. r I I V- ^ t I IgL. ?m.r | ?.-? - m.,.,. . ^Bky^ l , latea. of Uo MM BUM. bated tote; with a Hlarimaaajir the delonut ioteuM of WuUiiut:*! Wo ana Vflran Lotor la tho day th? doiatetaa HI am* to th, cltj for tko ?Utr which bad tecraury of tha Mary Mayor. Ma). Ooa. Lapar ard Wood, Roar Admiral Wainaaldfcl. former Spoakar Caaaoa and a wmbtftrf oOMr aoUblM Khidulwl r a?aoa*;Um apoakora aad (aaota. Hi- - PMMnt Teft has aa tart titlpa to eddreee u>. contention at.a' mortal Continental Hall. U OTQWOOH HDD : EVENING WflB McENTEE INJHMOTE Tb? alcSnuo-Krlaon Company, which ireaiata the Merchant of Ven' Ira am Hamlet at the Behool Andl' *T totiaaa on Tuesday, M. IT. I> an ortMfj/0Uom of national repotatlon. ant tt belioorse the local theatrecol na public to gtn thlm mat careful attention It la only too well known that Inferior Shakespearean * (not ahrnoarm for recnetone) ataaaae repreeenlaUee, who txleka the pehUc lata belteetaa hla attraction la a tnfI deea ' '(Mother with tbo-prlie drawing, the manager has secured extra featere pictures ror the Thursday night drawings sad yoo will note from the program that appears In the colmm of the paper dally, has every Indication of being e feature. There la no reason why the Lyric shoaM aet he popular, aa the photoplays am certainly up to the standard of high clam pictures end the manager makes every effort to secure extra features that are'released far aaaoonoaa tka booklnp at \Y tVollaen Hiwn" a great feature prodooad by (ha Kalsm players, alao tha statlaf Of "Plats'! Inferno,"'!* flra renin. that waa booked aoma time Ma, hot fid not reaob here "A Vfcttin of tha Mormons" la aaoUar great ' feetare that wfll be exhibited ehortly. Tha shore mentioned features are prodonhl at an Mormons axpaaaa and tha exhibiting datea .III bo aai ronifrt! liter. Mary Knox, Hatlle Knot snd Dora W, H BLACK 1111 Til' _ _ ? m m white* SOUTH CAROLINA "OOmc TWO MTTB OP tmuc. OATH ?0 NATIONAL RMFfJBtddcc nPFITF HRI RPfiC C6CK MS MOT PROM THE Spartanburg, ?M. tl?South Carolina will aend two aenrof delePM to the jfrpahllr'll National COOVOWtlOtl o-" Copt. John O. Co port, Republican National Commlttoomon, to o letter sua* public today repudiated the "black and too" wins ot th. party and arpad the RapuMtcaag not to attend the State convention called tor rob. It by J. W TOIbort. State Chitnnss.- Capt. Cape re eaye the "Lily Who to" eectloo ot the party, hoadad by Malor L*. W. C. Blalcock. la the teenier organisation and will probably hold lta conrenlon none time la Aprtl. ' , , The Tolbert faction, ho says, "ooemo to be mowed la ha actions bar. the three ofleekoldern. Pootmaater Harris, United BUtee Marshal Adams and ZMMrict Attorney Cochran, who operate. no doubt, by order* directly from the Post Office Department to Washington net from tba itftt*] Ho am." Ha adds:, n-xy, j ' 1 "The Blalock faction la called 'Lily White' baeanoo It inmtalg against the (any la the State being all black, and pntagta open akd fooled by.tboM who wont office" SRIEF NOTES OF MEREST j GATHERED BERH AND THERE The wind seldom reaches a greater Telocity than that which awspt over I ill IS CUT tan mini, houms creaked as If they would be uplifted from their foundations and thoee inclined to be timid slept bet little. ' The rata betas fall in* before noon yesterday and kept up an InMKit downpour, with cosalderable wind *11 th* afternoon, clearing op about dark. It whe on* of >.*. *?>-? e. . e I la the Superior Court the case of St 11 ley ve. Washington ft Vandemcre Railroad company occupied all \of yesterday and this forenoon*1 4 . New feature* la today'* paper? Today'* happen Inn today?How the country nt largo ia celebrating tha birthday of the rather of Our 'coun07 ""'.'I - rV. : ?r-v v^nvsi niuuM iwwneri, I Hutchinson, Kans.. Feb. S3.?ThJ mem bora of the Central Kansas I Teachers' Association gathered In this city today to tak? part In what promises to be one of the moat profitwill eonttaue two day. nl will hav.l til. Unlraralty of WtwonBln, Prof. B. L. Hoi ton of Knui But" Agricultural ColMcoi Prof. A. w. Trottl.n Of tb. Unlror.it, nf Kaon. aM a bumber of otber educator# of wide ClnrkaburB. w. V*.. Pab. at ? Tb. Wrot virrlni. Krcl.tr of the So. of Herniation bald it. anntnl meet |a thin otty today with an ateod.aca of member, from many parta of h? atate iSGl( HSiflNGTON. NORTH CAB rst Find the Foo : RAVE YOU THE ANGEL GERM THIS'ARFYERNOON?' Pittsburg Mlaieter Has Discovered * Utile of the "Angel Oerm lo Maa."?Era; Kh Ic Pittsburg, Fain *1.?Dr. Jobs H. Wilier, pastor of Christ Methodist Episcopal church, declared today ha has disco Tared a.Uttla at the easel la asa?la fast, that every men la laoculatad with an angelic germ. } Reftaratlna the results at his spirit sal sad. scientific research, the dtriaa save his samsaor as ColIowa: r-Bralatios trass the gsna, followed to a eoacloaioa, shows as aa?al. "There la lmaurtalttr TVs Uibic offers K aader eoodltloaa sod Ike bast science la laokiac toward ft as tke crimination of Ha choicest dreams Evolution la ana of the master words of the SCO, and evolution means mora Ufa. The original germ created br the Divine Tblaher bocabm nnmi. Umb poljnos, tluo thro eg h alt the atafaa op to man. Each change was mads br the con"The wheals have started and perhaps ther Wtu net atop. The prlmordial ?n*weh has Kasr.ra.~- ? ? kMf oar or* on the process, (or by th? oanw reasoning ran* becomes rt HpB#< iti'. -ft.... -Y > I . | WNGLETON IUUW. , Wo bore bod * few dors or spring weather tkio oraok. bat today (Wedaooday) looks as If aaothsr atorm araa approaching. The fanners aro my much bohlad la their work owing to ao much bad weschar lately, bnt moat of them are preparing their tobacoo bade. Beams aa If a lot of the -golden weed" la going to be pleated thu rear i V Mr. Partner be ears yon kaee prepared tor plenty of "hog and hominy" before yon plant mack tobaeoo and cotton, no -tbeae anowy days roe can sit book by a good old oak (Ire and wear a smile on year (son Miss Zola wulard left today for BWharsa. to Melt her oesata. Mrs. Leasts Brooks. She wUl be absent boats mask. Bar -many friends ?Uh bar a pl.sesiif itrtp. I.lttle Lillian WUlard has been ont of school tar the past week on account of being sick. Her many friends wish bar a speedy recorery to health. Mrs. Dora Forrest and daughters. Lulu and Badle. who bars been netting Mrs 8. L. WUlard tor the past week, left Wednesday to slott Mrs. Lossle Brooks and wUl than go to Rocky Mount, to their home. . Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Lllley returned home Monday from WMttng their daughter, Mrs. Boh Jackson, of Bel haven. They report a moat pleasant trip. * The many friends of Mrs. J. B. Wlllard are glad to know she has reeoveredao she caa be oat again. Mrs/ Ida Barry returned from BeW haren, Monday, where she has been tke gosM of Mrs. Bob Jackson. Osbar Hodges, of Swanaland. was In ottr midst Bunday afternoon. Miss Myrtle WlHard was the guest of Htnl LBcfo Wool&rd, lut TgaiUf nl?ht. w -V': ) ' ' SIMMS CUIB WILL BE ORGANIZED MONDAY EVE. Democratic Voters Are Called Upon to Meet at City Hall?Over BOO Sign Petition for ' the Call. On Monday night, Feb. 26. at 8 p. m., at the City Hall, there will be organised a P. M. Simmons Clnb. This call lias been signed by over 200 of the Democratic voters of the city of | Washington, and the purpose of the organisation shall be to use every honorable effort to return to the United State. Senate the Hba. F. If. Stmmone. Tke Democrat, of the county have not forgotten the magntflclent Icadorahtp of Senator Simmon. In Itot-ltao. Hi. leedernhtp turned darknee. Into light, and tors evor .wept away the pemlMUU at negro domination In North Carolina. frail Democrat who feela an Intereat In the welfare of the Mate, hould attend thl. meeting and Join , the cinb Good manic and good > .peaking wUt be the. feature. The , public l? cordially melted'U attend.; ? The telegraph 11 nee of the Weet E ere out of com m lee Ion doe to the . storm of yesterday. Points north of > Baltimore are also out of commie> eloo. I/Ocel points"' ee Richmond, Norfolk aftd Charlotte ere opdlfr-' ;* ' a . ' . 'V, J n 8 i m wj i - fl u d Upon Which H KFinr IHI1 tuts 1 MSI K **? m wav milb across th* \ town. pannbd bt a ss-mile am bocr wind?loss i lion dollars. 1 nOIISMpS ME DHEUSsi I make posmm ] rbqardino low?a* ijeaht , twknty-fivb SQVa&sft.-- Of < Houston. -rem, re*. m.?nre , broke oat It 1I:?P thl* mtnilsp tm i * wooden bobal building. gad .wept by a Wind blowing tblrty-dre mllaa as kaar, ate tta way oae mtln aaraaa tews, covering an area df eaves Stock, wide. The teal buy leach tea million dot Lara, lam the mllle, factorlee aad plants, either totally destroyed or seriously damaged era: McFadden Boathern Comma, aad Warehoaee Company; Dew brother* Byrap Mill; Hooactoa aad Ltggutt Lambar Company; ' Regard Paint Company; Magnolia Comprem; Hudson's Pencil Factory; Hoastob PackIns Company; Bd. It Harruil Lornbar Yards; Standard Compress; Corporative Manufacturing Company; Acme Mill; St. Patricks Catholic Church; CatboUa school \ At least twaaty-Sra squares In the residence district were burned.. ?f? casualties have been raporiedT Thousands are hotnaleea- The weetber le cool. Underwriter* refuse ? make positive statement regarding the lose Moat part burned homee .ero sot of mat ralna u the ftanfko swept through a district compriatng j^sefcSDCIETr 1NAUR0RA "Hearts aM Diamonds" Captivate Audieace?Mtos Lottie Bonner BntertsllMh?Le Urra dob Met Wltfi Mr*. Litchfield. Aurora, Feb. 22.?Friday evening a play entitled "Hearts and Diamonds." was given (or the benefit of the Episcopal church. Mrs. L. T. Thompson wea the efficient manager and It was oa? of the best plays ever given In Aurora. J. Hooker as *a back-woodsman, was as good as Is jI ususUy seen in the beet play* in our | ciues. 1 ne piay was la a en to aman on Tuesday night. Quite a nice sum was realised for the worthy cause. Tuesday afternoon Miss* Lottie Bonner entertained the Larkin Club. 1 Mrs. R. T. Bonner won the prise In a contest in which the word,'Lerkin'' was used to form other werdia Mrs. Paul 8narrow won the booby. Delightful refreshments were served. Each guest was presented with a 1 package of Larkin Sachet ponder as t | a souvenir. The following members I , were present: MesdamescMidyette. McWUifnia. Sparrow, Lane; Mayo, i jstubba, Griffin. Bonner and Mr. R. I T. Bonner. i Tuesday evening tho Le Ldvre club j met with Mrs. J. M. Litchfield. Dlgk- ? ens' life was read by Mrs. D. M. i Dough. Miss Lottie Bonner gave a 1 most Interesting talk on Dickens. Af ter the literary program was completed a contest of the presidents was i engaged In.. Mrs. W. A. Thompson ' and Miss Lottie Bonner tied for the < first prise and Miss Lottie Bonner won after drawing. Mrs. C. H. Roberson was presented with the booby. Delicious refreshments were then ~"d: Pint Methodic! Otnrch. The mid-week eefrtced ot'the Ptrot Method let church were lcrveij et Sermon on th. Mount t> taint contlnfmd and In .routing raneh totnr?*. Ming m.nife.iod by th. od UIMMiron' ' Attar the tact or. the choir held lu tagnlar rehegrnal for Sunday Ny>rrloea Th. cottag. prayer aatlu I. Nlcholoonvllle mil he h.ld at th. homo of Kr. Thorn" Alllgood tomorrow night. . . jj Th. maw fried. of Mine Jennie Hammond will learn with regret of her litem, et her home la Bam See?& A fi-Y ftNOON. FEBRUARY 22, . is Brain Feeds^l C. T. U. NOT ROVING TO PROE EVIDENCE "port Uses They Were laaacaracV las ? Whole..Is Testificandum It bu ban currently ranond up>a the street! of Washington (or the bast tn days that a competes wee being waged whereby nearly every baaftasaa end professional maa la the :lty wo.Id be brought before the Reorder to Ssatlfr aa to whether or aot Mr bad parchaaed any wbtekey la he city with la the past rear. Some if than hare already becua to prow arroaa. We are la receipt of a com nonlcaUon tbta morning which ezitains ItaeU. ? To the editor:?We underetaad hat a report la current la the city to he effect that the W. C. T. C has ladertaheo s movement looking to he enforcement of the prohibition awe, whereby a large number of the iltlaeaa of the coy are to be taken before the coart under ad tnetldcum lam papers~t? tsgtity as to' their Knowledge concerning the illegal sale ?f whiskey hero. . * WO do not know-from what source his report Coulee, hat we wis* to ledy that this Union hoe inaugurated och a mo re me at, or that wo are In ay way contacted with-the mownent. Nor hare wo any knowledge hat each a movement la to be unlertaken. Those who ooe familiar with the rork of the Womahe Chriatian Temtersnce Union know that the object* f the Union fa not to enforce the irohibitipn law by acting aa dctecRIs, or by taking any stepto, or naugorating any movement which rUi toad directly to the prosecution f any person or set of persona. The CO arts of the state are made or that purpose; the officers of tfie aw are elected for that purpose'. Oar chief aim and ambition la to tamp oat the noe of intoxicating I rink by ed seating the people, by gftatlng the question and by'sbowkg the damaging results that are are to follow the uee of whiskey. Vhva the people generally realise he effects of whiskey drinking, tta assumption, in a great degree, win lecreaee. To that end we are bendfratulate the officials of the dty upin their exeellent prosecution of the vbiakey seller. We sre fully contclous of the fact that not one-third ?f the whiakey is sold here that was (Old here aix months ago. We bete ve they ore pursuing the proper Actios and should beJeft to their eforts, whtcb have proved so fruitful >f late. We make this explanation, Mr. Editor, to correct the ?rron???a >reuton that has somehow gotten ia*.. . w. c. t. u. MILLIONAIRE FOR DAY (ALISON PRESIDENT Utter Gave Him |IO for His Campal Kn Fund?I s Going to Fat lioxerne County on Map aacd Do Things. WUkee-Barre, Fob. SI?John J. McDevltt, "millionaire for a day,** relumed today from a visit to Washington and announced: "I had a chat Vrtth the President, tnd 'he favors me very much. He gave me $4Q for my campaign- Sherman don't appear to .Jake kindly to the matter and refused to loosen up." McDevltt has been In Washington teverfcl days. He had no special business except "to call on the President." "Washington looks good to me," M*ld "Butch," as he la called here, "and I will accept the proffered gift ?f Congress. I will now proceed tc make Luxerno a part of the nation bj doing nnthought-of things. "Butch" has a novel way of'advertising himself. While In the cap Ital he secured several blank 0aseei uch as members ^f^Congress gtv? their rrlends. Tneeejre hss Mled li With the names of friends and hsi Used them la the bold, tree hand of John Jaj ItcDevltt, - M. C., flee the Elereoth Comcreeelonal District '' " r The olida* la Weefdscta. Wsshtnctnn. D. C., Feb. ?1?Tht lultda) today to oslsbrstlon of the George Washington. Meetings of no trlotlc eocletlen were hold (a torn memoretlon of the dor. all of the SI ecetlre departments of the Gowern meat were closed, while the memben of Ooacrees essemblsd la the sen an sham her to listen to Mis read Ins el Waahlactop'e "farewell addreas" hi Senator Kara of Indiana. * ''? ' v. ? ..-tt--., . .. . ' v., , Goo heading 1VI m lomipii Mr. Lstham Follows up'Pri Fourth Step in Suocesi n t 1 I F T#t* ' y m*mi St? * tMTCMlVI ~ SHALLOW CULTIVATE e? use sooo seen or sctr vak?ctm 9? TMOAOOSH PACPAftATION At MAKE TMS SOIL OCKP IO MOD OAAIMALC. UNSUCCESSFUL F > /s= Amp OffwW Ubaw^UH RCXMjs f**/" yjll Poo/* pro/no Um good seed of beat varieties. All we have written aforetime Is leadlnf op to this, the fourth step In our sncceaa^UL^ steps to successful farming. "For what profitsth it I a man to sain the whole world and! lose his own soul." What profit would H be to to farmer to do all we hare written la this series of articles relative to coed drainage, making the soil deep, and thorough preparation. if >e should then use poor seed. ?m4 from poor plant* "For whatsoever a man soweth, that also shall* he reap." This is as true in the vegetable kingdom as it Is in the carnal or spiritual kingdom. Therefore we should be very careful about the quality of seed we plant. They should always be carefully selected and stored in a dry, well ventilated place. And the proper thing to do to get" good seed is to watch the growth and development of the individual plants you like best and then at about the time of maturity and hefore the crop is harvested go in the field and select them out from the others and save your seed from these, and if w? use good judgment and are careful is our selection, we can by this method get good seed, provided, however, that we are selecting from a good type or variety. Field selectlo'n is the only way to get the best seed. Now some farmer will ask what variety of corn or cotton sqed ought he to plant. The answer to that question is, "the variety you like best." Some farmers in selecting seed corn fix in their minds the picture of a large, well developed, deep grain, ; small cob, single ear variety, and , work to obtain it. ' Others, like a i double earned variety, while there are still others'who want a still more . prollflc. type and work for from two . to seven or eight ears per stalk. I So :he best sdvlce we sre able to > give is that each fanner should grow L the variety of corn he likes best and ' \ Chicago, IlL, rah. >1 Aobtm dor Jdaaarand, tho Prooch rapraaaal tlT. Ot Waahlngton. waa tha WaahI lagt^'s birthday orator at taaitlaia ' hold In tha Andltoriom thla morulas i ondar tfia aunploaa ot tho CWha Uwgoa Clah. Tho Atoh'uhd-t t^!j (or hla aubjact, What Praac. WB to Waahtagton: What Waahtaatoa - Waa to hriaoo." At a mooting of all I nattoaalitiaa thla afternoon. alao an l dar tha aaaplcaa of tha tthloo Loagna r ciob.' Jacob Rita, tho Maw Tort r aoeiologtat. -pota on "Tha CIO and Ite iSrty to (ta Paopla." NO. US lakes Good Mer^ BEST VARIETIES SH BEST RESULTS ' v ? .1- ' n . ' 4 jceedlng Articles With the rful Farming ggjj SUCCESSFUL FAR^Tj ARM , r ' -1 ten u/ rf?n ? .j l ? '? ? ..j > if ypu haven't the variety you like beetlon your own farm, then get the eeedV corn from the nearest farmer to yoV who may happen to have the varlety^rou like beet, bavins grown it <^n alQilalmllar to that of your own. TheSfana^r^e appllee to the . selection of cottoneBed as well an to- / corn. Some farmers like a sJhw+T^bolI prolific type of cotton; others like a large ball?large seed type?and type, am!*so 5?*^Bo ft iTpohelble for as to get, by careful selection and propagation almost any type we desire. ? \/ ?? .1 JI4> mau/ uuicb iuc ujuvreuue oeiwmn success and failure is directly traceable to poor seed. I had one demonstrator last year, (1911) in testing two varieties of cotton, who got 660 lbs. of seed cotton per acre more from one of the varieties than from the other and there was absolutely no other differ* ence in any particular relative to thi? crop, except the varieties used and the variety making the least is the most popular of the two In Beaufort county. This is poor positive that there Is something in good seed of r best varetlea. There is nothing in the scope of the farm, in the ordnary, that will result in as much profit as careful field seed selection. The average farmer can, in a very short time, select seed for his own farm. Now If any farmer can not go into bis field and aelect^the seed for the entire farm the first yoar, then select enough to plant a seed patch separate and apart from i tho general field crop. Give the seed patch good attention and you can * . Ij grow good seed for yourself and some for your neighbors. -Do this and teach yourself to he j practical up-to-date and sensible, and you can not (nil. Yours for successful farming. > > J. r. LATHAM, Jessaraa. N. C. \m I ? The banks of the city are obeervlac Wiafettston'i blrthdw. tod.y. liMMb t*? post oH? bad public S Mbtbrr ttfui 1 [^ """ J Due either to the condition of the tree after last nlsfct's storm, or the celebration of WMhtacton's birth- J .M day. ah weather report has been rp^i * eel red here today. [ft