' MSB MM No Such Wave of Crime Has mpi hattan. Mad Dog Scat Glass Ey esrftfe Smuggle New Tor*. lUrch i.?Not for \ IIUM yearn lu New Tor* Cttr been i V swept by > win of crime edual to I that which at present engulfs It. and i all assertions of the, police aulhorlUsa notwllhataadlng, the straeta of. the dtp hare not. for many fears, been I aa unsafe aa they are now. Hold-upa. highway robberies and assaults In I broad daylight and m> tbe public . streets of tbe most densely populated 1 I districts and daring burglaries are of \ dally occurrence, bnt only In rure In- J stances are the culprits. apprehended . fay the poilce. sheriff Herburger. i thoroughly dleguatad with exlatlag J condition*,, baa decided to declare < tear gainst the criminal* and, aceoid- I Ingly 1* wearing In . large number o( I deputies, among tbem actors, bank- I . era, broker*, and other Jnata#. j I., profeoalonal men add bualnaa* man. < 2 Beery one of the depattee will be j jMmrtbe right to carry a rerolrer \ and Sheriff Harburger haa oahorted I hie deputiee notto healtat* la making I nee at their w capo a*, ahould It be for their protection or the } , .protection of the lit* or property ot t iilhera. V. How belplaao the police suthorttlea I art In BOppre*ei*g crime la clearly i l?aetrat*d by the tact that ta aorae i caeca burglar* '1*1 ted and robbed I certain buntaae* plnoaa or apartmaota i I eeemlH. hat the potlee ere unable < to make any arroata or aeon to lad a c*e. Tie proprietor of an egg and . batter atom on upper Third arenea. i waa robbed.more than twenty Umea I . dertag the peat taw aaoatha. Seyeral i ttmae Ma atan waa rial tad and ptondpiod, aa other occaaiooe Mb da? s-?irewap waapaa owttolau and hi* . " Ijartai rat waa broken Into by btuf tnra am awyorsl norartaaa. but lu all fur cme* not a atncle arreet area Tha Jeer of bains bitten br a mad I Hh&: '? ,4of to totyir rooted in almoet every i V . hnd'Mac ud the cry of "toed 1 Dog" to m petent to (MM a panic 1 L oa the atreet aa the cry of "Fire" la 1 llatMtn. Tbofeht that In ?? . -r ofalM earn the "mad dog" ta not mad at all. bat ilmpl? cared, doaa ant laaeaa th? cenaral fear in aahh - caaaa Loot Bandar a little Tallow dad Mood IB boot of the rtmt PreeI brWrlan eharcb la Ifoaat Vernon. V Jaat aa tse con creation etarted to laaaa the church attar, the mornlnd ami I. After the faahlon of round doaa who do not baton* to aarbodr la particular, thla llttlo pap attached % hlmoelf to one 0( tha member, of Uo R, ooadMddUoa, a pound wemaa,-aad fallowed in bar footatopa When the fa ' ' ain aeetdentallr came In contact with the doc,, ahe became acared and creamed, soma men nean br. beilatln* thai the dot bad blue* her. SSffiglSt feer, raked among the church folk, who e^ttered ,in every dtvyctkm, yelW&k'.' ^ jtft* pgttement crew rapidly and ettrected eevwral police men. PreeeV lag an automobile into servtce they ponraed th? yellow dog racing down' the otreot far dear life. One of tho policemen fired aaroral abota at tha a . doc and on of them dlaablod the poor animate left front l0(. The dog fell and loaned etonaed for a tew nv>muc UBRAKT fiont i ' t'All who are lovers of flowers and Hardening should avail themselves of the opportunity to vtalt the Public Library and road the "Garden Magazine" All the number, are Interesting, but the new March number Is, eepeclaVy eo. Magaalnee will be circulated Just as other books, after they are two' ' fdonths old. If ft monthly, and ono month Old If a weekly periodical. Below la given a list of the magazine* taken by the Washington Public Library: Everybody's Magazine. Garden Uagaalne Harper's. Ladiea' HOtne Journal. Life, McClure s Magazlhc. Morth American Review. Outlook. % Popular Mechanics, Roviea of Re> views, 8L Nicholas, Bclentlflc Amstt 1 V 1 ' i's Character, Fii = 11 WEES FIST ' Ever Hovered Over Man re Stirs Church Gowers. d mootI. bat krml the policeman could reach him, the dog lamped up an his three good legs and made his mope. Three members ot the United Btatee Volunteer Life Sarlnga Corpe. *ho Hue In the Bronj, rowed out Into the Sound In an 18-foot ahts thoi other day lu asarrh of persons Icebound or adrift on lea cakes. Near Rika's Island their boat Viu ' earronnded br float Ins Ice and a big ?u store . kola Into the slda of the iklS. Tha man aarad themselves br Looping upon tba big cake,'of Ice and pto the open Sound had not their dgnal of dajfrsee. the white shirt of me of the men. tied to one of the mrs. been seen from the shore. A police launch started in pursnlt of ha floating piece ofNce and raecped he three men. The smuggling of s|feer*? and ither precious stones, of laOaa and >ther sal nab la articles of adornment a of bather common occurrence In ipite Of tho watchfulness of the resonno officers at this port maar thoisoande of donors worth of nosh utlelee sre muscled Into Now York trerr Poor It eeetae almost incredible that my one should mnko n bnelneee of Haggling glnaa eyes Into thin oonntry and that the undertaking should pay so wall aa to make tho.smogglv the stem .'A OermujLwhp posed as 4 memtmrof fbcfl^Siaw srreatod In Tree top. H, JL, reosntly charged with baring smuggled large c usntitles of artificial eyes into this port. At tha UHal It was eatahlahod that the gun, -who la In no war eonaeeted w|th artetocrncy, hu basn tar many yoara eruusjllet tlaas ayaa lata thin country, ondereelllns the ra?nlar Importer! and accumulating a lane fortune. Ha waa convicted and ?taagad to a haavy Una and Imprtaonment and. (or a while at leant, Una. eye. wUl he.mtfar la frtoa. The axpartanoa at Hartln BUlhke. a youn* German. who wiia arraatad horn the other day for hedging, may he e warning to grttota eonNew TeiClMthke. who cornea from a good family In Wurttembeuaad 3? KZSL * Academy of fWArU at Minjeh. had a quarrel with hie family about a yaaf ago, end decided to ehlft tor blmnelf. He hadhensd a (real deal of New Torn and the fortunea made there and decided to try hie luck. Ha arrived ha thle city with hot little money and aoon reached the end of hie etrtng. He tried to find work In aomo otudlo, hnt did not auooaod. His money an re out and he had to MB hU tow valuables ?ud- ?m the clothe* he wold spare. Hie shoeobeceme won oat. hat ha bad no money to bay a now pair and It wan whan ha banting tor a pair of ahoea that ha wan arrested. Fortunately the young man made a good Imprsaalon upon the maglttrate and he wt? not mat to the workhouse, but.glven employment lutaad ,'' Tew Independence Day j, Austin, Texas, March 1.?-The 7Sth annireraary ot the declaration of Texas Independence was observed as a pahUc holiday throughout the state today.' In 1834 Mexico achieved her Independence from Spain and estobllshpd a republican government. Bustamente, thd asmtplng governor of Texas prohibited furthor Immigration from the United States, rearing that the white settlers would not ba dominated gp were the Mexicans. Santa Anna, with wbom the colonists elded, ororturned the Constituting ol 1824 and declared hlmBotf a dictator. The Texnna contlnoed their eftorta lor the observance^! the Mexican eonetltuton. hut, goaded hy tyrannical oppression, held a convention at Washington on the Urates On the / ' V'. NG1'< ' ij WASHINGTON, NORT1 rst Find the Fo< * UL.AII1.HUI I III I Ml V I llllll Dl uiiftuiuni uiruni i uuuu m ; r ;iS EXPECT Good Roads Movement Wl to Next General Aasen Upon to Declare Tt Communications Expli 'id* K i Washington, N. C.. Mink t. Tlw-Dnity Newi, Washington. N. C. Gentlemen: ' - Plesse note eocloeed Good Roads Circular No. 11. and lettef from Mr. log: Hyde Pratt., Secretary of North Carollua Good Roada Aaeoclatlou. root!rating me to Inform him if I approve of' a Good Roada campaign. 'I would appreciate tt It you will |1t^ apace In your colomna, far thla matter, aa 1 deal re every cltleea of Beaotoro county to write me. at oace. hie opinion in rwtoreaoe to thin matter. I know Beenfart county will approve of thin more, and Would rather anawer Dr. Pratt'a letter with the ; ' Tj CHJLB. L. NORTON, fleet. Beaufort Oood RoadaAasn Chapel BUI, N. C? Pet). If. Mr. C. U Morton, Sefet.-Trean. Buiifort CotintT Oonri Rnnrla A nun "Washington, N. C. Doar Sir: The new yasf la now well advanced and T believe many of the eotinty good roada associations have already held their Bret meetings and bsghn , a campaign tor good roads work. Am tb? time la fast approaching when nominations wlil be made for thoae who are to represent the Oonntles and districts ia next Oisneral Asembly. 1 think this is the time for the county good roads ' associations and godit roads enthoslasts to Tnp camiiip un>nv TBE COMING WEEK - Washington, D. C., March President litf. among the bumeroui entries In 'tin preelMgCM men, prom Inns to b, inoet In tU pnblh ye during the week, owing to hli weetern trip. The president la (alni to Cblcsco to epeek Setnrdey nlghi M e meeting to be held under thi auspices of the IIHiitt Sweedleh American Aepnblican league, In eele bretioh of the remt-cenunnlal annV ereery ef the Settle between Johi Ericsson's Monitor and thn Confedor ate ram, Merrlmac. On hla way t< Chicago the Prealdent wtll'atop It Toledo, where. It la announced, hi will meke a speech that will be at answer to Mr. Kooeerelt's recen speech at Colnmhns. 5S?3? V'v - *?* ' ...... Serenrl of tke Southern atatee an to Vebelve attention from Harrooi and Wilson, the rival aspirants foi the Democratic presidential nomlna Uon. Qov. Wilson has accepted ni invitation 10 address the Mtrylaw Got. Harmon [e expected to epeek be fore both the Marylnnd-end Virglmli -_ z:v ' State conveatfon* to choose dels gates to tho Republican nations tonventlon will be held during th week la AUbams and How Motlcc IS Is rsgardsd as likely that lights be ^woet) the Taft aopportors sod Ih ROOSOrelt supporter)* for control ma local Op to each of thenn convention , ' ' fee . At n mooting called for Knass 'lt> next rfonday, plaryt are to b torfsetOd tor the formation of a to, Itorlal federation of railroad aho ' v.:-. ON D I CAROLINA. SATURDAY )d Upon Which! BID'MMWfTB fe TIB! ?f' "* ' My Will ProbaNy beCallec lemoetves. lhe Foliowtru iln Themselves F j latnre, who NtUu the interne importance of the state's duty in the matter of highway Improvement. I ana enclosing a Frees Circular, which I hare prepared* especially for the oounty good roads associations, and 1 am sending copies of this to the members of county aasodatioaa of %'fc?b we hare record. I hate had a number of these Otrcularg' -printed, and If yon think yon can distribute a number of them to advantage not oirty amc.ng the members of your association. bet among the voter* of your county. I shall be pleased to forward any .number of theseu tirCulars to yon. throughout the county and to distribute literature of this -kind around among the voters of the county In working for the Advancement of the gootf roads csnie In your own particular oounty or township, don't forget the cause of the state at large, and make your legislators fee! that you are a cftlsea of North Carolina as well aa of Beaufort county. 1-hope you will let me hear from you as to-what you think about sueh a campaign and such work In your county, and with host wishes. I am, Youra sincerely, . J08BPH HYDE PRATT, Secretary. We regret our Inability to use this circular In this article, hot it Is exceedingly interesting and copies maj be obtained from Mr. Norton. ' ippl river.- As soon u the orgaaixa tion is launched demands are to be r made tor a general advance in wag* . on erert road. - <-? .i 1 ? ,;.vi x a result of the municipal eUo Uoa Tuesday, Seattle may he the On Urge city of the United 8tatea fa 1 adopt (he single tax. On that dm the voters will pass on he Ericked : Single Tax amendment to the sit: 1 charter. Broadly stated, the amend ( ment proposes to exempt all bnlld L inga and personal property from ett: 1 taxes and confine the taxes wholly t< " land values and the franchise ef pub ' lie service corporations. J SrnCKJOR^COURT. > a ' . I Action of H. B. Stilley vs. 8. R i Powle &. Son. com prom Ised. i Eureka Wilkinson via GeO L t Swindell. Issue: la defendant admin iatrato* as such indebted to plalntlfl If so la what amount?' Afcpwer b 1180.65 and interest from Dpcitaibe X 31, 1907; $82.74 and interest fro* r Decembe# 8, 1908, .and $63.90 an< . lpt?reat from March 4, 1910. x Mrq. Gertrudo Shavcnder vs. Gee 1 L. Swindell, adrar. of F. P. Swindell d deceased.' Issue: Is defendant ?d - ministrator. as such Indebted- to th plaintiff, if so*'in what Stbbdat AnawOi" tAVft fir. ivtfh Int^rMt fmr January JO, 1?08. aubleet to a credl of ?50. February S, 1?0S and fBI.f ,1 with tntoroat from Doc. t, 1J0J. o Court adjourned yatcrday aftoi I. noon with tho eaao of K. H. Oreo >- r.nd othern va. A. Miller and W. 1 e. Do,for. Pand.n, a . mJhoo Dow* SO Tc57?,CM. A1LY AFTERNOON. MARCH 2. " r 1 11 lis Brain Feeds?1 HFv BK. BRIEF NOTES OF INTEREST ; GATHERED HERE AND IBERE I>r C. L PrIHron nf fh? Rlifa Hookworm Com mission. la holding a I largely attended meeting In the City Hall today. I The monthly Sacrlmental service will be held In the Firs* Method let and First Baptist charchee tomorrow morning. e ? Her. R. H. Broom, peat or of the First Methodist church, will preach a apodal sermon tomorrow night, hla subject being "Purity by Promise." e The cottage prayer meeting in Nicholsonvilla was m^d at the realdance of Mr. A. B. Woolard on 7th street laat evening, and waa wall attended aad much Interest waa manlfested. a > We had the pleasure of a call this morning from Rev. H. P. Dal ton. pastor of the First Baptist chrc%. who has Just been called to this gentleman had Impresses one as a well Younded man. eminently fitted to the field and the work before him. He express ai himself as highly pleased with the cordiality and boehospltnlity of Washington people and wt araiore he will continue to find a warm spot In their hearts. Rev. H. E. Tripp, pastor of the Farmville Circuit, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Tripp has been in the field for several years and la very fond of his work. He Is highly esteemed by his people. This In Hlnl/m. Marrh i '1791?John Wesley, famous Methodist preacher and'missionary, died ia-JjosdoQ. Born In Lincoln; shire. June *8. 1703. - U19r?-Pop? Leo, XJIL born. Died July SO, 1S0S. 1819?Congress authorized Ala bama to form a Stale constitution. i 11S6?Texas proclaimed her Indei pendence of Mexico. 1-865?Emperor Nicholas I. of Roasts, died. Bern in 1796. 1861?Terltory of Dakota orgapt ixed by act of Congress. > t 1867?United States bureau of r Education established i 18 8 6?-Cornerstone for new Texas r capital laid jaLAeoUn. 1911-?Henry L. Myers elected as - United States Senator from Montana, r Date fta History, March 8. > 1779?British defeated, the Ameri cans In battle of Brier Greek, Ga. 1786?Samuel Abbot, Inventor of the process by Which starch Is made from the potato, bcrn In ^Vilton, N, H. Died there Jan. S. 1889. 1798?William C. Macready. fam' oua English actor, born. Died April 87. 1878. I ; 816?The United States declared ~ war against Algiers. 1847-?lsue of United States post' age stgn\pB first authorised. r 1856?-System of registered letteri 0 Introduced by the United States post9 ofHoc 1876?Queen Victoria received the *' flM* .IitidnMH mln Intar f n Cm, I ' Britain. P . 1911?Robert E. Peary, AHtle ? J plorer. ereated a rear admiral by I Con?r??, ; . ' Squash Players Primed. * New" York, March 1 Aji (he lead Ini squaeh teania players In thta see "" tlon ot the country are putting (h? " tinlehtng touehee upon their (galea It ' preparation (or the eecond nntlone championship tournament which wll begin tomorrow on the cm? r> f*. Ttrv'tri t,fii iauulu Uijt, ^Wt-g a* tfjThe battle for the title vhicTbi npe held by Dr. Alfred -Mailman, wll ' 1 NEW 1912 Good Reading Mi n IIEBfi A Woman Who Has Acc Coming Over Here to I Envy of all England What Hm Been Baid of ibf Counter of Warwick. "She kt the moat beautiful woman In England." "She la tbe beat dressed woman in England." 'She la the moat interesting woman in England." "She la the most active woman In England." "She is tbe moqt versatile woman in England." "She, la the most strenuous odctol loader la England "She la the most maligned woman in England." "8he is the most independent woman in England." ,1 "8be is the most ardent Kjtr. in England." ! London, March I?Lady Warwick, the most talked of woman in England, -who baa the anomalous distinc tion of being a Countess of enormous wealth and as enthusiastic Socialist at the same time, sailed today on the Mauritania for NeWYork to fill leoture engagements In various large cities of the United States and Canada.. Her arrangements call for 40 lectures in tlx weeks, opening In the Carnegie Hall, New York, on March 12. It It understood that she is to receive $1,600 for each lecture. The list of cities which the Countees will visit during her lecture four includes besides New York. Philadelphia, Boston. "Washington. Chicago and Plttpbwg. and M'anu at the large cttlea olOu^djt Th^CnuUnaa^ufcaj*! eared a repertoire ot iectnraa. Dually at a deecrlptive or ramlolacant character. In Canada she will lecture on "Horticulture as a Profession for Women." Although she has prepared a lecture on "Why I Am a Socialist," she docs not intend to deliver it in America unless there is a demand for 1L The Countess of Warwick was born Franoee Evelyn Mayn&rd, eldest daughter of Col. Maynard, who was the son of Viscount Mayn&rd. She received an excellent education and when she made her debut in society her wit a ad beauty created a sensation 8he had Innumerable suitors 1 and finally choee Lord Warwick, the I THE eBURCHES ARE IEReT WHERE WILIYOM WORSHIP? First Methodist Church. Weit Bedbnd street. Rev. R. H. Broom, (las tor Servicoe at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p! m. Strangers and visitors welcome. 8unday school at 3:00 p. m., E. R. Mixon, Supt. First Preebyterian Churrh. Gladden street (near Coast Line Station.) ?:c- H. B. 8earlght pastor. Services at 11 a. m.t and 7:30 p. m. i Good music. Strangers and visitors cordjally invited to worship with ns. Sunday school 3 p. m., C. M. Brown, Jr., 8upt. Christian Church, i East Second street. Rev. Robert V. Hope, minister. Services at 11:00 a, m., and 7:80 p. m. Strnngers and visitors cordially welcomed. ; au * cwi f * nun u. Corner Main and Bonner 8Ul, Rev. Nathaniel Harding, rector. Morning " prayer and eermon at 11 (/clock; evening prayer at 7:30. Sunday 1 school, K. K. Willis, Jr., Supt., and ' Men's Bible clsse, H. S. Ward leader, at 3 p. in. First Baptist Church. Services First Baptist Church. Suo^ day, March 3, 1911: Preap^lng at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m, -by thfe p?s*or. Rev. H. P. Dm I ton At the evening service the lord's Supper will be observed at the doeof the service Sunder school at 9 Its'a. m., Mr. S. P. Willis, Superintendent. A cordW -welcome la extended ?w all. to eedi dt these services. i )t ?-CwoccC Oitsclics. .~'.f p. A Disciple:?Rev. J. R. Spencer, I pastor. Preaching every first and] r I fourth Sundays. Morning worship at I . ' . NO. lis | ikes Good Men 1 WILL SHI I COAST TO COIST ompllshed Great Things. ecture. Her Wadrobe the 'H .. M n heir of one of the most deeirablo titles in England, that of the earldom of Warwick, the heritage of the king maker or toe Wars or the Rosea. Lord and Lady Brooko at once became the smartest members of the Prince of Wales' set, and acknowledged leaders of the younger circle in high society. The role which Lady Brooke played in connection with brining about the publicity of the famous "Baccarat Scandal" in 1891,. made her extremely unpopular with j certain cliques and she was openly j attacked and anonymously maligned by y * enemies. But ahe never ?' "-and boldly retaliated, deing many a telling blow. It was ! rt that time that she received the sobriquet of "Babbling Brooks," which clung to her for many years. In 1898. by the succession of her husband to tb%title. Lady Brooke became Countess dt Warwick. The change was not merely one of title, bni involved the plactftg of a tremendous load of responsibility upon the shoulders of thd erstwhile society buterfly. Fearlessly and energetically she threw herself Into her task tad began by making a careful study jj 3f the eo^fiitlofis existing among the rillagsrst On her large estates. Free ly mingling with the common people ?he tried to win their confidence and >, love and incidentally. to learn from hem what reforms were needed. j Boon she caused considerable goslip by founding various technical tcboola, horticultural and agrlcnHurU schools, schools tor needlework ' .j ""*1 making them self-supporting. Her efforts, were crowned with remarkable success and after a few years the Countess found it necessary to extend the scope of her schools and Bnd additional markets for the workTho stu dy of,economics led the Countess to that of Socialism and soon she became the most enthusiastic sgcial ibi iu bugiaaa. nne cjoseiy lacnu 5ed herself with the Socialist party In England and ever since has been active at every pari 1 mentary election in behalf of the candidates of the lu- .* JB bor party, many of whom owed their success to her brilliant and energetic; efforts. C. M. E. church, F." M. J. Maslaw. pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m . each Sunday. Class meeting at 2 p m ; 8. 8. at 3 p. m. Q. W. Edward superintendent. Preaching 8nndR> night at 7:30. ki V 3 Colonel Casey Retires. Washington. D. C., March I.? ily direction of the President, Col. Thos. TL. Casey, Corps of Engineers was placed on the retired Hit today on bis own application after more than 36 years' active service. Cpl. Casey is a son of the late Oen. Cm?*y, chief of englneers^who completed the Washington monument, the Congressional library, and the State, ,War and Navy Department bnlldlng. He was born in New York and was graduated at West Point In 1370. He has been on a leave of absence sftace last December at which time he was 1* charge of river and harbor works at BaltimoreMAKRIAflB UCKNdES. White. G. H. Waters and Willie Phelps, "'/$i a Pantego J. A. Cherry and Sudle M. Roberson, city. , W. J. Bunch and Bertie NeaJ. Bath. Henry Jones and ?usan Jones, of Blounts Creek. Wni D. Minor.'city. and Mary Susan Law, Rome Ca. W. A. Congleton and OMvJa Jefferson. Plnetown. Colored. Nathaniel Brad doc k * and Mary* . T." ' Chesson, Bethaven Wm. Jiokson and Rabtvrn Rob- ^ ,3 rrtf. ?V; '3 TRC WKATHKR. I* ^Rair^bnlgHt; Sunday lnr.remains cJoudlnesn. slightly warmer, followed . ^ ;: rijMk Ha? . ?e^erjitse. rV' ?1 April 18 wmbeV great day In Chi- lH <"a*ot for on tTiit