TOE. I I I ft I e-%-% i'-. ** ? SSSST W1AR ?- W. C. Selby, a White; Mao Has Difficulty With Wife-Serious I Rc&hs. *>< _ . v mm and ta1ek to bayboro Great Indignation Is Ex^ nrimil Over the Affair Mrs. SeU>y Will Recover Considerable excitement wan aroused In Vandemftru, Pamlico <T.<! county, Saturday night lent canned by aa attempted murder, and at.oae time mn team for tbe safety ot the would-be murderer ware enpreoaed. W. C. Selbr. a white man. who tollowa the oynter baalaeee (or a llrellhood, while under tbe Inhoence dt liquor It to aald. treat to bin home In tbe Ttnaue and picked a quarrel with - bin wife, the reeult being that lira. W being bit on the bead'with a lighted to J ~ left ere. The Infuriated Bnabaad not fr being aattofM with tbla part at tla to brala kla arlte, but tbe blow mlaaad the, mark, howerar. ahe recelmd a glancing blow on the ehoulder. Tb? &, difficulty between Selbr and bin wife occurred between 11 and II a'deck. hsr When the newn at the disturbance I*"", became atratad In the town, indignaI tlon Baa the outcome. -e Selbr wae at once placed aader arf mat and the officers fearing riolence \ hastened with their prlaoner to Bay1 boro where he la now ante (a Jail. If Selbr hae been a real dent ot Vandeg! mere for oatr a^ghort w&Ila Ha baa a wife and several children. . H It la stated that tbe fonndalioa tar H, tbe quarrel between Selbr and bla f wife grew out of a dispute lira. Selbr bad with another woman In tbe Y town. Selbr on learning of thin j filled up'on liquor and went to bla , I home with murder in bto heart. The , / aaaault upon bla wife wae the f aequeaee. L It waa reported In Aurora late reaterdar that Mm. Selbr waa dead, but 1' ^ Captain whlchard ot tbe Washington t Van demure train, stated to a Dally h.?e. iltnwjns* tbla morning thto waa lay CO meet It la now tbongbt that Mra. rf .Selby will recorer Tbe nnfortunate * .woman waa to a coma from iba time !tei she was struck until some time yeeThe cltiaeme .of Vaudemora are much wrought dp over the affair. Much sympathy la smpreaaed for Mra. [i ill rate racAT enffitt! uitimi ijuuuuw S The millinery opening of Mine Hotgc it* Hemby tmok plus this morning at eag von pronounced ouocceo. Her dUplgy of koto m muck com pitmooted, being unoog the moot ?tt recti re yet ohown In tke city Her I I The United 8tateii Boar Traitor t L. Hour, C*?t- Iaaac Outen in oom- 1 muni, nrrtead la port reetentor at- < t terndaa (ran Bllaabath Cltr and to , Mf moor* at tka government wharf on iWaat Bala atraat. ? Or W gBa.U who baa bora InjHR Park for Ue pern eeveraJ dnya, U ro- ( ^ | ported to W much batter todar. ??- ? IK RJ HUE ii/iii innnccc Tr' nlliL HUU0U3 1 ? THE CITIZENS 8F 8L0UNTS GREEN * . e TOWARD u mWAirr TO Mb. v I.I VBR MMJCATIO.NA1. AD- * - / Mr. M?iH U. Stewart ?d this city la to moke on educational address at Wlnfleld'o school no nee it mounts Crook next Saturday mordtng ot 11 o'clock- Mr. Stewart M -one of tke * rising members of the local bar and " a rich treot aoata tbe-dltlxens of that B CLARK'S OPENING THURSDAY AND FRIDAYS ..'.. ie'"" : ~ ; : The James >B. Clark Company Orv neencfl ftieir spring and aommer millinery opening In today's tssoe of the ? News, for Thursday and Friday. If lee ? Moyme Bnrbank who hog been ' In . charge -of this dspartment for the . post several years, will again manage this feature at-thlo .brae emporium ? dbc re a milliner or tute ?w?i trimmer stand* among the first. The J lad has xft the city ar? looking forward J] WKb {Measure to the opening at thU * popular store. The display of hat* or the opening are pronounced by those who hare *een them In ad- J ranee, to be superb In shape and in workmanship The millinery departmeat at this store is a credit to Washington, add since its installs- ' tlon has always commanded a lucrattr^jtronage, and Justly so. * * PBEMRB HERD BUM. * ' tf^irrs ftayft .TfV hs*odr? ^ Be the 'Farmers Of Beaufort County: e We Appreciate, that owing to thw n on usual winter, little work has been e accomplished on the farms generally 11 t* your county, and, therefore, there u Is a great deal to he accomplished in b s Short time. For-this reason we are a fearful that our Demonstrators will h become more or lees discouraged and t. In their great anxiety to plant their g crepe In time, will wot glre sufficient attention to the thorough preparation c ?f their seed beds. We hold, and I o think thep -you will agree with us tl upon reflection* that It is the wiser a policy te get your crops In a little u late la a thoroughly prepared seed p bed than at an earlier date on*a j>oor- s< ly prepared one.'-' 'Ai- .'"r*vsi Doubtless you have heard It said, si that half of Ihe cultivation of the a srep should be done before the seod e< la put into the,ground. We see no ti reason for discouragement or alarnr w for, generany speaking a late spring T means a late fall. Nature provide* tl for and takes care of ns In this way. n We sincerely hope Chat you wrtll not o forget the great importance of b thoroughly preparing your seed beds, m Very truly years, m JOHN F. LATHAM n Collaborator. Jeasama. H. C. tl . f 1 " ' ' ij Drag Manufacturer* Heard. fit Washington. D. C.. Marsh t6~-A d< iearing was given today at the De- tl ?artment of Agriculture by the pore A food and drag board of the mannfae- tl nrera of oplnn morphine and Ha da fvatlTea. The Department baa bean Tying for eoae time to Unit the rade In hablt-formlng drain and laant madlclnea containing morpblne Ic ind other Kindred products Thin tl letlrlty baa Inconranleneed' the b< nannfactnrara of proprietary medl- in Ilaea to aome extant, thua landing to l protect agalut the draatlo enforcenent of the law. Schooner Being Bepnlred. V The achooaer Susannah, owned by M 3apt. Ollrer Lopton. la on the rail- w wmjm MioB ropeirwi, n r; ;&J* siteyfe' ; ^nj' ' ''i f-' -/ : z' *>. -' i V,- 4 VASHI.NGTOS. NORTH CAROLINA . ' P IN THK INTERIOR. Vandemere n BSE II IS f ? nun ? ' TH lrtamb?r( of St. Peter's Iplacopal church, this city, have dotted to theft beloved Rector. Rev. latkanlel Harding. * hone, which is fehly appreciated by Mr. Harding, ie has been rector of the church ere for over 35 years. Mr. Harding ' xpresses on (nanus lor tae gilt in ha foltowing card: Ir. Editor: Will you kindly allow me through 1 our paper to express to my kind and onerous parishioners, and to aymparetic and personal friends outside ay own congregation, my sincere hanks and moet grateful appreciate n of the gift of a hots# which i hall find useful and highly servlceble. May our Heavenly Father bless nd -abundantly reward you all, for oodness to me. c Faithfully your friend and brother, * Nathaniel hardinq ? *?.? i mm TO AVERT = SOFT COAL STRIKE | Claraland, O., March 20 ?Wbathr there la to be a saaxrel atrfko of libera In the Dltumlooua flelda ea 4AI 1 dapenda upon the aocoeaa or . . allure at tha Joist oosforeoeo of the poretora ABd Ooltod-dtluj^Wtah??, rhieh sat at tha Hollemdee Hotel Is . hlsstty today to rsitiisa negotiations ooklng to a new agreement to go In? affect when tha preeeat agreement ^ xpiree on tha last day of this month. Both sides admit that the proaecu for an amicable settlement of be existing differences are not very right. Th^ miners declare their lnsntion to.stand firm in their demand or a ?oTen nour aay. nve nouns on atardsy, with full pay. and an averge advance of ten per cent on the G Bale. The mine owners assert that ai he demand of the miners are lmpos- ei ible. H The parties of the present confer- In nee represent the operators and in liners In the soft coal field* Qf wert- a] rn Pennsylvania. Ohio/ fedlhna and w lllnois. Bnt any agreement reached re ndoubtedly would be ased as the w aats for similar agreements in Mid- 61 hurl, Kansas. Arkansas and OUa- ui oma, composing the Southwestern Ct avrttory. and Michlgtan. West VIt- ar. tniX. Kentucky and Jowa. ap The prospect of s strike in the soft tr oe* field. whil? serious enough In 1U th anaequences, is not regarded with in he same alarm in industrial circles W kg the possibility of a similar tie- pc p of the anthracite mines. The jo rlnclpal reason for this is that the _ >ft coal supply Is not limited to s ? mall territory as In tlje esse of the 9a apply of anthracite. A dosen states, lore- or less, produce ooft coal la anaiderable quantities, and to main- It tin a strike in all of them at once ould be a stupendous undertaking, hen, too. several of th# fields, parIcularly that of West Virginia, are hn ot unionised. The railroads and tb ther Industries dependent upoh the N. Itumlnous supply always figure that xn< noagh soft coal can be produced w j 5mehew to supply their needs. They tic ?mepkhrr that there were strikes in a ie soft coal ragfons of several states sti ist year at the same time, but no Hiouo shortage of fuel reunited. The th MMlhlllty of general strike# being wt sclsred simultaneously in the an- to iraslte and hltumlnous fields on aw prU Ant la oonaMoro* the moat Of troaloalng faatura of the altoatlon. w< ' lw . Prepw Mealing. r: Tboro will bo pnjw mooting aoro- ba oo la all tbo different ohnrcboa of bo 10 city thla ovonlag at tbo uanal tn oar, to which tbo pabllo la cordially ixltod to attend. i'-fe iC - Tbo rocont opldomle of amallpox at Mi andomoro baa boom completely ax- tip irmlnatod. Tboro la not a eaao an y- ro| boro now reported la that bom-? lunltr. 1 llq kVKD.XKHDAY AKTKRKOOV MARCH v> : Is'^m Jp n Charles Bennett the Thirty olony or newspaper meefSow serving In tewspaper work since hh^boyhood sad I ."lagara Palls Journal. ' Ilia district Is ring placed on the PeJforatlc. Prohlbli 4s. Mr. Smith slipped Ifc with a plural it '"ill nil unsjsrosi of if no i T V1" V i I. i . _ V v***j ?tv~ _ - -'. eorgt Hackney purchases cured first three building i sale?Auction of 1 people thm , [?) Crowda attended the sale of the e{ rlat property today on Weat Main cit id Second Streets and # large num? of loU werg sold. Mr. bei ackney had tho honor of purchas- j.i -three ioU the prtee W <*n f ilm each. Mr. Hackney was joi Et tfl purchaser of .the Grist home <*# e&. is one of tho most attractive sfa ?i deuces in Eastern Carolina if not wa ithin th? entire state. The lots are i had half by 220. The safd was ft>( ider the aaspieea of the AtUfc we Mat Realty Company and thW^JlA- pet ood Realty Company and was V'coh- ha iclons suceeee. ft'seemed urW iS' KT< Duble to dispose of the lots^ftH^ wjt ere is nb better location for^bl^fttF-* dfei g purpose to be-found anywh^?g rf ' ;; ash ins ton. The sale was ah dfc-! c*l irtunity that many citizens'have . ,; ns desired and they took advantage1 dr< twav AT BREAKFAST t>A MUVR1> BV TROL1.KV OAR. Jump* Carve and Sidewalk nnd Rumps Their House Off we Foundation. cie New Vork. March 20.?A Newark pla id Hackensack trolley car jumped wh e switch in Main street. Carlatadt, Br J., at 8:30 o'clock yesterday Sei Mmlns. lumped the, curb and sldi? coti tlk and crashed into the confeo Prl mery store of Mrs. Neada IJnrhop. ' wldoW, who lives In the frame ructure with her two daughters. The family war* at hraaklast In 1 a rear at th* time. The building anj l* moved about eight Inches off It* cou undatlon The car aleo carrlad hei ray the corner of the batcher a hop "el August Drombroakl, and then waa aaa Idaed faat la the little alley be- Co. em the two store* 5|. - ?djjfc M There ware ealy two men paseeng- day on the car. No one waa Injured, cue t a gang of men worked for three lav are to get the ear back on the yul ick. ; ?" *? ^ - i Hi An^r^hr^ gar* something la 'the'way of wfa \tly . M Wtt. '.<< ms ?. simi~1 . -sixth district la an addition to the congress. He has been engaged in a no*L the owner and editor of the normally strongly Republican, but Jon and independence League tick yot Juat one rota. ED ID SALE mmm the Grist Home and aesites?Crnw/lj? mH*t*A fk 2 . . : " ot? to colored tatrO -irS: "o *W?*J arrow 1 *33vrtyfr<tt 6")i V If 3 f?2 bv> U;*o:u?h '?d: brn ,.040; ij r.v. the chance and bid-without: filiation. The property is sold upon iy fcesma.only.a. small cash payment ittif? made at the ontaet. rJ Mugic for-the day wa* furnished by tri Aurora: and, Washington bands ntiy-under; the direction of Prof)0r WUA 30ilth hnd it la needless to ;te that this part-of tho program o-.taf every.tray satisfactory.J People from- alL. sections of BeauIt county laud counties contiguous on the gtoimd. The Grist prorty is an. ideal spot for attractive bob and it;: promises ^ndhr'to be satly enhanrett la the hoar"future th residences of modern* htylfc-and ?fc?7o Ha?-nrr*: tomorrow will be a sale to the or.od'Peh|llO.. 1 V Mooter August us Dilon. of this city rtffiAhe diamond ring. .t'GIITF.R OF LATK HKNATOR IS TO WED. iVaiprf^con. D c , March 20.?A ddmg of interest to Southern eoty in (he national capital will take eh in St. John's church tomorrow en Miss Margaret Hawthorno j yan, daughter of tho late U. S. lator Bryan of Florldav wlll^e-r. aotne Drtae of Robert Marshall I re of Harrisonburg, Va. National Congress of Mothers. It. Louis, March 20.?Delegates < 1 rsltora from all sections of the \ intry were present at the opening ] ? today of the sixteenth annual j tlld welfare congreea'" under the ; pices of the National Mothers stress and Parent-Teachers' As- i tat Ion. The sessions will last four t s. The program embraces a die- j ion of child labor, child hygiene, soils courts, home soon?los, 1 die playgrounds and numerous or subjects tsoMsg with the pfcy- i il. mental mod moral welfare of 1 child. l Fudge LeBaron B. Colt, who conMU.IM MMtodkl .lastkn In Inland, with Hnarr F. Upnltt, carded u thn moot Uknlr enndt- I to mtwd B?nntor Watmora, 9 una nnnooncod that b? wUl not n(?rndiit.te3^? ??ot*?r .. I j B 1 ^1 JLy f local Nap fet vmm iOF HI PRHISE FROM onus mac.^ ?? They Are to Drill In Ches[ apeake Day During Month of July Next] ' I . TRYING TO SECURE A WARSHIP A BAND IN CONNECTION WITH THE COMPANY IB NOW BEING TALKED. The sixth dlvlslou North Carolina Naval Militia which waa recently organized in this city with a membership of forty-three and three officers, gave their first street parade last night and not only waa the drill gratifying to the officers, but the company was highly complimented upon their appearance by a large number of citizens The officers of the organisation are Charles L. Morton, Lieutenant Commanding; W. B. Harding, Lieutenant Junior Grade; Herman Carrow, Ensign. The militia appeared on the streets milfrwttnH ?l h? in white uniforms wish mustering blouse. The company drilled down several of the streets and already showed-thgt the officers In command Ufere competent nod capable. Efforts are now being made, it is Mid, to secure the aid of Congressman John H. Small to assist the cornpan r ill their determination to secure a ship from the government for the use of the reserves here. Thoae behind the scheme are sanguine of ultimate success and it-is expected that before many months the organisation here will have one of Uaole Barn's see dogs fn th?#Se waters. ACttifeTtfee^fcsi^st night orders we^e readrto the company from,the Adjutant poher^U ordering., thf company to yepprt for drill, la the ChN|M peafce Bay .from July 14 to July 28 B?SbJ- Iiar'or.x. (a ? .auldJrw* ?> n 11 It is thought thatW the near future there" wTTT be'a"band"organized In icoonrtrion y il^f the J * "! All the members-of- the company are -enthusiastic, _they are taking much pride in the success and future of the organization. This is an organization that has long been needed in Washington and now that it has been organized and started out so auspiciously it tfi to be hopSd and believed that the citizens of Washington will rally to its support and encouragement. Such organizations are valuable to any community. The Daily News congratulates the company upon its showing last night. Creditable Work. MesBrs. J. V. Harper and David 3helton have just completed for the Washington Milling Co., a sysfem of &U0| pipes for tfceir plant. The uork s credtlable. Automatic Water Hester. The Washington Light & Water Company have on exhibition at their tiusiness office an Automatic Water, Beater which 1b one of the most compete devises for the heating of water j fet eeen la this city. I 411 that la neoeeaary to eecure hot eater la J est to tarn your spigot and Immediately the gae jet in the store Ignites and the water running through a copper coll comas out hot. The heater la to be attached to the] water pipes la your residence sad then M la ready tar nee. It la certain-] ly a complete piece of mechanism and meat he aeea to he appreciated.. I Mr.MMIlMnm. J Tb# ?<? UMl of Mr. TboauJ :t?rk will bo ?1 to loom that bol itlU oooUaooa to tatproro a?nr out if Mrtbla* mlinioi boppono will oooal TT NO. Iftl ; Militia Street Drill GOV. KITCHIN SPEAKS HERE THURSDAY NIGHT WILL Sl'K.YK AT BMH NTS < KfcT.K FRIDAY MORNING AND MCI*HAVTiN FRIDAY XICiHT. Governor W. W. Kitch in will speak Id the court house, this city, tomorrow night at 8 o'clock on the political Issues of the day. He will also address the citizens oT Dlounts Creek Friday morning and at ' Belhaven Friday night, GovernorKltchln is one of the state's moat gifted orators and no doubt he will be heard by a large number. Everybody in the city is cordially icrtted to hear him tomorrow night. LECTURES ON THE MINOR PROPHETS For the past several weeks Rev. H'. B. Bearlght. pastor of the First Presbyterian church, at the regular Wednesday evening prayer meeting service, has been giving his congregation a very interesting series or ' lectures on the minor prophet* On last Wednesday night the Prvphet Amos with' his plea for justice was the tffeme. Tonight Hosea the prophet, will be the topic. All great modern scholars say that the sins of which the world was guilty at that time are very much what they are now in this the twentieth century. Bo the messages brought by these men so many hundred yearn yr/trftgy TT 4 citlmaqs of Washington here and now. " , All sh<)hld learn and heed. * Mlw Ricks Improving. Miss Goldie Ricks, who was operated upon for appendicitis at the Washington Hospital, is reported as Improving nicely. . INDIANA STATE : ' IS FOR MARSHALL Indianapolis,' lnd./ "March 21>? .Every train into Indianapolis today (brodght scores o.f delegates to the Democratic State convention, which :ineetfl here tomorrow to 'nominate candidates for" governor and other state offices and to select delegates atHarge to attend the Democratic national convention in Baltimore. 'Presidential electors also will selected. The convention will meet jTomlfneon Hall and will be composed of 1,747 delegates. There appears to be no doubt of the nomination of Samuel Ralston ot Lebanon for governor, sluce he re- . ceived a solid delegation of 1S6 votes to the State convention through too influence of Thomas Taggart, former chairman of the national committee and for many years the undisputed boss of the DemocratI' party in Indiana. | Xelthor does there appear to be any great likelihood of a contest on ithe presidential instructions to b? 'given the delegates to the Baltimore .convention, as Indiana Is expected to bestow her strength on her favorite % son. Governor Thomas It. Marshal! it Is conceded that Governor Marshall should have the solid suppor" of the State on the first ballot In th~ national convention, but it is doubtful If the Indiana delegates will bo charged to remafa with the governor until the e>nd of the fight. It la generally believed that Mr Taggart plana to throw the strength of the State to Harmon as soon as it becomes apparent that Governor [ Marshall has no chance of winning: the race. This program Is believed to be subject to change only in the event that Senator Kern should decide to enter the presidential race, a * "* 'thing that Is regarded aa not only "possible, but highly probable If the balloting for canddatee should ha protracted. The choice of the State convention for delegates at large probably will fall upon Senators Kern and Shi rely. Mr. Taggart and. n fourth not yet agreed upon. William H. O'Brlee. pee** State Auditor, is elated to Meoeed Mr. Taggart an the Indiana member of the national committee, V **T *: i^jtss'WA ~ > ' " "J e

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