Law an Absurdity. Ho f'.v - .. __ Vlctkn of Its Falladc TtlUO Of rtftl MtOU, MClVOiTO of _g nnnaf of aatleos itl roilwr UMM ift lHIUHll ?MMit; km *p IZZZ&V&ZZ'ZZl I" ? IU.IWM?: * uui m "W? M. IMawt Bomik >? ? ? teerw of IU11.HI. ?^ Mt Inn mi of tk* ?T. loromw * (IMHJN. TO OM tkto tkor. tl mUH tototoktoo raiwttoa of tlt.iiMll, kmmm ? ? ? totao* o? tw M mmm ? ' lUW.wi. ?*? p^itr^'^onronltoto j|^ *ki?1 KN *" '?? > >lWto WHtol to liJ . f the BMrMt polio* utloa U4. *tMlaiwth* ill lilllllll , kuM -far imMrto UaUntiMK IB I there* at th* etallon. Th* Ufte* . fgt iromjCiy MTWltil IAV-4U^> f - lac maa tram North Corolla* ?!. / Mac a *tr*aa*r la th* *?. th* maa. M; kWla natla la ahott all alght. It t? tT**' ** tw I bat la hit kraalp tk* kamiUaftoa ot , balac errmted ?aa< b*pa ha a e*ll all sri srsrjawjsr | North Carolla* with him. aMhaaack V V "* "" ?" ? ?* * a?Ura ?o?M j* , ai*l tt to him *7 aipi am aalar abaft (ran th* *lcbth floor of a kalMlac and Htm to tall th* tale. Ah Iriah atari worker, a motored la th* urrtloa ot a 16-atorr offlc* building oa MaMoa Lua. had that ran and rather melting *xp*rt*aoe th* other dar Who* fixing the doom tio the elerator ahaft on the eighth floor the man a topped on a lP0*e PEOPLE YOU KMOW^ j COMING AND GOING -vt ? ^ ' i, i; ' > c" I L5j Mtiw Malnle Oden wm the guest of friends In Greenville. Thursday. | Judge- Gulon of New Berne, was I a visitor here this weok. Mr. A. C llatbawnj la In" Raleigh hpk on kualneaa. |{\ ? I # IK HI I'KRIOK num. ?fl Hf Kf ft In the eaa* 01 a. u. suiey n the If Waahlogton * Vawb-niere railroad, j the plaintiff was awarded verdict of ? 11,00u damages for the yaars 1907, y 1908, 1909 and 1910. A ton Qf dlvorn of Daniel W?lr llama against EJirnni a lllUnis, deIH/IKjf i-iwinLilf. 101 OLD NEW saed Realty. Sullivan Gun nest North Carolinian a a. Workman Falls Head t Shaft IMaa* ul ahat knl am 4M Ua ten. (oumms by mm Mm am a Ms paaa st plat* glaia fbrtU' ataly tot him 0. Mnaa nMailM la the <W ceat indcfe u t|u chart vMek-Vaka hla fall and caved fete fctetelte daabed to ttecfellc hla lafearte. ' CshladorlM tte faot that tfeaTaaaavlcaala T.nalaal etatloa haa cow Wefe te ffercaCre than a tut ate Wt'-tefl arrived at^the ctcUaa tea Me* Braarwlek, *. <*; fear a ?Mt to NeWTork/feat <n?D thctr atonal at the clatioa Mia Baku vac feaiyite* by a -vtet tmm tka atark. tern la the coaca'c yetirta* room of the tarteakl ate eejerc ate ttette Usfet ot day -I* that boar ctnretare. 4te aaly ate feature at the vcat la that, taOawlfes fete ataard eaatola. the paretic at tka little (Mt acaj feaetav came each trichtfal teeaaylvanle Mattel vyoa. the da taaaataaa mlW. *.* ?' >T. / " <i *ttfe fete week attte teana Caul what wwiliiifi ?* ??M tefttftot tfc tM pMt uMktaJS^LkTST SST!wi^ tor transfltotMia* to tonally lneraa?i>l ~4? Dm total afccommodattau F.? , ', w - . p if 1" I KpsrSSgi Hum m n hotnt ?nrl*r tho W i hhr. - Colon. ' 1EDr'fc lp> .A tow 4M? V> una U4 Iwr ' baohaod. who conduct* u .mploj- j ? * * *. ?n?W oath* ?hk?ho. of ID-trcatiHK Bad Btolaatito'4to I Whan tho <U( CUB* ? bdhf. n mmu lb. >?U toottfut that b?r hoaband not only beat kor (to- 1 fMntly. M alao tirthUf- my toMl pt going to tbaatraa with girl*, -i.boht^o, * mw?.i -Ih. 1 w.nid *?r taacne ao inheh that ho i eonld' not lit. wit* hot. .Tho mifftotrnt. (IT, tho Mb tbo chota* bo- ' Mttrt *o!n? to tho worhhoaoo Mr o iw or to nhmlt to tho condition, of hotw placed oh probation for tho somo length of tlM. Th. win* Kadt i aorwd that tho ifm^l.T W hapd tfmat mm homo nod report to hi* with rcrr oranlnx at t o'clock nod that ho hoa to toko hta wlto alont wh.h he loan to tho thontre or tOQk the nHiwwr anm. <ltM >* A oide which NDUnt* he would accept. Ho finally, however, accepted the pronotion in spite of Ita irksome conA OOOI> RIODANOK. It Is reported, and' the report is easy of confirmation, tbat W. D. Floyd has folded his tent at'the camp of the county road force. ?.d allently atolen (?) .way Slice h). sentence to the raid* b* hasn't ?orb ed tbere. but baa baas allowed to loaue In the 'hospital catap." Whether he waa too 111 to 'work or not. Beaufort cooaty tares little now. and a. Tons aa be takea the palm to raaialn away. It la a aafe conjecture tbat ble rltUenehlp la aot needed badly enoush to apprehend htm. Colored A?sncta|ed ( herttiee. | -) t .'*)* ' i & The Colored Aeaoclated CbarUle. will meet Thursday al(fct oeit, 3?tb, at the Colored Dlaclplea church. Aa church tbla waab. i NGTt ASMNGTON, NORTH CAR< rst Find the Fo<x | PRINCESS WHO kU\ M * Ez^Ht.V v u w ", vr *, \2^H A jriT MM!!. *vf. ======= miiiKmg^ > ZZZl-JSSSSiZtiS C*m * ??. .* M OMdM pti?t (but Coast Um n< Station.) Rot. H. B. Soarlrht pastor. SoW*li % *E??sT!L * Oood moatc. HUmw aad fWm n cordtaRr to aronhip wttb w. ? ohrt?t- i 0 tut t.rnrl aUoot Rot. Robort "' " . "" OV?.OW?. ***' " - " " ^ r. Mo,o.Wyr. *^7^ * < ,-v: .,;. ? ?K paaor*. Bptocopol Owt, - ? Conor Mala pad Boaaor Btt.. Rot. or KaU?aaM Itord&*. MCtor. Morning j HEjErt& ? ^OOJ. Jt. K. Willi.. Jr.. Baft*. Mt *1h*TT"i*' ''FT. " * ?1-* ?' U I p. m. ciJ P CviSfcr-t ^.'V' >' V R*t. IfcvP.. Dalton. Paatnr. 8orr- ?" loo. will ko MMMtto aoual boon, f' Colorod Chnrrkoo ?! Dtaetpto:'?Rot. J. p.. Sponsor, pootor. Proachlns .Tory Brat and u fourth Sunday.. Morning worahlp at 11 o'clock: coning aerrlce at 7:SO. r~ Lord's Dor school at S p. m.. Thomas Bpencer. 8apt. Visitors are Invited cj and cordially welcomed. . t y. "V9"*"' % 'JtfL j tH C. M. E. churcb, F M. Maslav., poster. Preaching at 11 a. ra.. each ov Sunday. Class meeting at 2 p m.; pr B. 8. at $ p. in. O. W. Edward superintendent. Preaching Sunday night at .7:80 1 M y "'.'jj'i "?? 3/ B* m Women's Exhibition in Uerttn. - Sj l *j, Berlin, Feb. 24:? Under the tlUe of "Woman In Home and .Business," G there was opened tn Berlin today the J* dyat large - exhibition of- women's work over held In Germany. The exhibition is held in the great saloon r> at the aoological gardens, where bun- w deeds of attractive exhibits have been installed- to Illustrate the fact that women hate invaded perman- 1 ently and successfully the .dclds of ? commerce, manufacturers, law, med- M 'cine, banking, journalism, the church, politics and theatrical man- * agement. In addition to the many u ; ca'.Utcs vya< roin.womau and girls hare long competed with man. * yss p DUNK SATURDAY AFTE ^Bk.{flS? l-c' WW ' * r\ jMr ^ 1 ' I'-pA'1 ' ? 1 I nnirrn fifing ri in f E71~ DuluuO Duul CLUo M.J A*tiw Beak Clab held Ita 1 ifider Miillii riliu ' a Mil ana 1 ad to hero pith then th.pri.if t. c ik.iLrokkakoM kMm ? r toot time A fur the aaual dnranlaa' 111 Ifit j aa and the tlame which M elwen I tereetln*. cane the literary ImK of I e afuraooa. A pef .?a ~*ntllah c aledeed ? treat te theee whe trace 1 i fortunate aa to. hear It With neat latfhil'Bi ffiWL igjfc-' the fed Me ace preeented with the taaa at I dother cad Doubter." tnal.nd, I be elah'e aa^et of etudr) Bad oar f a *afr lead, the United Statee la ( act at the lather o( our oeuatrpi a eh (neat. aa aha ; departed. wee * ree a Waahlastea hat ad a aoaraalr ?dellchtfnl neailns. Thfc Aa?e ia Hlator7. Feb. a*. i.T ' 1718? Iha Carta of perweatWal* . a Pretender. '71?Joea Da Ban Martin, fanooa lath American patriot, bora. Died It 17. 1880. ? ' 21 1711?Char lea Bonaparte, father Napoleon, died Bora March It, ' << ? I 1848?Abdication and night of 1 >ula Philippe of France 0 1883?Terltory of Aflaona formed 11 orn part of Mew Maslco 1888?OoTornor Vance of North 1 iroUaa IkmI war proclamation J bat the struggle far freedom shall ? irer be given up." 1874?<lari schurr made Ml fate- ' IS speech hi tha senate against tie 1 0posed cutOency Inflation ' Hate in H later?, Feb. 20. ' 18JC~Un?ed Btates ship "HOTr it" captnred the British sloop-ote 1 sr "Peacack." .I 1831?Poles defeated th? Rnaua at FMtfie. SPe. P'J Vr ? Vi ' 1841?Ida 41 I.OWIS, caleld "the race Darling of America." born la awport, H. 1 Died there. Oct. 14. in. 18S1?Milwaukee and .Mississippi lllroad opened from Milwaukee to 1861?Tht^guas Moore, anlhor of bails Hookh." died. Born May 88. ' ; '/* J Xsj". ' 1887?Beginning of the Indian ' ntlny at Berhnmpore" ^ j orb). ] tcretary to Prssldo&t Tift I" ALLY RNOON. FEBRUARY 24, : [is Brain Feeds? TAR 1EEL AMILERS WluT HOLD C8HVENT10N IN Fl NEW BERN IN MARCH to KM la lint BeraeMarcb ad Mew Bern ladse % ICam Tti North Carol lam laea Molina ot the Boaoroloat mad rrotectlre Order Of Blko will bold 1U conventloD at Hew Ban. North Carol lam. March 11. Id mad U. Eton errma?ea>eht has ken Made *o in. the hoia bis Mm* BTdtr* Blk IB ?h* *ta?a ? ntoadod ? cordis torltatloa to bo lb. iwt of Nov.Bora Lode. No l?< os this liriilis TU Miaouo stfka tho tooth aa lrsnarj of (ho Nov Barn Ms* asd Dlo oooat *m ho I>1*nm to . mootor tost oil) Uto lose to too nsorr ?f tow. who attorn). No .too. Sholl to loft istorsil .to. took, tolo tho psauat aront to tho htotorr of North Chralte% to ratios of owt todtTidasl otomhoT to loodod to order to tooaro toe oacmoo of this Maatoa. >0007 Bill la tho BUM of Not to CoraHao. .too too I 1117 do 00, to ookod to araes tho Tho program will ho as foliowa: Wodsosdaj areata*. March 1*. at II to. Opoalag nulla h7 ooooditloa. Addroas of oolcoat hp Major ; 1. MoCarthj, and Boa Hod ft alar N Ollam Daaa. It- at too Nov Bora >d*e. Imihll tf District Dopotj Nlthtiapaoa. Fratodaat Braaham of he Stoto AaaocUUoa. *to Bulled rlud to ho tho orator of tho areata*. * ?* Tharadap ahoraook. Mhtoto lfu at - ? ?...? rkla cup I* to to kasw* to lb. N?w far? T?atk >?ih?n? tn. aa* fa w.w n a? ' U u at parte* at cm* -foot. mm M? piopatu at tka HaS * tkra.inmnaMn ?.w?..tkari wlll'ffm fanWaaat th? ?* Sim LoSaa at?? tkara arm eWtaRlatioe of aboat twrmtr landidates. Senator r. M. SSmsuma rill b. lb. orator or tb?! .ranlac ' A *a?beea will Sedejlr-' ; FtMap taoralnc. Hank IS. at f a l, tka aaanrlaflna aria laaaa Now lara ea tka V. S. A BUnSa. tJ.?. T. I- raau. aM IX Hau. Boat Contort tor a trip Saw a tka rtrar kri iO tka Saw oaaal raeaatlr caattaatad M tka Sitatafatal. Tkara ' Ml ba aa aptaai - roaat aa tka bask. ( tka eaatL': ' Tka ?raaS XxaMaS JUriar aaS tka tkar toSfa atlataa . haaa kata la Mat. i,':, v . .*..'1;? , - ' .. .' II in. lis. WMT ENTERTAINS FRIENDS Mr. aad Mrs. A. M. Dsmay entertlnsd at tbslr boms la Wsst Mala treet last night, complimentary to heir northern friends.^tad several tilers who mingled -with the plenans of the evening. Several games rhre Indulged lo and** refreshments rere served In five courses. The fisssu were: Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Ipruks of 8cranton, Pa.. Mr. and Mrs. \ F. Ryman, Mr. Ned Rjman, Mr. f A. Welles of New York. Mr. and fit, O. T. Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Frank | !ox, Mr. and Mrs. JohnXJorham, Mr. | ,nd Mrs. A; D. Mar Lain. Mes dames j ohn Morris of Fremont, N. C.t E. V. Ayers, H. D. .\^ayo. Misses Jennie ^ox, Annie Cox Ed. Merrill. CNITKI> IN /iarriage. s ( : ij . : On Thusrday evening at d:3? in be personage of the First Baptist tharch at Greenville, Mr. O. C. ilackwood, of Raleigh, and Miss Ankle Odenr of this place, were united n morriaye. Rev. Mr. Rook, pastor J the above church officiating. Afier the ceremony the bridal party Wpalred to the Taylor House where i wedding supper was served. Mr". Slack wood Is a passenger flagman on ihe Norfolk Southern railroad and runs from Washington to | hriclc, 'vio la a daughter of dr. and Mrs. C. L. Oden, hoe been in :he employ of Mln iUule Henby ea i milliner for some time, and Is one Washington's most popular young Adles. The young couple will make Itoolr future home sffeh the parents NK\* ? obod Reading IV BIIRKE US OP IR WESTERN SKY AS POSSIBILITY NORTH DAKOTA WILL PRESS HII NAMK AS V1CZ PIUDUDKNTIAL moss FOR IDH. BE IS OF HUSO DECENT bm wrih ? uuhko tv | ????M IOOOLII UlinBC wn TO aovuiguBT or I "HOUraT JOBS." *nso. n. d.. r.b. it?Job* Bark*. Doearaor of North Dakota, Wl tha aaa whoa a majority of tba Democrate ot tba Northweet would Uk? to aaa nominated (or Meat place ob tha praaideatlal tlckot thla raar, -will celebrate kla fifty-third birthday ahBtraraary tomorrow. Tba frtaodo and political ampportara of Ooaoraar Barka bollato that aa a political potential ttr ha la worth mora attraOid rtady that la tmpliod m tba nrara mention at hia candidacy for tha nateocratlc "rk* praaldantiml nomination. Hia caraar la tha bald of politic* la ao pocaltar aa to h* aaleo*. IB arldaaca ot which aaatemeat tt la bat aaaaaaary to rtta tha that ha la aaw Barring kla third term a* aaaaatla* ot a Bute which aorar bafora had elected a Democratic rovanwr daw lu ??mlaaiaii ho the ha hia BOtea Indiana. Goramar Barka la ef lyinh baaoeat Hie father waa bora la l?liaaltaa^aah^h? nettled aa a farm naar tha town at Mdoaraey. Iowa. wjiare John Barka waa ban Main sv. 1HI. Tha aaa apaat hi* bnjhuad and youth aa tb* tana and the paly ad'aualtea ha raoolvad ana by atfaiadaae* at tha dlatrlct aebool dartac tha abort winter term*. At the aaa at twaaty-hr* ha entered tha PalioraUy ot Iowa and two yaara later laft the taatltntion aa a graduate la laar. Tba yoans lawyer pane tend tar a time In Daa Maine*. hot la 1MB reraorad to aarthpia Miaaaaotn and a ftort time later crowed the border line Into North Dakota. Re located ?ret I* the teem of St. John and later ta PolU In the Heti aptted place Che 7000c lawyer was aeon pioepeitag !a hie prafseahm aad two Ran after^ Me arrival In North Dakota found hk a member of the State legislature. Hie wee a Strong Republican district. Wat he ran oa the Democratic ticket aad wae elected | aad #ab re elected' tor a second aad third tatm. la UN Vr Barke waa aa unaooceeeful candidate ler Caagrew aad a abort tfpe later We waa defeated aa a.aeadBee for district lodge, la lflt be moved to DevUe Lake, which city has elaeo been Me home. Re aerved aa city attorney of Dertla Lake aad after hie retirement from that office built op a lucrative law practice. He accepted hie first nomination for governor N in 1906 with great reluctance and only after the party leaders had declared to him that he wae the only man they could hope to elect. He won the race by a comfortable maJprlty and bee been twice re-elected by gains which gave unmistakable evidence of hla growing popularity with the people. Tall, angular *nd a little rough in UV>VIUVI be regarded aa handsome, but he has a pleasing personality anf is very popular among his acquaintances. Because of his appearance and characteristics, he has been likened lo Abraham Lincoln ?nd the designation of "Honest John" has been applied to bins by his admirers. Governor Burke Is a Democrat* of the old school. Like Governor Harmon of Ohio, be is one of the conservative type and has never been on very intimate terms with the more radical leaders of the Democratic party. At the same time he has carefully kept himself wltktn the fold of the Democratic party and It Is believed that no member of that party would have any sound reason for voting against him. HI* friends nre for second place "? the presidential ticket. wonld be n shrewd political move that might remit In wraetlag the vote of North Dakota and other ctatel of atronK Progressive Republican leanings from the Republican Party In the elecv^c of next November. .1-. NO. 110 ??????? lakes Good Men REBOOT TO FLBRIM' TO FAQ TIE MUSIC "/ Sheriff Rick*, b Takre to hom mm**, C. A. Redditt. th? roans nun arrested by Sheriff (bo. Ricks, a few days Mo. and who Is wanted by the authorities la Bumpier county, Fie.* charted with embaeslemeat. has been turned over to Aha aothoritlee of that state, and Is. era this. In the warmer dime, where. If retorts are true they will make it etUl warmer for him. The sheriff coming after Redd lit stated that his Is he third state to_whiHs_h-_fc?-_ cepore the mm, who tit tUMii to elode trrast to lb> time I It I* I? ftil that bt eleo Own* a nan tar af colored people tB 1MB county, ooUectias from acme or them aa blab aa ITS aa IBatraant. to whom no pollclee were eror dclleeced. JUw npereltOBB aions that llna aaam to kaaa baaa petto aataaalra. aa a manBar at anaaaaactlaa rtctfaaa report btripa puld kin aaata reacts* from tl.OO to ttS.M. without aaatatoa. taaalbla to ahew tor tt. . BBEF MIES IF WIOESr CRTIERED HERE AND TIERE Mill leant Brleon aa Puck eeetiKd to vnti a epell of ml enchant meat around the player* and apeo tatora until all ware thoroughly enrapport with the performance Theelfleh daacere of Pock war* mareela af impieb audacity In teach aad feeling Mies Brleon dietingutahed hereelf la thle character, her agile mo** ?anfa. characteristic laugh and deer eannclatlon waking her wark a flue are tm aee and hear.?Pittedura Mica Brteote will he me gt 5SE^r! v.. o Prank MrHetoo played the Bert of the neeim prteoe with' aympathetlo iron Ha MH|bt out the petboe or the character BBd ioet nee ot tte dramatic paeelbfltfle e Hie enunciation na mul bb4 Win ?..? charm IX ma. His elocution am eoneldsrnblr enhnncsd br a pleeelnc rales sad a assd dears. MUllesst KtIsod as Opkslls shared tbs honors St tbs pertorsisai e.?Birmingham Aas-Hsrald. s s> s From pressat ladieattoas there aUI be a llraly wisstlm at tbs ortasIsatlen of tbs Him mo as ctsb la the cltr kail Header nltht Suk, speeches and eathaetsssi la promised. 1st the bead pier?Da wttb tbs dance t I I . si.V 'vifT/itX. i The young people of thlm have bm having a grand old time for Mm loot two nofttha, tat have now aotUed down to a quiet Ufa, m Lent came In laat Wedneeday. Crawford Utile and sloUr. Miae Ada, of Banyan. alao Miae Ellon Vlrveont of Washington, wore the gnesta of Mi#a Belea Harvey laat Bandar. Mlas Olive Cutler waa the gneet or Mlas Nannie Cutler laat 8unday Misses Ethel and Ruth Braddj will leave next week for New York. All regret to see them leave. Miss Margaret Harvey was the guest of Misa Cora Cutler last Sunday. wo nave a very nice Sunday scnooi at Zion now. Everybody seems to be interested in it. On last Tuesday night there gathered at the home of Mr. T. H, Harvey a jolly crowd of young people. They being invited there to a "Tacky Party," and tackey it was, too. Miss Cora Cutler took the prize for being the tackiest one there. Mr. Abbje Cutler- was there with a pair of oxen to take the girla home, which caused a great deal of amusement. Refreshments were served about 10 o'clock, and soon after the guests departed, thanking Mr. Harvey and his daughter for a pleasant evening. W* are glad to have Mr, Gaylord in our midst s few days ago. He la a charming young man. Mr. and Mts. C. Q. N. Cutler gave a dance last Friday night to tb^ young people of Zlon and Jeesama. I thing everybody there enjoyed themselves. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Cutler visited l.' o ... *. i J Sunday afternoon. WoH. It Is Loot now, and I guess it will he very unlet around hers for ^ the next forty dfcga. m Jj MlM Ethel nrAldy .pent Frlrtir m^n" Mn ' Cat"r

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