: F$f ? y , To Judge a Mai ID UftMCCCCVGD In. numDooDAbK mim ? A County Whose Winters Ai Breezes ot the Gulf Sire ere Fanned by the Oce? Invigorating Winds * * \ To North Carolinian. to.re U no i place like North Carolina. To a moo tokohaa Htr taat ON lot to Boaafort i Ooontr. thorn to to place Ilk. fteaurorttiSNr \?"'t ' Plrot. The couolr do tan upoa tu haopllalttr. to obomnoarw oomea. whether > rletter, or no Inreator. SON ho bo catholic or MmKL t jt mi. tu.1. fl?ado llohron (SSI, uenuM, insu, owouft ixeuwe . man 101 or Hooahllrut, ho to looker,* that to that he .-to a rata tor a . that" ? t* -T-e'' > .1" ; . ens oo* toft to their rooeot Ooro Ola? UNION. bop* an trained to a*rl'?>*!!< X&. wbo har. Jurt ooroud i IM. 'ftWicM rmaclss (ram TU.H M buahela to Urn Mi ul _ theeo mm ?r? Uk?a tram the ofSelal noon of the Deportment of jtprteoltmO. Mr Lawrence M. Boott, et Btomnta Creek, prodnoed cotton i ^ In thba ceootr loot rear reaalno near1| On* holee to the acre that braocht Wm IMMII cento per pound. ft nob per #eOid Bto drainage project. on now net) nWra that arm raelnlm oome of the meet rateable land that thle cooatrjr bee erer known, and whloh wib coat pare faeorablr with the moet fertile raltera ot the NUe. or otatere era eo moderate that "catim Oea remain ont practically all wlptar, and that teed which lo required. In more nnfororad eectlona to aataln heat, will be uUUeed la (at nauvon IU MtuTait county by Mm of 1U eaay aooaaalbtllty by w?C? U< rail put* you la cloie touts wit* hub Itrtn citle. of tK? ' I. kavbered one 4*7 and reach tho markel.net uter than two day* later. Tludad* t? S?a?Xork. Philadelphia. Sflfu, Baltimore and Provtdenco la vh*r4ly to be conatdered a* an Item of exfOMt, but to bo placed upon your ledger a* a profit In sdtrantage. Tbo*e I* no racoon why thla county I ATOMIC TO Bis OWN BUSINESS. BE SATS ^ .%.> W?> ? ^ r At UjMl Ule Minister Ha> Momi oI Hie Own?Peetor of Flr*.t ITw C. Q hftqpam Church, This CUjr, Has j XMfll ^ / Stftha the following hotic- In An y out of town paper this morning, wo called up tho pastor and naked him if li hto pulpit Would be occupied Sunday, and b* whom, to which ha replied 'taut the church waa never closed on "Rev. H. B. Scartght of WaehlngI too, win preach for the Preofcytert? an* fa the Red Men's hall Sunday ft owningmt 11 o'liikh, A cordial inr Citation to extended to all wSo wish to hoar hhn." Pfeeelag him for an answer aa to - whether or not any arrangemonta - had been made for a supply, h? eug; geated that be preferred no mention * " made of a matter that an Out of town 11 HH' auonaned u a [act, w uereapon '-.' we, to a Jocular way told Aim that I, - wn didn't like to eee him worktng L ' "under enter." Hit re?ty tru: "I net working under ooter, 1 am | ilafb attending to my own baal1.1 ? brother Bearight. wa would cwI r;. Iad ?oa lor euch * regit if it wan I wereaytendtng to the lord', bu.lnaee. However, We aro willing tor it I - to go the way yon ?ut It, and will he I a boot ene of the lent tndtnduale in 1 tha town to dteagree with yu% ebon J> ' he fMnd lea make. ? fjr St Urole, Ho., March t?The local I ' omtnltiee hae everything Id readlI. ueee for the eatartatnment of tha ninth annuel contention of the ReJ , l? tn meot In thh etty nam week for li- o.newnee of font daye The ettaadi%. uate at On meeUag will Include aer I JU-B WSl'^ES-.a ' ^,a y' BBP" ' .a . ASHI ?f. i ' n r '*^NiwMppWr l's Character, Fi HIRE ME ' it to mil re Tempered by the Warm am, and Whose Summers tn'q Briny, Health Giving, t "" hould wit produce celery aqul to that of Michigan. The .oil la here u4 the profile that hare made thou ands or them rich. Scuppcrnoa* trapes attain their perfection only la Eastern North CaroUaa and where taey am prown tor commercial pur pome, they are yielding net return ot two per una In tea aere plots, with HUle or no ears, end the market la right at our doora. (tola from statistical aguree la our of dee.) These are many opportunities otters* here for IM an men who anew haw, or wilt apply thiamin, aad workout their daetlay along llam pimmthud by the Department ?f AfrtcQltttra, which fives tmeta, nroomntlshsrt mad whaft wOJ contlaue to be aceom?IMied by km who intelligently foOowont plana laid down by tta experts. Aft the present there Is net h farmer in the county who kee sHhsr a monopoly or a competitor, rhe field la both wide and the InterMta disunited. '? ; 1 . la tfll oar pabllc school up?ill tures only a mounted to 14. la 1910 It amounted to 89.179,960.90. Of this amount, In 1901, the rural schools only received 9846,014.21, while In 1910 they received 81,498,999.79. Oar rural school houses In 1901 were valued at only 91.149.009, while in 1910 they were HMmuil at 93.094.419.> In 1991 we built in the etate only 109 rural school houses, bet In 1910-we built 349, and In the Intervening years at about the same rata of iacreaae. From 1904 the average salary for teachers Increased from $101.10 to 1361.48. per local tax districts Increased from 18 tn 1900 to 1,197 up to January 15. Ibis year, and they anrincrftastzoTmonthly. * ' * HI short our chamber of commerce aUnd ready to advise you ef anything you max. Fish to iCnow of the state and county. THE DAILY NEWS la wide open to welcome you and give you such information aa It has at Ita command. Come and be with ua and are will make you jlad. MINISTER INDICTED 911 raUURY euucc T-* .-. Pastor 61 Baptist CtaFth In Trxag. Mixed in Ipnam^r MAdOlF. Port Worth, Tea., lurch 7?A lew hour. alter Sex. J. Prank Norrla, paslor at the H-lrstTiaptlsi church, had been Indicted on the charge ol perjury, hla honanjjuroed down Saturday ntght. V V It came aa a myaterloua aeuuel to an equally myatartona chain operants In which the saloon-flRhtlnR Baptist mlnlater haa figured. The moet startling developments came on Saturday night when, accused of perjury Narrli was Charged with hairing written letters to himself In which he was threatened with death If he~did not lea re town. Norrla Brat attracted attention hare by campaigns tOr enforoemanl of prohibition laws. Thau Norrla de dared an attempt had beaa made tc aaamaUals Mm. Thla waa followed by aa. deatruction of the Flrat Bap tiet^errh by are. Norrla reported a.second attempt had been mode oa hla Ufa after tMs, and he traveled with a body-guard. Then he exhibited the warning letters, which the grand Jury declared Noma wrote bimeelf. Norrla- charges attracted a great deal of aUantton to hh church work. - if ' v i *" ** ^ * tfmun. N. C , MM ?.- / campaign to capture the North Caro 11 oa dologaUop to tfco Chicago cam ve^ttlo^t, for llooanv^r t wea Iknstkfl ban toady at a State oonrentlon o aatl-Taft BepdMlcaaa. tb* laadlni aplrlt In tba movement la Rlchmon Pearaon ol Aabevllle. who waa In tb. diplomatic aarvtoe daring tba Boo*a aaM admlnletmtlan Tie nsoaavet *time*rvn declare t^r" ft raattf aafSetoat atrengtta In tba Itk. ttb an. 1Mb eaagraaaioaal dlatrlata to offea any anpport wblch may ba btonga from tba-KagMbtlaaa voter* in th aaatorn dlatrleU. if - ^ , jl NGT< WASHINGTON. NORTH rst Find the Fqc I PUM8 Bia"roi jM r======ssM i-T * " ' '"A i '/.JiilKV*. ' 1^1 wmk. ll 11 rer ^.Jgl /MM jim "Jsescjz-^^M John Arbuckle of New York, the DhK to build a large home for crlppta cripples who can use their hands and ? who hste the nee of all their member an* barrow, drive mowing machines a toes and aA kinds of vegetables. In u large wortoihop*, so that the year roun hat caa hare a hank account. Mr. A to $10 a week. The women will pay IICIIUEl, HI UKFT ' SWKKTHKARTH WAITING AT THE CHURCH DOOR AND WIVH8 WAITING WHERE HE HAD'LEFT THEM. WAS MUCH SOUGHT AFTER ? . ? . J cr . . V- .. WIVES MUT AND BxrwAws - EXPERIENCES ? A WEDDING PARTE WAITED FOR luE GROOM WHO NEVER CAME. > mmnm Camden, N. J., Mards, _7.?With the police armed with a warrant on his trail, two women, eaeh 61 whom believed ahe was hit aole and lawful wife, eager for his arrest, and two New Jersey matdehs who charge him ' with leawlnf tttdm waiting at the church, hoping earnestly for hla capJ" ture, Daniel Edwards is described here tonight as the most sought-after man tn this country. Edwards and. Miss Elisabeth Kil! Man of No. 3S6 Bergen street, were ' married in Wilmington, Del., a week ( ago. Announcement of the ssppoesd, ly happy event was made, lest Sunday 1 at,the Kllllan home. AWmic-those | who received the news was lira Elisabeth Most*' Edwards, who Uvee . in this cKy. Sho.went to tlto Rflltan home tola mornlhg and insslrsd for ; "Mm. MwmnU." all ir MSg !> ! the newly married canal* hod left for H.lnni..l.H V T ?~ - . with Mf. Billion. who o*M hi. daughter on tbo HlMSiinii.ond ake hnrrtod to Carad.n an >1 tilth *? Koora * ?' *? < * teintnd l when the caller UUJtf etory. bet - Inter iolaM wllS Bra. tteore M - word. In aeeurta* o wnrtnnt for Ed > word.' unit. Ma lelln wko took t It to Hammonton to urn dlooovered I that HAwarde bad diakMeered. H< 1 woo fobodnM to mom Mite BlatlMt, ? of Berorir. N J , loot April- Tk? - oroopeetfre krldo ud the woddlnd t gueeto OteinMViil In dhnreh for thy 7 csrjxotx, but Zutrardn foiled to no 1 poor. Bo Minted to tetko any explat notion Inter, bat is Uttlo mora than I t month bo narrted Bias BUobeM o 81a wooko Ktor to the dote tfr tb< BlntllS j padding. Mlw Kothorlm CAaoW^ rioPAY M A Upon Which I 1 . * _ *?" * 11 kT> ^ r"' V -V.. . t- f y?. E F9B CRIEPLES . [ aged millionaire sugar refiner, is planI, where various inventions will Wnll trine to do as well as men ah? wittHi 8. .In the summer time they can plow nd hayrak.es and cultivate corn and poic winter time they will be employed In d they *111 not only bo self-euppbrdig. rbnctde expects them to earn from $8 &V a?*cltijr board aad the men H | CAPTAIN mm IN EXTREMIS TONY I , .i. Highly Esteemed OHiwm Is Tfionght to Be Rapidly Kinking? Surrounded by Family. Hie hojl^gd friends will learn with deep regret that Captain M. H Bonner la critically 111 at Mb home, 706 West Second St. He has been in feeble health for some time, bat his cuuuuiou to Buch now that littlo hope Is held out for bis recovery and his intimates believe that the end is near. His sons, Messrs. Herbert and James, arrived this morning, also his daughter, Mrs Williams and Colonel Williams, of Newton. All of the family are now at his bedside. AT THE LYRIC THEATIH.. WiUs Comedy Company Score* .? Illg Ssccpwi Entire Change Tonight. The'Wills Musical Comedy c >nips ny opened last evening at the Lyric for a three days engagement and playe l to quite a laigo audience The1.* initial number was we'.l ap: plandd-1 and received a good bit of comment. "Two Old Cronies" hus the nature of the play, running for one hoar of solid fun and good en tertalnment. Tonight the same company present another entire change of program and ia considered to be an act that has more laughs than that given !oat evening?"The Merry Minstrels.'' r Those who failed to witness the performance given laiat night wt*l certainly find tonight's bill to be far superior and contain more aide-spljtting clinfexea than that of last night. The refrular mftine* will be given from 3:00 to 6:00 with special matinee price* and there la no reason for them not to receive a fall attendance. . V-A.fr. Conference on Rural Progress. BostonL Masa. March 8 ?Plans for the encouragement and development of agriculture in New England mere diacostfed by the New England conference on rural progress, which mid its annual semlon at the StaM ftouse' in this city today. Many prao leal farmers gpd -representatives ol 1 the railroads, sommerelal organ is* 1 Hons. Stage beards of agrkmltuM and State granges throughout Neu 1 England participated in the confer "" Behllp at Carmee Hmt, daekad heti i a*l( In bridal wu. bat Edward. wai I not on hand to mat. her btawlte. Tba New Jwiajr VMherttiee ban > polka to m>M tbem la thalr aaaroh JfSclP* f^f Lr""5v ? ppj.lMIUPlU I 'ALLY rracnoon, march s. imT lis Brain Feeds?( 1 IiS FROM CXPLORERfiPTHC 1EXPL0RED POLE t * 5 IIKINjHT THAT CAPTAIN gOOTT HAH REACHED POLE IH LAC Kifrci IX CONFIRMATION FOUR .OTHER EXPLORERS ARE HIS WIFE MS NO NEWS BKJMCSnU THJU^ ACHIEVEMKNT. IJKCT. 8HACKLKTON HAS BBftN FARTHEST SOUTH. 1 l-- ' London March 7?There 1b no confirmation tonight of an anfternoon that Capt. Robert F. Scott, tfc# British Anartlc explorer had suel+eded In reaching he.South ; Pole. 'Wi * , Mrs. Scott, the commander'* wife, 4 deniea any knowledge of the rumored ? achievement. She says the has no ( news fftok him or hie party. t The ^patt expedition is one of live < now In the South Polar region. The Terra left London June ^ , 1*10. afcg in January 1011, Captain , Scott s^jjhflfd. south from New Zeal- < and. Re iad thirty doge but was relying Vainly on twenty Siberian | ponies JB$T motor sledges. There < were slaty men in his party. , Cap}, (jeotf, af the head of. the Dls- < covery Ifcpedition of 1900-1904, got , down t*B2 degrees 17 minutes, ) which wit surpassed only by Lieut, t Shackleton, who in 1909 got within t 100 mile^ of the South Pole. There hfe four expeditions seeking the Pols, This Pate in History, March 8. 1702?King William III. died and Queen Anne came to th? thrr?n? nf .' England. ' , 1801?-British defeated tlie French at fcattl+M Aboukir. Egypt. 180l?rDr. Nathaniel Alexander, governoP-fef Worth Carolina 1805-07. died In Salisbury, N. C. Born 1n Mecklenburg in 1756. 1834?Commercial treaty concluded between the United States and Japan. 1856?Indians defeated in an attack on troope at White River. Washington 1 1862?At Hampton Roads the! I Confederate ram Merrlmac sank the' 'Federal ship Cumberland, captured the Congress, and forced the Minne-L sota aground. 1874?Millard Fillmore, thirteen-' th president of the U. 3.. died In Buf- j falo. ? Born in Summerhlll, N. Y , on; Jan. 7, 1800. 1877?Henry Ward Beechor famous pulpit orator, died In Brooklyn. Born in Yitchfleld, Conn.. Juno 24, 1813. 1889-?John Kricsaon, Inventor of the Monitor, died. Born July 31, 1903. 1911?Southern Commercial Congress opened in Atlanta. TOKAY VINEYARD SOLD. Bought by Heirs of the Estate. Handsome Residence Included. At a recent auction scale, conduct-^ ed by Auctioneer W. S. Cook, Tokay, the famous vineyard four milfes north Iof Rtyettevllle, was bought by Mrs. Pembroke Jones and Mrs. Geo. B. Elliott, heirs of the estate for 940,000. There was a mortgage on the property for some $90,000, held by the heirs The> property Is very valuable and contains about 800 acres, a large part, of which Is planted In fine, bearing 1 ?rdpe vinee. There are also dwell' lag houses, outhouses, a flue wine cellar, etc., on the premises. The bfflg&K commenced at $S4,000. ' * i Three Uatwrsitie* la Debate. [ Bloomlngton, Ind., March 8.?The \ three.cornered intercollegiate debate l between the State universities of > Ohio, Indiana and Illinois takes place . tonight, each institution being repret seated by one team at home and ono . abroad. The advisability of States , adopting the initiative and referenr dam is the subject selected for the . debates. ? &pr iuiticc Xlultitce' Washington, D. C., March I.?Ast soclate JasUce Oliver Wendell Holmes, now the oldest number of > the (lagreme Court of the United B State* oslebrated his eeventy-flret i birthday today. ' *>' flw, "T.v . <s ? ' 'V', :'f ***> vi. Wf-rmiL t 4 Lrfi m M-lt' . 'new jood Reading W STEAMER "TARBORO" SINKS THIS A. M. r Biver Ste?ui?r l/nder Thirty Keet of Water at Tarboro. leaden With t'otton Heed. The Steamer "Tarboro" left here yesterday laden with a cargo for Shiloh Mills at Tarboro. She lay at her peir at her destination last night and in pulling into the mills this morning she collided wib the pier, staving i hole in her side and rapidly began ;o sink, going down in thirty feet of water. The damage to the boat is considered as small and if the cargo cAn b? saved from drifting with a itrong tide that is running, the damige is believed to be slight. 10IEB LECTURER COiINC National Oripudwr Woouui'm ("hr' Ion Tcmpfface Union to ftHm On Sunday afternoon Jt j^*iock Mrs. Almena Parker Mr' \jw7d, of Chicago, will deliver a ) In the aonrt house In this cr Jwbn Monlay morning at 9 o'clt^l Jhe will ipeak in the public school audi :orlum, and again in the evening at 6 /clock in the court house. Where Mrs. McDonald has spoken, phe has received the encomiums of :he press and pulpit The Augusta, 3a., Chronicle says of her: "At the service of the Temperance institute at the St. John's Sunday ichool last night an address on the luestlon of temperance was delivertd by Mrs. A. P. McDonald of Chicago, 111., which proved a masterpiece in this particular line of oratorical endeavor and which held her audience spellbound. Aside from the value of her effort as an earnest and forceful argument in the Interest of the cause she espouses her Bpeerh was a gem of pure oratory presented with the skill of the polished and highly trained elocutionist and in language that was as elegant and brilliant and expressive as the most fastidious and scholary might wish for." The local W. C. T. U. is perhaps one of the most_ active in the slate is possible to obtain the services ol Mrs. McDonald They extend a cordial welcome to every one to heat this? gifted woman. * Wot Virginia. V. M. t. A. Fairmont, W. Va., March 7.?Fairmont Is entertaining for four daye the annual convention of the Y. M. C. A. of West Virginia. Cities and towns throughout the State are represented. The convention will close Sunday with a public meeting which will be addressed by a number of religious workers of wide prominence. The road convict fore? is working on the Ilunyon creek road near the bridge at present, taking down the hills and filling the boles. This is a sandy road and can be worked tc advantage at this season, and it is to be hoped they will continue their efforts along roads of this nature as long as this kind of weather continues. Bryan in Minnesota. Minneapolis, Minn., March 8.?In response to an invitation extended b> th? Hennepin County Democratic Club, William J. Bryan came to th< Twin Cities today to speak at a lunch eon given by the club at the Hote Radisson here today and at an even ing meeting under the same auspicein the St. Paul Auditorium. Librarians at Atlantic City. Atlantic City, N. J., March 8.? The sixteenth annual convention o the Pennsylvania Library Club ant the New Jersey l ibrary Asociutioc began here today and will cor.tlntiover tomorrow. South Dakota Plans Highway. Mitchell, D., March 7?At a con ference held here today by repre ^entativea of commercial and othe: bodies of various South Dakota cities | plans were advanced for the bulldim Palls to Rapid City and other point In the Black Hills. THE WEATHER. ' Rain tonight and probably Ratur Cr:*;r !- iTto ir.'.rrl:. Moderate variable winds. Don't forget that we are a v?r mall part o( Beaufort county, an that the homeaeekers are looking to homes. Try to impress upon tbei that Washington Is the best place a the map. I j V lakes Good Men GOV. FOSS VlSllT 1 RIC1ES0N PLACE OF 11PRIS0NIENT ^ chaklks street jail is i'aio an official visit lt\ executive. FOUND MINISTER HEALTHY has no complaint of treatment in his confinement. counsel m akin (j no effort for commutation. uvawu, .nai vu i?wrtruor Pom, accompanied by Lieut.-Gov. Luce and several present and pa*c members of the Executive Council., this afternoon visited the Charles 8treet Jail, where Clarence V. T. Ricbeson is confined, awaiting electrocution for the murder of Avis Linnell, his former sweetheart. It was a regular visit of inspection. The Governor did not wee Riche&cxi except at a distance as the prisoner was taking exercise in the corridor and expressed no desire to see him Others of the party, however, inspected Kicheson h cell. The former minister appeared in a normal state of mind afid health, though thin and somewhat pale. He had no complaint, regarding his treatment and e? changed few words frith the members of the party. Counsel for Richeson has made no effort to obtain commutation, although the date of the execution i* less than eleven weeks away. BRIEF NOTES OF INTEREST GATHERED HERE AND THERE Oue weak from today .and t.i?i ground hog is due to come out for i spriug rooting- There's a number of I us who win help him to root (f it will fj Improve the weather conditions any j Mrs. Atuia Parker McDonald National lecturer and organized of the I \V. C, T V. will be In this city or Sunday aud Monday next and will deliver two lectures while In the ctt>. Dr. C 1. Prfdgen, of th<- stair I hookworm commission. will be at the county < our; fioute tomorrow i from 9 c. m. until 5 p. n?. for the # treatment of suspects of the uiJmeat. A great number of people have been treated here, and a number who thought they were not affected at all J ; have been found to be badly so. This ? Is a free dispensary, and where the slightest suspicion is entertained that . a patient Is affected, they should bo ' present for an examination i The Wahisco. the delightful literi ary publication Washington High School Is on the press thi* week and will appear next week, fresh. ; crisp and full of Interest Besides its ragular features tbiB month. Ir contains a poem of March by Mr. Frank , Cooper; Th0 One Star Kingdom by - Mi89 Margaret Wells; Dreams, a : poem, by Miss Carlotta Nicholson. ) David by Mr. Thomas Sparrow. Morning, a poem, by Mr. John I .owl* i Payne, and Julia, by Samuel New man. t Just exactly why the hotneseekers are not given time to look over the farm lands contiguous to Washington. when they are brought into Eastern North Carolina, has never f been quite satisfactorily explained to j those who are anxious to know/They will reach here at 6 this evening and leave at 9 tomorrow morning, arriving at New Bern at 2 p. m., Bee the country, be entertained by the chamber of commerce tomorrow - Sunday. r So too weeks ago we received sev, eral press letters from Washington t free of bias and political opinion, e and with It a personal letter stating that if we liked the "dope"' we could use it, gratis, and it would be furnished us regularly We used it and it has been good reading upon topics of general Interest, but the trap came in this morning's "mail?an out and \ yc~ r?v". I: ?'MTIV candidate for the presidency. Pusale?Find the letter in the Daily y ^Jews today. "In vain ia the net d spread in the sight of~any bird." r y n Congratulations to our rural eorn respondents upon their splendid let* ^ ^

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