I Just received 2,000 sacks I cars Choice TimoUiy I j^^^olass^^end^ = ' ' ^ioIii'wMrsb2B^ ,. .,V "" "' "ills Account* UWc* Bicycles! Bicycles! WMfa New Pip?lull H*W oad hi r. - Militia tBMjcr calm. Price 010. " l? ihn tari ovujl rttn mted colon. Then are all MoaOO. R. CUTLER w?tm stmt Cnh or Tim pew Corne^ 11 i I ... jBt? "' *rt;4 s > aha)l whenever a want Drwpta itself for me to make any purchase t Norfolk* Best Jewelry Hal Ave tSON CO., '? e Olhiccps, - North Carolina " Ground Alum Salt 2 ? lay. Stocks Best Patent 1 Flour.' PowelTs POrto J us your orders, prompt J . I ?, r? A M. btta^-JAWS W. COU. > fOOD & .C0. ind BROKERS.) * nOi ud Pn?talon, TS Hue St, f t Stock Inbun, Xcw lack Cot- ? of Trade ud other knaartal cot- \ Solicited. hitOnnt sad liar. ? Careful /location. V ' ' i MOBTtlAOR SAJLB. By virtue of the power of aale contained in a certain Mortgage Deed, executed on the 4th d?T Of December, lt09 Bf/D. W. Peed to H. C. Mayo, and duly recorded In the Register ot Deed s Offioe, of Beaufort County in Book 158, Page 571, I will offer for aale at Public Auction to the highest bidder for. Ctfah at the Court House Door in Beaufort County, on Monday,' the 4th day of March, 1818. at 11 o'clock M*. the following described land, contained in said UflrtMM rWkArfft . . ' J V- 1 . I in Richland township on the Bast J aide or South Crack, beginning at the Northeast comer of the David ? Oodley land, runnlna North (1 W. IS'poles, thence N. 1? E. 16 poels to W. T. Mampln'a Una. thence with Campln'a Use to the road and with the aald road to the haglnnln*. Contain Ins three acres more or laasi laclod Ins all buildings and Improve Deiault'haTln* been aads in the payment of the debt secured by said aThis 11th day of January, 'Sit. N* * T^rm " j-L ,Je b. ... I ADMunamvoK's VOTICB. aa^ia^.twd ii. ijwiV) of the estate cf Thomaa W. Boyd, deceased. late of Beaufort Coaatfi NorthX^rcdRta. IhftJa tO notify aU feffigS. It Cli ifi . *;**'] | ' t-llpd**/ Indebted to aald estate I wmc? to tafDtaptland.!;. [TotJtohai Sparhawk/Jr . atd the hslra at law or Derlaaas of foMplk A. iM] Tatum. Deceased, and of Rachel Robertson, DectanCr/i' * II Voo/tbd each of yoo. are hereby I Untitled that at a sale of real aetata for non-payment of Bute sad qoonty 1 taxes, made by the Sheriff of Hyde Coenty. on tne drat Monday In liny, fcs&r^Etnsg |{ alleged to batons to Jobs BMtbnwk. II.cd Of lUetMl Roberteon. deceaeed, rjohn H*H to jMoph R. Ta'tum. by [deed dated April. ??th, 1I?0. duly ternrded In tb. RetclatW. Office ? turd. County, pnrt of which wa. alitf C conveyd bx Mid JoMpti ?. T.ttrtn _ to Rachel Robprtaon. b?ln( all of the ~ land owned by any of the p.rUe. above named Or referred to la Hyde Countr, al of whom are hereby notified that unites redemotlon thereof " - VMVieyMVU ** . ^ A aa^^r^^^. year^ from the Bern Bible kfoet Menied to ayerege rctty proton." Yaecy *? ?a>OMd " 'Ytm'SuIrt'a Mod ot tM tun oK Insbind. Bkor. wi'Q't hi y at pa' toika the war acta' plaT" Td plumb forgot, Why my daddy it ill through tb. wu!" exclaimed fancy. The CeTeBdlabee were lm Hcr^iBm/.'f '* ?' " "Now you-all keep etlll." Mjd Car cdleh. "I want Mr. Yency ebould let he atraleht of thla beret The Tart us orders of royalty are kings, dukes, Arts and lords. Bar Is la the tuiro ram the top of the heap, hut lords I itet no slouch." "Dick had ought to know, fo* he's in earl himself." cried Polly exultanty. f ' "Sho/ Richard Keppel Cavendish. Cart of Lambeth! Sho'. that was what te was! 8ho"." and some transient eettnjt of awe stamped Itself upon heir small faoea aa they vrlaved the oat and Umber figure of their par"These hero tSUea go to the bldeet kjsl He Jbegtos by beta' a viscount,", xmtlnaed -Chills and Fever. it waa ny groat grandfather oome over hero Mhpflhfi^ 'llls naoo wae Klchtrd Keppel Cavendish, same as mine k He If rod beck-yonder on the Carolina coast and went to raisin' tobaoso. rVe heard ray grandfather tell How he'd heard folks say his father was always htattn* In his ttcksr that He was a heap better than hs seeded, and if people only knovred the truth ibout him they'd respect him mo', ahd nobby treat him better. Well. eir. He married and rts a family; there was my grandfather and a passei or Klrle?and that orop of children was the only decent crop he ever rls. "My grandfather said he never knowed a man with the aame aversion agin labor as his father had. Polks put It dosha to Isslness, but they he nerer let on. "Then om day he tot his hands on I a paper that had come acroat in a ship from England All at once, he I Hi on somethlat In the paper, and he I started up and let out a yell like he'd I been shot. 'By gum. I'm the Earl of Lambeth!' he says, and took oat to I the nearest tavern and tot b*lUn' full. I Afterward be showed 'em the paper I and they , seen with their own eyea I where Richard Keppel Cavendlah. Earl of Lambeth, had died In London. My great grandfather told 'dm that was his uncle; that when he left home these was imveral cousins?bat they'd up and died, so the title oome to him. He never done a lick of work after that. "Pm an orphan man of Mile now and it*a bean my dream td take Polly and the children and go hack to Ka*> land and see the king about my title. Daw* you raeltou M*b got the notion the Carsodishes baa petered outr Mr. Taney considered this likely. The fttrfoes shrieking of a stbam gaefcaf whistle broke in upon them. ** turnm Uu ! ? hto spoctselss with greet dehhera?* - 5 TT. u "Tou're nt op the bench, sir?" augim?d Mr. Saul. "to OM of th? postern counties, but T toeltnatlon too Cerei been fowerd the Judiciary." Ho woo turning too InOTPO ol the ledger ss to spoke. Buddenljr the merest not of his hood woo arrested. "Pound Itr ssked Mr. Bsul But Peeled Mr. Seal. "Eh?whet's IhetT Ho?" he sppesred to beslUle "Who Is this men QnlntsrdT" 'He's the owner of s bundrsd-thoussnd-scrs tract In this sad abutting ..tor ':Y ' ; V----' -.v MUifvMM MrAMeuut I Hl? fmc* Wflt VWiH? .nd th. Book j ?lipp? From .rile Fingers. coionei Wtfiw; ne was old Oeeeral Ware's law partner. I've beard It was ?he general who got tais man Qulntard to make the Investment, bat that was before my time." The judge lapsed Into silence. A step sounded In (he narrow hall. An Instant fitter the -door was pushed open, aad grateful for any interruption that would aenre to take Mr. Saul's attention from himself, the judge abruptly turned his bach on the clerk and began to examine the record before him. Insensibly, however, the cold, level tones of the voice that was addressing Itself to Mr. 8*ul quickened the beat of his. pulse, the throb of his heart, and struok back through the years to a day from which ha reckoned time. He turned slowly,.aa if In dreed. What he aarw was a man verging on sixty, lean aad dark, with thin, aba von cheeks of a bluish cast above the jaw, and a strongly aquiline profile. Long, black locks swept the collar of his cost, while his tall, spare figure waa habited in sleek broadcloth and spotless ft nan For s moment the judge seemed to struggle with doubt, then his face went white and the book slipped from his fingers to the window ledge. The stranger, his business concluded. swung about on his beet and quitted the office, lfr. Saul, bending above his desk, was making an entry in one ox ma teasers, me juage snurfled to His aid*. "Who was that man?" he asked thickly, -rest*!* a ahakln* hand on the clark'a aim: "TKW-OK ttpt "*? Colon,! rmatrooo Iwulmt tetunp ran about" -Hon ho mlvwvBr,* Mrir "Ho; ho on Into tho oounty about ton poom ago, nod houbt plnoo ullod Tho Oath." -Hh hMhnUir Tho judpo oppovod to 'bo hOTtac disunity with hlo npurh -Not Oituitodi kxm ? Bono "t hofh.n wtdavor. athoro ipla up apaap^.. "ldV2u lnd, thoy von purchuod J*or*m had rtdden dawn to Bella ' UmwA i. h?T. # ' . ?2 *e sedb -Toe oar I" cried Norton, aa to wtoolat on kfca. ... -Dum . W let km town w- *, a r e a e e It tu aiMtmooo of ttoo day following before Betty beard of the at tack oo Norton. She oVdered her bono Mddled and waa aooa out on Ua rlfar road with a groom to b?r 1 wake. Batty nmr draw rota until too reached Tbtok* Point. Aa ehe galloped Into ttoa yard Brnco earring *. -tod. extending toar hand. The doctor aaya hall ha up and about lnalde of a week. If youH wait 111 Ull htm yon are here." C&rrtagtoo panesd on into the bouse. Be entered the room where Norton ley. MMtM Malroy In here," he said. "Betty??bleee her deer heart!" cried Charley weakly. "Just toes my clothes Into the eloeet and draw up a chair. . . . There?thank you. Brmce?let her corns ?|f"t in now." ! And aa CarrtngtQa Quitted the room. Norton drew hlmeelf up on the pUlowa and faced the door. "This is woyth eereral beatings. Betty!" be exclaimed aa she appeared. He beat to kias the hand she gare htm, hut groaned with the exertion. Taen he looked up Into her (ace and aaw her eyee swimming with tears. "What?tears?" and he waa much mored. "It's a perfect outrage I" Betty i paused irresolutely. "Charley?" i ^Taa, dear?" 1 "Cant you be happy without me?" "No." ' "But you don't try to be!" 1 "No use In my making any such foolish effort, I'd be doomed to tall- i ure." i . "Qood-by, Charley?I really must , gt>?"" .. He looked up yearningly Into her fhee. and ylekltag to a sudden Impulse, she stooped and kissed him on the forehead, then ehe fled from the room. CHAPTER XV. -s 'At the Church Door. Tom found Betty at supper. "Ton were oyer to see Norton, weren't you. Bet? llow did you tlnd him!" "The doctor says he will soon be a boot again." -a JUU "UU1UU L gu there again?that'e a good girl!" be aid tactfajly, and aa he conceived it. affectionately. Betty glanced up quickly. "Why, Tom, why ahonldn't 1 go there r , It might set people goflrtping. 1 reckon there's been pretty near enough talk about you and Charley Norton." The planter'a tone waa conciliatory la the extreme, he dared not rtak a break by any open show of authority. "Yoa'paadat timtrmm Tomtit. tM. I.daal km taat I aaall ?o to?r* Mid Bdtj tadldvMUT. a a a o a a * At Tatekat PoUt Charter Norton, r?Uj I Mill I. AskOM ttto t*. u. knar u' nana ?t omm. tu tand hi* raadlac kr tka spaa wtelow. Tjook kara. gwijlTJte eated. -lra lS^?"?n2r* lalet slteaoa. Carrloatur h.r. aa Ion* aa raa. aoU. aaa." a* praamUr . aatd. "Hiaa Hairor uM aas to. Hi tkw ag^H tuck to Uu rlra,. wan* t i WKTiar Cipii.?.-?v:-??ik *?? .! . . ? a I Batty au auppar art to Itg sura ' standing hohlmt her chair and little 8Uye balancing himself hrat en one fM( ?lli thM M tha Ikdup aaa* Ika mteN M| to t?? Mtnoo. Thoro tfilh Mot Ot a otop on too path. Botu (mod. It woo Carrtactoa oto Mood boMra tar. 01. too. bout WltOoat word Oo otoppod to hor aid* Mfcd took latr band* rather rourh.vpo^OTW "" OW? "W? 17. _ ' -WBa? an I to do wttkout roar? 5%'taa'^yaS slckeninf throb*. "II poo tad only ooooo!~ Mm -Kino' ma?" tan taaltol. 1* .-t . Aoetkor pat ?ntm? paa mar { lowai Sn m L?: I airia? I Mk te lut meat: ka wiu 4rta? aaar V-' Afterward tettjr cpuld riwrttif tudtef M?v tte ettnh te tte Ma Borates Usfet; ate teste Mart vate Jl? teste OterWe otc^?te^teate itete wte^te L"|-U tla tka karaaa. Battr,- aaaa (ortoa. t*1' ' Ha tM raackad tka am a( ma aka vkaa tnaa tka rilant laataa a> ka rtaaaar walk ena tka akarp ? ''3|ka *" """ < "Chtrley?Charity!" 9ho Moaned. port of a rifle. The shock of Um ballet seat tfle T"""g back among the mossy and myrtlecovered Braves. ? For a momellt ho one grasped what bid happened, only there was Norton who seemed to grope strangely amosxg Ibe gratis. He had fallen now. Itm is the shadows deepen*] he waa aware that Betty waa coming swiftly toward him. "I'm shot?" he said, speaking with difficulty. "Charley?Charley?" she moaned, fclipping her arms about him and gathering him to her breast. He looked ap Into her face. 'It's all over?f he said, but aa much in wonder aa In fear, | ttoaa. Tha Jadga dlaoaaaad tha akWahn of tha aattnaal roada wan Mr. Pattoa, bad tha lalWca alaa Orawotahlpar. with Mr. Bowaa; ba pamltad aaaar a patfaa aat mm retired as Mb aharlff had daba WWb oat atcht ar tha latter. ^ *ha Jamah edice hacama a parfact Maya tor tha Mia aad tha aanhlth-brad euaitaaj ha had errer frtjaa^aa hhMprmahable aaw aa BeBnPlMClflte-' ' "Why yon abow 'an tin lab teal" inuM Kr. MahaCy. whaa they vara alana. "Can't you aaa Mac ara auCertox ror a atcM of Itr* "All n good time. MBaa" Ma became thoagfctfid. tlnkanna. I an thlnktoe of attorn* a reward far nay taformatloo that wlU lead to t*a an oorary of a# aaoaymooa oortwapaad* eat" he at leosth obeerred an a finely eaaaal air. aa If th* Maa had ]u>t occurred to htm. and trad sat been eeethtoe to hla brala all any. "That* yttt co. Pnca~" hat. mm baffy. "Solomon, tbla la atr time Cor n* ta Tho next morning It wan iWrm^Wl^ that MM (fen* dnrtn* the nls*. Judge had tacked Ma anooymoua eo? Adi mn* ton hnyaac 'f; ** -\: f/ . ~:{*k y JH 19 Si p p