rill 1 by Committee ; I Peter's Chnrch, This City, | fieesoi Brotherhood of St. t ?' many year put there hero by^ various ^branchee tbu? forcu?hob unity of tlmn L. and method. With that object In W - view there met In the city of ChlCAf, an la Hay, Mid, representative. of ' the Prenhytcrtso Brotherhood of E.. Aurtea, end Brotherhood of Andrew , . end Philip. The Methodlet, Beptirt the Uretherhoede . t? - thw Southern ^Prubyterlan Church, the Brotherhood of the Hied plea of L Chrtet, the United Brethren In eh Met, ;.. the Idtthema Brotherhood, th. Brotherhood of St. Andrew, the Yonos Ben e ChrietUn Auocletlone ead the Aaurtenn FedoraUwi nf Men rirV- Chawr* OrsanlaaUead.-- Jheeo held' what we# termed on "Inter-Brother hood Conference" end one result or their discussion. wee en mireement y. te eet apart each year an n "World. That week n> otwnd l?wt joar Mareh *1 to April by an aran 3? ?L* | Cbriatlane .Wn.ttr. wlH be found1 mate, Choreh under the euaplce* jte 2TJS?a."S5St' ^ therefore It* Saturday's Issue. T W. PWLUPS 4 fiO., MILLINERY OPENING ? / Vewtr. TJT Philllpe end n eomedy norelty contortion wet The report a received on theee arllate are they have one of the beet Mk ecta no* booking the aontb Two of . the art lata are very email hide however Ibey have a very refined act a ni one that fa very pleating to both MS young and old. and eapeclally hi the younger aet. * . > i The manager of the liTrte an noun H after thla week for the remainder of the Beaton, ho fort her etatee U la hie Intention to eater strictly to /t% r"*p gyyowaau w vac Lrnuj fem. : 71 OreenrlUe. N. C.. March II - Fire sTrffiffici-iS Mssford on* af the largest inulinu of this town Both building aid .t?k .mfc a compM. imtZV" an did considerable damage to the adJoining buildings causln*.g?; a^gru^ goto loss of ? T?* g?o??t of Insurance Una wot 7?t boon ascertained U thought that Jt "Ul ??w about two.thirds of the Ion, The. stations of the Munford _btore had just completed decorating tho stor, for a millinery opening today They left tho building shout on# halt hour byftoe tho flra was discovered. The Brady building adjoining tho Munford atom on thu north woo badly damaged aa was also the buildings of tho John U Woolen Drug Cotyany on tho south. n. I t": IMS IP My OSnd. Birthday. Raprsssntatlvs Prank Clart of Rlorldafwflo alartad the Eeergladee land contrororey by accusing Becretary of Agriculture Wilson of suppressing land circulars -reloaded to protect tba public, was born in Eufals Alabama. March It, i??o. add received hla adneatlna la the public school of Alabama' mad Georgia. He was admitted to the bar In ltil, and baa since bean engaged Is tba prao ut!*-oi iora riortas hu public career began with hu election to the Florid* legislator*. He eerred three terms at * member of that bodr and later became United States district attorney for southern district ot Florida. Mr. Clark has represented the second Florida dlstrlot lit the lower honde of Coocrees alnee lltl UF , I Publicity In irttHm and ut> lee, to the amount of 1,(00,000 la. roar an tuberculoale and ltn preWltto. fa bolac (inn fa IK. preee odthe United Statue, occdrdln* to aa at!mate taaued to-day by the National Aaeoelatlon for the Btad? and Prevention of Tubedeuloafa. - K all the publicity oa tuberculoma uvea by the preee of tble ce*aAMoelatlon eetltaatee It would make a Mr of over 9360 pagee In' the hut ?oftr yearn, daring which time n active campaign lu bM carried OP. the National Afteoclallon aetlmateft thft, orer I,#00.009 Incheft or over 90 mile. of nreee notice. an' to- _ National AftaoctartoU "Largely becanee of the Intelligent cooperation tsmysrrsts: wortd,. When tnberonloeie ehall become a rare dteeaae, the American pree&u} JMtlr claim a large (hare ( HARSH JilXJMK.VT t Thoee who attended the Prayer- b meeting hervlcee at the If. B. Church 1 act night ehjoged Immeneely the exhortation of the paetor upon the c theme "Harah Judgment." A church # conference waft held . In connection a wltHilbannW The paator atalad' that he bad baptised IS children lb la year and bad mndetUl pastoral rtnIta. Tba Usances of the church showed gains along all ttnaa. IIATKS ANNOUNCED FOR 'i.'* N. O. TARGET PRACTICES Ralalgh, M. c? March li._AdJutant General R L. Lanator of lha North Carolina National Quard, anoounced tka dates (or pracltoaa add team matches thta spring. The tf- ' eoad Infantry and drat and second ootnpanlea o( coast artillery. the lattar being New Barn aad Wilmington, will bar. tbalr sontaata at Ooldaboro. TONIGHT IN INTERIOR. INCKBAf I I \ a II' I n-K( I I Uli lll"Mi? -*M ^flre l{]lj Hill' 1H. BEAU^TCO TotkiJtht M 8: SO ~ AlOck th. am tanttod H? abject ut tbe MiUnc ?III j rare tnd think th, ol^Wwn in ' OOd ??-*h Mkj HMWK ; hon. It's sp to yon. WsabInfftoe's pre.*. rtnhnj lo ' yoor hands. Grass qaestloss srfe to be dltrstsl d sad jou tenuis* ' afford to he ?het at. _ J iiF; At the Chocowinity Pablto School J [ouse at 11 o'clock, April 2. ad drew I are to* h? doUrerejl by prominent len of Utft state to the student* Of tiat well known county institution f learning. -"V . v After the addresses luncheon, will At 8 o'clock the same da$*/^ ihool will have Its regular annual omniencement exercises to which eery body has a cordial invitation to ttend. The following U the^pro-^ ram as arranged: v* I Apple Tre? ??a^-Chorus. ^ ? A Blck Doll?Dialogue. Pockets-?Recitation. ' Tulu's Picture?Dialogue. Ptss Qnntr ?r>A nK.M?a ' 1 The Reason Why?Recitation. Just For Fan-?Comedy Motion Song?Chorus. K - 'ri \ A Greater?-Recitation Personating Olde^-rDtalogot. A Beginning?Recitation 1 ^hn II yp^ f I 1 A1LY m. tna. IIHU Mm mm. w / LBSATQm FTEMEN OF UNTYTOMEET iVill Hold Spring Session in Court House Next Saturday at 11 A. M. to Discuss Live Topics f . , The County School Committeemen net In this city last (all and perfectid a county organisation. At that a eating It was unanimously decided o call another meeting in the egriag. rhto meeting 'will be b?14 on best asm hat every hehoor committeemen In he county will he present at that ime Much Mori Will mmo fnun #ho UacuMion /t the comalttMBM will j inter Into them heartily and freely. ] Ir^B. p. Rows of 8maU to the preel- , lent and Mr. W L Vaughan, eeere- < ary. The following topic* are ex- i WW??(i 4?VKMW "?* ' 1. When and how am I to find a | eacher, and how can I learn of her MiiMaHiUMt > What can t do to prepare the I ray for a better school next session? | r+j What definite benefit* hare been Eained for the children pf your dtorlct.'aa well as the community at urge, through the rotlng of-local *fx _ . .. 11. PEED TO OPEN A DAIRY L A* - Tu Mr.. J. B. Peed who recently purihaaed the Mlnton Hodges farm from dr. Robert TJpgart moved his stock >f horses thdte yesterday. It Is the jurpoee of Mr. Peed to engage in Ixrfnlng and also to- operate a first tlass dairy in connection. His famly will mor? from the city tome time ater. PAYNE MEMORIAL lev. H. ft. Searight to Hold Services ' This Evening at 8 O'clock. Bar. H. B, Searlght pastor o( thell Plr^t Pre?byterlan Church will hold tenrJcee at. Payne Memorial Preeby:erlan Church. Nicholeonville, tola jvening at ft o'clock. All are cordiOly Imrtted to be preaent and take >art In .the eervicea. Planning For Oood ltowfc. Bpartanbnra, B. CL, Bartb It.? rha luit .udlwM at the opoalnc km today Of U. ronrantlon of U. Southern Appalachian Oood Roada haooelatlon ?T. otMoboo of tho MMMUnt. NEW = R Margin of Only Five \ the Two Parties In the Uf ators Will Reti Special to the Daily News. Washington, D. C., March M.-?? n?e Democratic gains last (all coupled with the factional troubles withIn tht Republican ranks, has given? riio to a feeling of expectation among ue u?aiucinuc ieaaen tnat insy Wliw not only Increase their majority in the House but will gain control of the Senate, aa a result of the elections to be held next November. A margin o' only five votes now jxiata between the two parties In the Senate*. The appearance of four new tenators, two from New Mexico and two from Arizona, does not help slther party, for New Mexico is send ing up two Republicans and Arisotia two Democrats. With the arrival ?f these four senators the upper branch as follows: Republicans 61, Democrats 44, Vacancies 1. rfce vacancy is the state of Colorado, where senator Charles J. Hughes lied, thus costing the Democrats one >f .its ablest members, and the legislature although Democratic, could not get together on a man before Its kdjournment. On March 3 next, thirty senators win retire to private life If they have not In the meantime been re-elected by the legislatures of thslr states. rh? outgoing list numbers aeventefen Republicans and thirteen Democrats, hmong them are some of the most Influential members of the apper boose, on the Democratic side as well U. on the Republican side. The seventeen Republicans are Messes. Cullom of Illinois, Nelson of Minnesota, Richardson of Delaware, i CVetmore of. Rhode Island Warren of Wyoming, Smith of Michigan, Kenron of Iowa Guggenheim of Colorado I Gamble of South Dakota, Dixon of Montana, Curtis of Kansas, Crane of Kpntehnt(. Burnbam of New Hampshire, Brown of Nebraska. Brw Ot r?ew limy, Ham ef ? Dregon ud Bomb of Idaho. The Democratic senator* whose .erm will expire next March are: Davis of Arkansas, Bacon of Georgia, Paynter of Kentucky Poster of Louisiana, Gardner of Maine, Percy >f Mississippi, Simmons of North Carolina, Owens of Oklahoma, Tillnan of South Carolina, Taylor of Tennessee, Bailey of Texas, Martin of /irginla and Watson of West Vlrgl/irglnia.and Watson of West Vlrgina. FORMER CITIZEN ~ PUSSES AWAY Mrs. Lqcy E. - Holtsechelter for a number of years a resident of this jJty but for the past five years residing in Portsmouth. Va., with her-son lied at the residence of her eon Mr. 1 Leonard ?Holt sec hieter, Andrews, tout^ Carolina Tuesday night last. At the time of her death Mrs. HoltxKheiter was between sixty five and seventy years of age. The remains arrtved here this afternoon on the Atlantic Coast Line train at 1:46 o'clock. ? The interment was in Oaklale cemetery. Mrs. Holtrschelier was the widow of the late Julian [ -loitrscheiterwell and favorably j known here at a gun-wnitb. The leceased was a \ative of this state; ind enjoyed the esteem and conftlence of all her friends and acquaint-1 Lpces: She la survived by eight childen, deven boys and one daughter. PRAVKRHEETiNti. To De Held Friday Evening at Residence of M. F. Rosco* on Bon- j nor Street. The Nicholson vill? Prayer meeting will be oeadacted Friday evening at tha residence of Mr. M. F. JLoscoa, on Bonner Street, by Rav. R. H. Broom, pastor of tho.FUst Methodist chartsh. n-mrtwwmniMi ? w ng well attended and the prospects '? fntf ?> " N1C?UL. I Mrs. B. U Pawnan Operated Upon at a-; '-'r.iVN.'y, ' o ?' i'/^v tMkrn* p. L Dawsep who waa oper NO tM !9 DWrol U.S. I OF NEXT ELECTION 1 rotes Now Exist Between per House?Thirty 5enr re Next March Of the thirteen Democrats, several are already assured of re-election and of the remainder the majority are certain to be succeeded by Democrat. Maine and Went Virginia are the only two etatee In which there appears .to be a possibility or the preeent Democratic ^ors being succeeded by Rep?'- The Repnblloans In Ma' '>lleve that the Democrats, < j thele^vTctory of last year, r- ^ 'be able to elect the leglsla* fall. Failure to tdfltrol t:r^fjF .slature will mean theretlremenrTt Senator Gardner, who was appointed by the Democratic governor of the Pine Tree State to OH out term of the late senator Frye. In Went Virginia, which Is 31 normally a Republican state, the leaders of that party are hopeful that "i they will be able to unseat-senator Watson, who la filling the vacancy caused by the death of senator Elkins and who must come up for reelection next winter. The possible gains on the Democratlc side of the senate are belieVed to be considerably in excess of their ,! possible losses. First of all. they are confidently counting on a Democratic ,A Senator to soceed Guggenheim of Colorado, who will not be a candidate ' for re-election. The last Colorado legislature eras Democratic and the Democrats believe the next one will be of the same complexion. Another Democratic gain is expected to be contributed the neighboring state of Wyoming, as a result of the serious spilt between the insurgent and standpat Republicans. Two other Republican senators whom ths Democrats hops to supplant ar? Dixon of Montana and Richardaon of Delaware. The fight between the Republican faction in Idaho makes that state interesting "-?3l ground. The Indications are that B?stnr Borah wilt bave no opposition for the'Republican nomination, but the activity of the Democrats and their success in electing the governor last year makes It appear that a Democratic successor to Mr. Borah is among the possibilities. New Jer-. sey, which will choose a successor to Senator Brlggs, is also regarded by the Democrats as hopeful ground, particularly If Governor Wileon Is the Democratic candidate for ores! ======= rWO CASES1TRIED BEFORE RECORDER Two cases were disposed of beroro (isctfder Grimes this morning. Kirby Cormsck and Willie Davis were Indicted tor assault with deadly Sr?ap9ns. They were found guilty. Carmack was fined $1. and one half ^ pf cost -and Davis one half of cost. Arthur Sprulll and Dallas Chapman, both colored, were charged with larceny. The court withheld lis judgment until tomorrow. TO OPEN MITE BOXES Will be Opened at the Residence of W, K. Swindell Tomorrow night. The Brigade 8oelJtbf the M. E. Church, composed o^Bung people from five to fifteen years of age, will meet at the residence of Mr. W, E, Swindell tomorrow evening for the purpose of ppening the mite boxes. This society Is a valuable adjunct to the church. The amount found in the boxes will be donated to the cause of missions. Mrs. Z. N.- Leggett haa the work In charge. PYTHIAN METING. , WB1 M Rwk, Ncttiil Toaight la HalL halleo Ckaaur, Katehu of Prtki a, .11 MaUtta nsalar ?nHf MKta* toaickt la tka kali 8?' ,C.V .>: .. ^oiAAMIFHiUtNGK Of Waohkaffoa DMMka MM ApHI a*h*^M*ter^Srrtt M. . 9m*nr isyii >?u 4^^** ******