I run amrma 1 mi . I 248 W. I | Bibles 17c Testame plHHBBHBHHHHMQHHMHpHHHHHi = < IF YOU ARE GOING N C ^ DAILY SERVICE^ ) Equipped with vlreleu telepbo \ dmU oo board. ErerytlftnK for / BoM 1 em Norfolk (Jarluon \ BoaU Into Old Fetot Comfort, >. J Arrtrr lUltlmone, 7:00 ?. m. ) == %e wl? ?tW jrcw Electric jj^P V' *??*?WodoOla* ' for 00c. Bjr so dofpc Its life will ' be mlobied do to M. Hhonc or write > todar Tomorrow may bo hot. WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PLANT ; ai la especially described on a map of aald town, which r~ map la'recorded In the Records at Beaufort County la Book Ids. pace . SOS. : - ' 7" 1 Default harlnc been made In the payment of the debt secured by aald Of f Deed ot Truet, sale Is made at the request of the owner of the debt to W. A. THOMPSON. fSBjgq i Trustee. J. HAVKNS, Owner of Debt. BK . "th!'IMS*" " S-1S 1-a wk twka 3Kv:-. ' ^uSir , , f; ARE YOU A SUBSCRIBER FIR THE NEWS. OVER ALL 11 This Iron serva hut r. est loo *H! bo aVked you Almc >Jfl. ' *J?cr?r.>.-NK;-:>;S <:u?or? o DKAlV/HOi i - ; '-%% ' ires at Cost y for 2 days HE S0GIE1Y Wain S?. " n tits 5c Gospels 2c __ c I ; C rORTH TRAVEL VIA ) *EAK)? LINE ] ? ILUDING SUNDAY > ? eerrlee. the "CITY OP HOB- ) j! ORK." are the moot elegant f " Norfolk and Baltimore. " J 6 no In each room. Delicious I d comfort nod convenience. / a St.). ?:WT^ m. V ? T ftp p. m. \ J J K point* north, north went and / 3 Mtnattoh courteously fmhbed ? h JT. H. PAHNBLL. T. P. A., } C A Omnby St., Norfolk, Va C \ ~ a sFLOWERSs ' When you want the best,reraember we are at your service. , Choice Roses, ^Carnations, p Violets & Wedding Outfits in the latest styles. Floral offerings artistically ? ranged at short notice. . When in need of Pot Plants, Rhse Bashes, K?ergreeoa, : Shrubbery, Hedge Plants hid Shade Trees, mail, telegraph or telephone yotn* orders to 1. L O flUHfN 4 CO., . RALEIGH, N. C. Phone. \m ^ 1 1 1 " ? r HELP ASSOCIATED CHARITIES. 1 Anyone bavins old clothe., shoes, hate, etc., of any kind or aba that c they are wllllns to donate to worthy t needa, . will pleaee Band same any morning by 11 If., to kit, T. F. , Smith'a homo, Weat Main SC at Oovernment boar yard, as Mrs. Smith bee kindly offered to keep the same and supply needs of all who are j deemed worthy by oar organise! lop. - I Po. HEADAtHK-lllcuW OAFDDINh i Whether tram Colds. Heat. Stem h r h or Nerrona Troublse. Cppudln- , sill rtHevf,you. It's liquid?planeant to take?acta Immediately. Try ' It I fa lie. end toe at Ms stores 1 Editor Evidently Met 1 Crtstotall. a aaUre of Padua pro ' dated the drat piano tat ITlb Mow 1 that we know the mlaereant't same t we leal easier.?(askance ========== ? ? _ ? _ ? M M M w _ _ mm\\ or SAnrlrm * Automatic wa- 2 ; ends to every S g Hot Water. | nt never talks ? iliday, or grows jj but a necessity. ? llJlISUffl.] SJQS? ?t daily by business men eeeWag ynat M2JK- 5w".x5'^a^r * ***"'/' ? ? a c u'li', ' 'ik," " ' otj' .? ^ ? a.- d?y SJPO J I ft . ? WITH THE BOXERS. BUI J^mjik, the Australian _heaTjrrelMht, ha* decided to quit the ring ad engage in business In Melbourne Young Loughbrey of Philadelphia ad Frankle Mandolo the Ptttsburg ghtweight, have both retired from He ring. Bombardier Walla. England's esvjrwelgbt champion, who is mathed to box A1 Palaor In Ban Franiaco July 4, will anil for this counry Max 11. .r^ s y * 'I Pool for World's Title. oh? 3k!h?fc* Philadelphia. Pa., March SB.?Durag the next ten or twelve days the yes of all devotees of the pool game dll be tnrnbd toward Horticultural lall in this city, where, beginning anight, a tournament takes place to etsrmlne the world's championship t the popular American green-table port. Eight of the foremost profeelonal pool experts of the United tates are entered in the tournament, hey are Alfred De Oro, the present older of the championship tlilh; harise Weston of Chicago, James iaturo of Denver, "Prank 8herman of Washington. William T. DeLangh of hlladelphla. V. V. Kng of New York nd Edward Ralph of New Jersey v. ALBtfDAR OF HPOBTB / . . ' FO* Tm WKEK. National pocket blllard champlontilp tournament opens in Phlladelhla. United North "and South Amateur olf tournament for women opens at lnehurst, N. C. , . ^ Canadian smatuer fencing chamlonahlp at University of Toronto. TtflS DATE IN HI8TOIRY. 1654?Lord Baltimore's first colnjr. t- 1 I 1774?Lotteries were authorized 7 In Massachusetts. ' 17 7 1 ?Joachfn' Murnt. who marled a slater of Nabbteon and became ing of -Naples, born. Executed Oct. 8. ISIS 1797?Special session of Congress ailed to consider the threatening rontons with Prance. 1*25?.University Qf Virginia opend to students. > ' lg???*lm issue of the ;phlladelihla/'Public Ledger." , . j 1846?Michael Datltt, noted Irish eader. born. Died May 31. 1906. 1869?Beaufort, N. C. occupied by federal troops. K *; nil?Ftrd In a ihlrt wnist factor! New York killed 141 ptnou, most romen. ? - U. rcJklX ARB CARRYING POUCI WHIgiUM FOR PROTECTION Brooklyn. N. Y. March II.?Ar biers of local far Mo n arc mot agreed a to who to responsible fqr the laovaton hat report haa It that the rife of a broker, who Uvea la Bay UdfOi A ret conceived the Man of carTins a police whlaile. \ The Inventor erf the now. protection gainst held ep men waa oa her way lome unaccompanied late at night rhea ahe war ret upon by two area of taeowth demcaaor aad ordered to land over her possessions. Freeing herself for a moment, ahe lew load: aad lend upon the police rhJetle which waa attached to the tra^ aad straightway fainted. The irfgaada stared vacantly at each >ther. the* at their prostrated victim Ad looked up to behold a stalwart mlteemaa running rapidly In theli llrectlon. They beat a precipitate rerset. \\* As f result of the remarkable efflacy of the police whistle bag. store* ceepera In Brooklyn have been kepi ?ury for a fbrtnight filling orders foi lupUcatee of the original, aad a wise radeeman ordered an ornate and ilghly decorative lot of whistler. A' . v*- "V Architectural Show la New York Ipecal to the DaUy Nowr. New York, March 25.?Specimens A the architecture of the world /tue llustrated in drawings and models u. tub mvoiiu annual Architectural aid Engineering Exhibition which van openegjn the Seventy-first RegJ pent Armory today and will continue hrough the week. Many attractive nodols of prominent buildings In tmerlca. Europe, Japafl.China, Afria and India aro displayed Sample: >t building 'supplies, materials an. cressories are also Included au.Mi?; he exhibits. Christian Science Tc?t Cam '.pecUl tb the Dally News. . > :: 1 New York, March 26.-? The rnso t Willis Vernon Ooie. the Christian tclenco healer whp is charged with Jleged violation of* the medoal laws, oday for a second trial. The first rial ended it. ? Jury dMagreenmnt * '*"* ' '.y ""/ ^ '^5^^ '' *1 Opening t>r second annual automobli? show at Mjtncbt'Bter. N. H. Owing of Arst annual automobile Mike Gibbon* lfaln St. S-19 iw-C GOLD MEDAL FLOOR AT HUOHl yon are paying for Inferior grades. J. E. Adams. 8 88 lwkc. CAN FURNISH EACH WEEK three settings of Rhode bland Red eggs at 76c. a setting. Birds from Durham Poultry Fagm. Mrs. Norwood L.^Siramona St. mch 86. LOST: A SMALL GOLD BABY PIN with name "Rose" engraved. Find or pieaae return 10 J, R. HOJl't Biore. 1 3 35 Itc. NOTICE. * By virtue of Power of Sale contained in a Deed of Trust executed by Geo. B. White and wife, Lucy White to th# undersigned trustee, dated 122nd day of December, 1910 and recorded in the Register's Office of Beaufort County in Book 164, page 30, I will offer for sale, for CA8H to the highest bidder on April 16tb, 1912, at 18 o'clock. Noon, at the Court House Door In Beaufort County, the following'described land: In the town of Aurora, being lots Nos. 27, 28 and 2fy as are especially described on a map of said town, which map Is recorded in the Records of Beaufort County in Book 163, page 397. Default having been made in the payment of the debt secured by said Deed of Trust, sale Is made at the request of the owner of th? debt to satisfy same. W. A. THOMPSON, Trustee. J. HAVENS, Owner of Debt Stewart Jk Thompson, Attorneys. This March 14th, 1911. * 3-15 1-a wk 4wks NORFOLK SOUTH CRN R. R. OO. Effective Sunday March 8, 181S, the Following Changes la Passenger Trains Schedule* Will Be Made. No. IS. between Raleigh and Washington, will leave Raleigh at 6:06 a. m.. Instead of t:15 a. a., passing Wilson at 3:66 a. m., Instead of 8:30 a. m., arriving Washington as at present. No. 11, between Washington sad Raleigh, will leave Washington at 4:05 p. m., lntasad of 4:00 p. m., passing Wilso^at ?:3C p. a.. Instead of 1:17 p. a., and arriving In Raleigh at |:S0 p. a.. Instead of t:15 p. a. No. 17, between Washington and Raleigh will leave Washington at 6:50 a. a.. Instead of 7:00 n. a., and ,Wilson at 0:07 a. m. Instead of 9:14 a. m., arriving Raleigh as at present. No. ? will leave New Bern at 9:35 a. a., instead of 9:30 a. a. . All trains from Oolddboro with the exception of No, 16 will leave Goldsboro five minutes earlier than at present, and train No. 7 will leave Beaufort at 7:00 a. m. Instead of at 7:16 a. m. No. 67, between New Bern ud Oriental, will lease Oriental at 1:0* p. in. lnrtaad of 1:00 p. a., and arrlre In New Barn at 1:10 p m. Instead of 4M0 p. m. W W. CROXTON". 8-1 Ot-C Oeneral Paaaenger Agt. tend* Made by Flab. Tie skate, tvben caught. grunts, eroaas and gasps pretlj much atler tno manner or a bur/an being In dlstress Carp and gold fish frequently otter curlona sounds, but hardly sound* In the tncanlna of the tcr here used. Inasmuch rr their sounds Ve pfedifccd br * pproachtng-the surr?ce or .tb? rca;er ond' blowing out air f? hut>bl?a rtppllnS ncrfse la k- &A '3e5y ' "'L-'-Vf' .... 11 - ..* . Musician an* WH. ; M. Castillo Solut-SMM, Hw mtt' muciniaji, ana the litjJoog triesu of animaU, took Into bl? boo,? . liul? Jo|. The enraged coaclocga waited hlJ cbauo? ana notlOad the owner at tli? bouse. Boon a tetter arrived for" iba MMIcl.u wttob ?a!d. "Montlanr. nqr bona? la not a aookwleal Kutte.r Satet-8??ne wit back tit* am Wifh your hoaaa to Norfolk-Southern fcuiroa Night Express ?n4 an BM 4. TKim LMATI WAHHIHOTON. a. m. Dally?Might BspnJ Pullman alMptag cue tor Norton I 1?:?S a. m. Datty for Norton Parlor ear Willi l:M p. m. Dally axcopt BondayFor Bolfcaraa. ?:lt a. - Dolly aseopt SundayFor OroosiTllU. WUooa rod liMil Connooto oorth, ? d wot will all ltooe. 4:11 p. a. Dally?Far OioaUMi Wllaoo ^ad Beldtfc Mr porta S:S? a. m. Dally?PaOoat atoop and Raleigh. Oaaaarf aorth. aooCJ and weoL MO a. ol Dally?For New Ban Kimatoa aad Qoldaboro. PvOaa li:#T a. ol. Dally wpl^Baaao ?For Now Bora. 1:10 p. a. Dally?For Now Bora Ooldoboro aad Boantort. For farther hfnorlhi aad too erration of Pullman looping oaa pace apply to T. H. Myen. Wadh ington, w. U. Ocm. O. P. A-, Norfolk. Va. NOTION OV SAUL By Tlitm or the power of sale contained la a Deed of Trust date< the 5th day of May. LS99 from 8am uel R. Carrow ot ale. to Chaa. K. War ren, Trustee, recorded in the office o the Register of Deeds of Beaofor County In Book SS. pace S47; and b virtue of the power siren to the ?i derslgned In an order of the Buperfo Court in a proceeding entitled "J. I Hassell rs Samuel R. Carrow et ala. to which reference la hereby mad? the undersigned will aa snbetltnt Trustee on Monday the S2nd day c April. ldll. offer for sale at pnbll auction at Noon at the Court Hons door of Beaufort Coonty, all that cei tain tract of land conveyed by sal Deed of Trust and described as to lows, to-wlt: aitnato lying and beta in State of North Carolina. County ? Beaufort, and TWwu of Wsahlngtoi and In that part of said Town know aa Bonner's Old Part, and being part of Lota Numbers S and t. an which pan if bounded and describe as follows: On the 8ontk by Mai Street, on the Bast by the lot of Wn Z. Morton Sr.. on the North by a lands owned ty the late Tboa. Tate and wife, now owned br c. rc w.h.i and the land of the late Robt. Max roe, and on the Went by the lot of I V. Warren, and beta* the Wjhe or parcel upon which stands the?Cap Fear'Sank Bifldlif. TERMS OF SALB?CA8H. This ltth day or March. It IS. W. B. RODMAN. JR. Ml 4wke-C Tmstee. MOTRR OF balm By Ttrtae of a decree ef the Bnporl or Oonrt eC BwhH Oeanty this da therein pedlng entitled "Tragic Cotl reU and others vs Minnie M Wan or and hashaad. T. K. WaBcorT brhlc Is horohy tainsd to, the asd?algi M waWners will soli. ad pah? a notion, for cash, la the hlghsafhh dor. at the Oonrt Hoaaa door In Beai fort Co only, on Tweadsy, the SSi day of AprflL it 11, at Nana, tor part tlon awonf several fats In oos mott, those throe oartatn tracts ? paresis of land wharaaf Alex Call ated in Richland Itownahlp, Been fa Oonnty, and IssffTlbtil aa Mows; 1. All of that entry ar grant ( Alex CnthreU adjotnlng the Beautei and Pamlico County line, ooatalnls 111.44 acres, the saws being grai no. 14111, dated January 12nd ItC and AvXf recorded In the Register UB*e sf Boeetort County la Hot 114, Pan 1ST, which to hereby i ferred to. < t. AH that tract of lead eontal tea aboat 74 acres, kaowa aa t 7. O. Parser tract, eoneeyed br f. Parser to Alex Cuthrell by Mad d< ed February Had. ltit, and rscor ed In the Register's OfBoe of Bsc fort Coeaty la Book ISC. Page >> which deed la hereby referred to. ?. All that tract of lead eontal la* aboat 76 scree, whereon A1 Cathren resided At the time of I death sad kaowa aa the Alex Cat rail Heme Plaos, oa the SSltd Hll sad being the same tracts confer to the said Alex enthrall by a. Cratch and wife, Jennie, and Rola I Harris and wife. Bases. B. W. Bi geron and wife aad W. B. Rodns sad others, the said three tracts to iCotlng the Alaa Cathren H? |Tract, excepting ten acres of wht mt&tk CmfiB. Gmum AUmmi Mi'Hanfc \ Wil^mn. M. CL I Bicydes? Bpyfa! I- Hav BkrSi IU ! ? | Bm4|??. ttUt fa? J I l . ' j Coinau. tfHu. bmMm n? D. R. ClTITJiK : 114 Market 3L WMHHUTUHM.C - r-a - r-rL " J" A trial! w9 cooviuce yoUiWC carry the best I The quality grocery !: 'Mj ' ' lot am t a J 'j ' " I Saturday. IMSt ?? s?v: | , TmrtWV 8?rto? rllil l ....,B|>ai > Orowm dMa, ?a jja a Ml Tin?? . a Mi "" ? r?a Ml l- Duma fat ? fca-aaa j * M. Ma. ?MM to OtlL Ml* UM SS 4 SSS Y.y""^lY.Y.jm j h Wool, kwry Mo to too mt Oars, par ta? ? Hi rt Goooo Brs # * . J I ? 1111 ^ . fD utrtoft .. fnjs ' WaMt car ttM * MIM n.m * WjiiaU w""." ! * *" Bar* M.? ?" Baaufort I1W ' ]jj a KtBMM IS h OraaaalBa UJ>