VOL. QL / : - . Vfc, ? To Judge a Mai A m ,Sfc r.ss " ? *fj Local Happening |jy '?? M>tto to Make This ? SI'''., .? of Your Paper ^K:.^ |.-;r gK j2s ' f*** emtf cmk j - Wa are hayias bum M wttlkw i -at thle wyftiac; tha luMn ' not J Cutler ot apant Saturday < and Sunday with Mr. c. C. Cutler. c 0 ' Boa Boyd and Mian Bertha Watera ? f-; of near Pluetown. apent Sunday with ' John Thomas Oraen of naar .? 2*"Twf'hto"dtThht'TK^ *'a 1 AlMpood tad returned home Sunday, accompanied by hla daughter. Mlaa * *? ^ 8 r>-VJT. . J. Bang if returned home Bunday frona Washington, where ho haa ? been tee name time a P. Waters of near Pinotawn, . who haa accepted e position at Bun- ' ran atatidn, waa a rial tor at the homo 1 of Mr*. W. T. Latham laat Saturday a . " 5 . Mn. Jm Bo wen and children and _MIr Allle Tetterton of Plymouth, .1 Bare Man .pending a few days at th? C borne of Charlee Tetterton They returned home Sunday.c r. and Mr. B. I. Watara and lit- > Ua dandhtor of Btateatone, spent last Saturday and Sunday with Hn. Watt.. are' aarenta. i|r and Mr. C. 0. Cut. " ler, " o (Wm know (hat Mra. B. w. Alilgood la Improving la health. ' Mr. W. t Latham and daughter, Mtea MaHlo. and eon Jeaa, Latham, I peat Friday la Wmehlngton. 1 Sorry V> know that K. J. Raapeaa I la on th^ atek Hat. gW ' ra. - \z ' 1 , mr. a. W Sullivan and daughter, Mlaa Barer, apant Saturday afternoon > jjtf with Mr. C. C. Cutler and Mr. Tom ' Mlaa Barer Sullivan apant Taaaday I with Mlaaie Blaale and BaaM Latham. mr H. B. Wallace apant one day t .... Mat watt in- Waahlngton. ' \.f { t ' T. B. Wallace of dear Plnetown, 1 m SSSinLrirr \ Sfw Maggie Sullivan apant Saturday la Waahlngton. ' 1 We are atltl having plenty of enow i Mr and Mr, V. 8. Beggett returned heme Wedneaday from vlaltlng relating and trtenda In Pamlico Co. i Quite a large number of Swalaland 1 boy. and girla nttouded the wedding 1 of Mr. Jim cherry and Mtae Sodle I nohereoo. Wednesday nlgbl laat. Jordan Perry of Pkntego, uaa the c www W. i. mnw wireyir Mkm> CHr. Me lurch a.?A L-, movement la under way tt> obtain a j > eonnaatattan of hontenoe-tn the twee 61 Be* Raeco. tha Borderer ot Ota 1 Hubbell family, who fa to be eiecut- ' -d thbt month Hie Ictlmi were / Ddnir Hubhell and ht* altr add two \ fc children, who ware found murdered par. It. lblfl According to the art- ' ASHI i's Character, Fii ; >; ^F'"a ; PS.' vBHIIPpliti -* - .v** . - -*?; tSKINliTON PARK. ' ' " *i ?i m nun J lU UDH MESPfllFM UUIUIlluI DlfUtlnlU 3 leaned From Alert Cort Beaufort County. Write a In Your Vicinity end atonm the Best Feature ... ; -v>.'J tad 8unday Miss Bilk Williams returned boms Cueaday from Enfield. She re porta a i*? trip. r^SjcSfefefA'..v . ^ Frank Qautler of Baltimore, and btj 8wanner or Old Ford, were In tor midst Saturday. It seemed like >ld times for them to be around. Quite an ettUessent was raised in ?ur neighborhood last week on aeount of mad dogs. Mr. John 0. >Ml killed two of hi. own and'Mr. "ommie Hodges one of his his. Misses Anna Perry and Myrtle 7111 lams spent Saturday night and maday with Mrs. Mary B. Pesl. Pear lie Manning and wife hare en spending a few days with hla later Mrs. Geo. B. Peel. Don't forgst March 8th, which Is he commencement Of the schools, "here will be a picnic that day and n entertainment at night. The Rublc ia Invited. Miss Hollle Peel spent last week rlth Mrs. Thorntain Gnutler of Irlmea farm. Richard Omeriry and Mlae Anrlle I ray Ward attended the dance at f aeedohln, Friday night. , HawklM School Boaae. Snow on Sunday nemi to be the Tder ot the day thin year. H.T. Hawkins van a Washington laitor. last Wednesday., ,* Mm, O. L. Sparrow and Mrs. Joe. -ee. were the guests ot lire. Henry Wallace at Broad Creek. Wednesday i? >* Misses Alice and Jennie WooCard pent lent Thursday afternoon with ileaee Larry and Lucy Sullivan. tilae Malbetle liitehell of Jeaaama. ran the (ueet of Miss Alice Woolard Vedneaday night of last week. J Hies Amy Alllgood ot Washington, rho has been spending several days nth Mrs. O, I. Sparrow, returned tome Monday. jujL Mine Chrlaay Hawkins epent Saturlay afternoon with Mlea Jennie ftToolard. A number of our people attended march at Bearer Dam on Snmjay Mr. and Mrs. George Woolard and Ibndren. of Hunter-a Bridge, wpre [ueats of Mr. and Mrs. f. Alllpood tad family, the last of last week. Mrs Frances Lewis and son Alton, pent Thursday with friends at Slateitone. " y. nantal Wnalnrii nnrf TspIap WnW. lam of Wilkinson, were in our midst Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. George Jefferson spent Tueslay with Miss Alice Woolard and "Otlw. - jW ' Wonld 111 I I, MUMe Mm. at. Pmul. Mian., ilnrch ?.?Th. oo?t Imbltloua project er.r underinJtan ib thla section at the ooantrr for cooperation In the marketing of NG1X WASHINGTON, NORTH C rst Find the Fog HITIi in Mm FStSS 3' &2| 7. S?3 - - ^ .*> . T" ~ " 2 County Commissioners Afte dary Line Between Bern Be Adjusted. $100.00 A1 Convict Force to Recap .' The co lino cone ml?Inn ere vere in eealon Monde? end neUriUr Pw nnt: Von EbnrMaln. Proomnn. Wynne. Hooker end Gay lord. The follow Inst order! were entered: I J. B. li*rr wss relieved of school | tax In Royal echool dUtrlct, hehelng I a revident of Cbooowinlty township. i A mo eat of relief *1.10. > J. & Waters' poo* allowance WCX increased from **.00 to *0.00 perl month, regular. (Physical tie*- t bllKy.) v . J. H. Warren, of Prsecott school < district, was rellered of poll tax. "l jtinonat ?1.?0. aooonnt of physical disability I Stephen Blonnt's poor allowance i waa increased from |1.&0 to **.? ! per month on account sf old ace. Jo* WlUlama and wife's poor at- : lowance was Increased from It per . month to $4.00 per month reenter, on acooant of old ace. J. T. Pllley of Lome Acre townahip, waa persaneatly rellered of poll tax on account of pas mail sin diaahtllty. B. U Hodges al lowed expaaeee to l recapture W. J.. Floyd, an eacapod convict, not to exceed *100. * Upon motion H wee ordered that Commlaalonere Fresmin and Wynne. : and Attorney Rod quid be instructed < to meet with the board of commiusloners of Washington county on 1 Tuesday, March 6, at Plymouth, to 1 consider the- settlement and adjustment of the county line between the I two counties. ] Major W. C. Rodman appeared be- < fore the hoard and ashed that W. B. Rodman be relieved of the tax on I 2,600 acres of land valued at f13,000 \ in Idalla school district, on the I grounds that he does not own said i lands. The board after discussing the matter decided to continue same i to next meeting for further invest!- i gat ton For the-benefit of thoee living out 1 of town', the Washington Public t uiorary announces tnat it will be open on Shturdays from 1:30 to 8:00 i o'clock and from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m.. c the balance of the week from 4:00 to 4:00 and from 7:60 to 8:80 p. m. t n election wae ordered to be held c in Washington school district, white, < No. 1* at the Pineville school house \ on Thursday. April 85, to decide i whether or not a special tax of 30c < on property and 90c on the' poll shall be levied for the support of public i schools in said district. All those 1 voting for said tax shall vote "For ' Special Tax," all those opposed \ "Against Special Tax.'' J. W. Mitchell was. appointed 1 Registrar and W. M. Parvin and T. 1 P.. Chauncey. Judg^ The petition i was signed by one-f9ffrth of the free 1 holders and indorsed by the Board of < Education. (Adjourned.) AT THE LYRIC. ^ Minstrel Novelty ?t the Lyric?Excel-' tent Pictures Exhibited. 1 Tbe vaudeville attraction at the ? Lyric was fully up to Its reputation ' as being one of the best acts that has < been booked here. The Johnson j brothers are little boys who black up, i hut what they lack . in years, they ? make up' hrexperfence, for they are end men down to the minute. . Tonight tl^ejr yUJ make their last I appearance hero, and all those who I ? *? ? ?? |?w?nuio ui wuufsr Ut thla attraction .held uk. adTogether with the raudevlllo attractloh the motion picture program promisee to b< u extra feature for th* Ursulas. I -Word was race (rod yesterday of th* death of little Ma rear*t OahHei. the two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Jtra. Samuel Oebrlet, former mldents of Washington Her death oorfcurred yesterday afternoon at the home Of her parents lit Sehulon. The .funeral eerrke. were held thU attertuaoexUeb NspohMcaa. mt Nebraska. I IMtto N. AaZ 3N ij AROLINA, WEDNESDAY A d Upon Which Hi MIST 1 tjio rain r Fine Collec&ip. Bounlfort and Washington to o lowed Su perintenden t of hire W. J. Floyd 1 Present. Von Ebeietela. Oarlord. * Booker, Freemen and Wynne, and [he following ordera entered: That rt. 0. Bragaw ha relieved! of school- " tax oa his Jordon farm and personal property thereon la Chocowinlty owniblp valued at It being putaide of the school district The unount of relief *4.14. '? - It Is ordered thst the Justices of " Its Puses ssd Recorders of Bssufort " county shall settle In <slt with the county tressurer for all Usee collectsd durln* each month and furnish * to said treasurer an itsmlsad state- ? meat of cases tried, and It shall be the daty of the county auditor to ex- ' imISi the dockets of SaM office at least onoe every three months. n Alex Biner, of Bslhaven. was re- m Ueved of potS Ux for 1*11 on account ? of old age Amount Of relief IS SS 11 J.' B. Whitley, of Pantego school ? district, was relieved of poll tax to the amount of |2.9*.OB acoounl of U Insanity. A. W. Ross of same district, was * relieved at $1.48 tax, Inasmuch as he was a <*4sldent of the township at large. R. H. Richards, white, or Bel- * tiaven, was relieved of $8.2S poll tax on account of physical disability. ? John A. Carter, of the same place, a was relieved of same amount (1911 j* taxes) on account of being over age. Walter Baffin of the same place, 10 relieved of same amount and taxes al lor . same year on acoount of being ? yver age. m It appearing that an error had 03 Mhn made in Warren Cordon's tan ? h North Creek school district, df ' 1870.00, It was ordered that he be 1 relieved of $2.97 error in list taker. ** Geo N. Harrison of Bath towh- l? ihlp. was relieved of |1 poll tax on icconnt of physical disability. J. B. Woo lard'a property in Batb, n intf>d tvtrA Ha vu rolsonoH rt'n nn? ?1 ax of $2.<)1. Error of Uct taker. O. V, Hicks, white, of BolhaYea al vas relieved of $2.81 taxes. Error 01 rf list taker. J. B. Smith listed taxes In Pan- M ego township which he does not "c r?n, valued at $500, and property la' lD laylord school district valued at >660 which belongs to J. W. Oaylord ind J. G. Smith was ordered relieved w ?f the tax of $10.15. d Three lots In Belbaven valued at T 1325 were'listed In year 1911, both tl >y J. G. Tfcoley and T. J. Ryan. J. <*. & rooley had paid taxes and T. J. Ryan ' sas relieved of $4.06. 11 It was ordered that D. A.~^tfind- n' ley be.allowed to list' two tracts .W ami in. Bath township?the Abir T. u IVlndley tract of 27 acres, valued at 18 H00, *nd the N. W. Wlndley tract m containing 30 aferes -"ana Valued' ft d $288?total $485 Amount of tax, >2.25. __________ ix a Canadian Mining Institute. ii Toronto, Ont., March 6.?The an- tx Pual general meeting of the C&nad- tl tan Mining Institute convened in this -JM :lty lodsy fer a three days' session, tl Tho subjects Which are to be considered and the many men of wide p prominence who are participating, \o- e tether with the recent mineral die- al coverles and remarkable delevdp- 1? rant of the mining industry in Can- a kda. combine to give promise of the most important and profitable meet- h Ing in, the history of the institute. h -s - * \ -i. ? V* I Oentrrl Ol.lo IVcnrli Show. * . * I ;w *j Columbus. O., JTarch ? ?A Urgr number of high bred dogs that hi?e h been winning blue ribbons on tlx? fi American Kennel Club circuit this ii hench show ol the Central Ohio Ken- 1 Ml Clib in thin city The exhibition o opened tbla months left will .onllnue until Saturday In three claxv e ee, ereyhovnda. cocker apartela and t poodle*. the entrtea are aabt la he the c meet ? oorT.ua erer exhibited at iky ? about jtiuldo of New Tori City. : ! I Chlea<o, III.. March Th? third " trr.rji^ca: to d?cld? Um, lh? C*i?tr*l 8tat?? fa to t,c hosd JnK aiLy FTERNOO^' MARCH 6. "l is Brain Feeds?( i REVIEW orblJNTY ^ HOME W HK IN DETAIL iiaisteve and W. T. V. Have Co*, tribute*! to SplrtUud and MMvHil Pleasure ot lu> Btee. X The great, and' anting Importance f the County Ham* work cannot be nown until Wf fully realise the orth of an imtu tal soul. In this departs cut we find great pportunlty for Mpevolent work. There are lone] poor houses in vei7 county, and. It these homes you I'ili And tho weai r ones of earth. Lore jto Chri tv and humanity noothe tifo path, ?f doty and makee a pleasure to plater to others. in our eariy ryifceiittons we and lis pleasure In ti? ministry of Rev. athanlel HaHUh of - the Episcopal tturch. On thaMrst 8unday afteroon of eacb>?L<l||t& he preached to le inmates; he' gUo visited the lick i the home and frayed at the bedtde of the drlng?even at midnight, nd conducted ^ funeral services f all the inmates* Mr. R P. Fulfsrd was then superitendent of thsdtosaex- When the /. C. T. u. was aet organised. the lumbers held fl Iyer di sating on ?me afternoon I the week, once s lonth. We had m ? W good meetigs; it brought ?t the good work f the me inhere, fras enjoyed much 7 the lamatsa dpd proved helpful After many aCrggf lea "and and. die- 1 ppolntments the . Union disbanded ad the prayer ! meetings dieconnoed. with regruL On June S.: 1W, ? took up the ork again with two members from le Epworth League and some pupils t my Sunday adihol class. At thie testing we gavg A Bible to the su- 1 erintendent, hired help and to all ie Inmates, white and colored. The 1 leetlngs were held the third Sunday ' fternoon of eacfe fponth, at the close f which cake, trait and confection- j rise were glefn each time to the Intatea. Rej^K. Hording preached rery ft?e?#6upday^#f r. Cornelius sckson tru then keeper or the 1 ome. This work wu kept up for ' >me time, and thon abandoned ow- ' ig to sickness In my family, and be- 1 ig unable to get anyone to continue 4 16 work. At this time Mr. Jackson talgned, and Mr. Fulford was again 1 ppointed keeper. 1 In 1903 we took up the work again ' ad succeeded in getting the differ- ' it ministers of the town to preach * rery third Sunday afternoon. When 1 X. Harding is unable to attend, his >n, Mr. Will Harding, holds service | istead. This is continued up to the I resent time. During this period of the work, 1th the help of our citizens, wo had urlng the holidays a Christmas tree, his was kept up for three years, all ie ministers of the town each had a art In the service, and we also had 1 peclal Christmas music, using the idles temperance organ, which is 1 ow used in the home. The organist on* each church plays for her pas>r at each meeting, and the singing ' ) enjoyed by all. We thank them ' > much for the sweet service ren- 1 ered. Mr. Elias Bright is now superin?ndent of the home. There are 17 kmate8, ten white and seveh colored ' nd the home is kept clean and the imates comfortable. .The five .church societies conrlbute money which gives each of ' tie white inmates 25c per month, [fs. Denes and Miss Rumley carry ae money to the inmates. Dr. E. M. Brown is the county hyslclan and h* visits the inmates 1 very month, besides attending the Ick at any time when called. We farn that he has been very kind and W-r- * r; 'uian . j ttenttve. 8tnce January, 1911, the miniates, los?r?, > Hype, Sullivan, Broom and larding, hare preached twice. Rev. earlght has preached three times, lev. Broom has made two visits to tie sick and conducted the funeral Srvlces over remains ot Mr. Ism? table The ministers have been Mthful; they have all been so wlllag to go, which is highly appreciated y all. Nine inmates have died durog the yegr; four white and five olored. ,X,->< _ ;;J We have given a sketch of the snngallstic work at the County lome. We have met with difflnltles and have often been dleouraged, but we have felt that eome ivee have been brightened, and the rork has been so helpful to on. We no much desire that others will come interested and help as in the rork. Tour presence would be opfpvcfotad, and year ?oice would give' Mm. mm BBTT1B FARROW u?h tth. mi II in r , i912 1 ' Sood Reading M M BOATING AT WAf HUSBAND SUM BY HIS DEMENTED WIFE V ? Railroad Employe Shot by His 2CYear-Old Wife aa He Lay Asleep. Recently Discharged from a Sanitarium. Ashevllie, fl. C.. March 5.?Waller A. Harrison. 27 years of age, was idiot to death by bis 20-year-old wife as he lay asleep In bed this morning at his home In this city. The young wife admitted that she shot him, though she maintained that the killing waa adcdental. Tonight she declared that she was about to commit suicide when her huBband awoke and sought to take the pistol from her hands. In the struggle, she says, the weapon was discharged, the bullet taking effect In the right side. Mrs. Harrison until recently was a patient la the Btateaville Sanitarium where she waa treated for mental derangement. She left th hosplal about a mouth ago and since her return to tfcto eUp-to-ealAto have brooded over the fact that her husband had sent their seven-months-old child to the home of her (Mrs. Harrison's) parents at Hickory, this state. k ue iniuucr B jury VUIH Biieruoou returned a verdict to the effect that Lhe deceased came to hiB death from i bullet wound inflicted by his wife. Mrs. Harrison ia being held at the :ounty jail pending an examination j> a commission as to her sanity. BRIEF NOTES OF INTEREST GATHERED HERE AND THERE 'It may probably be raining tonight. but none of the denominations to be represented at the welcome services to Mr. Dalton object to water, and some of them really call for more than others. Hence, it is safe to predict that the Disciple church will be filled with those eager to lend their presence to a hospitable welcome to the Baptist's new pastor. The county commissioners yesterday issued an order requiring justices of the peace and recorders to comply with tbo law relative to making monthly reports of fines collected Wp will publish this law tomorrow with a lisfcof the reports as made by these officers. *k . " ? Don't forget to note the change of schedule Of Norfolk Southern ap published elsewhere in the News. REVENUE CUTTER HOAX * Discharged Km ploy e of Standard Oil Co., Bends Itasca on a Fruitless Hucf. Wilmington.' N. C., March 6.?B. P. Bates came to port today overland and after taking berth at a loeal hotel, said be was master of the Standtrd OH Tank City of Everett, rammed and sunk off Prying Pan Shoals by a British tramp. His barge No. ss, "Bates said, had been dot adrift pith the ckptaln and fifteen men. while his own crew had taken to the boats and landed nine miles down the coast. ? The 0. 8 revenue Cutter Itasca Immediately pet to sse, every man aboard ready for the work of rescue. The eicitememt was broken by an announcement from P'-ed?s ?"?? luausuel Uie In haw lors that the CKy of Everett pas sate at Sehdae Pass, Tea., with her barge, and that Batea waa a former employe who had put oat a troubleaome story., L j The wireless is vainly mat taring jtnd crackling tonight with sgorts to |H?| ,^v>f\ p?&. 2 - 3f fHH ' ""j|j IMXGTOX PARK. HMID Very -Little IIusIdcsn Tntiuwtrd ot? Monday?Apportionment of ftoO.OO Made to Old Ford Sdwol. At the regular meeting of the County Board of Education Monday, Messrs. Butt, Hodges and County Superintendent of Schools* W. U Vaughan were present The petition mentioned in the report of the county commissioners meeting praying for an election to vote a Special Taa in Washington township, Distris No. 1, was presented and approved. It Is contemplated to build a model school hou.se in this district. An additional apportionment of $60 was made to Old Ford school, in District No. 3, white, Washington district. A petition from the committeemen in Richland township. No. 3, white, asking that an acre of land adjoining the school house be condemned for the use of the school was received and the superintendent instructed to pro?i the condemn si ion. * . District No. 2, Richland township, was authorized to secure a loan of 5200 from thq state loan fund. The hoard confirmed the sale of an old building, by the committeemen, in Long Acre township, to J R. PinkI ham. A PROMPT GOVERNOR Pennsylvania's Executive* Is IIuntied Twenty-five Onth as a Tip to Mall a letter. Philadelphia, March 5.?Go verse i John K. Tener got out of his private car at Coatesvllle this afternoon to stretch his legs a moment. As he was climbing aboard again an old man hurried up to him and said: "Say, would you mind mailing this letter for mc when you gel to Philadelphia?" "Sure not," said the Governor, and held out his hand for It. "You'll not forget?" the old man called out as the train got under way. "You bet 1 won't," was the reply, that the old man had given him something besides the letter. It was a quarter dollar, and the Governor not only , did not forget to mall the letter, but he sent it to the postofflce by messenger immediately on his arrival here. Seventh Day Adventl.sts. Calgary, Alto., March 6.?During the two weeks beginning with today Calgary la to be tbe host of the a?nual convention of the Western Canadian Union Conference of Sev|enth Day Adventlsts. The attendance at the gathering Includes many leaders of the denomination New Regime in New Brunswick. Frederlcton, N. B., March 6?Hon. Lemuel J. Tweedle, lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick since 1907, ended his term of office today. He is succeeded by the Hon. Joeiah Wood, of Sackville, who has been a member of the Senate of Canada for more than flfteon yesiri Wholesale Lumber Dealers. Louisville ,Ky., March The National Wholesale Lumber Dealers' Association, one of the strongest trade organisations In the United States, met Mr Its annual convention - "!v-v hundred delegate* representing nearly ail parts of the country are in attendance. Unsettled tonight; probably rate or aaow la eastern portion. Thursow aaes -.

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