"t eheet. Pot the Mpta upon? the upper nhelt eo ee to leeee room tor the totwwtoee beeldw them. Aw me ee the tnmwtoem ere done, remote. eet the beg to g? plwte, end twwd Whore . It WOI keep'huh Pot th? Lieew bewww lo the Tweeer plnoe? hat whew the wpplee wee. dhow, roeewro them ewe pet oo the peewtoee. TMe, 70a will hp.whU ttMUfce too coehtog come oar eoea. atea. tt? chin ?we eeeeon jonr wpplee. before- eltttog down to twhie. ' ' 3 It I Bb I To have your, home cheerful w it Is dank awd dreary. Electric Ll^ts will make It cheerful. It Is cheap and. safe.. A postal card will bring our representative woo wu explain Its many merits. WASHINGTON MUMGIFAL ELECTRIC PLANT ?j . i NOTICE Of SAUK Br Ttrtoe of the power -of eeie-oontelned in a Deed of Troet, to. too executed hr Ed Moore end. wife, lellen Moore, on JMpOn*. l???. end dnlr recorded to the Hrgtetei'e Office of Beeofort Count* In Book ttl.i P?*e III. rtkh D heeenr referred to. I will eelfc. ?t. tire Court Houflfi floor So (rhi^&tXe AIR Mondey. the 11 Ik der efi Merck, nil. for cook to.the hlobuot bid**. mM ft or pereoledtond* !?**? ?! of Aurora. North f^roilriii dMcrlb*4 ci J*~rrT y . ; MM on or Mm tb. lttk ? > of Junrr. Ml* m thin notion ?OI ' ho stanfed in ton mt Ihtlr rnootoix AUenromU*M MM 'M* . trtB plouo rank* hnraodtnto ntttt*. .r " v i r Thin l?th d*j ot Jnnunrr. 1*11. W.A. Law IS. Adnrtnlotrntor. JJT - WoM * Orlinno. Attn fv. ... . = ids Always Pay .== danjrby(btl)?{nw? Yhen eeWtig yoti ^ 88 ?*1 'n'lc,r^? other bus) i (holding goort-poftaonfl-w-tlia result'c 1 . ' , ' ' . ~l ' I ! " I. " < %m * ? a i urn a mn . ! ? ; ; WASHMnOR, V. C. - v -%1 > *-,!>/?-? ' ' * fk w. it ynnw *p^w!?rk^uU<8Sfr X -? * Jbbm H. 8mJ* A. D MMUU . * *V,' ni,? *\i. . -WMkbotM. n. c. r : : : ! *f ; ? m m * ' pOJLlJN H. HAHNVS * .:; ;..m :.: ? _ ?i?^ : . I: ' ssswax? ' : 1 a *?. "? * '. 4 ,j_ Ullrt'mkf w^f^eh'wS! N> at S o'clock. .. i * ?*? to t?tW? Hall mn Tw4. du araUaf nlow?tt.tis *% wmib.ii. -f-J ssr.r-.TXr^ " NAOMI RKBKKAH No. M. ' 1 '1 O. O. F. | <+. I VWtl IB Tayloe's HaU Mooid and ^ fourth Friday eaek month at I p. a. r Moots in tho'lr hall, corner Bcnnar" &? 4 Tueitdarsoect^mon'uT!at lTo ni S