WMl' Ww 66 Years ot Age md? Nail live of Green County. Resided in Bearfort County for Years. Memfcer of LegisUture 1903.;,' $ -? jsiss=^..rra .u..^?dl?.a"Tbel^u J'T'Lu jjjhal tart night eomlat (rani Wr?Durlnf hie alar In Karmrnie ha n taken tick but had recorered aufllcl , ontly to taka tba trip to tbla city.. Ha came to tbla cKy on the Norfolk on bin arrival bat* accompanied by hid aon ha want to tba Hoapttal Ha remarked to bla aon that ba expected to (at a nd nUht'a teat and then ba ratio acted bla aon to (O to tba hotel for the ntfbt. Sometime durlnr the nlcbt Mr. Sou (tan rapidly woree and before bla aon could (at to bla bedalde ba bad peeked .way The remain, will be taken to Oreenrtlle tbla afternoon ,by tba Norfolk-Southern where (ha fundr.1 will be held from the Jarrta Memorial Church tomorrow moraine at ir o'clock. Tha Interment will bo la tha Cherry Hill for a number at yeare. Ha ulaO held tha office of depot, aherltr and conatable. From Aurora he. mored to Klnston where ho remained several yeere Onally going to Greenville In both Kneton and Greenville bo onKaned In the machinery buBinesa * *7" ~ ' . . J; ^ Several rears ago bo moved Co this eta and OMWt VP a marblo bualnooa. which bo prosecuted for ooroM years. In MO* tho Democratic party .of the county honored him by naming ? bin aa map of I to representatives In tho State Legislator. For the past two yoara ha haa been residing win1 big mm. i. 5 "c I"-, Sugg wan twke married and haa one eon Mr. Thomas Jarvle Sugg h.'v*' and two listers, Mn. 8naan Harding, and Mrs. Jacob Jojaer, of aroenrlllej r'v& 2& Ala lbs deceased was a man goes? - log the faculty ot making friends. As waa affable In mannffr plsaalng and attractive In address. } ftM* Mr. Sngg was a member ef good stssuttag of eereial secret ordere. NEWS FOR WEEK - Mi - , Kafrit fi*'r /5(ft J v>.j ''-.ft.jjyh&nt. The Woman's Missionary Society of the First Baptist Cboreh wlU bold a week, of prayer at the church, beginning Tncadoy .(frnoon at 4 p'clock; .^ifednoadsy night at 7:?0 o'clo^k this meeting wll be held In connectloh with Ova mid-week prayerm?etx>g; on Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock another moolln* will he . held. The prayer seiW will be l*d b? Ur J. H Hw. Amtfyoi, i. cordially Invlt* ! ' "I. Ho?, pMtorof fng "for" E^lll?.r Mo"' u^ut. WIM. cbnt IBOSE UNBET ARE EXEMPT lift'-' - .$ ; .. " i?. 4l?- V, INITKD HTATB* OM.V NATION RAISIN^ HKVKNUE BY TAXSpecial to the Dally Newt. : wealth of the tJ tilted States should shoulder hut 10 per cent of the burd? 0, Utttum for -ttnnint the the Delude ratlc HOOte of Re?ew sentences bellerea that It to dot, end hence the passage of the elMne-Jur cope tax hill Which lerlw a tai of man to dra* a hither ntlar*' than a ?SOOO a year, or to haven capitalised J Bum or about HOC,000 before he la called upoe to pay 1 per feat on that portion In'excase of ??.?00 Tkto to claae legislation, the standpmttora ant protectionists aay. T>ey ware nerar heard to complain, howoyer of thesxlstlng claae Hesitation which portnlte the burden of fader el taxation to toll entirely upon. tha ahouldera of the tnaaeea. taxing the . average man. vaott ant child on . ayary witch of clothe, they yrear and ever,tiring else they must huso In ' order to Ilea, while pemlttlu ell ) tats ale* cat poesesalon of It. end l: ihtfw those few subject to the trassfar to wealth of even the emonat of par, bat' of the dye hundred thtnaa iron which e tnMB la leyted. They on which e tariff to lepiad They . iwonld np.hr the* the ' Minaoil continue to lu Sugar Instead of wealth, because thar eat no more J adgar than the section hand or the mm' worker and therefore under the p pr&ent system are compelled to Per 2 no creator tax tO'the federal ghtern- > mtm that does the poorest man. I these fame mar read rtrsngsd bet I they are facta and will not be Contra- I :xkr- 'ipa? the United etates It practically the only ono of the (great nations today that ralaaa practically all tta reranne hy taxing the paopla Recording to their noeds and paeetlcally according to their poentfy.fcnd allows wealth to go untaxed, do tar aa the raining of money to bnHBbttUeehlpe, mainlain the army, and run the .gpyernment are concerned. Ing to Uncle Sajn .Ve&oae thfey^tf ' If a nacal system which requires1n millionaire to pay no more tax to the ' federal gosarnment than the section ' hand or the" an(11 worker |a tab and 1 Jo,I, Hum t. no ?ced of refofil hht ' If such . .yetem 1, unjust. the eiifse < Income lax ta a move .hp the rrgftt 1 direction to remedy. * , ' . r r *y < Marrli* fckw.se. i The following licenses were laanad ' during the part week by the Register of Ddeds. iH leaned were colored ) people. . Nathaniel Shy and Mahalla Adams krtrti Taft and Roi 1 P Optimistic ' peelal to the Dam Me**- ?- -ii --'fl No* Tbrk. Karrh 2D ? The moat lcoroue battle In the pre-convrntmh ampalim for the Republican preelental aotllanUm win be loortt in lew York State tomorrow. when Reublteaa BttmpT WW bo hold for the he natlenel eowrentloc at Chicago is one and delacatee to the state conentlon to meet in Beebpater neat xkt ^ On the are of the battle opUmleIc Ihnrama ?f the eoaalta are ematK tram-hath the Taft and Haeeerelt emd quartern. Both aldee realize the Teat importance of coatrolUng the lew Yhrk delegation which will cant '" *r nnB?:w?in tne oanoung nettle for the head o( the Bepuhtlcaa latlonal tlehet The Rooeeeelt! eaje >ortera hellovr th> JM will bin a ii'jt.uji il',;:,u , , , ,,,g. MIKIS Arrangements b*ve just been rom)tU<*1 with tU rUnltrfd State* p* her 14-19. .'**e eablblte -will roweut qf about rine itarl'derfl trpea of road modele. me ehtnrlnr'Wireral dinna at drainthe, another a anaahhtf plant with nlnatore eruaher in operation, pit-. >ther * model of'a steam roller at rtrlt. Bl ? 'liltrtrlr 'motdr power will he unod rv operate the mbdelo. Yhe Wa.b Mfvftr Illustrated ^ Wot urea. MOKE PAY ROB HILIj WORKEBH sr^tlMlD th.. cot(OD a?A wale, milt) ,y country vide .Sect It they c?n shew at the primaries hen that the, peAle want delegates from thte ^llejlsSlructed for the Colonel. President Taft and hie workers nndere^gnd''es well the (rest advantage UStrklU have throecbout the country K their succeed In carryihc New York. , * Under the Mew York lew & >?*greaslonal comnitteea at the'per tics ??2??t craeshmsl commUeee of the Keprttt can party .?-ere controlled Dy Tart people. the delegates. nominated are Tatt man. Therasro exceptions la only a few district.. Oatar ftt lan Rooaerelt sua. to oppose tbeao deleulea. were ?mDelied to oat their ??? on the ballot by petition. Those Attending Will Witness an Unique Performance Performance 8:30 * Washington theater gun [will be permitted/40hit^)L the oport mlty of witnessing an.-txnosunl per tfahance When nose Crane and com' any appears at the Public School Auditorium being, one ol the oh dbers In -urn cooree for this, season. Tl|o doors' will open _ al 7 n performance" w'lV.start promptly at To those not botiltpg. season tldkeda.tbo price of ad mill don', trill * gen^addtlaslon v.,, uuryed * The DnannVa Tlmos In aHiiMlir r.f Mr. Crane's performance hfttiftt (own ?tatea / To say that the audi ones was dolighted with Ross Crun* would , ex snsssawt trass r^r.^ loatraU a loctor. brlmfal of. bw ?* ?*?* . jfj, t i7X' ** pMoOMRI^ -QpKNh;lost ,*l A1LY ma. .1. i i. i . ? tb INTERIOR. TX'EHDAV PAIR A " A I. I I I . ?? 1 -/TfHpw.'y i 'dSrSv'''..i v* 1 t 1 $5?1 . F^f?vjSff ^ MS^$> . ' ? / 5= ; ' >.- ... r Sanguine New York Result V-. headquarters of the Roosevelt Committee, Id the tower of the Metropolitan Life Bullfilng, ware to the effect thatch* Roosevelt supporter* are caUsffed with the Outlook. They believe that' Colonel Roosevelt will make a showing In the primaries tomorrow that will maJMially advance Us candidacy in other pans of the country- Tl* Taft managers appear President. The Taft supporters are willing to concede to Roosevelt. at the outside, only 10 yotes from New Ypri on the first Fallot. After that, according to the Taft estimate, Mr. Roosevelt's representation, is likely to )n tarn th* ffnm his own congressional dihtrlfe^* P in 'Mr. T. H. B Gibbs, of Fslrfleld oils of.the most prominent ctlzens 0( Hyde County, a member 'of the hake Mattafliuekeet Drainage Com'mlssloE and, of the Board of Directors and Dr *i: H. Qlbbs pf 'Nsw fcetn. ^*brr?.?l&J>s passed through . WashIngton Saturday morning on his wa> home to Join the-other member^ <$1 I gtiow stricken family. His remifcfc J were interred Sunday at one p'fifwA In tba family plot of tha FalWaW " 8p?clal to tlx Daily Now.. ' Arrantamanta hav. Man mad. , 'v /** , fcip* * /v -]* kk ' , /'? , ;; ifi ^ ^ ,m& va.>w "vj NEW nd warmer. ^ i " CM DID many permanent improvements dukinu the pasf yeah have been made * ' 1 CONGRESS WILL AID EXHIBITION tkeahorkr'k report for the paht year a creditable | Villi . . 1 1 The official report of the State fair ? of 1911 shows a condition of Its af- i I fairs that lustiflea any pride the ' people may feel in this honored - and useful institution. The fifty first fair unVier the present or Ran (cation Is reported by Sec. Pogue to hare fulfilled the managements purpose to hire each successive fair surpass its predecessor. notwithstanding the fact that the year of 1911 was one of the most disastrous in U?e history of fairs in the country. Among permanent Improvements in 1911 the Poultry Building is reported fully paid for and easily the beet otitSrhind on any Southern fair grounds. Designed to harmonise with the concrete agricultural building erected in 1910, it is of like dimensions, 60 ? 160 feet, perfectly lighted and of the most approved construction. In it were shown 830 birds, birds with competition limited for the first time to five Southern Ifljtl .. >; The Secretary suggests an effort to ilnapce a modern exhibition building In place of the old Machinery Hall. Apropos of this states that a bill has been introduced in Congress provider buildings to be used for agrlcultqre, horticulture, machinery or Industrial exhibits. This bill 4was au? thorited by the American Fairs and IThe Midway of 1911 was free from j gambling and Immoral shows. This' rreform la annuonced as permanent, with no backward step to be permit- J , ted. And the record is of gain from concession over 1910, the best previous year. 41 - The abolishment of complimentary passes and'half rate tickets met with not only'practically universal approval ^ the beneficiaries, but also over an In crease of $1,85&.|6 In gate receipts. Separate enterics by exhibitors reached the large total of 4,153. exceeding the tromendous record of liMo bf <52. and In addition 117 race horses were named. * * The comparison of receipts from railroad cupon?, tickets at gates and concessions shows a gain of $1,984. . 32 over 1910. A gain, In net assets ' la noted of $4,182.01, with no lia' bflitles save the bonded debt of $32, 1 600 due 192J>. Among the Secretary's recommendations are the erection of bleachers near- grandstand to lent about 2,000, with a ^nominal charge ' on grandstand, adding boxes in front to hold-6 or 6 persona; overhauling live stock accomodations, landscap1 ing grounds for. .location of future ' buildings and'ground plans; opening fair at least It^o'nights; equipment * Ota Poultry Rulldlhg wjth nro'fiern ' btcel Wire potfam S . . * : Trees'. Rotter's jpppo^- for 'bncra' tlons shows receipts Of $34,Z.I8.64 with cash ba&mcc $2,797.31, surplus intafct $4,000, permanent .improyo* jTneut $4,627 40t ? . dCCUCDM PiCPf OMMMl UMU Serdral eaaea warn Mm the'rd-l |MScras|rM ISsba?-' ?"""" 1 CtJ*Ho*ap#. nsoucilkr and i ftoroao EKorn a.. .-otorad. WW la i wd a pie. <,f aubmiMlon aad the 1 ' '' n is mm in m RUDDY BED OF CREEK )isappearance of Norfolk ReaT Estate Man is Solved. Was Son-in-Law of W. H. Patrick, Chocowinity Th? Norfolk Virginian-Pilot of yes;erday says: Shortly after 3 o'clock yesterday morning the body of William H. Land the missing real estate man was die-1 covered floatsg In Tanner's Creek, lust off the farm of John Cromwell. The body was dscovered on the sbrface of the water by an oyster tonger. who towed U to shore Bid notified ? the county authorities. Mr. Land disappeared mysteriously about a week Consplclously showing upon * *e body was what was at first *'4# to be a bullet wound in tbi v?^dple. But upon closer examt aon it was found that it was merely a skin * wound, probably caused by a blow or a fail; possibly occurring after the man was drowned- The body was extremely well preserved, having apparently been In the water but a short tlmp, although Mr. Land has not been seen in Norfolk since Friday week, and has been away from his home since a week from Thursday, time, although Mr. Land has not been seen in Norfolk since Friday week, and has been away from his home since a week from Thursday. la the pockets of the clothing werefound letters addressed to Mr. Land, and a gold watch that was recognised by his brother and 91.1k in cash. Had be b? Murdered. robbqrj ?? ?tiMtl it is not IUaU that his aaasilant. fould hiirSrerlooked 4?B| watch which la valuable enough to have been an asset to the criminals. When, last seen Mr. Land was In Forest Lawn cemetery. Earlier he had been seen to board an Ocean | View car. by the Bay Shore Route. It is thojight by the county police that . Mr. Land fell from a Bay Shore car ^ as it was crossing the Indian Pott jJB Bridge. "There are no signs upon the body to show that foul play had been at the bottom of the mystery. It 1b possible that be fell from the plaform of a Bay 8hore car. The conductor may have been Inside the ear at the time and not observed the accident. The doad man was a son-in-law of Mr. William H. and Louisa Patrick of Chooowinltjy. having married their daughter. Mlas Fannie Patrick about 11 years ago. Mrs. Land is a niece of Mrs. Olivia Carmalt of this city. They have been residing In Norfolk since their marriage. ? i PERSONALS Miss Alice Moore went to Pactolus yesterday where she spent ,the day with her sister returning home on the evening train. Hon. W W. Kitchln. governor of North Carolina, passed through the 1 city Saturday afternoon on his way home from Bio trots Creek and Belhaym to Raleigh. Mr. W. A. Stilley left-for his home in OofclBboro Saturday afternoon Mr. Jarvis Sugg is in the city today. * . Mr. J. M. Downing of Scotland Neck w%s here today. . . Mr Douglas Creech of New Bern * ^3 vu a-Washington visitor today. Mra;C. 8. Wbtchwd of Vandetfcere was het* 9 K Mr. w-m. ran*, of Middino.. Jl Moku kaaa tfea nM at tar par-. rata, Mr. and Mra R. B Weataa. Baat ^ Mr^B. W. Barawoa, of ?. F. D, Ha'? . ? Ic^^| la... Waahtnftoa rWtor lod.r M > MrUT MoOowan. ofS. r D. X* ..'V 1 la ta tba ?lty oa JH . SB .! u, ' ' H^jgarj M