? W.B.V. 4^ r b"^1 ' ^S2T43'ltt<h'r8*9"*^ ^ -cJZ iZZ,1 * "M"t of c- A' < . an TWUd Mia1' ?TnS 'jrinte Goiflcton tIiMm) ftlfi ' ^ Cy" . <??llliu ^TM 1ft Oftr mldbt J Rol at J. Makme wan a nM? > I-ooni ? Biiiii fcrtw. V-..'V ? Wejhae? bm k?lu bed KNtbu for < IM 'Mile. We hope It trill ? \ > ntay ' dr e while to nek* the farmOn AeXerder night. March M, 1 there aM kew combination party at I Flap Acre There will be a mem- 1 orjr q^nt rer-eete The (aada rained will I e need for the benefit at the t echooj. Tow can't afford to mine tha 1 | *ood time that will ha found there. and the petite In ooed tally aeked to < fTS' r \ come hot and help on - I Oui Baaday achooln are proepertna i I CUHir llEASUiEK : f, Swisis STAIHEM: BH?" " tumarn Oordwcfrd Report > wl cheerfolly Mat the Recorder of ' Aurota rlgh, before the people. If V.?' any errora obtain In regard to other art",; otaclila. ta oor roporf til March V, r3tj,"r weerln aprre neither epaoe. tlmo nor trouble to make the corrections and make as amende honorable \ Editor Weimngton Daily Jfewe . ^ ^ , Dear. Editor: flaBf.' ' I ifm.very ooryy to h^ve to Impoetou yonr good nature wltfly another Ui ( urtlele, hut It eeems that to copying I MpT?/ the ??u from my hooka tor Mr. < Kb). , Hooker, Recorder, which I did hnr- < wST>' rledly Monday moraine, that I dot I B'V| my date. mixed In the laat two Itetua. 1 5L'- The booka ere rgbtl. but aa I aald bo- I Wl\h. ' fore in my hprry to got theae itama i I: up in time for yeatorday's paper that i IBBa 1 copied the top Kama wrong. la (oto? o**r my hooka carefully 1 ihti moraine I and Mr. Hooker'a re- 1 OB*.- . mitleacea are an fimowa: if-; . 1 A Aug. 7. for July 132.50 ' EKF' Oat. 3. for September , tJOrdO 1 V '.Nor. i. for October 36.00 ' Dec J, for November.7.6# 1 &, Jan. 17. for December 40.30 1 March *. tar Mahrnary. ... r% J6.no ' fit Aa you will notice from the above kj. Mr. Hooker baa made a report every 1 riiiw month with the exception o| January. 1 TV. and Chat month aald he had no coftrt. I I .'-'A, Theae are the exact date* and flnurea I Iftj-,!-: tra-iaak booh., and I Mill fVrJ ceo dot dee .here Mr. Hoqher ban ' r if?. failed to make hla report each 1 I mantb. L />'f Now. aa to tbo bookkeeping ?t Lk Heanteut Oonnty, I cut only nam Vj ' tor the Treaaurer'e Ofdeo, u that In V V tor Wlere la not a Oonntj Treee.r* K or-. Offloe la th. SUto wkoM book. 7 'ft are mo* no to data thka Beautort \ 1 M County, and 1 Inatallod theae br rt.ltJ Ins Um anunty Mat. of ono of tka UrtWt^romttM^rn tk? gttta and m *** *^*r> **-1 y.r*t,r w<i tlr slad u|*aa tt.tn to rim. " .Uo ! flrvt Monday moraine of oacta motitb, 1 j I 10 000 -?-?*? * i eaned From Alert /Cor t Beaufort County. Write s tat Tour Vicinity andj dam the Beat Feature' nd we, are always dad To welcome '' ? MagMa* Itotre. Olatjir Glorj! We hatt ofca *alr . y.?e* free Irom rein ?r.?6w and , rery m Me mi to ball It with great MM** ircm the*, look* and Urn raar th?r drove out Sunday Int ntiT . rsx?'i?^ts: as baa thp ease this wtntsr , Mr, a. T. '>Mkn who haa hoen ? thewlck lift, IB better bow. to t>b leinht ot her tommy friends * 1 School cIoibb Bt Blnateton eehool , iMee on Friday ltarch 15. There , rill be an entertBtemant Bt nltfrt. < Irsry body U cordially Invited to Bt- I end end exereaas will etart at |:0? 'deck. Be aa time and eeeere a sat *?d pro tram baton the. exar- 1 Isee start, admiselod la tree. i Mrs. Enoch Lilly who baa boss ui | or ammo time, la hatter. S > 1 Mleaee Caddie, Myrtle and Batty i I ray Wiltard and Haste* Jo? and i Iran Wiltard. were the gneete of the flaw Annie Hodges and Ladle Voolard tot a while Thureday -. r. t We are rery much In sympathy ji nth tdr. aad Mre. Oaatler ot Old < terd In the teas of thetr tittle child I Little Mies Bettte Only WUllarJ la . m the tick Hat this week. Her many I r lends and playmates whb her a weedy recovery. -. t . - I , ? l wrij *od do not eoosldvr ttttt I tavt. , rat I JuK vut to let th. met ten , raforo th* pnbltc Ju?t eilcUr u the/ j S**, | Kow, you Uf rou lt? no feeilnK , '?* wijy toe Kinaea iMiuip, out ifter reading your Saturday's paper i tnd comparing it tilth my books I , "elt it my duty to publish a list of j dr. Hooker's remittances. Yours very truly, \ r JA f . w. H, M&QjL*.-,) \ Treasurer of Beaufprt County. J AT THK LYRIC. , . . 1 .'audcvllle Littlo Suggestive and the J Manager Itefe.rs Them to , Itr strict ion*. The attraetom at the Lyric for the i lrat three days of this week is headed by Fields & Fink hi a comedy . ilnglng and talking act. > " >yd We feel at liberty at Umes to ful- ' y express ourselves regarding artists i urnjahlng amusement here, and we J ire Inclined to believe that it tree 'I i little too suggestive through some >f their talk, this kewever, occurred i it the first performance. Before the tecond performance Manager I: row appeared behind the eeeneeand ' ailed their attention to his rules and regulations and It sseiped to^ork veil on the second performance, as her* was nothing that could poeilbiy offend, after they were called i ?y the manager. This article lg notttor the purpose 1 >f knocking the profession, nor In UU way censuring the management, )ut we'at all times try to advise the public regarding amusements, and J ve don't believe that Manager Sparrow would allow any thing suggestvs or smdtty to be asad in the Lyric a the way of entertainment. He at ill times appears to be on the job ind the Washington, people, an an iverage bass certainly boon getting pood entertainment and -W* believe hey will get It in the future,, but ve have to make mention of thoee .w i* u : ' rtii *< ?!! PMakm*. M./ ' I -w- V ^- J . Bote*. ?4*bo, bu voted to otfopt Ito coamiaaloa plan of gorernment. oovootioA for tbe^oiMtkw of d?Wra|M Ao tke BtltiaMtv convention ta eh. hold .1 Bay cRJ o.A??**fe,'. The utloul cony notion of the 80ilalleta, which war to hare been held it Oklahoma Uty. mar ha trail.l.rWd to ladlanaptila, le*t: J Preetdeht Taft haa accepted an l?rttatlon to the banquet ot. the Union -eaau, Club ot Philadelphia on April If. the hirthdar of Oia?I grant- | Bpaaker fclark haa been compelled >7 the preaaure at hla ortelal dqtlea a decline aU luvltatlona to make ?ewebee in varloua parte ot the coon. '** 'l^fl J'; ??o The Michigan Republican campales ta to be formally opened with i oaaauet M imhp on lurch is. nth Senator William Alton Smith u tike chief speaker f s o?a Representative William B. ifoKifttor. ouimu of the Republican conp mmIqihI c^npulfo committee, is ;hn principal owner of a rut network if elestric railways eoyeriag A Urge motion of Illinois. ??;<'? tt.Whisk aS Thru H?r?>|lUtonn us thru Democrats Arc In thto hold tor the eat of United States Suitor Joushan Bourne tot Oregon. Senntor tun* will he n candidate for reilection hnt vUl refrnln from making in active campaign. Next to Coinriunnn ISeKlnier the noet prominent of the amaacere. In tharge of the Teft national umpalgn ure V Mnrrnr Crane. United Statu Senator from Massachusetts, end 1. A. Henianwer. former United Statu Senator from Indiana. ... ' Senator Jouph M. Dixon, manager if the Rooeertlt national campaign, an nntira at North Carolina, hnt bu Men a. ruWent of Mop tana tor to ream. Prior to hie election So the U. 3. Senate he tarred ta the Montana eglslatnre aad In the lower houee of Bpw'i'lU ' at-Ooreraor Jouph M. Carey of Wyoming, who la.mentioned for eeeiDd place on the Roowrelt ticket, ma been In puhlio Ufa for many roars. He ^represented Wyoming In Congress la the territorial daps and ens the first United Stntea Senator from the new State. As United viotcs o?dttlot no immea ine ("uarej let," which la said to have done tnore to revolutionize , agricultural :ondltioOH In the West than any tther measure ever put on the Federal statute booka. I Tuman Newberry, who has been Intrusted with the task of looking; after the financial end of the Rooserelt national. campaign,. was Secretary of the Navy In Mr. Roosevelt's last cabinet. He is a son of the late Congressman Newberry of Detroit, from whom he Inherited a fortune of sevsta] mill Ions, jdjjm Cot. Roosevelt, Mr. Newberry saw active servlee La the SpaniBh-^iperican war and It was during that ^parlod that the fyo first became acquainted. iw a f It is e? pec ted that the management of,the Taft campaign in MlohlBah wiU be ptoce* In the hands of former! Congressman Gerrlt Jw Dlekema. iFor a bomber of years- Mr. Dlekema was chairman of the Repub? Heap State committee of Michigan. He is a member and lender among the Dutch settlors mho predominate 1 to the southwestern part of the State. DEBATE AT AUDITUiQS ON THURSDAY NiCUT I? Comum for Honor of Koproorotvv? aw. gg BlbahMk CUT Tl>t?t<l u< K?adlns Coatoot * (:>>? l)*kl la tk Mod Aadltortafr -tte .*.-?& p. at., Thursday aiabt. Monk 14. At *! um aw r**' ta? Jno. H. Small D*bltlu Soetatr la nitwit tk? Waahtkgton Hl?h sir^.'h cM.r^ta ?$&* qu.r, ,111 b". AaaolYoi: tint U*u?d Oil' ^ eTr422;""""" . ,77>' "7* JT '^ j ^SheS^;' '~j9^I F^tiUit' !?/* if j-V .' ?: ;r r??? jS^i^ i :ijfl r**^? ^ ? ... Mesidea being peweMeot of Jobnt h m HemMD la dtalrwa qt Um referee ionellmee callttl the euprerue court ot rays mall lag u&portftt lfcve?,'?-<itIofa U Ibe i>ure food regaf^tfana BIIEF WTES IF tntefl CATBBREO BERE MO TBERE: '.r * When the Atlantic Oeaat "Realty Co. qd a bfyaw hand get to working together, there to something going to ho did. and whan tMa combination I get together nl KlmwoQd on March 1 SO somebody s going to hex some valuable realty- c 31 - V ^ |? It gives ub pleasure to state that * Mr. W. L.. Vaughau's oversight In 8 giving ub two items of record on his books, relative to recorders and clerks, was purely an oversight and that his books and those of Mr. Mlxon; tho county treasurer, coin- o clde, figure for figure and date for Ti date.' t S * * * c Tho many warm friends of *?lrs. McDonald has made here duritfg her 1 brief visit will regret to hear that h shfe )s slightly Indisposed. 6nt will n be able to resume her travels this af- " ternoon and will leave the-city at 4 1 I o'clock: Her visit here has given the * cause of the W. C. T. t\ a new life and aa impetus that has Infused Spirit and vivacity Into, their [counsel?. i d I The official board of the ^ First o ^Methodist Church will meet - in e monthly session tonight at 8 o'clock s )h the Baraca rooni le , j . . p I It Is not going to rain alvfipfs, but I [it Is during these rainy days that the t farmer sfts .under his vln^ and fig a I tree and reads the advertisements in 9 THE UA&Y NEWS, clips out the * bargain list advertised in them, and 11 [when the weather clears up, copies to town to orocurie them. If you mlgs this opportunity to get your ads In, [you miss the very cream of the advertising season. The merchant; has moVe tlmo to spend on tho field of hlfe fl fertile brain, cultivating the acquaintance of sdm0 rellce that he can well afford to got rid of at cost and turn . working ?p.u, r " i ' m V'1"' fcir4 fS: ERNOON, MARCHli, 15 is Brain FeedsB^r Kg* ML ;?y WWtlo, ttlMMitr M Baltimore. Dr. board or nuoMaa oaparu which la rood aclantlata. Thla board la ah :u rouoaciloo ?IU tha ? lui.nn " - . MnC ' beautiful peroration Or laarr Grady. Rot. R. V. Hopa pened the meeting with k beautiful fa jar. ? r-r Bwcdinh Lutheran Conference. Cadillac, Mich., March 11?The Lllaoia Conference of the Swedish |?3E? owar Michigan. v.npa^edjKa annuaj aaaion here today with a Targe atendance of ministers and laymen ol ill sections of the state. New York Plumbers Meet. Troy, N. t., March IS.?^ht the pening session today of the New 'ork State Master Plumbers associated the'members were cordially wel omec! by President J. H. Moran. 'his is the 24th annual convention of he organisation and the sessions will e held today and tomorrow at German In Hall. The local master plunders have mlde extensive arrangeaents for the entertainment of the letting members Michigan "Dry*" Meet. L.an?lntff Mich.. March 12.?A twc tgys' conventiotvbf Michigan "Drys" pened here ioda> with former Govroor Glenn of tforth Carolina and everal other noted anti-saloon workin* on the list of speakers. The chief turpone of the demonstration ia to mpress upon th? State admlnlstraion the necessity for legislation gainst the brewery-owned saloon nd againat the surety bonding lay. rhich gives one bonding company a aonopolyof the busness in Michigan. f I rr* Hooper tor Another Term. Nashville, Tenn., March 12.?Republicans of Tennessee assembled in onVentlon here today to nominate a omplete ticket of State officers. The -nomination of Governor Ren W. loo per is assured. Some interest la ,dded to the convention by the bearng it may have npon the second ttate convention to be held fn May Bs- the eeleeMen of deliMatn^ ^y* the ' *T~ JL~ ' a -w| ^ ^ . ' 1 ' Good Reading M nsmnini ' IT rot in Charged With Neglect of In Political Matters an pointments. I : % Washington. D. C.. March 12?Tha political machine which PoBtmasterj General Hitchcock hag built up by meanp of hla authority at th? head qf the Postofflce department, la In Mac tor an . Investigation by the DemoI cratlc House The Democrats have a well-laid plan to probe d*ep Into the I machine-building activities of the I Postmaster-General. I . vlt la admitted that there la no one department in the Government servI ice where the searchlight could be I turned on with more tucceee than In the Postofflce department. For many months there have been reliable ieports that Mr. Hitchcock had been quietly laying hla plana for ; the captpre of delegate* for Taft, I particularly to the 86uth. The- Demo crau want to know: j Whether postmasters throughout the country, first class and otherwise, j use giving proper attention to their j CHeu^. Whether It Is not a fact that many of these, postmasters accept their I trust from the government as a "aide! line" to be conducted in connection with private business Whether It Is true that many postmasters spend much of their time campaigning tor the Republican 1 cause of the detriment of official business of their cfflees. For what reasons various poet, offices have been discontinued, or moved, upon order from Washington without consulting the wishes of the ' patrons of the office. ' House Democrats beneve that right under the eyes of the House the wily Postmaster-General is putting in order a political machine the full force of which will be felt when the Btandpat Republicans try to renominate Taft for President. It Is also ciauied that the postal1 1 service Is being crippled. .It Is claim-. | ed that in many towns men are tamed for postmasters who have pri' T7is fiate in History, March 112. 1684-?George Berkeley, Irish prelate and philosopher, born. Died on I Jan. 14 17A3 1795?William Lyon Mackenzie. Canadian, statesman, bom n Scotland and he dlod in Toronto, on August 28 1861. 1812?Aaron ly. Denn.son origlr.ator of the manufacture of machinemade watches born in Freeport. Me Hied Jan. ?. 1S9.5. 1820?Sir Alexander Mackenzie. , discoverer of the Mackenzie River, died in Scotland. Born in Scotland about 1755. 1826?Pasturing cows on Hosto.i Common forbidden. 1833?The United. States Pension 1 Bureau established. 1862?Jacksonville, Fla.. surren' dered to Commodore Dupont. 1877?George W. McCrary of Iowa, appointed Secretary of War. 1881?Alexander II. of Russia as1 sassinated. Former flanker on Trial. Gnthrle, Okla., March 12.?The 1 case of' FrankpJI. Westfall, the former apulpa banker, under indictment on a clfarge of making false reports to tjhe State banking board, was called for 'trial in the district court here' today. After the failure of the Sapulpa bank, of which he was presi-1 dent, Westfall went to Arizona^, where he waa subawviuently arrested II and Tetnrned here for trial. _ ffathering of Icn Laundry Men. MB ? Dubuque, la., March 12.?The *n. nua) state convention the Iowa laundry men opened here today with a large attendance of members repVpaeying nearly every eectlon of Oe <M. 1JW iMMijrjKm hw. ?rwjM4 u laUr^Oa* u( aaurKo?*n, tpt tmoAtn of t*, coa^jbtka. which win <?*?> with * apocfcl dta|o election today dolegetue ! -to the oonveyioM vtl32f th ebnStT' akes Good & Men oracm 1 mi H 1 Duty?Pernicious Activity d Influencing Political Apvate businesses that require all tbelr time. It is openlj cbarxed that in every State there are men who hold commissions as postmasters at Important offices who spend practically no time at their duties. The real work is left to subordinates, while the politician postmasters, secure in . ',.'rtS? the knowledge that they can deliver a certain number' of delegates when the time arrives, content themselves with looking after other matters. "Ho* much time do these postmasters spend upon personal yaer. :' tlons and how much in and campaign the questions f want J |an?w?rod. "The time has come for au Invest tgation," Mid a prominent Democrat Congressman the other day. "I haw been watching conditions in my own state and I will soon have some Important revelations to make. 1 know that there are postmasters in my state who are seldom seen about tinoffices. They are off in charge or campaigns, rounding up votes, ranking political arguments, or laying plans for the future. Their work 1* * left to subordinates. "I do not know just to what extent this political machine has progressed nor the reason for the ? ?9 strange things that are happening, but one of the most important things that the House should turn its attention to now 1b an investigation of this peculiar state of affairs. . "1 have ascertained that many ! postmasters have become chairmen I of political organisations in their | neighborhood, that the office is held I In conjunction with and because of their political influence, and that this has an Influence In the appointments Such condtlonB should not be tolerated and if the postoffice commute* begins fertmrestlgqte this subject they will And many reforms that can be instituted." - p> 1 1 . l - . ' '"* eJ llaitroiiil Poller to lie Chief issue. Victoria, B. C., March 12.?Nominations for the British Columbiu parliament, which was dissolved two weeks ago. took place today. .The McUrlde government is preparing to wage u vigorous campaign, with the premier's recently announced polio in regards to railroad development as the chief issue^ California Hurtlwar?? Men ut Oakland Oakland. Cal., March 12.?Nearly 200 members were in attendance when the California Retail Hardware Association opened Its eleventh annual convention here today. The convention is expected to remain in session three days and an Interesting program has been prepared. Western Land Show Opens. , ' ' Lob Angeles, Cal.. March 12.?The opening today of the great Land Show, with Interesting exhibits from eleven western states, attracted many thousands of visitors to this city. Tho exhibits stowing the resources and posibilities of the various sections of > the western states, are extremely Interesting. The exhibition will close on March 28. To Organize Arkansas Stock Growers Pine Bluff, Ark., March 12.?The farmers and stock raisefs from the various section* of this state are gathering here today in large num- ^ bera and the hotels are crowded with visitors attracted to this city by the two days* meeting for the purpose of organising the stock growers of . Arkansas nto a State association. fithirtm* ta ortor. x, .8 . . T?ro mlub by train .^j W. V*. dli^ IUMnliitroBtMa.llr.ulMn - 31 J. tMrfca etibort, '? ? *!>ntn?<tr . .:.k 'ajH *t :?m torn t tk. ?mm ?*?.. ,< V*. a5~5g^eii

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