'* T.- l?l J .w , f. , ' 1 ' vol. m. To Judge a Mai Ml Ac ni I ft be i?ra | p bfpsseli I affit > ' . g * t * *;<* k / p urge m* ia me kmf Vf?k t( Razing Buildings ^ | Brtckinytng to Comf mence Monday k ?l* hmtm at lee, ll to tare ?? lap- ?ate Oad <**" *?? /} ** ?' ?w* <' cltl. tea Ill?Ill jmrrtineed the J. & -O. fltelir a?I tte UmaHomn ' \ p-part, atdte a-*w of Market and t \ Thl?toH?la u< tte t?it of raatna I te i i I Ha *ll1?la? far tte parpoae t . ~ daj. ttetes ? brtck la exported to m^RMraM Una lb* Muralae If ' b th j m^- oa Market. street,of 1?7 feat and I on TIMalrat of 254 feet Il MMM U Mr. q-l|u Hanhaey ' of tte n igtliaijaar1'Conpw thin I iaoo??a. a Ually Mate man learned ... that ft ia.'tte ptlrpo? of the company W 7* it. to tea* I oar atone aa Market atraet, , li feet treat with a depth, of 75 feet. ' Tte- tell te for rent. The Hn-el * ' ommsbt ?tu bate ? . rapoai. V tar? wlU baadle *11 klada and sutatlfs of Takldso. harness and ) suppMes. IMa part of the baUdlnf r will tan a trontkge of 57 Mat' on - Maijttrt at^a*V ?Uh d.pth t>f 115 M . Mac It* company will alao uUUaa iTTn-^' ot ?f "** 1st ?' "4 Sjj?sr^T"r Orar tba fonr atoms a modern opea* hpuar La the plaa ot tbe promoter*. The auditorium will,be< 100 ( ?? m ?ia^^tiiy-a[^U>< , ?????? \ ^ ?1? teat, CaantttW^bOdaim -ftl *> *5 _ ^sater and x* Abfc abr expanse will ba spared tn / Uiakl'na It complete^ sanitary and ? apte " ? *- " i* j . Wa?Mi?s. jaa#?d,j creditable place Wffi. -1* MiaMi^raooR all** the j Por tub It *hai beeir atfriplaed that *a opera honae Whjd bf *fh* <A K tie *>. addltlonr 'ln the near fu' ?*w. dtt'??ar.?*tt??*??ritti=t-aad & ?>? *?'<"? many, wimtn. the ctsr-eao if - V 'boast of a theater in kfonlnrr with ftfl C * , irowth and proven. ' < I ICE CORtPANY Je*? ogMgca in enlarging mm noyro^yif 'its cold storage room wbdKe'lift'aftei '< it is manufactured la stored uatll |L' ready for consumption. Th? addltiot BK?*. wtll be modern and much more eonKj" venient both for the company ant! fez'. . patrpas. . r , - j L ?? -4 / Church Building Started. jj&. The Fi-ee Will Baptleu of thla cltj haei bepiaVbo eroetion of tUell houee of worship on Pearce ntreot 01 Kr- the lot donated to the cotutregatlai "r.the.fa.e Thome. Latham. WhrJ gaining ground In the oommunly "j Kev. T. Butler of LawUton. N. C. K !di?hVavoUfht''t'r, . u tam la , wm^\ .. ASHI] i* '.tr.. : I' ? .... : HvV:, VV i's Character, Fir ;ra House I sural For I OSI rtllES BFFEI II . .. KOK THE LAKOEHT YJUSLD OF I' OOBjf THAT CAN BE OHO W.N <>* *??*< ** ' Urt HV?RVBODV BfOW GROW , CORN SHOULD RR THK SLOGAN?NOW 18' li*OUR OHANCK / j ' Lc* , everybody tram corw, <?d ^ there to no bell? RRyoHHn otr fWOxM cultivation of tt tw? ' ?u.t? N *wn t'aroUna ? llaMfftri rnunt). Thin ytiOM ? a* Ml poodaor lb* mdr. in I imiMR!'!' ; 80 ?*> faldt.|pa the IpMlh ?alli?l Load a?d taJ-W-l >NI n*l la the aoU of |Ui ?ill la 10* ! ' ?- (j?j wfU p? liny Kp^lRltotefMlkHiKRA thatcao b, Rfowa <? wan. '-i ' TkU amount U to bo divided Into Una prtaoa: *50.00 for the la?T rUU; *30.00 for the tot tara?t. and $10.00 for tin Bat ynio contest HPSTW o*w to avorybodi?tb. only ooodlttroreq wired lo thai the MrRM cultivated an* nova la the urritory tbrottth which tie Noffolh-Sodthtrn rabi Thla lal^bo oaly rwqolv?m-tt. then the prize la woo. who R gnlaa to tryV 'w hjUUHS the development pt ..Whatm Cafcltna should. f. The MortoQc-Ooegbem in addition to the abore will oOer $SG in *dld tor the cheapest acre of corn that can 1M produced, the estimate betas based upon prodnetioe cost her btlehel. The only requisite to that the acre produce as aedh aa fifty 1 'Itu la .claimed that asm. can be aor othor pUre.la.tke wortit,.aifll4t la BiitalnMtplq ot tke NertelkSoutbern to prare the ymtko. The gleguee giiieiml pMpaaktkt Mkst amount .of *or* ta tM .aemlilaation derbed. . Mo* let Mm1 take nofc. toiv Hard eUh; tke oomkkiatton ngd let the. anhftt > Thaaa w^e netar tkecoateat etotOdeapd their eUreatt the .- * ~ ~ .>o* Tb,' opening hill at *??(?? feet leeUa iimi <if riiiMfi ? > and hie *ere$ merrj mahdre-.-ek* It ?a. l p?rf^ ?U?CeW. from rtprt to finish, vtSy'rntiaM^ ^iSmd enter talalpg. -X. ' : Tha opening number waa l^Q *? " pUuded and reeelve^^aod applause all the way through t*h*knflre act; jtoe songn renaereo wwvm vmry ciever^ . as well as &e monologue ?tftl did not [ contain anything of the'suggestive * nature, that could possibly offend the t ' The above- mentioned atrlstb tfrc' here for. a thrde days engagement I only and thero la no doubt but what i they #Ul pfhy to capacity hotuea^ach night, aa It was an act that was very I highly commended on all sides w . Tonight they* gito an entire change from thgt.of laat night, and with a r umber that is as highly appreciated cm the previ<y<a night, r The manager of the Lyric has vdry r good taste in selecting artists and i unquestionably this la an act that can i well be v Atl $1 t . . Sweden ^xpels Mornioe.. ? . Stockholm. Sweden, March IS? .After prolonged diwuMlon. the tjpel the Mormon mtsetenartea from M.U ======= A3HINGTON. NORTH CAR st Find the Food low I' D EST CORK TIELDS e _ ' ? < ^ ? . ? -? . . . . ? Ro * * {f f WKATHE* THIS ?BEK. ; ,?tl . no > t.?W, Km* li?The ^ F1 ? hwtj rain* ,mmi U^h wtndu W ' *yili have aroute damage in * six the * South bare and an ' m " >ll| fair weuther In the of P KM In (1 section la promised qu ? .dtttex Ibr nry wrwO day*. as Whfle nUrodl traffic tin* Be been itiromeA, wlfaltlei are'be- ar iMed aiid connections ire reach- ) o -ed in many luiUneM oaljr* by an crourfiiK and. re?u?o*f*ing round- nc 0 about Vines. X* ?P y ' The fair weatber which prom- * re ? Uch relief l?Kthe South during flc *.|be' next wfenl day* will alao br f OTfiapnad the Eastern Stat re __ and will prevail in the Middle 1 Weat, (he flnit part of the week. [] according to the bulletin issued * W ; by the "Weather Korean. : % : THK WE.ITHKR. f, > , 4 81 Pair tonight. Warmer In extreme U1 Weat portion. Wednesday probably 1* f*lr* .Mhi X. -1 t ^ .T Jijd? i* .? RECORDER TRIES i? SEIEMl USES .. ' * - ' ' tm The fdUowlng caees we dlepoaed of befoge'Becorder Qrlmee this momlug:. Utilise Brents and Josephine. Ua- 6 them, both, ooloted, were rhtrttd with en affray. They were ediudxed xellty end flned *1 end the coats each A Matt liuloa waettjarged with being U drunk. He was found xnflty and J* lined ?1 and coat. . a Abner Alligood *wda before the V eo?fl:for beiPf drunh. He was fined P $1-andcoat. * t-i ^1' hi- * 'g .wj.ii: Mm s m mwm I Vgta - - " The> frill] Lner y. cfe par tine n ta' of-M rl *j ^'k'^yyiHiM Bdakin ?di 'Berry c tanerfttf US- 2 steady.stream ot^ ladles and M iaaoe * entering thaa^elk kooyn n.plaoea " 'viewing witty'jp^yjion the elahor- r ate dlaplay^PjyrVy goods for the 4 j The styles '.this season, wsjre pro- ^ -nouncod superb and many beautiful land attractive t hate were purchased ohu ?he"?pot7v ,Tho*" d'penings were a jpror.ounced ^ suct caa /and reflect,*, ?? credit on both &rhls. .jfytt Stock and her assistant* a I Hoyt'sV arid tolas Jlarrison. at Surfklnrand Berry, fook jveat pleasure In exhibiting the head- g k\r khd"were- frmrifrM*. triflf to all T w#io called. . ^ -sr - a There Is no'towh rollna P \vh$s?- there is a/j'b^ter opportunity b to otirchase telttnea^rtlM oner- n Inge ^MrfratK'ifKnloh. l< Congrattnotlpnt %re 1* order lor n boft ' _??*. _ -t 4 Wwkvtfl' Afii A ttAXK. ? MfJim .ViMbi tuVitoro wm nc n the Iggnor ead~\fratrhnme. d V ti Wanaw; .Pohmti; March 1?.?Borope'e Ont wortcr-n. bank trill coon ka opened In the ancient city of Xorne by the AeebclatLon of the"B?- o man Catltoflc \Women of Uthoanla. ' It will .tart with a capital of enteral c mUllpprof cobiea and Deenttretf ran li by woriea. Only the Janitor and the I night wetchmah wUl be ijrcmttad a from the atarner eex. n The movement baa rateed great in- d . v f" , ?i w aiw i oaer * OU;:A. Tuesday MTE Upon Which H mmW jti K. KORKR.SO.N. 'MADE HKCHKFARY AN* T3BKAHCREH OK LARGE REALTY #1KM IN CAPITAL ,'. CITY. -" syfr" Anod#?' Waahlaifton boy U "mak? $?od" lb his adopted city In the radn of Mr. N. R. Robinson, now a iWent of Waaklnsfcm. " C. Mr. iblnson has oodT iacaotly aseoci>d bJmself wttlf Mr. 8. R. Norman, dec tke Irm nkofo of Norman and bihaon for tbe fcUrpoM of do in* a Iirioi umij MOWJMfP. I i ui; UK1X Led unhandsome offices on the first or of tlie Woodtrd building 7S9 fteenth street "Northwest. The sahtngton Herald of that city in caking of this firm ggfrsi. ^ThnS other addition 4s jpade to the list prominent firm* Vfc^ch hare headarters in what beeptne known the 'Wall Street' of Washington.' th Messrs. Norman aiid Itoblnson e experienced reaj estate men; are una men ot?tto >roctesslre tyfs d are well known In the local bnfcisa circles. Tbeftr aim tm not to ecialfee infany one branch of the alty business. but to conduct an ofe. the scope of ~ Which, -will be ~ on osd lines. They have fathered toWEI MSI FOR mucins Miss iGoldle Rlcka. daughter of leriff George fi. Ricky, wee opsrssfceiI K>u at the WahhiMtmr Hospital yesrday afternoon "tor v sppendlcltla. tie operation was successful and the y.ft.-Tom by V? ? mrwFmimamevy irsa wm vf OK. /Jjsjjwr. ii The condition of ^"ercrbfeot.' ho waa operated upon ^the Waahfton Hospital a week ago, is not so vo rsbie today. ' CMDftnjTOR WUMOS. &i? HI r>^ ;??aM?T, pusem's Ifiarifci 11 Bag He Will Be XMniMifti ott tke Pftrac KaDet. Washington, D. C., March IB ? ccordtng -to a atateineat issued *by le managers of the Presidential 00 * of^GoW Woodrtw -WlttdoV tho ew Jersey Governor wQUftlf' ap-oxim&Uly xlelrgatsa .when the cmofrtfy National Convention ae toblee'ln-Baltimore. ? - ~ r " -jnvTfirttkr c^alnr fe Tq|*crr-:.tl?at ?f- he Jhe rat' baUqt In making tfctt claim, Pennsylvania ^rjfi lariea would elect more' Wllaon SfleEMjairi are now cUfrn^icL^dte nt time by ail the other r?adi< combined. "$ T V [The Wilson'?trnrAagel'ir nkf p&Mkt . Chan\p . Clark ha? f frpt hie plt.v: Jlidy' dwell, on the. fact. that je jilaooiirl, Oklahoma and Kansas l*t? conventions *ere called tar In lva?oe of Other Bute conventions In jfev expectation that the Speaker ould hare the solid vote froi? those iotes.'. They aay the Speaker lftet lit of-Oklahoma and Just skinned trough In Kansas by a majority pi * in I convention of more than 7On 1 lega tes? ITY OF PARIS si;V 1>S KA.ST-:R KGG W> THAIt: * w:; -St. Petersburg. March IT' T*., Ift sent by the cltyrof Paris t<> the mi* and presents! hli/n?J(Mt^ t Asargkofc Eelo by4 th^mayor- ol ans. took thp shapo of a euperbly eautlful Bas\ er^egg (ncrus ted itli reclous stones. It rested on a caehm of the finest silk. The ogg ta anrloimted by a email -c.lden crpwn. ol ellcato workmanship. y\v Beneath the crown Is an almost fnislble button attached to a eprine ?hen the button is pressed the egg les open, d tec losing a chenrmlng por rait of the little Tsarevl^ch. , MILLINERY OVK$mc,. Mlee Hattle Henbplp" millinery penlng Ukee place tomorrow and he cordially Invitee the hdlen of tb< Ky to Mil end Inspect the very 1 steel V spring end summer bets Uiu (hub# Is e milliner of teat* en< rent. Her mUllnery store *10 n< ^* ' AILY RNOOj| MARCH 19. 1912~ Bfain Feeds -G llflED ME ggthjy Jforps of experienced sale*- S men t^mnndle the selling and excha jgtitf Ot properties and a compem force to attend to the rent- I Ing, nerfnlatlng for loana, rnanagemei^sf estates and other routine raattJlV Their offices are both well equlppA and handsomely decorated, a The fvnishings, which are of ma- \ hoganv form a pleasing contrast b with seen caroetlnr and cream-col- n oted mlla. The renting department E and wp&ler's deak will-occupy the a f?nt portion of the office. The cen- S tha 0Vtl6tt will be dovoted to the c salesmen's desks, while In the re?V k ted the private office* of U Mw4 Nortnan and Robinson.* Mr. \ XormAu 1b the preaideot of the com- t panj And >lr. Roblnaon is the aecre- t 'UmVMMKrtr." - Itn Robinson is a native of this " city Mid for many yean was actively I fhgfcfted In the commission business. I Mm Wtfuslness man he was a success and J* ion convinced pad Impressed the-Entire city with his business asMfien Several years ago he decided 4%)|ott to Washington, D. C., and siti<? that time be him gone forward at ba*M~paee and an knew that he j is 4ktfni going forward Is welcome nf i^kHe his friends In his native I SMtflS : STEA1S TONOT: ' - ' . ' ' *' 1 < I ' John C. Dsncey, formerly Record- ] wjr of Deeds, District of Columbia. Is jdRled to speak at the Colored M. E. ' Mhurcb, at the corner of Fifth and Iftespess streets this evening at 8:20 >^pck. subject will be, "The Is reputed to be a dytRRSjows and no doubt will tblsUw't large audience e 1 iwKKB dP daoo.ooo GRAND LOTTERY PRIZE. , Paris, March 19.?The winner of ' the million francs, f 200,000 prize In the French lottery, which -under the present disposition Is to be the lost hsld. in Franco, Is an elderly gentleman ' of private means residing In the.Bonlfirsrd Perelre, Paris. Hs was at lunch when he received neWsOl'bU good fortune, and leaving'the unfinished meal immediately hatred bis doors to all callers, order- , tag the Concierge to tnform'lhenr that h? had iefufor the cduntry. - 5 ' , --?: .7^-1 sr 'U it 1-T . | f~' '. ' Wedding Announowni. ? following Wadding .gnnounte wlf! prtfv,. 'of Jrit^rHf^fd'^dlte a '[. !&h?nber ef'the Dally Newa read^S: . ; Mr{and Mrs. C. J". -Ausfip -announre- thh marriage ^8r their 'd?*ght,.r Si*.? /I. Jatinet Jeffreys * > to ' Mr. John Kand^fTph Chatnblls? "* on Thursday, M^rch the fourteenth 1 nineteen' hundred and tweJvp * . ? Tarbordjigh, Jfiorth CaSjOlin# f . At Hdrne. < ^ pioreqcb, Soli nth Carolina.-' !. Tie "bride was>at.one time a resident of this "cipj-befng the stenogjr^pher for the-,Fulford Hardware Co. 1} I (' H*. M iswrro VJy>K-S '.RKTt'Rjtt A TRAMiS ' > -Spr ' . Chicago, Mardji 19.?Andrew HcirBet^ has reappeared suddenly in ^K^naote-- after hn absence of five ^yoars. When he left the .Wisconsin j'o*! he w?y? a ytch mah. Rn tatuej tt&ck Ih tl^e^garb b< a trainp. 1, lU'lfn llbr^l U.,,. k tr.. ew .1 i AtlvrteMnlch 19.?While il.was reported that' Eugeno GzWo. who Bays bis wife shot him. showed, considerable improvement hia physicians would not alter their opinion that Grace cannot survive. - He has had ' his.mustache shared off, because, he said, his wife, who Is In jail, admired it. New Revldeare. ( | /Mr. ft. E. Hodges la erecting a neat residence on Fourth street'near the J comer of Market When completed . it will he occupied by lkr. Thomas } *** CnnsUy ^ IjomI Politic. *" / Wf * fr' NEW . ;"'v'.i. . l- \- , ; # ' V*.? ' iood Reading.' Ma rare IF Ml JXHETAHV AND TKRAHl'RKR OF i THK FIDELITY HA VINOS c TRUST COMPANY.' WELL < EQHPPEI> FOR POKITION. I Thomas J. Latham. Jr., formerly < asistant cashier of the Bank of 1 Washington, now of Norfolk, where i ie went'ovor a year ago to accept a I osltion as assistant cashier of the < lank of Norfolk, has been elected as 1 ecretary-treasurer ? of the Fidelity i lavlngs and Trust Company of that | lty The news of Mr. Latham's pro- : Teas in his new home will be learned dth pleasure by his many friends in I Vaahington, where he resided for so ; nany years. He knows the Mhiklng 1 luslnese from ? to z and the Fidelity Snip PLUNGES DEEP IN OLD OCEAN lATTLKSiUV MAINE IS BURIED AT SKA?DECKS COVERED WITH FLOWERS. Havana. March 19.?Under cloudy ikies and a heavy roar of guns the battleship Maine, resurrected after fourteen years burial In Havana Jsrbor. plunged with her cdlors flying to her. everlasting rest $00 fath>ms deep In the sapphire waters of he Gulf. The sinking of the hull carried out precisely as planned parking tl^e end of the great work begun more than a year and a half igo. After lmpoV.n^ ceremonies in the morning which ended with the lormnl..^rfLnafer of the custody pf the tii ay or of Havana, Julio de O&rdenaa, \j>. Brigadier General Bixby, chief of the engineer-corps as the representative ot the Uhited" States, the ooftns were . taken aboard the armored cruiser' North Carolina and deposited on thei quaftcr <Jeck, completely covered by a great mound of floral tributes, under a guard of honor composed of marines. Minute guim were flrod by the North Carolina and the scout cruiser Birmingham and the batteries of Cabanaas fortress when the ships cleared the harbor. Soon after 2 o'clock the navy tug Osceola, aboard of which wore the (Jolted States Minister Beaupre, tlie aiaff of She legation and the Maine commission. passed lines to the stern end. of- the wedge-shaped wreck and started acawarc^. Put-to Sea on Last Voyage. Her, d^cfes were covered deep with flowers and. palms and a great American ensign floating from the jury- j maat. where the mainmast formerly-j stood the Maing put to-sea on her last voyage. . On deck stood Capt. John O'Brien, famous as "Dynamite John,'.' skipper of th?u nllbustering. steamers Dauntless aqd. Three Friend s^gting as the Maine's, last pilot.. ^ " , |Ab th6 wreck passed the American squadron tfc^.crews manned the ralid. the marines presented arms,, the scarlet-^ated.bandsmen on the quarter-deck playedthe national antheni, while the^ '.minute guns boomed n requiem., C Paesng- opt Of the harbor, no 3?kutes Were fired the flotila headed by the, Maine, proceeded in silence with the flags at half mar.. At 4:So o'clock the 3-mile limit cruisers Itool. jy> a. position to the west ana. the accompanying M^els to the north and south. Meanwhile th9 wrecking crew went aboard the hulk and made ready to carry out the arrangements for the sinking. AH Ryes Kh?I on the Wreck. At 5 o'clock another whistle sound* cd. This was the signal for the shilling. Then all eyes in the great fleet tfcre fixed on the wreck. The crews of the war Vessels were lining the rails. All was silence but for the p For ten minytes no change wnsj visible in the trim of the great rusty, battered hulk, which pitched heavily as the huge rollers struck her. Then she was seen to be sinking at the bulkhead end. Soon the waves began to' ,waah> ovejcJ&er. deck. As she remained pitching and wallowing, the stern, was seen to rise. In a few seconds, the hoik was almost vertical, showing first the propellers and then the full keel. The ntxt moment there was a Sash of and white as the great enajgn flying from $he meat struck the wares and disappeared. [Simultaneously the decks were blown - NO. 119 ?**M*MW?MMMNMMaaMMM?-^Mi ' *'^B IHMH ! Savings and Trust Company Is to bo oiiKratulatod In having hitn as one M its officers. This banking Institution Is makine -apid strides in the business world. It was organised in the spring of 1910 with a paid in capital of 920.000 3luce Its organlzaton it has earned c surplus of 96,000 and has outstanding loans aggregating 678.000 Not ane dollar has been lost in the operation of the company and the officers and directors have every reason to be nroud of the notable record helns made. Mr. Latham is fully equipped for bis work as he has had years of experience. He l/ the oldest son of Mr. Thomas J. Latham, cashier of the Bank of Washington. . ? .. t. n . a mm war docs rushed to the orient THKKE FASTEST SHIPS IN NAW KI'SHK1> WITH ALL SPEED. .. IMITATION CRITICAL. / j * ' ' Washington, March 19.?Believing that an attempted partition of China by Russia and Japan is imminent the state department has ordered the armoured cruisers Colorado. California, and the South Dakou*' the three fastest ships in the navy, to hurry with all speed to the Philippines. These cruisers which are now at Hawaii were under orders to proceed to the> United States when the critical situation developed in the Orient. It was announced thajt the armored cruiser Maryland Upon which . '-i Secretary Kndr has been visiting the west coast df Central America ha* haen ordered to Shn Diego, Calif. ?,Tr ' & is -ahtlaipated hare "that as soon as ^jj the Maryland can coal at San Diego .3 she wjl be hurried after her sister 1 ships to the Orient. Added to the Astatic fleet under command of Admiral Murdock the armored cruiser squadron will glve the v/u.m oiaica me largest naval representation in Chinese waters except Japan. It is understood that the armored cruiBer Pennsylvania, the battleship Oregon, now at Bremerton and thecruisers St. Louis and Raleigh will soon be added to the fleet. For some weeks the United States has-viewed with tho greatest alarm the very evident reluctance of Japanand Russia to assist in the pacification of China. They have kept their foreee aljjof from the International army ana gre actually actng in cooperation. with the imperial legions now marching on Pelting with the ob- A ject of overthrowing the republic. . The sinister purpose of Russia was tflrst laid bare when she proclaimed a protectorate over Mongolia which Is equivalent to territorial sovereignty. In this she was warned by the United States and Germany which announced in no unmistakable terms that 4}itch n move wgs in direct violation [or her agreement for the integrity [ of China. a ^ While Russia apparently yielded to .->mvu |w??iui pressure sue aid not I in fact abate from her determination ito grab this most^teslrable territory which Is an empire in itself. j. Her'reward for aiding in the over- ? ' * ' j throw of. the republican government !If such result can be attained is the, ^3 j coveted province as a "new sphere j of influence."* It. was with the promlise of such an aid that the imperia- v ??^| lists again took heart and tfae V-wfl !pi-esent movement on Peking j Japan is equally determined^ he jtbe predominating force iij^yfqrnehu[ria, which is the home of the irtfperlnl. "vfl {dynasty. * Only six weeks ago under |the guia? of protecting her southern IManchurieu railway, she was taught sending suspiciously large bodies of troops into that*province. At theI vigorous protoat of the United States and Germany she also stopped. / Land Kale tTo morrow. The big land sale of tho Grist prop- ?31 erty comes off tomorrow. Activo preparations are being made for th< I event and doubtless a large number Win attesd the aale. The ule be(lns '1 *t 10:20 o'clock. M -jj j. Ajceydtlttocr, Opc^ta* h / Mr. ft. W. Aj.ro .nop hfr mUUoorj openlnk la todaj'a

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